For more than half a century of research, many different psychological tests have been created for children and adults - to determine the level of intelligence, the presence of musical or other abilities, educational success, the depth of any special interests, and so on. Given the strength or weakness of a person's psyche, as well as his intellectual, artistic and social interests, tests greatly facilitate helping people who need to get along in their own home, adapt to conditions at school, at work, and so on. Children's tests are especially convenient and useful, because they make it possible to get to know the child better, to understand more deeply those feelings, emotions and experiences that the child himself cannot yet tell and explain. Also, children's tests allow you to identify the level of development of a child's skills, and, depending on the test results, focus on the development of certain abilities, using the necessary developmental techniques.

  • Using and interpreting tests requires a lot of skill and considerable experience. Tests are by no means absolutely accurate units of measurement, like physical measures. But this does not mean that they are less useful, although it should be emphasized once again: they should only be used and deciphered by specialists.

If the baby is four years and five months old, this type of testing is chosen, corresponding to four, not four and a half years, if the baby is more than 4.5 years old, then go to testing for children of five years of age. On the sheet, write pluses against those questions to which you can give positive answers, and minuses if the answers are negative.

Starting a baby development test

  1. General awareness. State your name, surname, gender; ask the question about gender in the following form: “Are you a girl or a boy?”; (positive assessment - everything is named correctly).
  2. General intelligence. Name several displayed items and a general word (how can this be called in one word?); positive assessment - the generalizing word is correctly named (shoes, clothes, dishes, transport).
  3. Concentration of attention. Name three numbers (listen carefully, now I will name three numbers: 3, 8, 5 - repeat); positive mark - all three numbers are correctly named.
  4. Practical mathematical thinking. Count 4 objects (count how many cubes are in front of you); positive assessment - counted correctly and without prompts.
  5. Inductive thinking. Knowledge of the simplest geometric shapes: circle and square (what shape is the ball ?, what shape is the window?); positive assessment - out of three questions, two correct answers.
  6. Perception experience. Compare the length of the lines (prepare a set of three lines or strips of paper of different lengths, show the child two of them three times. Question: "Which is longer?"); positive assessment - with two correct answers.

Test result

Count and add up all the pros and cons of the test and check the result against the answers below.

  1. If you did not put any minuses, the child's mental development level corresponds to the age norm.
  2. There are two or more disadvantages - the development of the baby takes place in a peculiar way, somewhat differently than that of most peers. Therefore, it is recommended to consult a child psychologist who will give specific advice on raising and educating a child.
  3. If there is only one minus - go to the additional examination.

Additional test information

The child is tested on an item that corresponds to the previous age period: if the baby is less than four years old, then - minus six months; if the baby is from four to twelve years old - minus one year. The procedure is the same as in the main survey.

  • If there is not a single minus among the answers, the level of mental development corresponds to the age norm.
  • There is at least one drawback - it is recommended to consult a psychologist.

P.S. Do not forget: if your baby has recently turned four years old, and he has not yet learned, say, to count to four, do not panic. After all, the kid has a whole year to master this skill!

Have your child take simple tests. It will be a new kind of game for him. In the meantime, he will "play", you will do research and decipher the inner world of your baby. What is this world like? What makes a child happy? What's upsetting? Does he have fears and insecurities? Does he like to fantasize? Does he feel lonely in the family?

My family test

Children have their own ideas about the family, their own theory of the "cell of society." Do you want to know what your child thinks about the relationship with the immediate family? Give him a sketchbook, colored pencils, enough time and ask, "Draw our family."

◈ It is advisable that you are not around when the baby completes the task. He should be free and relaxed, he should not have any goals: to draw as best as possible to please.

◈ Let it be fun for the baby, and for you - material for research.

◈ If your child is in a bad mood or witnessed a family conflict the day before, postpone the test for a better moment.

◈ If a child asks questions like: "How to draw?", "What to draw?" or “Where to start?”, this suggests that, in fact, he does not know what it is - “family”. This is a pebble in your garden. It is necessary to find out and eliminate the reasons for such ignorance. Of course, this is a job for the whole family.

◈ Be sure to discuss the finished drawing with your baby, even if you “already understand everything”. It is important to speak out loud, to clarify some points, the baby will help you with this and willingly share his thoughts. Ask questions: “Who is this? Who's next? How many fingers does he have? "


1. Is everything in place?Before proceeding with the interpretation of the test, you should know that there is nothing superfluous and accidental in a child's drawing. Everything is important, everything has its own meaning and has an emotional coloring (pencil pressure and color as well). If the child did not include a family member in the drawing, he didn’t just “forget”. He displaces this person at the subconscious level. How deep is it and what are the reasons? Perhaps this relationship can be adjusted on your own, or you may need the help of a specialist. If a child has forgotten to depict himself in the picture, this is indicated by at least two reasons: "Nobody needs me here" or "I can live well without this company."

2. Image size... A simple law works here: the larger the drawn character, the more significant it is for the child. If your brother or sister turned out to be giants, and mom and dad turned out to be midgets, admit that parents for the baby are currently playing a secondary role.

3. Strangers among their own... It happens that children finish painting fictional characters or even technique. In their view, they are full members of the family. These can be friends, neighbors, animals (real and non-existent), fairy-tale characters, cars. The presence of such characters suggests that the child lacks communication, understanding, emotional closeness in the family, and he is looking for this outside the home.

4. Above-below... Pay attention to how the characters are located in the picture. The taller the image, the more power. Accordingly, the lower the image on the sheet, the less rights and powers it has. You have the opportunity to find out who is running the show in your family (if you do not already know about it).

5. Distance between characters... This is an important detail in a child's drawing that indicates the psychological distance between the child and different family members. The close proximity of the characters to each other or their touch speaks of mutual understanding between relatives.

6. What am I? If a kid draws himself small, in the corner of the picture, this indicates his low self-esteem. If he painted himself as a giant occupying most of the space, he has a good opinion of himself, his beloved. In principle, self-esteem is often overestimated in preschool children: after all, they are “princes and princesses”. Over time, when children's egocentrism dissolves, this touch of “chosenness” will be erased in most children.

7. Pets.If your child drew your four-legged family member next to him, do not be offended: this is the dearest "person" and the closest friend. After all, he does not demand anything, does not force people to wash their hands before dinner, fold toys, do not scold for dirty pants, etc. He does not need anything, he just wags his tail with joy and gives his animal, but such disinterested love. Too much emotional attachment to pets may indicate that the child is not receiving enough attention from people.

8. Alarm button. The character that is drawn with great pressure, circled several times, shaded, causes the “artist” the greatest alarm. Anyone in the family can provoke anxiety. Often, adults (especially the older generation) unconsciously set their own programs and taboos, and for a child they can carry negative information and fear. Anxiety can also be expressed by timid pencil movements, faint lines and strokes.

9. Head and eyes... The biggest-headed member of your family is the smartest. Pay special attention to the mirror of a person's soul - the eyes. In psychology, this part of the face reflects our emotional state, it is a source of tears, sadness or joy. If the eyes are huge, this is a cry for help, high anxiety, the need for affection and support. If, on the contrary, they are small (in the form of dots or cracks), here you can read the ban on the expression of emotions, restraint, fear of expressing oneself, weakness, insecurity, depression.

10. Ears... Huge ears indicate a desire to listen to other people's opinions. The one with the largest ears is the most flexible and submissive. For him, “public opinion”, criticism of others, praise or censure are important. If a child draws himself with big ears, this may reflect the qualities of the audial: he perceives the world with the help of hearing, and this is his leading information channel. In addition, big ears can talk about alertness, anxiety: the baby, like a radar, all the time catches suspicious information about himself and the world.

11. Mouth... Pay attention to the size of the mouth. If it is large, open, shaded, it is a source of screaming, resentment, dissatisfaction, aggression, and expressed. By and large, this is even good: it is better to express and throw out your feelings than to accumulate and restrain them. If the mouth is drawn in the form of a small dash, dot or is absent altogether, then the character has a taboo on expressing his emotions, primarily negative ones. Such a person is afraid to express his own opinion, relies on the will of others, it is better for him to carry out an order than to take the initiative into his own hands. The presence of teeth indicates that the character is defending himself by attack.

12. Neck... This part of the body is the link between the mind and the senses. In the Japanese spiritual tradition, for example, there is the concept of "kokoro" - a place where the mind and heart meet, their harmonious fusion. Perhaps the neck is this place. If it is drawn, it means that the character has common sense, a rational mind, will over feelings. The absence of a neck is a sign of uncontrolled emotional manifestations.

13. Hands... They are our guides in the world of relationships, achievements, goals, aspirations. With them we "test" our capabilities, with their help we realize our abilities and talents. Pay attention to the presence and number of fingers on your hands. If they are, it speaks of self-confidence, the ability to maximally express oneself in the world. The fingers of the left hand reflect connections in the circle of the family, the fingers of the right - outside it. Big hands speak of open-mindedness, courage and power.

14. Legs... This is our support, confidence, strength, firmness. Strong legs with large feet indicate that the character is well grounded and feels powerful support from his kind. Thin legs dangling in the air indicate isolation from the world, fear of the unknown, self-doubt. In addition, the legs symbolize the opening of new spaces, the possibility of movement in life, change and transformation in the mental space of a person.

Human eyes, if you look in them for real, and not casually, carry a lot of information. Look into your child's eyes as often as possible. Do this not with the aim of “but tell the truth,” with love. When you are talking with the baby, sit down, lower yourself to his level. This will help you establish a child-child relationship rather than a parent-child relationship. The more often your “inner child” gets in touch with your baby, the more chances you will have to understand the nature of the child's consciousness and accept it as it is.

Sad fact

The results of numerous tests by psychologists indicate that modern children are increasingly lazy to invent, think creatively, fantasize and dream. If you ask a child to draw something just like that, he, most often, depicts primitive things: dots, sticks, circles. There is an explanation for this. Children are strongly focused on evaluation by adults, results and praise, rather than a process for the sake of pleasure.

Your baby is 4 years old, which means there is a great opportunity to timely help your baby to develop his intellect. It's time to check whether the degree of formation of his mental processes corresponds to the norm, to check the potential opportunities in different areas of knowledge, to identify in which of them he succeeds, and which require additional attention.

Unfortunately, most adults underestimate the capabilities of this particular age, the needs of children for new information, believe that there is still a lot of time ahead and it is too early to deal with the child. Active preparation for education begins only a year before entering school. As a result, a stop in development occurs, the child's cognitive activity fades away, and subsequent express ones lead to overload and overwork, which further cause a negative attitude towards learning.

With the help of these tests, you can easily determine the level of development of your baby, and most importantly, you can take stock of the work done on the development of your child, and prepare him for the next, more in-depth stage of classes.

At 4 years old, a child should be able to:


  • Repeat for an adult the movement in a certain sequence: clap your hands, raise your hands up, hands - to the sides, lower your hands.
  • Only clap your hands when he hears a certain word, such as snow. (Say the words: house, thunderstorm, snow, book, cup, telephone, snow, rose, snowflake, icicle, man, snow, window, vase, chamomile).
  • Fold simple constructions from the designer according to the proposed model.
  • Find signs of similarities and differences between two toys.
  • Self-identify similarities and differences in pictures.
  • Find identical objects without assistance.
  • Fold a picture or a postcard cut into 2-3 or 4 parts.
  • Complete tasks without distraction for 5-7 minutes.
  • Keep 4-5 objects in sight.
  • Thinking.

  • Collect a pyramid of seven rings without the help of an adult in the correct order; fold bowls, putting them into each other.
  • Pick up your own liners in the holes you need.
  • Call each group of objects as a general word: 1) dog, cat, cow, horse, goat; 2) squirrel, hare, bear, wolf, fox; 3) rose, chamomile, bell, cornflower; 4) table, bed, wardrobe, chair.
  • Find an extra subject in each group and correctly explain your choice.
  • Match each item.
  • Answer the questions: “How many paws does a dog have? How much does a chicken have? What are watch hands for? What is the door handle for? What are windows in houses for? What needs to be done to make the tea sweet? "
  • Select the opposite words: during the day it is light, and at night ... (dark); cold in winter, and in summer ... (warm); cotton wool is light, and the stone ... (heavy); the brick is hard, and the pillow ... (soft); the tree is tall, and the stump is ... (low); the river is wide, and the brook ... (narrow); the elephant is big, and the mouse is ... (small).
  • Solve simple logic problems.
  • Find in the picture, which depicts the absurdities, 3-4 inconsistencies. Explain what is wrong, why not, and how it really should be.
  • Memory.

  • Repeat for adults by ear several syllables in order: ma-ta-sa; ki-le-ti-di; pa-sa-ni-ki.
  • Accurately complete the task, consisting of three or four commands: go to the kitchen, sit on a chair, take a cup, bring it into the room.
  • Determine with one try which object has disappeared. To do this, you can put five objects in front of the baby, naming each, then ask him to turn away, and at this moment hide one of them; the kid will have to determine which item has disappeared.
  • Repeat four or five words for an adult by ear: table, house, cat, stump, vase.
  • Repeat the numbers by ear in a certain order: three - seven - five; one - four - two - six.
  • Memorize and name 4-5 objects without the help of an adult.
  • To recite a few nursery rhymes, poems, riddles by heart.
  • To retell the content of a fairy tale heard.
  • Memorize the content of the plot picture.
  • To recall in memory the recent events, as well as the vivid events of your life.
  • Fine motor skills.

  • Launch small tops.
  • Show separately one finger (index), then two (index and middle).
  • Make "flashlights" with your hands.
  • String large buttons, beads on a thread.
  • Tie knots on a thick rope or cord.
  • Fasten buttons, hooks, zippers.
  • Show rings in the air, alternately connecting each finger with the thumb.
  • Draw lines exactly along the points, without lifting the pencil from the paper.
  • Shade the figures with straight straight lines, without going beyond the contours of the drawings.
  • Carefully paint pictures without going beyond the contours.
  • Draw straight lines in the middle of the track, without going beyond its edges.
  • Draw vertical, horizontal and oblique lines of the desired size.
  • Maths.

  • Show objects in the room, which are one at a time, and those of which there are many.
  • Show objects that are similar in shape to a circle, square, triangle, rectangle, oval.
  • Show right and left hand.
  • Show items that are to the right and left of it.
  • Show what is above and below it.
  • Find many objects and one object in the environment.
  • Compare groups of items using overlay techniques and applications; explain in words which objects are more (less), which equally.
  • Compare two, three objects in size (length, width, height); explain in words which object is larger (smaller), longer (shorter), wider (narrower), higher (lower).
  • Recognize and name a square, circle, triangle, rectangle, oval.
  • Understand words: top, bottom, left, left, right, right.
  • Development of speech.

  • Like a dog barks, a cat meows, a cow bellows, a rooster crows, a mouse squeaks, a pig grunts, etc.
  • What can these animals do (a fish swims, a bird flies, a snake crawls, a hare jumps, a person walks).
  • After examining the subject, plot picture or http: //, compose a simple, descriptive story of three to four sentences about this toy.
  • Pronounce all vowels and consonants, except for hissing and sonorous sounds.
  • Match words in gender, number, case.
  • Understand generalized words: furniture, transport, dishes, shoes, clothing.
  • It is correct to use nouns with prepositions: в, on, under, for.
  • Use sentences with homogeneous members.
  • Answer the simplest questions.
  • The world.

  • State your first and last name; names of mom, dad, grandmother, grandfather.
  • Say how old he is.
  • Name the city in which he lives; your home
  • To say what time it snows, flowers grow, butterflies fly, make snowmen, snow melts, yellow and green leaves appear on the trees.
  • Name 2-3 trees, several flowering herbaceous plants
  • Name the distinctive features of the appearance of the house - them and wild animals and their babies.
  • Distinguish and name the usual everyday objects, their sizes, colors and shapes /, purpose, essential details and parts of objects.
  • Distinguish and name weather phenomena.
  • Name several professions.
  • Distinguish the taste of 2-3 types of vegetables and fruits.
  • Child 4 years old: developing emotions

    Psychologists say that the emotions of the child, like everything else, also need to be taught. And it is best to start bringing up facial expressions and gestures in him when the child is 4 years old. Where to start and how to help a 4-year-old child master the world of emotions?

    When a child is 4 years old, the baby should already be able to capture the mood of another person and empathize with others. But he needs help to learn this. How?

  • For example, to look at a family album together, discussing what mood the loved ones were in, what they felt: surprise, fear, joy ...
  • Tell us about the situation when the photo was taken. This activity not only teaches you to understand feelings and emotions, but also strengthens family bonds and attachments.
  • You can also ask the child to frown like an autumn cloud or an evil sorceress; smile like Pinocchio or the sly fox; to be frightened, like a hare seeing a wolf, or a kitten at which a dog barks.
  • Try together to portray the tiredness of a person who has done hard work, etc.

    So, playing and fantasizing, you psychologically competently "train" and bring up the emotions of the child.

  • Diagnostics of the development of children 4 - 5 years old will help you independently assess the level of mental development of your child and find out what else is worth working on. Diagnostics involves nine small tests that will take you very little time. If the results of the diagnostics please you, then continue to work with the child the way you have it, your child has everything necessary for full development. If the diagnosis shows a low level of development of your child, then you should conduct a more in-depth diagnosis to determine the reasons for the low level of development of a particular mental process. In this case, it is better to contact a psychologist who will professionally conduct in-depth diagnostics and give appropriate recommendations.

    Goal: assessment of the degree of formation of the perception of form and spatial relations.

    Carrying out procedure.Take also the corresponding figures, which, for sure, you will find among your child's toys. Place this box in front of your child. Give your child in-ear shapes.

    Instructions: “Look carefully, each figurine in this house has its own window, which it can enter. Look carefully at the figure and find the window that is intended for it. "

    Criteria for evaluation:

    • The child performs the task on the basis of visual correlation of figures with slits - 2 points.
    • The child does not always use visual correlation, often tries on, applies an inlay figure to a suitable slot - 1 point.

    Goal: identification of the formation of the concept of magnitude, the state of motor skills, the presence of persistence of interest.

    Carrying out procedure. The child is offered a nesting doll: "Disassemble the nesting doll", "Give me the biggest nesting doll, the smallest one", "Put them according to their height", "Collect the matryoshka".

    Criteria for evaluation

    • The child understands the instructions and collects the matryoshka by visual correlation - 2 points.
    • The child understands the instructions, but collects the matryoshka by trying on - 1 point.
    • The child does not cope with the task - 0 points.

    Goal: identification of the level of development of holistic perception, the ability to visual synthesis.

    Carrying out procedure. Take a picture with a large image of an object familiar to the child, cut it into 4 parts, as shown in the figure. Offer your child these four parts of the picture. The parts are laid out so that they should not only be moved together, but given the desired spatial position. An adult says: “In front of you is a picture cut into pieces. What do you think is drawn in this picture? What happens when you put the pieces together? " The child must say what is shown in the cut picture. If he cannot understand what will turn out as a result of adding the parts, the adult suggests: "Add the parts and see what is drawn in the picture."

    Criteria for evaluation

    • The child names what is drawn in the picture and completes the task based on visual correlation - 2 points.
    • The child does not name what is drawn on the cut picture, performs the task by trial - 1 point.
    • The child does not cope with the task - 0 points.

    Goal: study of the volume of figurative memory.

    Carrying out procedure. The child is offered a sheet with images of eight objects. Instructions: "Look carefully at the picture, examine and name the objects drawn, try to remember them." After a while, the adult removes the sheet and invites the child to remember what was depicted on it.

    Criteria for evaluation

    • The child remembered at least 5 pictures - 2 points.
    • The child remembered 3-4 pictures - 1 point.
    • The child remembered less than 3 pictures - 0 points.

    Goal: assessment of the ability to understand instructions, stability, concentration, attention span, as well as the purposefulness of activities and the characteristics of visual perception.

    Carrying out procedure. There is a drawing in front of the child. Instructions: “Look - a girl and a boy are holding a ball and a snake by the strings. You have to determine who is holding what. To do this, you need to lead along the string with a pointer. You cannot take the pointer off the rope. " After completing this task, the adult puts another drawing in front of the child and offers: "Show which path the dog and squirrel will run to your home."

    Criteria for evaluation

    • The child completes the task and can trace the path to the desired object independently - 2 points.
    • The child understands the task, but makes mistakes due to inability to concentrate, corrects with the help of an adult (“Look again, be careful”) - 1 point.
    • The child did not complete the task - 0 points.

    Objectives: identifying the ability to establish the identity, similarity and difference of objects based on visual analysis; assessment of the degree of development of observation, stability of attention, purposefulness of perception.

    Carrying out procedure. The child is shown pictures. “Look, different flowers are painted here. Among them, you need to find the same one like this one (an adult points to a flower placed on the left in a frame). ... Now find the same (as in the frame) mushroom. "

    Criteria for evaluation

    • The child completes both tasks correctly - 2 points.
    • A child performs one task without the help of an adult - 1 point.
    • The child does not cope with the task - 0 points.

    Goal: identification of the level of development of visual-figurative thinking, the ability to group pictures, select generalizing words.

    Carrying out procedure. The child is shown 4 houses (see picture). Each house has 4 windows. In the attic of the first house there is a tableware (plate), the second - a vegetable (carrot), the third - a fruit (orange), and the fourth - an item of clothing (jacket). Then the child is offered pictures one by one: "Find the house where this picture lives." The first picture is laid out for adults. After the child has placed all the pictures, he is asked the question: "Why do these pictures live together in one house?" (in an electronic version the question will sound like this: "Why are these pictures in the same row?")

    Possible help from an adult: if the child does not immediately understand the task, the adult asks: “Why do you think the carrots and cucumbers ended up in the same house? How can I call them in one word? "

    Criteria for evaluation

    • The child correctly groups the pictures and selects the generalizing word on his own - 2 points.
    • The child completes the task with the help of an adult and does not name all generalizing words - 1 point.
    • The child cannot complete the task even with the help of an adult - 0 points.

    Assessment of results

    High level - 14-18 points.
    Middle level - 9-13 points.
    Low level - 0-8 points.

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    Sometimes it is not easy for adults to understand what is going on in the minds of babies. Therefore, we have collected tests that will help parents determine the type of thinking and personality traits of the child, in order to find a common language easier.

    1. Marshmallow test (4-5 years old and older)

    Another name for the test - test of deferred satisfaction. It helps to understand which type of thinking is closer to the baby - strategic or tactical. The strategist is ready to refuse a less profitable offer today if the potential benefits from consent increase tomorrow. The tactician does not wait for tomorrow and works with what he has today.

    What is needed: a treat, a table, a chair and a room where nothing can distract the child's attention (without toys, phones and TVs).

    What to do: on the table in front of the child, a treat (marshmallow, candy, a bar of chocolate or a small cake). We explain to the child that this sweetness is offered to him and he can eat it as soon as he is alone in the room. But if he resists the temptation and waits 10 minutes, we will come back with another surprise, and then he will get twice as much. If there is no treat on the table by the time the adult returns, he will not receive the second.

    What to look for: some children eat the sweetness right away. Many struggle with temptation to the last: covering their eyes with their hands, pulling their hair, playing with a treat to distract thoughts. But in the end they eat dessert. These are tactics. One third of the children wait for the adult to return and receive a double reward. They are strategists.

    2. Games with color constructor and coloring pages (from 3 to 7 years old)

    The test helps to recognize the traits of an introvert or extrovert in a child.

    What you need:for small children it is better to choose a color constructor with large details, for children from 5 years old - children's coloring and pencils or markers.

    What to do: we give a small child a construction set and offer to assemble a house. It doesn't matter what shape it turns out to be. Let's give the little architect complete freedom!

    We give an older child a coloring book and felt-tip pens and explain that there is no need to rush. The drawing should be painted at a comfortable pace and the way he wants. The colors that he chooses to fill in this or that part of the picture do not matter.

    What to look for: if the child has assembled a house from colored parts, note whether there is an order in the choice of color. If during construction he added blocks, combining with each other in color, or each part of the house has its own color, then we have a child with introverted features. He pays attention not to the form itself, but to its content and signs of details.

    If the child got a coloring, we look how diligently he painted over the drawing. If the details of the drawing are painted over within the area, without going beyond the lines, then we have an introvert.

    3. Test with salty and sweet porridge

    The test helps to determine what type of behavior in society is characteristic of a child: agreeing with the majority, avoiding conflict, or defending one's own position - a trait that speaks of leadership qualities.

    What you need:several family members or friends (adults and children) and plates of sweet porridge (this is important!).

    adults and children sit down at the table and eat porridge. They notice out loud that the porridge is too salty, it is impossible to eat it. At this point, it is important to draw the child's attention to what is happening. Each of those present in turn visually tastes the porridge again and confirms that it is too salty. Then it is the child's turn. We ask him the same question: does it seem to him that the porridge is salty? Children for whom it is important to keep peace within the team, who are not ready to “play against the rules”, will answer that the porridge is salty. They perceive this situation as a kind of game where the rules have suddenly changed. And in order to keep up with others, they follow new rules, even if they seem unclear to them. Their own opinion about the taste of porridge is not so important for them in comparison with the ability to "continue the game with the company." Let's say the child answers that his porridge is sweet, we taste the porridge from his plate and confirm the former: “Salty porridge”. If a child continues to defend his own point of view, then leadership qualities are definitely inherent in him - for him it is not so important what others think of him, as much as the fact that he will express a thought that seems right to him.

    4. Luscher test with flowers

    Thanks to this test, in 5 minutes you can analyze the personality of the child based on his choice of colors. The test was developed by the Swiss psychologist Max Luscher, who believed that the perception of colors is objective and universal, but color preferences are subjective, reflect the psychological state of the subject, and determine personality traits.

    What to do and what to look for:enough and take the test with your child. An adult asks a question, a child indicates a color. At the end, the result appears on the site.

    5. Test "Right-handed or left-handed"

    It is easy to determine which hand of a child is active - right or left - already at 2 years old. In right-handers, the figurative-motor hemisphere is located on the right, and the logical one on the left. For lefties, the opposite is true. Knowing this, it is possible to determine in which types of activities it is easier for a child to realize himself. Every second of us is left-handed and right-handed at the same time. Such people are called ambidextrous. Determining the dominant hand in a child helps parents in upbringing: teaching a left-handed person to actively use his right hand is wrong, as this negatively affects the development of the child. Lefties are more likely to choose the profession of artists, painters, writers.

    Option for the smallest children:

    We pay attention to which hand the child uses more often: holds a spatula, points to the right thing, reaches for a treat or takes a toy.

    Options for children from 3 years old:

    • We suggest collecting your fingers in a lock. Above is the thumb of the hand that is active.
    • We pay attention to which hand the child unscrews the bottle cap - this is the dominant hand.
    • We ask the child to cross his arms over his chest. The hand on top is active.
    1. Children, who independently chose their menu from among simple dishes, developed very well. None of them gained weight or became thin.
    2. Despite the apparent disorder, the child for a certain period recruited all the elements he needed, as if following a special diet.
    3. On different days and even time of day, the child's appetite changed. But this did not affect the final result. One of the kids ate only vegetables for a couple of days, and then suddenly became interested in meat or fish. The share of this or that product could also change: at some point, the child wanted a lot of milk, immediately after that, for a while, he could seem to forget about it. Thus, the child's brain independently determined, depending on the needs of the body, what to eat. Clara Davis repeated the same experiment with older children, separately studying the behavior of absolutely healthy and sick children, but the results were similar.

    What to do and what to look for:the experiment can be easily repeated at home by dividing the diet by type of food: vegetables, meat, fish, fruits, black bread, cereals, dairy products, baby juices and tea. A child can, together with an adult, make up a diet for 1-2 days in advance. Some scientists have noted the importance of selecting products based on seasonality. For example, in June, offer your child strawberries among the fruits, and in August - a melon or watermelon.

    Models: Samira Yunusova, Alir Vagapov
    Photographer: Roman Zakharchenko
