A few months ago, I saw this photo of a man in front of a 6-meter fence on Twitter and immediately thought: gotta see what's behind it.

In general, everyone in the wonderful city of Plyos already knows that - Medvedev's dacha. And why is there in the city of Plyos, they wrote about it in newspapers, in a Wikipedia article about this place too: here is Medvedev's dacha.

A 6-meter fence is such a thing, it not only protects, but also attracts the curious.

We are just so curious and want to know. What is there, behind the fence of the dacha of the leader of the list of the party "United Russia"? How much does it cost? Who paid for it? And why is it so hidden if it is not an official state residence?

Found: a gigantic residence, what was written in the media - 2 hectares - this is nonsense, there are 80 hectares. It's like three Kremlins or 30 Red Squares.

In terms of organization, it is very similar to some kind of "New-Ogaryovo" satellite: the residence of the "first person" is fenced with an internal fence, inside the outer perimeter of the hotel for employees, car depot, etc.

Three helipads (like Putin's in Gelendzhik), special communications towers, according to the documents we see that there are several underground structures.

We have no doubt that this is not the oligarch's dacha, but Medvedev's dacha. Especially since he is there often. See mushrooms on Instagram

See the geotag - it will be from there

Well, the most interesting thing: it was built not just with oligarchic money, but with oligarchic money donated to charity.

Shareholders of the gas giant NOVATEK Mikhelson and Simanovsky contributed 33 billion to the authorized fund of the DAR charity fund (the head of the supervisory board there was a classmate of Medvedev), and the fund began to build several strange closed objects from this money, including this one. Detailed description document diagrams.

The next time you read on the Internet about the nationwide collection of a million rubles for the treatment of a sick child, remember this “charity”. With this amount, you can make the necessary paid operations to everyone needy.

Well, what can you call it?

We show everything as it is and call a spade a spade in our new video:

I have a standard request for help with distribution (it will not be shown on TV), but with an addition.

The entire Internet is full of posts about the elections: this is our duty, this is our chance, the fight for EP, and so on.

It is unlikely that you personally can do something more useful in terms of the fight against United Russia than the distribution of this video. Throw it everywhere, and especially where those who still believe in the party where Medvedev is number one on the list live.

Subscribe to our channel.
If you like what FBK does, then our work is your labor money.

The Anti-Corruption Foundation (FBK) of opposition politician Alexei Navalny has published its most extensive investigation yet. The main character of the revealing publication was the closest associate of the President of the country, Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev. In the material "He is not Dimon to you" We are talking about luxury real estate, land plots, yachts, agricultural complexes and wineries that FBK employees found with a high-ranking politician.

This investigation resulted in an almost 50-minute film about Medvedev's wealth, acquired, according to the fund, on "donations" from oligarchs and loans from state banks. The video was posted on Navalny's channel on YouTube. The text version is available in Russian and English.

As Navalny points out in his blog, the fund's employees uncovered a sophisticated, ramified corruption scheme through which Medvedev enriches himself. The authors of the investigation found out that there is a network of charitable and non-profit foundations organized by Medvedev's proxies and relatives, "donations" for them come from oligarchs and state banks, and Medvedev and his family are the recipients of assistance. These funds are allegedly used to purchase real estate and other property, not only in Russia, but also abroad.

FBK recalls that according to such a scheme, Medvedev owns, an investigation about which the fund published back in September last year. Then it was reported that the object was guarded by the FSO and there was a no-fly zone above it.

In total, according to the FBK, at least 70 billion rubles in money and property were transferred to Medvedev's funds, and with these funds, in particular, the prime minister's estate and agro-complex in Mansurovo, the Psekhako mountain residence in Sochi, vineyards in Anapa and Tuscany were built and maintained. (Italy), Milovka estate in Plyos, Ivanovo region.

According to the FBK, one of the objects at the disposal of Medvedev is residence on Rublyovka worth about five billion rubles. Formally, the property belongs to the Fund for the Support of Socially Significant State Projects ("Sotsgosproekt"). The residence (both the land and the mansion) was donated to the foundation by one of the richest people in Russia, businessman Alisher Usmanov with a fortune of $12.5 billion, the FBK found out.

The Anti-Corruption Foundation calls such a donation by Usmanov a bribe, saying that an extract from Rosreestr testifies that the billionaire donated the residence.

The chairman of the supervisory board of the Sotsgosproekt fund is Medvedev's classmate, Gazprombank vice-president Ilya Eliseev, who heads the Dar fund, which owned the Milovka estate in Plyos.

At the same time, the Gradislava fund, to which Milovka was donated, was founded by Leonid Rubtsov, writes FBK, noting that he also turned out to be a director in the Green Yard company, which belongs to Sotsgosproekt. And the director of the Sotsgosproekt fund is another classmate of Medvedev, Aleksey Chetvertkov. The founder of Sotsgosproekt is Vitaly Golovachev, who heads the management company of the Dar fund.

The luxurious estate, owned by the foundation, includes a huge house of 3000 sq. m, a guest house with an area of ​​750 sq. m, a bathhouse and other buildings. All this is located on 4.3 hectares in the village of Znamenskoye, Odintsovo district.

In addition, according to FBK, Medvedev has a number of properties in the Kursk region. We are talking about homestead in the village of Mansurovo, where the prime minister's grandfather and father come from, with an area of ​​​​about 240 thousand square meters. m. The estate includes the main house, a guest house, two helipads, a decorative pond and a sports court. The Anti-Corruption Foundation also published a bird's-eye view of the luxurious residence, located in a virtual open field.

The residence is registered as the property of the Mansurovo agricultural complex. The chairman of the board of directors of this company is Medvedev's classmate Ilya Eliseev.

Agrocomplex "Mansurovo" is a huge enterprise occupying 27 thousand hectares, has 3170 heads of cattle, a pig farm for 55 thousand pigs and a stud farm. The director of the enterprise turned out to be Natalya Kharitonova, a graduate of the law faculty of Leningrad State University, a student of Eliseev. One of the members of the board of directors is Andrei Medvedev, who is allegedly a cousin of the Russian prime minister.

Andrei Medvedev is the director and owner of a small stake in Seim-Agro (growing tomatoes, cucumbers and roses). The main founder of this company is ZAO Kurskproteplitsa, whose board of directors is headed by the same classmate of Medvedev, Ilya Eliseev. And the sole owner of Kurspromteplitsa is the Sotsgosproekt fund, to which Usmanov presented the Rublev residence.

According to FBK, the Sotsgosproekt fund owns a stake in the Rocky Coast company, which owns vineyards in Anapa. Board of Directors " rocky coast"is headed by Eliseev. One of the directors of this company was Andrei Zhmenya, who later became the director of the Gradislava fund, to which the Milovka estate in Plyos was recorded.

The current head of Rocky Coast is Andrey Skok, one of the key asset managers of the minister Agriculture RF Alexandra Tkachev, and Medvedev and Tkachev together lobby for preferences for the wine business, where they both have an interest, the FBK notes.

At the same time, the largest share in the Kursk possessions and Anapa vineyards belongs to CJSC Tehinpro Company. The director of this company is Vladimir Dyachenko, whose name was mentioned in a hacked in 2014 e-mail Medvedev, according to published documents. It also says that Medvedev ordered personal items via the Internet in the name of Dyachenko and the address of ZAO Tehinpro Company. Moreover, FBK employees managed to understand that the mail belongs to the prime minister by comparing the shopping list preserved in the mail and sneakers with shirts that appeared on Medvedev.

In addition, Dyachenko heads ZAO PromTechInvest, which manages the estate on Rublyovka, donated to a fund associated with Medvedev.

The fourth fund allegedly associated with Medvedev (in addition to "Dar", "Gradislava" and "Sotsgosproekt") is the Fund for Support of Winter Olympic sports sports. Its supervisory board is headed by a classmate of the prime minister, Ilya Eliseev. Nominally, the fund is owned through the Meritage Management Company by Vitaly Golovachev, an employee of the Dar fund, in whose ownership the Sotsgosproekt fund is registered.

In 2014, the "Reception House for official guests" was donated to the foundation "Psekhako" - a luxurious winter residence in the mountains. Psekhako is a mountain range in the vicinity of Krasnaya Polyana. Judging by the photos from Instagram, Medvedev visits there regularly. And judging by the data from the mail, to which FBK refers, the prime minister personally distributes instructions on the management, hiring of personnel and procurement for this facility.

Also, FBK uncovered another corruption episode related to the prime minister. In 2011, when Medvedev was still head of state, the Presidential Administration sold plot of land of 20 hectares near the village of Maslovo on the Rublevo-Uspenskoe highway of the Garant Club company for a pittance - 200 times cheaper than the market value. On the territory of the land plot there is a huge house, something similar to a sports complex, outbuildings and a heliport.

"Garant Club" is a subsidiary of the financial consulting firm of the "Dar" fund, the same "FinConsultingK" (FKK), which provided the Mansurovo agricultural complex with a mortgage on the land under the estate.

Previously, FKK was wholly owned by the "Dar" fund, and then was re-registered as the property of the Winter Olympic Sports Support Fund (to which the winter residence in Psekhako was donated). The director and founder of the "Garant Club" at the time of the transaction turned out to be another classmate of Medvedev, Alexei Dolgushevsky, according to Navalny's website.

In addition, FBK claims to have uncovered two criminal schemes for obtaining valuable assets in the Krasnodar Territory. Allegedly associated with Medvedev people took possession plot of land in Utrish And boarding house in Olginka, and in both cases, fake competition in competitions was provided by firms controlled by the director of Sotsgosproekt Alexei Chetvertkov.

In 2009, the Zertum-Invest firm, founded by a student of Medvedev's classmate, Philip Polyansky, acquired a luxurious mansion of Count Kushelev-Bezborodko of the 18th century in the center of St. Petersburg. Then the "Dar" fund (which owned the "Milovka" estate in Plyos) became the owner of the building. Polyansky headed the "Dar" fund for several years. Currently, the mansion has turned into an elite building with 29 apartments with swimming pools, indoor spas, garages, security guards, car lifts.

Six of these apartments worth a billion rubles are owned by the "Dar" fund. 23 were owned by Zertum-Invest. The commercial premises on the first floor of the mansion are occupied by the FKK company, which is owned by the Winter Olympic Sports Support Fund and has given the Mansurovo agricultural complex land on a mortgage.

FBK also found out that the Cypriot offshore Furcina Limited, owned by Medvedev's classmate Ilya Eliseev, owns two sea yachts total cost of 16 million dollars. Employees of the anti-corruption fund found photos of expensive boats moored near the Milovka estate in Plyos, which Medvedev uses as his residence. Both yachts are named "Photinia", which is the church analogue of the name Svetlana (that's the name of Medvedev's wife). FBK analyzed cases of using a more expensive yacht and it turned out that they are all associated with Medvedev.

According to FBK, in 2012, the same offshore company that registered Dmitry Medvedev's yacht bought 100% of the Italian company FATTORIA DELLA AIOLA S.r.l., which owns and manages its own vineyards and wine production in Tuscany. For $10 million, an offshore company associated with the prime minister of the Russian Federation acquired 100 hectares of vineyards and olive groves, wine production and even an old villa. After the purchase, Sergei Stupnitsky, who previously worked as the director of another winery associated with Medvedev, the Anapa Rocky Coast, became the manager of the winery.

The Alexei Navalny Anti-Corruption Foundation published a film and an investigation about Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev. The opposition politician in a 50-minute video talks about the "secret assets" of the former president of Russia and the network of non-profit foundations that own multibillion-dollar real estate.

So, according to the FBK, Medvedev is associated with the Gradislava, Dar and Sotsgosproekt funds, which own real estate worth tens of billions of rubles. Employees of the Anti-Corruption Foundation linked the Milovka estate in Pleso, a residence in the Kursk region and the Mansurovo agricultural enterprise, vineyards in the Anapa region, a secret residence in Krasnaya Polyana, and a mansion in St. Petersburg with Medvedev.

As Alexei Navalny tells at the beginning of the film “He is not Dimon to you”, Dmitry Medvedev himself helped the investigation, who actively publishes photos on Instagram. In addition, the FBK relied on data from the Prime Minister's phone posted by the hackers "Humpty Dumpty". The fund's specialists were able to correlate purchases in online stores found in hacked mail, and things in which Dmitry Medvedev was at official events and got into the lens of photographers.

The investigation mentions businessman Alisher Usmanov, who, according to open sources, donated expensive real estate to funds affiliated with Dmitry Medvedev. The video is accompanied by aerial footage. Spectators can see how elite estates are built behind high fences. In addition, FBK journalists found two elite yachts worth a billion rubles, named the same - "Fotinia" at the company controlled by Dmitry Medvedev's classmate Ilya Eliseev, LLC Investment Commonwealth. Corruption fighters claim that it was from this yacht that Medvedev took photos on Instagram.

Navalny claims that the real estate in Italy, which is owned by Furcina LTD, also controlled by Ilya Eliseev, is used by the prime minister and his wife. FBK assumes that Medvedev controls a villa and vineyards in this country.

“It is time for our investigation to sum up, and it is very sad. The former president, current prime minister, leader of the ruling United Russia party has almost openly created a corrupt network of charitable foundations through which he receives bribes from oligarchs and maniacally builds himself palaces and dachas throughout the country. Buys yachts and medieval castles abroad. He doesn't hide much. Thousands of people are involved in servicing Medvedev's schemes and his real estate. These secret palaces are guarded by the state secret services,” Navalny writes and blames the country’s poverty on corruption and President Vladimir Putin.

Note that in 2016, Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev amounted to 8.8 million rubles. The wife of Dmitry Medvedev, Svetlana, did not earn anything in a year.

The Alexei Navalny Anti-Corruption Foundation has published a large investigation about the "secret empire" of Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev. In particular, it says that the head of government controls several charitable foundations to which 70 billion rubles have been transferred, including, according to Navalny, bribes from entrepreneurs Alisher Usmanov and Leonid Mikhelson.

"The head of the ruling United Russia party owns real estate throughout the country, he owns huge plots of land in the most elite areas, he manages yachts, apartments in old mansions, agricultural complexes and wineries in Russia and abroad," the FBK says.

FBK video about Medvedev's "secret empire":

Another investigation about Medvedev, but not as large-scale, FBK in September last year.

March 2, 15:13"Navalny's material has a pronounced pre-election character, which he himself speaks about at the end of the video. It is pointless to comment on the propaganda attacks of the opposition and convicted character, who said that he is already conducting some kind of election campaign and is fighting the authorities," RBC press said. Medvedev's secretary Natalya Timakova.

March 2, 16:54 The investigation was commented by the General Director of Seim-Agro JSC Andrey Medvedev, whom FBK calls the Prime Minister's cousin.

Andrey Medvedev<...>told RBC that "he did not receive any help or interference from the said person [Dmitry Medvedev]." “If it were really like a true patriot of our state, I would be truly sad. Such accusations have no basis. This is fiction and folklore,” he is sure.

Andrei Medvedev refused to confirm to RBC his family relationship with the Russian prime minister. "This is a purely personal question, I do not consider it necessary to answer it," he said.

Also, according to him, “at the moment, Seim-Agro has nothing to do with Kurskproteplitsa CJSC. In the FBK investigation, Kurskproteplitsa was named as the main founder of Seim-Agro.” “I have nothing to do with this ["Kurskproteplitsa"] enterprise. Except that it is 100 meters from my business. Before, maybe there were some kind of relationship. But at the moment I am not ready to confirm anything to you. I can say that now they are not there," Andrey Medvedev said.


Meanwhile, FBK director Roman Rubanov sent a statement to the Investigative Committee demanding that a criminal case be initiated against Dmitry Medvedev and businessman Alisher Usmanov under articles 290 (taking a bribe) and 291 (giving a bribe) of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. In addition, Rubanov asks to open a criminal case under article 160 (embezzlement) in connection with the investments of the Dar Fund for Regional Non-Commercial Projects.
The statement (Rubanov) says that the fund, which is engaged in the formation of property, according to the law, has no right to dispose of it except for the purposes determined by its charter, for example, to transfer it to third parties without receiving equivalent compensation. Among the goals of the fund are social support and protection of the disabled, satisfaction of the spiritual and other non-material needs of citizens, environmental protection, etc.


March 3, 09:28 Ilya Eliseev, who appears in the investigation as a former classmate of Medvedev and the formal owner of a number of assets of his "secret empire", said that the "Dar" fund is not connected with Medvedev.
The fund, which received an estate on Rublyovka as a gift from Alisher Usmanov, is not associated with Dmitry Medvedev, a classmate of the prime minister claims. “The recent informational stuffing is an example of obvious political propaganda and has no real basis,” Ilya Eliseev said in a statement received by Vedomosti in response to a request to comment on the FBK investigation into the activities of companies allegedly associated with the prime minister.

Eliseev is the Chairman of the Supervisory Board of the Dar Foundation, the Foundation for the Support of Socially Significant State Projects (Sotsgosproekt), the Foundation for the Support of Winter Olympic Sports and the Foundation for Social and Cultural Initiatives (FSKI). Since its inception in 2008, the post of President of the FSKI has been held by the wife of the Prime Minister, Svetlana Medvedeva.

"Commercial and non-profit organizations in which I act as a shareholder, founder or manager, are engaged in economic and other activities permitted by law in my interests or for charitable purposes. With none of the politicians or civil servants, these legal entities are not connected," Eliseev emphasizes in his statement.


March 3, 13:52 The press secretary of the President of Russia Dmitry Peskov, like Medvedev's press secretary Natalya Timakova, commenting on the FBK material, called Navalny "convicted."

“No details, not familiar (with the investigation). We saw media reports. This is not the first example of the work of this well-known convicted citizen,” Interfax quotes Peskov. “There is nothing to add to what was said by the press secretary of the prime minister.

The Alexei Navalny Anti-Corruption Foundation has published a large investigation into the elite real estate of Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev.

So, the organization claims that Medvedev received a "palace on Rublyovka" as a gift from businessman Alisher Usmanov.

The FBK, in particular, claims that the Dar, Gradislava, and Sotsgosproekt funds act in the interests of Medvedev and de jure own property that actually belongs to the prime minister.

According to FBK, Vladimir Dyachenko manages Medvedev's "secret assets".

Navalny tied Dyachenko and Medvedev on orders for sneakers and shirts

As one of the evidence that it is Dyachenko who manages Medvedev's assets, Navalny points to the sneakers and shirt in which the prime minister appeared in public. From Medvedev's hacked mail, it became known that he allegedly uses the postal address for personal purchases on the Internet, orders were delivered by Dyachenko.

FBK found an order for sneakers Nike and shirts Fred Perry And Beam Plus in which the Prime Minister subsequently appeared in public.

“Medvedev chooses clothes himself, and orders delivery in the name of a trusted person - Vladimir Dyachenko. And this same Dyachenko is the director of the company that owns the Kursk lands and Anapa vineyards of Medvedev, ”Navalny believes.

“The controlling shares of the Mansurovo agricultural complex and the Skalisty Bereg vineyards in Anapa are registered with Dyachenko's company. The same person is engaged in the daily management of the Rublev estate in Znamenskoye, received as a gift from Alisher Usmanov,” the FBK continues.

FBK transferred the property of funds allegedly controlled by Medvedev

FBK, in particular, claims that the funds "Dar", "Gradislava", "Sotsgosproekt" act in the interests of Medvedev; they are registered property that actually belongs to the Prime Minister.

The organization claims that Medvedev - through the "Fund for Support of Socially Significant Projects" - received a "palace on Rublyovka" as a gift from businessman Alisher Usmanov. Navalny calls this gift a bribe.

Navalny also demonstrated the estate with an area of ​​240 thousand square meters in Mansurovo, Kursk region, owned by a classmate and business partner of Medvedev, Ilya Eliseev.

“This is a guest house for our employees. Dmitry Anatolyevich sometimes stops there when he arrives in Mansurovo, well, he needs to stop somewhere, do not drive him 60 km away to Kursk, to a hotel! Must see this residence - single storey wooden building superior comfort," FBK quotes Eliseeva. These lands belong to the Mansurovo agricultural complex, among whose leaders is the prime minister's cousin Andrey Medvedev.

FBK also calls “a private residence built personally for Dmitry Medvedev”, a huge recreation center Psekhako in Krasnaya Polyana with a house with an area of ​​​​over 4 thousand square meters. The bath complex occupies a thousand square meters in the house. The total cost of the complex is 7 billion rubles.

In addition, the Sotsgosproject Foundation owns the Rocky Coast company with a plot of 985,000 square meters in the Krasnodar Territory. There are vineyards on this territory; there, according to the FBK, tourists are not allowed. At the same time, a quote from an independent wine expert, Artur Sargsyan, is given.

“And here the exclusivity of this project becomes clear. The relief here is such that if you stand with your back to the sea, you can imagine yourself in Tuscany. Soft outlines of hills, on the slopes of which there are even rows of vineyards. Exceptionally beautiful! In short, the approach to the project is very serious. I think everything at the "Rocky Coast" will eventually be as it should," the sommelier believes.

The current director of the company, Andrey Skok, is said to have previously managed the Chateau de Talue winery in Gelendzhik, which is attributed to the agriculture minister's wife, Olga Tkacheva.

FBK showed the alleged winter residence of Medvedev in Krasnaya Polyana

Another organization, the Winter Olympic Sports Support Fund, owns the Psekhako residence, which is included in the federal program of preparations for the Olympic Games in Sochi.

“There are several buildings on four hectares of protected land, including a residence with an area of ​​4,000 square meters. As in the story of Medvedev's Plesskaya dacha, at the stage of the Olympic construction, the lease of land was registered for the "Dar" fund. At the end of 2014, the property was donated to an unknown Winter Olympic Sports Support Fund.

The fund's supervisory board is headed by Ilya Eliseev, who also participates in the activities of other funds mentioned by Navalny.

“Dmitry Medvedev regularly visits this residence, as evidenced by the photos on his Instagram. He personally issues management, hiring and purchasing directions for the facility. He has been violating the law for at least three years by not declaring this property,” the authors of the investigation summarize.

Navalny: Medvedev's funds won twice in tenders for the purchase of land with shell competitors

Structures allegedly acting in the interests of Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev have twice won tenders for the purchase of land, FBK claims.

The authors of the investigation report that both cases occurred in the Krasnodar Territory. In the first case, the competition was won by the Nautilus company, owned by Dmitry Solovyov, one of the founders and director of the Svetlana Medvedeva Foundation for Social and Cultural Initiatives (FSKI), and its only competitor was the Topgarden company, which is managed by Alexei Chetvertkov, director of Sotsgosproekt.

In the second case, the Dar fund won a tender against the Russian Broker company, which is also managed by Chetvertkov.

Thus, according to the FBK, Medvedev's structures received ownership of the plot former home recreation by the Presidential Administration near the village of Olginka and a site near the Utrish Peninsula.

“Both times resorting to criminal schemes: fake competition at competitions was provided by controlled firms. The similarity of these stories, their connection with the administration Krasnodar Territory, the Administration of Presidential Affairs, as well as with the fund of Medvedev's wife, allow us to assert that Dmitry Anatolyevich himself was the beneficiary of these transactions, ”the FBK concludes.

FBK: UK "Dar" received money from businessmen and on credit from Gazprombank

In his investigation, Navalny explains how the “Dar” fund received money to buy a dacha near Ples, houses on Rublyovka, a mountain residence and other real estate, as well as vineyards.

So, businessmen Leonid Mikhelson and Leonid Simanovsky donated 33 billion rubles to the fund. Alisher Usmanov "made a contribution with the estate - 5 billion rubles."

FBK also says that the Dar fund has an Orion management company, in the past - Dar Management Company. In 2007, Gazprombank gave her a loan of 11 billion rubles - for two years, Dar became the bank's largest borrower. At the same time, Medvedev's main confidant, Ilya Eliseev, is the deputy chairman of the board of Gazprombank.

Structures of Bashneft, according to FBK, gave "Dar" a loan of 3 billion rubles; in total, the fund received 20 billion rubles in small loans from various organizations.

“In total, according to the documents, about 70 billion rubles are found,” Navalny says in the video.

FBK: Medvedev owns a million square meters of vineyards in Italian Tuscany

As follows from the FBK investigation, the Cyprus offshore Furcina Limited owns Ilya Eliseev - a member of the board of directors of Gazprombank, a fellow student, manager of all funds and the main confidant of Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev. According to the registry, in 2012 this offshore bought an Italian company Fattoria Dell Aiola S.r.l.

This company owns and operates its own vineyards and wine production in Tuscany, Italy. Thus, together with a company worth almost $ 10 million, the offshore got 1 million square meters (100 hectares) of Tuscan vineyards, olive groves and forests, as well as several thousand square meters industrial premises and an old villa with 30 rooms.

The website of the winery indicates that in 2012 the company was bought by Russian entrepreneurs. You can also find the name of the chief manager there - this is Sergey Stupnitsky, director of the "Rocky Coast" - vineyards near Anapa.

FBK: the “Dar” fund bought the palace of Count Kushelev-Bezborodko in St. Petersburg, now there are elite apartments

In 2009, the mysterious Zertum-invest company acquired ownership of a historic house in St. Petersburg - the pink marble palace of Count Kushelev-Bezborodko on Gagarinskaya Street with an Italian Renaissance façade.

The only founder of the company was a certain Philip Polyansky, who did not disclose the names of the partners. A few months later it became known that the mansion had a co-owner - the "Dar" fund. According to FBK, the fund was headed by Polyansky for several years; he is a student of the previously mentioned Ilya Eliseev.

In 2016, after a long renovation, the building was commissioned: now it is an elite club house with 29 apartments; some apartments have car lifts. Dar owns six apartments, the market value of which is about a billion rubles.

Non-residential premises in the house are owned by FinconsultingK, which, according to FBK, financed the purchase of land for an estate in the Kursk region.

Navalny: Medvedev twice called the yachts “Fotinia” after the church name of his wife

The FBK discovered that the structures allegedly associated with Medvedev owned two yachts at different times, which were called "Fotinia".

"Photinia - church version named after Svetlana. In Orthodoxy, the name Svetlana was considered forbidden for a long time and was changed to Photinia at baptism. So both yachts are named after Svetlana. An amazing coincidence,” says FBK founder Alexei Navalny.

The total cost of the yachts, according to Navalny, is $16 million. Both of them are issued by the company of Ilya Eliseev, who was repeatedly mentioned in the FBK investigation.

These are model yachts Princess 85MY And Princess 32M. The first, according to FBK, was photographed on the Volga at the alleged residence of Medvedev in Plyos. The second began to be used later.

“The start of operation of the yacht can be considered June 17, 2015. This is exactly one week from the moment of customs clearance. On this day, the yacht turned on AIS. From that moment to this day, the yacht sailed to Plyos four times: in July and September 2015, and also in July and September 2016. September visits coincide with Medvedev's birthday - he has it on September 14, and in July, apparently, the prime minister just opens holiday season", - reports FBK.

As evidence that it is Medvedev who uses the yacht, FBK cites a photo from the Scarlet Sails holiday in St. Petersburg, which was published on the Prime Minister's Instagram. From the angle, Navalny suggested that the picture was taken from the river, although navigation on the Neva is prohibited during the celebration.

“It can’t be that for one special yacht they make one special exception, right? Let's watch the video from the event and we will immediately see a mysterious silhouette that catches the eye,” continues FBK.

At the 2:23:40 mark in the video, you can see the silhouette of a yacht, which, as suggested by the FBK, is the Fotinia owned by Medvedev.

Medvedev's press secretary refused to comment on the investigation of the "oppositional and convicted character"

The investigation of the Anti-Corruption Foundation about the “residences” of Dmitry Medvedev has a “pre-election character”, RBC quotes a comment from the press secretary of the Prime Minister Natalia Timakova.

“Navalny's material has a pronounced pre-election character, which he himself talks about at the end of the video,” Timakova said, unexpectedly mentioning Navalny's name. Traditionally, Russian officials try not to call the FBK founder by his first name. “It is pointless to comment on the propaganda attacks of the oppositional and convicted character, who said that he is already conducting some kind of election campaign and is fighting the authorities.”

FBK wrote to the Investigative Committee a statement against Medvedev and Usmanov about receiving and giving a bribe

Director of the Anti-Corruption Foundation Roman Rubanov sent a statement to the Investigative Committee against Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev and businessman Alisher Usmanov, Vedomosti reports.

The statement alleges that in August 2010, Usmanov transferred a land plot in the village of Znamenskoye for 5 billion rubles to the Fund for Support of Socially Significant State Projects, allegedly associated with Medvedev.

“Since Usmanov’s entrepreneurial activity is significantly connected with government contracts, as well as with regulatory and non-normative legal acts accepted by Medvedev in relation to legal entities affiliated with Usmanov, there are reasons to believe that the above transfer real estate worth 5 billion rubles is a bribe,” the statement said.

Rubanov asks to open cases under articles 290 of the Criminal Code (taking a bribe) and 291 of the Criminal Code (giving a bribe). In another statement, the director of the FBK asked to initiate a case under article 169 of the Criminal Code (embezzlement) in connection with the activities of the Dar fund, which, according to the FBK, also acts in the interests of Medvedev.

The document states that the foundation has no right to dispose of property except for the purposes determined by its charters, for example, it cannot transfer it to third parties without compensation. Dar, according to FBK, in 2014 handed over to the Gradislava foundation a plot in Plyos, where, according to the foundation’s founder Alexei Navalny, Medvedev’s residence is located. It is also alleged that the building in the village of Esto-Sadok was handed over to the Winter Olympic Sports Support Fund "Dar".

Rubanov explained to Vedomosti that he had submitted applications through the electronic reception of the Investigative Committee, they were assigned numbers 473586 and 473584. He sent similar applications to the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Ministry of Justice and the Presidential Administration.

Alleged brother of Medvedev claims he "received no help or interference" from the prime minister

Seim-Agro CEO Andrei Medvedev commented to RBC on an investigation by the Anti-Corruption Fund, which claims that he, being the prime minister's cousin, is one of the leaders of the fund that owns the alleged residence of the head of government.

According to him, "he did not receive any help or interference from the said person [Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev]."

“If it were really so, like a true patriot of our state, I would be truly saddened. Such accusations are baseless. This is fiction and folklore,” he said.

"This is a purely personal question, I do not consider it necessary to answer it," Medvedev replied to a request to comment on his relationship with the prime minister.

Navalny's colleague told how the investigation into Medvedev's property was conducted

The co-author of the Anti-Corruption Foundation investigation into the alleged property of Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev, in an interview with Meduza, told how the opposition came to the conclusion that the residences and yachts belong to the head of government.

“In Psekhako, we photographed the pipes with the help of a drone country house in the mountains and compared with those that Medvedev posts on his Instagram. These are the same pipes. Regarding the yacht - we found the geolocation of this yacht in the last two years. She went four times to Plyos, where Medvedev has a residence, and twice to the Scarlet Sails holiday in St. Petersburg. This is a holiday of graduates, a beautiful event, fireworks. Shipping is closed there at the moment. The only yacht for which an exception is made is the yacht "Fotinia", with which Medvedev took his photos and also posted them. All this is iron evidence,” says Alburov.

He noted that an important role in the investigation was played by a quadrocopter, from which the FBK officers filmed the alleged residences of Medvedev. The investigation lasted six months, up to four people were involved in it, six more worked on “the website, video, graphics, music and other things.”

In addition, Alburov, that the foundation was “very helpful” in a pair of sneakers, according to which the FBK concluded that Medvedev was connected to Vladimir Dyachenko, who allegedly manages the assets of the prime minister.

FBK claims that funds allegedly associated with Medvedev in violation of the law do not submit reports

Funds that the Anti-Corruption Foundation suspects of managing the assets of Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev are breaking the law by failing to file reports, Georgy Alburov, co-author of the FBK investigation, told Meduza in an interview.

When asked by a journalist about whether the FBK got acquainted with the documents of charitable organizations, Alburov replied:

“It's an interesting question in the sense that we don't know - they don't publish their accounts. They do not submit reports to the Ministry of Justice, as required by law. Our fund rents, but they don't. This is a direct violation of the law. They can be found on the website of the tax inspectorate, but it is difficult to draw correct conclusions from the information from there.”

Regulations on the reporting of charitable foundations are spelled out in Article 19 of the Federal Law "On charitable activities and charitable organizations".

“For example, they [funds] put up a cadastral valuation for real estate, and the estate on Rublyovka, with a market value of two billion rubles, is valued much lower,” continues Alburov.

In his opinion, the FBK “gathered enough invoices” to answer the question “what does Medvedev have to do with it at all?”

“How many people are there in the world to whom [businessman] Alisher Usmanov gives estates, and even a real palace on Rublyovka? Not so much. Medvedev visited all these facilities and used them. We convincingly prove this,” the co-author of the investigation believes.

He also said that 80% of the schemes related to the alleged property of Medvedev were found in 20% of the time spent on the investigation - six months.

“It was more difficult with the rest - we went from one legal entity to another, we do not see any connection. Then people from one of our schemes suddenly found themselves connected to companies from a completely different part of the scheme. It began to become more complicated, confusing, but with each new discovery it was clear: all these people we are talking about are directly related to Dmitry Medvedev, ”he says.

United Russia called the investigation a "vain attempt" by Navalny to remind himself

The FBK's investigation of Dmitry Medvedev is a "vain attempt" by Alexei Navalny to remind himself of himself, about this, as "Rain", the Deputy Secretary of the General Council told reporters " United Russia» Evgeny Revenko.

“The party believes that commenting on the statements and opuses of a person whom the court has repeatedly recognized as a criminal is at least strange. It is well known that all the so-called investigations of this man ended in zilch, that is, nothing. This is all another and futile attempt to remind myself. Moreover, the results of the latest public opinion polls are a verdict for him,” Revenko is sure.

Eliseev, person involved in the FBK investigation: the “Dar” fund is not connected with Medvedev

The Dar charity fund, which received an elite house on Rublyovka as a gift from businessman Alisher Usmanov, has nothing to do with Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev, according to a message sent to Vedomosti by his classmate Ilya Eliseev.

“Recent information stuffing is an example of obvious political propaganda and has no real basis,” said Eliseev, who holds the post of chairman of the supervisory board of the Dar fund, the Fund for Support of Socially Significant State Projects (Sotsgosproekt), the Fund for Support of Winter Olympic Sports and Foundation for Social and Cultural Initiatives (FSKI). Since its founding in 2008, the latter fund has been managed by the prime minister's wife, Svetlana Medvedeva.

“Commercial and non-commercial organizations in which I act as a shareholder, founder or leader, are engaged in economic and other activities permitted by law in my interests or for charitable purposes. These legal entities are not connected with any of the politicians or civil servants,” Eliseev is sure.

Peskov called the FBK investigation "not the first example of Navalny's creativity"

The Alexei Navalny Anti-Corruption Foundation's investigation into Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev's luxury real estate "is not the first example of the work of this well-known convicted citizen," said presidential spokesman Dmitry Peskov. It is reported by TV channel "Rain".

“This is not the first example of the work of this famous convicted citizen. There is nothing to add to what was said by the press secretary of the prime minister, ”Rain quoted Peskov as saying.

The presidential press secretary noted that the Kremlin was not familiar with the FBK investigation about Medvedev in detail, but "we saw the media reports."
