YEREVAN, October 1. News-Armenia... The world champion in pole-dance, the famous singer, actress and dancer Varda (Vardanush Martirosyan), amid the expectations of fans that she would finally tie the knot, made a sensational statement that she was previously married.

The actress spoke about this in Anna Sedokova's directorial work for the song "Universe", said her press secretary Daria Movchanyuk.

The famous dancer and singer happily said "yes" to her boyfriend, being madly in love. She kept her marriage a secret, as she was worried that outsiders might frighten off her female happiness. When the fairy tale turned out to be a bitter reality, she did not talk about this unfortunate experience.

Vardanush told how she suffered without feeling the support of her husband. He did not approve of her aspirations to develop: "I had to spend a lot of energy to prove to him what I am capable of! I worked hard, dreaming of earning his approval! But I did not wait for this, no matter what heights I reached, in response received only criticism! "

After another quarrel, Varda returned home and could not open the door, inserting the key, it turned out that her husband had changed the locks. The artist told at the presentation what she felt at that moment: “Behind that door was all my life, car keys, stage costumes, documents for creativity, personal belongings, all savings ... With this act he wanted to show how bad I would be without him. , apparently, he did not know me at all ... At that moment I finally understood that I had to decide on a divorce! "

The break in relations coincided with the period of passing exams and defending a diploma at the institute, where Varda received a second higher education. Leaving her whole life behind closed doors, the artist was forced to endure difficulties, which, however, did not prevent her from successfully defending her diploma with excellent marks. “Now I only regret that I received a diploma with his last name!”, The artist said with irony.

"You are mistaken if it seems to you that this is the best thing that can happen in your life! You deserve more! After the divorce, I was left with nothing materially, but the time that I was married, contrary to my husband's prohibitions, I devoted self-education and development ... I still have knowledge, experience and hard work that no one can take away from me! The first time after the divorce, I wanted to fight for what I am legally entitled to, but then I decided to use all my energy to realize my dreams. to a new country, a new city and started life from scratch. I am grateful for the support of my girlfriends and friends, and most importantly - for the faith in me and my talent! Today I have something to be proud of: the successful VARDA ™ brand, the VARDA Ladies Club , my own magazine ... I build my business, do what I love and feel happy as never before in my life! I'm not saying that divorce is good, I just remind you that marriage is not synonymous with happiness! ", - says the dancer. -0-

Varda (Warda, Black Angel; real name Vardanush Martirosyan Sosovna; genus. March, 3rd ( 19850303 ) , Kryvyi Rih) - singer, actress, pole dancer. Has Armenian roots.


She was born on March 3, 1985 in Krivoy Rog in a large family, the sixth child in a row. His father, an Armenian, was an engineer, and his mother, a Mari, was a seamstress. The father gave his newborn daughter an ancient Armenian name in honor of his mother Vardanush. Mother, master of sports in acrobatics, gave 7-year-old Varda to the circus studio "Arena". Later, Varda began to sing in the Silver Bell ensemble and to play in the Harlequin Theater Studio.

Varda received two higher educations: a stage director and mass celebrations (at the Kiev National University of Culture and Arts) and a physical education manager, trainer.

Personal life

From 2009 to 2013 she was married to Alexander Kvasov.

Dance career

Over a ten-year career in pole dancing, Varda managed to become the first and win the most prestigious titles around the world (she performed under the stage name Black Angel):

In 2012, Varda patented the technique of dancing on a horizontal pole. The girl is helped to perform the extreme number by two men who hold the pylon in their hands and move it around the perimeter of the stage. Warda makes a pas on a pole and, without using his hands, hangs upside down.

Musical career

The next stage of creativity is cooperation with Vitaly Kozlovsky. The duet recorded the first video "Don't leave me" in Russian and Armenian. The video was presented both in Ukraine and in Armenia. In 2012, the couple recorded another joint summer dance track "Dance" and a video clip for it. This time, Varda performed not only as a performer, but also as an author-composer of words and music.

In 2012, VARDA became a member of a major international music project. This collaboration brought together artists with Armenian roots living in Russia, Ukraine, Armenia, the United States and other countries of the world. VARDA, together with Dmitry Kharatyan, Zara, Alexey Chumakov, Eva Rivas, recorded a patriotic song called "Armenia" and shot a video clip on it. From Ukraine, VARDA became the only guest artist who had the honor to be involved in a project of great importance for the Armenian nation. Now [when?] VARDA is preparing to release its first solo album "Follow Your Dream".


  • VARDA & Vitaly Kozlovsky - Dance;
  • VARDA & Vitaly Kozlovsky - Մի թողնիր ինձ մենակ;
  • VARDA & Vitaly Kozlovsky - Don't leave me;
  • VARDA & Zverev - People-angels;
  • VARDA - No makeup;
  • VARDA - Dance without continuation;
  • VARDA - Resetting everything;
  • VARDA - Follow your dream;
  • VARDA & Mihran Tsarukyan - Always love me.

Video clips

  • «»
  • «»
  • «»
  • «»
  • "" (Armenian version of the song "Don't Leave Me")
  • Anna Sedakova "Universe"



Varda has released an exclusive VARDA ™ clothing collection. Such stars as Anna Sedokova, Lera Kudryavtseva, Olga Buzova, Natalia Rudova appear in films of the VARDA ™ brand and appear on the covers of glossy magazines.

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An excerpt characterizing Warda (singer)

Anatole, as Shinshin rightly said about him, since he arrived in Moscow, has driven all the Moscow ladies crazy, especially by the fact that he neglected them and obviously preferred gypsies and French actresses to them, with the head of which - mademoiselle Georges, as they said, he was in close relationship. He did not miss a single revelry at Danilov's and other merry fellows of Moscow, he drank all night long, drinking everyone, and attended all the evenings and balls of high society. They talked about several of his intrigues with the Moscow ladies, and at balls he courted some. But with girls, especially with rich brides, who were mostly all bad, he did not get close, especially since Anatole, which no one knew except his closest friends, was married two years ago. Two years ago, while his regiment was stationed in Poland, a poor Polish landowner forced Anatol to marry his daughter.
Anatole very soon abandoned his wife and, for the money that he agreed to send to his father-in-law, reprimanded himself the right to be considered a bachelor.
Anatole was always pleased with his position, himself and others. He was instinctively convinced with his whole being that he could not live differently from the way he lived, and that he had never done anything wrong in his life. He was unable to consider how his actions might respond to others, nor what might come out of such or such an action. He was convinced that just as a duck was created so that it should always live in water, so he was created by God in such a way that he should live in thirty thousand income and always occupy the highest position in society. He believed so firmly in this that, looking at him, others were convinced of this and did not deny him either the highest position in the world, or the money, which he, obviously, without return, borrowed from the counter and transverse.
He was not a gambler, at least he never wanted to win. He was not conceited. He didn't care what anyone thought of him. Still less could he be guilty of ambition. He teased his father several times, spoiling his career, and laughed at all the honors. He was not stingy and did not refuse anyone who asked him. One thing that he loved was fun and women, and since, according to his ideas, there was nothing ignoble in these tastes, and he could not think about what came out for other people to satisfy his tastes, then in his soul he considered himself an impeccable person, sincerely despised scoundrels and bad people, and with a clear conscience carried his head high.
The revelers, these male Magdalenes, have a secret sense of innocence, the same as the Magdalene women, based on the same hope of forgiveness. "Everything will be forgiven to her, because she loved a lot, and everything will be forgiven to him, because he had a lot of fun."
Dolokhov, who this year appeared again in Moscow after his exile and Persian adventures, and led a luxurious gambling and revelry life, became close to the old Petersburg comrade Kuragin and used him for his own purposes.
Anatol sincerely loved Dolokhov for his intelligence and courage. Dolokhov, who needed the name, nobility, connections of Anatol Kuragin to lure rich young people into his gambling society, not letting him feel this, used and amused Kuragin. In addition to the calculation, according to which he needed Anatole, the very process of controlling someone else's will was a pleasure, a habit and a need for Dolokhov.
Natasha made a strong impression on Kuragin. At dinner after the theater with the receptions of a connoisseur, he made out in front of Dolokhov the dignity of her arms, shoulders, legs and hair, and announced his decision to follow her. What could come out of this courtship - Anatole could not ponder and know, as he never knew what would come of each of his actions.
“Nice, brother, but not about us,” Dolokhov told him.
“I’ll tell my sister to invite her to dinner,” said Anatole. - AND?
- You better wait when you get married ...
- You know, - said Anatole, - j "adore les petites filles: [I love girls:] - now she will be lost.
- You already got caught once on a petite fille [girl], - said Dolokhov, who knew about Anatole's marriage. - Look!
- Well, two times is impossible! AND? - said Anatole, laughing good-naturedly.

The next day after the theater, the Rostovs did not go anywhere and no one came to them. Marya Dmitrievna, hiding something from Natasha, talked with her father. Natasha guessed that they were talking about the old prince and were inventing something, and she was worried and insulted by this. She waited every minute for Prince Andrey, and twice that day sent the janitor to Vzdvizhenka to find out if he had arrived. He didn't come. It was now more difficult for her than the first days of her arrival. To her impatience and sadness about him was joined by an unpleasant recollection of a meeting with Princess Marya and with the old prince, and fear and anxiety for which she knew no reason. It seemed to her that either he would never come, or that before he did, something would happen to her. She could not, as before, calmly and continuously, alone with herself, think about him. As soon as she began to think about him, the memory of the old prince, of Princess Marya and of the last performance, and of Kuragin joined the memory of him. She again wondered whether she was to blame, whether her loyalty to Prince Andrey had already been violated, and again she found herself remembering every word, every gesture, every shade of play of expression on the face of this man, who knew how to excite in her something incomprehensible to her, to the smallest detail. and a terrible feeling. In the eyes of her family, Natasha seemed more lively than usual, but she was far from being as calm and happy as she had been before.
On Sunday morning Marya Dmitrievna invited her guests to Mass at her parish of the Assumption on Mogiltsy.
“I don’t like these fashionable churches,” she said, apparently proud of her free thinking. - Everywhere God is one. Our priest is excellent, he serves decently, it is so noble, and so is the deacon. Is it sacred for this that concerts are sung in the choir? I do not like it, one pampering!
Marya Dmitrievna loved Sundays and knew how to celebrate them. Her house was all washed and cleaned on Saturday; people and she did not work, everyone was festively discharged, and everyone was at mass. To the master's dinner, food was added, and people were given vodka and a roast goose or pig. But on nothing in the whole house the holiday was so noticeable as on the broad, stern face of Marya Dmitrievna, who on that day assumed an unchanging expression of solemnity.

You definitely heard the song Wards (31) and Sergey Zverev (53) " People and angels"And probably appreciated her dance in the video Anna Sedokova (33) "". Did you know that she is also a successful designer and champion Of Russia pole dance? PEOPLETALK I found out from a star how to deal with prejudices (they say, pole dance is a striptease), why (35) I like swimsuits created by Wardoyand why do you definitely need to enroll in a dance school Vardy Martirosyan (open from today, by the way).

I was born in the city Krivoy Rog (Ukraine). As a child, I wanted to become an aerial gymnast because it was my mother's unfulfilled dream. And I really wanted to perform it! I have been working in a circus studio for 10 years, trying to get closer to this goal. We can say that everything worked out for me, but then something went wrong. ( Laughs.) Now I'm joking that I'm performing on an iron rope (“rope” is a genre of aerial gymnastics. - Approx. ed.).

Pioneering is not easy. When I became champion in 2003 Of Ukraine on striptease, I was able to change the opinion of many skeptics about him. Instead of a wave of negativity, which, it would seem, was supposed to collapse, I was covered by a wave of national love, oddly enough, mostly from women. In my numbers, there is always theatricality, acrobatics, it looks more like Cirque du Soleil for adults. There is a difference between pole dancing and pole dancing. In the first case, you do not need to possess special skills to walk around him, in the second case it is hard work, daily training, bruises, abrasions.

Officially the first Championship Of Russia in the status of a new sport, pole dance was held in 2008. I became the first champion. After the victory, I drove all over Of Russia with master classes, passing on your experience to others. I stood at the origins, many tricks were invented by me (for example, "Vis Warda"). Now there is a formed general world table with the names of the elements, to which I have made a significant contribution.

I was visiting a show not long ago Ivan Urgant (38). This is the first man I taught to dance. Ivan is insanely talented and charismatic, it seems there is nothing that he could not master. He was so carried away that he even wanted to say goodbye to clothes, but the censorship of Channel One did not allow us to go beyond the bounds of decency.

Pole dance is a sport that every girl should do. Most of the girls who come to my class want not only to tone their bodies, but also to gain self-confidence. We dance exclusively in heels, studying our body, its capabilities, acquiring a beautiful gait, posture. Very often I come across complexes. Many women are embarrassed to touch themselves in dance. What can we say about how they behave alone with a man, if they are even ashamed of themselves! Those who come to my classes learn to dance not to demonstrate it in public, but to please their beloved husband. I always say that the pylon holds the relationship together. I know for sure that my man will never go to a strip bar! What for? After all, the house has its own samovar. ( Laughs.)

My mother is a seamstress, and since childhood I was very well versed in sewing technology. At the age of 10, I knew how not only to sew, but also to cut. Having become an artist, I myself came up with my first stage costumes, first for myself, and then for the ballet and colleagues. Increasingly, I was asked about the things I was wearing. Once on such a question about my swimsuit, I proudly replied that this is a brand Varda... Although, of course, there was no brand yet. So I got another profession - a designer. I like to dress women in pretty and sexy clothes. The popularity of the swimsuits I created began to outstrip my popularity - and this only flatters me! They even walk Kim Kardashian... Swimwear can be purchased at Moscow, Krasnodar and Pyatigorsk through website.

I received my first higher education as a director (I graduated from the Kiev National University of Culture and Arts with a degree in Stage and Mass Events Director, and then received a second higher education at the National University of Physical Education and Sports Of Ukraine in the specialty "Physical education manager, coach"). Perhaps this was the most correct decision! Now I myself choose in which genre to live my life ... I had a complex about my mission. Everyone around kept repeating that a serious profession was needed. Although I started working at the age of 10, but at the same time I was constantly tormented by the fact that time passed, and I still did not have a serious profession. Perhaps, only now I allowed myself not to be limited by the standard framework, doing only what I really like! My profession is to reveal the goddess in every woman through dances or clothes that I create!

Opening today Varda Ladies Club (Kutuzovsky prospect, 36, bldg. 11). The main focus in our club are dancing. We also have a beauty salon, a cafe with healthy food and, of course, the Varda TM brand is presented. All services are aimed at making a woman beautiful, sexy, smart. We have our own internal magazine, in which we collect inspiring, motivating stories about successful women, useful advice, interesting facts. I believe that every woman deserves to get on the glossy pages. I am convinced that the world can be conquered without removing hairpins. You need to stay feminine and sexy, no matter what!

Mikhail Tanyukhin. Makeup and hairstyle: Daria Emelyanova. Stylist: Lusine Avetisyan. Producer: Oksana Shabanova

she was dressed on March 3, 1985 in the city of Krivoy Rog, Ukraine in an international, large family, the sixth child. Armenian father was an engineer, and mother was a seamstress. Her name, Vardanush (Varda), translated from Armenian means "Voluptuous rose".

At school, Varda was a good-looking activist, she took part in all school activities - she sang in the Silver Bell ensemble, played in the Harlequin Theater Studio.

The girl's first major success was her victory at the Ukrainian Striptease Championship in 2004, where she performed under the pseudonym Black Angel.

After that, Varda decides to move to Kiev and enters the University of Culture and Arts at the faculty of directing. He finds himself a vocal teacher and works hard with him to sing.

A new type of artist's creativity is the combination of vocals, choreography, pole dance and acting together, and the creation of an enchanting burlesque show. Working hard in this direction, the artist begins to tour with a solo program under the name VARDA.

So the king of glamor, singer Sergei Zverev, learns about her, and offers the role of the main character in his solo video work "Fashion Man". It is on this shooting that their close acquaintance takes place, and Zverev invites VARDA to record a joint duet for the song "People-Angels".

The girl certainly agrees and already in February 2011 the artists release a video clip on the screens of Russia and Ukraine, then they are filmed for the cover of the XXL men's magazine, their scandalous photo session became a contender for the best photo session of the XXL magazine in Russia and Ukraine.

Now VARDA is preparing to release its first solo album "Without Makeup", the author's program "Striptease for Housewives" and is working on the creation of a new burlesque show, which has no analogues in Ukraine yet.

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Martirosyan Vardanush Sosovna

Popular Singer

Theater and Cinema Actress

Vardanush Martirosyan was born on March 3, 1985 in the city of Krivoy Rog, Ukraine. His father, an Armenian, was an engineer, and his mother, a Mari, was a seamstress. The father gave his newborn daughter an ancient Armenian name in honor of his mother Vardanush. Mother, master of sports in acrobatics, gave 7-year-old Varda to the circus studio "Arena". Later, Varda began to sing in the Silver Bell ensemble and to play in the Harlequin Theater Studio.

Varda received two higher educations: stage director and public holidays and physical education manager, coach.

Over a ten-year career in pole dancing, Varda managed to become the first and win the most prestigious titles around the world.

In 2012, Varda patented the technique of dancing on a horizontal pole. The girl is helped to perform the extreme number by two men who hold the pylon in their hands and move it around the perimeter of the stage. Warda makes a pas on a pole and, without using his hands, hangs upside down.

Singer Sergei Zverev invites the VARDA singer to record a joint duet for the song "People-Angels" and in February 2011 the artists release a video clip, and then are filmed for the cover of the XXL men's magazine. Their scandalous photo session became a contender for the best photo session of XXL magazine of Russia and Ukraine.

The next stage of creativity is cooperation with Vitaly Kozlovsky. The duet recorded the first video "Don't leave me" in Russian and Armenian. The video was presented both in Ukraine and in Armenia. In 2012, the couple recorded another joint summer dance track "Dance" and a video clip for it. This time, Varda performed not only as a performer, but also as an author-composer of words and music.

In 2012, VARDA became a member of a major international music project. This collaboration brought together artists with Armenian roots living in Russia, Ukraine, Armenia, the United States and other countries of the world. VARDA together with Dmitry Kharatyan, Zara, Alexei Chumakov, Eva Rivas recorded a patriotic song called “Armenia” and shot a video clip for it. From Ukraine, VARDA became the only guest artist who had the honor to be involved in a project of great importance to the Armenian nation. Now VARDA is preparing to release its first solo album "Follow Your Dream".

Varda has released an exclusive VARDA ™ clothing collection. Such stars as Anna Sedokova, Lera Kudryavtseva, Olga Buzova, Natalia Rudova appear in films of the VARDA ™ brand and appear on the covers of glossy magazines.

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