Flip knives have a lot of configurations and a different principle of operation. It is quite possible to make such a tool yourself. To do this, you will need to draw up a drawing of the product, for example, simply circling the outline from the finished knife. In addition, you will need necessary material and related equipment, as well as basic skills to carry out the work.

Preparatory stage

To make an automatic folding knife on your own, you need to take a strip of metal, transfer a sketch of the intended product to it. Then, using emery or a special machine, you will need to process the future blade.

If there is no suitable device, then it is not even worth starting the manufacture of rather complex products. Alternatively, you can use a needle file, file or hand drill for finishing. In addition, old kitchen knives are sometimes used as a point.

After processing the blade and giving it the required shape, the part is clamped into a yew and grinding begins. Initially, a rough finish is made with a diamond file, then finishing is performed using a fine-grained bar. The excess part of the metal is sawn off, a hole is drilled in the center in the prepared part, the end of the product is also processed with emery.

We continue to make a switchblade knife with our own hands

The next step is to make the handle. A thin titanium plate is quite suitable for this operation. Using an electric tool, cut a rectangular blank of the desired size. It should be borne in mind that titanium is a viscous material; when sawing, it is necessary to lubricate the treated areas with oil.

After preparing a couple of elements, we serve them on an emery machine. The ends of the blanks are brought to the same state by finishing with a file. Then we put the blade on the handle and clamp it with a clamp. Both halves of the handle are drilled through the central "window" of the tip.

You will also need to make a steel spring, which is processed according to the sketch. It is necessary to chamfer the outer side of the holes, punch sockets for the button and the locking mechanism. After drilling the desired holes, they are processed with a needle file to the required size. Bronze or brass bushings can be used as lining clamps. They are placed in the side plates and riveted from the inside.


Homemade switchblade knives at this stage acquire the desired shape and appearance. From nails or a suitable wire, elements for rivets are cut. After their installation, it is necessary to grind off the edges to get a uniform surface.

Then, using a diamond file, a rectangular hole is made in the blade, using lathe axle is made. Alternatively, you can do it with a file, but this process will be much longer in time. The latch and the working part are adjusted to each other by cutting out rectangular sockets. The fixing element of the U-shaped configuration is inserted into the handle of the product.

The spring cut from steel is fastened with a bolt. If the whole procedure is performed correctly, when you press the latch, the spring will act as a pusher. As this element, you can use a similar spare part from a car starter. At the end of the process, the fixture is polished with a special paste to a mirror finish.

Final part

When making a switchblade knife with your own hands, you should take care of high-quality overlays. They are made of titanium, connected to each other and to the blade by means of grooves and rivets, bringing them to a “marketable” appearance by finishing with a file. The blade and axis are inserted, the working spring is cocked, the button is mounted, the linings are connected, which are screwed in with bolts. We can assume that the automatic switch-blade knife is ready.

This guide is for guidance only. By interpreting it according to the available materials and imagination, any craftsman will be able to make a thing that is completely different from analogues, which will rightfully be considered exclusive.


If you decide to make a switchblade knife with your own hands for the first time, try making a simple sample first. As an example, a straight razor product is suitable. Such an instance is created from improvised materials, does not require special qualifications, has a minimum of details. But the finished product will look good on a par with store counterparts, having all the necessary functionality.

Before starting work, you need to cut out blade and handle templates from cardboard or plywood. This will allow you to focus on the intended final sample. This is followed by the adjustment of all dimensions of the homemade blade. It will fit comfortably in your hand and will be cheap in terms of cost. Regardless of what kind of knife you plan to make: a folding frontal, folding or regular knife, you can use durable fabric, wood, horn or tree fungus to decorate the handle.

What to look out for

If you decide to make a switchblade knife yourself, finding a decent material, especially a locking mechanism, can bring certain difficulties. For real masters, this problem goes by the wayside, but beginners will have to work hard. Alternatively, you can use a similar design from another product that has a working mechanism, but has lost its functionality or relevance.

Preparation of a sketch, design, cutting out a handle will not be particularly difficult. The blade, with the right approach, can also be carved quite quickly. The main working part in the form of a reliable locking and ejection mechanism can require the lion's share of the time spent on making a homemade cutting tool.

Flip-out front ejection knives

A product of this type has a more original principle of operation. The tip is thrown out along the handle. Although this option is considered practical and effective, a more complex design often leads to breakdowns.

To remove this practically the only drawback, it is necessary to carefully and reasonably approach the choice of product. When self-manufacturing you should choose practical and reliable components that are designed for a long service life.

Knives are currently popular not only in the kitchen, but also among people who have connected their lives with extreme outdoor activities - these are: fishing, hunting, tourism, etc.

In modern times, there are various knives on the market: variable models, different sizes and designs. But none of them can replace a knife that is made by hand.

How to make a knife with your own hands is often written on the Internet, and you should try to make them.

Knives: types and main properties

On the photos of the knife on the Internet, you can see that each product is a creative element created from various mechanisms.

There is a large classification of knives depending on their functionality: combat, tourist, folding (for example, a butterfly), knives designed for hunting, multi-tools, bivouac knives, as well as ordinary kitchen knives.

Kitchen knives are bought ready-made, but knives intended for hunting or for tourism can be easily made at home on your own.

There are also such knives as survival knives, the main task of which is to help with existence in the wild. This option is relevant for tourists and hunters.

The blade of such a knife is usually no more than 12 cm. This length is sufficient for cutting wood, processing game, cleaning fish, or other similar actions. The small dimensions make it easy to transport such a knife.

In the manufacture of such a knife, great attention should be paid to the material intended to create the blade. Steel is often preferred.

Steps to create a knife

To get a positive result during the manufacture of the knife, you must first make an outline drawing of the knife. In this case, you can know in advance what exactly you want to achieve in the end.

Instructions on how to make a knife at home includes a number of rules.

Making a knife step by step

Cut out the blank for the future knife. Based on the finished drawing, cut out the shape for the knife.

You will need a knife sharpener. With its help, bring the base to the desired shape. And after that, an already understandable blank will be in the hands, where you can distinguish the places of the handle and blade.

Rough sharpening of knives. At this stage, you clearly need to know what your future knife is intended for. If it is made for hunting, fishing or hiking trips, then it is better to give preference to the blade type of sharpening.

And, if the knife is created to function in the kitchen or in the garden, then a razor type will do.

Do not expect perfect sharpening from this stage, because this is just a draft, intended to determine the future shape.

If the blade is pre-prepared, then you can start working with the handle. The handle is made using the most various materials- these are: wood, organic glass, bones, thick types of leather, etc.


Having cut out the workpiece to create the handle, you should check whether it fits comfortably in your hand, as well as its proportionality with respect to the blade. The handle for the knife is fixed using the riveting method.

The shape for the foot handle is attached using a grinding machine.

The knife is ground and polished on the basis of sandpaper.

The final sharpening of the blade is done after sharpening on a sharpener, also using sandpaper.

At the end, the finished knife is polished with velvet or polish.


As you can see, the process of making a knife with your own hands is not that difficult, so everyone can try their hand at this area.

You can also set the necessary and desired design for the future knife. Pay special attention to the handle during the design process.

knife design

Since it is by the handle of the knife that the rest can then judge your creative thinking and status.

Some write their names on the handles of the knife, draw certain patterns and sketches in the form of tattoos.

The simplest knife can be built in an emergency in the forest, the main thing is to find the materials necessary to create it.


It is worth finding only the cutting part for the knife, and then you should insert it only into the handle, which will be in the form of a piece of wood, ropes or leather.

DIY knife photo

ostrij 31-08-2011 21:44

Good evening Gentlemen and Ladies, thrill-seekers!

Could someone send me drawings of a switchblade knife to my email (or better, several, to choose from). It is desirable that the blade is thrown out directly, and the one that is to the side. I've been trying to find it on the Internet for a week now - it's useless (((You are my last hope)
my email: [email protected]

thanks in advance, regards Vadim

sergeant 31-08-2011 22:10

But Zarathustra does not allow you to buy 2 Chinese abominations on the market and remove the drawing?

ostrij 31-08-2011 23:07

Why is it hard to send a drawing?

Basil_84 31-08-2011 23:13

quote: Why is it hard to send a drawing?

And if it’s not freely available, then it’s not at all or they just don’t want to share it like that ...
So I would do as the Sergeant advises. At the same time and you will understand what's what.

Basil_84 31-08-2011 23:51

What, right? Is it prohibited by law?

ostrij 31-08-2011 23:53

Schniperson 31-08-2011 23:55

You need to at least look at the Beltrame miscarriage. The spring and lock are not like those that are on the Chinese.

Basil_84 31-08-2011 23:58

And what for it then.... Although it's up to you.

ikar"eff 01-09-2011 08:49

Here is the simplest, IMHO, option:

Miscarriage with lateral ejection (like most ketai).
Frontal ejection for the first time will be too difficult. Yes, and for the second one too ;-)
It was the drawings that I personally did not meet at all. However, for a single production "on the knee" they are not particularly needed: a sketch with approximate dimensions is enough, the parts are still fitted in place.

kalmuik 01-09-2011 12:32

Usually I try to help people, but in the case when a person disrespects others (or is so afraid) that he refuses to even name the country of residence (Europe is not a country), I have to refuse to help

ostrij 01-09-2011 19:04

Thanks to those who sent pictures!
I would like to detailed drawing take a look (especially the one with frontal ejection), since I want to make a knife not on the "knee", but on the machines.

suhai123 01-09-2011 20:53

dialectical contradiction. It is prohibited by law but on machines

ostrij 01-09-2011 21:06

well, no one knows what I'm doing there))) detail by detail ...)

Zuzamod 01-09-2011 21:38

Well, write a request to manufacturers, for example http://www.microtechknives.com/index.html There is a 0.0001% chance that they will answer, and not just send.

paradox2010 01-09-2011 22:19

You can pay attention to the zonovskie vykiduhi, tomorrow I'll post pictures. The design is simple, especially when there is a machine park

ostrij 01-09-2011 23:33

quote: Originally posted by paradox2010:
You can pay attention to the zonovskie vykiduhi, tomorrow I'll post pictures. The design is simple, especially when there is a machine park

Thank you very much)

ostrij 02-09-2011 16:54

Schniperson 02-09-2011 17:28

quote: Originally posted by ostrij:

do the masters present have no drawings of a miscarriage?

"Present masters" post reports in which they say that they have suffered, inventing and running the design. With what fright should they spread it?

ostrij 02-09-2011 17:46

quote: Originally posted by Schneeperson:

"Present masters" post reports in which they say that they have suffered, inventing and running the design. With what fright should they spread it?

nobody here owes anything to anyone. there was a request from my side. whoever wants to, helps. And making a secret from a Wikiduhi drawing is not entirely smart, because this is not a nuclear missile, after all) Santjago 03-09-2011 22:01

It is the drawings that I have not yet come across in the open spaces either ... If you have the desire and small skills, you can make a photo. The main thing that it was - desire. So do not expect much that everything will be laid out on a silver platter, with tolerances and landings.
