I am the sophistication of Russian slow speech,
Before me are other poets - forerunners,
I first discovered in this speech deviations,
Perepevnye, angry, gentle ringing.

I am a sudden break
I am the playing thunder
I am a clear stream
I am for everyone and no one.

The splash is multi-foam, torn-fused,
Semi-precious stones of the original land,
Forest green May roll calls -
I will understand everything, I will take everything, taking it away from others.

Forever young as a dream
Strong in love
Both in yourself and in others,
I am an exquisite verse.

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More poems:

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  2. While the child does not know speech, It does not speak lies - You are an adult, at the hour of everyday meeting Hold your tongue a little ......
  3. Do not be silent, speak ... In the caress of your speech, In the selfless joy of goodbye You brought me with you the freshness of the fields And kisses of fragrant flowers. I listen to you - and healing deception Heart ...
  4. There are speeches - the meaning is Dark or insignificant, But it is impossible to listen to them without excitement. How full of their sounds are the madness of desire! In them are tears of parting, In them is the thrill of goodbye. Won't get an answer...
  5. Speeches faded into silence, Words like smoke. Sweet, blessed are the touches of the invisible Hand. Our heavenly homeland Is burning above us, Our bodily integument Has pierced the flame. Everywhere there is only one Decree... (How pale are the hands!)...
  6. Again it rages, then spreads Our conversation ... In the field and in the heart of a blizzard - That's space! I don’t yearn for love, But in February It’s harder than at other times, To live ...
  7. ... Yes, unless you tell about it. What years did you live! What an immeasurable burden lay on women's shoulders! .. That morning Your husband, or brother, or son said goodbye to you, And ...
  8. Far from the sun and nature, Far from light and art, Far from life and love Your young years will flash, Living feelings will die, Your dreams will shatter... And your life will pass unseen,...
  9. 1 I do not dissemble either with an enemy or with a friend. My long way is dark and stormy. I walked through the wood and stone of cities that have seen the sights. I breathed the history of Russia. All sheets...
  10. Wherever you look - everywhere, You always see sad faces: You will not meet a cheerful smile, You will not meet a cheerful look ... If you want to listen attentively to the speeches, The flying speeches of people, - You hear some kind of ...
  11. How many gifts have been given to us on the road, Only the gift of providence has not been given to us, thank God And I shout: “In a moment, you are beautiful!” - When, perhaps, it is dangerous to whisper, When, to be ...
You are now reading the verse I am the sophistication of Russian slow speech, the poet Konstantin Dmitrievich Balmont

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The beginning of the 20th century was marked by a very strange trend in Russian literature, which can be conditionally called posturing. Many famous and aspiring poets considered themselves geniuses, openly declaring this in their works. Did not escape this fate and, who in 1903 published a poem

By this point, Balmont, who considered himself a symbolist, followed suit and began experimenting with style and style. As a result, he convinced himself that he had achieved some success in this field, isolating a certain special style, distinguished by melodiousness and melody. In a similar vein, several poems were created, and very soon Konstantin Balmont came to the conclusion that he had discovered a new path in the world of literature. It is for this reason that the author openly states: "Before me, other poets - forerunners". He believes that he invented something that had never occurred to anyone before, boasting that he gave the world "singing, gentle, angry chimes."

Balmont compares himself with thunder and a ringing stream, while emphasizing that there is no merit in such a discovery. The poet realizes that behind his creative experiments are the age-old traditions of Russian literature, which prompted him to make such discoveries. Therefore, he admits: "I am for everyone and no one". In this phrase, the author emphasizes that his experiments are in the public domain, and they can be used by anyone who wishes. But at the same time, Balmont notes that he will still rise above the crowd, which does not bother with literary searches and accepts only the finished result.

However, the poet himself does not deny that his fellow writers, who lived in past centuries, worked hard so that now he could afford to create poems in a special, melodious manner. In fact, Balmont admits to plagiarism, stating: “I will understand everything, I will take everything, taking it away from others”. However, in this case, it is not about borrowing someone's ideas, but about the ability to analyze the information that, according to the poet, lies on the surface. In addition, Balmont admits that without the inspiration that he draws from the beauty of the surrounding nature, admiring how they sparkle around "gem stones of the original land", he would never create "forever young like soy" exquisite verse, filled with melody and magic.

The beginning of the 20th century was marked by a very strange trend in Russian literature, which can be conditionally called posturing. Many famous and aspiring poets considered themselves geniuses, openly declaring this in their works. Konstantin Balmont did not escape this fate, who in 1903 published the poem “I am the sophistication of Russian slow speech”.

By this point, Balmont, who considered himself a symbolist, followed the example of Igor Severyanin and Velimir Khlebnikov, starting experiments with style and style. In the end, he convinced himself

himself, that he achieved some success in this field, isolating a certain special syllable, distinguished by melodiousness and melody. In a similar vein, several poems were created, and very soon Konstantin Balmont came to the conclusion that he had discovered a new path in the world of literature. It is for this reason that the author openly states: "Before me, other poets - forerunners." He believes that he invented something that no one had ever thought of before, boasting that he gave the world “repeated, gentle, angry ringing”.

Balmont compares himself with thunder and a ringing stream, while emphasizing that his merits in such

no opening. The poet realizes that behind his creative experiments are the age-old traditions of Russian literature, which prompted him to make such discoveries. Therefore, he confesses: "I am for everyone and no one." In this phrase, the author emphasizes that his experiments are in the public domain, and they can be used by anyone who wishes. But at the same time, Balmont notes that he will still rise above the crowd, which does not bother with literary searches and accepts only the finished result.

However, the poet himself does not deny that his fellow writers, who lived in past centuries, worked hard so that now he could afford to create poems in a special, melodious manner. In fact, Balmont admits to plagiarism, declaring: “I will understand everything, I will take everything, taking it away from others.” However, in this case, it is not about borrowing someone's ideas, but about the ability to analyze the information that, according to the poet, lies on the surface. In addition, Balmont admits that without the inspiration that he draws from the beauty of the surrounding nature, admiring how the “gem-colored stones of the original earth” shine around him, he would never have created an exquisite verse “forever young, like soy”, filled with melody and magic.

Other works on this topic:

  1. It is believed that sleep is a kind of transitional state between wakefulness and death, when a person is simultaneously in two worlds at once. It is at this moment that the boundaries are pushed...
  2. Konstantin Balmont came to literature as a fully formed poet and self-sufficient person. His debut in poetry took place in 1890, when the author of a small collection turned...
  3. Each person from time to time turns to symbols that help him not only to formulate his thoughts more clearly, but also to draw a parallel between various phenomena....
  4. One of the methods of symbolism is the animation of inanimate objects, as well as drawing a parallel between them and a person. The poet Konstantin Balmont resorted to him in his poem ...

Class: 8

  • Educational: to repeat and summarize what has been learned on the topic “Simple Sentence Syntax” on the work of K.D. Balmont, preparation for the GIA
  • Educational: to cultivate an understanding of the value of every moment in a person's life
  • Developing: developing text analysis skills, expanding horizons in the field of cultural studies

Equipment: portraits different years Balmont

Musical arrangement: music by Debussy, Stravinsky.

Artistic design: works by Claude Monet.

During the classes

I. Teacher's word

Hello guys! Today we have a lesson in Russian literature "I am the sophistication of Russian slow speech ...". The Russian language and literature will be closely intertwined with each other, they will be equal, they will help each other, complement, enrich.

We will repeat and summarize the knowledge gained in the Russian language on the topic "Syntax simple sentence”, and repeating this knowledge, we will take steps towards the upcoming GIA, which is waiting for you in grade 9. What topics did we cover? (Student answers.)

I came to the lesson with the poet silver age Constanti Mr. Dmitrievich Balmont.

- What representatives of the Silver Age do you know?

- When did we have a silver age?

The Silver Age is 20th century, the era of the revival of spirituality and culture, creative freedom, a constellation of bright individuals, the birth of brilliant discoveries. Akhmatova, Tsvetaeva, Blok, Pasternak, Mandelstam are contemporaries of Pasternak. And he himself was the idol of reading Russia in those years. As Valery Bryusov noted, “for a decade, Balmont reigned indivisibly over the Russian position.”

Slide 1: Let him introduce himself to you with his poems: verse-e “I am the sophistication of Russian slow speech ...” (teacher reading)

I am the sophistication of Russian slow speech,
Before me are other poets - forerunners,
I first discovered in this speech deviations,
Perepevnye, angry, gentle ringing.

I am a sudden break
I am the playing thunder
I am a clear stream
I am for everyone and no one.

The splash is multi-foam, torn-fused,
Semi-precious stones of the original land,
Forest green May roll calls -
I will understand everything, I will take everything, taking it away from others.

Forever young as a dream
Strong in love
Both in yourself and in others,
I am an exquisite verse.

Slide 2: And now I bring to your attention a few statements about him by his contemporaries, and complete tasks for them (cards with suggestions and tasks are distributed). (The teacher reads.)

Cards with suggested tasks are distributed. Run them.

1. “Who is Balmont in Russian poetry? The first lyric poet? Forerunner? Ancestor? This cannot be answered. It cannot be compared. He is all exception. You can only love him." ( M. Voloshin) Specify the types of one-part sentences.
2. "Balmont took possession of everyone's thoughts and made everyone fall in love with his sonorous verse." ( V. Bryusov) Highlight s / s synth. connections.
3. “The idea of ​​transience, the desire to capture the passing moments, the variability of moods, increased attention to the poetics of verse (passion for sound writing, musicality) - that’s distinctive features early books of K. Balmont”. ( M. Stakhov) Make a sentence diagram, explain. punctuation marks.
4. "He had one precious virtue - the spontaneity and original freshness of the lyrical feeling." ( Vl. Orlov) Explain the punctuation mark - dash.
5. "Having studied sixteen languages, he probably spoke a special seventeenth, Balmontov." ( M. Tsvetaeva) Syntactic parsing of a sentence.
6. "The creative method and poetic manner of Balmont are characterized by the word - impressionism." ( Ap. Grigoriev) What part of the sentence is the word "impressionism"?

- Underline key words. Let us pay attention to the words "forerunner," impressionism ".
What do you understand from these statements?
- What was the poet K. Balmont, in the opinion of his contemporaries?

Slides with paintings by Claude Monet. Teacher comment:

Impressionism - Impressionist artists work in small strokes, applying pure, unmixed colors side by side, without smooth transitions and shades, so that many objects were just outlined, and the outlines of light and shadows, crushing and crumbling, passed one into another. (Pablo Picasso, Van Gogh, Claude Monet, Renoir). The ideologist of the new direction was Claude Monet. He was the only one who always remained true to his ideas. By the way, thanks to him, or rather his picture, the very term "impressionism" appeared, which comes from the French "impression" - impression.

Drawing, which was the basis of all foundations for centuries, starting from the Renaissance, was banished. Painting is color. Spots of colors piled on top of each other. From now on, even the shadow has color. Only black paint had no place on their canvases. The world has become a set of colors on a palette. Color and light are the main characters of their paintings. They wrote only what they saw. They didn't just do sketches. They started and finished the painting in one session, keeping the first impression fresh and immediacy. The details weren't important. The place of the dark canvases of the masters of academic painting was taken by their canvases sparkling with all conceivable colors and shades.

The Impressionists left their workshops for the streets of Montmartre to paint life. Modern life. They were looking for their heroes not in ancient history and myths, the gods of Greece and Rome (at least at that time) did not interest them. They searched for and met their heroes on the Parisian boulevards, in the cafes, just next door among the inhabitants of the attics of Montmartre. They wrote not an eternity, a moment.

The new rhythm of life, accelerating every year, has become the rhythm of their art. They did not run away from modernity like the Symbolists. They loved her, longed to open her to art. Industrial "monsters" that offended the eye of an aesthete, they learned to portray as beautiful. Or rather, not themselves. The play of light in the air around them. The play of colors on their surfaces. How many now can sincerely say that Monet's train stations are not beautiful? Having broken the traditional system of landmarks of the beautiful world, having taught both the audience and artists to look at the world and art in a new way, the Impressionists opened the way for contemporary art.

Claude Monet wanted to capture on canvas the living breath of nature: the rustle of leaves, the run of clouds, the subtly changing play of sunbeams on green grass.

Balmont also works - “Nature is a mosaic of flowers”, and his poems capture the moment.

Write by analogy 2–3 sentences characterizing Balmont using key words, compressing the text

II. Let's move on to Part 2 of our lesson.

Problematic situation.

"I came into this world to see the Sun."
In the center of the board, I placed the Sun, and this is not accidental. What do you think: how are the Sun and Balmont related to each other? What associations come to your mind related to the word "sun"? Let's place them in the rays of the sun: fire - warmth - joy - light - life - good mood - spring - beauty - youth, etc. How is this connected with the work of Balmont? (Children's answers.)

Slide with article : Carefully read the excerpt from Lev Ozerov's article "The Song of the Sun" and tell me if your statements were true? What associations have been added? (Conscience and freedom.)

Excerpt from Lev Ozerov's article "Song of the Sun"

(1) "Let's be like the sun!" - the poet says and calls the book of his poems like that ...
(2) The call to people - "Let's be like the sun" - is an exorbitant desire.
(3) But the exorbitance of desires - this is the poet K. Balmont ...
(4) “I came to this world to see the sun,” the poet repeats the prophetic words of the Greek philosopher Anaxagoras.
(5) The call “we will be like the sun” is justified by the fact that it is - in the words of the poet - young.
(6) And the poet refers to youth.
(7) In everything, it was important for Balmont to feel the obvious or hidden presence of the sun.
(8) I do not believe in a black beginning,
May the foremother of our life be the night,
Only the sun answered the heart
And always runs away from the shadow.
(9) The theme of the Sun in his victory over darkness went through all of Balmont's work ...
(10) Together with Balmont was Bely: "For the sun, for the sun, loving freedom, let's rush off into the blue expanse!"
(11) In the book "Let's be like the sun!" the poet rightly places the Sun, the source of light and conscience, in the center of the world, in the literal and allegorical sense of the word ...

Article discussion:

Find a sentence that expresses the main idea of ​​the text. Are these words suitable as an epigraph?
- Prove that this is a text. Text type.
- Means of communication of sentences in the text. (parallel).
- Complete tasks for the text (from the exam) (Total 8-10 tasks).

(Cards with tasks).

The dots are the tiptoe marks of bygone words.

Slide : Tests with subsequent mutual verification to the music of Debussy "Prelude"

1) Indicate in which of sentences 2–4 the introductory word occurs
2) In sentences 1–3, indicate an inconsistent definition
3) Among sentences 9–11, indicate a sentence with a separate application (an application that has a causal value)
4) Find an offer with separate circumstance, expressed by adverbial turnover.
5) Indicate the grammatical basis in 2 sentences
6) Replace the phrase exorbitance of desires(3 sentences), built on the basis of management, by a synonymous phrase with a connection, agreement
7) Among sentences 4–7, find a one-part sentence and indicate the type.
8) In sentence 7, indicate the type of predicate

Teacher's conclusion: Indeed, Balmont is also called the poet of the sun. The main image in the poet's work is the image of the Sun. He does not tire of singing hymns to Him:

Life giver
light creator,
Sun, I sing you!
Let at least unhappy
Do but passionate
hot and domineering
my soul.

The sun is the source of life. The fiery principle is the very essence of life. With the sun, Balmont connects the fulfillment of his dream, it is it that connects a person with the Universe, where eternal Goodness and Beauty reign. ( I. Brodsky)

I do not know wisdom suitable for others.

Only transience I put in a verse.
In each transience I see worlds (inversion)
Full of changeable rainbow play.
Do not curse, wise ones. What do you care about me?
I'm just a cloud full of fire.
I'm just a cloud. See, I'm floating.
And I call the dreamers... I don't call you.

  • What would you say is the key word? (Fleeting.)
  • What syntactic constructions are found? What does the poet see as the purpose of his poetry? (All sentences are simple. Some are incomplete. They convey a sense of transience, a moment. There are even sentences that are divided into separate words, segments.) Find them.

Parceling. The logical stress on each word gives them special power. Highlights these words.

  1. Lexical repetition.
  2. The epithet of the changeable rainbow game is to explain: transience is painted in all the colors of the rainbow. An expressive technique of syntax is emotionality.
  3. A rhetorical question. He does not need an answer to this question, yes: he himself knows where and why he should sail.
  4. Anaphora: 2 p. - enhanced logical selection, expressiveness of speech.
  5. Comparison: compares himself to a cloud, why?
  6. Is there a Sun in this poem: a cloud full of fire - as you understand: a cloud is soft, gentle, an oxymoron changes its shape; fire - emotional, hot, bright, fire inside.
  7. Are there any contrasts here?

All questions have answers.
Wise - who know everything.
Rational mind.

Much is incomprehensible to him, a dreamer and he wants to discover new things.

Lesson summary:


  1. Learn the poem: “I am the sophistication of Russian slow speech ...”, answer in writing the questions “How do you imagine Balmont? What did he write about? How did you write? (using different syntactic constructions).
  2. How does syntax work to reveal the meaning in the poem "I do not know wisdom suitable for others ..." (in writing)

The beginning of the 20th century was marked by a very strange trend in Russian literature, which can be conditionally called posturing. Many famous and aspiring poets considered themselves geniuses, openly declaring this in their works. Konstantin Balmont did not escape this fate, who in 1903 published the poem “I am the sophistication of Russian slow speech”.

By this point, Balmont, who considered himself a symbolist, followed the example of Igor Severyanin and Velimir Khlebnikov, starting experiments with style and style. In the end, he convinced himself

Himself, that he achieved some success in this field, isolating a certain special syllable, distinguished by melodiousness and melodiousness. In a similar vein, several poems were created, and very soon Konstantin Balmont came to the conclusion that he had discovered a new path in the world of literature. It is for this reason that the author openly states: "Before me, other poets - forerunners." He believes that he has invented something that no one had ever thought of before, boasting that he gave the world “repeated, gentle, angry ringing”.

Balmont compares himself with thunder and a ringing stream, while emphasizing that his merits

No such discovery. The poet realizes that behind his creative experiments are the age-old traditions of Russian literature, which prompted him to make such discoveries. Therefore, he confesses: "I am for everyone and no one." In this phrase, the author emphasizes that his experiments are in the public domain, and they can be used by anyone who wishes. But at the same time, Balmont notes that he will still rise above the crowd, which does not bother with literary searches and accepts only the finished result.

However, the poet himself does not deny that his fellow writers, who lived in past centuries, worked hard so that now he could afford to create poems in a special, melodious manner. In fact, Balmont admits to plagiarism, declaring: “I will understand everything, I will take everything, taking it away from others.” However, in this case, it is not about borrowing someone's ideas, but about the ability to analyze the information that, according to the poet, lies on the surface. In addition, Balmont admits that without the inspiration that he draws from the beauty of the surrounding nature, admiring how the “gem-colored stones of the original earth” shine around him, he would never have created an exquisite verse “forever young, like soy”, filled with melody and magic.

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  3. The search for the meaning of life is one of the leitmotifs of the work of Konstantin Balmont, who in 1903 published a cycle of works called “The Four Tones of the Elements”. It included a poem "I am in this world ...
  4. One of the methods of symbolism is the animation of inanimate objects, as well as drawing a parallel between them and a person. The poet Konstantin Balmont resorted to him in his poem "Wind", which was written ...
  5. Each person from time to time turns to symbols that help him not only to formulate his thoughts more clearly, but also to draw a parallel between various phenomena. Konstantin Balmont as one of...
  6. A rebel by nature and a potential revolutionary, Konstantin Balmont realized quite early that the path he had chosen in life was utopian. Public moods, so close to the poet, at some point appeared ...
  7. The poet Konstantin Balmont is rightfully considered one of the first Russian symbolists, whose work became a role model among writers at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries. Experimenting with styles, Balmont was fond of ...
  8. Konstantin Balmont's attitude to the revolution was very contradictory. The poet anticipated it and at first was convinced that such a shock was needed. modern society, which is mired in lies, hypocrisy and pretense ...
  9. The symbolism of Konstantin Balmont is very often painted in romantic tones. Even about serious things, this poet can speak with a certain degree of delight and sophistication. Similar tendencies appear in most of the works of this...
  10. Popularity came to Konstantin Balmont in the late 90s of the 19th century. However, the poet understood that he was sorely lacking new life experiences that would inspire him to create poems sustained ...
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  14. Konstantin Dmitrievich Balmont was widely known as a symbolist poet, translator, essayist and literary historian. In Russia, he enjoyed great popularity for the last 10 years of the 19th century, was the idol of young people. Balmont's work continued...
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  18. Many wartime poets were destined to become front-line correspondents. “With a watering can and a notebook” went from Khalkhin Gol to Germany and Konstantin Simonov, who was destined to become not only an excellent publicist, ...
  19. Konstantin Simonov is rightfully considered a front-line poet, since the vast majority of his works are devoted to the events of the Great Patriotic War. This is not surprising, since he went to the front in ...
  20. "Eugene Onegin" as an encyclopedia of Russian life I. The depth and versatility of Pushkin's personality reflected in the novel. II. "Eugene Onegin" is "a poetically reproduced picture of Russian society, taken in one of the most interesting ...
  21. From childhood, Mikhail Lermontov felt lonely among a noisy crowd, but he was not at all embarrassed by this. He understood that he was born for something more significant than a career as a scientist or a military man, ...
  22. Mikhail Evgrafovich Saltykov-Shchedrin Well-intentioned Speeches Essays (1872-1876) In the preface chapter "To the Reader" the author is presented as a frontier shaking hands with representatives of all parties and camps. He has a lot of acquaintances, but they have him ...
  23. In what other works of Russian literature is the scene given national repentance hero? Compare the scene of Katerina's national repentance in the fourth act of the play "Thunderstorm" with a similar episode in F. M. Dostoevsky's novel "Crime ...
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  25. The war for Konstantin Simonov began in 1939, when he was sent to Khalkhin Gol as a correspondent. Therefore, by the time Germany attacked the USSR, the poet already had an idea ...
  26. Pushkin repeatedly wondered what is the role of the poet in society. He understood that rhyming lines could completely change the world and make people think differently. An example of this was the uprising ...
  27. M. Yu. LERMONTOV * * * There are speeches - the meaning is Dark or insignificant, But it is impossible to listen to them without excitement. How full of their sounds are the madness of desire! There are tears of parting in them, In ...
  28. "Motherland", according to the author of the article in the Lermontov encyclopedia, is one of the most remarkable works of Russian lyrics of the 19th century. Written in Last year life, it attracted attention even more ...
  29. The author's words (main sentence) usually precede indirect (alien) speech ( subordinate clause) and separated from it by a comma. These parts are connected by unions or allied words WHAT, WHAT, IF, AS IF, WHO, WHAT, ...
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Analysis of Balmont's poem “I am the sophistication of Russian slow speech
