Excess weight is a problem for the majority, since few people have time to go to fitness rooms, dance or go to the village for potatoes, and work in offices does not allow them to lead an active lifestyle. Therefore, today you will get acquainted with a simple, but very effective set of exercises that came to us from the east, called "dzianfei", which means "to lose fat". Oriental breathing exercises were created by Chinese Buddhists in order to solve the problem of modern society. With its help, you can not only significantly lose weight, but also maintain the newly acquired figure with a minimum amount of effort.

This complex consists of three exercises:


To start, unbutton your clothes and get rid of anything that prevents your body from breathing.

The first exercise, called "wave", will help you to get rid of hunger and thereby significantly reduce the supply of food to the body. Also, it will be possible to reduce financial costs, since you will spend much less on food.

So, the first exercise is "wave".

Lie on your back and bend your legs at right angles, put one palm on your chest, and the other slightly lower on your stomach, after which you can begin to perform breathing exercises. While inhaling, straighten your chest and draw in your stomach, and when exhaling, the opposite is true - draw in your chest and inflate your stomach, you can help yourself with your hands. The up and down movement of the chest and abdomen should be similar to the movement of a wave. Breathing is calm, natural. If you feel dizzy, slow your breathing a little.

This exercise can be done not only in a prone position, but also standing or sitting, the number of repetitions is40 times. This exercise should be performed only for the first week of practicing this complex, in subsequent stages it should be used only when you feel hungry.


The second exercise, included in the system of eastern breathing exercises "dzianfei", is called "frog". Sit on a chair no more than 40 centimeters high so that your knee is bent 90 degrees, spread your knees shoulder-width apart, make a fist with your left hand, and grasp this fist with your right hand. Lower your elbows to your knees and rest your head on your fists. Relax, close your eyes, try not to think about anything and stop all feelings and sensations.

Try to calm your nervous system. To do this, take a deep breath and at this moment think of something pleasant. After you feel a state of complete relaxation, return your concentration to breathing. First, inhale through your nose and feel the air fill your entire body, then exhale through your mouth. In doing so, you should feel that the abdominal area becomes relaxed and soft, like a pillow. Breathing should be slow, you should feel all the air flowing through your body as you inhale and exhale.

After inhaling, when the belly is filled with air, stop breathing for a couple of seconds, then try to inhale a little more and then begin to exhale slowly as well, that is, you should get such a cycle of inhalation-holding-exhalation-inhalation and exhalation again. In the process of breathing, the chest should not move, only the stomach works, then it inflates, then retracts, which resembles a frog.

The exercise is performed for fifteen minutes, after which you should not immediately open your eyes so that there is no dizziness. Slowly raise your head and unhook your palms, only after that you can slowly open your eyes, clench your hands into fists and raise them up, stretch, then you can relax.

This exercise is recommended to be done several times a day before meals, it restores blood circulation, which leads to weight loss. Exercise stimulates muscle tone well, and also helps a lot to avoid the consequences to which restriction in food intake leads.


The last exercise is called the lotus. This exercise is performed sitting in Turkish style, hands, palms up, lie one on top of the other and fall on the heels, do not lean against anything with your back - the back should be slightly tense, the chest should not be compressed. A little
lower your chin, close your eyes, the tip of your tongue should touch the upper palate. Try to relax, now, in the same way as in the previous exercise, try to calm your thoughts, make your body soft, breathe not very deeply, but naturally, your stomach should not be heaving much, try to breathe soundlessly. This stage lasts about 5 minutes, after which you breathe for 5 minutes, not paying attention to breathing at all.

In the third stage, breathe, not paying attention to either the depth of the breath or its evenness. Here, the only thing you need to watch out for is the fact that you are breathing at all, if at the same time any left thoughts appear, do not pay any attention to them. You should be in this position for 10 minutes. This exercise should be done every day after the frog exercise, and can also be used after sleep or before sleep.

Eastern breathing exercises are useful not only for weight loss, regularly performing these simple exercises, you will calm the nervous system, heal the body as a whole and strengthen the immune system.

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Make up three exercises - "Wave", "Frog" and "Lotus". They do not require any special training or special costume. The only condition is that the clothes do not hinder movement.

Exercise "Wave"

Exercise "Wave" surprisingly reduces the feeling of hunger, which is especially important on fasting days or in the evening, when you are tempted to have a snack.

The exercise can be performed in any position: lying, sitting, standing, even when walking and cycling, but for beginners it is better to do the "Wave" lying down. To do this, you need to lie down, bend your knees, placing your feet shoulder-width apart. Put one hand on your stomach, the other on your chest. Take a deep, calm breath, while lifting your chest and sucking in your stomach. As you exhale, the chest is pulled in and the stomach protrudes. Thus, the cycle "inhale-exhale" seems to create a wave. The breathing rate should match the frequency with which you normally breathe. It is necessary to try to ensure that the amplitude of movements of the chest and abdomen is as possible as possible, but at the same time does not cause discomfort. A complete breathing cycle (inhalation-exhalation) is performed at least 40 times. Over time, it is desirable to increase the number of approaches to 60. If dizziness appears during the exercise, breathing should be slowed down.

Exercise "Frog"

To complete it, you need to sit on a low chair. The height of the chair should be such that the angle between the thigh and the lower leg is right or slightly less. Place your feet shoulder-width apart. Place your elbows on your knees. Women clench their left hand into a fist and grasp it with their right hand, men, on the contrary, grasp the right hand with their left hand, clenched into a fist. Place your forehead on your fist, close your eyes and try to relax. After taking a deep breath, exhale with force, imagining that with the exhalation you are getting rid of worries and fatigue. Tune in to the fact that during the exercise you will have an inflated belly, like a frog.

So, let's begin. Slowly, calmly inhale through your nose, directing the air into your stomach, hold your breath for a couple, three seconds, take another short breath and exhale slowly through your mouth. When you exhale, the abdomen should fall, be relaxed and soft. During this exercise, the chest moves evenly, and the stomach is swollen and then pulled in. From the outside, it resembles the breathing of a frozen frog, concentrating on what is happening around. The exercise is performed for 15-20 minutes three times a day.

To prevent dizziness, after the end of the exercise, straighten up, sit for a few seconds with your eyes closed, and only then open your eyes and stretch your arms up.

Exercise "Lotus"

This exercise is best done in the Lotus position, but since this asana, despite its apparent lightness, is difficult for a beginner, since it requires good flexibility of the knee and hip joints, the exercise can be performed while sitting "in Turkish" or simply sitting on a low chair as it is convenient for you. The back should be straightened, the shoulders and chin should be slightly lowered, the eyes are closed, the hands should be placed on their feet in front of the stomach, palms up. For women, the left palm is on top of the right, for men, on the contrary, the right palm is on top.

This exercise is in essence a meditation and is performed for 20 minutes in 3 stages. The first 5 minutes is the stage of conscious breathing. Try to breathe evenly and deeply, but silently, so that your chest and abdomen do not move too noticeably. Listen to your breathing, concentrate on the process.

Loosen control for the next 5 minutes. Try to inhale as naturally as possible, and exhale long, even and soundless.

At the final stage (last 10 minutes), try to relax as much as possible, calm down and breathe as usual, enjoying ease and peace. Like the "Frog", "Lotus" is desirable to perform 3 times a day, especially at the stage of intense weight loss.

As you can see, all the exercises are extremely simple and can be performed anywhere. In addition, additional bonuses from classes will be lightness, cheerfulness and good mood, which I wish you with all my heart.

Chinese breathing exercises jianfei allows not only to get rid of extra pounds, but also to improve health. A set of exercises helps to slow down the aging process and reduces hunger. This is due to a special breathing technique called diaphragmatic breathing. The main advantage of jianfei over other oriental practices is simplicity. All exercises are performed in three basic postures.

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Features of the method

Regular jianfei exercises allow you to lose 10-12 kg of weight in 2-3 months. Therefore, gymnastics is often used for weight loss by people who are contraindicated in power loads. However, this is not the limit. To achieve great results, you should combine breathing practices with proper nutrition and cardio exercises 2-3 times a week.

Jianfei is a variation of the famous Qigong gymnastics for longevity.

Initially, the exercises were designed to pacify, achieve inner harmony. Traditional Chinese medicine states that most diseases of the body are caused by mental disorders. Therefore, when practicing jianfei, one should approach the process as a spiritual practice.

In order for gymnastics to have a positive effect not only on physical health, but also on the psyche, relaxation techniques should be additionally used. During the exercise, you need to get rid of extraneous thoughts and concentrate on breathing: you need to imagine a large broom that from time to time sweeps extraneous thoughts out of your head.

With regular Chinese gymnastics, self-healing processes are triggered in the human body. As a result, it turns out to activate latent forces and significantly improve health.

Effective exercise

When doing Chinese gymnastics, you can do with only three basic exercises. However, to achieve the maximum effect, you need to perform the entire complex. In the course of the lesson, the techniques of "upper" and "lower" breathing are successively combined. But breathing in each exercise is different.

Basic exercises:

  1. 1. Inhalation is performed using the abdominal muscles.
  2. 2. It is important to ensure that the chest is lifted and the abdomen is pulled in.
  3. 3. This is followed by holding the breath for 2 seconds and exhaling, in which the stomach protrudes as much as possible, and the chest drops
  • Reduces hunger;
  • speeds up metabolism. Perform instead of eating or before meals
  1. 1. You need to breathe in turn: first inhale-exhale through the nose, then through the mouth.
  2. 2. After each inhalation, the breath is held for 5 seconds.
  3. 3. During the exercise, you need to breathe with your stomach. That is, while inhaling, the stomach inflates, but the chest does not move. As you exhale, the stomach is drawn in, the chest is still in place
  • Improves blood circulation and digestive tract function;
  • speeds up metabolism

The exercise consists of 4 steps:

  1. 1.5 minutes - controlled breathing, during which the chest and abdomen remain motionless.
  2. 2. 5 minutes - natural breathing.
  3. 3.5 minutes - uncontrolled inhalation and slow exhalation.
  4. 4.10 minutes - natural breathing
  • Relieves stress manifestations;
  • promotes the flow of energy;
  • soothes;
  • relieves fatigue

Exercises can be performed not only at home, but also at work, in public transport. The frequency of classes is selected individually, depending on the needs of the body and well-being.

Additional exercises (free breathing):

NameSequence of executionBenefit
  1. 1. It is necessary to squat, tilting the body forward so that the palms rest on the floor.
  2. 2. The back should be straight, and the bend is preserved in the lower back (it cannot be rounded).
  3. 3. The arms are slowly bent at the elbows and the body bends forward to transfer support to the forearms (lower on the bent arms).
  4. 4. The support is on the forearms, the ankles are lowered to the floor (the body bends forward and the person kneels down from the squatting position), the lower back should be arched as much as possible.
  5. 5. If the exercise is performed correctly, there will be a pulling sensation in the back.

Duration 2 minutes

  • Strengthens the muscles of the legs;
  • improves body balance
  1. 1. You need to stand up straight with your feet shoulder-width apart.
  2. 2. Legs are bent at the knees. The position should be comfortable, without much tension.
  3. 3. For convenience, put your palms on your knees.
  4. 4. In this position, a series of jumps is performed.
  5. 5. It is important to look straight ahead and take your arms back during the jump.

Duration 5 minutes

Strengthens the lower abs and thighs

Panda Pose
  1. 1. You should sit on the floor with your hands around your knees.
  2. 2. The body is gently lowered back until the back touches the floor.
  3. 3. From this position, inclinations to the right and left sides are performed.

Run 12 times

Strengthens and stretches back muscles
  1. 1. You need to sit on your buttocks and bend your knees.
  2. 2. Palms and feet should rest on the floor.
  3. 3. Leaning on the palms of the lower back rises to the maximum possible limit.
  4. 4. In this position, it is necessary to complete a series of steps to the right and left.

Duration: must be done at least 3 times for each side

Strengthens the lower arms and neck

There is also a complex aimed exclusively at losing weight. It allows you to get rid of body fat as soon as possible (1 month) and without harm to health. However, you need to exercise regularly.

A set of exercises for losing weight with a towel:

BenefitSequence of execution
Strengthens the muscles of the arms and chest
  1. 1. It is necessary to take the towel with your hands by the edges and begin to stretch very strongly in different directions.
  2. 2. Duration from 3 to 5 minutes
Eliminates fatty deposits in the abdomen and waist
  1. 1. With your hands you need to grasp the edges of the towel and lift them directly over your head.
  2. 2. Perform inclinations to the right and left.
  3. 3. Hands during the exercise should be tense and stretch the towel by the edges
Improves postureHands with a towel are wound behind the back and its edges are stretched in the same way as in the first exercise
Strengthens the abdominal muscles and stretches the calves
  1. 1. From a prone position, it is necessary to raise the torso and throw a towel over the feet.
  2. 2. By pulling the edges of the towel, the body is gradually lowered forward to the toes

Advantages and disadvantages

Each technique has its pros and cons, as well as a number of contraindications. To avoid dangerous consequences, they must not be neglected. Before embarking on independent studies, you need to consult with a specialist.

What attracts you to this technique? First, it is extremely simple and does not take a lot of time. Secondly, this gymnastics can be performed in any conditions: at home, in the office or outdoors. Thirdly, it provides an opportunity for calm solitude and restores the nervous system.

What is jianfei breathing exercises and what is it famous for?

Today, breathing exercises Jianfei are among the most famous methods of losing weight. Experts say that by regularly performing the exercises of this gymnastics - of which, by the way, there are only three, you can achieve not only weight loss, but also general health improvement, strengthening immunity ... Jianfei gymnastics is very effective for prevention and treatment, for example.

Literally "jianfei" is translated from Chinese as "Remove fat" ... The unique technique is based on 3 types of effective breathing - "Wave", "frog" and "lotus". According to oriental experts, Jianfei allows you to quickly get rid of excess weight and maintain a slim figure for many years.

  • Thanks to "Volna", you can get rid of the feeling of hunger in order to reduce the amount of food without regret or take a food break. The period of hunger will not be accompanied by weakness or dizziness, as occurs with normal weight loss. The fact is that this simple exercise helps to avoid such negative symptoms.
  • Exercises "Frog" and "Lotus" can be done not only for weight loss. In addition to reducing weight, they relieve fatigue, improve metabolism and even heal some chronic diseases.

Three exercises of breathing exercises for weight loss jianfei - benefits and contraindications

Exercise "Wave"

Exercise "Lotus"

Exercise "Frog"

Effective breathing exercises jianfei - just three exercises for weight loss

What attracts you to this technique? First, it is extremely simple and does not take a lot of time. Secondly, this gymnastics can be performed in any conditions: at home, in the office or outdoors. Thirdly, it provides an opportunity for calm solitude and restores the nervous system.

Read also: Oxisize breathing exercises for weight loss - find out right now if it is right for you.

  • What is jianfei breathing exercises?
  • Three breathing exercises

Today, breathing exercises Jianfei are among the most famous methods of losing weight. Experts say that by regularly performing the exercises of this gymnastics - of which, by the way, there are only three, you can achieve not only weight loss, but also general health improvement, strengthening immunity... Jianfei gymnastics is very effective, for example, for the prevention and treatment of meteorological dependence.

Literally "jianfei" is translated from Chinese as "Remove fat"... The unique technique is based on 3 types of effective breathing - "Wave", "frog" and "lotus". According to oriental experts, Jianfei allows you to quickly get rid of excess weight and maintain a slim figure for many years.

  • Thanks to "Volna", you can get rid of the feeling of hunger in order to reduce the amount of food without regret or take a food break. The period of hunger will not be accompanied by weakness or dizziness, as occurs with normal weight loss. The fact is that this simple exercise helps to avoid such negative symptoms.
  • Exercises "Frog" and "Lotus" can be done not only for weight loss. In addition to reducing weight, they relieve fatigue, improve metabolism and even heal some chronic diseases.

See also: Bodyflex breathing exercises for weight loss.

The thing is that proper breathing can activate and normalize metabolic processes in the body. But it is precisely the slowed down metabolism that often becomes the cause of excess weight. So it turns out that by regularly performing breathing exercises, you can lose weight. Also, in addition to losing weight, additional bonuses from the "Jianfei" classes will be lightness, vigor, a surge of vitality, strengthening the body and increasing its resistance to various kinds of diseases.

The basis of Jianfei gymnastics is 3 exercises. They are simple and do not require any special physical training.

The first exercise is called "Wave". It surprisingly relieves the feeling of hunger, which is especially important on fasting days or in the evening, when the temptation to have a snack is especially great and can cause maximum harm to the figure. Another wonderful effect of the "Wave" exercise is that it prevents the appearance of dizziness and weakness, which are characteristic of the same fasting days when we are undernourished. As part of the "Jianfei" gymnastics, the "Wave" exercise is performed only in the first days. Later, you can use it to relieve hunger.

This exercise can be performed in various starting positions: lying, sitting, standing, and even on the move. But at the beginning of your practice of "Jianfei", you need to master the execution of the "Wave" in the prone position. To do this, lie down on a gymnastic mat previously spread on the floor. Bend your legs at the knees, place your feet on the floor shoulder-width apart, freely mark the palm of one hand on your stomach, and the palm of the other hand on your chest.

In this position, inhale while simultaneously pulling in your stomach and rounding your chest. As you exhale, pull in your chest and round your stomach. Thus, with the help of breathing, you seem to create a wave: raised chest-lowered abdomen, then raised abdomen-lowered chest. Start with 40 reps of a full Wave Cycle and gradually work your way up to 60 sets. Once you feel like you're doing the exercise well, you can try sitting and standing.

Sometimes, during this exercise, dizziness or even nausea appears. In this case, it is necessary to slow down your breathing. If the feeling of discomfort does not go away or the feeling of hunger remains, this means that this exercise, due to the individual characteristics of your body, does not suit you.

The next exercise is called Frog. It perfectly stimulates blood circulation, provides massage of internal organs, improves metabolism and, as a result, has a beneficial effect on the condition and complexion, gives a feeling of vigor throughout the body. To perform the "Frog" exercise, you need to fold your palms in a special way - squeeze your left palm into a fist and cover it with your right palm.

Thus, a woman should fold her palms. If a man is engaged in "jianfei", then you need to squeeze your right palm into a fist and cover it with your left.

Next, you need to sit on a chair, place your feet on the floor, knees - shoulder-width apart. The lower leg and thigh should form a straight or slightly acute angle with each other. Place your elbows on the knees of the same name, fold your palms in the manner shown above, with your forehead resting on your palms. The eyes are closed, the body is relaxed.

Immediately tune in to the fact that during this exercise you will only have an inflated belly, like a frog. While inhaling slowly through your nose, gradually fill your stomach with air, then hold your breath for a couple of seconds, take another short additional breath and slowly, through your mouth, begin to exhale. This exercise must be performed for 15 minutes, 3 times a day.

But this exercise also has a number of contraindications. So, it is better to refuse breathing "frog" if you have menstruation, internal bleeding or recovery period after surgery.

And the last exercise "Jianfei" is called "Lotus". It is performed while sitting in the "lotus" position or simply sitting on the buttocks with crossed legs. A woman should place her left leg on top of her right, and a man - vice versa. Hands, palms up, can be freely lowered onto the legs or with the palm on the palm (for women, the left palm should be below, for men - vice versa). Lower your chin a little, close your eyes.

This exercise can be considered meditation. So just think about something nice. For the first 5 minutes, breathing should be deep, even, but soundless and imperceptible, i.e. the chest and abdomen should not move. At this stage, you are in control of your breathing. For the next 5 minutes, try to loosen control of your breathing - breathe in naturally, and as you exhale, watch for soundlessness, try to make the exhalation long. At the final stage of the Lotus breathing exercise, for the next 10 minutes, forget about breathing control at all and try not to think about anything. Like the "frog" exercise, the "lotus" must be performed 3 times a day, especially during the period of intense weight loss.

As you can see, all the exercises are extremely simple and require, perhaps, a little free time. At the same time, "Jianfei" can be practiced anywhere: at home, outdoors and even in the office. In addition, breathing exercises give an excellent opportunity to be alone with yourself, put your thoughts in order, relax and calm the nervous system. Therefore, even if you think that your weight is normal, Jianfei gymnastics will be useful in terms of appetite regulation and restoration of psycho-emotional state.

Breathing exercises for weight loss - a set of exercises that contribute to weight loss and recovery of the whole body. The eternal question that interests millions of people is how to lose weight quickly, without effort, and even at home. For a long time, and preferably forever.

You need to understand how to change your lifestyle, how to help yourself without harm to your health. Let us consider in more detail what breathing techniques exist and how they are useful for health and weight loss.

Breathing exercises for weight loss have nothing to do with food or food. To lose weight, use what you do 12 to 20 times a minute, and do not even notice - breathing. But what does gymnastics have to do with it and what does it have to do with losing weight?

Gymnastics is a sport that requires physical strength, endurance, flexibility and coordination of movements. It's no secret that by playing sports, you can lose extra pounds.

What if not everyone wants to strain? There is a special gymnastics for such people. For many, it seems funny and frivolous, but it is not so in reality.

Let's take advantage of the fact that the human body constantly needs oxygen. Since the body does not store oxygen, it has no choice but to use it immediately. If there is enough oxygen to meet normal physiological needs, then the additional oxygen burns fat and calories.

We get oxygen from the air we breathe and take it for granted. We use only about 20-25% of the available lung volume. Taking a deep breath, with the help of the diaphragm and abdominal muscles, we saturate the lungs with a lot of oxygen. Breathing exercises for weight loss and deep slow breathing will allow the body to burn off more carbon dioxide and other toxins / wastes accumulated in the body.

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Deep, slow breathing can improve weight loss. This comes from burning more calories by activating the diaphragm and abdominal muscles. Improves the delivery of oxygen to the blood and speeds up the metabolism.

Since oxygen cannot be stored, it must be used after it enters the body. After all tissues have received a sufficient supply of oxygen, the remaining oxygen burns fat, breaking it down into energy, water and carbon dioxide.

Breathing exercises for weight loss have been practiced for centuries. Deep, slow breathing is one of the best and safest ways to protect your health. Moreover, it is an easy, simple and free way to lose weight.

There are breathing exercises, the main purpose of which is to saturate the lungs and the entire body with oxygen.

Benefit for health:
  • blood pressure decreases;
  • the heart rate slows down;
  • clarity of mind improves;
  • anxiety decreases;
  • decreases stress;
  • pain decreases;
  • posture will improve;
  • increased energy / stamina;
  • immunity will increase.

Breathing techniques

Breathing techniques are divided into several basic types. Most of them are separate programs that are combined with any other that help in losing weight.

Some of the most famous breathing techniques:

  • Jianfei;
  • bodyflex;
  • Strelnikova complex;
  • oxysize;
  • qigong.

Let's take a closer look at Jianfei and Bodyflex.

It is necessary to perform breathing exercises:

  1. Necessarily in a relaxed atmosphere.
  2. In the most relaxed state.
  3. Change into something comfortable so that nothing hinders movement.

Jianfei - Chinese breathing exercises for weight loss originally from China and translated sounds like "fat loss".

The complex is based on 3 main exercises - Wave, Frog and Lotus

The exercise is allowed to be performed lying on a horizontal surface. Bend your knees to an angle of approximately 45 °, and press your feet into the floor. Put one hand on the stomach, the other on the chest. When you do the exercise, help gently with light hand presses.

On a slow inhalation, lift your chest, pulling in your stomach as much as possible; as you exhale, lower your chest, relaxing your abdomen. You need to breathe at a normal frequency, and if you suddenly feel dizzy, then slow down your breathing a little. The average load is considered to be 40 approaches. It is better to do the wave when you are just starting classes. Then do the exercise only when you feel hungry.

It should be performed while sitting, any horizontal surface will do, the height of which will be about 40 cm. The only caveat is that the legs must be placed at right angles and spaced shoulder-width apart. Here, the main thing will be to fold your hands correctly - the left one should be clenched into a fist, and grab it from above with the right. Put your elbows on your knees, place your head on your fist.

But also with this exercise, the inner attitude is important. You must bring yourself to a state of calm. You can play relaxing music. Calm your own thoughts. Now imagine that you are in a pleasant place for you - lying on the beach, walking in the forest and just admiring the nature.

When you succeed, you should concentrate on the exercise. Inhale lightly through your nose and, tracking its movement, lower the oxygen into the abdominal area. When you feel that your stomach is filled with air, stop breathing for 2 seconds, then take an auxiliary small breath and begin to exhale slowly through your mouth.

It turns out that the following approach is taken: inhalation, a delay of 2 seconds, short inhalation and exhalation. Make sure that the chest should not move, only the abdominal area inflates and retracts, which looks like a frog breathing.

Exercise Lotus is allowed to be performed both sitting on a chair and on a rug, in the "Buddha" position. Place your hands one on top of the other, palms up in front of you. Close your eyes, relax in a comfortable and relaxed position. Put your thoughts in order and calm your emotions, focus on your breathing.

The peculiarity of this procedure is that it is divided into several steps.

    In the initial step, breathing will be deep and relaxed. It is not necessary to significantly raise and lower the chest and abdomen. Try to breathe as quietly as possible. Duration 5 minutes.

    The second step also lasts 5 minutes. Inhale and exhale normally, do not focus on your breathing.

    The third step takes approximately 10 minutes. Breathe evenly, do not control depth and evenness. At the same time, concentrating on the movement of air in the body. For best results, do the exercise 3 times a day or twice in the morning, right after waking up, and some time before bed.

Bodyflex appeared not so long ago, but in a short time this exercise technique won the hearts of many fans of a healthy lifestyle. It consists of breathing and physical exercises, the main purpose of which is to enrich the body with oxygen.

The author of the method is Grieg Childers, an ordinary housewife from the American province. After giving birth to three children, she was overweight.
The author recommends starting breathing exercises with a gradual decrease in caloric intake.

And also Grieg Childers claims that most people have a habit of breathing shallowly, as a result, the body receives an insufficient amount of oxygen.

As a result of such improper breathing, many constantly feel tired. In addition, the metabolism slows down and there is tension in the muscles of the back and abdomen.

When we are born, we breathe naturally through our belly. But as you grow, abdominal pressure increases, and all internal organs experience tension. Therefore, the natural breathing of the stomach is confused. This also applies to the muscles of the diaphragm.

A person's breathing stops in the chest area, since we use the lungs only 20%. Most people breathe only with the upper part, although there are those who understand that to feel good, you need to breathe deeply, with a full diaphragm.

Breathing cleanses the cells of the body in a natural way, increasing the volume of the lungs has a very beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system, strengthening the immune system.

The bodyflex program consists of static and stretching postures, combined with breathing exercises. This complex builds muscle mass by burning body fat.

Breathing exercises for weight loss are special exercises that promote the entry of additional oxygen into the body, as a result of which fat cells are oxidized and burned.

After the fat cells have been burned off, oxygen enters into action with other components of the body, strengthening the muscles and improving the health of the person.

Thanks to this, a person becomes more energetic, enduring, strong, and the tone of his muscles increases.

Bodyflex exercises will help you lose weight and improve your health. They are especially useful for young mothers to restore their figure after the birth of a baby and during lactation.

But there are also some limitations. For example, you can't do body flex:

  • pregnancy at any time;
  • chronic diseases in the acute stage;
  • postoperative period;
  • increased intracranial pressure;
  • thyroid disease and glaucoma.

The main advantage is that after bodyflex exercises you feel much less fatigue than after other physical activities and exercises.

For weight loss, it is recommended to conduct classes regularly (systematically). Since this exercise technique is not related to sports, it will take some time for the first results of effective weight loss. This factor depends on the initial weight of the person.

According to specialists practicing breathing exercises, systematic breathing techniques preserve the result of losing weight for a longer time than, for example, aerobics, athletics and other sports and physical exercises.

Here are some examples:

  • 60 minutes of running - burns 700 kcal
  • 60 minutes of aerobics - 250 kcal
  • bodyflex - 3500 kcal

Many women do body flex, as this is a method:

  • The ability to perform simple exercises in a relaxed home environment.
  • Unaccompanied by an instructor (the first few lessons are recommended to be mastered under the supervision of a specialist).
  • With regular 15-40-minute exercise and a stable diet, the pounds that have gone do not return.
  • The female figure takes on seductive forms in a short (short) time.
  • Respiratory gymnastics for weight loss and health improvement is recommended at any age.
