Shawarma, shawarma, shawarma, shuarma (names common respectively in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Tver and Israel / USA Arabic شاورما, Hebrew שווארמה, from Tur. Çevirme), in some countries called doner-kebab (tour döner kebab) is a Middle Eastern dish (probably of Turkish origin) made from pita or lavash stuffed with minced fried meat (pork, lamb, beef, turkey or chicken) with the addition of spices, sauces and fresh vegetable salad.

Shawarma - originally this was the name of a Turkmen dish invented by steppe shepherds - boiled gazelle or saiga meat is finely chopped and placed in the washed stomach of the same gazelle or saiga, and its fat is drained there. Then the stomach is sutured. Such good can be stored for up to several months without spoiling.

An interesting fact: in Moscow the word shawarma is used, in St. Petersburg - shawarma (see Differences of speech among Muscovites and Petersburgers). In Tver, located between St. Petersburg and Moscow, the word shavarma is used.

In Armenia, shavurma or Karsi-Khorovats (barbecue in Karsky).

In Israel, the name shavarma is used for the same dish, but due to the lack of vocalizations in the usual Hebrew spelling (שווארמה), the reading of “shvarma” is widespread; Arabs living in Israel pronounce it as shuarma (without a pronounced stress).

In the Czech Republic, the name gýros is used for this dish, probably of Greek origin.

There are also the Algerian version of Dener, the Lebanese version of the name - kubba, Greek - gyros.

Shawarma names in different states

In Azerbaijan shawarma- this is pita with the addition of sweet and sour taste of white sauce. By tradition it is called “ don? r ”.

In Algeria, shaverma is called dene? r.

In Armenia it is “????????????? ???????? AVTOMEK'YeNANER khorovatsy », Shawarma.

Karski shashlik is a huge piece of meat fried on a spit. As it cooks, slices are cut from it and placed in lavash that is fresh to taste.

In Belgium shawarma - « pita durum ", which means "folded" in translation.

In Bulgaria - they nicknamed "duner".

In the UK, shawarma received the name "kebab", which in Turkish is " Doner kebab ".

How to cook shawarma at home

The most common fast food dish is shawarma. If we ask ourselves how many calories are in this dish, then, first of all, we note what kind of meat it is made from.

If lean meat is chosen for the dish, then its calorie content will be up to approximately 300 calories per 100 grams of product. I would like to emphasize that this indicator will refer to the portion that you prepare yourself at home. Moreover, it will be quite easy to calculate the Kcal of the combined products that you yourself put into the shawarma, knowing their nutritional value separately. For those on a diet, we advise you to cook shawarma with salad or boiled fish and vegetables.

Some subtleties of cooking shawarma

It is necessary to carefully consider the purchase of pita or lavash, in which you will wrap the shawarma. There should be no doubt about their freshness. Dry lavash breaks and cracks when wrapped, from which the appearance of the dish leaves much to be desired.

To make the meat juicy, it is recommended to marinate it. The marinade can be prepared according to your own taste and desire. It may include: lemon, kefir, and other ingredients. In any case, the meat after marinating will be more tender and juicy. It is undoubtedly necessary to grill it properly.

Before cooking, we advise you to dry it on a towel so that unnecessary moisture disappears and a crust forms when frying. When the meat is cooked and all the ingredients are packed and curdled into pita bread, the shawarma can be fried on a dry grill on both sides.

How to make shawarma sauce

The most delicious sauces for shawarma are "sour cream" and "tomato". It is not difficult to prepare them. In addition to sour cream, sour cream sauce is added: garlic, leeks, pickled cucumbers. And in tomato tomatoes, olive oil, lime juice, adjika and coriander.

We put the necessary ingredients in a blender, grind to a pasty state and add to the dish as much as we want. Both sauces can be mixed if desired. It will turn out delicious too.

How beautiful to roll pita bread

Undoubtedly, we want our dish to look presentable. The juice flowing out of the shawarma and the meat falling out is not what we need. Beauty is indisputably essential too. To do this, you need to properly learn how to wrap shawarma. First, you need to spread the pita bread on a flat surface and sprinkle it with a little water. Then step back a little from its ends and spread generously with the chosen sauce, put the filling of vegetables and meat, and pour over the seasoning again.

Then cover with the rest of the pita bread from the sides and roll into a tube.

Shawarma, her harm

Often, running down the street at lunchtime, we so want to whip up something to eat! On the way we come across trays with tempting pastries, hot dogs, shawarma, which are quite difficult to refuse. By purchasing such products on the street, we run the risk of catching E. coli or serious illnesses.

Poorly cooked, stale meat, mayonnaise added in place of sauce, and ketchup can poison our bodies. ShawarmaOutdoor cooked has far more calories than homemade, due to synthetic additives that are harmful to humans. From such a dish, intestinal colic, indigestion, intestinal dysbiosis, pain in the liver, nausea and other side effects can occur. And its constant use can lead to obesity.

Shawarma, its useful qualities

If a shawarma is prepared from high-quality, fresh products, then it is certainly useful, like any other product. If consumed infrequently, in moderation, then it can be given even to children over 10 years old. Nutritionists can recommend this dish in order to build muscle mass with insufficient intake of animal proteins; to saturate the body with macro- and microelements. Its infrequent use in the diet will not affect excess weight and blood cholesterol levels.

Individual ingredients in the recipe have beneficial properties. So, curcuma has a beneficial effect on the digestive tract. Garlic lowers blood pressure and prevents blood clots from forming. For sure, everyone knows about the benefits of cabbage. It is a source of minerals such as: K, Ca, P, S; microelements - Al, Zn, Fe, Mg.

The largest shawarma weighing 98 kilograms was cooked in Ankara. The event was organized by the Aba Piknik restaurant chain. In an organized shopping festival, ten chefs worked on doner kebab. It took meat from 7 cows to prepare such a huge shawarma. This dish was included in the Guinness Book of Records.

Shawarma - originally this was the name of a Turkmen dish invented by steppe shepherds - boiled gazelle or saiga meat is finely chopped and placed in the washed stomach of the same gazelle or saiga, and its fat is drained there. Then the stomach is sutured. Such good can be stored for up to several months without spoiling.

Part of the shawarma making process

Shawarma meat is fried using a special technology in the grills intended for this. The tenderloin is strung on a vertically positioned spit that rotates around its axis and relative to the heating elements. Flameless gas burners are also positioned vertically along the spit. As the meat is browned, it is cut into thin pieces with a long knife, which fall into a pan and used to fill the pita bread.

Names in different regions

An interesting fact: in Moscow the word shawarma is used, in St. Petersburg - shawarma (see Differences of speech among Muscovites and Petersburgers).

In the Urals (Perm, Yekaterinburg), both names are accepted - shawarma for a dish, where the filling is wrapped in thin, leafy unleavened "Armenian" lavash, and shawarma - when half a pita (similar to a hamburger bun) is taken and filled with the filling.

Partially in the Pavlovo-Posad region and a number of districts of Moscow, in addition to traditional names, the name Kurma is adopted.

In Azerbaijan, shawarma is called a dish with a white sweet and sour sauce and in pita bread, while the traditional shawarma is called doner kebab.

In Armenia, shavurma or Karsi-Khorovats (kebab in Kars), in Tver - shavarma, in Kharkov “shaorma”.

This is probably due to the fact that in these cities, the dish was originally prepared by foreign Arabs or Caucasians speaking different languages \u200b\u200band dialects.

In Israel, the name shavarma is used for the same dish, but due to the lack of vocalizations in the usual Hebrew spelling (שווארמה), the reading of “shuarma” is widespread; Arabs living in Israel pronounce it as shuarma (without a pronounced stress).

In Kazakhstan, instead of the word shawarma, the name doner-kebab (Turkish döner-kebab) is often used, and instead of pita, pita bread is used, in which the filling is wrapped.

There are also the Algerian version of Dener, the Lebanese version of the name - kubba, Greek - gyros. [Source?]

In the common people, the sellers of shawarma are jokingly called shawarmen or shawarmacho.

Shawarma is eaten everywhere, but different peoples have their own. We will tell you how gyros differs from fajitos and kessadilla from burritos. Doner Kebab The most popular fast food in the Berlin party scene. Made from any meat except pork. Fresh and pickled cucumbers, tomatoes, herbs and onions are added. Sometimes you can choose sauce - yogurt, tomato, etc. Lavash with barbecue In Armenia ...

Shawarma is eaten everywhere, but different peoples have their own. We will tell you how gyros differs from fajitos and kessadilla from burritos.

    1. Doner Kebab

The most popular fast food in the Berlin party scene. Made from any meat except pork. Fresh and pickled cucumbers, tomatoes, herbs and onions are added. Sometimes you can choose a sauce - yoghurt, tomato, etc.

    1. Lavash with shish kebab

In Armenia, you will be given a Kars-style kebab wrapped in thin lavash. This is a kebab marinated in vodka or cognac, which is fried, alternating with bacon.

    1. Durum

The same doner kebab only in thin pita bread. They say that this is a doner for girls, because it is more convenient to eat and it does not sprinkle juice on you from all sides.

    1. Gyros

Greek shawarma with fries, garlic, oregano and Greek yogurt tzatziki sauce.

    1. Brtuch

A type of Armenian shawarma, it is also called burum, brduch, brduj and brtunch. You can shove anything you want into it - eggs, meat, sausage, etc., the main thing is that there are greens and salted cheese.

    1. Burrito

Made from a wheat tortilla, the inside of which is minced meat, beans, cheese, tomatoes, rice, avocado, sour cream or chili-based salsa. Deep-fried burritos are called chimichanga.

    1. Enchilada

If you take a burrito not with wheat, but with a corn tortilla, and fry it in a skillet or bake it, you get an enchilada. Chili must be added.

    1. Taco

Burrito from Mexico. In corn or wheat (less often, mainly in the north of the country), tortilla is put anything: meat, chicken, beans, seafood, fish, vegetables, chorizo \u200b\u200bsausage and cactus. Served with herbs, guacamole and salsa. Tacos are eaten with their hands, after having folded the tortilla in half.

    1. Tantuni

A kind of Turkish doner, but it seems to be tastier than the classic one. The difference is that chopped boiled veal is added inside, and the bread or cake is soaked in meat juice.

    1. Quesadilla

Based on the words "queso" (mex. - cheese) and "tortilla". The tortilla folded in half is filled with cheese and then fried until the cheese is completely melted. Sometimes chorizo \u200b\u200bsausages, mushrooms, meat, potatoes and vegetables are added there.

    1. Fajitas

Also from Mexico. Faja is "strip", and you guessed it, the tortilla is filled with long sliced \u200b\u200bstrips and grilled meats and vegetables. A dish was invented on the Texas border. But there would be a wall on the border, so we would not have fajitos.

    1. Pancake with meat

Well, here you know everything yourself.

    1. Kati roll

Indian fast food. Paratha wheat cake is filled with filling, mostly in vegan India, no meat.

Shawarma is to the taste of all lovers of hearty Middle Eastern fast food. In order not to talk about the dangers of this product, which can now be bought everywhere at train stations, markets, in recreation areas, the taste of crispy lavash with juicy meat and vegetable filling leaves no one indifferent. What is the origin of shawarma, who invented it and where is its homeland?

Few people know that the history of this delicacy dates back to ancient origins. Initially, a Turkmen dish was prepared in a similar way, which was invented by the steppe shepherds. Saiga carcass was used only as a meat filling.

Chopped meat was placed in the washed stomach of the same animal, everything was poured from above with its fat. Then the stomach was sutured. Such a dish could not spoil for several months. But it is not known whether it and its contents were subjected to heat treatment.

Many are interested in the question of how shawarma differs from shawarma. Basically, they are the same thing. Just from the Arabic translation this word can be read in different ways (also shaorma or shawarma). You can often hear the Turkish sound of this dish - dener kebab. Therefore, some believe that it refers specifically to Turkish cuisine.

In Turkey, a thin Arabian flatbread called Pita was stuffed with fried meat with the addition of vegetables and spices. This product migrated to the CIS countries through Armenia, as a result, the kebab turned into a shawarma, and instead of pita, Armenian lavash was used. But even now it is very popular in European countries, being a traditional Turkish dish.

Today, the pace of our life is gaining momentum, and few people can afford the luxury of having a good meal on schedule. Many of us know what snacks on the go are, which are a necessary measure. In this case, it is important to choose not only tasty, but also healthy products that will give strength and provide energy. If earlier it was mainly pies with cabbage and potatoes, today they are replaced by Turkish snacks. This is shawarma and shawarma. What is the difference between these two dishes, we want to find out today.

Merging cultures

Crispy flatbreads with amazing vegetables and juicy meat have long been loved by our compatriots. This is not surprising, since there was no such thing on the market before. At first, shawarma began to conquer the capital markets, but soon it spread throughout the entire territory of the former Soviet Union. Moreover, this process proceeded in a rather curious way. On the same street, small cafes or eateries could open, offering to try a new product, a juicy filling wrapped in a delicious cake. However, the names of this dish could differ, most often such as shawarma and shawarma were found. What is the difference between them and whether there is any at all, we will now talk with you.

Hundreds of titles - one essence

Eastern countries are similar to each other, culinary traditions are close, therefore there are many varieties of dishes that practically do not differ from each other in their composition and method of preparation. However, they have long been called in their own way. Shawarma and shawarma - what is the difference, even the Turk himself will answer with great difficulty. And besides this, in some institutions they can offer to try shawarma and shuarma, kurma or shaferma, donar or doner. These are all varieties of Middle Eastern pita or pita bread. The filling is fried, minced meat, to which sauces, spices and fresh vegetables are added.

However, we have so far only talked about the differences in the origin of shawarma and shawarma dishes. What is the difference between them, we have yet to find out. However, an interesting fact is that in different regions of Russia this delicious stuffed flatbread is called differently. Differences in adverbs in our vast country do their job. In Moscow, shawarma is most often used, in St. Petersburg shawarma. And in Tver they often say shawarma. At the same time, the taste qualities can be exactly the same, but they are perceived in completely different ways.

Penetration of culinary traditions

In our country, the traditional oriental dish has become very popular. No matter how nutritionists talk about the benefits of healthy food, few people can walk past a diner that smells tempting of fried meat. Competition or simply a difference in tastes led to the fact that manufacturers began to prepare several varieties of this dish. Moreover, the difference between shawarma and shawarma lies in the shell. Everyone's tastes are different, so it's hard to say which one is more attractive to the consumer. Most often it is a thin flatbread, or lavash, and with a filling it is called shawarma. However, in Asia, pita is often used, that is, a hollow bread filled with familiar ingredients. In this case, shawarma is obtained. However, in other regions, it almost did not spread. Therefore, if you are wondering what is the difference between shawarma and shawarma, then you can mention the thickness and taste of the cake itself. By the way, made at home, it will definitely be unique, which means that each housewife will have her own final dish.

Marketing move

In every major city, competition between fast food companies is very high. Therefore, you have to constantly come up with bright names and promotions in order to attract the end consumer. And one of the easiest moves is to come up with a new name for an old dish, with a slight change in its ingredients.

So, when the first fashion for shawarma died down and the number of consumers decreased, we had to urgently look for an alternative to offer the market. Of course, one was immediately found. Countless kiosks appeared on the streets offering doner kebab or doner food. The essence of this has not changed, but fueled the interest of the buyer.

And there is another interesting move. Some entrepreneurs have come up with an interesting trick to promote their product. In order to make the chain of shawarma outlets more visible, they use an inverted McDonald's brand name. Say, it is very similar to the inverted letter Ш and means that you can buy shawarma here.


Let's try to find out from the chefs what they prefer to stuff the cake with and how the taste of the final dish changes from this. Based on this, we can also conclude whether there is a difference between shawarma and shawarma. In fact, each city and different chefs have their own views on the final taste of the dish. Sauces, ingredients and meats can all be very different. Therefore, there are more than enough varieties.

Let's take a look at the composition of the classic shawarma. Chicken, lettuce, onions and sauce - nothing fancy. We will pack in pita bread, and the dish is ready. But not everyone sticks to the traditional recipe. The option with cabbage is very popular. In this case, the envelope is wrapped in a square shape, the sauce is made without sharpness, and shawarma is obtained. Shawarma, on the other hand, should be more elongated, in crispy pita bread, juicy and very tasty. To do this, add tomatoes and cucumbers, sauce and onions. Moreover, the sauce can be both red and white, garlic.

To the taste of the buyer

Each region has its own culinary traditions. Someone adds sautéed vegetables, potatoes, cabbage or Korean carrots to the recipe. Moreover, the ingredients can be added to the taste of the buyer, offering him a choice. Do the same with sauces. White and red, they can be replaced or mixed with each other. But the main thing is to assess the sanitary situation at the point of sale where this dish is prepared and sold. If you have the slightest doubt that the chefs use quality products or keep cleanliness, then it is better to look for another manufacturer for yourself.

Instead of a conclusion

Today we talked about what shawarma and shawarma are. What is the difference (photos of ready-made dishes can be found in our article), now it became clear. This can be the thickness of the cake itself, the ingredients used for the filling, or simply the manufacturer's preference. There are no strict limits here.

Many tasty and hearty dishes have come to European cuisine from the East. Such "travelers" include everyone's favorite and already familiar shawarma. Now home deliveryoffers the opportunity to order this delicacy, prepared according to a wide variety of recipes. It is hard to imagine that 20 years ago, in most of the territory of Russia, they did not even know about the existence of this dish. The simplest recipe remained a mystery, and the name said nothing about its contents. Where did shawarma come from to the Russian open spaces?

Culinary history page

The recipe for a hearty oriental dish was invented relatively recently, in 1972. Its creator is considered to be a Turk who lived in Germany, Kadir Nurman. He revised the traditional recipe of the national dish - kebab. With the light hand of the chef, who built his own business on the production of shawarma, the recipe was sold all over the world.

The peculiarities of the preparation of the dish consisted in a specially prepared pita bread or flat cake and in the proper roasting of meat. For filling, chopped vegetables and aromatic spicy sauce were used. The meat was used in a variety of ways, but most often beef, chicken or turkey fillets got into pita bread. Food delivery in Tvercurrently offers many shawarma recipes. You can order it quickly and for every taste.

The appearance of shawarma in Russia

The dish began its triumphal march across the expanses of Russia in the early 90s. It was then that people began to devote less time to home cooking and began to snack on the run in their free time. Shawarma or kebab can be classified as fast food. The success of a good taste of a delicacy directly depends on the quality of the products, the equipment used and the skill of the cook. Currently, the latest developments of grills are used, allowing to achieve exceptional quality of roasting meat, and the presence of oriental spices brings its own unique flavor. To experience true pleasure from eating food, you need order food in Tver, where shawarma is prepared according to traditional recipes and in compliance with all requirements.

In Russia, this dish can be tasted not only in street kiosks, but also in cafes. Each establishment has its own special kebab recipe. Unlike the eastern version, in the European one is allowed to use not only lamb, beef or poultry meat, but also pork. The variety of vegetables is also striking. In the original version, finely chopped cabbage was used, but you can also find cucumbers, tomatoes, carrots and lettuce. Everything is wrapped in an invariable thin pita bread or fits into pita bread.

Turkish Kebab Recipes

A great variety of shawarma recipes makes it possible to choose your most delicious one. The dish can be cooked at home, if you have a grill oven

Men's shawarma


  • Half a kilo of any meat fillet;
  • Thin lavash sheets;
  • Cabbage and tomatoes two hundred grams each;
  • Three sweet peppers;
  • Hard cheese;
  • Greens, maonnaise and spices to taste.

The meat should be salted, sprinkled with spices and seasoned with mayonnaise. Then it is put on a skewer and sent to the grill for 30 minutes. While the meat is cooking, finely chop vegetables, herbs and grate cheese. The meat cooked in the oven is trimmed from the skewer into thin strips along the edges, the remaining pieces are again sent to the fire. Lavash is divided into 2 parts. The whole filling is laid on it in layers and filled with mayonnaise, and then wrapped in an envelope. The resulting rolls should be put on a baking sheet and heated in the oven for 5-7 minutes. A fragrant dish can be served at the table. Only food delivery can bring more pleasure to the meal.

Classic shawarma


  • Half a kilogram of roasted poultry meat;
  • Pita;
  • Two hundred grams of carrots;
  • French fries;
  • Cabbage;
  • One onion;
  • Ketchup, mayonnaise and spices.

The meat must be grilled or oven-baked and then finely chopped. Vegetables are peeled and chopped. Potatoes are cooked in a lot of oil. Apply ketchup and mayonnaise on pita bread, and then lay out all the ingredients in layers. The sheets are folded up in a neat envelope and sent to the oven on a baking sheet. Reheated shawarma can be put on the table. The dish turns out to be hearty and tasty.

Shawarma in a baguette


  • Baton or baguette;
  • Chicken fillet;
  • Tomatoes, carrots and cabbage;
  • Hard cheese;
  • Mayonnaise and condiments.

Lavash is not always at hand, so at home it can be replaced with a baguette or loaf. The chicken must be chopped and fried in a pan with salt and seasoning. Tomatoes and cabbage are chopped, and carrots and cheese are grated. Everything except cheese needs to be slightly salted. The pulp is pulled out of the baguette, and the crusts unfold. The bread should be greased with mayonnaise; you can add ketchup, mustard or other sauces to taste. First, vegetables are laid out, and then meat, everything is closed with cheese and tightly wrapped in a baguette. The resulting bundles are fried on both sides in a pan. The impromptu shawarma is ready and you can start your meal.
