Sub simplex (simethicone) is a drug that is used for increased gas formation. Demanded mainly in pediatric practice, incl. in newborns. Increased gas formation (flatulence) in newborns is due to the imperfection of the development of their digestive system. The consequence of the latter is regurgitation of food after feeding and intestinal colic. The cause of flatulence is the lack of digestion of food components. Sub simplex is a herbal medicine that eliminates bloating due to gas filling. Simethicone, which is the active ingredient of the drug, is a surfactant that dissolves gas bubbles in the stomach. As a result, the stretching of the walls of the digestive tract decreases, which leads to the removal of colic and the elimination of regurgitation. Sub Simplex is not absorbed in the walls of the gastrointestinal tract and is eliminated unchanged, one hundred percent reduces the risk of adverse reactions and makes it possible to use the drug in children from birth. The sub-simplex has passed a series of clinical trials, one of which was conducted in our country, or rather, at the Moscow Research Institute of Pediatrics and Pediatric Surgery. The drug showed its best side: increased gas formation was eliminated in 100% of the study participants (and they were children under 3 months old), regurgitation - in 96%, intestinal colic - in 92%. All this indicates the high efficiency of the drug Sab simplex. Its good organoleptic characteristics are also important, which is very important in pediatric practice. The drug is used not as part of drug courses, but as needed at the time of intestinal colic. Its undeniable advantage is the absence of clinically significant adverse effects, including allergic manifestations, a favorable safety profile, and good tolerability.

Gases that are released after crushing gas bubbles with simethicone are absorbed in the intestinal walls or excreted using intestinal peristalsis. Sub simplex is also in demand in diagnostics when conducting a number of instrumental studies: it improves image quality, preventing interference, and contributes to a more complete irrigation of the colon mucosa with a radiopaque preparation. Simethicone does not enter into chemical interaction. It is not absorbed in the body due to its complete physico-chemical inertness. Exposed to elimination from the body unchanged, tk. does not undergo any metabolic transformations. Intended for oral use. Drops can be added to freshly prepared infant formula or taken neat. The optimal time of admission is with food or after eating, and also before going to bed (if necessary). The duration of admission is determined by the dynamics of the development of the clinical situation. The drug is allowed to be taken for a long time. It is recommended to shake the medicine bottle vigorously before use. To facilitate the flow of the suspension from the pipette, the bottle must be turned over and clicked several times on the bottom. When using the drug before instrumental studies, it is recommended to remove the pipette. The drug is taken in the evening on the eve of the study. Sub simplex is also used when detergents enter the digestive tract. The drug can be used in people with diabetes, because. it does not contain carbohydrates.


A drug that reduces flatulence. Simethicone reduces the surface tension of gas bubbles formed in the contents of the stomach and intestinal mucus, and causes their destruction. The gases released during this are absorbed by the intestinal wall or removed during intestinal peristalsis.

In ultrasound and radiography, it prevents interference and overlapping of images; promotes better irrigation of the mucous membrane of the large intestine with a contrast agent, preventing the contrast film from breaking.

Simethicone removes foam in a physical way, does not enter into chemical reactions.


Due to physical and chemical inertness, it is not absorbed in the body. After passing through the gastrointestinal tract, it is excreted unchanged.

Release form

Suspension for oral administration from white to gray-white, slightly viscous, with a characteristic fruity (vanilla-raspberry) odor.

Excipients: hypromellose - 1.5 g, carbomer - 0.6 g, sodium citrate dihydrate - 1 g, citric acid monohydrate - 0.5468 g, vanilla flavor - 0.315 g, raspberry flavor - 0.108 g, sodium cyclamate - 0.2 g, sodium saccharinate - 0.02 g , sodium benzoate - 0.1 g, polyglycostearic acid esters - 1.0378 g, sorbic acid - 0.0347 g, water - 89.6189 g.

30 ml - dark glass dropper bottles (25 drops per 1 ml) (1) - packs of cardboard.


The drug is taken orally.

Increased gas formation

Newborns and infants (up to 1 year old) who are bottle-fed, add 15 drops (0.6 ml) of the suspension to each bottle of baby food. The drug mixes well with other liquids (including milk). Sub ® Simplex can be given to newborns before feeding with a teaspoon.

Children aged 1 to 6 years are prescribed 15 drops (0.6 ml) during or after meals, and if necessary, an additional 15 drops at night.

Children aged 6 to 15 years are prescribed 20-30 drops (0.8-0.12 ml), adults - 30-45 drops (1.2-1.8 ml). A single dose is taken every 4-6 hours. If necessary, an increase in a single dose is possible.

Sub ® Simplex is best taken with or after meals and, if necessary, at bedtime.

Duration of application depends on the dynamics of complaints. If necessary, long-term therapy is possible.

Shake the vial vigorously before use. In order for the suspension to start flowing from the pipette, the vial should be turned upside down and tapped on the bottom.

Preparation for diagnostic studies of the gastrointestinal tract

Use in preparation for diagnostic studies of the gastrointestinal tract is facilitated if the pipette is removed from the vial.

To prepare for radiography the day before the study in the evening, you should take 3-6 teaspoons (15-30 ml) of the drug Sab ® Simplex.

Before endoscopy, you should take 0.5-1 teaspoon (2.5-5 ml) and during the study through the endoscope, inject an additional few milliliters of the suspension of the drug.

Poisoning detergents

The dose of the drug Sab ® Simplex depends on the severity of the poisoning. The minimum recommended dose is 1 teaspoon (5 ml).


Cases of overdose of the drug Sab ® Simplex are not known.


The drug interaction of the drug Sab ® Simplex has not been established.

Side effects

Possibly: allergic reactions.


  • as a symptomatic therapy for increased gas formation, flatulence (including in the postoperative period);
  • preparation for diagnostic studies of the gastrointestinal tract (radiography, ultrasound, esophagogastroduodenoscopy);
  • acute poisoning with detergents when they enter the stomach.


  • obstructive diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • intestinal obstruction;
  • hypersensitivity to simethicone or any of the auxiliary components of the drug.

Application features

Use during pregnancy and lactation

It is possible to use the drug during pregnancy and lactation according to indications.

Use in children

May be used in children if indicated.

special instructions

Sub ® Simplex can be used in patients with diabetes mellitus, because. the drug does not contain carbohydrates.

New and/or recurring gas complaints should be clinically confirmed.

Influence on the ability to drive vehicles and control mechanisms

The drug does not affect the ability to drive vehicles and work with mechanisms.

Many mothers in the first months after the birth of a child face such a problem as colic. There can be many reasons: the immaturity of the gastrointestinal tract in a newborn, errors in nutrition during breastfeeding, incorrectly selected milk mixture. When the baby begins to twist his legs, tighten them, screams loudly all day long, the young mother is ready to resort to any method, if only it helps. An effective tool is considered "Sub Simplex". Pediatricians recommend "Sub Simplex" for newborns who are breastfed, but before use, be sure to read the instructions.

Flatulence in newborns

Flatulence is a problem for many breastfed babies.

There is an erroneous belief that intestinal colic only affects children who are bottle-fed. Indeed, even the highest quality and most expensive mixtures cannot be a complete substitute for breast milk, but flatulence also occurs in infants who are breastfed. The baby's organs are not yet able to produce the necessary enzymes that break down mother's milk. Unsplit milk begins to ferment in the body of the baby, as a result of which carbon dioxide is produced.

Neonatologists identify the following main causes of increased gas formation in babies:

  1. Not following a breastfed diet. A nursing woman should review her diet, eliminating citrus fruits, legumes, cabbage, chocolate, carbonated drinks, dairy products, muffins. All products that cause increased gas formation should be excluded and the behavior of the baby should be monitored. If the colic stopped, the fault of their appearance was the error in the menu of the nursing mother.
  2. Binge eating. With an excess intake of mother's milk in the baby's body that has not been fully formed, fermentation begins in the intestines.
  3. Wrong grip. If the child inhales air along with milk, this can cause flatulence. The lips of the child should capture not only the nipple of the mother's breast, but also the halo around.
  4. Child hypodynamia. With a small child, you need to walk more, do gymnastics, play. A sedentary lifestyle can cause flatulence.

With increased gas formation, newborns are given special medicines that reduce symptoms of flatulence.

"Sab Simplex" - composition, form and effect of the drug

Many mothers know the French drug "Sab Simplex", which is available as a suspension for oral administration. The active ingredient of the drug is simethicone. 100 ml of "Sab Simplex" contains about 6.9 g of the substance simethicone, as well as other auxiliary ingredients: citric and sorbic acids, hypromellose, carbomer, sodium saccharinate, sodium benzoate, raspberry and vanilla flavors, etc.

There is no need to be intimidated by the long list of ingredients. They do not harm the newborn, they can be taken even at the age of less than a month.

The main ingredient of the drug simethicone has a carminative effect. It turns large gas bubbles into many small ones, which are instantly absorbed into the intestinal walls or come out naturally. In the intestinal lumen, the amount of gases becomes less, and the crumbs feel much better.


If young parents do not have experience caring for babies, they may not recognize the onset of colic. Mothers often think that the child is crying because he is hungry or cold. And they begin to force-feed milk, which further exacerbates the situation. Colic in newborns can be distinguished by the following symptoms:

  • The baby arches the body;
  • Presses the handles;
  • Knocks legs;
  • Screams loudly and hysterically;
  • The skin on the face becomes red;
  • Crying after feeding;
  • After a bowel movement, the child feels much better.

"Sub Simplex" is prescribed for breastfeeding in the following cases:

  1. A child who is breastfed has increased flatulence, gas formation, and bloating. It is also recommended to take "Sub Simplex" to newborns during breastfeeding if the above symptoms are accompanied by loud crying and crying of the baby.
  2. The drug is prescribed before studies of the gastrointestinal tract in a baby: ultrasound of the organs abdominal cavity, gastroscopy, X-ray;
  3. "Sub Simplex" helps with poisoning by chemical powders that have been ingested through the stomach.

With colic, the baby often cries and sleeps poorly

Is the drug safe for the baby?

Pediatricians quite often write out "Sub Simplex" for babies suffering from flatulence. It works gently and delicately, does not affect the work internal organs. The drug is available as a suspension, in closed bottles with a dropper of 30 ml. The medicine is considered safe for newborns. It is not addictive, and for this reason it can be used for a long time. The drug is excreted naturally.


There are contraindications that every mother should be aware of when choosing a drug to relieve colic in a child. Suspension is not prescribed for:

  1. Absolute obstruction of the intestine;
  2. Allergic reaction to the ingredients of the drug. Simethicone does not cause allergies, but fragrances can cause allergic reactions;
  3. Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract of an obstructive type.

On a note! The drug is approved for elevated blood sugar levels.

Instructions for use

"Sub Simplex" for newborns, how to take while breastfeeding:

  1. Before opening the bottle, shake it well, turn it over and knock on the bottom.
  2. Breastfeeding children are advised to dilute the suspension with mother's milk. You can dilute the suspension in a small amount of boiled water or baby tea.
  3. The medicine is given before feeding.
  4. If the baby suffers from colic at night, you can additionally give medicine in the evening, before bedtime.

Correct Dosage

The dosage depends on the age of the child:

  • From 0 to 6 years - 15 drops;
  • Over 6 years old - from 20 to 30 drops.

The suspension can be given with a spoon, diluted with a liquid, or poured into the mouth through a sterile syringe.

The manufacturer indicates that the drug has no effect of an overdose. At severe colic medicine should be given at each feeding.

How often to give the drug?

How to give when breastfeeding newborns "Sub Simplex" will depend on appearance and physical condition of the baby. If colic causes severe discomfort, the baby constantly cries, draws his legs, while his face turns red, his tummy swells, the drug should be given every three hours (or at each feeding). With irregular attacks of flatulence, 5-6 doses per day are enough. Usually pediatricians recommend drinking the drug for 2-3 weeks, and then take a break.

How is Sub Simplex different from analogues?

Pharmacies offer a wide range of different products for colic from different manufacturers and at different prices. "Sub Simplex" has advantages over some of the analogues:

  • Convenient dosage. In some preparations, it is necessary to give the child a whole spoonful, which is inconvenient and not always possible;
  • "Sub Simplex" is included in the middle price segment. It is economical, consumed for a long time, unlike many other drugs;
  • It is considered a highly effective medicine that alleviates the condition of babies during the period of flatulence.


Treatment of colic is impossible without special drugs. Consider the most popular remedies that mothers often choose during breastfeeding:

  1. "Baby Calm". The composition of this drug is different from the "Sub Simplex". It includes vegetable oils that not only have a carminative effect, but also have anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects. "Baby Calm" is sometimes prescribed together with "Sub Simplex", since these two drugs work effectively in tandem.
  2. Dill water. You can prepare it yourself at home, or you can buy it in a pharmacy in the form of sachets.
  3. Plantex. Produced in the form of bags with granules, which include fennel. Plantex reduces flatulence, improves intestinal motility, relieves spasmodic pain.
  4. Bebinos. The composition of the medicine includes fennel, chamomile, coriander. The medicine is available in a glass bottle with a dropper.


In terms of composition, Espumizan and Sub Simplex are very similar. Differences are only in tastes: the first preparation has a banana taste, and the second has a raspberry-vanilla flavor. Also, "Espumizan" has other excipients. It has been clinically proven that the body of a breast-fed child perceives the clinical formula of the drug "Sab Simplex" better than "Espumizan", although the second drug is also harmless to the baby.


This medicine also contains simethicone. "Bobotik" does not contain sugar, so it can be used when elevated level blood sugar. The most important difference from "Simplex" in the dosage. "Bobotik" should not be given to babies more often 3-4 times a day. Another difference is that "Bobotik" can be given to a child on the 28th day after birth, not earlier. In terms of cost, both drugs are in about the same price category.

Newborn babies and children of the first year of life, due to the immaturity of the organs and systems of the body, are prone to various problems associated with digestion.

Lack of enzymes, immature and poorly coordinated activities nervous system, responsible for the regulation of the digestive tract, errors in the diet of the mother, or the baby himself, if he is already receiving complementary foods, food allergies, including cow's milk protein, all this can lead to increased gas formation in the intestines of the child.

A large amount of gas in the intestine leads to its overstretching and, as a result, causes pain in the tummy.

All this leads to severe anxiety of the baby.

He cries, screams, twists his legs or presses them to his stomach, the tummy swells with excess gases, like a ball, becomes dense and painful when touched.

Since the muscles in the newborn are poorly developed, including the abdominal muscles, the child cannot naturally remove gases from the intestines. Therefore, the child needs help.

How can you help a newborn with flatulence (increased gas formation)?

Being on the stomach, the baby trains the abdominal muscles, which later will help him to independently remove gas from the intestines in a natural way.

In addition, when the baby lies on his stomach, the passage of gases is also facilitated due to the natural pressure on the abdominal cavity, which is created by the surface on which the child is located.

Therefore, such a position of the baby before feeding allows him to get rid of the gases already present in the intestines, which means that there will most likely not be too many of them, and discomfort will not arise.

2) The second thing that can really help is abdominal massage and gymnastics.

It is necessary to massage the tummy clockwise, practically without pressing your fingers on the abdominal wall.

This stimulates intestinal motility, which means it helps to remove gases in a natural way. After you have massaged the tummy for about 5 minutes, you can do gymnastics aimed at helping the baby "fake".

The first thing we do is "bike".

We take the child's legs by the shins and bend, unbend them as if the child is pedaling a bicycle. We repeat the movement 5-6 times.

Then we bend both legs at the knees and press them to the tummy, after pressing, you can fix this position for 10-15 seconds. We repeat 5-6 times.

After that, you can straighten the baby's legs, also holding them by the shins, lead to the tummy. We also repeat 5-6 times.

Then we take one leg by the shin, and the opposite hand by the forearm. We bend the arm at the elbow, the leg at the knee and connect the elbow and the opposite knee.

If there are no problems with the tummy, then the elbow and knee will easily connect, but if there are extra gases in the tummy and the stomach is inflated, then it will not be possible to connect the knee and elbow.

In this case, we simply bring the elbow to the knee as close as possible and fix it for 10-15 seconds. Then we do the same with the other arm and leg. Repeat 5 times for each arm and leg.

This exercise allows you to strengthen the muscles of the abdominal cavity and promotes the discharge of gases.

Attention! During this exercise, the baby should be naked. And since we stimulate the activity of the intestines and the release of gases, the newborn can not only fart, but also poop. So get ready for it.

3) The third thing that can be used to remove gases from the intestines is a gas tube.

However, its use requires some skill, it is not always at hand, and many parents are completely afraid of it.

However, not always all these activities help, and then medical assistance is possible. One of the drugs that effectively reduce the amount of gases in the intestines is Sub Simplex for newborns.

Sub Simplex

This drug, like almost all drugs in this group, has in its composition the active substance - simethicone. This effective and safe remedy for children can be used from one month.

The action of Sab Simplex for newborns is due to the fact that it reduces the surface tension of gas bubbles, and they burst.

Naturally, this leads to a decrease in bloating, the disappearance of pain and discomfort in the tummy and the baby calms down.

Sub Simplex for newborns is a French drug that comes in the form of a suspension for oral administration. Suspension from white to gray-white, slightly viscous with a fruity odor.

One glass dropper bottle contains 30 milliliters of the drug. Simethicone, the active ingredient in Sab Simplex, is not absorbed in the intestines and is excreted naturally in the feces unchanged. That is, the drug does not penetrate into the blood, which means it is safe for the baby.

How to give Sub Simplex to newborns?

The drug is dosed in drops - 15 drops per dose. Sub Simplex can be given up to 8 times a day, that is, every feeding, if necessary.

Shake the bottle thoroughly before use. Sub Simplex for newborns can be diluted in water, milk, mixture.

It can be given neat from a teaspoon or dripped directly into the child's mouth.

Drinking Sab Simplex is not necessary, as it has a pleasant sweetish taste, but does not contain sugar. It is better to take the drug during or immediately after feeding.

Children prone to allergic reactions, this drug should be given with caution, as it contains flavors and dyes.

Sub Simplex is contraindicated:

  1. Intestinal obstruction;
  2. obstructive disorders of the gastrointestinal tract;
  3. individual intolerance to the drug.

The price of Sub Simplek for newborns varies from 190 to 260 rubles per bottle. This is the average price for a drug from this group.

I would also like to note that the level of evidence for the effectiveness of drugs based on simethicone is B (a drug with insufficient or questionable effectiveness).

However, on the Internet you can find a huge number of positive reviews about the drug.

Each child is individual, this drug helps someone, someone does not. Before use, it is best to consult a pediatrician.

To improve the well-being of a newborn with colic and pain in the tummy, parents try to use only safe and proven means. One of these drugs is Sab Simplex, an American medicine used from birth that does not have a systemic effect on the body. Consider what are the advantages and benefits of Sub Simplex, instructions for use for newborns, differences from popular analogues.

The drug registration certificate is owned by PFIZER Inc. (USA), a drug manufactured in France enters Russia. The tool belongs to the group of carminatives, used for violations of the functions of the intestine, to reduce flatulence.

The SAB ® Simplex preparation promotes the removal of intestinal gases in the simplest and safest way - the active substance, acting on the shell of the gas bubbles, destroys it, turns large formations into small ones. In addition, the Sub Simplex prevents small gas formations from recombining.

Small bubbles are absorbed into the walls or simply come out naturally due to intestinal peristalsis.

The drug is inert in relation to intestinal tissues - it is not absorbed, therefore it does not enter the bloodstream. Due to this, the liver and kidneys of infants have no effect. Interacts with intestinal gases, not with the body. The main feature of the drug is the possibility of using it right from birth. SAB ® Simplex is recommended for the elimination of colic in babies who are breastfed and artificially fed, which makes the drug widely demanded and popular.

Composition and form of release

The drug is a suspension for oral use. Sub Simplex is a viscous substance of white or gray-white color. The medicine is packaged in dark glass vials with a dropper. Volume - 30 milliliters. The bottle is packed in a box, there is an instruction. The drug substance of the drug, which has carminative activity, is called simethicone (69 milligrams per 1 milliliter). This is a combination of two components - dimethicone (92.5% of the total volume of simethicone) and silicon dioxide (7.5%). Other substances in the medicine (including purified water - almost 90%) are auxiliary.

For your information: SAB ® Simplex is flavored with a raspberry-vanilla substrate, which improves the taste of the drug, but often provokes allergies.

Indications for use

  1. For symptomatic therapy - with flatulence, increased gas formation. With colic in infants associated with underdevelopment of the intestinal tract.
  2. To reduce gas formation caused by surgical manipulations, operations.
  3. As a tool that facilitates the diagnosis of the gastrointestinal organs.

The drug Sab Simplex is also used in the treatment of poisoning with detergents.

How does it work on babies

Immediately after the birth of the baby, his digestion is still working on enzymes received from the mother in the womb. Starting from 2-3 weeks, the supply is depleted, and the gastrointestinal tract digests food on its own. The muscle layer of the larynx, esophagus, and the sphincter that closes the entrance to the stomach are still underdeveloped in infants, so air enters the digestive tract during meals. Enzymes for digestion are not formed enough, their composition is incomplete.

Enzyme deficiencies in infants and air swallowing by sucking cause high gas production. Most babies between the ages of 3 weeks and 3-4 months suffer from colic. Babies kick their legs, scream for a long time from bursting the intestinal walls with the resulting gases.

SAB ® Simplex is used to break up gas bubbles in the baby's intestines, prevent constant pressure on the walls, reduce pain and general anxiety. Despite the high activity of simethicone against gases, the baby is completely protected, since the components of the drug do not enter the body, they are not absorbed into the blood.

The drug can be given to a newborn without fear of systemic action. Experienced pediatricians claim that Sub Simplex is not a radical way to get rid of colic. Since increased gas formation in infants is caused by physiological causes, is the result of the natural development and formation of the body, a cure occurs when the time comes, the digestive system begins to work in full force. Many parents do not notice any improvement after using SAB ® Simplex, so they prefer to use massage, try other formulas for feeding.

How to take

For children under one year old, including newborns, a single dose is constant - 15 drops, which corresponds to 0.6 milliliters of medication. Methods of application depend on the preferences of the parents, the characteristics of feeding and the age of the baby:

  • spoon directly into the mouth - the medicine is gently poured into the baby between the cheek and lower jaw;
  • add to water, milk, formula for feeding - the drug is well diluted with any liquids;
  • when breastfeeding, the medicine can be diluted in breast milk and given to the child with a spoon.

The frequency of receptions is determined by the intensity of colic. If they are not permanent, the medicine is given if necessary, according to the symptoms. Babies suffering from constant colic, jerking their legs, having restless sleep, the drug is given at each feeding. To provide the baby with a long rest, 15 drops are also given at night before bedtime. So a monthly baby can receive medicine up to 8 times a day.

The drug is excreted without coming into contact with the body within a few hours (3-6). You can treat an infant with Sab Simplex for a long time, but you should not get too carried away and constantly use a high dose. When the condition stabilizes, the number of doses of the medicine is immediately reduced first to 6, then brought to 2. Usually, by the age of 4 months, digestion in babies stabilizes, the condition improves. Enough 2 doses of SAB ® Simplex per day - in the morning and at night before bedtime.

At the age of 1-6 years, the norms of taking the drug remain the same - 15 drops at a time during each meal, an additional intake is allowed at night. Before measuring the medicine, the vial is shaken vigorously to give the viscous substance a uniform consistency. Tilt the vial upside down and use a dropper to count the required number of drops. You should not independently adjust the dose of the drug, reduce or increase, based on your own safety reasons or to increase the effectiveness of treatment.

Pediatricians who advise taking Sab Simplex recommend not neglecting other ways to combat the formation of gases in the intestines. Recall a few simple rules baby care:

  • do not overfeed;
  • regularly massage the tummy;
  • do not feed at every cry;
  • do not overheat.

The drug is prescribed for infants, if you need to conduct a hardware study of the gastrointestinal tract. This can significantly improve the image quality of the digestive organs. How to take SAB ® Simplex, the doctor will tell you before the examination.

For your information: Sub Simplex is allowed to be taken by nursing mothers. Co-administration of the drug can alleviate the condition of babies who are breastfed.


The drug is begun to be used with caution in infants, limited to one dose at first. This is how the baby is allergic to the active substance or auxiliary components. Allergic reactions can be caused by simethicone, citric and sorbic acids, or the flavors used. In the presence of an allergy to the components, the drug is contraindicated in children with HB and artificers.

Other contraindications to taking the medicine are:

  • intestinal obstruction;
  • obstructive lesions of the gastrointestinal tract.

Sub Simplex is sold without a prescription, but it is best to get a pediatrician's recommendation before using it.

Differences from analogues

Pharmacy chains also offer other drugs that reduce the severity of colic in infants. Consider the main characteristics of SAB ® Simplex analogues that can be used by babies from birth.


The children's version of the drug is called Espumizan Baby. The same substance, simethicone, has a carminative effect, that is, both drugs contain one active ingredient. The content of simethicone is 100 milligrams per 1 milliliter. Newborns are given medicine up to 5 times a day, 5-10 drops, during feeding. Due to the higher content of the active substance, Espumizan Baby is taken at a lower dose.

The medicine is allowed to be taken directly from birth, long-term use of the drug is allowed. Price - 360-550 rubles. The drug is produced in vials with a dropper of 30 and 50 milliliters. Espumizan contains flavorings and may cause allergies. Manufacturer - Germany.


Poland offers its own version of the use of semiticone - the drug Bobotik. The active substance has a concentration of 66.66 milligrams per milliliter, which is close to SAB ® Simplex. Manufacturers allow the drug to be taken from the age of 28 days, that is, they do not give newborns Bobotik. Recommended dosage for children under 2 years old - 8 drops 4 times a day. The medicine is produced in a bottle with a dropper with a volume of 30 milliliters. The price starts from 250 rubles.

Baby Calm is a drug that has other active ingredients. It's a complex vegetable oils anise, mint and dill. Can be used for pain and colic in infants from birth. It has anti-inflammatory, antibacterial activity, relieves intestinal spasm, removes gases. Before use, dilution with boiled water is required, then the prepared medicine is stored in the refrigerator for no more than a month.

Baby Calm belongs to the group of dietary supplements. Produced in Israel. The price of a bottle of 15 milliliters is from 300 rubles. SAB ® Simplex and its analogues have similar therapeutic characteristics, any of them can cause allergies. Before choosing, you should consult with your pediatrician.

Interaction of Sab Simplex with other drugs

The drug is not absorbed by the intestines, it is not found in tissues and organs, it is excreted unchanged. No drug interactions were found during the studies.


With severe colic, Sab Simplex can be used up to 8 times a day at a constant dosage - 15 drops. This limit should not be exceeded. Dangerous consequences of overdose are not fixed. A slight excess of the number of receptions has no negative consequences for the baby.

Often parents are looking for the best medicine buy multiple items. In cases of severe flatulence, pediatricians allow the joint intake of Sab Simplex and Baby Calm, since they act differently, they contain unrelated components. It is impossible to use Sab Simplex, Espumizan and Bobotik together - the active substance is the same, the baby is at risk of overdose.

How to store

Special conditions for the storage of the drug are not required. The Simplex sub can be kept at room temperature, providing protection from children. Do not use longer than the recommended period, which is 3 years.

Colic torments most babies who are on any type of feeding. Parents must understand that this is not a disease, but the features of the formation of a small organism. Sub Simplex helps to survive the first difficult months, to make life easier for the baby. Important means in the fight against gas formation are also proper feeding, massage, caring care.

Sub Simplex is a remedy that eliminates colic in newborns. The basis of Sab Simplex for newborns is simethicone - a surfactant without chemical additives. It works to eliminate gas formation in the stomach and intestines. Created especially for newborns, Sub Simplex has a sweet taste and pleasant smell. Despite such flattering characteristics, the drug should not be given to a child without the recommendation of a pediatrician. The doctor examines the baby for the presence of surgical pathologies in which the use of Sab Simplex is contraindicated.

Sub Simplex allows you to eliminate one of the most unpleasant childhood conditions - intestinal colic

The composition of the drug and its active substances

The main working element of the drug is simethicone, which is directed to the relief of colic. What else is present in the Sub Simplex composition:

  • Dimethicone is a stable surfactant. Forming the base of the drug, polymethixolane changes the tension of the gas shell, leading to the destruction of gas bubbles that cause colic. The gas released under the action of the substance, as expected, partially enters the bloodstream, being released from the intestinal tissues. Most of the gas secretions leave the body through peristalsis. The amount of dimethicone in the finished product is 64 mg per 10 ml.
  • The second most important element is silicon dioxide. The percentage of the substance is 7.5%. Silicon dioxide is responsible for binding and removing toxins and gases from the body.

The combination of two active ingredients was called "simethicone" and became the main working substance of the drug. Both elements in the composition of the product are inert compounds: they are not absorbed into the stomach and, passing through the stomach and intestines, do not enter into chemical reactions with other substances. The action of simethicone is physical in nature and consists in the destruction of gas bubbles and preventing their subsequent formation. Produced in the form of a suspension, 1 ml of which contains 69 mg of simethicone.

Sub Simlex is available in the form of a suspension, which is convenient to give to the baby from the first days of life.

When should I take Sub Simplex?

The need to take the drug is associated with its carminative action. The drug fights the accumulation of gases in the gastrointestinal tract of the child, eliminates constipation, but many parents do not know what causes this problem. Pediatricians point to the three most common situations that lead to increased gas production. Knowledge is not superfluous, so it is worth considering in more detail each of them.

Large amounts of gas in the intestines

The accumulation of a large amount of gases in the intestines is considered by pediatricians to be one of the most common causes of colic in newborns (see also:). Problems are provoked by various factors: infection in the intestines or congenital pathology of the pancreas. Violation in the structure of the pancreas causes a lack of enzymes. The body of the crumbs, faced with these problems, cannot normally cope with the gas-forming food that the mother eats. To prevent colic in such a situation is quite simple: the medicine must be drunk by both the baby and the mother.

Poor penetration of gases from the intestinal walls into the vessels that feed them

The difficult penetration of gases into the vessels may be associated with an operation on the organs of the newborn located in the abdomen or with the presence of Hirschsprung's disease in the crumbs. If these reasons are present, Sub Simplex should not be taken. The drug is prescribed only after a thorough diagnosis. To do this, the patient's feces are examined for dysbacteriosis. The treatment is carried out in a complex way, replacement therapy (reception of lactic acid and bifidobacteria) is added to the reception of the remedy. The doctor determines the dosage of drugs and calculates the frequency of administration.

If a child has a problem with difficult penetration of gases into the vessels, the doctor may prescribe the intake of lactic acid bacteria in the composition complex therapy

Child swallowing air

The third and rather common reason is related to the intake of a large amount of air into the child's digestive system. Breastfed babies often take in air, so the baby should be held upright after feeding. The situation repeats itself if the baby is hungry and sucks milk or formula very quickly. Aerophagia also appears when the child lies on his side for a long time with his head thrown back.

To relieve the effects of swallowing air, the drug is dosed as prescribed by the instructions attached to the product. If swallowing occurs due to any neurological disease, the baby should be examined by a specialist. It is also required to take the drug to undergo computed tomography of the abdominal organs. The medicine removes excess gases that can interfere with a proper examination. For example, flatulence does not allow clear visualization of stones in gallbladder, inflammation of the pancreas will not be visible, it is impossible to recognize signs of gastritis.

The drug has contraindications, therefore, before its appointment, you will need to undergo a medical examination.

In what form is the medicine produced?

The dosage form of the drug is drops. The structure of the suspension is viscous, painted in white-gray color. Sold in a dark bottle, the cap of which is a dropper. For correct use the drug bottle must be turned over and tapped with a finger on the bottom. The medicine smells pleasantly of a mixture of vanilla and raspberries, has a sweetish taste with fruity notes. It is allowed to dilute the suspension with breast milk or formula.

When is the drug indicated, what are its contraindications?

Consider the indications for which the pediatrician prescribes the drug to infants. The main features are:

  • severe bloating, constipation;
  • detergent poisoning;
  • reception before X-ray, ultrasound, computed tomography of the abdomen and spine;
  • after operations on organs in the abdomen and retroperitoneal space, in a period when peristalsis has already recovered, but gas formation is still increased.

Bloating and constipation are good reasons to prescribe a drug

Let us dwell on the contraindications that every parent needs to know. We note right away that patients with diabetes can use the drug: the suspension does not contain carbohydrates that require insulin for breakdown. The drug is not prescribed for:

  1. Complete intestinal obstruction.
  2. Allergies to drug components. Simethicone is inert and does not cause a negative reaction; fruit additives can serve as the culprit for allergies.
  3. Obstructive pathology of the digestive system, characterized by frequent spasms of the obturator muscles and narrowing of the intestinal lumen in an arbitrary section, causing inflammation.

Instructions for use

A convenient bottle with a dropper cap ensures ease of use of the product. Before taking the liquid in the vial must be shaken.

How to calculate the dosage?

The dosage regimen depends on the age of the child:

  • up to 6 years - 15 drops;
  • from 6 to 15 years - 20-30 drops.

The method of administration varies depending on how the baby eats:

  • for a bottle-fed child, Sab Simplex is added to the milk mixture at the rate of 15 drops per bottle of the mixture;
  • when breastfeeding, they are given separately, dropping the drug into a teaspoon or typing with a syringe; it is advisable to take the medicine before feeding or at night.

The procedure for taking the drug is the same for all children under the age of one year. The dosage of 15 drops at a time is also unchanged. Drops are given to infants before meals, artificial people are injected into the milk mixture. It is allowed to add Sub Simplex to tea or milk.

Manufacturers and pediatricians do not provide information on the maximum dose, since even the drug taken in large quantities does not show an overdose effect.

In order for the baby to drink Sab Simplex without any problems, you can add it to milk or formula

How often to give the drug?

The frequency of taking the medicine depends on the external and physical condition of the newborn. With frequent bloating of the tummy, tucking up the child's legs and crying, the remedy can be given up to 9 times a day. A lighter condition does not require such a frequency, and 6 times a day is enough. The duration of the course can be several weeks, but short breaks are necessary.

Frequent intake for newborns is due to the physiological structure of the intestine (smaller in length) and the characteristics of metabolism (goes faster) in such early age. Due to this, the drug is completely eliminated from the body after 4-6 hours, without undergoing any changes.

For older children (from 6 to 15 years old), a single dose is given in the amount of 20-30 drops. The interval between taking the drug remains the same, that is, 4-6 hours. The suspension can be given to the child during meals, and after it, and at night. The speed of exposure to the active substances of Sab Simplex is 15-20 minutes. After drinking the drops, the baby will feel relief after a quarter of an hour, which will please the parents and the little patient.

Does the remedy have any side effects?

Serious side effects the drug was not found. Medical research and application practice have noted the possibility of an allergic reaction in the form of atopic dermatitis (redness of the cheeks). Some parents talk about the appearance of constipation in a child after taking Sub Simplex. Cases are rare, so experts tend to associate it with previously undiagnosed pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract.

What to do in case of overdose?

The active substances of Sab Simplex are not physically and chemically involved in any processes (intact), they a priori cannot cause an overdose. However, a significant overdose can be the culprit of certain disorders, but it is unlikely that any parent will take such a step. Numerous tests of the remedy have shown the absence of serious consequences from a minor overdose.

Is it possible to replace the drug and with what?

Drugs such as Bobotik and Espumizan are considered similar in content and treatment. The working components in them can be simethicone or non-sorbent dimethicone. Let's compare these remedies so that parents can understand how they work, whether they differ in their actions from Sub Simplex, at what age and how to use them.


Espumizan is almost completely similar to the working formula of Sub Simplex. The difference is in the taste, which this drug has a banana. Some changes are made by additional substances.

Like Sab Simplex, Espumizan is recommended for the treatment of infants with colic and constipation. A single dose of simethicone is slightly less and equals 40 mg, while for the first agent it is 41.5 mg. Clinical trials have shown better compatibility Sub Simplex with a baby body than Espumizan.


A significant difference in the dosage of the leading component (simethicone): Simplex - 41.5 mg / ml, Bobotik - 20 mg / ml. With regard to additional elements, complete identity is observed. However, the instructions for Bobotik indicate that the drug is contraindicated for children up to the 28th day of life (we recommend reading:).

At the same time, the analogue costs less and is spent more economically, which may attract some parents. Most often, pediatricians still prescribe Sab Simplex, ignoring the price difference and the promises of the manufacturer. Doctors are sure that the first drug works better.

The problem of colic cannot be solved by self-purchase of an advertised product (we recommend reading:). Perhaps your child’s tummy hurts due to neurological disorders that push the child to swallow air, or the child needs probiotics, without which carminative drugs are useless.

An accurate diagnosis can establish that the baby needs a complex intake of carminative and antispasmodic drugs.

  1. The baby may fit. Plantex containing fennel extract will accelerate the release of gases, stabilize digestion and relieve intestinal spasm, and Sub Simplex will destroy gas bubbles, making it easier for Plantex.
  2. It is also impossible to directly compare Simplex and BabyCalm - with excruciating colic, it is useful to give the baby both remedies, since they act differently. BabyCalm, consisting of a mixture of mint, dill and anise oils, relieves inflammation and spasm, has an antibacterial effect on the intestines. Simethicone ensures the destruction of gas bubbles, which are safely removed by both means.

So, Sab Simplex, a modern drug based on simethicone, turns gases into soluble compounds, helping them to be quickly removed from the body and greatly alleviating the torment of the crumbs. The delicious taste of raspberries enhances the attractiveness of the medicine for children, they drink it with pleasure. Assimilation is easy, and after a few hours colic disappears without a trace.
