Like most representatives of the cat family, the cheetah symbolizes strength and power, but unlike its relatives, this is not physical strength, but sexual strength. If you saw him in a dream, it means that in reality you pay too much attention to sex. Let's figure out what the cheetah is dreaming of various dreams and how to avoid problems intimate sphere in reality. And the dream book will help us in this!

Watching a predator - it's time to make adjustments in life

I dreamed that you were admiring a cheetah - your intimate life leaves much to be desired. You are looking for diversity that your partner does not give you, or you do not have a partner at all. It is urgent to solve this problem.

A lot of cheetahs dream - you are a very addicted person. You are not able to concentrate on one thing or one person for a long time. This is an extreme that should be avoided.

Seeing hunting spotted mammals in a dream - such a dream characterizes you as a person who loves spontaneous or extreme sex. This is not a pathology, just be a little more restrained, Freud's dream book advises.

Contact with a predator - to new discoveries and acquaintances

I dreamed that you were coming into contact with a spotted predator, be it a cheetah or a leopard: stroke it or just touch it - to get to know a very liberated representative of the opposite sex, Miller's dream book promises.

Running away from the black cheetah - to the discovery of new possibilities for your body. Probably, you and your partner will find new positions for yourself that will bring you pleasure.

To see a dream in which you are part of a pack: hunt, eat, sleep with other members of the pack and they take you for their own - such a dream may indicate your inclinations towards same-sex relationships, which means the following: you are not a clear representative of sexual minorities, but you have the makings of this, perhaps you are bisexual.

Manifestation of cruelty - take care of your health

It is a dream that a hunting leopard is attacking you, from which you are running away - be attentive to your health, you can get so carried away with your sexual victories that you exhaust your strength, the Eastern Dream Book warns.

Attack a cheetah that is running away from you - in real life you have become the object of attention of a person who has a strong passion for you. He will harass you, delivering, at times, physical pain.

Seeing in a dream how a predatory cat drives prey in order to kill and eat - to possible violations of the digestive tract, Vanga's dream book warns.

To kill a cheetah in a dream - to problems with the genitourinary organs. Follow your intimate hygiene and health.

I dreamed that a lot of cheetahs bite you - beware of limb injuries, Tsvetkov's dream book predicts.

Games with a cat - happiness is knocking on the door

It is a dream that you are playing with a cheetah or a leopard, fall to the ground and lightly bite each other - soon your personal life will change for the better. Lonely - will find a couple, family - will find harmony in relationships.

Watching how many little predatory kittens play with each other - soon you will find replenishment in the family, the Female Dream Book prophesies.

I dreamed that a big predatory cat that you raised was running along the road behind you and rubbing against your legs and arms - to affection and tenderness from the other half.

Predatory animals for men and women dream quite often. For example, it can be cheetahs. These animals evoke associations with power, strength, grace. Why is the cheetah dreaming? The interpretation depends on the storyline, which is important to remember exactly.

Ancient dream book: what does a cheetah dream of

What can you learn from this guide? Why do people dream of a cheetah? The appearance of this predator in night dreams indicates that in reality the dreamer is prone to constant change of partners. From a sexual life, a person expects, first of all, diversity.

Adrenaline, excitement - components, without which the sleeper is unlikely to reach the peak of pleasure. A person often chooses places for making love that are not intended for this. It is also easy to get interested in non-traditional relationships.

color of the beast

Why does a cheetah dream of a person? The answer directly depends on what color the beast was.

  • White. Such a plot indicates that the sleeping person has certain troubles in the intimate sphere. He dreams of making it more rich and varied, but something constantly interferes with him.
  • Ginger. Such dreams predict a sleeping acquaintance with an attractive person of the opposite sex. This person is destined to make an indelible impression on the dreamer with his eccentricity.
  • Black. Does a person in his dreams run away from the persecution of such a predator? The plot means that the sleeper has to discover the amazing possibilities of his body.

watch the predator

What is the dream of a cheetah or leopard that a person is just watching? Such a plot means that the sleeper is not satisfied with him sex life. It is possible that a person has not had a partner for a long time. Or he is not satisfied with the relationship with him.

Many predators at once - what does this mean? Such dreams can visit a passionate, addicted nature. It is difficult for a person to focus on something for a long time. This applies to both work and relationships. Inconstancy creates serious problems for him in life.

Watch how predatory animals hunt? Such a plot warns that the sleeper prefers extreme sex. This cannot be called a pathology, but the dreamer should still become a little more restrained. The opinion that is formed about him among others directly depends on this.


What else can you tell about what the cheetah dreams of? In a dream, touch a predator, stroke it - what does this mean? Such dreams prophesy to the sleeper an acquaintance with an attractive representative of the opposite sex, who will amaze him with his ingenuity. A person will have to plunge headlong into the pool of love passions.

Trying to escape from a black predator is to explore new possibilities of your own body. For example, a person can experiment with postures, try to achieve pleasure.

Join a pack of predators in a dream - what is it for? Such a plot means that a person has an interest in same-sex relationships. Most likely he is bisexual.


Why does a cheetah dream if it pounces on a sleeping person? Such a plot is a warning that a person should be more attentive to his health. He is now focused on his sexual victories, does not think at all about the need to restore strength.

Attack a cheetah that is trying to escape - what does it mean? The dreamer's waking will be pursued by an ardent admirer. This person will seriously fall in love with him, will strive to create a family.

Is a predatory animal driving its prey, intending to kill and eat it? A person may experience malfunctions in the digestive tract. Killing a cheetah in a dream promises trouble with the urinary organs in reality.

A large number of animals attack the sleeping person, bite him? In reality, he should beware of injuries to the limbs.

A man in his dreams entered into a fight with a cheetah and lost it? Such a plot promises the dreamer. Soon he will allow himself some actions that contradict his life principles. For a long time, a person will have to reproach himself for this.


What do night dreams mean in which a person plays with a predatory cat? Such a plot predicts changes in personal life. Married people will find harmony in relationships. Single people will find a suitable match for themselves.

Why do women dream of cheetahs when it comes to cubs? Such dreams predict a sleeping replenishment in the family. A child can be born both to the dreamer herself and to one of her close relatives.

A large predatory cat rubs against the arms and legs of a sleeping person? Such a plot predicts a person harmony in relations with the second half. The partner will not skimp on tenderness and affection.

become a beast

Why does a cheetah dream if the sleeper himself turns into this beast? Seeing a predator in your dreams and becoming one are two different things. In the second case, a dream means that a person feels a huge potential in himself. He dreams of using it, but does not know how he could do it.

The cheetah is a proud and graceful predator. For many people, it is associated with power and strength. However, unlike other felines, his strength is not brute physical, but attractively sexual. Why is the cheetah dreaming? As a rule, such a dream means that the sleeper pays too much attention to the intimate side of his life. The dream interpretation will help to correctly interpret the dream about the cheetah, thereby avoiding problems in sex.

Watching a cheetah in a dream

If in dreams a person admires this graceful predator, it means that in reality he is dissatisfied with his intimate life. Most likely, his sexual partner cannot give some kind of variety that the dreamer needs so much. This problem should be solved as soon as possible, until there are thoughts of betrayal.

The pride of cheetahs is often dreamed of by highly addicted people. Such individuals experience problems with prolonged concentration on any one task. You should not fall into such extremes, so as not to make trouble for yourself.

Freud's dream book says that a dream about how cheetahs hunt symbolizes character intimate life sleeping. In real life, this person is a lover of spontaneous and reckless sexual acts. The great psychiatrist does not consider this to be something bad, but advises to be more restrained.

Contact with a cheetah promises something new

If in a dream you came into contact with a big kitty, touch it or stroke it, then you need to look for the answer in Miller's dream book. Such dreams promise a meeting with an uncomplexed person of the opposite sex.

The dream story about escaping from a black cheetah suggests that soon the dreamer will reveal new possibilities of his body. Soon a person will discover new positions for himself and his second half to achieve maximum pleasure.

If you dreamed that you were a cheetah, you live in a flock of cheetahs and they look at you as an equal, then you are a latent homosexual. This does not mean that you like individuals of the same gender, but you may like them. Very often such dreams are seen by bisexuals.

Cruelty in a dream is a harbinger of possible diseases

The Eastern dream book warns those who dream that they are running away from a hunting leopard. Such people can be so carried away by voluptuousness that they simply exhaust their strength.

If in dreams you are a hunter, and a spotted cat runs away, then in reality there is a person who has a strong desire for you. Harassment on his part is not excluded, which can be very painful.

According to Vanga's dream book, gastrointestinal pathologies await a person who dreamed of a cheetah chasing an antelope.

You should monitor your intimate hygiene if you dreamed of killing a cheetah, otherwise you can earn diseases of the genitourinary system.

Tsvetkov's dream book interprets a dream in which the dreamer is torn apart by cheetahs as follows: injuries to his arms or legs await him.

Playing with a predator in a dream is a good sign

A dream story about a game with a cheetah or leopard, where you roll on the ground together and lightly bite each other, portends positive changes on the love front. The lonely will find a life partner, and the family will improve relations with their soulmate.

Good day! Please help me interpret the dream my friend had. The beginning of the dream: he is walking through some desert area. At some distance from him, a little behind, three cheetahs are marching like a fan. They are not terrible, and in a dream he knows that these are his patrons, his support, strength. They obviously follow him. All together they walk for some time, go down into a deep hole-pit, rise to a hill and there he sees a woman who is waiting for him. He comes closer and sees that her clothes are all embroidered with gold, gold embroidery. The woman is 15 years older than him. She is friendly, smiles at him and he knows that she is also a friend. Senior friend. She holds out her hand to him and says something with a smile. What exactly, he does not remember. But from her words he is calm, light and joyful. So they talk for a while. Suddenly, dragons appear in the sky from four directions. Very big. Also not scary, good. They fly up, land and sit down in a square. He considers them in great detail. All of them different colors: red, blue, green and black. Beautiful and majestic, however, like everything in this dream. So, the whole company they spend some more time, he continues to talk to the woman. I am sure that the words she spoke to him are important to him. But he does not remember the essence, only sensations. This is where the dream ends. Another noteworthy thing in this dream: he clearly remembers smells. The cheetahs smelled of strength and danger (to others). The dragons also smelled very strongly, but their smell was different. The dream left a strong sense of wonder.

I dreamed that I was quickly, almost running uphill, with headphones in my ears, unfamiliar music was playing, but I liked its genre. A car drives by, driven by my friend, whom I like, but whom I haven’t seen for a long time, he says hello (I understand this by his lips and by his gestures, since the music plays loudly in the headphones, I don’t hear him), I nod to him in response . I think to myself how long he tried to get my attention, and what I could not hear because of the music. He drives past in the direction he was driving.
I go to some shed, and there I have (it feels like this is my shed) a family of leopards. Those. mom, dad, and children of different ages. These are my leopards. I have to go somewhere. I want to take them with me, but I can’t, I understand that I won’t take them all on the plane. I decide to leave them there. I take only the smallest kittens. I take two from my cheetah father, put them in some kind of metal basin on the street, behind the barn door. My cat is already sitting there (Home, existing in reality). Daddy Cheetah leaves, taking the teenage cheetahs with him. The cheetah mother remains, I take one kitten from her, for some reason I am a little afraid, she is not very happy that I am taking the child, but she does not show aggression, although she is nervous. I lower this cheetah (or leopard) kitten into a basin, which for some reason is filled with water. All my "pets" sitting there: a cat and cheetah kittens, practically swim. But there is no dissatisfaction from them, as if this is normal.
I take the cheetah mom to some area where the cheetah dad is already frolicking with his offspring, I let go of the cheetah teenager (more like a deer in appearance). He clumsily stands on his long legs, which give way under him, and then, as if half-grinning, runs at full speed to his relatives, joining the game. The mother cheetah first looks at them, then, as if making sure that everything is in order, she goes to them and joins the general game.

It was late in the evening, I was walking outside the city on a sandy beach, there was a party nearby. I walked towards the sea and sat down on a large stone, a little later a cheetah slowly approached me from behind and sat down next to me. He acted like a house cat. After I stroked the cheetah, he lay down at my feet and stared at me intently. I decided to take a picture of him, a little afraid, knowing about the flash, I thought that he would be scared .... but for some reason there was no response. After that, everything seemed normal in the photo, but seconds later, eyes appeared along the body of the cheetah. I would have thought nothing, but the eyes looked like mine, as if I had taken a picture of my eyes and put them on top of the body of a big cat, only a transparent copy of the photo. And the eyes were like mine, but they were half-closed or as if the eyes of an old man. At this point, I wake up not from fear, but simply by myself. I tried to fall asleep again and, having fallen asleep, will again see the last couple of seconds of the same dream and woke up again, but completely. I don’t know why, but I clearly remember the dream from the moment the cheetah appeared, and for some reason there were no impressions left ... no fear, no surprise, nothing.
