Apricot jam (fast)

Apricot jam

Quick apricot jam is my favorite. Apricots do not have time to boil too much and soak in sugar in 15 minutes of cooking.

They become tender, pliable and harden in thick apricot syrup with pieces of freshness and summer! And this is not an image, apricots in jam are really perceived as fresh, with a characteristic sourness and pleasant bitterness. In winter, when there are not enough vitamins, this juicy jam is just right, I ate it and, it seems, my health immediately increased!

There is little sugar in the recipe, the cooking period is short, so you need to store this apricot jam in the basement, cellar or refrigerator. If this is not possible, then for storage at room temperature, you can cook ordinary apricot jam with proportions of 1 kg of sugar per 1 kg of fruit, just add the juice and zest of 1 lemon (it will be tastier with this amount of sugar). Boil it, as usual, until the syrup thickens (30-40 minutes).

The proportions of apricot jam

  • Apricots - 1 kg;
  • Sugar - 300 g (you can 500).


How to make apricot jam (fast)

  • Rinse the apricots, divide into halves, discard the seeds. Cover with sugar, let stand to let the apricots start juicing. If there is no time, you can heat a bowl of jam over low heat, stirring constantly, the juice will flow quickly.
  • How to boil - cook for 15 minutes. Stir, skim off.
  • Pack the jam into jars,. Store in a cool, dark place.

You can also add zest and juice of 1 lemon (for 1 kg of fruit) to this jam. It will be delicious. In Greece, citrus fruits are added to almost all jams. This gives sweets a new taste and aroma, very pleasantly shading and revealing the taste of many fruits. Lemon tastes better than orange as an additive to jam.

Peeled apricots I cooked right away, without waiting for the juice to release. Apricot foams are very tasty!

Apricot can be safely called a storehouse of nutrients. Fruit pulp contains vitamins P, PP, C, B2, B1. Apricots contain a lot of minerals (iron, magnesium, copper, cobalt, manganese, phosphorus, potassium). Such an impressive list of enzymes has a preventive effect on the work of the heart muscle, gastrointestinal tract, and gall bladder. A large amount of iron helps to eliminate puffiness, produces blood cells, increases hemoglobin and blood glucose.

Features of making apricot jam

  1. Choose only healthy apricots. Eliminate all wormy and dented specimens. Do not cook wild-caught treats, and unripe fruit... Jam and jam are made from mashed and overripe apricots, but not jam.
  2. The granulated sugar should soak the apricot wedges gradually, so cooking the treat is carried out in stages. This move will allow you to keep the shape of the fruit and maintain the required consistency of the finished dish.
  3. Do not stir the apricots with the syrup throughout the boil. Shake lightly the heat-resistant container in which the composition is prepared. Otherwise, you will get gruel, the fruits will lose their shape.
  4. Do not leave the stove. Skim off the foam with a ladle or slotted spoon. For an aesthetic look, choose apricots that are equal in size. This will make the jar slices look beautiful.
  5. For any of the recipes, you can make jam using whole apricots. However, they must first be pierced with a toothpick, then blanched at 85 degrees for 5 minutes. Further, the fruits are quickly cooled with water.
  6. If the fruit is small, you can cut it in half. In the case of larger specimens, cut the fruit into sections and subsequent slices.

Whole apricot jam: a classic recipe

  • filtered water - 430 ml.
  • apricot - 1.1 kg.
  • granulated sugar - 1.6 kg.
  • citric acid - 4 gr.
  1. Go over the fruits. Eliminate unsuitable specimens (wormy, wrinkled, overripe). Cut out the stalk area. Do not remove the seeds, the treat is made from whole fruits.
  2. Rinse the apricots well, let them dry on a towel. Pour water into a heat-resistant dish, wait for the first bubbles. Then put the fruit in boiling water, cook on medium power for 3 minutes.
  3. After the specified period, remove the fruits, immediately dip them in ice liquid. Leave the apricots on a sieve to evaporate moisture. Stick each fruit with a toothpick, making 4-5 holes.
  4. Combine 430 ml. drinking water with granulated sugar, stir to get the crystals wet. Boil the syrup from this mass. You need to put the dishes with sand and water on low heat, then cook until the granules dissolve.
  5. When the sweet base is ready, add the apricots to the syrup. Pour in citric acid, boil the composition. When the first bubbles appear, remove the apricots from the heat. Let cool (8-10 hours).
  6. When the composition has reached room temperature, send it back to the burner. Boil again on low power. Turn off the stove, let the treat cool down. Boil the product a third time, repeating the previous steps.
  7. It is not difficult to check the readiness: drip a little jam on a saucer, evaluate the consistency. If the syrup does not drain, the composition is ready. Fully cooled jam is laid out in sterile jars, sealed with parchment paper and an elastic band.

Apricot halves jam: a quick recipe

  • drinking water - 380 ml.
  • granulated sugar - 1.4 kg.
  • apricot (moderately ripe) - 900 gr.
  1. Select only ripe, not overripe, wormholes and disease-free fruits. Thoroughly remove plaque by rinsing the fruit under the tap. Remove the stalks, dry the apricots.
  2. Cut each fruit into 2 halves, remove the seeds. If the fruit is large, cut each piece into slices. Place the apricots in a cooking pot, sprinkling sugar over the layers.
  3. Soak the contents for 7 hours so that the juice comes out and the sugar partially melts. When the specified time has passed, add water (you can skip this step if you need to make a thick jam).
  4. Place the container with apricots, sugar, water on the stove. Set the power to medium, wait for a boil. In no case interfere with the composition, otherwise it will turn into jam.
  5. After boiling, continue cooking for another 5 minutes. Skim off the foam. Move the saucepan to the side and cool to room temperature (7-8 hours).
  6. After this time, boil the delicacy again, cool. Repeat these steps a total of 3 times. Sterilize the container in advance, pour the prepared composition into dry hot jars. Roll up immediately, let cool.

Apricot jam with black pepper

  • peas - 6 pcs.
  • apricot - 1.1 kg.
  • lemon - 1 pc.
  • sugar - 1 kg.
  • drinking water - 220 ml.
  1. Prepare apricots in the usual way: sort through, rinse, dry, cut, exclude seeds. Send to heat-resistant dishes, fill with water. Squeeze lemon juice here, add pepper.
  2. Put the saucepan on the stove, wait until it boils, simmer for another 8 minutes. After that, add granulated sugar to dissolve. Continue cooking for another half hour.
  3. After this time, the treat will be ready. You can pour it into a sterile container while hot, then seal with tin lids and cool. Otherwise, cool the jam, cover with nylon or parchment paper.

  • drinking water - 850 ml.
  • apricots - 1.2 kg.
  • granulated sugar - 1.3 kg.
  1. First, sort the apricots, excluding the unsuitable ones (wormy, dented, too ripe). Prefer fruits of the same size and ripeness. Rinse, remove the stalks, let the fruit dry.
  2. Pour water into a saucepan, wait until it boils. Send the fruits inside, blanch the contents at 80 degrees for 5 minutes. When this deadline has passed, send the apricots into ice water. Take a toothpick and make 4-6 holes in each fruit.
  3. Now boil the syrup from 900 gr. sugar and water. Stir until the grains dissolve. When the base is ready, pour the apricots into the sweet mass. Keep covered for 5 hours. After a specified time, boil the cooled mixture, cook for 5 minutes.
  4. Remove from the burner, leave for 8 hours. Then add the remaining sugar, again send to cook. When the crystals melt, turn off the heat. Let the jam cool to room temperature. Pour into clean containers, seal with nylon or parchment.
  5. If you want to save the apricot jam for the winter, do not cool it after boiling. Pour immediately into sterile jars, seal with tin lids, turn upside down. Cool, then store in the cold.

Apricot jam with orange

  • drinking water - 230 ml.
  • apricot - 1 kg.
  • sugar - 900 gr.
  • orange - 1 pc.
  1. First of all, sort out the fruits. After that, wash them, cut out the stalks. Cut each apricot into 2 sections, remove the seeds. Place the contents in a heat-resistant container.
  2. Rinse the orange, squeeze the juice out of it in a convenient way... Filter the liquid. Boil the sugar and water syrup separately. When the granules melt, boil the sweet mass for another 5 minutes.
  3. Pour orange juice into the syrup, transfer the contents to the pan with apricots. Wait until the mass has cooled, put it to boil again. After 10 minutes of boiling, turn off the burner, let the jam cool for 8 hours.
  4. When the treat reaches room temperature, boil it again. After the first bubbles appear, simmer the composition for another 8 minutes. While hot, pour into sterilized containers, roll up the lids.
  5. In addition, turn the cans upside down, wrap them up in an old sweatshirt. After 12-14 hours, the treat will cool down, transfer it to the refrigerator or cellar for storage.

If you plan to roll up the treat with tin lids, fill the cans to the brim. In the case when cooled jam is packaged, corking with parchment or nylon is suitable. In both situations, the composition is kept in cold and dark conditions (cellar, basement, refrigerator).

Video: five-minute apricot jam

I recommend. But I personally have cooked from apricots, take a special place. Correctly cooked jam from these fruits has such a bright taste that every spoon eaten, in the coldest season, will return everyone to the warm summer.

Pitted apricot jam has been, is and will always be a priority for many housewives. It can easily be credited to some of the best culinary creations, since the fruits in it are preserved in their original form, and the syrup in which the apricots are placed remains transparent, without any sugar clots.

So, in today's article I will tell you in detail how to properly prepare delicious seedless apricot jam for the winter.

Very bright, sunny, aromatic apricot jam is the real taste of summer. And I believe that it is a sin not to preserve its taste for the winter. Today I will tell you how to properly make jam from this wonderful seedless fruit for the winter.


  • Apricots - 1 kg
  • sugar - 1.3 kg
  • water - 2 glasses.

Cooking method:

To make jam, we need to choose greenish, strong apricots. After that we thoroughly rinse them in cold running water.

Next, cut each fruit in half and remove the bone. We put the already peeled fruits in an enamel bowl or saucepan, add exactly half of the prepared sugar, mix and put in a cool place for one hour.

Pour the second half of the sugar with water and put it on the fire until it is completely dissolved. Then pour the apricots with hot syrup and leave in this form for one day.

The next day, put the bowl of fruit on the fire, let it boil, then reduce the heat to low and continue cooking for one hour. Do not forget to remove the resulting foam and stir periodically so that the jam boils evenly and does not burn.

The fragrant and very tasty jam is ready and while it is hot we transfer it to sterilized jars and roll up the lids.

How to cook seedless apricot jam in a slow cooker


  • Apricots - 1 kg
  • sugar - 1 kg.

Cooking method:

We wash the fruit prepared by us in cold water, cut it in half and remove the bone. Pour quite a bit of water into the bowl of the multicooker, about 50 grams, and put the chopped apricots into it and sprinkle with one kilogram of sugar.

We put on the "Stew" mode and cook with the lid open, stirring constantly, until everything boils. It takes me about 15-20 minutes.

Then turn off the multicooker, close the lid and leave for 20 minutes. Then turn it on again, open the lid, bring to a boil, cook for another 2-3 minutes and our jam is ready. Pour hot into sterilized jars.

Five-minute apricot jam recipe (5 minutes) for the winter

Preparation according to the principle of "Five minutes" is prepared absolutely any jam, from any berries and fruits. The meaning of the technology is this, the fruits are covered with sugar, infused and let the juice. Then, in the same juice, they need to be boiled and immediately poured into jars.


  • Apricots - 2 kg
  • sugar - 1 kg.

Cooking method:

We wash the apricots in cold water, remove the seeds and put them in an enamel cooking bowl, sprinkle with sugar and put them in a cool place for 10-12 hours, so that the fruit lets out juice.

After the time has elapsed, put the bowl on high heat, stirring constantly, bring to a boil, reduce the heat to low and cook for another five minutes. Then we immediately pour the finished jam into sterilized dry jars and roll up the lids.

It remains only to turn the cans upside down, wrap them in a blanket and leave them until they cool completely.

Delicious apricot jam with orange for the winter


  • Apricots - 1 kg
  • oranges - 2 pieces
  • sugar - 1.5 kg.

Cooking method:

We wash the fruits well, cut the apricots in half and remove the seeds from them. Cut the oranges into slices along with the skin and carefully remove the seeds from them. Grind all fruits thoroughly with a blender or food processor.

After that, pour one and a half kilograms of sugar into the ground mass and mix everything thoroughly.

Then transfer to an enamel pot or basin and set over medium heat. Stirring constantly, bring the jam to a boil. Now, when the fruit mass has boiled, we boil it for another 5-7 minutes.

The jam is ready, put it in sterilized jars, cover it with a warm blanket and leave it to cool completely.

Apricot jam with pitted lemon


  • Apricots - 3 kg
  • lemon - 1 piece
  • walnuts - 100 gr
  • sugar - 1.5 kg.

Cooking method:

We wash the apricots in cold water, cut in half and separate from the seeds. We put them in a deep bowl, cover with sugar and leave for 24 hours so that they give juice.

After the time has elapsed, drain the juice from the apricots and put it on the fire, bring to a boil and pour the apricots with hot water.

After the syrup has cooled, add chopped walnuts and finely chopped lemon there. We put on a strong fire, stir constantly. As soon as the jam boils, the fire must be reduced to low and cook from this moment for another 15-17 minutes. Then we pour the finished jam into sterilized jars and roll up.

Delicious apricot jam with nuts for the winter (video)

Bon Appetit!!!

If you like sweet desserts made from ripe fruits, then take note of our recipes. Making apricot jam with wedges is not like that simple taskas it might seem at first glance. Incorrect technology will lead to the fact that the fruits boil and turn into a homogeneous mass. Therefore, carefully read our tips and tricks, and then repeat all the steps in the correct sequence.

Apricot jam with orange

The combination of sweet ripe fruits gives an unusually pleasant taste. The bright color of your favorite treat will remind you of hot summer days and are guaranteed to cheer you up even on the gloomiest day.


  • apricots - one kilogram;
  • orange;
  • granulated sugar - a kilogram;
  • water - 200 ml.

For this recipe, you need unripe greenish fruits. Soft juicy fruits quickly boil down, quickly turning into "porridge".

How to make delicious apricot jam? Step by step recipe with a photo will help you in solving the problem.

First, select the fruits, then wash them well under cool water, remove the seeds and cut each in half. You can cut the halves again if you like. Place the pieces in a deep saucepan. peel, squeeze the juice out of it, then strain the liquid.

Boil the syrup from water and sugar, and then let it simmer on the stove for five minutes. Add orange juice at the very end. Remove the syrup from the stove, carefully pour it over the apricots and wait for the liquid to cool. Return the resulting infusion back to the pan, bring it to a boil again and pour the fruit over it again.

When the syrup and apricots have cooled to room temperature, bring them to a boil and simmer over low heat for several minutes. After that, spread the jam in sterilized jars and roll up. Remember to turn the dishes over and cover them with a warm blanket. The next day, the jam can be transferred to the pantry or any other place suitable for storing it.

The finished dessert can be used to make sweet pies with fruit filling, or simply serve it with hot drinks.

Jam "Pyatiminutka"

The dessert got its name for an unusual gentle way of cooking. Next, we will tell you in detail how to cook apricot jam for the winter.


  • pitted apricots - 700 grams;
  • sugar - 700 grams;
  • water - 250 ml.

"Pyatiminutka" jam with apricot wedges is prepared in several stages.

Pick strong fruit, wash it, cut it in half and remove the pits. Cover the pulp with granulated sugar and leave it alone for a while. Shake the fruit bowl occasionally, but do not stir.

Weigh the apricots after processing on a kitchen scale. The ideal ratio of fruit to sugar is 1: 1.

After an hour, the fruits can be poured with water and sent to the stove. When the jam boils, turn the heat down and cook the treat for another five minutes. Chill the food and then bring it to a boil again. Repeat the procedure one more time.

After the third cooking, place the dessert in clean jars and close it with boiled lids.

Pitted apricot jam

Unusual way making a dessert will help you achieve an original taste. We are sure that you will appreciate the sweet apricot jam. Slices in aromatic syrup will make a great company to freshly brewed tea or any other hot drink.


  • apricot pulp - one kilogram;
  • sugar - one kilogram;
  • water - one glass.

It is quite simple to prepare slices, but the recipe has its own characteristics. Therefore, carefully read our instructions before you start cooking.

Process the fruits and cut into four parts. Split the bones and remove the soft core. Mix sugar with clean water.

The bright taste of this dessert directly depends on the seeds, which we will use when cooking. Therefore, it is better to cut the kernels in half or crush them into small particles.

Place the apricots and seeds in a deep saucepan and then pour over the syrup. Put the cookware on fire and bring the contents to a boil. Then drain the syrup into a separate container and cool the food. This step is necessary so that the slices remain intact and not boiled.

Repeat this procedure two more times. The last boil should take longer - about ten or fifteen minutes. Pour the finished treat into a sterilized dish and roll up.

We will be glad if you like the apricot wedge jam. The recipes collected on this page will help you prepare a small stock of tasty treats for the winter. A beautifully fragrant treat will delight your family on a gloomy winter evening and bring back memories of bright sunny days.

Video recipe for Polish apricot jam
