
How were the weddings of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him)?

Tell us in more detail how he concluded a marriage contract, held a wedding dinner, what he gave as mahr.


Praise be to Allah

The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) called for relief in matters of marriage, for announcing and promulgating the wedding, for expressing joy and happiness on this occasion; for holding a wedding dinner (walima) and inviting guests. He (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) called for those invited to come to the wedding, and even if a person is fasting, he should come and make dua for the host of the holiday, but he does not have to eat.

He (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) also called for a good attitude towards the wife and for the diligence of the husband in achieving this.

We have listed the instructions in general, now we will discuss them in more detail:

1. Affordable mahr

Al-Bayhaqi (14721) narrated that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “The best mahr is the simplest (or most accessible).”

Abu Dawud (2117) narrated that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: "The best marriage is the one that is easier to enter into." Sheikh al-Albani called the hadeeth authentic.

It is said in "Aun al-Mabud": "This means marriage, easy for a man in the matter of mahr and other matters." Al-Alyama al-Sheikh al-Aziz said: "It means with the lowest mahr and the fastest acceptance of the offer."

Ahmad (23957) and Ibn Maja (4095) narrated from Aisha (may Allah be pleased with her) that the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: “Verily, blessed is that woman whose engagement was light, whose mahr was small , and who quickly becomes pregnant. Shaykh al-Albani called the hadeeth good, "Sahih al-Jami", 2235.

At-Tirmidhi (1114) reported that Umar ibn al-Khattab (may Allah be pleased with him) said: “Do not increase the ransom for women. If the ransom were blessed in this life and piety in the afterlife, then the prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) would have preceded you in this and would have given you the appropriate instruction. The Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, did not pay for his wives, and did not take a ransom for his daughters more than twelve ounces. Shaykh al-Albani declared the hadeeth authentic in Sahih at-Tirmidhi.

One ounce is equal to forty dirhams, and the weight of one dirham is 2.975 grams.

2. Publication of the wedding

At-Tirmidhi (1089) narrated from Aisha (may Allah be pleased with her) that she said: “The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: “Announce the wedding.” Shaykh al-Albani called the hadeeth good, "al-Irwa", 7/50.

An-Nasai (3369) reported that Muhammad ibn Khatib (may Allah be pleased with him) said: “The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said:“ Beating drums and singing at a wedding will separate the permissible from the forbidden. Sheikh al-Albani called the hadeeth good.

Beating drums at a wedding is only allowed for women.

Al-Hafiz said in Al-Fath: “It has come in powerful hadiths that only women are allowed to do this. It is not befitting for men because of the general prohibition against assimilation of women.

3. Wedding celebration (walima)

This is a confirmed Sunnah, one of the ways of announcing marriage, expressing joy and happiness on this occasion.

It is narrated from Anas (may Allah be pleased with him) that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said to Abdurrahman ibn Awf when he got married: “Arrange a wedding feast, even if it consists of one sheep.” Hadith agreed.

Some scholars consider the walima obligatory, based on the hadith narrated by Ahmad (22526) from Ibn Bureida from his father, who said: “When Ali wooed Fatima (may Allah be pleased with them both), the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said : "There must be a holiday on the occasion of the wedding." Shaykh al-Albani said in Adab al-Zafaf (72): “There is no mistake in his isnad, as al-Hafiz pointed out in al-Fath.

If an invitation to a celebration is received, then it is obligatory to go to it. It was narrated from Abdullah ibn Umar (may Allah be pleased with both of them) that the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: “If one of you was invited to a celebration, let him go.” Hadith agreed.

Sheikh Ibn Uthaymeen (may Allah have mercy on him) said: “Scholars (may Allah have mercy on them) speak of the obligatory response to an invitation if a person is called by name and invited, whether it be a personal invitation, an invitation through an intermediary or with the help of a postcard, with provided that there is no sin at the wedding. If there is sinfulness at the wedding, then in this case there can be two ways out: if a person can prevent this sin, then he must go; if he is unable to do so, then he is forbidden to go there.” See Lika' al-Bab al-Maftuh, 13/133.

It is allowed to have a festive dinner without meat. Al-Bukhari (4213) narrated that Anas (may Allah be pleased with him) said: “The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) stopped between Khaibar and Medina for three days to marry Safiyya, and I invited the Muslims to his wedding a celebration during which neither bread nor meat was served. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) ordered Bilal to spread leather mats on which they put dates, dry cottage cheese and butter, and the Muslims asked each other: “Will she become one of the mothers of the faithful or remain his slave?” And they said: “If he orders her to wear a veil, then she will become one of the mothers of the faithful, and if not, then she will remain a slave,” and before setting off on the journey, the prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, prepared for her place on his camel behind him and closed (it from people).

4. It is advisable to congratulate the newlyweds because the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) congratulated the newlyweds. It is reported that Abu Hurayrah (may Allah be pleased with him) said that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him), congratulating a person on his marriage, said: “May Allah bless you, and may He send down his blessings on you, and may He bless your union" (Baraka Allahu laka wa baraka Allahu 'alaika wa jama'a beynakuma fi kheyrin). Abu Dawud, 2130; Shaykh al-Albani called the hadeeth authentic.

- be nice to your wife during marriage

Ahmad (26925) narrated that Asma bint Umeys (may Allah be pleased with her) said: “I was one of those who took care of Aisha and prepared her for the wedding with the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him), and with me was several women." She continued, “By Allah, we had no food except a bowl of milk. He drank from it and then handed it to Aisha, but she was too shy to take it. We said: "Do not reject the hand of the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him), take it." She modestly took it and drank it, and then he said: "Pass it to your friends." We said, "We don't want to drink." The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) replied: “Do not mix hunger with lies.” Sheikh al-Albani called the hadith good, "Adab al-Zafaf", 19.

- put your hand on her head and pray for her

Abu Dawud (2160) narrated from Amr ibn Shuaiba, from his father, from his great-grandfather, from the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him), who said: “When one of you marries, let him put his hand on his wife’s head and say : “Allahumma inni asaluka khairaha wa khair ma jabaltaha aleihi wa auzu bika min sharriha wa min sharri ma jabaltaha aleihi” (O Allah! Verily, I ask You for the good in her and the good in what You have created in her, and I ask You have salvation from her evil and the evil that You have done in her). Sheikh al-Albani called the hadeeth good.

- some righteous predecessors considered it desirable for the newlyweds to pray in 2 rak'ahs

Ibn Abi Shaiba (17156) narrated that Shaqiq said: "A man came to Abdullah Ibn Mas'ud who called Abu Jarir and said, 'I have married a young girl and I am afraid that she will not like me.' Abdullah said: “Love is from Allah and aversion is from Satan, who wants to make you hate what Allah has allowed you. Therefore, when she comes to you, then tell her to pray two rak'ahs behind you. Shaykh al-Albani declared the hadeeth authentic, "Adab al-Zafaf", 24.

- during intimacy, a man should read the dua

Al-Bukhari (3271) narrated from Ibn Abbas (may Allah be pleased with both of them) that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: “When someone wants to approach his wife (i.e. make intimacy), let him say:

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“Bismillah, allahumma jannibnaa ash-shaitan wal janib ash-shaitan ma razaktana (In the Name of Allah. O Allah, protect us shaitan and protect from shaitan what you give us). And if a child is predestined for him, then the shaitan will not harm him.

In conclusion, we would like to emphasize the importance of being kind to your wife; The husband must fear Allah in relation to his wife, and the wife must fear Allah in relation to her husband. Allah says:

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“Live with them with dignity, and even if they are unpleasant to you, then you may be unpleasant to that in which Allah has placed much good” (Women 4:19)

The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: “If a woman makes five daily prayers, fasts in the month of Ramadan, guards her chastity and listens to her husband, then she will be told: Enter Paradise at the gate you wish. Shaykh al-Albani declared the hadeeth authentic, Tahrij al-Mishkat, 3254.

And Allah knows best

Islam Q&A Fatwa No. Translation:

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Visiting good people, staying with them, communicating with them, loving them are good deeds for a person. Therefore, every Muslim should strive to meet them in order to earn their appeal with prayers to Allah for them and receive a great reward.

People who have dedicated themselves to the service of Allah are sincere, have great knowledge and apply their knowledge in practice. Therefore, it is more likely that Allah Almighty will answer their appeals with prayers for those who ask them about it.

For a person who, for the sake of Allah Almighty, visits a righteous man, the angels also make dua. As you know, there is a high probability that the dua of angels will be accepted by Allah Almighty.

Abu Hurairah (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said:

مَنْ عَادَ مَرِيضًا أَوْ زَارَ أَخًا لَهُ في الله، نَادَاهُ مُنَادٍ: بِأَنْ طِبْتَ، وَطَابَ مَمْشَاكَ، وَتَبَوَّأْتَ مِنَ الجَنَّةِ مَنْزِلًا

« To the one who visits the sick or visits his brother, doing this for the sake of Allah Almighty, two heralds (from among the angels who say): “May you be pleased, may Allah reward you and purify you, and may your path be blessed and may you find a dwelling in Paradise" ». ( Tirmizi)

Abu Hurayrah (may Allah be pleased with him) also reported that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said:

أَنَّ رَجُلًا زَارَ أَخًا لَهُ في قَريَة أُخْرَى، فَأَرْصَدَ الله تَعَالَى عَلَى مَدْرَجَتِهِ مَلَكًا، فَلَمَّا أتَى عَلَيهِ، قَالَ: أيْنَ تُريدُ؟ قَالَ: أُريدُ أخًا لي في هذِهِ القَريَةِ. قَالَ: هَلْ لَكَ عَلَيهِ مِنْ نِعْمَةٍ تَرُبُّهَا عَلَيهِ؟ قَالَ: لا، غَيْرَ أنِّي أحْبَبْتُهُ في الله تَعَالَى، قَالَ: فإنِّي رَسُول الله إلَيْكَ بِأَنَّ اللهَ قَدْ أَحَبَّكَ كَمَا أحْبَبْتَهُ فِيهِ

« Once a man went to visit his brother, who lived in another village, and Allah Almighty ordered an angel to wait for him on the road he was walking. When this man approached, (the angel) asked: "Where are you going?" He replied: "I want to visit my brother who lives in this village ".

The angel asked: Maybe you did him some favor, and now you want to benefit from this for yourself? "The man replied:" No, truly, I just love him for the sake of Allah Almighty "Then the angel said:" I was indeed sent to you by Allah to say that Allah loved you just as you loved this man for the sake of Allah." ». ( Muslim)

A person who simply visits a brother in faith, without having a worldly goal, receives a lot of grace, and Allah Almighty will love him. And what will be the reward of a Muslim if he visits a righteous man, who by default is also his brother in faith?

It is worth noting that this does not include visiting sinners, because a person from such a visit and communication with them will not receive the grace described in the hadith. It may turn out that a person from such a visit and communication, on the contrary, will suffer.

Abu Hurayrah (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said:

الرَّجُلُ عَلَى دِينِ خَلِيلِهِ، فَليَنْظُرْ أَحَدُكُمْ مَنْ يُخَالِلُ

« A person professes the same religion as his closest friend, so let each of you pay attention to who he is going to make friends with ». ( Abu Daoud, Tirmizi)

And if a person stays with the righteous, communicates only with good people and loves them, then he will be with those he loves on the Day of Judgment. This is stated in a hadith narrated from the words of Abu Musa al-Ash'ari (may Allah be pleased with him), according to which the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said:

المَرْءُ مَعَ مَنْ أَحَبَّ

« ». ( Muslim)

In another version of this hadeeth given by Bukhari, it is reported that Abu Musa (may Allah be pleased with him) said:

Once a man said to the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him): A person loves righteous people, but he has not yet reached their level before Allah", (to which the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said:" A man will be with those he loves ».

This man wanted to tell the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) that a certain person cannot yet be compared with the righteous and awliya in his righteousness, in the number of pious deeds, and so on.

The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) in response pointed out to him that a person will be rewarded according to his intentions, and if he loves the righteous and strives to become the same, this means that he will be with them in Paradise.

This is also stated in the well-known hadith, which is transmitted from Anas (may Allah be pleased with him):

أنَّ أعرابيًا قَالَ لرسول الله - صلى الله عليه وسلم: مَتَى السَّاعَةُ؟ قَالَ رَسُول الله - صلى الله عليه وسلم: «مَا أعْدَدْتَ لَهَا؟» قَالَ: حُبَّ الله ورسولهِ، قَالَ: «أَنْتَ مَعَ مَنْ أَحْبَبْتَ »

"Once a Bedouin asked the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him):" When is the Resurrection Hour? "The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) asked him:" What have you prepared for this Hour? "Bedouin said:" Love for Allah and His Messenger"Then the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said:" You will be with those you love" ». ( Muslim)

In another version of this hadeeth reported by Bukhari and Muslim, it is reported that this Bedouin said:

مَا أعْدَدْتُ لَهَا مِنْ كَثيرِ صَوْمٍ، وَلاَ صَلاَةٍ، وَلاَ صَدَقَةٍ، وَلَكِنِّي أُحِبُّ الله وَرَسُولَهُ

« I have not prepared for this Hour neither many fasts and prayers, nor sadak, but I love Allah and His Messenger ».

It is also advisable to visit worthy memorial places for Muslims and mosques. So did the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) and his companions (may Allah be pleased with him all).

From Abdullah Ibn Umar (may Allah be pleased with both of them) it is transmitted:

« The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) often visited Quba (the first mosque in the history of Islam, which was built in the village of Quba near Medina), getting there sometimes on horseback and sometimes on foot, and prayed there in two rak'ahs ». ( Bukhari; Muslim)

In another version of this hadeeth narrated by Bukhari and an-Nasai, Ibn Umar (may Allah be pleased with both of them) said:

“The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) came to the Quba mosque every Saturday, getting there sometimes on horseback and sometimes on foot.”

This hadith also reports that Ibn Umar (may Allah be pleased with both of them) did the same.

Also in this hadith, as pointed out by theologians, it is said about the desirability of visiting the Kuba Mosque and other memorable places not only in Holy Mecca and Radiant Medina, but also in other lands.

Muhammad Sultanov

Question: My question is about Sufism, as I interacted with this group until I got to know their essence. I learned about the deviations of the Sufis after listening to a series of lectures by Shaykh Munajid (may Allah preserve him) called "Correct Belief". I began to doubt and would like to know the truth. Praise be to Allah for the knowledge with which he has blessed you. I would like to ask:

1. These people bless the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) 3000 or 4000 times a day. They say that the more you bless the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him), the more you love him and the closer you become to him. The more you do this, the more likely you are to see him in your dreams. Is this statement true? Is it allowed? Is this included in the concept of "dhikr"? Is there any evidence for this?

2. What is the connection between the hadeeth of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) about the great reward of the one who remembers Allah with the words “Subhanallahu wa bihamdihi” 100 times, and the message that when Ibn Masud (may Allah have mercy on him) entered the mosque and saw a group of people who were counting dhikr by stones, he told them to count their sins.

May Allah reward you.

Answer: Praise be to Allah

Firstly: Blessing the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) is one of the greatest acts of worship. Allah called and praised for this, and He made it a cause for the forgiveness of sins and the satisfaction of need. Allah says:

إِنَّ اللَّهَ وَمَلَائِكَتَهُ يُصَلُّونَ عَلَى النَّبِيِّ يَا أَيُّهَا الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا صَلُّوا عَلَيْهِ وَسَلِّمُوا تَسْلِيمًا

“Indeed, Allah and His angels bless the Prophet. O those who believe! Bless him and greet him with peace” (Hosts 33:56)

The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: "... whoever blesses me, Allah will bless him tenfold." Muslim, 384.

It is reported that Ubay ibn K'ab (may Allah be pleased with him) said: “When two-thirds of the night had passed, the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: “O people, remember Allah, remember Allah. The hour is approaching when the horn will be blown the first time, and then the second; death came with what is in it, death came with what is in it. I said: "O Messenger of Allah, I often pray for you, so how much should I dedicate my prayer for you?" The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: “As much as you wish, but if you increase it, it will be better!”. I asked: “Then I will dedicate a third of my prayer to you!” The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: “As much as you wish, but if you increase it will be better!” I said: "Then I will dedicate all my prayers to you!" To this, the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: “Then you will be granted what you wish and your sins will be forgiven.” At-Tirmizi, 2457; Shaykh al-Albani called the hadeeth good in Sahih at-Tirmidhi.

Ibn al-Qayyim (may Allah have mercy on him) said in Jala al-Afham (79): “Our Shaykh Abu Abbas (Ibn Taymiyyah) was asked about the interpretation of this hadeeth. He replied: “Ubayy ibn K'ab had a prayer that he recited for himself, and he asked the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) whether he should dedicate a third of his prayer to blessing him, and he replied ... because Allah will bless ten times the one who blesses the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him), and if Allah blesses a person, then He will grant him everything that he wishes and forgive his sins.

It is said in "Tuhfat al-Ahwazi": "So how much should I dedicate my prayers for you?" means: “How many prayers should I dedicate for you, instead of myself?”. Al-Qari said this. Al-Munziri said in At-Targhib: “This means: “I am zealous in prayer; how many prayers should I dedicate to blessing you? Should I dedicate all my prayers to you? Those. should I devote all the time that I spent on my prayer to blessing you?

"Then you will be granted what you desire and your sins will be forgiven." This refers to everything that a person desires in the worldly and afterlife. This means: if you spend all your prayers on blessing me, you will be granted everything that you wish in worldly and afterlife.

Sheikh ul-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah (may Allah have mercy on him) said in Ar-Rad ala al-Bakri (1/133): “This is the most that a person can say in supplication for himself in order to bring good and protect himself from evil, for supplication implies the achievement of what is desired and protection from what one fears.

One of the interpreters of Al-Masabih said: “The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) did not set a certain amount of supplication for him, so that this would not prevent him from doing more. He left the choice to him, urging him to be diligent in this, until he said: "Then I will dedicate all my prayers to you!". To this the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) replied: “Then you will be granted what you wish,” i.e. whatever you wish in religious and worldly affairs, because the blessing includes the remembrance of Allah and the reverence of the Messenger (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him), and this is comparable to praying for oneself. See al-Shawkani, Al-Qawl al-Badi’ (133).

At-Tirmidhi (484) narrated from Abdullah ibn Mas'ud that the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: "On the Day of Judgment, the one who blesses me the most will be closest to me." Shaykh al-Albani called the hadeeth good in Sahih at-Targhib wat-Tarhib.

It is said in Tuhfat al-Ahwazi: “Nearest to me” means “one who is closest to me or who deserves my intercession”, because diligence in blessing is based on reverence, which is the result of perfect love, which in turn leads to the love of Allah. The Almighty says:

قُلْ إِنْ كُنْتُمْ تُحِبُّونَ اللَّهَ فَاتَّبِعُونِي يُحْبِبْكُمُ اللَّهُ وَيَغْفِرْ لَكُمْ ذُنُوبَكُمْ

“Say: “If you love Allah, then follow me, and then Allah will love you and forgive you your sins, for Allah is Forgiving, Merciful” (Family of Imran 3:31).”

No one doubts the dignity of the blessing of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him).

The words of those people that the more you bless the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him), the more you love him and the closer you become to him, are true, because the more a person talks about something, the more he loves it.

The words that the more you bless the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him), the more likely you are to see him in a dream, in fact, can also be true, but there is no evidence to support this. The main thing is not to see the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) in a dream, but to follow his Sunnah, follow in his footsteps and put love for him above love for yourself and what is dear to you. Many people saw him with their own eyes, but were the furthest from him and his path.

If the blessing of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) is an established act of worship, then it is not permissible to prescribe a certain amount for him, because such numbers were not transmitted in the Sharia, whether it be a thousand, three thousand or another number invented by the Sufis. This is a reprehensible innovation, because in this way something is introduced into Islam that is not part of it. Scholars have stated that worship must be in accordance with the Shari'ah in principle, description, quantity, manner of performance, place and time in the sense that it cannot be limited to a place, time and manner of performance that are not transmitted in the Shariah.

It is necessary to know that every innovation is a delusion, even if people consider it good. An innovation is more beloved to Iblis than a sin, because one cannot repent for it. Malik (may Allah have mercy on him) said: “Whoever introduces an innovation into Islam and considers it good, he claims that Muhammad did not convey the Message.”

It is necessary to turn to those who limited the blessing of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) to three thousand: “Why did you choose this number and what is special about it?”. Whatever good they say about her, we will answer: “Didn’t the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) show his community the way to good, while he was the most caring and compassionate towards them? Why didn't he give Ubay ibn K'ab a certain number?

In fact, in choosing these figures, many Sufis rely on their dreams or fictions. They tell their followers (murids) not to exceed this amount, and that its excess depends on the permission of the sheikh, who knows the deeds and even the secrets of his student; they resort to various lies through which they control their followers.

There is a fear that the good deeds of the innovator will go to waste, and the reward for them will be lost and he will not derive benefit from his worship, especially if he did it contrary to his knowledge. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “Whoever introduces into our cause (Islam) that which is not part of it will be rejected.” Al-Bukhari, 2697; Muslim, 1718.

Therefore, you see that very often their dhikr does not have a positive effect on themselves and their relationships with people; they also leave dhikr that is validated by the Shari'ah and for which Allah has set a certain number, such as saying the words "SubhanAllahu wa bihamdihi" (Glory and praise belongs to Allah) 100 times in the morning and in the evening.

Secondly: The hadith you mentioned was narrated by ad-Darimi (204) from the words of Amr ibn Salama, who said: “Every time before morning prayer we sat at the door of Abdullah ibn Mas'ud, waiting for him to go with him to the mosque. And one day Abu Musa al-Ash'ari came up to us and asked: “Has Abu Abdur-Rahman already come out to you?” We answered: "No." Then he sat down with us and waited until he left the house. And when he appeared, we all approached him, and Abu Musa said: “Oh, Abu Abdur-Rahman, verily, I just saw something in the mosque that I did not like, but, praise be to Allah, I saw only good things there! ". He asked: "What is it?" Abu Musa replied: “You will see for yourself. But I saw people there who sit in circles in anticipation of prayer, holding small pebbles in their hands, and in each circle there is a person who says: “Say “Allahu Akbar!” a hundred times, and they pronounce these words a hundred times. And then he says: “Say a hundred times “La ilaha illa-llah”, and they repeat these words a hundred times. And then he says: “Say a hundred times: “Subhana-Allah”, and they say this a hundred times.” Ibn Mas'ud asked: "And what did you say to them?!" He replied: "I didn't tell them anything, deciding to find out what you think about it." He asked: “Why didn’t you order them to count their bad deeds and did not guarantee that none of their good deeds would be lost and so ?! And then we went with him to the mosque, and he approached one of these circles, stopped next to him and asked the people who were there: “What are you doing ?!”. They replied: “Oh, Abu Abdur-Rahman, with the help of these pebbles we count how many times we said the words “Allahu Akbar”, “La ilaha illa llah”, “SubhanAllah” and “al-hamdu li-llah”. Ibn Mas'ud said: "It would be better for you to count your bad deeds, and as for the good ones, I guarantee that none of them will be lost. Woe to you! O Umma Muhammad! How soon you rushed to destruction, while his companions are still among you, his clothes have not yet decayed and the dishes have not broken. But you, by the One in whose hand my soul is, have either already brought a truer religion than the religion of Muhammad, or you are opening the door to error! In response, these people said: “By Allah, O Abu Abdur-Rahman, we did not want anything but good!”. Then he exclaimed: “But how many there are who desire the good, but do not obtain it! Indeed, the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) told us: “People will appear who will read the Qur’an, but it will not go down their throats.” I swear by Allah, I do not know, but maybe most of you are like that! Then Ibn Mas'ud left them." Amr ibn Salamah said: "And we saw most of them fighting on the side of the Kharijites on the day of the Battle of Nahrawan."

This does not contradict what has come from the Sunnah about reciting certain adhkars a certain number of times. Two things are reprehensible:

Establishing a specific amount that is not mentioned in the Shari'ah

Establishing a time or a certain manner of performance if there is no evidence for this, as in the case of people who were condemned by Ibn Mas'ud. The use of small stones and the presence of a person who says: “Say a hundred times“ Allahu Akbar! ”“ Say a hundred times“ SubhanAllah! ”Does not refer to what the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) did.

Ash-Shatabi (may Allah have mercy on him) said: “Bid’a refers to those innovations in religion that are similar to what is legalized by Sharia, but through which they intend to go to extremes in worshiping Allah.

This includes the establishment of a certain manner and method of worship, for example, reciting dhikr in chorus, celebrating the birthday of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him), etc.

This also includes performing certain acts of worship at certain times that are not mentioned in the Shari'ah, such as fasting the 15th of Shaban every year and spending that night in prayer." See Al-I'tisam, 1/37-39.

The story of Ibn Mas'ud (may Allah be pleased with him) proves the invalidity and falsity of what the Sufis do in their meetings, reciting dhikr while sitting or standing a certain number of times under the guidance of their sheikhs, and performing other ritual movements.

But this question is more serious than it seems; these errors go beyond innovation and take on forms of shirk in belief and worship, such as invoking the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him), or the belief that the saints and the righteous can do good and harm.

We ask Allah to guide those Muslims who have gone astray and help us and you to obey Him and seek His pleasure.

With the name of Allah the Merciful, the Merciful

Praise be to Allah - the Lord of the worlds, peace and blessings of Allah be upon our Prophet Muhammad, members of his family and all his companions!

Dear Muslim Brothers and Muslim Sisters! If you are asked: “Who is the greatest of men? Who is the most merciful of people? Who is the fairest of people? Who is the best of people? Who is the most worthy of people? Who is the most generous of people? Who is the most honest person? Who is the most knowledgeable of people?

If you know the answer to these questions, have you ever read the biography of this person? Have you had the opportunity to enjoy listening to the story of his life? Have you ever had a desire in your heart to meet this person and talk to him?

Allah favored our noble Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) by raising him in the best way and giving him a fine disposition, and this disposition was in him from a very young age until death laid him to rest. Even before the beginning of the prophecy, Allah was preparing him for this mission. At first, he was inspired with love for solitude, and he retired from people in the cave of Hira, spending long nights there and meditating on the universe arranged by Allah. Far from worldly fuss and human delusions, his heart was illuminated by the light of humility and spiritual purity.

The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) continued to do so until the command of Allah came to him. Our Lord honored Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) by sending him to the people with the best of messages and with the greatest of religions. Allah made him a messenger and a seal of prophecy, who completed all former religions, repealed all the laws of previous prophets, except for those that were approved by Islam.

Since the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) received the command of his Lord, he began to call people to Allah and Monotheism, explaining the need to worship only Allah, who has no partners, and demanding them to abandon polytheism and worship idols. He first addressed his call to relatives and friends. The first woman to answer his call was his wife Khadijah, the first among the men was Abu Bakr al-Siddiq, and the first among the children was Ali ibn Abu Talib (may Allah be pleased with them all).

Gradually, Islam began to spread, Muslims who submitted to Allah gathered around the Messenger of Allah in the house of al-Arqam ibn Abu al-Arqam to drink from the source of heavenly knowledge, to learn ayat from the Book of Allah. Over time, the number of Muslims grew, Islam was accepted by Umar ibn al-Khattab (may Allah be pleased with him), which gave the believers confidence and encouraged them.

Let us remember the moment when Allah said to his prophet: “Proclaim what you are commanded and turn away from the polytheists” (15. Al-Hijr: 94).

This verse marked the entry of Islam into new stage, from now on, the call to the religion of Allah began to be made openly

The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) climbed Mount Safa and announced to all people that he was a messenger from Allah, and that his mission was to call people to Monotheism and obedience to Allah. He announced to them that Paradise will be a reward for those who answer his call and follow him, and those who disobey and turn away will face hellish punishment. Some people responded to his call, while others began to mock and even caused him suffering. The Prophet and his companions showed patience and perseverance in all hardships, they sacrificed everything they could on the path of Islam, seeking to call for this great religion.

The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) went around groups of pilgrims in Mina, one after another, calling them and preaching to them the Truth of Islam. He made every effort to convey to the people the greatest, most perfect and last message from Allah (He is Great and Glorious). Allah gave the prophet his support by sending pilgrims from Medina to him. They gathered at Mina, and at a place called Jamrat al-Aqaba, the people of Medina made a promise to the prophet to give full support to him and his companions.

Then Allah allowed his prophet to move to Medina, which later became the abode of faith and the first Islamic state. The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) set out for Medina, taking Abu Bakr (may Allah be pleased with him) as his companion on this historic journey. When the Prophet went on his way, Ali ibn Abu Talib (may Allah be pleased with him) stayed to sleep on his bed in order to confuse the polytheists, who were already waiting for the Prophet at the door of his house and kept their swords ready with the intention of killing him. However, Allah blinded their eyes so that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) could leave unharmed, after which he went to the meeting place with his faithful companion Abu Bakr. Together they set off south from Mecca, and took refuge on Mount Saur. They spent several days there, waiting for things to calm down and for the polytheists to stop their persecution. After that, they headed north towards Medina, where the Muslims happily met their prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him). The Prophet built a mosque and held fraternization between his companions - the Muhajirs (immigrants from Mecca) and the Ansar (Medina Muslims), after which he proceeded to build the first Islamic state.

The Islamic State began to grow stronger and grow. The Almighty Patron allowed believers to defend their country, even if this required fighting. The polytheists expected and hoped that evil would befall the believers and their country, and it would fall apart. Heavy battles took place between the two sides: on one side there were people calling for good, and on the other, supporters of evil. Allah (He is Great and Glorious) protected the believers, strengthened them and gave support, as a result of which their country became stronger, stronger, and the light of Islam reached the farthest corners of this world.

Years after the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) left Mecca, he returned to it as a winner, so that the word of Allah would exalt and the Truth would triumph. Bilal (may Allah be pleased with him) climbed the Kaaba and appealed to the people, announcing the streets of the Holy City with a call to Monotheism. The Prophet crushed the idols set up in Mecca, reading the words of Allah: "Say, 'Truth has come forth, and falsehood has perished. Verily, lies are doomed to perish.” (17. Al-Isra: 81).

Dear brothers and sisters, such was the life of our prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him). It was a life filled with tireless diligence, righteous deeds, calling to Allah and defending religion. The Messenger of Allah walked this way until his death, and Allah brought this religion to the highest perfection and made His mercy to the believers complete and absolute. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) died on Monday, the 12th or 13th of the month of Rabi' al-Awwal. May the peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, as well as over his entire family, companions and all who followed him until the Day of Judgment.

Allah made the distinguishing quality of the prophet a high disposition and perfect morality. Addressing him, the Almighty says: "Verily, your character is excellent" (68. Al-Kalam: 4).

One of the qualities of the prophet was his amazing selflessness. He gave people what they asked for, while he himself could not make a fire in his house for a month or two due to lack of food. Once the prophet was presented with a warm cape, which he really needed, but one person asked the prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) for it, and he gave it to him. People began to reproach this man, saying to him: “He needed her, because you know that he never refuses the one who asks.”

The courage of the prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) amazed his contemporaries. He was the most courageous of people, showing fearlessness and audacity in battles with enemies. When people fled from the battlefield, he remained steadfast and continued to advance. Ali (may Allah be pleased with him) said: “When the slaughter flared up and the eyes of the soldiers were filled with blood, we kept behind the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him). And there was no one who would stand closer to the enemy.”

Despite his courage and bravery, he was a very courteous and gracious person, was not rude, harsh in expressions, and did not make noisy conversations in the market. He did not return evil for evil, but on the contrary, he forgave and forgot insults. Anas ibn Malik (may Allah be pleased with him) said: “I served the prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) for ten years, and he never even said “Uf” to me. If I did something, then he did not ask me why I did it, and if I did not do something, then he did not ask me why I did not do it.

The Prophet was not gloomy, he joked with his companions, lived with them, talked with them, played with children and put them on his lap. It happened that one of the kids wet his clothes, but this did not irritate the prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) at all. He always answered people's requests, not distinguishing between free and slave, rich and poor. He visited the sick, even if he had to go to the other end of Medina. When someone asked for his forgiveness or apologized, he always accepted the apology and forgave. If during a collective prayer he heard a child's cry, he shortened the prayer, fearing to cause difficulty to the mother of the child. The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) held his granddaughter in his arms during a collective prayer with Muslims, and when he stood, he took her in his arms, and when he bowed to the ground, he laid her on the ground.

The Messenger led a very modest lifestyle and did not strive for the blessings of this world, but as far as the World of the Next was concerned, he was the most diligent. When Allah gave him the choice of either being a prophet-king or a messenger-slave, he chose to become a messenger-slave.

O Muslims! These few examples are gems of a prophetic disposition! Let his character be to you like a beacon that will light the way. Follow him, follow his path and be guided by his instructions. Indeed, Allah has instilled in our Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) the most noble and exalted morality and therefore ordered us to follow him and imitate him. Allah said: “Believe in Allah and in His Messenger, the Unlettered Prophet, who believed in Allah and His Words. Follow him so that you follow the straight path." (7. Al-A`raf: 158).

No matter how much time passes, no matter how far Muslims live from each other, among them there will always be a group of true believers who will miss the chosen one of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him). They will desire to meet him and dream of seeing him, no matter what the cost.

Brothers and sisters, let's read together these amazing words of our Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) who said: “Some of the strongest people in their love for me will be those who come after me. All of them will want just to see me, even if they had to sacrifice their family and property for this. (quoted by Muslim).

But, moreover, the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) himself reciprocated such people, because he also wanted to see them. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: "I would like to meet my brothers" , - the companions asked him: “Are we not your brothers?” The Messenger of Allah said:“You are my companions (Ashab), and my brothers are those who believed in me without seeing me.” (Ahmad)

We call on Allah to be a witness of our words that we love Him and love His Messenger (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him)!

Love for the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) is a strict duty of every Muslim. Ibn Qudama al-Maqdisi (may Allah grant him mercy) said: “Know that the entire community of Islam is united in its opinion that love for Allah and His Messenger is obligatory (fard).”

One of the righteous predecessors said: “Love for Allah and His Messenger is one of the greatest duties of Iman (faith), it is one of the most significant pillars of Iman and its most important rule. Moreover, love for Allah and His Messenger is the basis of all the works of Faith and religion.”

If a person gives preference to the one he loves over himself, then nothing will seem difficult to him in the way of confirming this love. Iman (faith) of a Muslim will not reach perfection until the Messenger of Allah becomes more beloved to this person than himself, not to mention someone or something else.

O those who fell in love with the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him)!

Know that love has signs by which it can be identified. The very first and main sign of love for Allah is following the Sunnah of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him). Allah Almighty said: “Say: “If you love Allah, then follow me, and then Allah will love you.” (3.Alu Imran: 31).

Al-Hasan al-Basri and other righteous predecessors said: “Some people claimed that they loved Allah, and Allah tested them with this verse: “Say: “If you love Allah, then follow me, and then Allah will love you.” (3.Alu Imran: 31)

Sufyan (may Allah grant him mercy) said: “Love is following the Messenger (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him).”

If a person really loves Allah and His Messenger, then he shows jealousy for Allah and His Messenger to the extent that his love is strong. If there is no jealousy for Allah and His Messenger in the heart, then there is no love in it, even if he considers himself to love Allah. The one who declares his love is lying, but he himself does not show any jealousy when he sees that others violate the prohibitions of Allah, disobey Him, neglect Him, offend Him and do not honor His commands. Is there such a thing as love!? No, the heart of such a person does not have love, it is cold as ice. How can a person talk about his love for Allah when his heart does not feel jealousy, seeing how the boundaries set by Allah are violated, and his orders are not carried out. If jealousy for the religion of Allah disappears from the heart, then love disappears with it, moreover, religion itself disappears, leaving behind a barely noticeable trace.

Also a sign of love for the prophet is love for his companions. Whoever loves the prophet also loves his companions. The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: “Fear Allah, fear Allah in regard to my Companions!

Fear Allah, fear Allah in regard to my Companions!

Don't make them the subject of your chicanery after my death. Whoever loves them will love them out of love for me, and whoever hates them will hate them out of hatred towards me. Whoever offends them offends me, and whoever offends me offends Allah, and whoever offends Allah, His punishment will soon fall on him. (Reported by Ahmad, at-Tirmizi).

The companions themselves loved the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) very much. It is probably no secret to anyone how Abu Bakr acted during the Hijra (migration), protecting him at the cost of his life and health, from all dangers and hardships. Everyone knows how other companions acted, not sparing themselves for the love of the prophet. Remember the woman who lost her husband, brother and father in the battle of Uhud:

«… When the first messengers arrived and expressed their condolences to her, she only asked: “How are the affairs of the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him)?” They said to her: “Oh woman, praise be to Allah, he is fine, as you wanted.” The woman said, "Show it to me so I can see it myself." Then they showed her to him, and when she saw, she said: "If you are in order, then any trouble is insignificant."

Remember Zayd ibn ad-Dasin (may Allah be pleased with him), who was captured and was in Mecca. Safwan ibn Umayya ibn Khalaf sent Zayd to Tangim, accompanied by his freedman named Nistas, to execute him there in retaliation for his murder of his father. A group of Quraysh also gathered there, among whom was Abu Sufyan ibn Harb. When Zayd was taken to the place of execution, Abu Sufyan said: “I conjure you by Allah, Zayd, would you like Muhammad to be with us now, in your place, and we would cut off his head, and you would be in the family circle?” Zayd said, "By Allah, I don't want Muhammad to be even pricked with a thorn in the place where he is now, for the sake of me being in the circle of my family." Abu Sufyan said, "I have not seen anyone love anyone in the same way that the companions of Muhammad love their prophet." And after that Nistas killed Zayd.

How can a Muslim not love the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) at a time when Allah himself gives him the highest praise in Holy Quran. The Almighty said: “You are not possessed by the grace of your Lord. Indeed, your reward is inexhaustible. Verily, your character is excellent.” (68. Al-Kalam: 2-3).

“A Messenger from your midst has come to you. It is hard for him that you are suffering. He is trying for you. He is kind and merciful to the believers." (9. At-Tauba: 128).

"We only sent you as a mercy to the worlds" (21. Al-Anbiya: 107).

"He is merciful to the believers" (33. Al-Ahzab: 43).

If a Muslim loved the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him), then he must follow his Sunnah. Allah (Great and Glorious) said:

“Follow what has been sent down to you from your Lord, and do not follow other helpers besides Him. How little you remember edification!” (“7. Al-A'raf: 3).

These words mean: follow in the footsteps of this prophet, who came to you with a Book sent down from the Lord and Master of all things.

Allah (Holy and Great is He) said: “Take what the Messenger has given you and avoid what he has forbidden you.” (59. Al-Hashr: 7).

A person cannot achieve true Islam until he is absolutely obedient and satisfied with the decisions of the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him). The Quran says: “But no—I swear by your Lord! “They will not believe until they choose you as a judge in all that is entangled between them, they will not stop feeling embarrassed in their souls from your decision, and they will not obey completely” (4. An-Nisa: 65).

“Let those who oppose his will beware, lest temptation overtake them or their painful sufferings overtake them” (24. An-Nur: 63).

O those who believe! Obedience to the prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) is our duty and an integral part of faith in his prophecy. The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: "Whoever obeys me will enter Paradise, and whoever disobeys me will refuse (from Paradise)" (quoted by Al-Bukhari).

Sufyan as-Thawri (may Allah grant him mercy) said: “The faqihs (scholars of Shariah) said: “The word will not be complete without deed, the word and deed will not be complete without the right intention, and the word, deed and intention will not be complete if they do not correspond to the Sunnah.”

Brothers and sisters, may Allah protect you, beware of innovations in religion, because they contradict the Sunnah and declare enmity towards it. Allah Almighty (Holy and Exalted is He) said: “This is My straight path. Follow him and do not follow other paths, for they will lead you astray from His path. He has commanded you this, so that you may be afraid.” (6. Al-An'am: 153).

If a person tries to substantiate his religious deeds and beliefs with only feelings, emotions, love, sensations, personal predilections, while the Sharia of Allah does not confirm these deeds and beliefs, then all these sensations are delusion and lies. A person who makes some of his personal inner experiences and experiences the source of his religion, in fact, simply follows his passions and whims. No one is allowed to make his religion what he personally likes, and to prohibit in religion what he does not like and what he is dissatisfied with. Everything should be done only in accordance with the path that Allah has shown us. The Almighty established the laws of the Holy Shariah for us, for this he sent His messenger to us, and ordered him and all believers to follow this Shariah steadfastly. Therefore, our righteous predecessors called everyone who somehow left the Sharia as followers of their passions. This name was given to them because they invented something in religion that is not in it. Our Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: “Whoever does something new in this religion of ours that has nothing to do with it, then this work will be rejected”

An-Nawawi said: “This hadith is the greatest foundation of the foundations of Islam, it is an example of the conciseness of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him). This hadeeth frankly and clearly rejects any innovations and inventions in the Shari'ah.

If we know all this, then it becomes extremely clear that in order to correctly and steadily follow the Sunnah, we must definitely eschew innovations.

Innovations in religion are very dangerous and have a detrimental effect on the faith of a Muslim, shaking the foundations of his religion. Religious innovations are a conductor of disbelief, because it all starts with the fact that a person ascribes some laws to Allah, without knowledge, as if he wants to supplement Sharia, considering it incomplete. Islam does not allow creative approach to religious issues, because inventions in Islam split our Ummah, distract people from the true Sunnah of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) and introduce confusion into the ranks of Muslims, changing and distorting religion.

That is why the religion of Allah prescribes severe retribution for those who innovate in the Islamic Shariah. The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: “Verily, Allah delays the repentance of every believer in innovation until he abandons his innovation.” (Al-Bayhaqi and at-Tabari cite, and al-Albani called the hadith reliable).

Sufyan as-Thawri said: “Innovation is more beloved for Iblis than sins, because a person repents of his sins, but does not repent of innovations.” The supporters of innovations do not repent and do not ask Allah for forgiveness for their heresy, because they consider it to be the truth. Therefore, heart diseases caused by innovations are much more dangerous than heart diseases caused by passions and lust. Allah Almighty said: “Is the one to whom his evil deed is beautiful and who considers it good, is he equal to the one who follows the straight path? Verily, Allah deceives whomever He wills.” (35. Fatyr: 8).

Oh slaves of Allah! Fear your Lord in regard to the Sunnah of your prophet.

Oh slaves of Allah! Fear your Lord when it comes to following the path of the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him), for he said: “I will lead you at the Pond (Haud), but some people will be taken away from me, and I will say: “O my Lord, these are my adherents,” But it will be said to me: “You do not know what innovations they came up with after you, they changed and changed!” The Prophet will then say: "Down, down with those who cheated and replaced" (cited by Al-Bukhari and Muslim).

May Allah protect us from harm!

The most beloved creation of Allah of all His creations is our Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him), whom we are obliged to honor and follow His sunnah (the indicated path). If we talk about following, then it is difficult to follow in everything today, however, does a Muslim look for ease in this mortal world?

The peace and pleasure that awaits a true Muslim is incomparably better for him than the pleasure and ease that he will receive in this mortal world.

Speaking of ease, Allah has given a lot of simple and easy methods by which a person will achieve His contentment, for the sake of His favorite and the favorite of all creations - Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him).

There is one special action, a type of worship that Allah accepts rigorously, no matter how and in whatever form a person performs it - this is reading salawat (blessing) on ​​the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him). Because of Allah's love for His Messenger, He accepts the blessing of a Muslim on Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him).

The most important thing is that Allah Himself in the Qur'an blessed His Messenger, the Prophet and the Angels also blessed the Prophet, as the Almighty said:

إن الله و ملائكته يصلون على النبي، يأيها الذين آمنوا صلوا عليه و سلموا تسليما

Meaning: " Verily, Allah and His Angels bless the Prophet. Oh, those who believe! Bless and salute Him (the Prophet) "(Sura Al-Ahzab, 56 ayah). Also in this verse we see how the Almighty commanded those who believed to bless the Messenger (peace and blessings be upon him).

Accordingly, Allah, addressing the believers, addresses all Muslims, regardless of which Sharia madhhab (school, teaching) of the four true madhhabs he belongs to.

There are many virtues of salavat, the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) said:

من صلى علي صلاة صلى عليه الله بها عشرا

Meaning: " Whoever blesses me once, that person Allah blesses ten times "(Imam Muslim). In this case, the blessing of Allah means His forgiveness, that is, ten forgiveness from Allah to this person.

Another hadith says:

من سره أن يلقى الله وهو عنه راض فليكثر من الصلاة على رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم

Meaning: " Whoever wants to please himself with a meeting with Allah being pleased with him, let him bless me more "(ad-Daylami and Ibn Adi). A person who wants what is said in the hadeeth, let him follow what is written.

Scientists also say that if a person blesses the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) while standing, then Allah forgives his sins until he sits down, but if he blesses while sitting, then he forgives sins until he gets up, but if a person blesses Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) standing and sitting, then Allah asks him for all sins.

blessing in a dream

It is said that if a person in a dream blesses the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him), then Allah forgives sins until he wakes up, as in the case of the mother of Abu Bakr (may Allah be pleased with him).

Abu Bakr (may Allah be pleased with him) and his mother went to the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him), the conversation was long. Night fell and the mother of Abu Bakr (may Allah be pleased with him) fell asleep there.

When they were about to leave, the Messenger (peace and blessings be upon him) suddenly asked: “ How is your condition? "He replied:" Well, however, my mother is here, I do not hide anything from her (the fact that Abu Bakr converted to Islam, while His mother was still in polytheism). O Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him), pray for her that Allah opens her heart to Islam!»

At that moment, the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) made a dua, and those who were next to the mother of Abu Bakr heard him whispering the words of the shahada, and suddenly, waking up, she loudly said: “I testify that there is no deity except Allah and Muhammad is His servant and messenger."

One of the followers of Sufism said that he had a neighbor who liked to drink, no matter how much he was instructed, he would not accept it. One day, this neighbor drank heavily and died. After some time, the Sufi sees the deceased in a dream in expensive clothes and at a respectable level, the Sufi asked him: “How did you get such degrees?” he replied: “Once, towards the end of my life, I visited the Majlis (Islamic assembly) and there one of the speakers told the hadith: “To the one who blesses Me loudly, there will be Paradise,” then the preacher said salavat loudly, I just repeated loudly for him, for this Allah forgave me my previous sins ”(ar-Rawzul-Faik, 11 p.).

If a person said salawat once and Allah gave him Paradise, think what a great reward awaits the one who persists in this! How else, every blessing reaches the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him), and the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) asks for the one who blesses him!

The Messenger of Allah Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) said:

حياتي خير لكم، تُحدثون، ويحدث لكم، ووفاتي خير لكم، يُعرض عليَّ أعمالكم، فما رأيت من خير حمدت الله عليه، وما رأيت من شر استغفرت الله لكم

Meaning: " My life is good for you - you tell me, and I tell you, my death is also good for you - your deeds show me, if your deeds are good, then I praise Allah, and if they are bad, then I ask Allah for forgiveness for you ”(Hafiz al-Haysami said: “This hadith was narrated by al-Bazzara, his chain of transmitters is reliable”), there are many such hadiths.

Blessing of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) in writing

We wrote about what kind of reward will be for the one who said salavat out loud, and what will happen to the one who simply wrote on paper, and is there a difference in pronouncing or writing. Yes, there is, of course, a difference in the amount of reward, but there is no difference in the reward itself, the one who spoke, as well as the one who wrote on paper, receive a reward. The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) said:

من صلى علي في كتابه لم تزل الملائكة تصلي عليه ما دام اسمي في ذلك الكتاب

Meaning: " Whoever blessed me in a letter, the angels bless him as long as my name is on this letter "(at-Tabarani and others from Abu Hurayra).

blessing form.

The minimal and simple form is as follows, but the perfect form is better:

اللهم صل على محمد

« Allahumma sally ala Muhammad ' is the smallest form. But it is best from the minimal form to say the following form:

اللهم صل على محمد و على آل محمد

« Allahumma sally ala Muhammad wa ala ali Muhammad ”- this form came in an authentic hadith transmitted by Imam al-Bukhari.

As for the perfect forms, there are a lot of them, but we will give one example, a very famous one:

اللَّهُمَّ صَلِّ عَلَى مُحَمَّدٍ ، وَعَلَى آلِ مُحَمَّدٍ ، كَمَا صَلَّيْتَ عَلَى إِبْرَاهِيمَ وَعَلَى آلِ إِبْرَاهِيمَ ، كَمَا بَارَكْتَ عَلَى إِبْرَاهِيمَ ، وَعَلَى آلِ إِبْرَاهِيمَ ، إِنَّكَ حَمِيدٌ مَجِيدٌ

« Allahumma sally ala Muhammad wa ala Ali Muhammad kama sallayta ala Ibrahima wa ala ali Ibrahim innaka hamidun majid”(this type of salawat is transmitted in reliable books of hadiths).

Let every believer bless the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him), because this pleases him, and the Almighty will be pleased. In the hadeeth al-Qudsiy Allah said: “O Muhammad! Everyone is looking for My pleasure, and I am looking for your pleasure, ”means the pleasure of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) is the pleasure of Allah.

If a person on his own cannot systematically, constantly bless the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him), then you need to find a method for this. Most best method- entering the path of Sufism, this is the greatest way to cleanse your heart and soul from spiritual vices and achieve the pleasure of Allah.

A Sufi mentor (sheikh, teacher) teaches us the remembrance of Allah, as well as the blessing of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him), giving a daily task and an evening task (vird). A Muslim who has entered the tarikat, as a task, blesses the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) in the morning and evening, at least two hundred times a day (as a wird).

We said that one salavat saved a person from the punishment of the grave, and what a reward and high position awaits the one who blesses our beloved Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) at least two hundred times!

May Allah help us in all good.
