According to statistics, over 70% of women at least once in their lives faced such a problem as thrush. And there is a misconception that candidiasis, or, in everyday language, thrush, is a purely female disease, and does not concern men. This is probably why soda douching with thrush is used quite often and sometimes even without an accurate diagnosis of the disease by a gynecologist (they look at the characteristic symptoms and think that this is definitely a thrush).

Why exactly soda?

This substance is used in the treatment of a number of various diseases, used in everyday life and cooking. Why, when thrush begins, do they decide to prepare a solution with this component? It is chosen because the composition, according to the adherents of this method, cleanses the vagina of bacteria and fungi. Candida fungi thrive in an acidic environment. To avoid a further process, it is necessary to create an alkaline environment. That is why a soda solution is injected into the vagina for thrush. Soda has a detrimental effect on fungal microfibers. Douching should give relief from the external manifestations of candidiasis:

  1. relieve or reduce itching sensations,
  2. eliminate unpleasant discharge from the genital tract.


Is it possible to douche with soda with thrush? It is definitely difficult to answer this question. Who should not use this technique:

  • have problems with the immune system,
  • you are allergic to soda,
  • you are taking contraceptives,
  • you are pregnant (soda on early dates can cause miscarriage)
  • you had a baby a month ago,
  • you have been diagnosed with genital infections or have inflammatory processes in the genital tract.

Do not douche if you are going to the gynecologist.

In this case, the research results will be distorted, since soda will change the environment in the vagina.

Thrush in pregnant women and soda

In case of pregnancy, it is strictly forbidden to douche, although sometimes they practice washing and irrigating the external genital organs. Instead of plain pure water, medicinal decoctions based on celandine, chamomile, and calendula are used.

Soda can greatly alleviate the initial manifestations of candidiasis

Washing: in the initial stages of the disease

One of the most common ways is washing with soda for thrush. It should immediately be warned that such treatment is relevant only at the first symptoms, when the thrush has not yet developed strongly. This is the occurrence of leucorrhoea, slight itching. In this case, sometimes the external genital organs are simply washed using a soda solution.

Washing is sometimes used when candidiasis is severe. But already as an addition to drug therapy. In this case, women are concerned about abundant white curdled discharge and other symptoms of malaise, and this treatment immediately relieves them.

Baking soda procedure

We prepare the simplest solution: soda and warm boiled water.

A glass - a little more than half a teaspoon of soda.

When the composition is completely mixed, we roll four balls out of cotton wool with clean hands and do the procedure in the bathroom like this. We dip the first ball into the soda solution, wash the outer labia with such a cotton wool, throw away the cotton wool. The second ball is for washing the labia inside. The third is for the area near the entrance to the vagina. The fourth is for washing the vaginal cavity. Important: after using each cotton ball on the genitals, we throw it away, do not re-dip it in a soda solution.

Soda in the form of washing with thrush in women is thus used for 10 days, in the mornings and evenings daily. Sometimes such washings are not enough, so women decide to douche.


So, you have decided to do douching with soda with a disturbing thrush, how to do it? About everything in order.

  1. Preparing soda solution:
    - boiled warm water - 0.5 l.,
    - soda - 1 tsp
    Soda and water are thoroughly stirred until all particles are dissolved.
  2. It is necessary to douche using a special syringe. As a rule, douching takes place from a sitting position on the toilet, legs wide apart and stretched slightly forward. In this position, the women's vagina is not vertical, but horizontal. The syringe should be inserted carefully, in a direction parallel to the toilet seat.
  3. Soda, or rather its solution, should gradually wash out the curdled discharge, which will come out immediately.
  4. When douching is completed, disinfect the syringe. Use a weak solution of potassium permanganate for this. Spout, which penetrated the genital tract, wipe with alcohol tincture.

You need to douche 2 times a day for several days.


Sometimes baths with soda and iodine are carried out.

Add 1 tbsp per liter of boiling water. soda, 1 tsp iodine. Everything is mixed until the components are completely dissolved in water, the solution is poured into a basin in which you can sit down when the water is at a warm temperature. Sit down so that the genitals are immersed in a solution of soda.

Duration: 15-20 minutes.

Soda with thrush in children and adults in the mouth

Sometimes thrush can affect the mouth.

In children from birth to a year for reasons:

  1. non-compliance with feeding hygiene,
  2. against the background of colds and the use of antibiotics,
  3. when receiving components of antibiotics with the milk of the mother who takes them, etc.

In adults, thrush in the mouth develops due to:

  • chronic smoking - usually in men,
  • decrease in immunity, for example, against the background of pregnancy,
  • hormonal imbalance,
  • infection from a sick person by contact, airborne droplets,
  • long-term use of antibiotics, cytostatics, hormonal drugs.

Sometimes soda from thrush in infants in the mouth is used according to the same recipe as for washing.

If the thrush has struck the mouth, then it is necessary to wipe the entire cavity with cotton pads dipped in soda solution. The palate, tongue, gums, cheeks from the inside. Sometimes, the infection affects not only the mouth, but also the corners of the lips, the lips themselves. Then they are lubricated.

For adults, rinsing the mouth with a solution of soda, prepared as described earlier, with the addition of a couple of drops of iodine, is sometimes relevant. Children should not be allowed to do this. For babies, procedures with soda are carried out after each feeding, for adults - after a meal. If thrush has developed in the baby's mouth, wipe the nipples thoroughly before feeding to prevent re-infection.

Treatment according to the rules

Any infections and diseases of the genital organs of women and men require timely diagnosis and complex treatment in combination with sexual rest. Therefore, it is certainly assumed that during the douching procedures you will not have intimate contacts. However, in life, many neglect this indication. At least, if it is impossible to limit sexual contacts, then the use of barrier contraception - condoms - is mandatory.

Treatment of thrush with drugs and soda should be subject to the following conditions:

  1. to exclude the use of alcoholic beverages,
  2. refuse strong coffee for the duration of the treatment of thrush,
  3. no smoking,
  4. do not visit the sauna, bath.

You can't rely on douching alone. Baking soda may not be the only method that you will take in the fight against a disease such as candidiasis. Thrush always requires an integrated approach.

Douching should be combined with antifungal drugs:

  • tablets (for example, Flucostat is often prescribed),
  • candles,
  • ointments.

There is an opinion that ointments with levorin and nystatin are effective. However, everything is only according to the testimony of a doctor. If you prescribe yourself a treatment, even if not only with soda, but also with Flucostat, you can do harm. Sometimes thrush is accompanied by other STIs. Without the correct diagnosis and the choice of an individual treatment regimen, you can start the process, get serious complications, and then there will be problems more serious than curdled discharge, for example, the inability to conceive a child.

Soda from thrush is one of the alternative methods of treatment that helps if all recommendations are followed and given the absence of contraindications.

Washing with soda with thrush - effective method, thanks to which you can get rid of the feeling of discomfort in intimate place in a short time. This tool has been known to people since ancient times. With the help of this white powder, which is in every home, it is possible to quickly suppress the division of pathogenic fungi of the genus Candida. The use of solutions with soda from thrush allows you to normalize the level of acidity in the vagina, which is why the yeast begins to die rapidly. In addition, such therapy has a positive effect on well-being, and also accelerates the healing process.


Vaginal candidiasis is a fairly common phenomenon, the cause of which is the excessive activity of Candida yeast-like fungi. With the help of soda, you can get rid of the negative manifestations of the activity of this microorganism. In the initial stages, soda solutions can quickly rid a person of thrush. Before starting therapy, it is recommended to consult with your doctor. He will tell you how to make a soda solution for thrush correctly. It is best to combine such therapy with taking medications.

The effectiveness of soda from candidiasis is explained by the fact that it can change the microflora of the penis. Due to this, it is possible to stop the excessive division of Candida yeast-like fungi. This is provided by alkali, which is the basis for many antibacterial drugs. Please note that if you do not correct use soda from thrush in women may experience allergic reactions.

The occurrence of negative consequences is caused by too frequent use of the product or excessive concentration of the active substance. It is because of this that it is initially recommended to consult a doctor. Keep in mind that this tool does not change the number of lactic acid bacteria that are responsible for the body's defenses. Due to this, it is possible to improve the well-being of a person in several applications.

The effectiveness of soda for thrush is explained by:

  • Antibacterial properties - alkali prevents the growth of bacteria;
  • Analgesic effect - the remedy relieves itching and burning;
  • Recovery of beneficial bacteria;
  • Inhibition of pathogenic microflora.

Due to the fact that soda solutions reduce the acidity in the vagina, the risk of getting pregnant increases significantly.


With the correct use of a soda solution for candidiasis, you can quickly get rid of the negative manifestations of this disease. Despite this, it is not recommended to use such a tool in the following cases:

  1. With increased sensitivity to the components or their individual intolerance;
  2. With genital infections;
  3. With a bacterial inflammatory process;
  4. In the last stages of pregnancy;
  5. In the presence of wounds on the mucous membrane of the penis.

Last stages of pregnancy
The presence of wounds on the mucous membrane of the penis

If thrush occurs against the background of a serious weakening of immune abilities, then soda solution can only be used as an adjuvant therapy.

The effect of soda on thrush

To cure thrush as soon as possible, before starting therapy, it is imperative to consult with your doctor. In the absence of timely and complete treatment, Candida fungi begin to multiply rapidly, which can lead to infection. internal organs. The weakening of immune abilities, as well as the use of certain medications, can especially accelerate the development of the disease.

With the help of a soda solution, you will also be able to cope with candidiasis of the upper respiratory tract. Because of this, the mucous membranes are affected oral cavity and deep layers of the skin. Therapy soda solution allows you to neutralize the acidic environment, due to which the rate of spread of fungi is significantly reduced. It also relieves the inflammatory process, accelerates the healing process of damaged surfaces.

Features of use

Use medication for the basis of soda against thrush can both women and men. In order for the stronger sex to overcome the discomfort of this disease, it is necessary to wash for 10 days. In this case, the soda solution is recommended to be diluted with tea tree oil or a decoction. medicinal herbs. This contributes to a faster reduction in inflammation.

Soda solutions can be used to treat thrush in pregnant women. In this case, such a tool must be used with extreme caution. This will help avoid the occurrence unpleasant symptoms, as well as quickly relieve itching and burning. Such therapy is suitable for the treatment of newborns - soda quickly and effectively suppresses the division of Candida yeast-like fungi.

It is best to use soda solutions against thrush together with others. medications. This will significantly increase the effectiveness of treatment, as well as reduce the risk of candidiasis developing into a chronic stage. If there is no improvement within 7 days, contact your doctor immediately. Only an integrated approach will relieve thrush in a short time.

If the use of soda solutions provoked the appearance of any symptoms of intolerance, such therapy should be stopped immediately.

Thrush - fungal disease, the cause of exacerbation of which is often a changed hormonal background. During menstruation, a woman's body undergoes serious changes, so the risk of exacerbation of candidiasis increases significantly. You can use a soda solution during menstruation, but there is no point in doing so. The fact is that during menstruation, the level of acidity in the vagina becomes low, which negatively affects the rate of division of pathogenic microorganisms.

It is because of this that it makes no sense to reduce acidity by washing with soda. Such treatment will not bring harm, however, there is no point in it. It is best to wait out the menstruation, and then start therapy. Ensure yourself good hygiene, try to change pads every 2 hours. In this case, you should wash with cool water to reduce soreness and discomfort.

It is necessary to treat thrush with soda solution with extreme caution. You need to start with a 2% concentration - about 1 teaspoon per liter of water. In this case, the liquid should be slightly warm, about 40-45 degrees. Treatment should be gradual and regular, you should not do the procedure often, so as not to provoke a burn of the damaged surface. You need to dilute the medicine in a pre-washed glass jar. It is recommended to treat personal hygiene items with boiling water to kill pathogens. Wash according to the following algorithm:

  • Pour a small amount of warm water into the selected container;
  • Add a tablespoon of soda there;
  • Stir the ingredients thoroughly until they are completely dissolved;
  • Add a few drops of iodine to increase efficiency;
  • Sit down so that the vagina is completely immersed in water;
  • Sit in the medicine for 5-10 minutes;
  • Take a cotton swab, soak it in the medicine and place it in the vagina;
  • After 10-15 minutes, remove it and dry the mucous membrane with a clean towel.

Repeat procedure 2 times per day for 2-3 weeks. It is necessary to treat with a soda solution the entrance to the vagina in women and the leaf of the foreskin - in men. If it is not possible to often carry out a full washing, you can dip the genitals with the resulting product. If such treatment does not bring results for a long time, be sure to consult a doctor for an appointment. complex therapy: systemic and local treatment.

Washing Recipes

You can get rid of thrush with a soda solution in just a few days. With regular use, literally for 2-3 days, the discomfort caused by candidiasis will noticeably subside. A person will get rid of itching, burning, with time the white curdled coating will disappear. In order for the effectiveness of such therapy to be as high as possible, it is recommended to adhere to the following recipes:

  1. For a liter of water, take 1 teaspoon of soda, salt, a few drops of tea tree oil. After that, mix the ingredients thoroughly so that they all dissolve in the liquid. After that, heat the medicine to 40-45 degrees and pour into any convenient container. Wash for 10-15 minutes, do not wash at the end of the procedure.
  2. In equal proportions, mix soda, dry chamomile flowers and oak bark. Take 2 tablespoons of this mixture and fill them with a liter of water. Put the product on the fire and bring to a boil. Carefully strain the medicine, cool it to 45 degrees. Dilute with the same amount of warm water, then rinse for 10 minutes.
  3. Dilute a tablespoon of soda with a few drops of iodine. Add the mixture to warm water, and then carry out the standard procedure. At the end of the procedure, you can rinse with clean water.
  4. Take a tablespoon of calamus root, oak bark, sage and thyme. Grind these ingredients thoroughly, then add 100 grams to them baking soda. Pour 1 tablespoon of the finished mixture with 0.5 liters of boiling water and leave to infuse under the lid. When the product has cooled, strain it and dilute hot water. Perform the procedure twice a day for 1-2 weeks. You should not be treated with this method for longer, as excessive dryness of the penis may occur.

Possible Complications

Soda is a common lye. At high concentrations, this agent can easily lead to burns of the mucous membrane. Because of this, it is necessary to start treatment of thrush exclusively with minimal concentrations. If you are doing therapy for the first time, take a teaspoon of soda per liter of water. Over time, increase the dose to a tablespoon. This should be done gradually to prevent the occurrence of discomfort in the mucous membrane of the penis.

Keep in mind that it is strictly forbidden to use such a medicine on an ongoing basis. This easily leads to excessive dryness and irritation. Also, prolonged use leads to an imbalance in the microflora.

Do not assume that soda solution is a panacea for the treatment of thrush. At advanced stages, such a tool will not be able to cope with the infection. In this case, it is necessary to visit a doctor for the appointment of drug therapy.

Candidiasis is a disease that occurs in 70% of women. With thrush, the infection develops quickly and is accompanied by a mass of unpleasant consequences: abundant discharge, itching, swelling and burning. Washing with soda helps to get rid of the symptoms and cope with the causative agent of candidiasis - the Candida fungus.

To understand how soda works with candidiasis, you first need to understand the cause of the disease. Thrush is caused by the active growth of fungi of the genus Candida, the waste products of which disrupt the acid-base balance of the vaginal microflora. In a healthy woman's body, the pH level ranges from 3.8 to 4.5. Fungi are also present in the normal microflora of women, but under the influence of a number of factors (pregnancy, infectious diseases, weakened immunity, etc.) fungi begin to multiply actively, shifting the normal pH to 6, which leads to the multiplication of pathogenic bacteria and the occurrence of inflammatory processes.

Candida breed and live in an acidic environment, even a weak alkaline effect is detrimental to them. Sodium bicarbonate solution is a slightly alkaline solution. It is due to the action of alkali that the soda solution normalizes the pH level, reducing the excessive activity of fungi.

Interesting stuff about how.
The impact of baking soda will be more effective in combination with medicines, since the soda solution removes fungi and prepares the skin for treatment with antifungal ointments.

Is it possible to wash with soda with thrush?

Baking soda - natural and safe remedy, which can be used to get rid of candidiasis. Doctors recommend washing with soda not only for adult women, but also for girls who are contraindicated in washing the vagina with soda solution. Recipes are equally well suited for both women and men.

Washing with a solution of soda ranks first among folk remedies to fight candidiasis. This method is especially effective for vaginal candidiasis, when bacteria multiply on the mucous membrane of the vagina and on the external genitalia.

How to wash with soda with thrush?

With thrush, experts recommend using a 2% soda solution for washing. The solution recipe consists of 1 tbsp. tea soda, which must be diluted in 1 liter of warm water (the temperature should not exceed 37-39 degrees).
If this is your first time washing, it is better to reduce the dosage of soda to 1/2 tbsp. per liter to avoid possible allergic reactions. Be sure to follow the proportions, an overdose will lead to irritation, which will only increase the discomfort.

Recipe for women

The solution must be diluted in a clean, preferably sterilized, jar. Additionally, prepare 5-6 tampons rolled from a sterile bandage or cotton wool.

The procedure is carried out in this way:

  • Pour the warm baking soda solution into a wide basin. Completely immerse the genitals in the basin.
  • Take the prepared swab, dip it in the solution and carefully remove the whitish coating from the mucous membrane and skin.
  • During the procedure, be sure to change used tampons. It is necessary to stay in the basin for 20 minutes, during which time it is important to completely remove plaque.
  • After the procedure is completed, pour out the solution.

The procedure is carried out 2-3 times a day, depending on the abundance of secretions. The general course is no more than 10 days. If there is no improvement, be sure to consult a doctor for the selection of antifungal drugs.

In order to properly wash, in addition to the perineum, it is also necessary to process the entrance to the vagina. It is important not to touch the inside of the mucosa, removing plaque only from the outside.

Recipe for men

Men need to additionally treat the foreskin and the entrance to the urethra with soda swabs. Washing is possible without complete immersion of the genitals. This method is not suitable for women due to the difficulty in removing secretions. Recipe:

  • Take a warm soda solution and 7-8 swabs.
  • Dip each tampon into the solution, squeeze lightly and treat the genitals.
  • The used tampon is thrown away, its reuse is unacceptable.

Side effects and cons of the procedure

Like any drug, soda has side effects and cons to be aware of:

  • Too much use can dry out the skin and cause severe irritation.
  • Too much dosage may cause slight burns.
  • The course must be carried out continuously. If you don’t clean up on time, the newly grown colonies of bacteria will nullify all efforts.

With the advanced form of candidiasis, soda solutions for washing will work only in combination with a specially selected therapy that allows you to destroy the fungi inside the vagina.


Despite the safety of the method, this method has a number of contraindications:

  • Individual intolerance to baking soda.
  • Venereal diseases and inflammatory processes of the genitourinary system in advanced or acute form.
  • The solution can not be used to prevent candidiasis 2-3 weeks before childbirth. Washing is also prohibited in the first month after childbirth or gynecological surgery.

Sodium bicarbonate (baking soda) has mass useful properties. It has antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, analgesic and other effects. Due to this, it is quite successfully used in the treatment of various diseases. It is taken orally, compresses are made, dripped into the nose, etc. Washing with soda is also widely used.

Pregnant women should be very careful with the choice of medicines. During this period, the female body is most vulnerable, as there is a decrease in immunity. And in this regard, the appearance of thrush during pregnancy is not uncommon.

As a rule, in this state, women are forbidden any douching, even soda. The fact is that this procedure can cause premature birth. In this regard, to alleviate the symptoms of candidiasis, it is recommended to use soda washing.

In order to prepare a mixture for washing, it is necessary to combine sodium bicarbonate with water. It should be noted that 1 small spoonful of the substance is taken per 200 milligrams of water. Water should be taken necessarily clean and it must be boiled in advance, and then cooled so that it is lukewarm.

The duration of such treatment is about 15 days, and even after the disappearance of unpleasant symptoms, treatment should not be stopped. Curdled discharge and itching after such procedures will disappear, but you still need to go to the doctor, because only he can prescribe the most appropriate treatment for you.

Is it possible to wash with soda when itching

Itching in the genitals is the main symptom of many diseases. But when it appears, few women rush to the doctor for help.

But this is wrong, because only qualified specialist will be able to accurately name the cause of itching, which can be a sign of diseases such as:

  • infectious diseases that can be sexually transmitted (trichomonillosis, hardrenellosis, candidiasis and some others);
  • irritation, it may appear due to the fact that a woman uses synthetic underwear, scented panty liners, etc .;
  • leukemia, hepatitis, diabetes, etc.

Also, the appearance of itching can be affected by pregnancy or menopause, since at this time there is a violation of the hormonal background. Another cause can be stress, a strong experience or a depressive state.

If a woman wants to eliminate itching by washing with soda without finding out the cause of its appearance, then in this case she should take into account that such a procedure can only help if she has thrush. In all other cases, such a procedure will be absolutely useless. In this regard, it is necessary to go to the doctor's office before starting treatment.

With cystitis, which most often occurs in women, there is a very strong pain in the lower abdomen, which increases significantly during urination. Also, body temperature often rises. The cause of the development of this disease is Escherichia coli, which can enter the urethra and lead to the development of inflammation.

This treatment is as follows:

  1. Drink plenty of fluids throughout the day, as a rule, it is recommended to consume at least 3 liters of various drinks and water. First you need to drink any drink that contains caffeine (tea, cola, coffee, etc.), and then every quarter of an hour you should drink a little of any drink, but non-alcoholic (it is recommended to use cranberry juice or fruit drink).
  2. After each urination, you need to wash yourself, and for this, a sodium bicarbonate solution is used. To prepare it, you need to combine 1 liter of pre-boiled tepid water with 2 small spoons of the substance. You need to wash yourself every time after urinating.

In the event that the pain is very strong, then you can drink medicinal product with analgesic effect. At the same time, it is very good if it also has an anti-inflammatory effect.

In the event that during the day the condition has not noticeably improved, then you should definitely go to the doctor. The same must be done if blood was seen in the urine.

When washing with soda during thrush, the following improvements are observed: unbearable itching is significantly reduced, irritation also begins to bother much less, secretions with a curdled consistency are not formed so intensively.

Sick women should wash themselves with a solution of sodium bicarbonate several times throughout the day. To do this, use a mixture consisting of 500 ml of lukewarm pre-boiled water and 0.5 small spoons of sodium bicarbonate. Also, if desired, for this procedure, you can use a solution consisting of a liter of boiled tepid water, 1 large spoon of sodium bicarbonate and 1 small spoon of iodine. Simultaneously with washing for the treatment of such a disease, you can use medicines prescribed by your doctor.

Many people wonder why regular soda helps cure thrush? The fact is that this disease occurs due to the Candida fungus, which prefers to live in an acidic environment. Sodium bicarbonate is an alkali. In this regard, he is able to neutralize the acidic environment, making it alkaline. As a result, fungi begin to multiply very slowly and eventually die completely.

This method of treating candidiasis has one drawback. You need to be treated for a relatively long time, or rather about half a month. It should be noted that both sexual partners should be treated. In this case, a man can also use a weak concentration of sodium bicarbonate solution to wash the penis. To do this, you need to prepare a mixture consisting of 1 large spoon of sodium bicarbonate and one liter of water, which must first be boiled and cooled. It is necessary to wash the penis several times a day, but not too often, as this can lead to drying out of the mucous membrane, which will cause considerable discomfort.

Washing with a solution of soda in some cases can help a woman get pregnant. This method can really help only in cases where:

  1. The acidity of the environment in the vagina during the period of ovulation is excessively high, which leads to the death of spermatozoa.
  2. The acid-base environment of sperm is excessively low (less than 7.2). In this case, she simply does not have the ability to neutralize the acidic environment in the vagina.
  3. The volume of sperm is relatively small. In this case, the seminal fluid simply cannot neutralize the acidic environment in the vagina.

Before you start washing with sodium bicarbonate solution, you need to make sure that you definitely have too high acidity in the vagina. To do this, it is recommended to purchase special tests at the pharmacy kiosk.

Washing with sodium bicarbonate should be started 3-5 days before the day of ovulation. At the same time, it is necessary to wash yourself about half an hour before sexual intercourse. Evening time is best for this. To prepare a mixture for washing, you need to combine 1 liter of boiled tepid water with one or two small spoons of sodium bicarbonate. When sexual intercourse is completed, experts advise lying in bed for a while, slightly raising the pelvis.

Very often, douching with sodium bicarbonate solution is recommended instead of rinsing. However, this method has one significant disadvantage. There is a possibility that this procedure can lead to the destruction of the microflora of the vagina, as well as to injury to the surface of the mucous membranes.

Baths with soda used for washing women are more effective than simple washing. They are used in the same cases as when washing with a soda solution. Moreover, this procedure is less dangerous in comparison with douching with a soda solution. Indeed, in this case, the sodium bicarbonate solution does not penetrate so deep into the vagina, and there is no strong pressure on its walls.

The use of sodium bicarbonate sitz baths is generally recommended. It is very important to use the right water for this. It should be clean, necessarily boiled and lukewarm. The optimum water temperature is 36–38 degrees. This is especially true for pregnant women, since hot or too warm baths are contraindicated for them.

In order to make a solution suitable for this kind of baths, you need to combine 1 large spoonful of sodium bicarbonate with a couple of liters of water. Herbal decoction can be poured into the resulting mixture. For example, chamomile decoction has a sedative effect, and still does not allow the mucous membranes to dry out. After that, the mixture is poured into a bath, in which you just need to sit from a few minutes to a quarter of an hour.

Can washing with baking soda hurt?

Such a procedure as washing with a soda solution has practically no contraindications, with the exception of individual intolerance to sodium bicarbonate, as well as the presence of damage and rashes on the external genitalia. However, even if there are no contraindications, such a procedure can still be harmful.

But only if it is carried out incorrectly, namely:

  1. When washing with soda is used for other purposes. For example, such a procedure will not have any therapeutic effect in various infections, with itching during depression, etc.
  2. Excessively frequent use of washing with soda. If you carry out such a procedure systematically, the result can be deplorable. Sodium bicarbonate makes the environment in the vagina alkaline, but it must be acidic. As a result, this body loses the ability to destroy pathogens that enter it, and this leads to various serious diseases. Also, frequent procedures can cause irritation and dryness of the mucosa.
  3. When the treatment is carried out exclusively by such washing. Sodium bicarbonate solution can only change the pH level, but in most cases it cannot eliminate the cause of the disease.
  4. When using concentrated sodium bicarbonate solution. The use of such a mixture for washing can cause irritation, dryness and even burns of the mucous membrane.

Plain baking soda will help cure annoying thrush. You can use soda in solution by washing, douching, baths, tampons, rinsing (in case of damage to the oral mucosa). The tool is used to treat thrush in women, men, as well as during pregnancy, but with restrictions.

Thrush is caused by the fungus Candida. In a healthy person, it is present on the mucous membranes without causing problems. Decreased immunity, taking antibiotics, provokes the growth of a fungal colony, candidiasis develops (the medical name for thrush). The fungus secretes acid profusely. Corroding the walls of the vagina and the surface of the genital organs, the acid causes itching and burning.

Soda is alkali. Under the influence of an alkaline solution, the acid is neutralized. An environment is formed that is detrimental to the fungus.

The use of a solution of soda from thrush has many advantages:

  • treatment is safe;
  • the natural flora of the mucosa is not disturbed;
  • alkaline environment does not allow the fungus to multiply;
  • can be used with salt, iodine, herbal decoctions.

In women, soda from thrush is used in conjunction with antifungal drugs. Gynecologists recommend soda treatments before using vaginal tablets and suppositories.

How to prepare a solution?

The solution is a convenient form of using baking soda from thrush. Here are some cooking tips.

  • Water must be boiled.
  • Soda is added to slightly cooled water.
  • Particles of the substance should dissolve well.
  • You can't break the proportions. Increasing the amount of soda causes minor damage, reducing it will have no effect.

There are several recipes for soda solution:

  • For 1 liter hot water take 1 tsp. drinking soda, stir.
  • Dissolve 1 tsp in 1 liter of boiling water. soda and iodine.
  • Add 30 g of salt to 1 liter of water, boil for three minutes. Then cool and introduce 5 g of iodine and soda.
  • Dissolve 1 tsp in 1 liter of cooked and slightly cooled herbal decoction. soda.

Due to the weakening of local immunity, other sexual infections are added to candidiasis. A solution with soda and iodine from thrush will be more effective. Iodine is a strong antiseptic. It helps fight the inflammatory process. You can use table salt.

If you add decoctions of oak bark, St. John's wort, calendula chamomile flowers, the effect of the solution will increase.


You can get rid of thrush with soda different ways. Douching, washing, baths, tampons are suitable for women. Men - washing and baths. In case of damage in the mouth - rinse. Treatments last at least 10 days, unless otherwise recommended.


Washing in women is best done when the manifestations are minor. This is done with cotton balls. Prepared water with soda needs to be cooled to 36-37 degrees. You can use decoctions of medicinal herbs. To get rid of unpleasant manifestations in men, it is useful to wash the genitals with a soda solution. After that, use an antifungal cream.

With candidiasis, treatment of both partners is mandatory. At this time, you should refrain from intimate contact.


Irrigation of the vagina with soda solutions is carried out after consultation with a gynecologist. The procedure is simple:

  1. Wash your hands with soap.
  2. Fill the syringe with the prepared liquid.
  3. Carefully insert the tip into the vagina, inject the contents inside over the bath or toilet.
  4. The solution washes the walls and freely flows out.

If, in addition to thrush, there are other diseases of the female organs, the procedure for douching with soda from thrush is undesirable. With erosion of the cervix or after an abortion, it is also worth abandoning this method of treatment. Do not douche before a visit to the gynecologist, so as not to distort the picture of the disease and test results.


It is convenient to treat thrush in women with the help of trays. A warm alkaline bath is good for itching and burning. The prepared solution is poured into a convenient clean container. You need to sit down so that the water covers the genitals. Baths are also suitable for men, including those with iodine. If iodine is contraindicated, it is better to replace it with a decoction of chamomile or calendula. The procedure time for women and men is 15-20 minutes. When adding iodine, you should limit yourself to 10 minutes. The procedure ends with the application of antifungal cream after 15 minutes.


With thrush, tampons with soda solution are shown. You can get ready-made tampons from the pharmacy. But it is better to make from a gauze bandage. Dip the swab in the liquid, gently insert into the vagina for 10 minutes. The ends of the gauze should come out for easy removal. Apply for a week 1 time per day

mouth rinse

Thrush in the mouth is manifested by a white coating on the tongue, palate, gums. Children treat the oral mucosa with a swab with an alkaline solution. baby you can dip a dummy in it. For adults, rinsing is suitable, it is possible with the addition of salt and iodine. Such treatment is effective at the onset of the disease. How to treat more serious forms, the doctor will advise.

Can you drink soda?

Soda helps not only as an external remedy. Taking a soda solution inside evens out the ratio of acid and alkali. The body is better able to fight disease. Dissolve the powder in hot boiled water at the rate of 1/5 teaspoon per glass. During treatment, the amount of soda is brought to 1/2 part. The concentration should be such that it does not cause disgust. It should be taken in the morning half an hour before meals.

Excessive consumption of soda inside can lead to bloating and flatulence.

Application during pregnancy

The treatment of any disease in pregnant women must be approached with caution. Self-medication is dangerous for the fetus, so even a harmless thrush is treated under the supervision of a doctor. It is advisable to use soda from thrush during pregnancy only for washing. Soda baths and douching are contraindicated, as they can lead to miscarriage or adversely affect the development of the fetus.

Any douching is harmful to women during pregnancy! It is important to cure the infection before the onset of childbirth in order to prevent infection of the child.

In order not to get sick again, you need to do prevention:

  • lead healthy lifestyle life;
  • strengthen immunity;
  • observe intimate hygiene;
  • if taking antibiotics, take antifungal drugs.

Treatment with soda procedures helps to get rid of candidiasis, if there are no concomitant diseases. Sometimes thrush is the result of some chronic disease that occurs in a latent form (for example, type 2 diabetes). You may need a comprehensive examination so as not to miss a serious illness.
