His name evokes a variety of emotions. Some admire him, others hate him. There are many scandalous moments in his biography that put the athlete's reputation at risk, but this does not diminish the fact that Mike Tyson (48) is a great person. Today he is the most recognizable athlete in the history of world boxing. The king of knockouts has a telling nickname "Iron Mike". PEOPLETALK collected the best quotes of the legendary boxer, which will help you look at him with different eyes.

I want to respect myself, but I can't. Not in the name of God or any religion, but in the name of your own dignity. I just want to do good things so that my kids can respect me.

Now it is quite obvious to me that the greatest influence on a person is made by the books he read and the people he met. Here's what brothers and sisters need to know about books: The most important thing is to get what you read correctly. Good to be able to read, but very bad to be able to read and not be able to understand what you read.

As long as we are persistent and patient, we can get whatever we want.

I usually do not give interviews to women, except when I want to sleep with them.

When you go up, friends will know who you are. When you fall, you will know who the friends are.

Don't be upset about failure. All fall. Only someone gets up faster, while someone continues to wallow and whine.

Fear is your best friend and your worst enemy. It's like fire. You control the fire - and you can cook on it. You lose control over him - and he will burn everything around and kill you.

When I fight someone, I want to take their will. I want to take his courage. I want to rip out his heart and show him what it looks like.

I'm a dreamer. I dream of reaching the stars. But if I miss a star, I still rake in a handful of clouds.

No one wants to get up at four in the morning and go for a run when it is still completely dark, but this is necessary. The only reason I do it so early is because I believe no one else does it. And that gives me a small advantage.

If a person gets up after a fall - this is not physics, it is character.

There are still many fragments from the past in my life. All these wounds are still open. You know, life is a constant struggle. But I'm not going to give up. Every time I feel like doing this, I start thinking, "I'll try again." There are so many mountains in life to climb ... To die is easy, difficult to live.

I pray a lot, but I will still go to hell for everything that I have done, but this does not prevent me from enjoying life here and now.

If I see a person who has a spark, I kindle a fire from it.

It is better to speak with a full mouth than to be silent with a full muzzle.

I'm going to always live in a struggle - one way or another.

Another thing that worries me is time. Time is like a book. You have a beginning, a middle and an end. It's just a cycle.

Real freedom is to have nothing. I was much freer when I didn't have a cent. Do you know what I did? I put on a ski hat, old rags and went outside to ask for change.

I intimidated my opponents so much that many of them were afraid of me even before entering the ring.

My dedication to the sport and great sacrifices have allowed me to become world champion. Everyone goes to the champion title in their own way. In my case, it was sacrifice and obstinacy. Yes, I was very stubborn.

I am pleased when they call me crazy, yes, I am a madman, I am pleased with all this just because you do not have the courage to do crazy things.

When you go up, friends will know who you are. When you fall, you will know who the friends are.

I'm not Mother Teresa. But I'm not Charles Manson either.

When I fight someone, I want to take their will. I want to take his courage. I want to rip out his heart and show him what it looks like.

Everyone is sure that the Russians are very tough. It is not true. I know for sure that they are sensitive and you have to be very careful not to hurt their feelings, otherwise they will lose their temper!

Now it is quite obvious to me that the greatest influence on a person is made by the books he read and the people he met. Here's what brothers and sisters need to know about books: The most important thing is to get it right. Good to be able to read, but very bad to be able to read and not be able to understand what you read.

Tolstoy is a cool dude. This dude should be read by everyone.

The hardest part of combat is training because, believe it or not, the easiest part of combat is the combat itself.

Now it is quite obvious to me that the greatest influence on a person is the books he read and the people he met. Here's what brothers and sisters need to know about books: The most important thing is to get it right. Good to be able to read, but very bad to be able to read and not be able to understand what you read.

Only in America is this possible: you can be bankrupt and live in a mansion.

My coach used to say, “Pay close attention to your thoughts, because your life will fully reflect your thoughts. If you are indecisive or afraid, this is how your life will be. Live with a pure mind. "

Not everyone you fight with is your enemy, and not everyone who helps you is your friend.

Real freedom is to have nothing. I was much freer when I didn't have a cent.

The only reason why I do it so early is because I believe that no one else does it. And that gives me a small advantage.

Fear is your best friend and your worst enemy. It's like fire. You control the fire - and you can cook on it. You lose control over him - and he will burn everything around and kill you.

If I had not married, I would have been a different person. I would have remained the same aggressive scoundrel because I only knew how - to hurt other people.

If a person gets up after a fall, this is not physics, it is character.

Any person capable of common sense will understand that if I hit my wife, I would rip her head off. I never touched her with a finger.

If I die tomorrow, then my enemies will die today.

I spoke with the imam, I spoke with the rabbi, I spoke with the priest, I spoke with the monk - I spoke with everyone. But I don't want to be holier than a saint. I want to help people and have sex from time to time.

I'm a dreamer. I dream of reaching the stars. But if I miss a star, I still rake in a handful of clouds.

People think that I was born as I am now. They do not know what it cost to become what they are now.

As long as we are persistent and patient, we can get whatever we want.

A person forgiven for betrayal once will betray you all his life.

Without discipline, it doesn't matter how good you are, you are nothing! Someday you will meet a tough guy who can take your best punches. And he will continue to attack, because he is strong. Do not lose your fortitude and courage. This is where discipline comes into play.

When I fight someone, I want to take their will. I want to take his courage. I want to rip out his heart and show him what it looks like.

People think that I was born as I am now. They do not know what it cost to become what they are now.

When it's hard for me, I always remind myself that if I give up, it won't get better.

A person forgiven for betrayal once will betray you all his life.

Tolstoy is a cool dude. This dude should be read by everyone.

When you go up, friends will know who you are. When you fall, you will know who the friends are.

No one wants to get up at 4 in the morning and go jogging when it's completely dark, but it's necessary.

If I die tomorrow, then my enemies will die today.

If a person gets up after a fall, this is not physics, it is character.

The hardest part of combat is training because, believe it or not, the easiest part of combat is the combat itself.

Not everyone you fight with is your enemy, and not everyone who helps you is your friend.

Real freedom is to have nothing. I was much freer when I didn't have a cent.

If I had not married, I would have been a different person. I would have remained the same aggressive scoundrel because I only knew how - to hurt other people.

I spoke with the imam, I spoke with the rabbi, I spoke with the priest, I spoke with the monk - I spoke with everyone. But I don't want to be holier than a saint. I want to help people and have sex from time to time.

Any person capable of common sense will understand that if I hit my wife, I would rip her head off. I never touched her with a finger.

I'm not Mother Teresa. But I'm not Charles Manson either.

I'm a dreamer. I dream of reaching the stars. But if I miss a star, I still rake in a handful of clouds.

As long as we are persistent and patient, we can get whatever we want.

Fear is your best friend and your worst enemy. It's like fire. You control the fire - and you can cook on it. You lose control over him - and he will burn everything around and kill you.

The only reason why I do it so early is because I believe that no one else does it. And that gives me a small advantage.

Everyone is sure that the Russians are very tough. It is not true. I know for sure that they are sensitive and you have to be very careful not to hurt their feelings, otherwise they will lose their temper!

My coach used to say, “Pay close attention to your thoughts, because your life will fully reflect your thoughts. If you are indecisive or afraid, this is how your life will be. Live with a pure mind. "

Now it is quite obvious to me that the greatest influence on a person is made by the books he read and the people he met. Here's what brothers and sisters need to know about books: The most important thing is to get it right. Good to be able to read, but very bad to be able to read and not be able to understand what you read.

Only in America is this possible: you can be bankrupt and live in a mansion.

The fight must last 13 seconds: 2 seconds for the approach, 1 second for the strike, 10 seconds for the referee's countdown.

Death will never compare to life. There is not a single example of death being better than life. As long as you live, you must live.

Mike Tyson is an American professional boxer who competed in the heavyweight division; one of the most famous and recognizable boxers in the history of world boxing. He is the owner of several world records that have not been broken to this day.

The number of fights is 58, of which there are 50 victories, 44 by knockout (professional career). Amateur career: fights - 60, victories - 54.

Quotes about boxing with meaning

  • If a person gets up after a fall, this is not physics. This is character.
  • A person forgiven for betrayal once will betray you all his life.
  • Now it is quite obvious to me that the greatest influence on a person is the books he read and the people he met. Here's what brothers and sisters need to know about books: The most important thing is to get it right. Good to be able to read, but very bad to be able to read and not be able to understand what you read.
  • I'm a dwarf. I will never grow up. I can never do anything meaningful because I am too short for any sport. But then I began to believe in myself and everything worked out for me.
  • Fear is your best friend and your worst enemy. It's like fire. You control the fire - and you can cook on it. You lose control over him - and he will burn everything around and kill you.
  • Death will never compare to life. There is not a single example of death being better than life. As long as you live, you must live.
  • When I fight someone, I want to take their will. I want to take his courage. I want to rip out his heart and show him what it looks like.
  • I'm a dreamer. I dream of reaching the stars. But if I miss a star, I still rake in a handful of clouds.
  • People think that I was born as I am now. They do not know what it cost to become what they are now.
  • The hardest part of combat is training because, believe it or not, the easiest part of combat is the combat itself.
  • The fight must last 13 seconds: 2 seconds for the approach, 1 second for the strike, 10 seconds for the referee's countdown.
  • Real freedom is to have nothing. I was much freer when I didn't have a cent.
  • When you go up, friends will know who you are. When you fall, you will know who the friends are.
  • When it's hard for me, I always remind myself that if I give up, it won't get better.
  • As long as we are persistent and patient, we can get whatever we want.

Who doesn't know the former world boxing champion Mike Tyson? That's right, everyone knows him. This is a great boxer who not only delighted us with his fights and colorful victories, but also a person who always speaks to the point. Mike said a lot of good phrases that are suitable not only for every fighter, but also for an ordinary person in life. In this article, we'll take a look at 7 inspirational quotes from Mike Tyson.

Tyson's first quote

“There are ups and downs. Whatever you do, something will constantly disappoint you, and something will oppress you. If you attach too much importance to this, and kill yourself for every reason, you can lose not only yourself, but everything around you. It is always difficult to achieve something, so you need to gather all your strength into a fist and move on, no matter what. "

These words of Tyson apply not only to boxing, but to all life. And they are said straight to the point. There will always be something in the way, and no matter where: in boxing, at work, at the institute, at school, and even in kindergarten. The whole world is against you. But that shouldn't break you. When a person learns to relate to everything easier, and take less of everything at his own expense, then relief appears, and the path forward is laid out on its own, if, of course, efforts are made for this.

Tyson's second quote

“If they say something about you, then you are better than them. Of course, this infuriates everyone, and annoys. Just forget about those who speak badly about you, because they are worse than you. The truth is simple, whoever says anything about me - they don't know me. I differ in everything from their words. Live like this and it will be easier. "

Yes, this is one of the most exciting topics for most people: "What will others say about me"? Spit on them. This is your life. Live the way you want. Do what you want. And whoever says anything - they are wrong, and this should not affect you. These are just words. You live, and they watch you live.

Tyson's third quote

“Do you want to be me for a few days? Yes, I beg you! You will cry like children in kindergarten. Your life is nothing compared to mine. "

Here Tyson did not mean himself specifically. This is said as a whole, because everyone considers only their own life difficult, and dreams of another, not knowing all its pitfalls. Take Tyson even. Yes, there is success, there is money, but how did he achieve this? These are daily workouts, there is nothing else. And this is his whole life. Someone else wants this? So arrange, and achieve the heights.

Picture 2. Tyson's training

Tyson's fourth quote

“Nothing annoys me like time. It is constantly leaking somewhere. Every minute you get old, and your life to hell. "

Perhaps one of Tyson's wisest appeals. Time is really running out. Even now that you are reading this article. Our life is an interval from a certain beginning to a certain end. And now we are approaching only one end with confident every second steps. Do not waste time in vain, there is very little of it.

Tyson's fifth quote

“To win, you have to turn off all your senses. You won't knock your opponent out if you feel sorry for him or sympathize with him. This applies not only to boxing, but to all life. If you want something, then you need to remove all emotions, and with a cool head just do it. Otherwise, you are doomed. "

Picture 3. Emotions

Tyson's sixth quote

“Victories are won by slow steps. Nobody reaches the top in one day. As long as there is patience, and there is diligence, then a person follows the right path. "

You must always work, gentlemen. Otherwise, you can achieve absolutely nothing, and lose everything.

Tyson's seventh quote

“You can know a person for 20 years, but this does not mean that he will not deceive and betray you. We also respect each other, but when we are in the ring, we kill each other for money. In life too. Trust no one. "

Expert opinion

According to Mayweather, an undefeated boxer who has 50 victories out of 50 fights, Mike Tyson is a genius: “I met Tyson, and there is always something to talk about with him. When I was just approaching the threshold of 50 wins, I was mentally tired. I told Tyson about it and he encouraged me. He said that you were tired ... Do you know what your opponents think of you? What do you think it is like going out against an undefeated boxer who has already won 46 victories? They are afraid of you. And that's who is really hard. So go and get yours. You have an advantage. " Tyson gave me a moral boost that helped me reach the top. And so not only with me. He's just a genius.



Mike Tyson is not only a brilliant and great boxer. Many people remember him as a very intelligent and competent person. He often said things that actually helped everyone. He motivated people to fight and life in general. He would make an outstanding coach, because finding the right words is about Mike Tyson.
