For diagnostics, take a drawing of a human figure with chakras indicated on it. You can cut it out and put it on the table. Take it easy. Relax. We take a bag of runes, mix and ask the question: "Runes, show me how my chakras work?" We spread from bottom to top along the chakras in the picture. The runes found at certain points correspond to the characteristics of the chakra and give the required information. If the runes are straight, we interpret it as normal work, but the characteristic of the rune itself is taken into account. If it is inverted, then the work of the chakra is broken and we take into account the meaning of the rune.

Correspondence of the main chakras to the organs of the physical body and a short list of diseases that
arise with functional disorders in them.

MULADHARA - the first chakra or coccygeal center - is located in the coccyx and is associated with the physical survival of the body. It is a kind of "pump" that supplies the entire body with etheric energy, directing it up the spine. The sacrum, prostate gland, pelvis, large intestine, rectum are associated with it. The element of the earth. In case of disturbed work - problems with teeth, skeletal system, arthritis, arthrosis, thrombophlebitis. The activity of this chakra largely determines the health of bones, legs, spine, colon and kidneys. A person whose center is functioning correctly, has a strong will to live, as well as the necessary energy for this, he is filled with a sense of strength and vitality, "stands firmly on his feet."
When the functions of this chakra are disturbed, most of the vital forces of the body are blocked, and it becomes sluggish, passive in the outside world. Lack of physical energy and passivity leads to the fact that a person easily becomes addicted or becomes a victim on the physical and psychological levels. Physical symptoms include constipation, hemorrhoids, anemia, and overweight.

SVADHISTANA - the second chakra or reproductive center - is located in the lower abdomen, between the navel and the genitals, in the pubic region and is responsible for sexuality, reproduction and performance of the body on all planes, as well as for receiving pleasure from exchange at all levels (physical, emotional , mental, spiritual).
On the physical plane, it controls the circulation of fluids in the body, it is no coincidence that its element is water. The liver, spleen, sex glands, uterus are connected with it. A person with an open second center has a high sexual potency, sexual relations bring him considerable pleasure and serve in many ways as a source of inspiration. Due to a large number of social conventions, this center is partially blocked very often, which leads to a loss of the ability to deeply and calmly enjoy the exchange of energies, sexual intercourse, excessive shyness and numerous complexes, emotional enslavement and low self-esteem, as well as a general decrease in the body's energy.
Dysfunction of this chakra leads to impotence, frigidity, diseases of the uterus, prostate, liver, spleen, problems with intestinal peristalsis, and constipation.

MANIPURA - the third chakra or the center of speculative thinking - is located in the solar plexus, between the twelfth thoracic and first lumbar vertebrae. On the physical plane, it is associated with the pancreas, small intestine, stomach, liver and spleen. The chakra is responsible for receiving vital energy - prana, its accumulation and distribution in the body, it corresponds to the element of fire. Functioning is associated with the emotional life of a person, the ability to express and control emotions, and willpower. Etheric connections at the level of this chakra play an important role in interpersonal communication, especially manipulative interactions. The development of this chakra is associated with the power of the personality, the ability to control people and resist other people's influence.
If it functions normally, the person has a high level of vitality and has the ability to heal. His emotions are ordered, and his emotional life is quite rich and varied. Dysfunctions lead to a decline in vitality, nervous exhaustion, seizures, emotional stiffness, instability, depression, colitis, gastritis, ulcers and other diseases of the digestive system, disruption of the pancreas.

Anakhata - the fourth chakra or heart center - is located in the center of the chest, between the fourth and fifth thoracic vertebrae. On the physical plane, it is associated with the thymus gland, lungs, heart, hands. The corresponding element is air. Her energies are associated with feelings of love and compassion, unity with all living beings.
It balances the energies of the higher and lower chakras. Participates in the transfer and transformation of energy during healing practices. A person with an open heart center, emotionally liberated and open. Gives love to everyone around him without expecting anything in return. Able to see the uniqueness of the world around him. Violations are accompanied by a sense of emotional scarcity and closeness. Lack of love and compassion. Cruelty in communication. This is manifested by diseases of the lungs, cardiovascular system, allergies.

VISHUDHA - the fifth chakra or throat center - is located in the throat area. On the physical plane, it corresponds to the thyroid gland, shoulders, neck and skin. Her activities are associated with the ability to create, communicate, speech, intuition. Dysfunction, expressed in the form of diseases of the thyroid gland, throat (loss of voice, tonsillitis, tonsillitis, laryngitis, etc.), colds, neck pain, allergies. Psychological symptoms: depression, communication problems, low self-esteem, difficulty with creative expression.

AJNA - the sixth chakra or "third eye" - is located in the center of the head behind the point between the eyebrows. On the physical plane, it corresponds to the pituitary gland, cerebral hemispheres and eyes. Associated with it is the ability to visualize, understand mental concepts, self-knowledge, as well as abilities: telepathy, clairvoyance and intuition. Functional impairment causes headaches, nightmares, epilepsy, mental disabilities, nervous diseases, impaired vision and hearing, up to complete loss. Failures in the general regulation of processes in the body; weakened imagination, thinking and creativity, reduced motivation and ability to translate ideas into reality.

SAHASRARA - the seventh chakra or thousand-petalled lotus - is located in the region of the crown above the head. On the physical plane, it corresponds to the pineal gland, pituitary gland, cerebral cortex, brain and the whole organism. It provides a connection between a person and the Spirit. Integration of the organism into a whole on different planes. Full opening of the chakra leads a person to Enlightenment, or union with God, and is extremely rare. Functional dysfunctions lead to mental illness, epilepsy, autism, diseases of the nervous system, absent-mindedness, disruptions in the interaction of subtle bodies and body systems. Psychologically, a person feels like a martyr who deserves a lot in life, but is forced to show himself extremely selfishly in order to achieve his goals, constantly fight for his place in the sun.

The ability to attract success and abundance is directly related to how well your chakras are open. By combining the power of runes and knowledge of bioenergetics, you can attract what you want into your life much faster.

Even in ancient India, enlightened people noticed that by working with their chakras and opening them with certain techniques, you can heal from many diseases, attract love and abundance, and increase your energy defenses. The more the chakras are open, the faster desires are fulfilled.

Runes are considered the most ancient signs that carry great power. Their power has not been fully studied, since most of the knowledge was lost, and only a small part of the information reached us. However, such experience is enough to believe in the power of runic formulas and use them for your own good.

Everything in the Universe is connected, and every action helps to achieve harmony and prosperity to a certain extent. That is why the use of runes during the practice of opening the chakras has a strong effect and brings a person to a new level of perception.

How it works

Each chakra corresponds to one or more runes. And if you think that you need to pay more attention to a certain area of \u200b\u200blife or achieve a specific goal, then work with the energy center that is responsible for this type of activity.

Chakra opening technique using runic signs

Sit back, relax and close your eyes. It is not necessary to sit in the lotus position, this practice can even be done while lying down. The main thing is that you do not plunge too deeply, because if you fall asleep or plunge into extraneous thoughts, you will have to repeat everything again.

Once you are ready to start, let go of all thoughts and focus on the specific chakra you decide to work with. Now imagine that in the place where it is located, the necessary rune begins to appear from the darkness. At first, its outlines are faintly distinguishable, but gradually this sign flares up and increases in size. When it is clearly visible, imagine how it acquires a color corresponding to this chakra and shines with renewed vigor. Look at it for a while and note all the changes that will occur in you. It may be some thoughts, ideas and insights, or perhaps you will feel vibrations in your body, or your mood will improve. It is important to wait until such a moment when changes in sensations appear, and to ensure that they are comfortable. Once you have succeeded, remember this state and then open your eyes.

Combination of chakras and runes

Muladhara (color red) - turisaz, helps to get rid of everything old and move in the right direction. Also energizes and opens up new opportunities.

Svadhishtana (orange color) - inguz, testifies to a breakthrough, a way out of the impasse and transformation. If you need help completing things or giving up old habits, then you should work with this rune.

Manipura (yellow) - berkana, symbolizes rebirth and fertility. When you decide to improve your financial condition, then you need to use this sign. However, it is dominated by more feminine energy, so income will be associated with workarounds and may be delayed.

Fehu - has a more masculine energy, which helps to move towards your goal directly and benefit from every situation. These runes can be presented in tandem, then they will work for the result, complementing each other where necessary.

Anahata (green)... By imagining berkana in combination with this chakra, you can attract true and mutual love into your life. In this case, it suits both women and men.

Kano helps the anahata to open up as much as possible and radiate good and love into the Universe. And it is these feelings that attract abundance and happiness.

Vishuddha (color blue) - Ansuz, used if you need the support of the Higher Forces. This powerful rune is capable of rewarding foresight and sending assistants to you. After such meditation, any meeting or situation may not be accidental.

Ajna (color blue) - turisaz, when interacting with this chakra, helps to understand the purpose and find the right solution. In this combination, it acts at a higher level and helps to reveal your true capabilities.

Sahasrara (purple) - soul, will help to clarify the situation and recharge the energy of the sun for new achievements. This sign symbolizes the integrity and overall vision of the painting.

Tevaze is a universal rune that, when combined with each chakra, helps to achieve certain tasks. It is she who is able to influence your inner "I" and bring your body and soul to harmony.

They warn that it is not enough just to gain knowledge. You need to learn how to use them correctly. Use this practice in a good mood, but if you are filled with negative emotions, you can only harm yourself. Respect yourself and others, develop and do not forget to press the buttons and

For diagnostics, take a drawing of a human figure with chakras indicated on it. You can cut it out and put it on the table. Take it easy. Relax. We take a bag of runes, mix and ask the question: "Runes, show me how my chakras work?" We spread from bottom to top along the chakras in the picture. The runes found at certain points correspond to the characteristics of the chakra and give the required information. If the runes are straight, we interpret it as normal work, but the characteristic of the rune itself is taken into account. If it is inverted, then the work of the chakra is broken and we take into account the meaning of the rune.

Correspondence of the main chakras to the organs of the physical body and a short list of diseases that
arise with functional disorders in them.

MULADHARA - the first chakra or coccygeal center - is located in the coccyx and is associated with the physical survival of the body. It is a kind of "pump" that supplies the entire body with etheric energy, directing it up the spine. The sacrum, prostate gland, pelvis, large intestine, rectum are associated with it. The element of the earth. In case of disturbed work - problems with teeth, skeletal system, arthritis, arthrosis, thrombophlebitis. The activity of this chakra largely determines the health of bones, legs, spine, colon and kidneys. A person whose center is functioning correctly, has a strong will to live, as well as the necessary energy for this, he is filled with a sense of strength and vitality, "stands firmly on his feet."
When the functions of this chakra are disturbed, most of the vital forces of the body are blocked, and it becomes sluggish, passive in the outside world. Lack of physical energy and passivity leads to the fact that a person easily becomes addicted or becomes a victim on the physical and psychological levels. Physical symptoms include constipation, hemorrhoids, anemia, and overweight.

SVADHISTANA - the second chakra or reproductive center - is located in the lower abdomen, between the navel and the genitals, in the pubic region and is responsible for sexuality, reproduction and performance of the body on all planes, as well as for receiving pleasure from exchange at all levels (physical, emotional , mental, spiritual).
On the physical plane, it controls the circulation of fluids in the body, it is no coincidence that its element is water. The liver, spleen, sex glands, uterus are connected with it. A person with an open second center has a high sexual potency, sexual relations bring him considerable pleasure and serve in many ways as a source of inspiration. Due to a large number of social conventions, this center is partially blocked very often, which leads to a loss of the ability to deeply and calmly enjoy the exchange of energies, sexual intercourse, excessive shyness and numerous complexes, emotional enslavement and low self-esteem, as well as a general decrease in the body's energy.
Dysfunction of this chakra leads to impotence, frigidity, diseases of the uterus, prostate, liver, spleen, problems with intestinal peristalsis, and constipation.

MANIPURA - the third chakra or the center of speculative thinking - is located in the solar plexus, between the twelfth thoracic and first lumbar vertebrae. On the physical plane, it is associated with the pancreas, small intestine, stomach, liver and spleen. The chakra is responsible for receiving vital energy - prana, its accumulation and distribution in the body, it corresponds to the element of fire. Functioning is associated with the emotional life of a person, the ability to express and control emotions, and willpower. Etheric connections at the level of this chakra play an important role in interpersonal communication, especially manipulative interactions. The development of this chakra is associated with the power of the personality, the ability to control people and resist other people's influence.
If it functions normally, the person has a high level of vitality and has the ability to heal. His emotions are ordered, and his emotional life is quite rich and varied. Dysfunctions lead to a decline in vitality, nervous exhaustion, seizures, emotional stiffness, instability, depression, colitis, gastritis, ulcers and other diseases of the digestive system, disruption of the pancreas.

Anakhata - the fourth chakra or heart center - is located in the center of the chest, between the fourth and fifth thoracic vertebrae. On the physical plane, it is associated with the thymus gland, lungs, heart, hands. The corresponding element is air. Her energies are associated with feelings of love and compassion, unity with all living beings.
It balances the energies of the higher and lower chakras. Participates in the transfer and transformation of energy during healing practices. A person with an open heart center, emotionally liberated and open. Gives love to everyone around him without expecting anything in return. Able to see the uniqueness of the world around him. Violations are accompanied by a sense of emotional scarcity and closeness. Lack of love and compassion. Cruelty in communication. This is manifested by diseases of the lungs, cardiovascular system, allergies.

VISHUDHA - the fifth chakra or throat center - is located in the throat area. On the physical plane, it corresponds to the thyroid gland, shoulders, neck and skin. Her activities are associated with the ability to create, communicate, speech, intuition. Dysfunction, expressed in the form of diseases of the thyroid gland, throat (loss of voice, tonsillitis, tonsillitis, laryngitis, etc.), colds, neck pain, allergies. Psychological symptoms: depression, communication problems, low self-esteem, difficulty with creative expression.

AJNA - the sixth chakra or "third eye" - is located in the center of the head behind the point between the eyebrows. On the physical plane, it corresponds to the pituitary gland, cerebral hemispheres and eyes. Associated with it is the ability to visualize, understand mental concepts, self-knowledge, as well as abilities: telepathy, clairvoyance and intuition. Functional impairment causes headaches, nightmares, epilepsy, mental disabilities, nervous diseases, impaired vision and hearing, up to complete loss. Failures in the general regulation of processes in the body; weakened imagination, thinking and creativity, reduced motivation and ability to translate ideas into reality.

SAHASRARA - the seventh chakra or thousand-petalled lotus - is located in the region of the crown above the head. On the physical plane, it corresponds to the pineal gland, pituitary gland, cerebral cortex, brain and the whole organism. It provides a connection between a person and the Spirit. Integration of the organism into a whole on different planes. Full opening of the chakra leads a person to Enlightenment, or union with God, and is extremely rare. Functional dysfunctions lead to mental illness, epilepsy, autism, diseases of the nervous system, absent-mindedness, disruptions in the interaction of subtle bodies and body systems. Psychologically, a person feels like a martyr who deserves a lot in life, but is forced to show himself extremely selfishly in order to achieve his goals, constantly fight for his place in the sun.

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Runes diagnostics is a reflection of the current life situation. This is a kind of copy of a time stage. If your aura has undergone witchcraft interference, symbols will indicate this problem. They will also help to resolve an exciting issue.

You must understand that the runes themselves are not a mental program, they play the role of an informative source. Your task is to understand their prompting and take the necessary measures to change the situation.

And another very important point, when working with the layout, you should not feel discomfort. Bring your physical and mental state in complete order, and only after that ask the runes for help.

How to diagnose runes

There are a number of rules that must be followed if you want to make a rune diagnosis:

  • one symbol can help with only one problem;

Diagnostics of the negative (damage) runes

Probably the most popular diagnostic method is the negative detection ritual. It is carried out in several stages, so the rite of passage may seem somewhat complicated to a novice runologist.

The negative on the runes is determined using:

  • lots;
  • simple alignment.


Many runologists advise diagnosing. And if the symbols do not give the intended magical result, then the rune diagnosis is all the more necessary.

What is diagnostics in the runic sense? The technique allows you to determine whether the fortuneteller has additional protection, whether there is a magical effect - for example, diagnostics of rune damage, the evil eye and love attraction are carried out. To put it even simpler, this is a search for trouble, allowing you to understand why the magic of runes does not work or because of what a particular person is tormented by certain problems.

How to make runes diagnostics yourself? In order to understand the essence of the problem, you should refer to the runic layout. The main rule here: one rune determines only one problem of everything negative.

What is rune diagnosis

The most problematic is runes diagnostics for beginners. They think that this is an insurmountable mystery, which not everyone can master. Others, however, do not master anything more difficult than the simplest staves.

Diagnosing a stav using runes is not as problematic as it seems. This is practically a diagnosis in a medical institution. You come to the runologist and talk about the symptoms that bother you. The specialist, making the alignment, tells you what is happening to you. However, sometimes additional methods of diagnosing functional states are required.

When is a diagnosis needed? Alternatively, it can be troubles in relationships, malfunctions in the workplace, constantly "lame" health, difficulties in achieving goals, discord with someone, failures on the love front, and so on. In general, everything that upsets or does not suit a person.

Diagnostics of the negative

How to determine the presence of negativity and insurmountable difficulties? To do this, it is enough to use a rune set. Focus on your problem and ask yourself if there is any corruption on you. It will be enough to take out one rune. The presence of damage is undeniable with the following symbols:

  • Turisaz;
  • Eyvaz;
  • Hagalaz;
  • Laguz;
  • Perth upright or inverted.

If some other rune fell out, then there is no damage.

Now let's take a look at each of these signs:

  • If the rune Eyvaz fell out during the diagnosis, it indicates that this is a symbol of ritual impact.
  • The presence of Hagalaz does not necessarily mean magical effects. Most likely, a person damaged you with an unkind word.
  • Thurisaz, when diagnosed, symbolizes revenge.
  • Dropped out Laguz? Take note that you have prevented someone from having a love affair and spoilage is a way to get rid of you as a competitor.
  • If the same rune in the diagnosis came across to you in an inverted meaning - take note that you have become an object of negative influence.
  • When Otal appears during the diagnosis, it is advisable to pull out another rune. Most likely, the damage took place in the past, or was passed on by genus.

The meaning of the runes can be different. Therefore, beginners should understand that negativity does not necessarily become magical - perhaps it is just an unkind word or envy. A person who does not possess any special skills was able to inflict damage of such power that it can be equated with magical.

What is the most important thing in determining the negative? The main thing is to ask the question correctly. It must be clear so that it can be answered unilaterally. Alternatively, you can ask if a particular person has damaged you. In response, you will receive "yes" or "no" for a specific action and for a specific person.

Many beginners make a serious mistake - they start testing others without practicing on themselves or loved ones. It's important to know what the symbols tell you. Only when you begin to understand their meaning, move on to others. You don't have a medical education, do you?

The layout is carried out in the same way as for the negative. First, take out the symbol with the problem that worries you - does the person have problems with well-being. If a positive rune falls out during the diagnosis, you can take out another one. And now the second sign will show what exactly to pay attention to. By the way, an inverted symbol always indicates that there are some problems.

The value of runes in the diagnosis of diseases

Each rune has its own meaning when diagnosing a disease. It is imperative to pay attention to this.

  • The presence of the Fehu symbol indicates the presence of diseases associated with joints, lungs and bones.
  • The Uruz rune that fell out during the diagnosis is a direct sign that it would not hurt a person to tighten up his physical form. And now he is experiencing muscle strain.
  • Runa Turisaz, when diagnosed, symbolizes everything that concerns the heart muscle, nerves and skin.
  • Dropped out Ansuz? Look for oral problems.
  • Raido indicates the presence of problems with the musculoskeletal system.
  • Kano rune dropped? Look for inflammation in the body and a weakened immune system.
  • If you have a Kano drop, it means that you suffer from stomach diseases and problems with not digestion.
  • Vunyo is another symbol that a person has problems with the respiratory system.
  • Everything related to physical injury falls on Hagalaz.
  • Nautiz points to two problems - either frequent colds or problems with the hands.
  • The Isa sign that fell out during the diagnosis is a symbol that you have temporarily lost or will lose sensitivity in some part of the body.
  • Hyera points out the presence of a malfunction in the digestive tract.
  • Runa Eyvaz summarizes all diseases without pointing to any specific one.
  • Perth is a disease of the genitourinary system.
  • The value of Algiz is associated with problems associated with blood, stroke, problems with brain activity, as well as an unnecessarily weak immune system.
  • The presence of damage to the skin is indicated by the Soulu sign.
  • Teyvaz will indicate everything related to arthritis and other similar diseases.
  • If the Berkan rune falls out, pay attention to the person on whom the alignment is carried out. If this is a man, then he has difficulties with the nervous system. But a woman cannot get pregnant.
  • For such an organ as the kidneys, the rune Evaz is responsible.
  • Another symbol responsible for physical ailments, including sprains and injuries, is Mannaz.
  • Problems with blood vessels are experienced by those people who have the Laguz rune.
  • Urological problems and problems with the immune system is the symbol of Inguz.
  • The Othala sign shows that you have ailments passed down to you from your ancestors.
  • Weak nerves are the symbol of Dagaz.

If the money channel is blocked, then financial problems appear in a person's life. He is haunted by the inability to earn more money, eternal unplanned spending, lack of money for a normal life.

In practice, diagnosing the money channel with runes is not at all more difficult than, for example, determining a disease or the presence of a negative.

For a correct diagnosis, as in previous cases, it is enough to use just one rune. If the problem really exists, then additional questions are asked - for example, where it came from. When all the necessary information has been found out, cleaning is performed.

Diagnostics of the runic staff

Before you start diagnosing, ask yourself a mental question - will this be suitable for your energy? And how will he work with you? After that, you can get the symbols.

In total, you need to get three runes. Each of them will mean the following:

  • The first rune means how you perceive it.
  • The second is how you work together.
  • The third is where it will lead.

In order to correctly translate the layout, you can rely on ordinary symbols. However, there are signs that need clarification. It is recommended to get an extra rune. And these are the following signs:

  • If the Turisaz symbol fell out, then he asks to clarify what the breakthrough will be, which is associated with the stav.
  • An additional rune after Hagalaz will indicate what will be destroyed.
  • If Hyera falls out, then you need to clarify how becoming will affect a person after a long time.
  • Dagaz wants to clarify what will happen after the imminent changes.
  • The rune taken out after Inguz will make it clear what stage awaits you ahead.
  • Well, the symbol after Perth will tell you what your secret will be revealed thanks to the stav.

Runic wax technique

Runic wax layout.

This layout refers to the technique of medium complexity, so it can be used only when you already have a certain practice in the layouts. This is the most accurate method to answer your questions.

Seven runes are involved in the layout. They are laid out in three rows from left to right as follows: first there are four signs, then three, and last but one - one.

How is this alignment interpreted? The first row of four cards will tell you if there is negativity in your life. Moreover, if at least one of the signs listed above has appeared, then the presence of damage is undeniable. If the first row is "clean", then the further alignment can not be continued. If there is, it continues to post signs.

The second row, consisting of three cards, will tell you where the corruption came from.

Well, the third row describes how damage affects.

Since the signs are laid out one after the other, it is very important to look at them together. It turns out that the next rune complements the previous one. After diagnostics, if a negative was detected, you need to go through cleaning and install protection.
