Well, I like it when someone notices the mandels that happened directly to me. Once I was told that my kitchen seemed to have become wider, which I was even glad of, but yesterday with bewilderment I noticed that the cabinet in the hallway was already different. Of course, I immediately rushed to ask about my "old" closet, because I myself do not notice such changes, for me my house has always been like that. It's funny to observe these changes, whether I fell into the mercy of the matrix, or vice versa, into disgrace))

Today there will be no mandel, there will be no discussion about them either ... just pictures from the Internet. "Architects" who renew our reality are still jokers. Sometimes they come up with this - you don't know whether to laugh, or to applaud them.

Moving stones in Death Valley.

Still, it won't work without a mandela. I knew about the moving stones even before the mass invasion of the Mandel, but the bottom of the dried-up lake, along which they were walking, was even, though clayey, but even. Now it is a kind of grainy surface. According to the Wikipedia scientist, ice is, of course, to blame for walking stones along the bottom of the lake.

Rainbow eucalyptus.

And that is beautiful. For me, the rainbow eucalyptus mandela is only because a year ago, when I first saw a photo of a tree on the Internet and asked Google to show it more, Google was confused - there were almost no pictures of the rainbow eucalyptus. Now - as many and whatever.

Arizona's petrified forest.

And in our world, trees can turn into precious stones. This is a petrified forest in Arizona and it petrified, as the same Wikipedia says, as much as 225 million years ago. The earth's crust with the trees that grew on it rose and fell, then covered with volcanic ash, then something else, and as a result we admire the trees consisting of agates, jasper, carnelian, onyx and amethyst. I'm just wondering who sawed these trees to pieces 225 million years ago if they were sawed before petrification?

Angel Falls.

The tallest waterfall in the world. And yet, where does so much water come from on this wonderful rock in Venezuela only a kilometer high? Eh, the wrong tasks are given to children at school, it should be like this: "Given. The height of the rock is 1000 meters, every second 300 cubic meters of water falls from it. Question. How much water has fallen from it since the opening of the waterfall in 1933 and what power should be pump to lift this water up to the rock? "

And in conclusion - one more of my personal mandela.

Why is the moon always black and white in photographs? I remember photographs of the night sky with a pale yellow moon. The moon in the photographs always turned out the same as in the sky, the same color. And the drawing was completely different - you could see a face, and also a fox ... In the same world, no one even thinks about why the moon in photographs always turns out to be black and white. As if it should be.

  • January 23rd, 2020, 02:22 pm

So what force was the blow to move the earth's crust like that?

The apocalypse with which the Bible scares everyone has already happened. The world was destroyed in 1816.

The Bible does not need to be read, looking for hidden meaning and unraveling allegories. Everything is described in plain text in it. "The first angel sounded his trumpet, and there was hail and fire, mingled with blood, and fell to the ground; and a third of the trees were burnt up, and all the green grass was burnt up." This is from the Revelation of Saint John, ch. 8. Angel - sounded the trumpet. Will not come, will not trumpet, but has already trumpeted. Already everything that the Bible allegedly prophesies has come to pass. "And when the seven thunders spoke with their voices, I was about to write; but I heard a voice from heaven, saying to me: Hide what the seven thunders have spoken, and do not write this." From the same place. What happened when seven thunders thundered simultaneously is hidden. We are not supposed to know this.

But it is not necessary only in the opinion of the "angels" who destroyed the previous reality. The matrix has a different opinion. One of the conditions for the existence of our game is hints. They must be there, otherwise the game loses its meaning. And they are. The trail preserved from the energy impact on the planet, as well as the very name of the thousands of islands left over from the isthmus that once connected South America and Antarctica - "Tierra del Fuego Archipelago", is one such clue.

For some reason, the destroyed world was not restored, but they did not begin to create it from scratch either. The new virtuality was created on the rubble of the old one, taking as a basis the preserved source codes - somewhere they fixed something, added something, rewrote something and voila, hello, a new world. For humans, it looked like this - went to bed in 1816, and woke up in 2012. With fully formatted and re-flooded memory.

This is a simplified version. It is difficult to understand further. Linear time exists only in our physical world, but not for the matrix. In the matrix, our reality is like a film strip, where all frames exist simultaneously - past, present and future, but at the same time the future is not defined, it is created in the present. But any frame of film can become "real" at the request of the matrix. The apocalypse that destroyed all film was in 1816. Maybe not exactly this year, I took this figure, focusing, as one of the clues, on "a year without summer", but this was the beginning of the 19th century. It was restored in 2112, but as in 2012. December 21, 2012 is the birthday of our world and the restoration of the game. It is easier to explain this date - this is the date when the whole world froze in anticipation of the end of the world. We were all rewrote our memory, but they could not erase from the subconscious the horror of the end of the world we experienced - the subconscious cannot be erased, it can only be blocked. Or cheat by masking real memories with false ones.

Many people remember Mandela's effects before 2012. I also remember one such mandela ... there were more of them, but this one is the brightest. I attributed the words "If the stars light up, then somebody needs it" I attributed to the Little Prince. They corrected me - this is Mayakovsky. I didn’t believe it, read Saint-Exupery, then actually found it at Mayakovsky's. I corrected it, but still did not believe it. This mandela is already 15 years old. In fact, this is my false memory created by the matrix - if there are clues, then there must be false traces. So that life does not seem like honey to us ... to hide grains of truth in a heap of false husks. Or onion ... sucker. In other words, everything that happened before 2012 is just a prehistory of our world created by the matrix, and our memory is a false memory, but full of both clues and memories that distort clues.

Our version of the world is not final, the matrix as a self-learning artificial intelligence is constantly improving it, and we have the honor to observe its work online, calling it the Mandela effect. I have not yet met a single mandela that simplifies the world - only mandela that increase the diversity of the world and complicate it. These are new representatives of flora and fauna, which both "have always been" and newly discovered species. These are writers, artists and musicians who have lived to a ripe old age, who, according to our memories, died early, and lived in this reality for a long time and left us a great creative heritage, as well as new names in literature and art that we do not remember, but they "have always been." These are scientific discoveries, which are being pushed further and further into the past, and scientific progress, which is moving there. And much more.

And yet, it seems to me that this version of the world will be rejected. All attempts of the matrix to correct bloopers lead only to new bloopers, and all its improvements resemble crooked crutches sticking out from every corner. And even bots - biorobots, created by the matrix to fill this world with the characters of the game, see these bloopers, although they are rewritten by the matrix literally before our eyes. The world will once again be destroyed and formatted, then restarted, but we will not know about it. Hopefully the new world, where we'll wake up one day with new memories and new backstories, will be better than this.

However, sometimes the matrix manages to correct its bloopers. Until recently, in Google images, you could see many photographs of the edge of the desert, where a distinct border was drawn between high piles of sand and ordinary, green earth. Now I was able to find only such a picture:

Yeah, nature poured this pile of sand. I took it like this and poured it out neatly on top. Another slightly corrected blooper of the matrix is \u200b\u200bthe Richat geological formation, it is also the Eye of the Sahara. Earlier, the Eye looked a little different, it was more modest, or something, and even on Google maps in the view mode at ground level one could see the melted soil, which gave alternatives a reason to talk about a nuclear strike, and the official science about a meteorite that fell millions of years ago. Now there is nothing melted anymore, scientists have abandoned the meteorite and believe that this is the result of soil erosion during the uplifting of a section of the earth's crust, and the alternatives have a new version - the flooded Atlantis rose from the bowels of the earth, it also had a ring structure.

Another corrected blunder of the matrix - about 4 years ago, the east coast of North America was littered with fragments of stones with fragments of various patterns and faces preserved on them, from the same stones were built along the entire coast of the breakwater. I enjoyed looking at these stones on google maps. Then, first, an amateur sculptor appeared, who allegedly gouged these faces almost at night in order to entertain tourists, then the stones disappeared. And Google no longer enlarges its satellite imagery to such an extent that the earth can be seen in detail. Well, the coast itself has changed like a cherry on the cake, turning from a flat coastal line into something incomprehensible. But the matrix, removing or masking some bloopers, in their place immediately creates dozens of new ones.

  • January 17th, 2020, 08:11 pm

If a fresh cucumber is thrown into a salty solution, it will become salty regardless of its desire. Something similar happens to us ... we are like fresh cucumbers thrown by the matrix into its solution prepared especially for us. Whether we want it or not, our memory is gradually reflashing, adjusting to the new reality. The Matrix does not even need to chase each of us personally in order to stuff us with its "salt", it is enough to throw more of it into some water (information space), where we all flop amicably.

To keep in my memory what little I still remember, I will continue to blog this blog. And immediately that I would be very amused if the topic was not sad. This is the blockade of Leningrad during the Great Patriotic War. 900 heroic days is a version of modern reality. I remember something else. All the numbers have been erased from memory, so just about what I remember. In the fall of 1941, the Germans cut the last railway line connecting the city with the rest of the country and closed the ring around the city. Communication with the mainland was only by air, and only by the military. The situation was complicated by the fact that in the first days of the blockade, the Germans bombed many food warehouses, rations were cut to a minimum, and famine began. And only in winter, when Lake Ladoga froze, the "road of life" ran along it. Food was brought to the city, people were taken back, primarily children. In the spring the blockade of Leningrad was interrupted.

According to the new version of the matrix, the blockade lasted from September 8, 1941 to January 27, 1944, or 872 days. This version is no less nonsense than the one I remember. Both of them, like the whole of World War II, are "mind games" of the matrix. Now I remembered - yes, there was a number 900 in my reality too. But there were 900 days of the defense of Leningrad, not its blockade. The blockade was interrupted in the spring of 1942, after the Germans were driven back from Moscow.

For some reason, it is believed that changes in the past do not affect the present - the past changes, but reality remains the same. But this is not so, everything changes. The political and economic situation in the world today may suddenly become completely different from what it was yesterday, and this does not follow from yesterday, but "it has always been so." To explain this in detail, you need to delve into modern politics and give specific examples, but I'm afraid that if I do this, I will stop noticing how reality is changing. The world in which we live is completely different from what it should be if it were not for the mandels.

The present is changing, but it is still difficult to say whether it is for the better or not. It changes in one direction, then in the other, then back. Sometimes it is very clearly seen that this is a struggle between two opposing forces, but not a struggle between Russia and the United States, but a struggle for people and against.

  • January 14th, 2020, 01:24 am

New Year greeted me with a new mandela. Personal, you might say. About a year ago, I don't remember exactly, the Russian science fiction film "Invasion" was announced. Summary - an alien spaceship crashed into the streets of Chertanovo. Destruction, cordon, shooting and all that. I didn't watch the film itself, only the trailer. Now I remembered it, found it on the Internet, looked. It turns out that it is called "Attraction", but the plot is the same - an alien spaceship crashed into Chertanovo. Nothing to do with the trailer I saw a year ago. That is, there is something in common - Russia, Chertanovo, an alien ship ... but the plot was different. I remember very well the footage of the aliens in their tripods moving down the street and shooting at the backs of fleeing people from plasma weapons. Or maybe not plasma, I don't know much about space weapons. There are no such frames in the movie "Attraction". Nor is this in the trailer for Invasion, which in this reality is the second part of The Attraction and will only be released this year. Such is the mandela ...

I started writing this text for zzheshka a week ago and did not finish it, I saved it in a draft. Well, think, the matrix rewrote the film ... maybe for the better - there are so many tin in films, and "Attraction", which is now instead of "Invasion," is more about love, after all, aliens are people too.

In life, I am not an observant person at all. I will pass the fence and will not notice it. Now, if the fence unexpectedly blocks my way, or even better, I hit it with my forehead - then yes ... it won't be possible not to notice. I can imagine how much Mandel would have seen if I were even a little more observant. But there is one change, which, as in the case of the fence that blocked the road, is hard not to notice - I myself have changed. As if I was half erased and forgotten to update. So I hang out in this world ... half alive, half erased. In a world that doesn't want to accept me. I lost a lot of what I knew and could do before, but I got nothing in return. And it's scary.

Well, some kind of picture is needed so that more than one dry text ... start with a movie, and finish with a movie.

For me Mandela is a black and white film "There are only girls in jazz". I remember it well in color. And even after I revised it in black and white, these shots still cause some discomfort.

  • July 20th, 2019, 05:49 pm

Yesterday we got out for raspberries. We got out late - almost all of them had already been collected, and the rest, large and ripe, fell at the slightest touch. On the way home, we came across a boletus, then turned into a pine forest to look for whites. I didn't look, I lay down on the soft moss, hands behind my head, and watched the tops of the pine trees sway against the background of clouds.

The clouds have changed. Previously, there were more mundane, or something. Simpler and more straightforward. Now they amaze with their diversity - color, shape, unpredictability, depth. And this is against the background of the fact that smells have disappeared in my reality. Summer no longer smells like summer, the wind has lost its smell, there is no smell of thunderstorms, no smell of hot air. Flowers almost do not smell. And the sister wondered aloud for a long time - boletus in July? But do boletus are in July? They appear only in the fall. I was silent. Any explanation I would have would have been answered - don't be silly. In the end, she found an explanation for herself - probably, there are summer and autumn moths. So be it. Now it is already so, but before we really had no boils in the summer, they appeared at the end of August.

Another of the last personal mandels is the emergence of a new building between the bus stop and the music school. I still can't get used to it. Long, gray, two-story, and even with chimneys on the roof. It was simply impossible not to notice him before. And for all, naturally, it has always been. Pre-war building, if I'm not mistaken.

From funny personal mandel - the button on the toilet cistern has changed. I screwed it on myself, when the tank was changed, it was smooth and round, then came out for a minute, came back, and it already consists of two halves - an oval and a crescent. It’s not even necessary to say that it was for everyone at once.

In short, I returned to zzheshka, to my little blozhik. I will write something on the sly.

  • January 7th, 2019, 02:10 am

The Mandela Effect taught me not to argue.
The conversation with my parents for life smoothly flowed into politics.
- And if you take the Soviet Union, - said the father thoughtfully, - Poland, Germany, Czechoslovakia ...
- Yeah, - I said cheerfully, - Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria ...
“Don't talk nonsense,” Mom said. - These are socialist countries.
“That's what I say,” my father did not understand. - The socialist countries that were part of the Soviet Union.
- Yugoslavia, Albania, - I continued to have fun. - And all this is the Soviet Union.
Mom did not want to understand humor.
- How many republics were part of the Soviet Union?
- 15, - the father answered confidently.
- Count, - my mother began to bend her fingers. - Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Karelo-Finnish Republic ...
- What? - I was surprised. - Which Karelo-Finnish?
- Republic. Karelo-Finnish. Formed after the Finnish war.
- How many republics were there? I asked cautiously.
- 15 of course.
I took a piece of paper and quickly wrote down all 15 republics in a column, it was not difficult to remember them.
- Count it.
My parents obediently bent their fingers while I read them the names of the republics from a sheet of paper. Of course, there is no place left for Karelo-Finnskaya among the 15 sisters.
“She was disbanded,” Mom said uncertainly. And she added already confidently. - Well, yes, there were 16 republics, then the Karelo-Finnish Republic was annexed to Russia. Do you think I don't remember anything at all?
I didn't think so and therefore agreed:
- May be.
At that moment I was ready to agree even with my father that Germany, Poland and other countries of Eastern Europe were part of the USSR, but my father himself remembered that these were the countries of the Warsaw Pact.
Returning home, the first thing I did was surfed the Internet. And ofigela - there was such a republic. With all the attributes it should be - the coat of arms, anthem and flag. And with the capital in Petrozavodsk. It was part of the USSR from March 1, 1940 to July 16, 1956. And at VDNKh in Moscow, in the famous "Friendship of the Peoples of the USSR" fountain, 16 female figures remained, symbolizing the union republics.
Learning something new is always interesting. And not to know the elementary - I no longer like it. How can one pass exams on the history of the USSR quite successfully and not even guess about another republic that once existed in its composition - the KFSSR?
Hey, is there anyone else from my reality here?

  • September 22nd, 2018, 01:18 am

My name in my passport has changed. More precisely, not the name itself, although I'm not sure of this anymore, but its spelling in English. It was Tatyana. That is exactly how, registering on one of the international sites, I copied it from my passport. From your passport, Karl! Because I was not sure of its writing.
And today I accidentally noticed that I am already Tatsiana in my passport. At the same time, the previous version remained on the site. Maybe because she was registered under a different surname, not by passport.
Basically, I don't care how my name is written in English ... but, damn it, I have to warn you.

  • September 3rd, 2018, 01:40 am

It somehow even became uncomfortable for me ... I found it in new comments:

Hello! Your entry was intop-25 popular LiveJournal entries in Belarus ! Read more about the rating inHelp.

Hmm. I hope this does not mean that it will be an eyesore for Belarusians)) There are much more interesting and informative topics than this one.

The second message is even more interesting:

User lyces referred to your entry in his post "Information for beginners »In context: [...] answers the question" what to do ": Cube in a cube, or Why am I no longer interested in Mandela effects [...]

I remember how greedily, upon discovering that the world had gone crazy, I searched the Internet for any information about the so-called Mandela effect. That it was the world that went crazy, and not me, I had no doubt. No force, including all the luminaries of psychiatry, could convince me that the bones in the eye sockets have always existed, and Pushkin wrote The Prisoner. By the way, it was because of the "Prisoner" that I abandoned the theory of parallel worlds. I fully admit that parallel worlds exist, that there are worlds with minimal differences, there are with significant ones, but there cannot be worlds where different people, independently of each other, have written the same text word for word. And the conclusion asked itself - it means that they did not write it. But I'm not talking about that now.

Anyone who has encountered the Mandela Effect, after the initial shock, has a desire to figure out what kind of bullshit is happening to the world. Then the desire to figure it out fades away. Everyone has. It is easy to see this from blogs on the Internet, and not only in its Russian-speaking sector. Vladimir Zarypov lasted the longest, but his interest also disappeared. I am no exception, it became not interesting to me either. But if this happens to everyone, does it mean someone needs it?

To interfere where they are not allowed is for me. It doesn’t matter what then they can hit on the neck. The main thing is that if there is an opportunity to break other people's rules, they must be broken. Establishing your own rules and not accepting others is the only way to break out of the matrix. In other words, if the desire to be interested in changes in the world is erased, then it is these changes that you need to be interested in, you need to dig in this direction.

Which I will do.

And the blog of user lyces i wish to take up the "fallen banner" - for everyone who first encounters the Mandela effect, it is very important to know that they are not alone in this crazy world. And it's just good if there is somewhere to read about what else has changed in the world and where it is, in the end, heading.

  • August 14th, 2018, 03:28 am

A blog that is not read has its advantages - you can write whatever you want and don't care if someone doesn't like it. And you can not write anything and not worry that the blog traffic will drop. But every rule has an exception. So on my blog, a question was suddenly raised in the comments. Well ... I'll try to answer the question, and at the same time see what my thoughts look like if you put them in words.

I'm really not interested in writing about the Mandela effect - just think, the lines in the song have changed, the outlines of the continents have changed, new animals have appeared or the domes of churches have turned black, and all this is from the category of "it has always been this way." It was not always like this. But even what I remember - that was not the case either. I am not interested in all these "mandela", because I myself am "mandela". Because until recently, if we take our linear time, I was not in this world at all.

“Ray Kurzweil, an AI scientist and expert, says that“ between 2000 and 2014, we saw the same amount of progress as in the entire 20th century. And the same amount will be achieved by 2021, in just seven In another 20 years, we will achieve progress within a year that is several times greater than the progress of the entire 20th century, and then this period will decrease to six months. ”Kurzweil believes that by the end of the 21st century we will exceed the progress of the 20th century by 1000 times . "

Now let's imagine for a moment that the end of the 21st century has already done. And everything that is unimaginable for us now, for the end of the 21st century, is ordinary and boring.

But back to my personal "mandels". When I discovered that there were bones in the eye sockets, and Pushkin wrote the poem "I am sitting behind bars in a damp dungeon", I was shocked. Then there was indignation - when I saw that in the pictures the Moon always turns out to be black and white. Damn, give me back my moon! I want to see her again in the photographs, bright and yellow, the same as in the night sky. Then there was confusion - I found in my old article something that I did not write, I could not write it, there was no such thing. And I got angry - I didn't give anyone permission to dig into my brains, change my own memories!

Then I realized that all my memories are not mine.

I will not write about the evidence, they are personal. But for me they are enough to understand - I was not in this world before, I was not born here, there was no childhood, youth ... there was nothing, and everything that is immersed in my memory is one big lie. I do not remember who I am and how I got here, but I can no longer associate myself with what is in my memory.

I collected my new worldview bit by bit, millimeters and pixels from different sources, listening only to my intuition. Trust no one, even myself - the words that have become the main ones for me. I didn't trust anyone, and even less - my memory. And gradually the world around me began to change. No, outwardly everything remained the same, but from the holes of the old reality a new one began to emerge - virtual.

Our world is a computer simulation, a fully immersive game. The coolest game in the Universe, created with technologies that surpass ours by a thousand times. I think there are not many players in this world, maybe 10 percent, the rest are NPCs, non-player characters whose behavior is controlled by programs. Artificial intelligence biorobots. And the superintelligence running the whole game. And we are the players loaded into the avatars, with the erased memory replaced by the "background" according to the scenario chosen or imposed on us.

But we played too much in this game. Taking it for reality, our brain, like a fly entangled in a web, plunges more and more into the virtual world, detailing and drawing small details, on the basis of which codes are written, increasingly complicating an already complex game called life. But if there is a game, there are always vulnerabilities in its software. And there will always be hackers who will try to hack this game. Something is wrong with this world - is it not thanks to hackers that this thought more and more often visits the players, does not allow them to finally get bogged down in an illusion? There is definitely something wrong with this world.

The game did not appear once and for all unchanged. Like everything else, it was created from simple to complex. But no one rewrote the game every time, it was easier to make a new one based on the old version. And all the artifacts of our world, buried cities, Tartary, which appeared as if from nowhere, star fortresses that suddenly turned out to be scattered throughout the location, changing outlines of the continents and much more that official science stubbornly does not see and cannot explain - all this we got into the "legacy "from older versions of the game.

Once inside the game, it is impossible to even imagine all its complexity. But you can understand what our real real world looked like. To leave players as little chance as possible to doubt the reality of our illusion, the virtual world is created in the image and likeness of the real world, just like our avatars are created in the image and likeness of our gods - the programmers of the late 21st century.

We live in a game, taking it for reality, but for many of us this is not just a game - it is a prison. The best prison you can imagine is a prison where the prisoners don't know they are in prison. But we are not criminals ... we are the ones who lost the war, which, according to local time, will only begin in about a hundred years. We are sentenced to a game that mimics our real reality a century ago.

But that's not all. Our real world is also someone's game. A cube in a cube, or an ordinary Russian nesting doll of artificially created and nested dimensions.

Perhaps it was Moses who inspired the Germans in WWII to create helmets with horns? True, the horns are not real, but just a fastener for something there, which, however, did not prevent the British from mocking them. And we didn't know.

And the animal world is decorated with horns in full. Horned Addax, Mouflon, Garn, Oryx, Cannes, Impala, Watussi, Swaledale ...

And of course the horned viper

Horned chamellon

Horned lark

Horned box, this is already such an aquarium fish

Bull or horned shark

There is even a horned snail.

And a horned tricelatops. Extinct, really.

In 1985 in Leningrad, after a long ... er ... restoration at the famous address 56 Nevsky Prospect, Gastronome No. 1 was finally opened, known to the townspeople and guests of the city as Eliseevsky. Both indigenous Leningraders, and occasionally residents of the city who visit the city center, and tourists did not hesitate to go to this grocery store, which is a landmark of the city, in order to evaluate the quality of repair work and compare how the current look of the store differs from the historical one. In general, many agreed that the interior decoration of the Eliseev brothers' grocery store sparkled with fresh colors and the brilliance of polished, previously tarnished bronze and crystal ... But still they could not fail to notice one essential, even, one might say, cornerstone detail: a luxurious crystal glass disappeared from the ceiling. the chandelier hanging in the center of the room! Hundreds of outraged townspeople wrote angry letters to the editorial offices of newspapers, to "Vechorka" and "Leningradskaya Pravda" demanding to stop this lawlessness, to return the stolen chandelier to its place ... Do you remember this chandelier if you were in St. Petersburg and visited a famous store? How did she look? Remember that chic, right in the middle of the trading floor? And suddenly - disappeared! Not otherwise, one of the big bumps dragged him to his dacha! But the editorial office of the newspaper, making inquiries, wrote a refutation to its previously published note in the "Reporter on Duty": Eliseevsky chandelier never existed!

"In 1965, I checked the store. The chandelier was still there. I remember this chandelier very well, I think it is made of crystal. And why did you need to mislead readers? After all, thousands of Leningraders, especially indigenous people, probably remember it."

And there were hundreds of such letters to the editorial office:

"From 1948 to 1953, I worked at 3 Malaya Sadovaya, visiting the store every day. A crystal chandelier hung in the central hall above the cash desks. It was impossible not to notice, as it shone like a diamond, the store seemed magical. A.Ya. Poleiko ".

"I am a native of Leningrad. All my adult life I live on Nevsky and go to the Eliseevsky store. I well remember the closed windows of grocery store No. 1 during the war. I remember the interior of the store after the war - a sea of \u200b\u200blight. In the late 60s, a grid appeared over the cash registers. that two strands with crystal elements of the chandelier, which was just above the cash register, broke and hung down. Then there was a week-long redecoration, and instead of the chandelier, fluorescent lamps appeared.

I must say that the procedure for replacing crystal chandeliers with fluorescent lamps, more economical and harmless, then took place throughout Leningrad. Electricians who sold these chandeliers from their hands rated them as follows: "a large glass - 5 rubles, a small one - 3 rubles." And it was 2-3 times cheaper than in the next to Eliseevsky commission shop "Bronze", where chandeliers were sold.

Maybe this is the secret of the chandelier? But in any case, the truth must be restored: there can be no such thing that hundreds of Leningraders are mistaken ... P. Kudryavtsev, a veteran of labor. "

"Why were there any doubts about the chandelier? It could be seen in the 50-60s. Every time I entered the store, I admired it. It disappeared by the end of the 60s, when the net was pulled over the cash registers.

The second such chandelier was in the foyer of the Colosseum cinema. After the reconstruction, she was gone. If you ask the leaders, they, perhaps, will also throw up their hands: no one has ever thought of such 'trifles', and our city was calmly 'undressed' ... B. Aleksandrov. "

“I remember this chandelier from my childhood. I declare with full responsibility: there was a chandelier. I always showed it to tourists when I took them around the city. E.G. Zolotov ".

Moreover. There is evidence even from the workers of the grocery store and the Comedy Theater located one floor above!

“The crystal chandelier in the central grocery store No. 1 (formerly Eliseevsky) was hanging. I worked in the wine and fruit department as a saleswoman from June 1944 to March 1964. But when and where she disappeared, I don't know. It is a pity that such beauty will not decorate the store. K. D. Volnova ".

“From 1953 to 1966 I worked at the Comedy Theater: the theater hall is located above the grocery store. I visited it every day and affirm: there was a chandelier! But when they began to alter the ceiling for fluorescent lamps, the four chandeliers in the corners and the central one were removed, and no one else saw them. B.A. Banks ".

Your humble servant, being at that time a 1st year student of Leningrad State University and at the same time an unwitting witness to the hype that happened, could not help but become interested in this phenomenon, since he had an increased interest in all psychology, mysticism and riddles, but only, for quite understandable reasons, I have on hand only a certificate of completion of the ten-year period (with uneven success, by the way) and generally accepted ideas about the structure of our Universe, could not find an acceptable explanation for this phenomenon. After all, there was never really a chandelier there! There are old photographs from the beginning of the 20th century, after the recent opening of the store, with a very beautiful ceiling, but completely devoid of a chandelier! Well, maybe a few small chandeliers hung in the corners, but nothing in the center. Maybe the native Leningraders meant them? Or that little one in the center, which is a little higher in the photo? But it is not attracted by any city landmark and historical value.

Oddly enough, the debate about the chandelier has not yet been completely stopped. Although, in fairness it should be said that G.V. Baranovsky, who designed the building, really considered the equipment of the sales area with a chandelier as an option, similar to the pair of chandeliers that still hang in the Eliseevsky grocery store in Moscow. However, for reasons unknown to me, it was decided not to do this in the final project, limiting ourselves to sconces on the walls and decorative local lighting of the showcases themselves.

One way or another, the hype subsided, and your humble servant set aside this strange incident in his memory and began to collect such stories about "false memory" and "mass psychosis", as psychologists call them, without explaining anything, alas. Like, the head is a dark object and cannot be investigated.

There have been many such incidents in life, and even, moreover, almost every person from his own life can give more than one example of how he, say, hears an episode from life in which he participated, from the mouth of another witness and almost from indignantly realizes that he has messed everything up, which in fact was completely different. In short, as the investigators say, "he lies as a witness." And he is very surprised when the narrator unexpectedly makes convincing arguments that he is telling the truth: he shows photographs, videos, after watching which one gets the impression that you have lost your mind. Of course, the helpful subconscious will soon wipe this unintentional embarrassment from memory and restore the pristine and consistent picture of memories: well, yes, indeed, I could have been mistaken ... although ... not to the same extent! After all, I clearly see before my eyes how it all happened there, I hear all the voices, all the remarks, I even remember the smells! But ... we have to admit that it was not so.

Another classic example of this effect is a memorable line from a movie that you remember for many years and considered something obvious. Finally, you re-watch this film - and you fall into confusion: it turns out that the hero of the film said something completely different in this place, or did not say it at all! But I couldn't be wrong! Could not!!! And the "documentary evidence" in the form of a film shows the opposite. After all, the film itself, as it was, remained so.

About a recent similar incident from my own life, I was in LiveJournal about a year and a half ago, faced with a phenomenon, as it usually happens, completely unexpectedly.

If we are dealing with a case when you do not have like-minded people, when you found yourself in splendid isolation with your version of what happened, then, probably, your story at the very least, but can be attributed to "false memory", to what, according to psychologists, a person practically does not remember the past, except perhaps a few point time markers of the situation, and everything that happened between these markers simply constructs, fills with his own fantasies. This can explain the phenomenon of gossip and "spoiled phone". However, how to explain that the phenomenon of "common false memory" can suddenly fall ill with thousands of people at the same time?

In 2013, the first black president of South Africa, Nelson Mandela, a former anti-apartheid fighter for the rights of the country's black population, died. In connection with the sad event, invitations to the funeral were sent out to the heads of government of many countries. However, a completely absurd event took place, very similar to a mass insanity. Many thousands of people were absolutely convinced that the former champion of the rights of blacks Nelson Mandela ... not only never was the president of South Africa, but even died in the dungeons of apartheid in the 80s !!! Of course, Mandela really was in prison during the times of racism and discrimination against blacks in South Africa, but why the information field got the impression that he did not survive, no one can explain.

This case, as the most striking manifestation of the described effect, served as its name. Since then it has been called the Mandela effect.

When a person comes across such phenomena from his own experience, it may seem to him that either he is going crazy, or space and time are going crazy. Because the phenomenon fundamentally contradicts life experience and ideas about the world as a three-dimensional space and one-dimensional and unidirectional time. And he will face the manifestation of the Mandela effect most clearly when he begins to study history, and in the most serious and "scientific" sense: working with archaeological sources, with archival documents and other "objective" material. And he will notice another very strange thing that consciousness flatly refuses to admit: that he cannot restore a clear picture of what is happening, so to speak, "sharpen" and examine the pictures of the past in all details. You can swear that you have seen such and such documents with your own eyes, that you even have scans or photographs of them somewhere, where the Russians say such and such in white. As a murderous argument for your opponent, you frantically search for these evidences ... and are surprised to find that they say something completely wrong or wrong, and that your opponent, to your deepest regret, is not "talking nonsense", but even turned out to be not so wrong. Some devilry! Directly "Master and Margarita"!

And it seems absolutely incredible that we ourselves, in some incomprehensible way, influence the past and can change it! Because then it turns out that all our knowledge of the past ultimately rests on an established mythology, a kind of vector sum of a critical number of authoritative opinions, capable of transforming not only our ideas about the past, but even the past itself! Just as we change this present with our ideas and thoughts about the present, and in the same way with the future.

I admit that the topic is far from being covered, leaving a lot of space for discussion and expression of various opinions. However, if we take into account the Mandela effect and honestly and consistently try to build it into our worldview or even expand it, we will probably have to admit that we are not so much exploring the reality that surrounds us, as we are creating it ourselves. Does something "really" exist, that is, "objectively"? I am afraid that now it is no longer possible to answer this question at the level of binary logic, in terms of "yes" or "no".

Publication 2019-03-18 Liked 14 Views 8448

TOP 7 strangest episodes

Russian examples of the Mandela effect

Guessing: 5 Reasons for the Mandela Effect

The Mandela Effect is one of the most discussed topics in the English-speaking segment of the Internet. Indeed, there is something to get excited about: when many people have the same false memories of historical events, it becomes creepy.

If the Mandela Effect is a manipulation of time, then who is behind it?

The Mandela Effect - Memory Grimaces or Echoes of a Parallel Universe?

Mandela's effect resembles the plot of a science fiction novel. A person lives an ordinary life, and then the familiar canvas of being begins to creep away, leaving the protagonist alone with a brave new world. The heralds of fatal changes are the hero's memories that do not coincide with the stories of family and friends. In such a phenomenon as the Mandela effect, examples of false memories go beyond personal biographies: for many people, the well-known facts of modern history look quite different from those in official documents.

Parallel worlds are one of the reasons for the Mandela effect. Science chuckles quietly for now

The Mandela effect was first discussed in 2010. A controversy flared up among the Dragon Con fancon over the life of the legendary anti-apartheid fighter Nelson Mandela. Contrary to the obvious facts, some strange people persistently insisted that Mandela had never been the president of South Africa and died in prison in the 80s of the last century, although there were still three years left before the death of the South African leader.

Nelson Mandela, who either died young in prison, or lived a long time and was president

After some time, the researcher of the phenomenon, Fiona Broome, who also took part in the discussion, found witnesses to the funeral of the first president of South Africa from among the prisoners of Polsmur prison in Cape Town, who were serving their sentence simultaneously with the future president of South Africa. Independently of each other, the respondents recounted obituaries from newspapers in detail. Since then, the increasing incidence of mass false memories has been referred to as the "Mandela effect."

There is evidence of a torch site visit in the 90s. However, it closed in 1916

The Mandela effect is also confirmed by examples from the life of other historical figures who were sent to the next world ahead of time. In the collection of Fiona Broome there is eyewitness testimony that the famous boxer Muhammad Ali died of a stroke six months after converting to Islam, and the 40th US President Ronald Reagan was killed by a bullet from John Hinckley in 1981.

There are more than a dozen variants of the Challenger explosion. Including, and "all survived"

The Nelson Mandela Effect can manifest itself in many ways. For example, some adherents of the destructive sect "Aum Shinrikyo" claim that their spiritual leader Seko Asahara, who was executed in 2018, committed suicide during his arrest. Other cultists are convinced that the guru's death sentence was carried out earlier than 2018. If history did not verify such an ambiguous phenomenon as the Mandela effect, we would be completely lost in the maze of probabilities.

An example of the Mandela effect: many people remember that Monroe's mole was closer to the lip

TOP 7 episodes of the Mandela effect in recent history

  1. The assassination of John F. Kennedy in Dallas. According to some eyewitnesses, there was only one woman in the president's car - the first lady. In fact, there was another lady in the car - the wife of the Governor of Texas.
  2. Disappearance of Agatha Christie in 1926. 10 days after fleeing home, the detective's queen was found in a hotel in Harrogate, where she lived under the name of her husband's mistress. However, many contemporaries were convinced that Mrs. Christie is still listed as missing.
  3. The participation of the GDR army in the suppression of the "Prague Spring". Officially, the Czechoslovak military group was in reserve, but some local residents note that East German soldiers also took part in dispersing the demonstrations.
  4. The death of a black preacher Martin Luther King by a sniper. According to investigators, the shot was fired from a Remington rifle. Nevertheless, some witnesses claim that the killer fired a pistol, while others "witnessed with their own eyes" the explosion of a homemade bomb.
  5. Canonization of Mother Teresa before 2016. There are also people who are sure that the famous nun was canonized during her lifetime.
  6. Explosion of the space shuttle Challenger. The catastrophe occurred in 1986, but sometimes other dates are called - 1985 or 1987; there is also evidence that there were not seven, but six astronauts on board the shuttle.
  7. Segway invention. The first gyro scooters appeared on the streets in the early 2000s, although some people claim that segways were found on the streets in the nineties.

So in which car was Kennedy killed - a four-seater or six?

The gaining strength of the Mandela effect throws up new examples with enviable regularity. The canvases of old masters, logos of famous brands, geographical maps and poems familiar from childhood are changing. Check out our picks for new examples of the Mandela effect:

The Mandela effect: examples from Russia

In our country, the Nelson Mandela effect is most often manifested when discussing old films and cartoons. The dialogues of the heroes have long diverged into quotes and memes that sound differently for different people. Examples confirming the Mandela effect surface in many Soviet tapes:

  • "Prisoner of the Caucasus"
  • "Ivan Vasilievich changes his profession"
  • "The Diamond Arm"
  • "Love and pigeons"
  • "Meeting place can not be Changed"

Do you remember exactly Soviet cinema and your favorite cartoons? Check yourself!

New examples of false memories of the death of Edward Radzinsky also clearly illustrate the Mandela effect. Newspapers repeatedly "buried" the popular TV presenter, and each time there were witnesses describing the farewell ceremony in detail. In addition, among our compatriots there are witnesses to the shooting of the White House in 1991.

Big transition, collider, mass insanity - reasons for every taste

What caused the Nelson Mandela effect? Let's start brainstorming!

What is the Nelson Mandela effect - mass psychosis or confirmation of the theory of multiple worlds arising from the principle of quantum uncertainty? Esotericists put forward fantastic versions - one more incredible than the other.

If the present changes, does someone from the future change something in the past?

Psychologists give a rational explanation to the phenomenon. Even Lev Vygotsky established that the same part of the brain - the hippocampus - is responsible for long-term memory and imagination. Memories are not fixed in an unchanged form, as on film, but are reconstructed taking into account the experience, associative connections and cultural clichés, along the way acquiring colorful details. That is why there are examples so clearly illustrating the Mandela effect in the memoirs. So, Adolf Hitler, the owner of racially pure blue eyes, was often depicted as brown-eyed. The leader of the Third Reich was let down by his dark hair color: as you know, brown eyes are more common among brunettes than blue ones.

Collective false memory - this is how scientists explain the Mandela effect

The Large Hadron Collider is one of the main culprits of the Mandela effect. Experiments of CERN (European Council for Nuclear Research) with acceleration of protons to near-light speeds could lead to the formation of super-heavy particles with the habits of black holes, which serve as gates to other dimensions, and new examples that clearly demonstrate the Mandela effect are caused by the superposition of one reality on another.

Conspiracy theorists are confident that they are responsible for all CERN experimenters

Astrologers associate the appearance of the Mandela Effect with the 2012 Great Stellar Transition. The coming to an end the Age of Pisces is being replaced by the more advanced Age of Aquarius, launching a cascade of transformations of spiritual matter that fills the Universe. Someone has already passed into a new reality, while someone has remained in the old one, so the memories of people living on different planes of existence can vary greatly.

Elon Musk's variation is also noteworthy. If we live in a simulation, then the creators or lead players can change episodes and locations. Or the Mandela effect is such a bug in the game.

Have you heard of the Mandela Effect? In short, its essence is described by a simple and sad human fact - people are suggestible ...

Nelson Mandela - spent almost a third of his life in prison. In the 60s of the last century, this young idealist tried to resist the dictatorship of apartheid and, of course, quickly realized that the elites in power were unlikely to yield under his peaceful intentions. Indeed, supporters of the supremacy of the white race in Black Africa were not inclined to react to democratic processes, then he was forced to create an armed wing. The methods of his organization were sabotage and sabotage, but unfortunately for Mandela, he did not think about European and American "colonial" interests.

As a result, less than a month later, the world media became interested in him. Naturally, they became interested not by themselves, but at the direction of Western companies and governments. The thing is that with his acts Nelson harmed the business of Europe and America, and therefore attracted the closest attention to himself. So the world media first introduced mankind to Mr. Mandela - they made him an example of a notorious terrorist, doused him with mud and put him in prison.

By the end of the 1980s, against the backdrop of the financial crisis, the United States was forced to demonstrate the beginnings of the humanization of society, otherwise it was difficult to explain why socialism has free support from citizens, and taxes are raised in the "most blessed country". We urgently needed parallels with something that could emphasize the totalitarianism of the USSR, thereby showing that, although there is free medicine in the Soviets, there is no freedom there.

South Africa's new generation of white leaders were perfectly suited for this role. So, the US media for decades did not notice racial segregation and racism, suddenly became concerned about the problems of this country. The assets of South Africa were bought out in advance, new owners were appointed to the branches of Western firms, and they decided to solemnly demolish the regime. But since the task was to draw parallels of "slavery" with the Soviet Union, it had to be done as loudly as possible. It was then that they remembered the "fiery fighter" while silently indulging the West, who had spent several decades in solitary confinement. The press in Europe and the United States instantly forgot about the stigma of a terrorist, and from that moment on, Nelson Mandela became a fighter for universal human values \u200b\u200band tolerant ideals. It was him who was nominated by the Western community as a candidate for negotiations with the regime, and he was also made the new president of South Africa.

Dozens of Western universities awarded him honorary degrees, the Nobel committee issued the Peace Prize, British performers recorded a world hit dedicated to him, the late 80s became the Mandela period, and then Nelson mysteriously disappeared - disappeared from the entire world press.

It was only in 2013 that what was eventually called the Mandela effect happened: “On December 5, 2013, at the age of 95, Nelson Mandela, the African leader and first black president of South Africa, died.” The popular British edition "The Sun" was published with this title. The obverse of the issue read: “We Grieve for Nelson. Years of life 1918-2013. The main enemy of apartheid lost the final battle and left us. " Then there was a photo in black and white for the entire spread of the magazine.

In response to this news, thousands of people were outraged by the unprofessionalism of the British press, the newspaper was accused of ignorance of historical facts, in forums and comments, people condemned the media for lack of education and elementary disrespect for the reader. Everyone said that Mandela died in the late 80s, and the current news is an absurd fiction. Meanwhile, the article "The Sun" was reprinted by more and more publications, and the outrage of people grew.

It got to the point that the official representatives of the press and a number of EU governments were forced to issue an official statement trying to convince people that Mandela really died right now. But society didn’t believe them anyway. This is how psychologists first encountered a situation of mass false memory, calling it the "Mandela effect."

Its essence turned out to be simple: while a person was heard by all the world's media, and everyone was talking about him at the end of the 80s, people were convinced that such a person could not simply disappear, which means that since the press forgot about him, he, most likely died. In the mass consciousness, the images of two characters are mixed - the real Mandela, as a person who lived to 95 years, and the image of Mandela formed by the Western media. His image really died in the late 80s, because the West no longer needed him, but the real Nelson lived his life in informational oblivion until 2013.

This example perfectly demonstrates how suggestible Western people are and how dependent on their own media. Information is quite capable of creating a separate reality, but fortunately for us, the present time is significantly different from the 80s. If it were not for the ability of people to access data on their own, we would have, perhaps, long ago turned into a terrible and isolated country for the world, repeating in this respect the unenviable role of the Soviet Union.

Historical chance

Remember the old and wise adage, "forbidden fruit is sweet"? Do you remember how well it worked against the USSR? Indeed, in many ways, therefore, the West seemed to people a priori ideal. Ignorance gave rise to the idealization of the EU and the US, and the information policy of self-isolation only inflated it even more.

But who would have thought that thirty years later, the West itself would fall into its own trap. Today, Europe and the United States are engaged in isolationism and the absurdity of propaganda, while the Western media generate in their societies a craving for the forbidden. The Internet seethes with foreigners wishing to visit our country: blogs, articles, reviews, video travel and just communication with Russians has become "fashion". A kind of protest, which is expressed by more and more thinking people. At first it was a few or marginals, but now it is a rapidly growing trend.

3.3 million foreigners visited Russia in 2016 for tourism purposes, which is 11.2% higher than in 2015 and 25% in 2014. In 2017, according to the border service of the FSB, the indicators of 2016 were beaten by the third quarter. Moreover, of this figure, 385 thousand are Germans, and 207 thousand are US citizens. 2018, thanks to the Russian World Cup, will multiply last year's values.

And what did the propaganda of the collective West, led by the United States, respond to? She made a historical mistake - intensified the degree of unfounded Russophobia and went over to complete absurdity while ignoring the facts. It is quite logical that, due to the presence of the Internet and open borders, this led to a diametrical effect: the mainstream media not only lost their own audience, but are also actively depriving themselves of the most important resource for themselves - people who previously unconditionally trusted the opinion of their media.

So, describing the weakness of Russia for years, the West has achieved only that our country, having withstood, began to be perceived as “rebellious” and “strong”. Having started to denigrate us, accusing us of all sorts of "sins", from interference in elections to information zombies, it turned Russia's capabilities to the limit. And in describing the "rustiness" and "small capabilities" of the Russian army, it did not only set up NATO, but the United States itself. For decades, the American army has declared that only it is capable of containing terrorism, but even with all its capabilities, it was forced to retreat. When Moscow came to Syria, this very statement became a continuous problem.

Previously, the more the US and NATO expanded their operations in the Middle East, the more terrorism spread its geography. But as soon as Russia appeared in Syria, the minimum expeditionary contingent of the Aerospace Forces and Polite people was enough for terrorism to immediately subside. For several years, our army has dealt with what the American military could not do anything about for two decades. And all this, despite attempts to cover up, became public knowledge. Talking about Vladimir Putin is completely unnecessary - with its isolationist policy in the field of information, the West has made the Russian leader not only “the most influential person” on Earth, but also a symbol of a serious leader capable of strategically resisting US hegemonism, even in the worst situations.

Of course, the key merit in this belongs to our country, which over the years has shown the world a competent game on the field of its rival. But at the same time, the West itself did a lot for us with unfounded propaganda and actions of its own media.

This is our chance for the growth of society and state. Dodging - we won time for years, saved up strength, developed, took advantage of the enemy's mistakes and played counterattacks against him. It worked then and continues to work today. We have strengthened and increased our reputation in the world, have managed to postpone the stage of direct confrontation until the gap between the realities in the heads of the western man in the street reaches a peak. As a result, the longer we refrain from radical struggle, the better we show ourselves, and the more firmly we act within the framework of international law, the more the clichés of "aggressive" Russia give way to facts about the country.

Does it matter? Yes, since it brings not only self-satisfaction, but also real results - Russia is increasingly perceived as a weighty alternative to the West. Could the coalition majority of Italy, for example, declare that “we are seeking and will achieve friendship with Russia, insist on the lifting of sanctions and believe that the current EU policy towards it is not justified,” if Moscow had behaved differently? Could Sarah Wagenknecht, Germany's most popular political figure from the rostrum of the Bundestag, urge the Germans and Merkel to "open their eyes, stop groveling in front of Washington and direct their energies to reestablish friendship with Moscow" if we responded harder, blow for blow?

Was there any sense in actions akin to the American ones being drawn into a direct conflict and thus pushing potential allies into the hopeless impasse of "transatlantic solidarity"? Could China, under radical pressure, find a compromise and maintain relations with Russia at the risk of losing the main market in the person of the United States? The examples can be listed endlessly ...

That is why liberals and people posing as supporters of Russia in recent years have increasingly begun to urge Russians to “become tougher”, respond “radically”, “break off relations”, “fight” and finally stop calling them “partners”. Of course, from the point of view of emotions, this can be understood, but from the point of view of consequences and goals, it does not justify itself.

In reality, jingoistic patriotism rarely manifests itself at this level by accident, and in this case it is also not just that. We are on the verge of a technological change. All leading world players: China, USA, Russia are accumulating forces for a powerful breakthrough. Trump's unpopular economic decisions are designed to do just that. Unpopular economic moves by Vladimir Putin are exactly the same. And even Xi Jinping's unprecedented purge of elites in the PRC pursues the same positions.

Everyone understands: those who find themselves at the start of this process in an unprepared state will lag behind forever. And therefore, our task is not to rush with our chest at the embrasure, but even through force, calling enemies partners, sometimes retreating in separate battles - to win the war. We must develop, apply the Chinese method of non-interference, win and use the gained time wisely, engage in internal politics, protecting ourselves in the external. And we have already achieved a lot.

After March 1 and the historic speech of Vladimir Putin, we secured ourselves for years to come, and now we have finally begun to deal with the internal agenda. It is indicative that it was at this moment that they began to convince us of excessive softness, demand to "press", "fight", and respond "harder", and even launched a whole chain of provocations on the domestic front and through the media. Unpopular economic decisions were sprinkled with numerous stuffing and ordered materials, fakes about the imminent tax hike on literally everything from rain to "plastic" transfers were spread immediately and massively on social media, and gasoline prices rose during the same period by no means accidentally.

Meanwhile, have you seen the number of cars on the streets and cities of Russia? Have you seen great federal highways all over the country? Have you noticed how many bridges, residential areas, civil, military and related infrastructure are being built, how quickly walking distance shops are multiplying? Have you noticed that the GDP growth rates in 2008-2009, during the global crisis, without any sanctions policy, fell so much that they exceeded those in the 1998 default level, and in 2014-2015, under the insane pressure of the collective West, sanctions and strikes on the exchange rate was the drop minimal?

So is Russia getting stronger with such a strategic methodology? Does Putin's "political judo" work, or should we really throw ourselves at an enemy that is much stronger than us and will benefit more from it? Should China be happy again, once again allowing it to enjoy the old adage: "while two tigers grabbed each other, the wise monkey ..." will derive its advantages from this? Of course, when it is necessary, Russia will not flinch and will fight to the end, but does it need to start today?

A time of calm makes us stronger and enemies weaker. This is how modern times are shaping up, and this is how modern geopolitics develops. The unipolar world is bursting at the seams, and we hold the blow and accumulate strength.
