Hello dear readers! With the onset of warm days, gardeners have more trouble, because the legions of pests that have starved for the winter have already begun to “perform” their dirty deeds.

The fruit weevil, one of the dangerous enemies of the garden, has now launched a particularly active activity. What is this pest and how to deal with weevil?

Pest development and damage

Fruit weevils are a whole category of small bugs (4 - 7 mm long). The most common include pear, cherry, gray bud weevils, goose, bukarka, red-winged hawthorn and copper pipeworms. First, adults pierce buds, then infect buds and flowers, feast on petals, stamens and pistils, and sometimes even infect young shoots with leaves.

June is the time of oviposition of beetles. At this time, they eat out small holes that look like injection marks. The females lay their eggs in them. The development of the larvae emerging from the eggs continues in the fruits for about a month - at this time they feed on the pulp (and in apples they can even gnaw on seeds).

The risk group includes cherries, apricots, quince, cherry plums, pears, almonds, bird cherry, peach, teren, cherries, plums, apple trees, and other fruit and berry and stone fruit crops are less likely to be invaded by weevils.

The attack of weevils threatens to cause great damage. The buds damaged by these pests turn brown and die, or they form

deformed and ugly leaves, buds, ovary with flowers, unable to fully develop.

Foliage spoiled by weevils turns brown, withers and crumbles. Such an extremely unpleasant and depressing picture can be observed already at the beginning of the very first summer month - June. With the development of a large number of weevils, leaf fall bares the trees by about half. And it also happens that the foliage falls completely from the crown.

Such premature leaf fall enhances vegetative growth and the death of the remaining ovary, the plant weakens, growth decreases and fruiting decreases.This negatively affects not only the harvest expected this year, but also the formation of next year's buds.

After damage by weevils, the fruits grow small, convex cones or hard, corked places may appear on them. In addition, part of the crop is either eaten completely, or the fruits fall off. For example, a female goose, after laying eggs in a fetus, gnaws through its stalk.

The fruit that has fallen to the ground begins to rot, because this pest carries spores of a disease such as.

During the abundant flowering of apple trees, weevils do not do much harm, because, thanks to his "effort", the amount of excess ovary is reduced.

Preventive measures in the fight against weevil

Fruit crops should be planted in elevated areas with good drainage, and there should be no wild plants nearby.

In the spring, during the swelling and budding, in the morning, at temperatures up to 10 degrees, the beetles are shaken off on a litter, and then destroyed in water, to which kerosene is added. If this procedure is carried out at high temperature, many pests will scatter. With a very large number of weevils, they are shaken off several times.

Before the kidney scales swell, trapping belts are arranged in the upper part of the trunk of trees. You can also install in the middle of the trunk. Before installing trapping belts, dead bark is removed so that there are no gaps under it through which pests can get through.

There are already ready-to-use belts on sale. In the photo you see adhesive belt for trees "Aeroxon", - there are no poisons in it, it is designed to collect and destroy caterpillars, ants and any crawling insects. By the way, I would like to note that it is absolutely harmless for beneficial insects, another plus is moisture resistance. Attachment rope included. In general, everything to protect your trees from small pests.

If you do it yourself, then take note that glue belts are mainly made using soft cardboard, on which a layer of special glue is applied. You can also make a hunting belt from loosened cotton wool, which becomes an insurmountable barrier for beetles, but such belts are made only if there is an urgent need, because even beneficial insects. Visors are made above the belts to protect against rain.

Apple trees, whitewashed with lime mortar at the beginning of bud swelling at the rate of 1.5 kg per 10 liters of water, are little populated by flower beetles and all sorts of other weevils.

Leaves that have fallen prematurely must be removed and burned, otherwise a little later the larvae will hide in the ground, where they will pupate.

If possible, buds with brown caps that have appeared are collected and destroyed - these are the larvae of the apple flower beetle. This procedure is carried out immediately, as soon as the buds turn brown, in order to prevent the development of larvae into adults.

Periodically it is necessary to loosen the soil in near-stem circles. Early in the spring or late in the fall, to destroy the weevils that have climbed over the winter, they dig up the soil in the near-stem circles. Also in the fall, it is necessary to clean the trunks along with the branches from dead and old bark, these areas are whitewashed with lime mortar.

You can arrange root traps from dry foliage, into which weevils will climb. Then this foliage will need to be burned. At the base, you can also lay trapping belts, which are also then burned (in winter).

When harvesting, the bottom of the container is covered with a piece of cloth or paper. During the day, they will gather a considerable number of pest larvae, which are then destroyed.

Folk methods of dealing with weevils

A very common method of dealing with beetles is spraying daily infusions of bitter wormwood or field chamomile with laundry soap (soap acts as an adhesive).

Onion infusions, garlic, infusions from spruce and pine branches are also used. To prepare such infusions, a container is taken, onion, garlic, pine or spruce branches are placed in it until the middle. Then the container is filled with water and infused for two weeks. The infused solution must be filtered and diluted with water in a ratio of 1:10.

To combat garden pests, some gardeners boil tomato tops, for which a kilogram of tops is placed in a bucket of water and boiled for half an hour. Half a piece of laundry soap is also added to this decoction.

Chemical control agents

Folk remedies are not always effective, and chemical preparations are already used here: Zeon, Altyn, Karachar, Sensei, Bi-58 Novy, Aktellik, Lambada-S, Rogor-S. During the growing season, it is effective to use Fufanon, Karbofos-500, Iskra-M, Kemifos and Novaktion. Consumption - 2-5 liters of working fluid per tree. Usually the treatment is carried out three times: the first - the green cone phase, the second - the end of flowering, the third - 10 days after the second treatment.

Due to the habituation of plants, they are not treated with the same preparation several times. If a new preparation is used, it must be tested on one plant. See the result in a day - if everything is in order with the plant, then all plants of this species can be treated with this preparation.

And yet, dear and respected gardeners, I wish you that there are fewer harmful insects in your gardens, and that plants and trees feel great!

See you soon!

With all respect, Andrew!

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(barley, rice, rye, wheat, buckwheat, corn, as well as pasta), capable of destroying stocks on the scale of both the kitchen economy and huge grain storages.

For farmers, its appearance is a disaster, because visually inconspicuous, the bug causes enormous damage to the crop.

Barn weevil: description

Characterized by small size(about 4 mm), the pest bug is distinguished by a dark brown, almost black color, a narrow long body and the presence of wings. Such an insect is not adapted for flying, which does not prevent it from successfully moving over considerable distances with the help of a person. The granary weevil travels from continent to continent on ships with industrial batches of grain, by land - by trains and cars. How to get rid of such a dangerous insect?

The process of reproduction of such insects occurs during the warm period: the female gnaws a small hole in each grain with the help of a thin proboscis (two in a corn grain), lays an egg in it, and then covers the gap with a cork of flour. Such a trick makes damaged grains outwardly almost indistinguishable from whole ones. You can distinguish the “trick” if you throw a handful of grains into the water: damaged (inhabited) specimens will float up, whole ones will sink to the bottom. At visual inspection it can be seen that grains with larvae are an order of magnitude duller in color than undamaged ones.

barn weevil

The fertility of one individual is 150-300 eggs at life cycle 3-4 months; males live a little longer, about 5 months. The duration of the development of the larva (about 3 mm long, white, with a brown head) depends on temperature and humidity and is 3-6 weeks. One can only imagine how many thousands of pests only one pair of beetles can produce during the year. At a temperature of +4 o C, the larvae stop developing, at - 5 o C they die. Upon completion of development, they turn into almost transparent pupae, 3-5 mm long. After 7 - 22 days, the formed beetles of a new generation gnaw out a passage in the shell and leave the shelter outside. The average life expectancy of an adult specimen is about 2 years. During the day, one larva destroys 0.08-0.67 mg of grain, gnawing out its internal contents; accordingly, the mass number of these insects is capable of destroying a significant amount of stocks.

Destruction of a beetle in kitchen supplies

How to deal with this dangerous pest like a barn weevil? How to get rid of such a small but harmful insect in the barn and in the kitchen? In the context of household stocks, when a weevil is found in cereals, the latter should not be eaten, because the secretions of insects and larvae contain carcinogens. Infected products must be thrown away, and a tough and possibly lengthy fight must be fought with the weevil.

It is recommended to store cereals in jars or hermetically sealed containers - not in bags that the barn weevil (photo above) easily gnaws through with its sharp teeth. Barn weevils are heat-loving creatures and die at low temperatures. Therefore, cold can be used as one of the ways to get rid of bugs: foods that serve as potential food for the weevil should be placed in the freezer. Destroying on a tiny inhabitant are also high temperatures. So, at +40 ° C, the granary weevil dies within 2 days, at +50 ° C - after 6 hours. After processing, food stocks should be placed in sealed containers with tight lids that are impervious to insects.

Folk methods

Garlic, peeled and placed in containers with cereals, has a deterrent effect on the barn weevil. For preventive purposes, cabinets where food products, it is required to process with a soap-vinegar composition. Can be laid out on shelves Bay leaf and lavender, the smell of which the weevil does not perceive. You should not make large cereal stocks, it is better to purchase products as they are used.

Barn weevil: control measures

It is very difficult to get rid of the barn weevil, because the insect hides in hard-to-reach places, and being inside the grains, it is practically invulnerable, and is capable of destroying from 10 to 30% of the harvested grain.

The fight against barn weevil consists of the following measures:

  • Strong cooling of grain (up to -10 ° C), which can be used both for preventive purposes and in the process of destroying existing pests. Cooling is carried out in dry weather with ventilation and ventilation. This requires mandatory control of humidity.
  • Partially, the barn weevil can be eliminated by removing it on sieves with holes or with the help of aspiration preparations. Any movement of the grain mass negatively affects the state of harmful insects, reduces their number and development.

Chemical methods of weevil control

One of effective methods getting rid of the barn weevil is the chemical disinfection of grain - a radical measure, which consists in aerosol or gas treatment. Aerosol disinfection is carried out with the help of preparations "Aktellik", "Karate", "Fufanon", "Arrivo". This treatment, the advantage of which is the high efficacy of the drug, is carried out by special organizations. The disadvantages of this method include a long period of time until the sale of grain is allowed.

Gas disinfection is carried out with such preparations as Foskom, Alfos, Phostoxin, Magtoxin. Previously, the premises must be carefully sealed, and fumigation should be carried out with the involvement of specialized organizations.

Prevention against barn weevil

It is important to take preventive measures:

  • before falling asleep in the bunkers, the grain must be cleaned of weed and grain impurities;
  • separately different harvesting periods and different humidity;
  • thoroughly clean containers from last year's stocks of grain and garbage;
  • monitor the moisture content of the grain (not lower than 14%); in the case of long-term storage, this indicator is recommended to be reduced by 2-4%, which increases the resistance of the grain to damage by the weevil and limits the vital activity of this pest;
  • destroy contaminated stocks.

In case of severe infection, it will be necessary to fumigate grain and storage facilities with preparations intended for this.

As preventive methods, it is imperative to observe cleanliness and order in warehouses, treat them chemically (by gas disinfestation, aerosol and wet disinfection of warehouses), and whitewash before filling the grain.

Grain should be checked for barn weevil infestation every 2 weeks in summer and once a month in winter time. Analysis for infection is carried out in accordance with regulatory methods and standards.

Weevil beetles in the garden, how to deal with a pest. From spring to late autumn in gardens, especially in thickened ones, there are many different weevils. They eat buds, petals, ovaries, but this is not so bad. But when egg-laying begins, plants can be seriously affected, and gardeners will lose a significant part of the crop. Therefore, you always need to know the enemies in person.

What does a weevil beetle, goose, lifestyle look like

As soon as the females of the flower beetle finish the work of settling their offspring in separate apartments, namely in buds, they are replaced by those whose offspring will already eat fruits.

A handsome weevil with wings of a luxurious raspberry color with a golden-green tint is affectionately called, at home - a goose. It is slightly larger than the flower beetle (6.5 mm) and not so picky in food. It can feed on apple, pear, plum and other plants. The goose especially loves neglected gardens, where the trees have not felt the caring hands of their owner for a long time.

The bugs themselves are picky. They hibernate right on the ground, covered with fallen leaves. In spring, like all weevils, they rise to the crown of apple, pear, cherry, plum and other trees and feed on whatever they have to. And when the fruits grow up, the females begin the main business.

They gnaw narrow holes 2-3 mm deep in the fruits and place one egg there, as in a cradle, and the holes are carefully sealed.

Naturally, fruit rot will certainly appear in such a place. And this is exactly what the mother goose needs. She knows that her child can only live and eat in rotting fruit. And she also needs the fruit to fall from the tree, otherwise it will be difficult for the native larva to go to pupate in the soil.

Of course, the rotten fruit will sooner or later fall off by itself, but the goose does not rely on chance. She must be sure that this will definitely happen in the next few days. Therefore, the female, as soon as she puts the egg in the cradle and seals the entrance, immediately gnaws the stalk.

A week later, a larva emerges from the egg in a rotting fruit, and there it feeds for about a month, and then it goes into the soil to a depth of 10-15 cm and turns into a pupa. At the end of summer, beetles emerge from one part of the pupae. They settle on trees and gnaw on fruits and leaves until late autumn. And the other part of the pupae turns into beetles only next autumn.

As you can see, everything is thought out here. If suddenly next year for some reason there will be no fruits and there will be nowhere to lay eggs, the beetles lingering in the soil will continue their genus. And this is the main thing.

pear weevil

Approximately the same way of life in another weevil - pear. The differences are that its larvae hibernate in the soil, spend the whole next summer there, and in autumn turn into beetles, which again hibernate where they hatched, and only in spring come out to feed on a pear. This pest does not recognize other plants.

plum weevil

The plum weevil - a handsome bronze with a reddish tinge - differs from other brethren in that its body is densely covered with hairs. Beetles overwinter on the soil surface under plant debris.

In early spring, they appear on trees and behave like all weevils. They gnaw the buds, leaves, and when the ovaries appear, the females make holes in them, lay one egg in the pulp (and each female has up to 120 eggs) and immediately gnaw the stalk so that the fruit falls from the tree.

After 1-1.5 weeks, larvae emerge from the eggs, which feed on the pulp of the fallen fruit. After 3-4 weeks, the larvae leave the fruit and go into the soil to pupate. In autumn, beetles emerge from pupae, rise to the crown and eat leaves until frost.

Weevil, or elephant, cherry

Weevil, or elephant, cherry - a bronze-green beetle (9 mm) with a golden-raspberry sheen - hibernates itself and its pupae in the soil. In the crowns of cherries, sweet cherries during flowering appear only those individuals that hibernated in the beetle stage. The pupae remain in the soil until autumn. Beetles feed on everything that is pleasant to gnaw, they especially love ovaries.
The hottest time for females comes during the coloring of the fruit. To lay an egg, she gnaws through the pulp to the very bone and places one egg there, and closes the hole so that the fruit does not wither. The larva penetrates the still soft bone and eats out the core. A month later, it emerges from the fetus, falls to the ground and pupates at a depth of 5 to 15 cm. Some of the larvae turn into beetles, and some remain in the pupal stage. If there are a lot of beetles, you will not see any fresh fruits or cherry jam.

Plum pachyderm

Plum pachyderm is not a weevil, but this small (4 mm) insect is very similar to them in terms of egg laying and feeding of larvae. The female, using a long ovipositor, places the eggs directly inside the not yet hardened bone. Its larva, unlike the elephant larva, does not come out of the stone until spring. And then it will pupate and soon an adult pachyderm will appear.
Raspberry strawberry weevil

The female of a tiny (2-3 mm) grayish raspberry-strawberry weevil lays her eggs in the emerging buds of strawberries, raspberries, and blackberries. Each one is trying to build their entire stock of (50) eggs. And this means that where there was one beetle, several dozen of their sons and daughters may appear in the middle of summer. Imagine what will begin next year, when the time for laying eggs comes again.

How to deal with weevil in the garden

To reduce the anxiety and suffering associated with harmful insects that grow their offspring in fruits, maintain order in the garden. Feed, water the plants, do not let the weeds offend, cut them off in a timely manner, protect them from adversity so that they are always healthy. In the morning, when the air temperature is up to 8 ° C, shake off the beetles on the litter. Every evening, collect fallen, especially rotten, fruits.

If there are a lot of dead plums suitable for use, hold the collected fruits for a day in a container with burlap. Collect and destroy the larvae accumulated at the bottom. Remove fallen leaves and plant debris and place in the compost heap. Be sure to dig up the soil so that those who hibernate deeply are at the top, and those who are used to living on the surface are at the bottom. Put trapping belts on the boles of fruit trees.

Protect birds and predatory insects in the garden. If there are few pests, they can handle it. Well, if there are a lot of weevils, sprinkle the trees with infusions and decoctions of tobacco, garlic, yarrow, a solution of laundry soap. A chemicals apply only locally, in places where pests accumulate.

The weevil family is one of the most common members of the Coleoptera class. Today, more than 50,000 species of such beetles have been recorded. There are about 5,000 species of weevils in Eurasia alone. Each of them is capable of causing significant harm to garden plants. Inaction turns into negative consequences for vegetable, garden, berry and grain cults. The fight against weevil is possible only when taking into account biological features insect.

What is a weevil? Insect larvae resemble light-colored worms, formed in the shape of the letter C. Short bristles can be seen on the body, and a dark-colored chitinous shell protects the head. The larva can live both underground (eating roots) and on the surface, nibbling the foliage and stems of plants.

After a certain period of time, the worms turn into pupae. They form paws, wings and heads with an elongated trunk. Despite the change in the body, the color remains the same.

They easily eat roots, leaves, stems, and, of course, fruits and berries.

The appearance of adult beetles is diverse and associated with a specific purpose. Insects are divided into several classes.

  1. Depending on the length - long-proboscis and short-proboscis.
  2. Coloring - yellow, green, red cover. Some, in addition to color, are distinguished by a unique pattern on the shell.
  3. Body shape. Weevil beetles are rod-shaped, spherical, pear-shaped and diamond-shaped.
  4. Body length. The largest insects reach a length of 0.5 cm.

Adults have a head with a cylindrical proboscis, with which they feed and lay larvae. The females are much larger, but this is the only difference between them.

On the pupa, one can see the rudiments of wings, legs, and a head with a proboscis. Her body is soft and light colored.

For reference! Insects lead a secretive nocturnal lifestyle. During the day, the bug hides in the upper layers of the soil and the root system of the plant. Life span is 2 seasons. In a short period of life, one individual is able to produce offspring in the amount of 100 to 1000 eggs.

The most dangerous species

The beetle of the weevil family can harm any plant. The most dangerous of all is the beet, barn, walnut weevil and stone beetle.

sugar beet

dangerous insect for sugar beet. In the spring, before the emergence of seedlings of the product, the beetle eats weeds, after which it gradually moves on to crops. After their “work”, the beets thin out, lose their sugar content.

barn view

Barn weevil - lives in grain. It is the most widespread in the world. Females are capable of laying about 200 eggs in holes gnawed into crops. Further deposits are covered with secretions. After such processes, the grain is no longer suitable for consumption.


Lives on bushes. The female eats green nuts. The larva spoils the nut from the inside, completely eating away the pulp. If the fight is not started in time, then the insect can damage the entire tree.

Stone beetle

The adult eats buds and leaves. The delayed larva is located inside the fruit (bird cherry, plum, sweet cherry and cherry). When new fruits appear, the female makes a hole in the still soft bone and lays an egg.

Interesting to know! After wintering, the weevil spends the first single outings in April, and a mass exit occurs in the middle and end of May.

How to rid a plant of pests

How to deal with weevils? effective means considered synthetic preparations in liquid form for spraying crops.

In the fight against nut weevils, colloidal sulfur in concentrations up to 2% is indispensable. Spray once every 10 days. Bordeaux liquid also helps.

Barn (grain) weevil requires a special approach. Several chemicals are suitable for fighting (Arrivo, Karate, Fufanon or Actellik). The whole process consists in aerosol processing. Only after it, grain cannot be used for a long time.

Important to remember! Insect pests quickly adapt to adverse conditions. Alternate insecticides, active ingredients and dosage.

Damage symptoms

In order not to buy a weevil remedy in the future, it is necessary to remove weeds in a timely manner and correctly observe the cultural neighborhood. The main thing is to love plants and take care of them on time.

How to deal with weevils in the garden?

Weevil fight: basic tools for effective help.

spraying chemicalsreliable protection from hostile insects. Among the popular drugs are Karbofos, Metaphos, Atellix.

There are so-called biological insect control preparations - Antonem-F and Nemabakt. Another way to resist is fumigation with not too aggressive preparations.

Folk methods of struggle

Weevil control methods using folk recipes has many variations. A popular recipe is to dilute one hundred grams of mustard powder in three liters of water and carefully spray the bushes with this liquid. Wormwood, tansy and hot peppers in pods are effective pest fighters. Berry bushes are sprayed with an infusion of these plants.

Mix three kilograms of ash and forty grams of laundry soap. Spray on affected plants. By the way, dry ash is an effective savior of berry bushes and beet shoots. Sprinkle liberally around plants in early spring.

For reference! Folk remedies have a sparing effect, but remember that such safe procedures should be carried out often. Otherwise, do not expect the effect.

Good advice: Fighting weevil on strawberries

    The fight against weevil cannot be postponed until later. Firstly, the population is growing, and secondly, the risk of crop failure is quite real.

    Weevil extermination on strawberries

    As mentioned above, it is first necessary five days before flowering. This is a necessary measure that will help protect the future crop, scare away pests and destroy existing ones. The degree of effectiveness depends on the agent chosen for spraying.

    There are two options here: hope for effectiveness folk ways or resort to chemicals.

    A novice gardener can be confused by a wide variety of preparations. Conflicting advice over experienced gardeners even more confusing. The wrong choice of means will not only not bring results, but will lead to the loss of precious time and your own efforts.

    Only specialists of a specialized sanitary service, whose tasks include the destruction of dangerous insects, will be able to make a competent assessment of the situation and accurately choose a strategy.

    Weevil larva

    This is one of the largest families of insects, with more than 50 thousand species in total. Only predatory beetles (short-winged or rove beetles) can compete with them in numbers. It is difficult to find such a plant in the world that would be more or less unfamiliar with the weevil beetle.

    Let's take a closer look at the most prominent representatives.


    This representative can be safely called the most original. It lives on the island of Madagascar. For such a name, he must thank his neck, the length of which sometimes exceeds the length of the body. Interesting fact that the long neck is inherent in males. Its length helps the males to roll up the leaf so that the female can lay an egg there. The photo shows what a bizarre look this little "giraffe" has.


    pine weevil

    It is also called pine elephant. Despite the cute name, this is a dangerous forest pest that lives in coniferous copses. The larvae develop under the bark of tree stumps, so the larvae are harmless. But when they turn into adults, they attack coniferous young growth, gnawing out the bark. This can lead to the death of a fragile plant. The pine weevil has a brown color with yellow dots that form two longitudinal stripes.

    This species is a black beetle with a bluish tinge. He also has an attachment to coniferous trees. It gnaws holes in young shoots and lays eggs there. The larvae hatch from the eggs, begin to make moves inside the tree trunk, then pupate. The combined activity of larvae and adults leads to drying and death of trees.

    This subspecies of long-nosed insect is another enemy of forests. In size, it significantly exceeds its relatives - the body length reaches 14 millimeters. He also has a good appetite. From him great goes to young trees. By the way, this species is practically not found in old coniferous forests. The beetle has a bright brown or chestnut color with transverse yellowish or orange stripes and spots.

    What is dangerous beetle weevil - video
