By analogy with the attraction of opposite charges, a number of questions arise: “By what principle does mutual attraction arise between a man and a woman? How does this mechanism of attraction between people of the opposite sex work in principle? Who is really attracted to whom? Why do men become attracted or attracted to certain women? What is love? How to attract the attention of a beloved woman?

"Genius is simplicity", or Everything ingenious is simple

Natural laws are simple and universal. The simplicity lies in the fact that nature can only count up to two - day-night, up-down, good-evil, love-hate, plus or minus, man-woman. Universality can be traced on examples of different levels of interaction of matter, ranging from the simplest forms of inanimate nature to the most complex forms of wildlife, such as human society.

Since the school curriculum in physics, we know that, according to Coulomb's law, electric charges of the same name repel each other, and attraction arises between opposite charges. Thus, lighter and more mobile electrons are attracted to massive protons, thus forming stable compounds that have completely new properties. By the way, it is on this principle that the whole variety of matter is built - from atoms and molecules to more complex structures.

Thanks to the bright minds of scientists, we know most of the laws of inanimate and living nature. As for a person, his relationships in society and mental structure, here we have many unsolved mysteries that need to be answered. One of the most interesting aspects of human relationships is the relationship between a man and a woman.

By analogy with the attraction of opposite charges, a number of questions arise: “By what principle does mutual attraction arise between a man and a woman? How does this mechanism of attraction between people of the opposite sex work in principle? Who is really attracted to whom? Why do men become attracted or attracted to certain women? What is love? How to attract the attention of a beloved woman? Answers to these difficult, but relevant questions can be obtained by referring to the Systemic Vector Psychology of Yuri Burlan.

Chemistry of love - attraction pheromones

Determining importance when choosing the opposite sex is played by special smells human body- pheromones. As Yuri Burlan's System Vector Psychology explains, they are of two types: attraction pheromones and ranking pheromones. Primary for a man when choosing a woman is sexual attraction to her (attraction pheromones), and for a woman - the social status of a man (ranking pheromones).

According to modern research data, each person has his own personal smell, which is an individual identifier for each person and speaks about the state of the body, and especially its reproductive system. Unconsciously, by smell, we are able to choose exactly the partner with whom we will have a more stable couple and healthier children. Nature endowed us with this mechanism so that each new generation would be physically stronger and more adapted to the conditions. external environment than their parents.

The vomeronasal organ (vomer), which is located at the tip of the nose and has a direct connection with the brain, is responsible for the ability to capture the smell of other people in humans. If an individual of the opposite sex suits you as favorably as possible for procreation, then it will have a “pleasant smell”, that is, you will be unconsciously attracted to this person. The fixation of this smell leads to the release of hormones of happiness and joy, so being close to the person to whom we are attracted gives us vivid feelings that we call love.

And vice versa, separation from a loved one, according to the principle of action, is sometimes equated with breaking a drug addict, when a person wants to receive pleasure, but cannot. The difference is that addiction is an artificial and destructive way of getting pleasure, while love is a natural and creative way.

High social status is the way to a woman's heart

The system-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan says that through the continuation of the family, a woman retains her human appearance. Motherhood makes the life of most women meaningful. Therefore, when a girl demands stability, security, material prosperity from her man, she is busy not for herself, but to ensure the survival of their future children.

Sometimes men, based on their negative experience, consider women cynical and materialistic, as if they only need material wealth and money. But in order to go pregnant for nine months, give birth in pain, and then raise children, you need guarantees in the form of a reliable man who can provide for the family. After all, during the period of motherhood, a woman has limited opportunities and cannot earn and raise children at the same time.

There is a basic law of nature, according to which every living being wants to continue itself in space and time, that is, to pass on its genes to offspring. A man can realize this priority desire only through a woman. For the return of his genetic material, a man is guaranteed to receive an orgasm, which is the highest pleasure that can be obtained naturally through the body.

Men who have a higher social status have a more pronounced and "pleasant" smell. According to the System-Vector Psychology of Yuri Burlan, this smell arises due to ranking pheromones. For a woman, when choosing a soulmate, ranking pheromones in comparison with attraction pheromones are of decisive importance. The degree of realization of a man in society determines how ranked he is, what step in the social pyramid and food hierarchy he occupies.

As we wrote above, the relationship between a man and a woman is regulated by smells. In fact, a man has a chance to win the heart of a woman if the woman herself wants it. If a woman sees a worthy candidate in front of her, then her body begins to secrete pheromones and attract only this particular man. A man will certainly feel this, as a result of which there will be mutual sympathy, love, relationships, marriage, family.

Women are different

For better adaptability to environmental conditions, nature has endowed us with different properties. Each person has his own innate desires that affect the type of thinking, choice of activity, sexuality. The system-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan defines eight groups of desires and human properties, or vectors, which have their own unique features.

Thus, according to given vectors both men and women will have different desires and, accordingly, ways of enjoying life. After all, man was created as a principle of pleasure. That is, the fulfillment of innate desires through socially useful activities, the realization of our natural qualities and give us the opportunity to get maximum pleasure from life, to feel happy.

Depending on the presence of different vectors in the human psyche, the corresponding life priorities are built, which must be taken into account when communicating with the opposite sex. It is very important to understand what kind of woman is in front of you. This will help you take good care of her. A woman with a skin vector loves expensive gifts, with an anal vector - constancy and care, with a visual one - flowers and going to the theater together, with a sound one - solitude under the starry sky. A complete understanding of the importance of innate desires for women is revealed by the Systemic Vector Psychology of Yuri Burlan.

The art of complimenting

As we have said, for all women, the social status of a man is important, which gives her a sense of security and safety. For the sake of this, women are ready to sacrifice a lot, but this is not enough for a long-term relationship. Need something else!

Dear men, if you want to win the heart of your beloved woman, you need to learn to recognize her true desires. This will allow you to communicate with your future soulmate in the most optimal way, taking into account her innermost desires and life priorities.

All men know that women love compliments. They can be of great help in winning the heart of your beloved. To express a compliment correctly is to emphasize important feature women, to resonate with her values ​​and priorities. In order for the compliment to hit the nail on the head, you need to know the desires of your chosen one. For example, for a woman with it is important to emphasize her attractive, "status", chic appearance. If a woman with an anal vector invited you to dinner, be sure to praise how delicious she cooked. A woman with a very emotional, so it will be a compliment for her if you say how bright and sensual she is.

Knowledge of psychological characteristics is the key to the heart of a beloved woman

To create a strong relationship with the opposite sex, a man must also know his innate properties, or vectors, which are our hidden talents. Realizing his innate qualities through socially useful activities, that is, at work and in society, every man is able to take a worthy place in the sun. And as we already know, a high social rank significantly increases a man's chances of getting consent to a relationship even from the most impregnable woman.

For various reasons, sometimes you can’t figure out your features, it’s hard to understand what you really want from life. This makes it difficult to choose the type of activity that would make it possible to simultaneously receive a decent income and enjoy the work done. Thanks to the modern knowledge of System-Vector Psychology by Yuri Burlan, we have a unique opportunity to finally understand ourselves.

People who have been trained in Systemic Vector Psychology confirm that the knowledge gained is able to correct the life scenario for the better. Realizing their innate vectors, many men get the opportunity to more successfully implement their properties in society. This is expressed in getting the desired position, more interesting work, salary increase, increase in business profits, career advancement. A deep conscious understanding of human nature makes it possible to find oneself in the profession and in life and build happy couple relationships.

Thus, with the help of the study of Yuri Burlan's System-Vector Psychology, every man can better understand himself and the characteristics of other people. Such knowledge will help to accurately determine one's place in society, to find best way implementation and type of activity. The end result of this transformation will be a positive, happy life. The surrounding people, among whom there are many beautiful women, will instantly feel these changes, and it will be pleasant for them to make contact and communicate with a balanced, realized person.

If you are interested in how to find the way to yourself and the heart of the most desirable woman, we invite you to visit Yuri Burlan's introductory free online lectures on Systemic Vector Psychology. Register via the link:

The article was written based on the materials of the training " System-Vector Psychology»

Men these days have forgotten how to conquer women. As soon as some woman attracts his attention, the man makes a stand and ... starts pouring clichés: “You are so beautiful!” "Why are you alone?" "Let's go somewhere together", "I'm not like the others." Surely many women have heard this more than once. It sounds false, insincere, but for some reason it is now so accepted.

We men have stopped trying. I don't even mean what we say, but what we do. That's what I want to say to men.

1. Be sincere

You should not count on a frantic pressure, you can’t earn points on this. Constantly repeating how beautiful she is, or cutting off her phone around the clock, you will not attract her attention. Slow down. If, on the contrary, you yourself portray inaccessibility and pretend that you do not notice it, then again, you are unlikely to succeed. Both are just manifestations of immaturity.

You don't have to act like she's some object you're trying to conquer.

Instead, be sincere. Be yourself. You don't have to act like she's some object you're trying to conquer. Treat her like a woman whose respect you are trying to earn. Let go of your superficial view, try to understand it better. Just like you, she works, thinks, plans something, builds her life somehow. Show interest in all aspects of her daily life.

Respond to her SMS, pick up the phone when she calls. If you do something for her, do it from the bottom of your heart. If she interests you, you can learn to appreciate all aspects of her life. And she, in turn, will learn to appreciate and respect you, to trust you.

2. Be confident

Confidence is shown in your words, and even more so in your actions. She hears it in your voice, sees it in your eyes, feels it in your movements. In a way, your behavior tells her, “I am the man you need. I intend to make you mine." She will feel it immediately, even without words.

Although there are always obstacles in life, do not allow yourself to focus on the thought that you will lose it. Instead, be proud of how you feel about her. Let her have no reason to look for someone else. If you suffer from insecurity and jealousy, you will only achieve that push her away from you. You will destroy all chances of building a healthy relationship. So stop worrying about other men.

There will always be someone prettier, smarter, more successful than you. If you think about it all the time, you will never be satisfied with yourself. You yourself will not be happy, and you will not have the resources to make her happy.

Even if she gives you very little time, it is still a kind of manifestation of interest. Be confident and use what is given to you.

3. Be spontaneous

The older we get, the more structured our lives become. Every day we have planned, and in most cases we do not have enough time to do everything. Take a break from this crazy schedule, allow yourself a little spontaneity.

No need to plan a meeting - just call her and offer to go, for example, to the mountains to meet the dawn, or walk around the city all night, organize a picnic in the park, take her to your favorite play or jazz concert. There is a whole world around us that can be discovered outside of any schedule. The best moments in life often happen by themselves, and we cannot predict them. Standard dates are a little boring, come up with something more original.

4. Show respect

Men often forget that a woman should not be treated as "their boyfriend". She deserves a different attitude. The first rule: never swear at her, don't say hurtful words - it's disgusting. Do you really wish someone would ever talk to your daughter like that?

Hold the door in front of her, help her sit down at the table by pulling up a chair. Do not build all relationships on sex - show that she herself is important to you, that she is not a sex object for you. Opening up to each other on an intimate level is one of the most exciting parts of a relationship in general. You create the connection that will fuel your passion. And then sex is no longer just sex, but something much more. She will be encouraged to have such respect shown to her, and her desire will only grow stronger.

5. Be interesting to her

Let women correct me if I'm wrong in saying that they are attracted to erudite, well-spoken men. Intelligence is the most powerful weapon in your arsenal.

Try to learn something new every day, deepen your knowledge in the area that interests her. When it becomes part of your life, you can dream together, make plans, invent your future life and turn your ideas into reality. Fill your conversations with meaning. Talk about what motivates and inspires you.

Of course, you can attract someone with appearance or a solid bank account, but you can only conquer the soul with your personality.

6. Be patient

As you know, the quieter you go, the further you will be. Women find patience sexually attractive. You seem to be saying: I am ready to wait, because you are worth it. It is important to remain sincere and honest, to show respect for her, to appreciate her as a woman. Then, perhaps, you will receive a long-awaited prize. And if not, then so be it, that's fine too. Every moment of life is our experience, there is no need to discard it.

7. Be a man

The world is full of men who live without passion and without purpose. They do not want to be vulnerable and therefore are afraid to open up to a woman. They seek out the most attractive women and try to win them over by pretending to be someone they are not, only to be used and abandoned when another equally beautiful one appears on the horizon. Sometimes they come back and swear that things will be different now.

And it's always a lie. In fact, this behavior does not make you a man - it makes you an insecure loser. Therefore, if you want to achieve exactly her, then appreciate her, respect her, help her grow, support her, tell her how good she is. If you feel like you've already done your best, do something else.

What matters most is whether you can make her feel special.

If you can't, don't waste your time and, most importantly, her time. She wants something extraordinary - give it to her. In the end, it doesn't matter how much money you have or how attractive you look. What matters most is whether you can make her feel special. Then there is a chance that she will fall in love with you without a memory.

And when it does, keep winning it over and over again.

Modern time gives us modern ways winning a lady's heart. Naturally, now there are no jousting tournaments or duels. Now girls and guys have completely different priorities, so instead of a white horse and armor, you need to have other virtues and means.

Since the age has come modern technologies, and also every girl is equal in relation to a man, then the strong half of humanity is already confused about what needs to be done for a girl in order to win her. The forceful method of fighting for love is not in fashion today, since the female half of society relies on sensuality, words, and the art of behavior. Therefore, it is necessary, first of all, to learn sensuality. If you don't know how to win a girl, read on.

How to win a girl's heart

Step 1. Taking care of your own appearance

In any case, a man should look solid, handsome, neat. Will a girl like a “squishy” who has a sagging belly, stooped shoulders, a bad smell, wrinkled clothes and a face? Even if you're nervous before a date, you can't be brave with alcohol. You must show the girl that it is pleasant to communicate with you, you can be relied upon. Naturally, before a date, you need to carefully look at yourself and eliminate all visible shortcomings. After all, a woman carefully prepares for a meeting, and wants the same from you.

Step 2. Girls always like self-confidence.

Any girl wants to choose a man as her life partner who will not complain to her every minute about life, work, friends and other aspects of her life. The guy must be sure to show that he is all right. After all, the girl wants to know that in any situation you can support her. A man must be strong.

A man should not feel guilty for some of his desires. Historically, a man has to be stronger than a woman.

Step 3. Purposefulness is a male value

In the process of winning a girl, you need to set yourself a clear goal and achieve it with slow but sure steps. However, one should not overdo it, since no one likes strong pressure and pressure, especially girls. Learn to communicate with a girl, be polite to her, at the same time do not forget about purposefulness. Such an attitude towards the girl will bribe her completely.

If you made an appointment with a girl, then you must definitely come on time, and clearly discuss the place and time of the meeting.

Step 4. Have time to substitute a man's strong shoulder

You must be a reliable support for the girl you like. Emphasize with all your actions and words that you can be relied upon. Moreover, both words and actions must be sincere and real. All girls are looking for a stable, smart and strong man.

Step 5. Don't Forget the Complements

A woman always likes compliments and affectionate words, and men often forget about it. There is not much difference what words you will say to your beloved. Most importantly, all words must be spoken with feeling and sincerity. In any case, a girl who understands your tender attitude towards herself will appreciate you and be more supportive.

Step 6. Boredom Kills Interest

In no case should a girl feel inferior and self-doubt. You should show her that you are a smart man with whom you have something to talk about, but you should not crush her with your intellect. Moreover, it is necessary to give the girl the opportunity to show off her knowledge and intelligence. So she will feel that you appreciate her not only for her appearance, but her self-esteem and positive attitude towards you will be strengthened.

With this attitude, the girl will want to surprise you even more, to please you, and she will try to improve herself as much as possible in order to match you.

Step 7. Annoyance is the enemy of relationships

If you notice that a girl really likes you, then under no circumstances should you annoy her. You don't have to show yourself for who you are not. You should not pursue the girl at every turn. Give her some freedom. Your dates should be varied: sometimes with a lot of emotions and impressions, sometimes ordinary and simple. There is no need to spoil a woman too much, as such a relationship can be very boring, and there will no longer be any surprises in them.

Ideally, if you reveal yourself and your talents gradually. Not only in a woman should there be a mystery. A man must also keep a secret. Even if you do not have any talents, everything can be learned. For example, learn some romantic verse.

On the first date, you cannot fully reveal your talents, because on the second date you will no longer be interesting. Moreover, you can simply scare a girl with your impeccability and versatility.

Step 8. Learn to listen

All men know that a woman loves to talk. Naturally, it is not necessary to listen to it for several hours in a row without a break. However, show her that you know how to listen to her and that you are interested in what she has to say. Moreover, you should be prepared, since you cannot know in advance in which areas the girl understands and can talk. In the meantime, don't get bored. In no case should you confuse what the girl is talking about or forget something at all. After all, it shows how attentive you are to her.

Step 9. Be original

Be original, for example, you can hide a small gift in the place where you agreed to meet. A girl who did not expect such a turn of events will be pleasantly surprised and a good mood will be provided for the whole evening.

Step 10. Be prepared for the unexpected

A woman is a mystery and a surprise can await you every minute, so be prepared for anything. However, with the right approach, you will be able to win even the most impregnable girl.

So, to answer the question - how to win the heart of a girl, it is enough to know a few simple basics, and you will definitely succeed.

How to win a man? It is believed that the initiator of a romantic relationship must necessarily be the stronger sex. However, in practice there are completely different cases. It happens that the female half desperately seeks and wins the attention of the guy she likes. How to win the love of a man and at the same time not be rejected? What kind of women drive men crazy? Are there phrases that drive men crazy? Let's try to understand this issue. Psychologist's advice will help you understand how to win a guy's heart.


A large part of success depends on this factor. Very often, the male part of the population does not even realize that they are going to conquer. Women often act very subtly and gracefully, they do not speak out loud about their intentions. It seems that it is much more difficult to win and persuade an adult man than a pen pal. A personally accomplished person looks more inaccessible, it is much more difficult to win his heart. How to drive a man crazy? Of course, you need to change your behavior, avoid ambiguous situations and mutual disappointments. A woman in love often wonders how to win a man's heart. She must accept on faith that much depends on herself.

Psychologically, it is easier for a girl to accept courtship than to force herself to be interested. To drive a man crazy is actually not as difficult as it seems at first glance. Only the effect of such exposure can be temporary and is unlikely to satisfy the woman. Behavior should be slightly playful, beautiful, subtle and unobtrusive. A woman always seeks to interest herself and conquer. She can even drive you crazy at a distance, if she wants to.

How to win a man's heart? You should try to smile at him more often. Many women ignore this advice. And absolutely in vain. To win a guy and achieve his location, you must definitely smile at him. There is no way around this rule. Of course, falling in love with a guy by correspondence, in this way, will not work, but with those with whom there is visual contact, it is quite likely. To know how to win a man's attention, you need to understand your own role in a relationship. A woman should behave naturally, be unpredictable and interesting, be sure to express goodwill.

How to win a man's heart? First of all, you need to understand why this is necessary. If a woman is going to build a strong family with this particular person, this is one thing. When there is a desire to have an affair with a married person, completely different ways of seduction will come down. In any case, a gentle smile will not be superfluous. Each psychotherapist will tell you that the most important thing is to regain your peace of mind, and only then think about how to make a man think only about the one who really wants it. You just need to be sincere, strive for maximum openness and ease of communication.

Refuse criticism

This is the golden rule, which is worth learning by heart. Very often, women are so critical of their life partners that they do not know where to go from hopelessness. Such relationships are destroyed over time, because they cannot develop normally. How to win a man? All criticism must be consciously renounced. To know how to drive men crazy, you need to be able to feel their mood, recognize real needs and desires. The strong half also have their own fears, doubts and anxieties. If a woman learns to understand the person who is next to her, she can become truly happy.

How to win a guy? How to drive a man crazy? You just need to praise him more often, instill confidence in him with your own behavior. When a girl believes in her boyfriend, he has to believe in himself even more in order to live up to the expectations of his girlfriend. Girls are sometimes interested in how to force young man seek your favor? There is absolutely no need to insist on this. It is important that the young man himself came to such a decision. These things are not done under duress.

When a guy and a girl look at life in the same direction, it becomes much easier and easier for them to come to an understanding of each other. When wondering how to win a man, you need to understand what a woman can give to her chosen one. She should not just demand from him manifestations of some kind of participation, but she herself should strive to provide support in difficult situations. The unity of views and beliefs allows you to create a happy harmonious relationship. How to capture the heart, how to drive a guy crazy? You just need to strive to support him in everything, to share his views and beliefs as much as possible. Best of all, when there are common goals and aspirations, then the couple can be considered truly strong.

How to drive a man crazy? It would be nice to become a wonderful friend to him, who will always support and understand. To do this, you need to learn at least to understand and accept his inner needs. A man reaches out to that woman who does not push him away, supports and understands, just like a native person.


What drives a man crazy? Of course, a woman should look beautiful. Sexual attraction for a man is very important. A situation where a woman absolutely does not follow how she looks is completely unacceptable. Such an unattractive special man will never be interested. The representatives of the stronger sex are attracted possible risk, bright appearance, adventure, excitement. That's why appearance matters. A woman must take care of herself. The condition of the skin, hair, physical health matters. A well-groomed girl always attracts interested glances.

The art of seduction

How to drive a man crazy? You should definitely start playing with it. The art of seduction includes the ability to build relationships in such a way that the guy constantly admires the girl and compliments her. At the same time, a woman should not show strong interest and enthusiasm for a young man. The longer she can attract the attention of a potential partner, the more she can fall in love with her. How to drive a man crazy? The psychology of the stronger sex is such that he must constantly feel that he remains interesting for a woman. When you have to doubt her disposition or the girl openly demonstrates coldness, then the guy can actually lose interest. Thinking about how to conquer a man, do not forget about the secrets of seduction. The guy should feel interested in communication.

Relationships at a distance

This is the case when young people get to know each other through the Internet. It is possible to fall in love with a guy by correspondence, but only if feelings are still in their infancy, are in their infancy. Relations at a distance are very often interrupted for the reason that a situation is created that impedes their development. If people correspond for a long time, but do not see each other live, then sooner or later this will lead to a break. Sometimes the end of a relationship is not spoken by the partners, but they simply stop writing to each other. Gradually, even the most ordinary communication comes to naught. That's why it's so important to make appointments with each other on time so that phone conversations don't become routine.


A woman who wants to drive someone crazy must make the man feel strong and self-sufficient. This is an important component, without which relations will not be able to develop further at all, but simply stop. A lot depends on the behavior of the beautiful half. The more a woman pays attention to the formed union, the happier she herself can become. A woman attracts a man first with external beauty, and then opens up to him with all her heart. When she opens her soul, she wants to feel support and understanding in return. If a man meets all her expectations, then this will be a happy couple who has many happy minutes ahead.

Thus, in order to win a man, you need to know his psychology. A woman should not act with pressure or strive to force her partner to fall in love with her. Such actions on her part are completely unacceptable. They hinder the creation of strong harmonious relationships.

The life of men is very difficult and difficult. There are many unknown and incomprehensible moments. A woman plays an important and significant role in a man's life, but how to please a woman? How to win a woman's heart? After all, it is so unpredictable and incomprehensible. Here are some tips that will be useful to any man in order to win the favor of the lady of interest to him.

1 step. courtship

Everyone has heard the myth that women are greedy for gifts. Unfortunately, girls choose men not for gifts, but for the ability to present them. Indeed, sometimes it is more pleasant to receive not a real bouquet of flowers, but origami made of paper by the hands of a man.

2 step. Speech

Your speech should be coherent and understandable to a girl, you should not use those words in the lexicon that a woman may not understand. For example, such as "planetary gear", "rotary engine", etc.

Try to clearly articulate your thoughts. Try to develop in all directions so that you can keep up the conversation not only on neutral topics, but also be trained in women's topics.

3 step. compliments

Try to gently and inconspicuously compliment the girl. The most important thing is not to overdo it, otherwise the girl will find you annoying and intrusive, you should find a middle ground. Try in your compliments to emphasize her individuality and not like others.

4 step. flirt

Flirting is the key to the success of any communication. Play, smile and joke. Be simple and positive. saw beautiful girl and did you like it? Smile at her, wink and go boldly get acquainted.

5 step. Conversations about the past

How to win a woman's heart? Of course, it is absolutely normal to tell about your little self or various funny stories from your life, but you should definitely not talk about your former relationship. Girls are so capricious and vulnerable that they can take over any words for or against your former passion, so if you are suddenly talking about your former relationship, try to gently and imperceptibly translate the topic.

6 step. And most importantly, be yourself

A woman easily feels false in behavior and in words, do not play and do not try to create the impression of a person that you are not. Be sincere and determined. Be open about your weaknesses and don't exaggerate your strengths. How to win a woman's heart? Just be yourself, and then you will definitely succeed. It will turn out to please the desired woman.
