There is even a whole role "Bond Girl": female characters appear next to the main characteristics of the Bondian novels next to the main character, the main advantage of which is beauty, and not about what character and speech does not go.

We invite you to look at the Russian and Soviet actresses, who proved by their example: external beauty is a concept and conditional, and relative, and charisma, charm and power of talent make a beautiful woman with any external data.

Inna Churikova

This is the very case when the appearance does not even matter at all. Inna Churikova is just a great actress, and that's it. Even in the insane farc comedy "Shirley-Mirlya" Vladimir Menshov, she played a mother's alcoholic character of Valery Garkalina so that not to break away. Not to mention serious roles in the "Start", "Vassas" films and others. Husband Churikova, director Gleb Panfilov, tries to shoot it in every painting.

Jan Sexte

The actress with the so-called classical northern appearance, Jan Sextea became famous for the role of the Lucy film operator in the TV series Valeria Todorovsky "Thaw". However, there are other strong filmmakers on her account - for example, in Almana, Petersburg. Only for love". But mostly sexier works in the theater, where he managed to play in the "fathers and children" in Turgenev, the "senior son" Vampilov.

In 2008, she played in the play "Forty-first" Victor Ryzhakova with his first husband, successful actor Maxim Matveyev. That student marriage was neither long-term nor happy, however former spouses Do not hold the evil to each other.

Katerina Spitza

This young actress has a non-standard appearance, which film producers and theatrical directors are exploited. Over the past few years, Katerina Spitz managed to be held in several "Christmas tree" (and we are not in the editorial office. I do not blame her for this), to appear in the Friday comedy with Danila Kozlovsky and participate in the next season (There she changed the dozen images, among whom were Angelica Varum, Canada Avril Lavin and Pop Rocker Gwen Stephanie).

Nelli Uvarova

This is perhaps the main "Cinderella" in the new Russian cinema. Nelli Uvarova became the first star role of the elfness, but not beautiful Katya Pushkareva in the cult series "Night is beautiful." The name of her character even became at some point nine - not too educated Russians so called everyone not enough glamorous girls.

Olesya Zhelenyak

Olesya Zheleznyak is a typical characteristic actress of the comedy genre. She was famous for her "My beautiful nanny", where Olesya performed in the role of girlfriend Vicky Prukovsky (Anastasia Zavorotnyuk played it), but she began to take it long before that. Some remember the touching comedy "Lily Silver", where Zheleznyak played along with the producer Alexander Tsecalo.

Alice Grebenshchikov

The charming and talented daughter Boris Grebenshchikov managed to escape from the shade of his father and become a completely independent creative unit. Alice Grebenshchikova is filmed in the cinema and serves in the theater, and removed from the mid-90s - her first film was the Drama "American" about the dangerous entertainment of adolescents. Grebenchikov at one time received the Award named after Fain Ranevskaya for the best comedy role.

Julia Aug.

Strong and talented woman Yulia Auga has played many years in the Petersburg Tyuze, until she realized that she was much more interesting to the director. Among other things, she put a terrible performance based on the works of Anna Starobinets called "cereal pastries". The editorial board clarifies that the Wide viewer Julia Auga can be familiar to the role of a conditional sexually dissatisfied official in the film "Intimate Places", as well as on the film "Oveseing".

Alisa Khazanova

Daughter Satirik and Khuduka Theater of the Estrada Gennady Khazanova - and the talented actress itself and the debuting director. Someone may seem that its appearance is far from the reference of beauty, but we are in the editorial foundation. I don't think so. Alisa Khazanova is regularly filmed in the cinema - it can be seen in a gloomy household "tale about darkness" in the role of the Militizer's love for love, and even in the role of prostitutes-Snow Maiden, which is kept with the heroine of Yana Trojanova in the film of Vasily Sigarev "Country Oz".

Lia Ahacedzhakova

In the Soviet cinema, Leia Ahacedzhakova was considered a characteristic actress, and they almost did not trust her heroine. Even in the film Eldar Ryazanov "Service Roman", where Ahacedzhakova plays a beauty and a coquette of the secretary of the Veroor, her own love line she has no. However, this does not actress less charming and beloved. One of the last protested film collections is an episodic "Elderly Japanese with fate" in a black comedy "depicting the victim" Kirill Serebrennikov.

Tatyana Vasilyeva

In the 90s, Tatiana Vasilyeva pretty sprouted his reputation, reheemed, it seems, in all bad films of the time. It could be seen in the third-rate comedies Anatoly Eyramgian, along with

Many celebrities clearly not enough "little black dress". Bright and original clothing is, of course, always trend. But, as they say, not all is gold, which shines. Together with the IMJAMIKER stars, Olga Pale, we studied the most extravagant ensembles, in which the stars had to be conceded. It turned out that the actresses and singers were surprised by the people of Fantasy Flight Nonsense.

Sati Kazanova, singer, 30 years old

Stylist: Eclecticism in suitoee! This outfit is even a la christmas tree It is impossible to name. Translucent bodice with a strange embroidery - no comment. If the singer seems that it gives it sexuality, it is very mistaken - everything is exactly the opposite. Losinki, peeling through the skirt, too, as they say, beyond good and evil. In such a tribe even on Halloween to go scary - you will not understand

Tatiana and Nadezhda Mikhalkov

Tatyana Mikhalkov, businesswoman, 65 years

Stylist: The combination of black and red is a classic, but the dress clearly rumped into the tissue and texture of the fabric. Yes, and it is not enough Tatyana Evgenievna, as it seems. Nadi bust with red - already in the eyes of Ryabit. Yes, and again something is wrong with the size: whether the pants are short, or the jacket is bought on the grow out, but by the age of 26, Nadia before him did not grow. In a word, the eye on these relatives is not rejoicing. And sorry ... from such a respected family ...

Nadezhda Mikhalkov, actress, 26 years

Angelica Varum, singer, 43 years old

Stylist: The hairstyle is definitely chosen incorrectly.Here it would be better to have something minimalistic and united. Busting with wave-like elements - with a slight increase and so magnificent breasts, they give rise to the effect of heavyness and spheriness. Experiments, of course, are always welcome, but in everything we need to know the measure. Plug on side - just shame designers. It turns the outfit in the cheap.

Anastasia Prikhodko, singer, 25 years

Stylist: Attempting in a trend with a translucent fabric did not work at all. The outfit will grow greatly with a young girl, extremely unremarking emphasizes the flaws of the figure. And in general, the skull is yesterday. Especially in such a boring performance.

Olga Drozdova, Actress, 47 years

Stylist: View Absoligious! It is not clear that the woman is worn, but it makes a clear feeling that just pieces of fabric. Braided sandals in general from another opera. The hairstyle and gothic makeup, of course, are combined with a shapeless outfit, but forgive, Olga, you didn't come to the Masquerade ball.

Olga SUTULOVA, Actress, 32 years

Stylist: It seems that the actress was caught by surprise penetrating the paparazzi on the passing film. But something tells me that this regular film and Olga does not consider it to be irresistible. Rubber boots are not the most appropriate shoes for the secular event, even if they are such designer, and the dress-robe will absolutely not adds a sudulic charm. Lycra tights weakly knit with male clock-chronographs. Conclusion: Baryshna absolutely do not care what they will say about it. This is undoubtedly a sign of confidence. Olya can be respected for this.

Renata Litvinova, actress and director, 45 years

Stylist: In vain dress done by fitted - effect, say, Sophie Lauren or Audrey Hepburn did not work, but unwanted folds created. Haired - trouble! With shoes and accessories too. But for rats - respect. Quite a successful creative, which, sure will have its own followers

Natalia Ionova (glitch'OZA), singer, 26 years

Stylist: Prikild in the "bare graduate" style - the main chip of the year, but here everything is so allyapp, that comments are unnecessary. Too much openwork, bust with accessories. But, well done, lipstick in the tone skirt. Original, however, in general, it looks extremely tasteless. If you wanted steba, then hairstyle, like a stuffy, here would have corrected the situation a little.

Tatyana Kotova, singer, 27 years

Stylist: Pants, like Nadi Mikhalkova, looks amazing here. In combination with a romantic blouse, a playful jacket and a stylish hairsdown, a multifaceted image is created. Personally, Tanya reminded Milen Farmer to her golden era of scandalous clips - mini-films. But! Green shoe destroys a harmonious image. Now, if it were black - then you could claim the title of the most stylish, and so - last place in the trash parade.

Anastasia Volochkova, Ballerina and Space Lioness, 36 years

Stylist: Elegant dress is clearly narrowly Nastya - that and look all the figures will break out. Although, yes, beautiful, rich, but what are these rustic suede shoes here, and even gray. Classic laboft golden shade clearly looked advantage. Well, on the laying to the hairdresser, it was worth going: like a maximum - curls, at least a beam. Nastya clearly does not share the opinion of the Great Sophie Loren that "the hairstyle affects how the day is, and in the end and life." And in vain! In general, the dress is wonderful, but without all the rest, including Volochkov.

Most world celebrities are watching their image, figure, make-up, smile to look at 100%. But there are such stars that do not care about what others will think about them. They are far from modern standards of beauty, due to their appearance, or a strange image.

In today's list, the most ugly worms of celebrities, according to the majority of men!

It seems that only the lazy has not yet joked about the exterior of the American actress Sarah Jessica Parker and her incredible (according to men) similarity with a horse. While the girls around the world from the skin are climb to be like a glamorous resident of New York Carrie Bradshow from "Sex in the Big City", men find it ugly because of an elongated face and a large lower jaw. What to say, men and women are extremely different glances for beauty!

2: Helena Bonham Carter

Helena Bonham Carter Being in relations with American film director Tim Berton played key women's roles in his simultaneously acute and fabulous paintings. The love of fans came to Helena thanks to the role of the death of the death of Bellatrix Lestrange in a series of films about Harry Potter. In the talent, actresses do not have to doubt, but as for the appearance of Helena, then the men are swinging their heads. The bizarre roles of the crankcase and the corresponding makeup, costumes and hairstyles imposed a certain imprint on the perception of her men as a woman. In many films, she looks just frightening. In the life of Helena continues to look pretty "extravagant", which repels men who attract standard beauty.

3: Sandra about

Canadian actress Sandra o has become known to the world thanks to the popular television series "Anatomy of Passion", the role in which she brought her the Golden Globe award and the US Actors Guild for the best female role in the dramatic series. Sandra boasts an accurate and fragile figure, which does not quite relate with an elongated face with pretty rounded cheeks. Men find unattractive exactly this disharmony, as well as the minimum amount of makeup, which usually imposes an actress, involuntarily imitating the turman in this mind. A little more bright makeup would certainly raise the ratings of Sandra in the eyes of representatives of the strong half.

4: Gwyneth Paltrow

The star of the film "In Love Shakespeare" looks like an average celebrity: there is nothing remarkable in appearance. However, many men find it ugly because of, to put it mildly, the strange views of Paltrow on a healthy lifestyle.

5: Tori Spelling

Tori Spelling, the star popular in the 90s "Beverly Hills, 90210" series, also does not enjoy mad popular in men, and all thanks to her peculiar appearance: a large widespread chin and widely planted eyes give actress a somewhat-like look. Representatives of the strong half are not shy to let go of the vigorous joke on this matter, but this, fortunately, does not interfere with Tory's success on a professional field: it continues to be filmed in films and write books in free time.

6: Rene Zellweger

Rena made a brilliant actress career, skillfully playing his peculiar appearance. To take at least a "Bridget Jones Diary" and clumsy, but such a charming breeze. Since those times, the actress radically changed its image, obviously resorting to the services of plastic surgeons. Rena became much slimmer, the long curls reflected and got rid of rounded cheeks, which will fairly be said, were a business card of the actress. While journalists praise Rene for an amazing transformation, men note that plastic operations made the face of Zellweger too unfulstly and unprofitable emphasized the age of the actress.

7: Tilda Suinton

Tilde Suinton is one of the most admitted his talent in the films "Hotel Grand Budapest" and "Chronicles of Narnia". Suinton has non-standard appearance. Men celebrate too merging on tone with skin blonde hair, giving tilde unhealthy look, bold short haircuts with shaved areas, almost complete absence of eyebrows, strict dresses. All this is contrary to the traditional male understanding of female beauty.

8: Courtney Love

The life of Courtney Love is full of events worthy of a witness film. The singer was married to Kurt Kobein, the Soloist of the Nirvana group, and also was part of many musical groups. The singer discovered his attachment to forbidden substances, an uncountable number of times was arrested. Stormy and not too much a healthy lifestyle negatively affected the appearance of Courtney, giving her a neglected look that repels the male audience spoiled by Hollywood beauties. But it seems that the opinion of the surrounding rock star is little worried.

9: Kristen Stewart

The actress Kristen Stewart came fame after the role of Bella in the Saga "Twilight" - awkward, a shy girl who fell in love with a vampire. At the beginning of his star career, Kristen was pretty and very cute, did not like the close attention of fans and journalists and was very shy to give interviews. Since then, Kristen has changed a lot: got a haircut with a haircut and painted in a blonde, which did not have to taste a male audience. Despite the fact that Kristen boasts excellent slender figureMen find her unattractive in the traditional sense of the word, tough, cold and too serious.

10: Miley Cyrus

For his 24 years, Miley reached considerable heights, becoming a fairly famous singer, actress and a star television show. Her star career began with success on the Disney Channel, and such a start played with Miley's evil joke: many people, including men, still perceive Cyrus as Hanna Montana, which makes it impossible to perceive her as an adult woman. Fighting this stereotype, Miley radically changed the image: cut off her hair, repainted them into a cold ashon and reduced the number of clothes to a minimum. But the men still considered such an image together with her set too aggressive. A couple of years ago, Miley began to dress more feminine and tastefully, again reflected long hair. However, in the thoughts of the opposite sex representatives, she was still a teenager from the Disney Channel, which prevents them from seeing what she looks today.

11: Donatella Versace

Donatella leaned the brand Versace after the murder of her brother. According to many men, her appearance does not quite correspond to the image of an Italian fashion house. The harmful habits of the designer, such as smoking and drugs, obviously, accelerated the appearance of signs of aging, which Donatella tries to hide with plastic surgery. The result is on the face: too wide mouth, narrow smoke eyes and the nose of a strange form will not add Versace of attractiveness. No matter how impeccable taste in clothing and kind heart did Donatell possessed, men could not get along with her artificial face.

12: Avril Avalanie

Canadian singer Avril Lavin conquered hearts of fans in the image of the rebar (oh, how long ago it was!). For his musical clips, the singer chose men's clothes and invariably made a dark eye makeup, which made her similar to the avid skaters. After many years, Avril never set up her image under the standards of Hollywood, although her taste and began to become more feminine style. Men's jeans and skirts came to change and skirts, Makeing "Smoky Ice" - a more moderate tone, although the skin of the singer remained pale, and the hair with a nuclear color strands. It seems that the rock star embracing to the singer pushes the majority of men who prefer gentle femininity by a boyish recklessness.

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These rich and famous personalities are by no means blossoming by beauty, breaking the established stereotype that only a person with an attractive appearance can achieve wide fame.

Today we suggest a look at the top 10 of the most terrible celebrities. Despite the sometimes repellent appearance, these characters are regulars of secular chronicles and fashionable public events.

10. Merilin Manson

Manson and without his booty makeup is not too beautiful. And in full combat coloring, Merilin can scare not only children, but also adults. What is only the colorful eyes and a dead pallor in combination with black lips.

9. Amy Winehouse

On the appearance of this eccentric British performer, alcohol, smoking and a disturbing lifestyle affected the excessive way. All this will complement the shocking outfits and the corresponding make-up. By the way, 10 years ago Winehouse was much more attractive.

8. Donatella Versace

Despite the undisputed talent of Donatella, few people can shudder to look at her lips overcrowded with silicone and straightened to the full loss of color hair. In addition, the fashion star of fashion is actively fond of a tan, which vividly emphasizes the age of Versace, who marked the 50th anniversary of 7 years ago.

7. Ronaldinho.

One of the best players of the planet cannot boast of an attractive appearance. Fortunately, the lack of the correct features does not affect the ability to score goals. Yes, and the fan of a football player - even debt.

6. Stephen Tyler

A talented musician Despite the repulsive appearance became the father of the beautiful Liv Tyler, which many consider almost a non-standard of beauty. By the way, in 2011, Stephen passed the course of Botox injections and made laser peeling of the skin to look more attractive.

5. Kelly Osborne

Not the best on the attractiveness of Kelly affects overweight. But without it, ridiculous outfits, neakkurat makeup and shocking hairstyles make Kelly much older than her 29 years old. But, however, to expect something else from the daughter of the legendary Ozzy Osborne would be stupid.

4. Mickey Rourke

In his youth, Rourke wore a well-deserved title of sex symbol. However, age and professional boxing occupation left their marks on the actor's face. After a series of unsuccessful plastic operations, the face of the tree was almost disfigured. Since 2012, surgeons work on the return of Mickey more attractive appearance.

3. Iggy Pop

The provocateur and fan of the Epatage, the 63-year-old participant of the group "The Stoges" and today actively "lights up" on the scene. Plastic surgery iggi is not fond of and does not hide their age. According to the 1300 surveyed British, Iggy Pop was recognized as the most unattractive among celebrities.

2. Courtney Love

On the appearance there is no time quite a pretty cortene clearly affected the unbridled lifestyle. Alcohol, drugs, dubious pastime have done their job. In addition, Love clearly does not seek to make his makeup and hairstyle more neat in favor of the public.

1. Jacqueline Vaildstein

Photos of Jacqueline - a magnificent illustration of a brochure about the dangers of excessive hobbies of plastic surgery. Coming out married Millionaire, Wildestein began to actively improve his own appearance. The spouse eventually went to the other, and Jacqueline began to brave in the public with an unfulfilled features distorting from face operations.

Incredible facts

G. olllywood is a place for celestial. And the celersists, it is necessary, beautiful people with perfect faces and luxurious figures.

And everyone knows to get into Hollywood, you need at least, possess beautiful appearance. Or is it not so enough to have a charisma and bright personality?

Some actresses have proven to everyone that you can even consider the beautiful parameters not even possess the notorious parameters 90-60-90 and a puppet face.

They are famous, loved and successful, despite the fact that their appearance is far from the ideal.

Here are 10 actresses that do not clearly call the beauties:

Unscrying actresses

1. Glenn Clouz (Glenn Close)

This actress, indeed, is not quite common appearance. However, this did not prevent her in the seventies-eighty years of the last century to successfully build a career on Hollywood hills.

And after the film "Fatal Attraction", where the actress starred along with Michael Douglas, she became a real sex symbol of Hollywood.

2. Barbra Streisand (Barbra Streisand)

This Hollywood actress and the owner of the cherished statuette of Oscar, well, can not call the beauty.

Not in vain, it is for Streisand that the nickname "The most ugly beauty" was firmly fixed. However, nor a huge nose nor a few proportional face prevented the girl to become one of the most popular actresses of Hollywood and a real favorite of millions of viewers.

3. Uma Turman (Uma Thurman)

As soon as it was not called: and the calans (too high, thin and incompass), and the horse (elongated face), and almost male feet (the size of the foot of the actress 42) ...

All this caused a bunch of complexes from the actress, when she was the perfect young girl. However, for all fans of the talent of the mind, the Turman, it is a real sex-SMIV Hollywood and one of the most attractive women in the world.

Beautiful actresses of Hollywood

4. Tilda Swinton (Tilda Swinton)

Tilda Suinton is noticeably different from ordinary cinema beauties. The actress is atypical for Hollywood appearance, very distinguished with the familiar beauty standards.

Someone calls her aliens. And the truth, in her whitic beauty there is something alien and unearthly.

The absence of beauty, which is peculiar to most Hollywood beauties, did not affect the popularity of the actress. Each of her role is bright and ambiguous, however, like Tilde herself.

The viewer simply adores her for skill, talent and frantic charisma.

5. Sarah Jessica Parker (Sarah Jessica Parker)

Sarah Jessica Parker never distinguished himself pronounced beauty. Moreover, some called it frankly terrible.

Yes, and the actress itself was repeatedly recognized in that he always considered himself angling and ugly. All his life, it is pursued by complexes about their own appearance.

However, after the release of the series "Sex in the Big City" Sarah Jessica Parker woke up famous. Her character-model Kerry Bredshow loved to many. The actress instantly became an icon of style and one of the most attractive women of Hollywood.

6. Julia Roberts (Julia Roberts)

This is today a Hollywood smile associated with many precisely with the disarming smile of the main beauty of Hollywood Julia Roberts.

But there was a time when the actress suffered because of the mockery to his address. The girl was teased because of a rather large mouth. The favorite of millions in childhood called, calling her to the frog, then to the toak.

So, a flawless smile? Or a huge frog mouth? Of course, the first. It was this part of the face that became a highlight of the actress and made it recognizable worldwide.

And after the release of the film "Beauty" Roberts became a real sex symbol of Hollywood. She today is considered one of the most attractive women of cinema.

7. Maggie Gillanhol (MaggiegyLlenhall)

Maggie Gillanhol was born later than that time when her appearance would be considered a reference.

Perhaps the 30s of the last century, it is her time. Unfortunately, the omitted corners of the Maggie eye do not give her a charm or beauty. Alas, it is not fashionable now.

8. Tori Spelling (Tori Spelling)

Whether age, whether numerous plastic operations (by more than, unsuccessful), made already not from the most beautiful actress real horror.

The star of the youth series of the 90s "Beverly Hils 90210" is clearly impossible to rank with fatal beauties.
