Desires - simple, everyday, or, conversely, grandiose, every person has while he is alive. It is a normal state of mind to want something more or something better than what you have. In order not only to want, but also to receive what is cherished, you need to know how to correctly formulate a desire. There is a lot of advice on what to say and how, or better yet, write it down, and everything will certainly come true. Oh, if only everything were so simple! Then there would not be a single unhappy, poor, sick person left in the world... But what in reality? Why aren’t the Universe, the Higher Powers or someone else in a hurry to fulfill what was asked? Is it just because mistakes were made in the wording? In our article we will tell you not only how to correctly formulate a desire, but also how to force the Universe to pay attention to it, and how to activate the process of its fulfillment. The information we provide is based on the knowledge and practical experience of magicians, as well as on the opinions of scientists involved in the issues of energy in the World Space.

Why does the Universe grant wishes?

You can come across a lot of information that our Universe certainly fulfills all desires, if only they are properly voiced and transferred directly to the Heavenly Office. It is on knowing how to correctly formulate your desire for the Universe that the result depends. How many people imagine what kind of sorceress this is, the Universe (or, as they also say, the cosmos infinite in space and time)?

Scientists have already established that we humans are not just an explosive mixture of material and spiritual. Each of us is a small microcosm, a separate unique Universe. It is surrounded and penetrated by special energy fields. Their nature is such that they absorb our thoughts every second - bad, good, all indiscriminately. Thus, a specific energy environment is created around us, which, according to as yet unclear laws, strives to attract to us what we have thought into it. Moreover, she pulls everything, even what is not needed. An example of this is complaining about an unhappy life. Those who cry a lot live like that. Therefore, the first law of fulfilling happy desires is to think only about the good in any situation, and as often as possible. But complaining, crying so that others feel sorry for you, thinking that nothing will work out for you, and the like, is strictly prohibited.

What prevents your dreams from coming true

Everyone wants to know how to correctly formulate a wish so that it comes true. And after doing everything exactly, they wonder why nothing changes. Perhaps if we lived on a desert island, our wishes would come true more often. But our small Universes, to which we have given instructions to fulfill a desire, are constantly in contact with dozens of other similar Universes, the owners of which “write” each their own on them. The energetic interactions between these very sensitive fields can erase records or adjust them in completely unnecessary directions. How can you influence this? No way. Just “rewrite” yours more often until it comes true. In simple words, you need to wish for something often. This works especially well when no one and nothing distracts. Then you can fully concentrate and make an energetic “record” of desire that is especially strong, one that is difficult to erase. In general, it’s ideal if you and someone close to you have the same dream, for example, your mother and you really want you to go to college. Then the “record” for the same desire will double and, accordingly, intensify.

What is better - to say wishes or write them down?

Some, when talking about how to correctly formulate a desire, warn that it must be written down. In principle, for energy fields it is the same. You need to write down your desire on paper, first of all. For what? Because not everyone can produce their own thought forms with equal strength. Therefore, a desire formed only in the mind does not always work. If a person perceives a desire both in the mind and visually on paper, it receives an additional charge of energy. But whether you write it down or say it out loud, you have a responsibility to visualize what you want in life. You need to do this to such an extent that you can smell the desire, taste it, and see its color. Example: if you dream of getting a certain position, you need to mentally see yourself in the desired workplace every day. You can start to imagine this from how you get ready for your new job in the morning, get dressed, comb your hair, travel in public transport, then how you are greeted, what they say to you, how you sit down at your desk, etc. Moreover, visualize you need in the smallest details, right down to the color of your shoes or the taste of the coffee that a caring secretary will bring you in your new position. In other words, you need to learn to mentally live in your already fulfilled desire.

Where to write down your dreams

For those who find it difficult to visualize, it is important to learn how to correctly formulate a desire on paper. Many people advise starting a special journal for this, called the “Book of Desires.”

It’s clear that it’s only needed for you. By creating it, decorating it, designing it, you will perform a kind of energy ritual, with the help of which a simple notebook purchased in an ordinary stationery department will turn into a magical assistant. How to make such a book? First you need to look for a notebook with tear-off sheets. Its appearance and price depend only on your taste. At home, when no one is bothering you, you need to decorate this notebook beautifully, bringing your preferences into the decor. They can be color, lace, ribbons, pasted photos of flowers. Thus, you seem to tie this notebook to your energy. On the cover or on the first sheet you need to write your name and the words “Book of Desires”. Some people recommend adding “Dedicated to the Universe.” You need to write in the Book without crossing out, diligently. Each wish needs to be allocated a separate sheet, and after fulfillment, it should be torn out and burned.

How to correctly formulate desires, examples

The book is ready, now you need to know what to write in it. Everyone has their own desires. Some people need fame, others just to get well... And yet, all desires are written down according to general rules. There are only six of them:

1. Write as if the desire has already been fulfilled, for example, not “I want to go” or “I will go to Egypt,” but “I am going to Egypt.”

2. Eliminate the particle “not”. For example, not “I’m not sick,” but “I’m absolutely healthy.”

3. Do not harm anyone with your desire. For example, not “I took the place of Tanya Ivanova’s boss,” but “I got a wonderful, highly paid job that I deserve.”

4. Don’t set specific deadlines. Why? You and I have one time frame, and the Universe has another. A mismatch can completely ruin all efforts.

5. Do not name specific names. For example, not “I am the wife of Petya Ivanov, whom I love very much,” but “I am the happy wife of the man I love most.”

6. Don't write down a lot of details. They are good for visualization, but interfere with recording.

When to wish

Magicians believe that it is important not only how to correctly formulate a desire so that it comes true, but also when to do it.

Traditionally, everyone makes wishes when the clock strikes for the New Year. It is believed, and not without reason, that at this time the fulfillment of plans is most likely. It is also productive to make a birthday wish in front of candles burning on the cake. Another day that magicians recommend is the 27th. No one can explain why exactly it is, but it works. And not only the day of the calendar, but any number 27. This could be the number of candies purchased and eaten during the wishing, the price of the product, the house number, looking at which you say your wish, etc.

Magicians also advise making all wishes on the waxing moon, especially those related to profit.

Desires for science

Not only magicians, but also scientists are trying to answer how to correctly formulate a wish so that it comes true. Only they do not use witchcraft, but reason. You are asked to draw a circle, symbolizing the wheel of fortune. It will roll smoothly through life if it is without curvature. In the drawn wheel (circle) we draw 4 spokes, that is, we divide it in half and in half again.

It turned out something like a cross. At the top we write: “Body”. This includes food, health, recreation, and sports. Opposite below we write: “Work”. This includes everything related to it - tasks, reports, meetings. On the left we write: “Spirituality.” This is our self-improvement, work on self-knowledge, discovery of something new. On the right we write: “Contacts”. These are our friends, family, acquaintances. The occupancy of the wheel should be 100%, that is, each segment needs to be allocated only 25%, otherwise it will become skewed and will roll through life using only “eights”. Therefore, desires in the sections “body”, “work”, “spirituality” and “contacts” need to be distributed equally. For example, you cannot dream about marriage, and only about it. You need to additionally set yourself some other goals in working on yourself, in developing your spirituality (suddenly you learn something useful for that same marriage).

Rely on the Universe, but don’t make a mistake yourself

Even if you know exactly how to correctly formulate a desire, you cannot rely only on the Universe. You have to try a little yourself, because it only falls into open mouths in fairy tales. Therefore, it doesn’t hurt at all to write next to the desire point by point what is needed to fulfill it. Let's give a simple example: you want to get well. But if you don’t get treatment, health won’t appear on its own. Let's take another example - you wrote in your notebook: “I am slim.” Make an additional plan for yourself from very small desires:

I refuse cakes;

I don't eat at night;

I took up sports.

The same can be said about other desires.

How to become rich

Nowadays, the question of how to correctly formulate a desire for money is the main one, because without it you can lose everything else. It is useful, if you want to have a lot of money, to make a plan for getting it. It can include not only work, but also, for example, a big win or something else. The main thing is that the ways to achieve your desire should not harm anyone. Next, when writing down a thought about future money, you need to formulate a phrase like “I am rich, I am happy and glad.” Magicians advise you to secure your application in the Universe. There are many rituals for this, but we offer the simplest one. In the silence of the night on the waxing moon, put a mirror, light a candle in front of it (preferably green), sit down, look at the flame and try your best to see yourself as successful, rich, happy. The more bright, living pictures that appear before your eyes, the faster your wish will come true. How? Fate will tell.

How to correctly formulate a desire for marriage (example)

This question interests every single girl. Of course, if you write “I am the wife of the man I love” and sit at home waiting for him to appear, you may not get anything done. You need, as already written above, to take certain steps yourself - lead an active lifestyle, make new acquaintances, travel, work on your appearance, go to discos in the end. You can also try to trust marriage agencies. Some of this will work.

Often women who have experienced betrayal and separation ask how to correctly formulate their desire for marriage. An obstacle to the fulfillment of what is planned here can be women’s attachment to their “ex,” unforgiven grievances, and plans for revenge. We can advise one thing - either fight for your destroyed happiness and not dream of a new one, or throw the past out of your head, tear it out of your soul, sincerely wish “him” all the best, thereby clearing a place for happiness in your energy field. Until this is done, the past will simply not allow the new to gain a foothold there. And you can write down your wish like this: “I am a happy and beloved wife, I have a very good, faithful and devoted husband.”


In conclusion, I would like to say that desires come true only when we fight for it. The paths are different. Some rely on the correct entries in the “Book of Desires,” while others try to achieve everything themselves. And it works best if you combine these two paths into one, that is, use some magic of wish fulfillment, at least in the form of writing them down in a notebook and in daily visualization. And at the same time, make efforts to bring the deadline closer. The main thing is not to create happiness for yourself at the expense of the misfortune of others. The universe does not accept such methods.

Dreams are things that you think about as desirable for yourself, but you are not sure whether you really want them to come true, or whether they will turn out to be better than what you already have. This is what comes to your mind on long, boring evenings, in lines and at the bus stop.

Dreams are sketches, anticipations of your desires, but not yet your desires.

To understand whether you really want what you dream of, you need to think carefully. For example, if someone says: “How nice it would be if you didn’t have to work,” this does not mean that he likes doing nothing, maybe he is just mentally or physically tired of it. In fact, he wants another job that is more meaningful to him, or wants to work for himself, or 3-4 days a week instead of 5 or 6 months a year, and the rest of the time to do something else.

Use your dreams as a starting point in finding your deepest desires and see where they take you.

Desires are what you dreamed about, what you finally decided on and what you now definitely want to achieve.

Desires may not be entirely defined, slightly vague, but they are more persistent than dreams. The difference between a dream and a desire is that you are in no hurry to realize your dream, because... you are not entirely sure that you want this, but in the case of desire, you know clearly “I want this to happen.” The transition from dreams to desires is the same as the transition from planning to action.

Needs are what are most likely to happen.

I'm thirsty and can easily satisfy this need (unless, of course, I'm in the desert). We constantly need something and therefore know perfectly well how to get it, otherwise we could hardly survive.

How should you make wishes?

Unfortunately, there is no clear answer to this question. It is important that your desires are real, i.e. you really have to want it with all your heart and soul. The number of your wishes can be unlimited, but when making them, think about yourself, even if you want the same for others. Here are some top tips:
  • Listen to your heart, the mind is a bad advisor in this matter.

  • Try to be as specific as possible, so it will be easier for you to determine whether your wish has begun to come true or how long it has been coming true.

  • Think about your desires, think about them with pleasure, start doing it right now.

  • As we have already said, you set the number of your desires yourself. Desires, like dreams, are endless. However, if you are able to isolate from this set only the three most cherished, most desired desires and concentrate all your thoughts on them, the result will not take long to arrive.

  • The latter may not be so simple. Meanwhile, if you firmly know what you want, the realization of your desires is only a matter of time. Stop thinking about them, start rushing about, doubting, and everything is gone, your desires will not budge.

  • Some people think first and then decide; others decide first and then think about their decisions. For desires, both will do, although other options are possible.

We begin to desire. Sequencing

  1. Go somewhere you like best.

  2. Bring your favorite drink and food with you or buy them on site.

  3. Take a piece of paper, pencil or pen and start writing.

  4. Just write, don’t correct or analyze anything, you’ll do it later.

  5. Write down all the desires that come to your mind, even if they seem insignificant, childish, frivolous to you (it may happen that they are those very cherished desires).

  6. When you have an impressive wish list, read it carefully and try to choose the three most attractive desires. Choose those that truly stimulate you, those that can move you to specific actions, don’t think about what you should or must do, think about what you want more than anything else.

  7. If that doesn't work, you can try roulette. Number all your wishes, put them in your headdress and choose three at random, but not more than three, otherwise the choice will be wrong.

  8. If you are still unsure, stop and listen to your heart (I think this is the most reliable way). Does not help? But are you determined to solve everything right here and now? Don't, you might overdo it and end up disappointed. You can return to the same place and repeat the procedure at any other time. Moreover, this is not the only possible way to identify the desires of the heart.

How to speed up the process of fulfilling your desire?

Let's try to approach this matter more measuredly, thoughtfully and intentionally, in general, let's not rely too much on the capricious Fortune.

Step 1: What do you want and why?
Ask yourself “What do I want? What good does it do me?”, and it’s better if someone does it for you. Ask these two questions until the answers repeat themselves.

Direct your thoughts in a positive direction: don’t think about what you would like to avoid, think about what you would like to get. The first is also useful, but not in this case. If you focus on what is wrong in your life, you will stop noticing the positive aspects, which means you may miss the beginning of the fulfillment of your desires.

When thinking about your desires, think about what has already come true. You may already have something bigger and better than what you currently desire. After all, it may happen that the fulfillment of a current desire will mean parting with things that are familiar and dear to the heart. Remember a wish is not the same as a dream. Take your time, think carefully. Are you ready to part with what you already have?

Step 2: How specific are your desires?
Ask yourself where, when, how and with whom your wish should come true. The more specific your wish, the more likely it is that it will come true and that you will not miss this moment, and the happier you will be when it happens.

Ask yourself “Won’t I regret it later?” Imagine that your wish has already come true. Do you regret the time, effort, money and what else? Do you have a feeling that this is not quite what you imagined? And remember, you want for yourself. Forget about what others want for you. Realizing what you want for yourself will bring you much more benefit and satisfaction than having what others want for you come true.

Step 3. How realistic are your desires?
Try to revive your desire. No, no, no magical skills, only senses and emotions. What does your wish look like? What does it smell like? What does it feel like? What does it taste like? What does it sound like? How do you feel about this? Joy, delight, admiration, surprise? Are you ready to start implementing it? Collect all your sensations and emotions together and get a living image of your desire. Now you certainly won’t miss it and you probably won’t delay its implementation.

Let's start implementation

Some wishes come true, you just have to want it. Others require physical, moral and other investments. For example, you wanted your own garden. What will you do? Of course, you will take the seeds and begin to plant flowers, after which you will wait for the result, but again, not fold your arms, but try to speed up the process - you will water, weed, fertilize, etc. It’s much the same with desires - you plant a seed, take care of it and watch how it grows and blossoms.

So where to start? Start from the end. Your wish has already come true. As it will be? How will you know this has happened?

Now imagine that you are halfway to your cherished desire. What's happening? What actions did you take to get here?

Well, now the first step. The most responsible and difficult moment. It’s like throwing yourself into the sea from a sheer cliff, not really knowing what awaits you below.

Are you sure you're ready for this leap? Have you stocked up on the necessary equipment? If yes, then what are you waiting for? Do you have any doubts? You may need someone's help. Who can you count on in such a matter? You may have done something similar before. Remember how it was. Believing in yourself + life experience (you can use someone else’s) is all you need for the first step.

One step may not be enough. As we have already said, some desires come true quickly, others need to be spurred on. This can be done in different ways. Change jobs, move to a new place, sign up for some courses, communicate with those who have already achieved what you are striving for, and try to use their experience. To make sure you choose, ask yourself the following questions:
  • What will happen if I do this?

  • What happens if I don't do this?

  • What won't happen if I do this?

  • What won't happen if I don't do this?

Often people hesitate for a long time to take the first step due to lack of enough money. Money, of course, is important, because with it you can achieve a lot. However, we often refer to the lack of money because we do not want to change anything in our lives. Fear of change is the biggest obstacle to realizing our desires. However, if you really need money, then you should think about where and how you can get it.

Perhaps you don’t have to go far and don’t have to make much effort. Since you are reading this article, it means you have a computer, and therefore, you can easily find some part-time work or go a little further and open your own website. There are many options, you just need to really want it. There are many examples when people who decided to achieve their goal, at any cost, quickly got down to business, and the lack of sufficient funds was not a problem for them.

Now that you have almost reached the final, I think it would not be superfluous to remind you once again that YOUR DESIRE SHOULD COME FROM YOUR HEART, AND NOT FROM YOUR HEAD. How to recognize the desire of the heart? Forget about everything that you were taught, do not pay attention to the persistent calls of the mind, they say, you need to do this, you need that. Concentrate on your sensations and feelings. Listen carefully to them and try to understand what they mean. However, do not be too persistent, the heart does not tolerate haste and pressure, it works differently than the head. It may take you some time to discern the desires of your heart. But once you succeed, creating a living image of desire will not be difficult.

Yes, and also, WISHES SHOULD BE SPEAKED OUT LOUD AND WRITTEN ON PAPER. I don’t know how it works, but from personal experience I have been convinced more than once that desires voiced and entrusted to a piece of paper come true faster and more often than those you only imagined.

Well, all that remains is to wish you the fulfillment of your most cherished desires.

Despite the fact that we have been writing about the fulfillment of desires for several years, questions still constantly come up as to why wishes do not come true. We have discussed overestimated importance, environmental friendliness, obstacles in the head, etc. many times, but it turned out that many people do not understand at all how to make wishes correctly. And I decided to talk in more detail about what wishes it makes sense to make so that they come true in the foreseeable future.

Now we will not talk about how or what techniques to use (and whether this should be done), but about the general adequacy of your dreams, your real capabilities.

For a long time it seemed obvious to me, but lately there have been especially many questions and indignant letters with grievances, demands, and bewilderment as to why wishes do not come true. And when I read the description, I realized what the problem was: many people make absolutely incredible wishes and expect them to come true in the near future. And of course they get disappointed.

I’ll tell you in more detail using the example of one of the letters. The woman asks why in the two years she spent on the site, not a single wish came true, not even a single one.

I asked for an example of the wishes she made.

The list looked something like this:
- a five-room apartment on Frunzenskaya (this is a rather expensive area in Moscow, I don’t know the price range, but I assume that such an apartment will cost at least 20 million),
- three-story house of 200 m per floor and 50 acres of land
- expensive car
- marry a faithful, generous, handsome, wealthy (the list is much longer) man
- become the owner of a premium salon in the center of Moscow. Etc.

I corresponded with this woman earlier and I know that now she has a fairly ordinary life with ordinary problems: a complete lack of work experience and lack of work as such, divorced, children are already adults, no capital or income, serious problems with money.

What do we see in this story? A huge gap between the current state and the level of aspirations.

I asked her then what she did to achieve her goals? She answers that she kept a “Notebook of 100 Days” and carries with her a handkerchief with a knot at will.

Friends, it’s not enough to keep a notebook and do esoteric techniques given such a gap between what is desired and what is actual. If you don’t do anything special in life, don’t develop, then even a generous, wealthy man will not be so easy to attract. And even meet...

How to make a wish correctly?

1. If you want a wish to come true in the foreseeable future, say, within a year, that is, you set an approximate deadline, then make an adequate wish that corresponds to your real capabilities.

Now I constantly meet fantastic desires. For example, an older woman with no experience of a serious relationship, having read “50 Shades of Grey,” dreams of marrying a rich handsome man in six months. Or they write down “I get 500 thousand rubles.” per month”, currently having 10-15t.

Friends, lower your expectations.

Just make a wish to meet a man with whom there will be a deep mutual feeling, maybe he will ask you to marry, but describe this within reasonable limits. Don't make too large of a monetary request, exceeding 20 times your current income.

Let's say you earn 50 thousand a month, but you want 100 thousand.

Ask yourself, do you believe you can earn that much?

Let's say your profession is in demand on the market, are you worth more, do you believe in yourself and your strengths? If yes, then wish for 100 thousand.

This is quite real, I had such an experience.

But if you don’t believe it, don’t think you can get 100, wish for 70 thousand. When you reach this amount, increase it.

Otherwise, it's just disappointment.

2. What about cottages, expensive cars and all that? Shouldn't you dream about it?

Why, no problem, it is possible and necessary if you really want it.

Just don't set deadlines.

Well, it’s true that there is little chance of getting a five-room apartment in a year or even two, if now there is no housing or income at all. Theoretically, maybe you will meet a man with such an apartment, but still it will be his apartment.

But if you don’t set this goal for yourself as an immediate one, but put it in perspective, and work very, very actively towards it, then you can quite achieve it in a few years.

In general, in order for any complex desires to come true, you need to change. For changes to begin in the outer world, changes must first begin in your inner world, thinking, behavior, actions. You need to learn to overcome fears, get out of your comfort zone, and do something new.

Maybe start helping out at the hospital as a volunteer. Maybe get interested in yoga and start practicing two hours a day, meditating. Maybe go study. Find a job in another field. Open your Internet project.

Why is this necessary?

And then. First, through action your thinking will change. It is impossible to do something actively, involved and remain in the same place.

Secondly, you will begin to communicate with new people who will open up unexpected opportunities for you.

And thirdly, most importantly. This way you will gain energy, strength, and this will also help you get closer to your goals.

Why then make a wish at all, you ask?

You can only rely on your own strengths and not hope for “some help from above.” Set goals and go towards them. What does desire have to do with it?

Well, first of all, a desire is a declaration of your intention.

When you make a wish, and even use different techniques, you give a signal to your subconscious, your psyche, that you really want it.

You tune in and are given the energy to realize your desire.

And it is very important not to waste this energy in vain, on chatter, doubts and fears, you need to immediately put it into action.

In addition, by keeping your focus on what you want, if the importance is not overestimated, you open up to new opportunities, literally begin to see them. And then suddenly that same “help from above” comes, when circumstances mysteriously turn out in your favor, the right people appear, and sometimes something incredible happens, and everything works out easily.

We never claimed that as soon as you write down your wishes in the Book of Desires, everything will come true by itself. Yes, sometimes this happens, but complex desires also require your efforts.

Let's summarize.

How to make wishes?

1. Make real wishes that can come true in the foreseeable future.

And start taking some actions, esoteric or the most practical. In this case, something happens that helps your wish come true.

I personally am generally against any deadlines, so the question “why the desire is not fulfilled” usually never arises in my mind. The time will come and it will be fulfilled.

The only exception is desires that are more or less subject to your control. That is, you know that if you do such and such, you will get such and such a result. For example, look well-groomed, change your wardrobe, lose weight, etc.

2. If at the moment your desire is difficult to realize, then you cannot set a deadline!

You can and should wish for it. Apartments, your own business, some complex love desires - all this can and should come true.

But you need to understand that such desires take a lot of time. And not just a lot of time (usually one year is not enough), but also your willingness to have it. Until you change in something (thinking, behavior, working through fears, etc.), then nothing changes for the Universe, which means your life remains the same.

What about the miracle? - you ask.

After all, miracles happen, for example, when suddenly you get an apartment for free. Or pregnancy occurs after 15 years of infertility. It happens, I know real cases.

Yes, sometimes a miracle happens in our lives. But it is always something unexpected, spontaneous.

There will be no miracles if you persistently wait for them, worry that you don’t have it, and demand. Or write me angry letters that your wishes do not come true)

The opposite will happen.

While you wait and grieve, you broadcast the need, the fact that you don’t have it. And wishes don't come true.

If you don’t wait for a miracle, don’t demand, don’t be offended that it doesn’t exist, but just keep your desire in focus, even a very complex and difficult one, and do everything possible to make it come true, change, but don’t focus on one goal, but develop different ones. spheres of your life, then most likely a miracle will happen. Or maybe it won’t happen, but you yourself will achieve what you want. Only a little later.

And finally, a funny 5-minute cartoon about what would happen if all our wishes were indiscriminately fulfilled immediately (as many people want).

Where desires lead

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Thank you for the article! I do QL with great faith and desire. Is it possible to activate QOL on February 20, 2019???? I don't have time...
Answer: Yes.


Are completing your marathons also actions (meditations, tasks)???
Answer: It depends on what your desires are, but in general, yes.


I, too, have had almost nothing come true.
this site. And she formulated her wishes correctly, and inserted photos, and imagined them. And most importantly, she let go. And then I went into the book of wishes, re-read it, but nothing really supernatural happened, neither in a year, nor in a couple of years...
Although it didn’t hurt, I had a blast there, and allowed me to dream a little, of course, but without fantasy.
Only wishes came true that, in principle, should have come true even without a website, that is, immediate plans.
The main thing is to read other people’s suggested reviews, there are houses, and unexpected incomes, and princes.
And now it turns out, go down to the ground.
Strange, to say the least.
And yes. I bought a lottery ticket)))
Answer: A lot depends on your blocks and your actions. Read the article “Why wishes don’t come true” and there is a webinar on this topic. It is very important that you yourself change, so that your life changes significantly. In the strongest reviews we see how much is behind it.



That’s right: trust in God and don’t make a mistake yourself!


But it also seemed to me that this article was somewhat out of line with the general “format” of the site. The site is more esoteric, so fabulous, it inspires such hope and faith that the Higher Powers love you, all your dreams will come true, that everything is possible, you just have to want it, don’t be shy about asking!) and then bam - and it’s on you :)) - dream, but don’t open your mouth too much, and don’t wait and hope, but let’s act, go crawl towards your goal. It turns out just business training on setting goals :)
Answer: So ask. But in large desires, move yourself. You must understand that the help of the Universe lies in new opportunities and options that you can take advantage of. It’s not like you’re lying on the couch, waiting and hoping, and then the doorbell rings. You open it - and there is a handsome, rich man, kneeling down and handing you a ring. And at the same time he immediately signs off the apartment)
And then the complaints begin that two years ago I ordered a 5-room apartment on Frunzenskaya and my own premium class salon, but still there is nothing.


Thanks for this article! It’s not for nothing that old people say: “Trust in God, but don’t make a mistake yourself.” You need to believe in your dream, but no one has canceled working on yourself. If you want to change your life, then change yourself first. Before I came across your site, I was a deep pessimist, now I’m working on my “bugs and cockroaches” and life is becoming brighter. And wishes come true, we just don’t notice it. And there are more joyful moments, and people are nicer and the grass is greener...


Oh, Ekaterina, how right you are) To get a desire, you must not only believe in a miracle and dream, but also act)) I had a dream, to meet one, quite famous person (I won’t indicate the name, it’s not relevant) . Well, in general, it’s just an unrealistic dream for me. But somehow I realized that I don’t care, sooner or later I’ll meet, but for now I’ll try to work towards it. And, believe it or not, I still saw each other, but I didn’t manage to communicate. I calmed down and told myself that, in principle, I didn’t count on this. And then I found out that his exhibition would be held and volunteers were needed. That’s where I not only talked, but also made a bunch of friends)) Thanks for the article! You are right, diligence, work on yourself and, of course, desires work real miracles)


10000000000000 to your words. You need to change, develop yourself and find to know yourself and do it with love without claims, first of all, to yourself, to others, to the Higher Powers. And then your true desires will emerge, not those imposed by society. And then it is precisely desires that are easily fulfilled.


My dad always said that water does not flow under a lying stone!!!
And indeed it is!!!
And there are many jokes about this, for example:
“A deeply religious man died.
He came to God and asked:
- Lord, why didn’t you let me win the jackpot in the lottery?
To which the Lord asked him:
-Are you a dear man, have you ever bought a lottery ticket?


Thank you for the article) I completely agree)) This does not mean that you don’t need to dream, just a dream + action = faster fulfillment of a desire. Than just a dream, or just actions separately.


Well, for those who can do everything themselves and don’t need such a site)) you yourself understand that people hope for a miracle here. I know a bunch of people for whom everything, in principle, has been going like clockwork financially since childhood, and why don’t they need any articles. and my whole family has been plowing all their lives and we don’t really have anything, it seems to me that you’re fantasizing to yourself that no one is doing anything, the whole world is plowing all day long and then they come across articles that say everything is possible easily and simply, but you yourself you give them hope! and then oops, it turns out it’s not easy and simple, you still have a hundred years to drink and maybe it will come true then, well, everyone knew that even without the articles, why are you surprised. It’s just that people wonder why I’m so wonderful, I plow all day long and there’s nothing, while someone else plows just as much (or even less) and they have so much everything, but life goes by! If everything were so simple, time passes and fatigue accumulates. you say don’t look at others, ok thank you, and in kindergarten they said nothing new, in short. the philosopher’s stone was not found, the secrets were not discovered, well, that’s what fate means. For some it’s better, for others it’s worse, we’ll all die anyway, at least it makes us happy, we’ll take a break from plowing.

And all your examples are women’s truth, women at least still believe in “princes” just with an apartment, and men generally have nowhere to run and just continue to plow. But my friend is a major son of rich parents all his life in such huts for 20 million, or even more, he lives and doesn’t give a damn))) and try to attract everyone else to yourself)) it’s not clear why we are worse than him, what Don’t we live in these? Is fate punishing us for something, karma or what? at least all that remains is to dream.
Answer: You are saying some strange things that are not very clear to me. What is plowing? Work? So this is happiness. Do you think it’s better not to work? The path to degradation and depression.


Ekaterina, thank you for this wonderful article! You allowed yourself to get emotional and the article turned out to be so lively that I re-read it several times. Criticism can sometimes be very useful, even if it is not you who is being criticized, but someone else. I don’t have fantastic or excessive desires, they are all realistic, but your article today very clearly indicated to me that I should take more actions aimed at realizing my desires. Today I concluded for myself that it’s time to forget about the winter semi-depression and actively start achieving goals.
Answer: Thank you! That's right, we often don't do anything ourselves to achieve our goals, even what we could do.


By nature I am “hot”: any “I want” for a short time becomes a passionate desire that I need right here and now! =) Your new article made me calm down and stop being angry with myself and the current circumstances.
I wrote down my desires, dividing them into “Wait” and “Act”. To “Wait” I sent those desires of mine that at the moment depend little on me and are in the long term (moving to a new place, our own home, travel, a car, specific income, etc.). For now, I will not frantically devote all my strength and thoughts to these desires. =) And in “Act” I added all those desires that directly depend on me right now (to know such and such foreign languages, to make such and such friends, to start my own business , become more confident in yourself, etc.). Now, opposite this column, I’ll list possible solutions to these issues. And somehow it’s even nice to realize that you are not weak-willed and much in your life depends on yourself!

Thanks for the wonderful article! I came across it just in time. =) And I thank the Higher Powers for allowing me to read it and calm down a little.
Answer: Yes, it all starts with the realization that many things depend only on oneself. No one can learn a language for you, for example. No one will live your life for you. At the same time, it is not 100% up to you. But what is in your power, you need to use it, act.


Thank you for the article! As always, on topic and on time! Like everything that you have created and are creating on your magical website!

Every month we all have a wonderful opportunity to make wishes. As a rule, we do this on the new moon and full moon.

And since we have a magical, mystical and karmic full moon right around the corner, it would be unforgivable not to make a wish on such a day.

The full moon on April 30 will begin at 3:59 a.m. (Moscow time) and throughout the day you can do rituals to make wishes and rituals of cleansing from negative programs in your life.

I do not suggest that you engage in magical rituals that require special preparation, because without understanding their essence, you can ritualize something completely different from what you need, but I will tell you how to make wishes correctly, so as not to harm anyone, but to do it for your own good.


1. The desire must certainly be sincere and made with a good purpose for yourself and others.

2. The fewer wishes you make, the faster they will come true. Try not to spread yourself thin and make 10 wishes at once. Focus on at least three. It’s not for nothing that all fairy tales and songs talk about three desires.

3. In order for your wish to come true, it must be formulated correctly. And since the Universe has more important things to do than solve our puzzles, then formulate your desires in the present tense, without the particle “not” and “without” and only in relation to yourself. For example:

I get the amazing job of my dreams

I'm going on vacation to a wonderful city...

I meet my loved one

My well-being is improving

I'm releasing my new book

I learn a foreign language easily and quickly

I attract many successful and interesting people to me

I gain excellent health, etc.

If you want to make a wish regarding another person, then this should be done as follows. For example, your child does not listen to you at all, constantly argues and constantly makes you angry. You don't like it and want to change the situation.

In this case, there is no need to make a wish, such as: “I want my child to become obedient and exemplary.” This will be a violation of his rights and a manifestation of your selfishness, this is indicated by the expression “I want.” Instead, you need to formulate it like this: “I am a happy mother of a wonderful, well-mannered child!”

In this case, the Universe will fulfill your wish, making you a truly happy mother, and your child will behave much better.

4. When formulating a desire, do not use any names, the words “I buy” and “I earn”, since you should not limit the Universe in the many options for realizing your desire. By declaring “I buy” in your wish, you will actually have to buy what you want with your money, although perhaps you can simply receive it as a gift.

5. All wishes must be written down on a piece of paper. You can keep a nice notebook for your wishes so that you can track them and mark those that have already come true.

6. In order for your wishes to come true, you need to say them out loud with great enthusiasm and emotion. The more you are imbued with your desire, the greater the impetus for fulfillment it will receive - therefore, in a bad mood, it is better not to make a wish at all.

7. After you have emotionally spoken out loud your desires, try to let them go and not create unnecessary potential and tension that will slow down the process of embodiment. If you have the opportunity to launch a balloon or Chinese lantern while making a wish, then that will be even better.

8. After each wish, you must say the following words: “May my wish come true for the benefit of me and the entire Universe.”

9. It is good to do a wish fulfillment ritual in front of a lit candle, which should be small and burn out soon after the ritual is completed. It is better if the spark plug is new. We never burn or throw away the wish list, but save it.

10. Don’t forget to thank the Universe for every wish you fulfill, so that your stream of fulfillments does not end, but, on the contrary, increases with each new moon and full moon.

I am sharing with you the rituals that I use myself and I can say that they definitely work. Many of my wishes come true very quickly, and in the most incredible way. I wish the same for you!

Have a wonderful full moon, magical rituals and fulfillment of your desires!

Each of us has desires and we all want these desires to come true. Even the most unrealistic...
After all, wishes exist for this reason, to come true. You just need to guess correctly.

First, the general rules.

1. Never use the particle “not” when formulating a desire.
For example: the desire “I don’t want to be fat!” It’s better to formulate this way: “I wish you to be slim, blooming, attractive and charming!” Something from this set will definitely come true!

2. A very important point is to think about how this desire will be realized.
For example: “I want to go on a round-the-world cruise.” But you can also work as a cleaner on an ocean liner! Therefore, it is better to formulate the desire like this: - I want to go on a river cruise to relax and... - Complete the phrase with other details. The more there are, the better!

3. Having made a wish, you must firmly and unconditionally believe that it will come true.
There should be no doubt about this! Just make a wish and let go of it for a while. Let the energy of desire “cook” in your subconscious.

4. It is necessary to visualize the result as often and completely as possible, i.e. present the results of what has already been done.
For example, if you want a luxurious apartment, imagine not only the interior, but also how you will celebrate a housewarming, how to watch TV in the living room, how to have dinner in the dining room, etc.

5. It is necessary to pronounce affirmative sentences silently or out loud (out loud better) as often as possible.
These statements are especially effective in the evening before bed and in the morning, while still half asleep. The mind at this time is still (or already) dormant, and the words seem to be imprinted into the subconscious. In this case, all actions should be only in the present tense: “I have (do) this and that.”

6. Make yourself a symbol of a fulfilled desire.
For example, a coin. And carry it with you until your wish comes true.

7. Make a plan to achieve what you want.
Many people neglect this simple rule. But what’s easier: to write or even just imagine all the steps necessary to implement your plan!

But the process of wishing to effectively (quickly and easily) obtain a result will be different for all people.

Let's turn to classical Western astrology. So... If your zodiac sign is:

Aries, Leo or Sagittarius - your main assistant is fire. Choose a time at dusk when no one will disturb you. Light a candle. Make a wish while looking into the candle fire. Write it down on paper. If you want to get rid of something, then immediately burn your notes. If you want to purchase something, read your entry more often by candlelight. And when your wish comes true, you can burn this paper with gratitude to the Higher Powers.

Cancer, Scorpio or Pisces - your main assistant is water. On the shore of a pond, looking at the water, you need to make a wish. Write it down on paper. Then make a boat out of the note and set it sailing. It is better to be in the boat or on the bridge at this moment.

Taurus, Virgo or Capricorn - your main helpers are money and food! You need to make one wish at a time and carry the treasured coin in your pocket until this wish comes true. Do not lend money to anyone at this time! When making a wish, it is good to chew a few grapes or chewing marmalade.

Gemini, Libra or Aquarius - your main assistants are a cheerful company and... clouds. Invite as many of your friends as possible and make a wish during a noisy party. Or desires. You can make several wishes at once. You can also make wishes while walking, looking at the clouds.

These are the simple rules. I hope they make your life a lot easier. Good luck!
