Little Makar is a miracle child who gets along wonderfully with peers and adults. The latter interests him more, since the boy is developed beyond his years: he is attracted to more serious topics, something new, unusual.

The child is distinguished by a serious approach to any business - in this he himself is somewhat similar to adults. Reasonable, not too emotional, responsible and calm, this baby almost never gives parents trouble.

But it is worth remembering that Makar will always have his own opinion on everything, which is not so easy to change: only weighty arguments can act here. Has a deep inner world, which can demonstrate exclusively to the closest and most trusted people.

Makar is deprived of teenage maximalism, he lives in the real world, early begins to see the cause-and-effect relationships of different actions. Education is responsible. He does not always like to study some subjects, but the guy understands that this will be useful to him in the future. The people around him are very sympathetic to Makar, they strive to communicate with him more, because as a result you can also learn a lot of interesting things.

Friendship for this person is extremely important. This teenager necessarily has several close friends with whom he spends a lot of free time. He does not tolerate duplicity, understatement - he tries to voice his thoughts to everyone, but he never offends anyone.

This young man does not like loud fame and great attention. He is more interested in doing something important, setting small real goals and achieving them, receiving the approval of only those closest to him. Sometimes a guy can seem like a cold, calculating person, but he's not.

Adult Makar is the embodiment of that ideal about which it is customary to speak of a “real man”. He is calm, confident in himself and his abilities. By maturity, this person can reach unprecedented heights, earn a lot of money, but he will never boast of his position.

Differs in wisdom, interesting views on life. Generous to his loved ones, supportive of human weaknesses. Makar will protect the weak, he will never offend anyone. With women, he behaves like a gentleman, which attracts a huge number of fans. This man involuntarily commands respect.

Makar is the ideal representative of a person for whom great importance deals with the matter, not the word. He says little, promises almost nothing, but is ready to do everything that depends on him. He approaches life without complications, likes to quickly put everything on the shelves, not to suffer over trifles and not to live for show.

  • 5, 12, 23, 25 and 27 January
  • February 1, 4, 18, 21 and 29
  • March 3, 11 and 30
  • 5, 9 and 14 April
  • May 14, 26, 27 and 31
  • 4, 8 and 10 June
  • August 7, 22, 24 and 31
  • September 4, 19, 20 and 28
  • October 2, 5, 19, 24 and 25
  • November 12 and 29
  • December 3 and 29

The meaning and characteristics of the name Macarius

The name Macarius came from the ancient Greek language, in translation from which it means “blessed”, “martyr”.

The boy named by this name is sociable and kind. Sometimes he is somewhat spoiled by his parents, but in the circle of his friends and acquaintances he never behaves selfishly or dishonestly.

A child, as a rule, is loved by both adults and peers, he is sincere, honest, open and easy to communicate with.

Macarius is a hardworking and industrious person. As an adult, he chooses a profession related to working with his hands. He can make something, repair or create, doing it at a high professional level. About such a man, as a rule, they say that he has “golden hands”.

The owner of this name has a great sense of humor, he is not touchy and always prevails in good location spirit.

These qualities are highly valued by women, but Macarius, before choosing a life partner, must thoroughly study her, check and make sure that the choice is made correctly. As a rule, a man marries quite late, idolizes his wife, spends a lot of time with children.

Congratulations to Macarius on his name day in verse

Macarius, today we congratulate you, we wish you success in you!
We wish you success in your work, be lucky everywhere!

May all desires be fulfilled, reach the heights of mastery,
No wonder let the efforts pass, you will receive the reward in full!

We wish you true love, there will be no end to love,
Let fate be serene, happy it will be!

Macarius in everything and always on horseback,
And with any business he will manage,
And he fully appreciates every moment of life,
And he knows how to deal with difficulty!

So let it always be happy
Over the years, let him not change,
All the best is ahead
And the joy is just beginning!

SMS congratulations to Macarius on his name day

Dear Macarius! I sincerely wish that all your cherished dreams come true! May love live in your heart, and success in all endeavors! Let your life path it will be even and bright, and no misfortunes will meet on it!

For Macarius - good luck in life and in love,
Keep your original character forever!

"Makarius" means happy.
That property of Zeus, not otherwise,
After all, the thunderer was not called that,
But only characterized.

Let fate be with Makar,
Like the wonderful world of Madagascar:
The same bright, colorful,
The salary is very generous.

Let the road be wide
Let there be a lot in life
Good and light will happen
After all, happiness lies in the name.

Do you have a natural gift?
You are reliable and kind, Makar,
Can you take a hit?
You are not afraid of fire.

Now I want to wish you
Everything that you think, succeed
Don't get tired of dreaming
And fulfill these dreams.

Always stay the same
Makar, smile more often
Don't try to find problems.
And enjoy your life.

Congratulations Makar. May the path through life always be kind and easy, may your every day have a taste of happiness and love. I wish you, dear Makar, health and success, good luck and victories. Dream, Abstract from negativity, Think creatively, Attack all obstacles, Resolutely strive for a dream!

Makar - cheerful and happy,
And he is beloved by the female sex.
Everything is arguing in the hands, boiling,
And he values ​​friendship.

Makar, let life pamper you,
And dear is not jealous.
And the mood on any day,
Good luck to be with you.

Makar is stubborn and sociable,
Changeable and executive,
Loyal and hardworking
Kind and hospitable.

We wish you a beautiful fate
Mutual love, kind, clear,
Energy, dreams come true,
Harmony and inspiration!

If you met Makar,
So I met happiness!
This is a rare person
Take care of him all the time!

Words are not thrown into the wind.
He will fulfill everything if he promises.
Family man and wonderful father.
Here with such at least tomorrow down the aisle.

Makar, I wish to be kinder,
Do not get angry at the vicissitudes of fate.
To earn a lot of wealth,
May his dreams come true.

Let romance never go away
To find spiritual interest.
So that he does not meet diseases,
In order not to climb into problems.

Makar, on a special holiday,
I wish you happiness
Home, prosperity, comfort, kindness,
To bypass the side of bad weather,
You never knew troubles and problems.
So that life only gives you joy,
There were always children in the house,
For good luck to visit the house,
And so that the disease bypassed you.

Let it accompany you
Thunder of applause and fanfare.
I only want to be the first
Amazing Makar.

You are determined and brave
Don't change, be like this
Enterprising, cheerful,
Brave, brisk, businesslike.

Let there be a lot in life
Interesting, bright meetings.
Creativity and charisma
I wish to save.

In the heart of all the girls
Fire from you.
You captivate the hearts of their eyes
Our ardent Makar.

We wish you happiness
Find yours.
To be the only one in the world
He gave his heart.

We want to be successful
Move towards the goal.
Whatever happens in life
You need to smile.

Everyone is fussing today
And they rush like a fire,
After all, today is congratulations
Accepts our Makar.

On this day we wish you
To make your dream come true
So that we do not bend the storm,
You reached your goal easily.

So that with fate - a capricious lady
You made friends for a century
And let the whole world know
You are a happy person.

Short form of the name Makar. Makash, Maka, Mara, Makarka, Makarsha, Makarushka, Makarko, Makaronko, Makarochko, Makarik, Makarchik, Makartsio.
Synonyms for the name Makar. Macarius, Makarios, Maker, Makario, Makariou, Makareos, Makaris, Makaras, Makari, Makari, Menkazh, Makariye, Makare.
Origin of the name Makar The name Makar is Russian, Orthodox, Catholic, Greek.

The name Makar is of Greek origin, derived from the ancient Greek "makarios", meaning "blessed", "blessed". In ancient Greek mythology, "makarios" is one of the epithets of Zeus, and in Russian nomenology there is another name with a similar original etymology - Felix.

The church form of the name is Macarius. Also, the name Makar is considered a short form of the full name Makarii. The colloquial form is Makarey. On behalf of Macarius (Makar) formed female name Macarius.

The name Makar has short forms name: Makasha, Maka, Mara, and diminutives used in Russian - Makarka, Makarsha, Makarushka. Affectionate appeals in other languages ​​​​- Makarko, Makaronko, Makarochko, Makarik, Makarchik, Makartsio. The appeal of Mar is also an independent name.

Among the Orthodox, the name Macarius was worn by a large number of church leaders of different eras, but at the same time it was widely used among the common people, but the folk form was used - Makar. On behalf of Makar, some Russian surnames are formed, for example, Makarov, Makarshin, Makarychev and others. Proverbs and idioms have become widespread in Russian, where the name Makar is mentioned: “Where Makar did not drive calves”, “Makar bow, and Makar on seven sides”, “Makarka wrote with his cinder” and others.

According to Dahl's dictionary, the name Makar was a nickname for all Ryazanians, starting from the reign of Peter I. After the October Revolution of 1917, the name practically fell into disuse, and in statistical studies of the frequency of names by V.A. Nikonov in a number of cities in central Russia in 1961, the name Makar ( or Macarius) was never mentioned.

Among Christians, some saints with the name Macarius are especially revered. The most famous is Macarius the Great, a hermit who lived in the 4th century; he wrote several spiritual works. At the same time, Macarius of Alexandria lived, revered as a saint. For the name Makar will be indicated Orthodox name day, Catholic name days - see the name Macarius.

Makar, although a capable boy, has a very stubborn and changeable character. This is a very mysterious nature. In his youth, he is a diligent student and student. The boy does not require much effort in education. Makar himself knows perfectly well what he should do, and is ready to take full responsibility for his actions on his own shoulders.

A man with this name is balanced and able to solve the questions put before him in an extraordinary way. Sometimes it seems that he is the bearer of a certain mission. Makar is not influenced by others and has his own strong will. Although the latter quality is manifested only in extreme cases.

This man seeks to be guided by reason, not emotions. He does not express his passions. Makar skillfully manages his feelings both in a calm state and in a fit of anger. He is objective. Makar gives himself completely to his work, but without fanaticism.

Makar approaches the choice of specialty carefully. He will not take on a job in which he is not competent. In his opinion, the main value and attractiveness of the profession is not its prestige, but the interest of people in it.

Makar knows what he is striving for. He goes to his goal with perseverance. Moreover, a man draws strength to act productively from confidence in his rightness. Makar has a high intellect and a deep mind. He remembers everything well, but is not curious. Knowledge from those areas that Makar does not consider his mission, Makar simply ignores. Besides, this man is completely unselfish. Makar will be successful in many areas. He can become a teacher, and a musician, and an engineer, and a bricklayer.

Makar generously gives love and sensitivity. In his convictions, a man is strict and never changes them. Makar is distinguished by high morality. He does not allow himself to succumb to his desires. A man distinguishes between deep feelings and momentary passion. Makar becomes a good family man, a caring husband and a wonderful father.

Makar is very secretive with friends and relatives. Only under severe stress is he able to open up. This man is always confident in his innocence, but tactful enough not to interfere with everyone around him with this. In the company Makar does not try to draw attention to himself, but with his presence he gives the gatherings a festive mood. He easily infects others with his enthusiasm. Makar radiates such friendliness and warmth that even hearts that have long turned into ice cubes warm up near him.

Makar becomes a very valuable friend. He has few close friends: he is too demanding on friendship, but at the same time he is very devoted to his friends. Makar will never strive to impress with his splendor, but will always try to help solve problems and survive failures. This is a truly valuable, strong and wise friend.

Name day Makar

Makar celebrates name days on January 5, January 12, January 23, January 25, January 27, February 1, February 4, February 18, February 21, March 1, March 4, March 12, March 30, April 5, April 9, April 14 , May 14, May 26, May 27, June 4, June 8, June 10, June 23, August 7, August 9, August 22, August 24, August 31, September 4, September 10, September 12, September 19, 20 September, September 28, October 2, October 5, October 11, October 18, October 19, October 24, October 25, November 12, November 29, December 3, December 29.

Notable people named Makar

  • Makar Goncharenko ((1912 - 1997) Soviet football player, striker)
  • Makar Bartashov (Bartashev) ((1909 - 1948) Soviet officer, participant in the Soviet-Japanese war, commander of the 12th assault aviation division of the Air Force of the Pacific Fleet. Hero Soviet Union(09/14/1945), colonel.)
  • Makar Alpatov ((born 1940) singer, director, Honored Art Worker Russian Federation, Honored Artist of the Russian Federation)
  • Makar Lukin ((1905 - 1961) organizer of aviation engine building, economic figure, major general of the aviation engineering service, Hero of Socialist Labor)
  • Makar Ratmanov ((1772 - 1833) Russian navigator. The western island of the Diomede Islands (the easternmost point of Russia) and the cape on Novaya Zemlya are named after him. The easternmost point of Kerguelen Island is also named after Ratmanov.)
  • Makar Vasiliev (Soviet military leader during civil war)
  • Makar Obukhov ((1902 - 1952) Soviet statesman and party leader, participant in the Civil War, first chairman of the executive committee of the Koryak District Council of Workers' Deputies)
  • Makar Mazai ((1910 - 1941) steelmaker of the Mariupol Ilyich Metallurgical Plant, innovative worker, initiator of competition for high volumes of steel production. In 1936, one of the pioneers of the high-speed steelmaking movement. The country developed, and more and more steel was required. Makar Mazai proposed a risky solution: to deepen the open-hearth furnace bath and at the same time raise the height of the open-hearth roof.After that, much more charge could be poured into the furnace than before.In October 1936, Makar Mazai, one after another, sets records for the removal of steel from square meter furnace hearth with a maximum output of 15 tons in 6 hours 30 minutes. After that, his experience and methods of work spread throughout the country, and Makar Mazai himself became a delegate to the Extraordinary VIII All-Union Congress of Soviets.)
  • Makar Evseviev (Kobaev) ((1864 - 1931) scientist, educator, teacher. Professor (1921), collegiate adviser. Erzya by nationality.)
  • Makar Babikov ((1921 - 2009) participant in the Great Patriotic War(scout of the 181st special reconnaissance detachment of the Northern Fleet) and the Soviet-Japanese War (chief foreman, platoon commander of the 140th separate reconnaissance detachment of the Pacific Fleet). Hero of the Soviet Union (1945), retired colonel.)
  • Archbishop Makarios (Makariy) III ((1913 - 1977) in the world - Michael Christodoulou Muskos; primate of the autocephalous Cypriot Church (1950 - 1977), elected the first President of the Republic of Cyprus (in office in 1960-1977).
