It's cold and windy outside, and even plastic windows drafts are difficult to contain. Have you noticed that with the onset of autumn, everyone around you began to get sick more often? Special pillows-rollers help to maintain a comfortable atmosphere in the house. Haven't heard of them? We'll be happy to tell you. Such pillows serve not only a practical, but also an aesthetic purpose. Lovely and original gizmos, we think, will appeal to anyone. Well, now in more detail and about everything in order.

Caterpillar pillow. Photo:

And a toy, and a candy, and an animal

In itself, the idea of ​​​​creating a special pillow from drafts is very interesting. And if you also decorate such a pillow in a non-standard way, for example, into a toy or “candy”, then it has every chance of becoming not only a very useful thing, but also an excellent interior decoration.

It is enough to turn a part of a simple design - a roller - into a face and add a few strokes (eyes, tongue, etc.) - and here you have a funny little animal. Put such a pillow on the windowsill - a cute textile cat (or even two) will be especially relevant here, because we all know how charming pets love to sit and lie on the window. And a funny dachshund will come in handy near the door (balcony or in front of the entrance to the vestibule) - that's really a real guard and protector of the hearth!

Pillows made of shreds look very elegant. In the patchwork style (and not only!) You can also create a knitted roller toy.

Patchwork dachshund. Photo:

Drape dog. Photo:

Denim dog. Photo:

A family of dogs at the doorstep of the house. Photo:

Patchwork style knitted cushion. Photo:

Knitted pillow-roller with ladybug. Photo:

Pillow-roller with an owl. Photo:

Pillow-roller in the form of candy made of burlap. Photo:

Pillows-cats. Photo:

Fox pillow. Photo:

Donkey pillow. Photo:

Sew in advance new year holidays a snowman pillow or even Santa Claus - please yourself and your loved ones! Such interesting little things will not only help to keep warm, but also create a wonderful festive atmosphere in the house. The toy will be a great gift.

And you can add a regular roller with funny penguins or seven gnomes - you get a very original and interesting composition.

Snowman pillow. Photo:

Pillow Santa. Photo:

Roller with penguins. Photo:

Deer pillow. Photo:

How to sew a pillow?

If you've never tried to make a draft pillow toy with your own hands, start with simpler options.

In order to sew such a pillow, a special pattern is not required. You can take a pattern of any toy as a basis, and make the body (or legs) longer, in the form of a roller, adding the centimeters you need (as a rule, the final length is determined by the width of your window or door - depends on where you are going to put the toy).

We offer you to sew a dog-dachshund according to such a pattern.

Don't forget to enlarge the pattern to the size you want before printing!

This is perhaps the easiest way to create a textile toy, which even a beginner can handle.

Step-by-step instruction

  1. Cut out the pattern along the outline and cut along the dotted line. Attach to the fabric that you have chosen for sewing the toy, two parts of the pattern (head and back) at the distance you need from each other. Circle them with a pencil and finish the torso. Cut out the resulting dog part and make another one the same. Fold the pieces right side together, stitch and iron. Be sure to leave a small section unsewn (about 5-10 cm at the back bottom of the dog). Then carefully turn the dog out.
  2. Cut out two ear pieces. Pin to the fabric with pins, circle them with a pencil, cut and stitch, leaving a hole so that you can turn it out later. We twist the ear (you can fill it a little with filler) and sew the hole with a blind seam. Do the same for the other ear. Sew the ironed ears to the dog's head.
  3. Eyes can be made in different ways. The easiest way is to attach

Plays in columns -
Mood now - squirrel

With the onset of cold weather in autumn or winter, unpleasant drafts can appear in the house. We offer you an idea of ​​how you can keep warm in your home and get rid of drafts. Since the most common sources of drafts are windows and doors, it is worth paying attention to them. We suggest you insulate them with a fabric roller, which you can buy or sew with your own hands. There are specially designed pieces, thanks to which all this will turn out not only reliably, but also beautifully. Draft toys are made specifically to cover gaps under doors and windows. They are not just long, but also strong (made of dense materials), heavy (often with sand inside) and stable. The easiest option is a bright roller.

What you will need:

For the heat-saving snake:

1 pair of striped girls tights
- Raw rice
-Needle and thread


For a heat-saving dog:
-1 pair of girl's tights
- Raw rice
-Needle and thread
- Eyes for homemade toys
- Paperclips
-Old belt or bracelet.

How to do it?

Heat Saving Snake
Step 1: Cut off one leg from a pair of striped girl's tights and fill it with rice (more than two kilograms). To make it easy to add rice, use a plastic cup with the bottom cut off as a funnel.

Step 2: Fold the open end of the leg inward to form a conical snake tail shape and sew the edges together.
Step 3: Glue on the eyes. Finally, sew on the tongue.

Heat-Saving Dog
Step 1: Cut off one leg from a pair of girl's tights and fill it with rice. Leave enough free space to tie the open end into a tight knot.
Step 2: For the tail, apply glue to the felt triangle and stick it on the knot.

Step 3: Once you've glued the tail, secure it with paper clips until the glue dries.
Step 4: Glue on the eyes. Attach the soft ears to the head as shown in the picture and then sew them on. Thus, the line should be invisible.
Step 5: Do not forget about the collar: shorten the old belt to fit the size of the animal's neck, or use a strap bracelet.


Warm batteries do not guarantee a comfortable temperature in the house. It is important to be able to keep warm. We have already told you how to find loopholes where heat goes, and. It turns out that home insulation can be creative and fun.

We warm the house with our own hands: toys-plugs from drafts

One of the main loopholes where heat leaves the house is. There are enough microscopic gaps between the doors for the cold wind to penetrate the apartment. In this case, you need to remove a layer of plaster, look for cracks and blow them out mounting foam. But these are large-scale works, and you can quickly insulate the house and remove drafts by blocking the cracks with such funny pillows.

Mothers and grandmothers insulated windows and doors using a rolled-up blanket. But funny stub toys are much more interesting. They also protect against drafts and create a special cozy atmosphere in the room.

You can buy toys from drafts, or you can make them yourself from scraps or threads. Such a simple craft will significantly save heat and save on electricity bills.

How to make a toy from drafts with your own hands: dachshund in patchwork style

Download the dachshund pattern, enlarge it by 200%, print and cut it out. Choose the length of the fee depending on the size of your window or door. Use fabric in bright, cheerful colors so that the dachshund not only warms the house, but also cheers you up.

If you are not a fan of needlework, you can insulate the house with a bright, cute baguette pillow.

You can also use a ready-made plush toy. Sew a long narrow cover from a material suitable in color and texture, and stuff it with holofiber, synthetic winterizer or foam rubber. These will be the new "legs" of your little animal. Sew the toy in the center of the cover and seat it under the door or on the windowsill.

Hello, friends! It is cold and windy outside, and even plastic windows and insulated doors can hardly hold back drafts. And now the problem of keeping warm in the house and protecting against drafts is becoming more relevant than ever.

In an article about that, such a method was mentioned as additional insulation of windows and doors.

Do you know how you can decorate your home, make it warmer and at the same time spend nothing?

Today we will talk about just that.

How to get rid of drafts?

There are many options. One of them is to go to the store and buy special insulation for windows and doors.

You can, of course, solve the problem more simply and use the proven method of our grandmothers: put a roller on the windowsill or under the door, twisted from an old towel or some small blanket.

But, you see, it looks somehow not very good.

There is a much more creative way - this is a special decorative draft insulation under the door or on the windowsill, which you can buy or make yourself from improvised materials, while saving a lot.

How to make a roller from a draft with your own hands?

First of all, you need to choose your favorite model of decorative decoration to protect against drafts or come up with something yourself.

There are many options. It can be pillows, rollers or toys. For example, these:

The materials from which such a homemade insulation can be made can be very different. For example, you can sew such a roller from the remnants of fabric, from multi-colored ties or shreds, or crochet (or knitting).

In addition, if part of this simple design is turned into a muzzle and decorated with a few funny strokes (eyes, tongue), you can get a very attractive little animal that will undoubtedly decorate your home.

You can use any material for stuffing: synthetic winterizer, holofiber, foam rubber - everything that you have at home.

We needed a draft roller to insulate a window in one of the rooms, where it usually gets cold and uncomfortable when the wind changes direction and starts blowing from the northeast.

I decided to knit my charming worm caterpillar, as I do it better than sewing.

To begin with, I made an audit of the remaining threads and selected all the small balls and even very small remnants of threads (from 100 centimeters long).

Knit decided to crochet and most in a simple way(single crochet). You can use all the threads: different textures and thicknesses (if the thread is very thin, you can connect several together). The result is a long bag-roller to fit the window. By the way, the same knitted draft roller can be made under the door.

For stuffing, I used the remnants of foam rubber, which was previously crushed into small pieces with scissors.

After filling, I decorated my caterpillar a little: I glued the eyes and hair. This is how the beauty turned out.

In my opinion, it turned out very nice, and a few more tasks were solved along the way:

  • The room is warmer and cozier
  • There is no need to turn on the heater - and this is more oxygen in the room and energy savings
  • I used what had long occupied the right place in the cabinets - the remnants of multi-colored threads left over from previous knittings, and the remnants of foam rubber that remained after
  • Decorate the interior with an unusual and funny little thing

In addition to all this, I received great pleasure from work, improved my health (after all, as you know, knitting is The best way getting rid of stress) and did not spend a dime.

Everything is very simple, economical and functional. And how much pleasure and benefit.

What secrets do you have for getting rid of drafts?

A modern door seal, sewn from scraps of your favorite fabrics, will not only keep you warm, but also decorate the room. Use ready-made fabrics with a pattern or create an ornament of your own liking.

Scraps of different fabrics for patchwork (we used plain, floral, teak, embroidered and monogrammed);
Thick cotton fabric 40x100 cm (for the back side);
White cotton fabric 80 x 100 cm (for lining);

Scissors for fabric and paper;
Large sheet of paper and pencil;
Tape measure;
Sewing threads and a needle;
Big button;
Cotton floss;
Embroidery needle;
Polyester stuffing for soft toys.

On the bottom edge - 85 cm.

Creating a pattern.
Enlarge the pattern by 200% with the copier. Cut and cut along the dotted line.

How to sew a pillow from a draft with your own hands.

1. Fold the patches into a rectangle. Change their size and location. When you like the design, cut the patches into pieces of the desired size. In total, you will need a part measuring 40 x 100 cm.

2. Lay the patches face up, pin them together and sew, folding the pieces right side in and leaving a 0.6 cm allowance. Then iron the seams.

3. Lay the halves of the pattern on a thick cotton cloth. Attach the paper with pins, cut out the fabric along the contours, leaving a 1 cm allowance. Using this fabric pattern, cut out a dog from a patchwork piece.

4. Fold both pieces right sides in and secure with pins. Sew along the outer edge, leaving a 1 cm allowance. Do not sew the bottom edges so that the dog can be turned inside out.

5. Trim the seam 0.5 cm away from the stitching. Trim the corners. Unscrew and straighten the product. Iron.

6. Using a paper pattern, cut out two pieces from the lining fabric and sew them in the same way.

7. Cut out the ear pieces from the remnants of both fabrics, leaving a 1 cm allowance on all sides. Fold both pieces face to face and sew them, leaving an opening. Trim the seam, turn the ear inside out and sew the hole closed with a blind stitch. Iron.

8. Sew the ear to the patchwork (front) side of the dog. Sew on a button-eye. Cut and sew a piece of fabric in a contrasting color onto the tip of the nose.

9. Prepare a tri-fold cotton floss, thread it through an embroidery needle and embroider the claws.

10. Fill the lining with stuffing and sew it with a blind stitch. Insert the pillow into the decorative cover and also sew it with a blind seam.

IN winter months cold and strives to seep into a warm living space. It seems that the windows are plastic, but all the same, a draft pulls from the window and from under the door. In today's selection, I offer you draft pillow ideas. I will also give a few patterns of products so that you can make yourself a similar one.

Two cats - a very nice, homemade draft pillow.

A sheep sprawled on the windowsill will protect your home with its figure from the cold oozing through micro-slits that even plastic windows have.

The door to the balcony will be "protected" by this cute sleeping cat.

If you live in a private house, then you know that cool drafts also walk along the floor between the rooms. These bright pillows can be placed in front of the door in the vestibule so that the cold cannot enter the house.

Lovers of the gifts of nature may like this draft pillow.

A cute chicken can also be a protection against the cold blowing from under the door.

I really liked this dachshund pillow!

The patchwork cat pillow has not yet laid down to protect the home, but is already ready to take its place on the windowsill.

And these cute snowmen will not only protect your home from the cold outside, but also decorate the interior during the New Year holidays.

This pillow reminds me of a good slug.

Donkey Eeyore in the form of a pillow from drafts.

Snowmen can also be made in this variation.

A simple anti-draught pillow with an owl appliqué.

The cat family stood up to protect the apartment from the cold air.

More ideas

Patterns of pillows of dachshunds from a draft

One dachshund bulldog - does not occur in nature, but in needlework - easily!

Pillow dachshund, knitted.

Even if there are a lot of toys in the house, these funny soft little things will not be superfluous. Because these are toys that protect the house from drafts.

Sometimes they are placed in front of doors, including front doors. Especially the issue of protecting doors from drafts is relevant for those families where children are already crawling.

These toys will be appropriate on the window.

And many needlewomen even make such useful toys themed. For example, they sew snowmen for Christmas.

Making them by hand is very easy. You can, for example, sew a roller from a bright fabric.

To sew a useful toy, we need:

  • thick fabric 40x100 cm (for the back side);
  • white cotton fabric 80 x 100 cm (for lining);
  • scissors for fabric and paper;
  • a large sheet of paper and a pencil;
  • big button;
  • stuffing for soft toys.

We make a pattern (before that it must be enlarged)


We spread the halves of the pattern on a thick cotton fabric.

We attach the paper with pins, cut the fabric along the contours, leaving an allowance of 1 cm.

We fold both parts with the right sides inward and fasten them with pins.

We sew along the outer edge, leaving an allowance of 1 cm. We do not sew the lower edges so that the dog can be turned inside out.

We cut the seam, stepping back from the line 0.5 cm. Cut off the corners. We twist and straighten the product.

Using a paper pattern, cut out two pieces from the lining fabric and sew them together in the same way.

We cut out the details of the ear from the remnants of both fabrics, leaving an allowance of 1 cm on all sides.

Fold both pieces face to face and sew them together, leaving a hole. We cut the seam, turn the ear inside out and sew the hole with a hidden seam.

Sew on a button-eye. Cut and sew a piece of fabric in a contrasting color to the tip of the nose.

Cotton floss can be embroidered with claws. Fill the dog with stuffing. And our dog is ready!

In order for the dog to turn out to be “fun colors”, you can use shreds! Well, if you want the toy not to “run away” anywhere, you can use a magnetic tape (they are on sale).

You can see a detailed process for sewing toys in the video.

Did you like our idea? Let's sew this beauty just now!

It's cold and windy outside, and even plastic windows can hardly hold back drafts. Have you noticed that with the onset of autumn, everyone around you began to get sick more often? Special pillows-rollers help to maintain a comfortable atmosphere in the house. Haven't heard of them? We'll be happy to tell you. Such pillows serve not only a practical, but also an aesthetic purpose. Lovely and original gizmos, we think, will appeal to anyone. Well, now in more detail and about everything in order.

Caterpillar pillow. Photo:

And a toy, and a candy, and an animal

In itself, the idea of ​​​​creating a special pillow from drafts is very interesting. And if you also decorate such a pillow in a non-standard way, for example, into a toy or “candy”, then it has every chance of becoming not only a very useful thing, but also an excellent interior decoration.

It is enough to turn a part of a simple design - a roller - into a face and add a few strokes (eyes, tongue, etc.) - and here you have a funny little animal. Put such a pillow on the windowsill - a cute textile cat (or even two) will be especially relevant here, because we all know how charming pets love to sit and lie on the window. And a funny dachshund will come in handy near the door (balcony or before going out to the vestibule) - that's really a real guard and protector of the hearth!

Pillows made of shreds look very elegant. In the patchwork style (and not only!) You can also create a knitted roller toy.

Patchwork dachshund. Photo:

Drape dog. Photo:

Denim dog. Photo:

A family of dogs at the doorstep of the house. Photo:

Patchwork style knitted cushion. Photo:

Knitted pillow-roller with a ladybug. Photo:

Pillow-roller with an owl. Photo:

Pillow-roller in the form of candy made of burlap. Photo:

Pillows-cats. Photo:

Fox pillow. Photo:

Donkey pillow. Photo:

Sew a snowman pillow or even Santa Claus on the eve of the New Year holidays - please yourself and your loved ones! Such interesting little things will not only help to keep warm, but also create a wonderful festive atmosphere in the house. The toy will be a great gift.

And you can add a regular roller with funny penguins or seven gnomes - you get a very original and interesting composition.

Snowman pillow. Photo:

Pillow Santa. Photo:

Roller with penguins. Photo:

Deer pillow. Photo:

How to sew a pillow?

If you've never tried to make a draft pillow toy with your own hands, start with simpler options.

In order to sew such a pillow, a special pattern is not required. You can take a pattern of any toy as a basis, and make the body (or legs) longer, in the form of a roller, adding the centimeters you need (as a rule, the final length is determined by the width of your window or door - depends on where you are going to put the toy).

We offer you to sew a dog-dachshund according to such a pattern.

Don't forget to enlarge the pattern to the size you want before printing!

This is perhaps the easiest way to create a textile toy, which even a beginner can handle.

Step-by-step instruction

  1. Cut out the pattern along the outline and cut along the dotted line. Attach to the fabric that you have chosen for sewing the toy, two parts of the pattern (head and back) at the distance you need from each other. Circle them with a pencil and finish the torso. Cut out the resulting dog part and make another one the same. Fold the pieces right side together, stitch and iron. Be sure to leave a small section unsewn (about 5-10 cm at the back bottom of the dog). Then carefully turn the dog out.
  2. Cut out two ear pieces. Pin to the fabric with pins, circle them with a pencil, cut and stitch, leaving a hole so that you can turn it out later. We twist the ear (you can fill it a little with filler) and sew the hole with a blind seam. Do the same for the other ear. Sew the ironed ears to the dog's head.
  3. Eyes can be made in different ways. The easiest way is to attach
