The mood of this card is best defined by the concepts of "satiation", "bust". Remember the inconstancy of our feelings: with all the strength of our soul we desire something, however, having achieved this (and even more than we wanted), we suddenly realize that we do not need it, and we are seized with despondency, resentment and disgust. This can be expressed in grumbling, indifference, or vice versa, irritation, despair and the desire to destroy everything. One way or another, this card serves as a warning: do not let your bad mood turn into apathy, so as not to miss a favorable chance and not push away a helping hand.


The Four of Cups shows that the work has completely lost its appeal for us, and we are increasingly seized with despondency, anger and resentment. It can also mean "stupefaction" from monotonous work, a desire to "strike" and wounded pride - for example, after receiving a reprimand or refusal. In such situations, we should consider this card as advice and a warning: do not waste time on fruitless whining, so as not to miss a new, already very close chance.


Here, the Four of Cups has a wide range of meanings: it is fruitless reflection ("wandering of the mind"), and apathetic laziness, and a crisis of despair due to "a mediocre life lived." If we are talking about mild forms of despondency, such as laziness and unwillingness to do something, then the card means that in the very near future a fresh wind of change will burst into our lives. If this is indeed a deep crisis of consciousness, then it should be taken as an alarm signal and advice to immediately do something that can bring us out of apathy and return us to the mainstream of normal life. For example, sports or gymnastics, which help to get rid of internal tension and other "negativity": a good physical shape will give us the strength to solve problems that prevent us from enjoying life.

Personal relationships and love

Here, this card means a heavy, if not poisonous, atmosphere. It shows that we are blinded by jealousy or cherish our "resentment", punishing the partner with silence or completely ignoring him. Usually in such a mood, we do not notice those gestures of goodwill and steps towards reconciliation that the partner is taking. The card advises to overcome this apathy as soon as possible and go towards his "peace initiatives". If both partners are so stubborn that they have already reached the "positional war", then they can be offered to play the Game or unfold the Gordian knot, this, of course, can result in a thunderstorm, but after a thunderstorm, the sky, as you know, brightens.

inner meaning

The Four of Cups tarot card symbolizes a friendly warning. Everything you need, everything you hope for, is available to you, but your own dissatisfaction, your negative view of the world, keeps you from recognizing, accepting, or taking advantage of it all. You are so stubborn in your displeasure that you refuse to fulfill your desires. One interpretation calls the Four of Cups "a card of bachelors and old maids" and claims that the reason for the long postponed marriage is the "strange mood" of the Questioner. In essence, this is the warning. The reason for your dissatisfaction is that you chose him, not that your life is really unsatisfactory.

Combinations in other cards


Nun: waiting, stopping

4 of swords: procrastination, preparation

7 bowls: prepayment, taxation, fine

Court: uncertain, problematic case


8 of bowls: coming to the final

Death: Completion

Wheel of Fortune: fast movement, rapid development

Magician: activity, nurturing plans




Moon in Cancer

20°—30° Cancer

Original Title: Lord of Incomplete Delight Original composition in the Golden Dawn system: A hand is extended from the clouds at the bottom of the card, holding three lotus stems. From the right and left stems, two leaves extend to the right and left, forming a cross between four bowls lined up at the corners of the square. The central stem is crowned with a flower located at the top of the card. Two streams flow from this flower to the right and left, filling the two upper bowls, the water from which flows further into the two lower ones.

Color of Chesed according to the Queen's scale: blue
Colors of the Moon on four scales: blue; silver; cold pale blue; silver with sky blue veins
Colors of Cancer on four scales: amber; maroon; juicy and bright reddish brown; dark greenish brown
Formula: Four (Chesed) + Chalices (Bria) + Moon in Cancer = LUXURY

This map is really overloaded: just a little more and it will become too much. Look at the formula: the four is Chesed, the sphere of the generous, beneficent Jupiter, striving for constant expansion. In addition, Jupiter is exalted in Cancer, and the ruler of Cancer is the Moon. In theory, the components of this map should feel extremely comfortable with each other. But in this case, excessive intimacy develops into a habit, and that, in turn, breeds disrespect; and in the end, the parties to this alliance will certainly decide that "a little bit of pretty." If this card falls out in a spread, seize the moment and enjoy, but do not expect that the pleasure will last forever.

The sea that was so serene in the Three of Cups is rippling here. The Chalices themselves have become much heavier; the lower two have sunk into the water and are barely holding on to the fragile lotus stems, while the upper ones have simply crushed the lotus buds with their weight and are about to crush the entire plant. The water source - the only lotus flower at the top of the map - is withering, a few petals already falling off it. It seems that very soon the juices in it will be exhausted. At least that's the impression I get.

Like the Demiurge himself, the Four of Cups, in their egocentric arrogance, believes that Luxury is the only supreme god of the suit of Cups. It never occurs to her that she owes her very existence to the majestic true gods of the highest triad - Ace, Two and Three.


Lon Milo Duquette "The Magic of Aleister Crowley"

Description of the lasso

The woman on this card is smiling. In fact, it only observes the antics of the mind - not judging, not trying to stop, not identifying, only observing them as if they were movement on the road or ripples on the surface of a pond. And the pranks of the mind are really a little funny as it jumps and spins around trying to get your attention and get you into the game.

Direct position

Developing the habit of withdrawing from the mind is one of the greatest blessings. This is what meditation is - not chanting a mantra or repeating an affirmation, but just watching as if your mind belongs to someone else. Now you are ready to step back and watch the performance without getting involved in the drama. Allow yourself the simple freedom of Going Inward whenever you can, and the habit of meditation will grow and deepen within you.

The meaning of the card

Turning in is not turning at all. Going in is not the same as going in. Turning inward simply means that you've been chasing your every desire and that you've done it over and over and been frustrated over and over again. That every desire brings suffering, that there is no fulfillment of desires. That you achieve nothing and that satisfaction is impossible. Seeing this truth - that the pursuit of desires leads you nowhere, you stop. Make no effort to stop. If you make any effort to stop, you are running again, in a subtle way. You are desiring again - maybe now you are desiring no desire. If you make an effort to get in, you are still getting out. Any effort can only take you away, out. All travel is travel outward. There is no inward journey. How can you travel within? You are already there, there is nowhere to go. When you stop walking, the journey disappears; when desire no longer obscures your mind, you are inside. It's called going in. But that doesn't mean going at all, it just means not going out.

IV. Four - a young man sits under a tree and contemplates three cups standing on the grass in front of him. The hand emerging from the cloud offers him another goblet. Contrary to his facial expression, he is not happy with his surroundings.
Direct position:
DIGITAL MEANINGS: Boredom, disgust, dislike, imaginary troubles, as if the wine of this world only caused satiety; Now young man another wine was offered as a magical gift, but he sees no consolation in this. This card also speaks of a frequent change of entertainment.
Reverse position:
REVERSED: news, omen, new recommendations, new connections.
ASTROLOGICAL SIGNIFICANCE: Mars in Cancer as a symbol of annoyance and resentment.
The mood of this card is best defined by the concepts of "satiation", "bust". Remember the inconstancy of our feelings: with all the strength of our soul we desire something, however, having achieved this (and even more than we wanted), we suddenly realize that we do not need it, and we are seized with despondency, resentment and disgust. This can be expressed in grumbling, indifference, or vice versa, irritation, despair and the desire to destroy everything. One way or another, this card serves as a warning: do not let your bad mood turn into apathy, so as not to miss a favorable chance and not push away a helping hand.
The third decade of Cancer from July 12 to 22.
Astrological equivalents: Cancer, Jupiter in Cancer, Moon, Neptune.
The third decade of Cancer is ruled by the Moon and symbolizes the spontaneity and simplicity of emotions manifested outwardly.
This decade is imaginative and prone to contemplation and dreams.
If the second decade is busy developing a mechanism for switching from internal perception to external, then the third one has an established system of internal and external communication channels and is maximally involved in the process of transferring one's impressions and emotions to others. The basis of the wealth of internal sensations here is the external world. Emotions correspond to objectivity and are positively perceived by others. Life is transmitted as an inexhaustible source of feelings, and their endless flow allows a person to feel the continuity and eternity of life. This decade carries the idea of ​​unknown possibilities hidden in the depths of life itself, which must be seen and understood. The Tarot card depicts a young man sitting under a tree, in front of him are three cups. A hand from the cloud offers him a fourth, but the young man does not notice him. This gift from above may be lost to him. Dreaminess makes him too inert, and his ideas too blurry.
At the stage of the FOUR OF CUPS, desire takes on concrete forms, although these forms do not yet fully correspond to our imperfect world - they are somewhat idealized and not specific, but at the same time quite material.
In its highest manifestation, the FOUR OF CUPS symbolizes forgiveness, however, it can also mean disappointment in the object of love, in the people around, as well as fatigue, disgust, feeling unhappy. Getting a bitter experience, the beginning of an empty stagnant period in life. In some ways, this card is consonant with the sign of Cancer. He got out of his shell, was once again stung and climbed back. The Moon and Saturn sound in this topic, and this card will be especially strong for those people in whom these planets are strongly expressed in the horoscope.
In general, the FOUR OF CUPS always indicates some kind of difficulty with emotional disclosure.
The trap is to reject the offer of heaven if it initially caused ambiguous feelings. Blindness to open possibilities.
IN upright position the card symbolizes some mercy, giving, even if it causes mixed feelings or confusion. Heaven's gift. A gift of fate, a kind of proposal that causes anxiety, confusion; a person can not understand their feelings.
If in the upright position the FOUR OF CUPS is a rather critical card and can be considered rather as unlucky, then in the inverted position it acts in the exact opposite capacity. These are new opportunities, new connections, new acquaintances, new approaches to old problems, new knowledge. And if the direct map correlates with recurrent situations and chronic problems, then the inverted one indicates another attempt to solve these problems.

The classic Rider Waite Tarot is one of the most famous decks, which was designed in 1910 by Arthur Edward Waite. Waite - was a famous researcher of Freemasonry, Kabbalah and mystical teachings. The drawings of the cards were made by an American-born artist named Pamela Colman-Smith. The first publisher of this deck was William Ryder. So the deck of cards got its double name.

Features of this deck

A distinctive feature of the Rider White Tarot deck is that the 11th and 8th Arcana are reversed, that is, the card "Justice" is at number 11, and the Arcana "Strength" has serial number 8. The reasons for this change were not properly explained by Waite.

The German tarot specialist Hajo Banzhaf suggested that such a change in numbering lies in the fact that Waite was guided by the teachings of the Albigensians, Waldensians and Cathars. Despite all this, many specialists in the occult and tarot did not accept this renumbering. And when using the Rider White Tarot deck, the Arcana of Justice and Strength were used with the same numbers.

In the decks that were created later, the Arcana Justice and Strength returned to their previous numbers.

In the Waite Tarot deck 6, the Major Arcana has a different image from the others. If you look at other old decks, then this Arcana is called "Choice or" Decision ". These cards depicted a young man between two women, whose face expressed uncertainty and confusion.

The sixth Arcana in the Rider White Tarot deck is given the name "Lovers". The card depicts naked Adam and Eve in paradise. Image 6 Arcana speaks of love, attraction, sex, original sin. And the topic of choice or some kind of uncertainty is omitted here.

Card interpretation

I. Mage

Divinatory meanings: skill, subtlety; illness, pain, loss, a trap woven by enemies; confidence, will power.
The card says that divine impulses have awakened in a person, that he himself is in the role of God. It also means that a person's thinking is concentrated on the limit.
The possible meaning of the Mage card is the beginning of change, a new life, a new project, the birth of a child.

Reversed Tarot Waite card: shame, anxiety, psychological problems, uncertainty, indecision, lack of will.

II. high priestess

If we talk about the qualities of a person, then this card tells about his wit and cunning. good qualities this person is that it is easily adaptable to different situations, he can be trusted with any secret and be calm, because he will never give it out to anyone.
In love affairs, the card advises to be careful, there is a chance of being deceived by a loved one, you should take a good look at him.

Reversed: Self-conceit, superficial knowledge, passion.

III. empress

The meaning of the Empress in the layouts promises family ladies happiness and large offspring, pregnant women - easy childbirth. But for lonely people it promises non-reciprocal love, which is full of anxieties and disappointments.

The meaning of the inverted card in the Waite Tarot deck: truth, finding solutions to problems, various kinds of festivities.

IV. Emperor

The emperor is the image of a father or a person for whom such a status is very important.
The card means that there is a strong person near the questioner who can help him in his problems. If you look at it the other way, then this person may be the one who brazenly uses the questioner for his own purposes, for personal gain.

Reversed: Compassion, trust, immaturity.

V. Hierophant

In the case of divination on a particular person in order to learn more about him, the meaning of the "Hierophant" is as follows: a person has good oratorical skills, knows how to convince, attracts a lot of people to his idea, usually becomes a big shot and has high authority.
The loss of the Hierophant may mean that the questioner was under the influence of a strong person.

Reversed: understanding, agreement, weakness, impotence.

VI. lovers

When fortune-telling, the Lovers Card means choosing or solving problems. If they are guessing at a person and his character, then the card indicates that the person has an indecisive and weak character, has a fear of responsibility.

Reversed: Failure, divorce or marital breakdown, relationship conflicts.

VII. Chariot

The chariot is a symbol of supreme power. If this card falls out during fortune-telling, then this says that the person has broken out of the circle of former interests and is ready to go a new way. He has both confidence and courage, but also inexperience. Therefore, the card advises not to overestimate your capabilities and courage in solving new problems.
Reversed: Rebellion, arguments, verbal clashes, lawsuits, loss.

VIII. Force

The card represents soft, feminine power. It is the woman who makes the lion feel her strength.

Courage and perseverance helps a person cope with many problems. If this particular card falls out, then the questioner has coped with his fears and fears in the past, and he is ready to move on.

Reversed: Even if a person has achieved success in the material sphere of life, he cannot find understanding with other people. Lost the spiritual component of life.

IX. Hermit

The Hermit card symbolizes the withdrawal of a person into himself, into his experiences and problems, alienation, loneliness, the search for his own self.

The fall of the Hermit card indicates that the questioner will soon meet a person who will show the path to spiritual enlightenment.

In personal relationships, the Hermit portends stagnation or respite. Do not look at this as a break, perhaps this respite will make it clear to both that they simply cannot live without each other.

Reversed: The questioner does not listen to advice and rejects any help coming from management or close circle.

X. Wheel of Fortune

The questioner is sure of his luck. The cards that have fallen out next to you will complement the meaning and tell you exactly what will be lucky.
The laws of fate are favorable during this period, everything will flourish in the family and in business. In personal relationships portends stagnation.

Reversed: means stagnation and bad luck in business, both in professional and in love.

XI. Justice (justice)

The meaning of this card is connected not only with court cases, but also with any area where any disputes arise. If the matter concerns the court, then the Tarot promises that it will end in favor of the questioner.

From a psychological point of view, the Tarot card Justice talks about the ability to speak with other people in serious matters, about mature character and life experience.

Reversed: In business, it means long legal proceedings that will get bored. If the question is about love relationships, then the card portends a break or divorce.

XII. Hanged

In the tarot layout, the Hanged Man means that the questioner is moving on to the path of spiritual life, renouncing everything material and physical. That is, a person parted with his old "I" and goes to spiritual enlightenment. Also, the card can mean that the questioner is open to new ideas.

Reversed: Worldly affairs come first, which closes the heart and mind to spiritual growth. There may be situations when others want to deceive or hide something from a person.

XIII. Death

The death of the Tarot in the alignment symbolizes change, rebirth or rebirth. Big changes are expected, and it is better to say goodbye to the past. We need to move forward with confidence and firmness.

In love affairs, she talks about a possible break and the end of any relationship.
In work, it means leaving the old place and opening up new opportunities.

Reversed: Symbolizes stagnation in work and new ideas. The death of a prominent person or some kind of disaster is possible.

XIV. Moderation

Tarot meaning Temperance - balance, harmony with yourself and other people, calmness. All these qualities are inherent in the questioner.

In personal affairs and the business sphere, everything promises to be stable and measured. No change or change.

Reversed: Personal relationships interfere with work, and work interferes with love affairs. Here you need to clarify the situation and eliminate interfering factors, put everything in order. Allocate time for each side of life.

XV. Devil

This card interprets that at the moment the questioner is interested in worldly affairs. In business matters, the Devil means trials and temptations. Perhaps it will be related to drugs, weapons or bribes.

In personal relationships, it threatens with parting and quarrels. The card warns that flirting, meaningful promises, passion are possible, which in general will lead to nothing, but will have time to spoil the relationship between two loving hearts.

Reversed: Emotional fears and problems are resolved, you can move on and start a new life.

XVI. Tower

If the Tarot Tower card fell out, then this means that all plans and ideas fly to hell, nothing will work out in the near future.
In personal relationships, it promises overdue changes. This may be a release from a relationship with a partner that has long outlived its usefulness. Or it may be that the relationship was on the verge of breaking up, and after a serious conversation with a loved one and a discussion of all urgent issues, the relationship will become better.

XVII. Star

The Star card symbolizes good health, happiness and inspiration. The one to whom this card has been revealed will be happy and his intuitive powers will increase.

Reversed: The star promises a lack of sanity. Parting with loved ones is possible, as well as other losses.


This card is associated with intuition, dreams and magical manifestations. Don't be fooled by outward appearances. You have to accept that you have an animal nature. You need to try to deal with internal demons.

XIX. Sun

If the Sun falls, then everything will be on top for the questioner. And good health, success at work and in business, positive achievements. Efforts and efforts in the past will bear fruit.

Five of Cups >>

Four of Cups

Direct position:
DIGITAL MEANINGS: Boredom, disgust, dislike, imaginary troubles, as if the wine of this world only caused satiety; now the young man has been offered another wine as a magical gift, but he sees no consolation in this. This card also speaks of a frequent change of entertainment.

Reverse position:
REVERSED: news, omen, new recommendations, new connections.

Arcana Description:
IV. Four - a young man sits under a tree and contemplates three cups standing on the grass in front of him. The hand emerging from the cloud offers him another goblet. Contrary to his facial expression, he is not happy with his surroundings.

© original values cards coming with a deck.

Values ​​according to Ryder White:

ASTROLOGICAL SIGNIFICANCE: Mars in Cancer as a symbol of annoyance and resentment.

The mood of this card is best defined by the concepts of "satiation", "bust". Remember the inconstancy of our feelings: with all the strength of our soul we desire something, however, having achieved this (and even more than we wanted), we suddenly realize that we do not need it, and we are seized with despondency, resentment and disgust. This can be expressed in grumbling, indifference, or vice versa, irritation, despair and the desire to destroy everything. One way or another, this card serves as a warning: do not let your bad mood turn into apathy, so as not to miss a favorable chance and not push away a helping hand.

From the book: Hayo Banzhaf. SELF-TUTORIAL ON TAROT.
Translation from German by E. Kolesov.
Publisher: Center for Astrological Research, 1999

The third decade of Cancer from July 12 to 22.
Astrological equivalents: Cancer, Jupiter in Cancer, Moon, Neptune.
The third decade of Cancer is ruled by the Moon and symbolizes the spontaneity and simplicity of emotions manifested outwardly.
This decade is imaginative and prone to contemplation and dreams.
If the second decade is busy developing a mechanism for switching from internal perception to external, then the third one has an established system of internal and external communication channels and is maximally involved in the process of transferring one's impressions and emotions to others. The basis of the wealth of internal sensations here is the external world. Emotions correspond to objectivity and are positively perceived by others. Life is transmitted as an inexhaustible source of feelings, and their endless flow allows a person to feel the continuity and eternity of life. This decade carries the idea of ​​unknown possibilities hidden in the depths of life itself, which must be seen and understood. The Tarot card depicts a young man sitting under a tree, in front of him are three cups. A hand from the cloud offers him a fourth, but the young man does not notice him. This gift from above may be lost to him. Dreaminess makes him too inert, and his ideas too blurry.
At the stage of the FOUR OF CUPS, desire takes on concrete forms, although these forms do not yet fully correspond to our imperfect world - they are somewhat idealized and not specific, but at the same time quite material.
In its highest manifestation, the FOUR OF CUPS symbolizes forgiveness, however, it can also mean disappointment in the object of love, in the people around, as well as fatigue, disgust, feeling unhappy. Getting a bitter experience, the beginning of an empty stagnant period in life. In some ways, this card is consonant with the sign of Cancer. He got out of his shell, was once again stung and climbed back. The Moon and Saturn sound in this topic, and this card will be especially strong for those people in whom these planets are strongly expressed in the horoscope.
In general, the FOUR OF CUPS always indicates some kind of difficulty with emotional disclosure.
The trap is to reject the offer of heaven if it initially caused ambiguous feelings. Blindness to open possibilities.

In the upright position, the card symbolizes some mercy, giving, even if it causes mixed feelings or confusion. Heaven's gift. A gift of fate, a kind of proposal that causes anxiety, confusion; a person can not understand their feelings.

If in the upright position the FOUR OF CUPS is a rather critical card and can be considered rather as unlucky, then in the inverted position it acts in the exact opposite capacity. These are new opportunities, new connections, new acquaintances, new approaches to old problems, new knowledge. And if the direct map correlates with recurrent situations and chronic problems, then the inverted one indicates another attempt to solve these problems.
