Best absorbed human body fish protein. This protein is healthier than meat. Marine goods can be bought at any store.

The ideal ratio of proteins and carbohydrates makes the dish dietary. Find out what marine fish are, look at the photo with the names.

Description and characteristics of marine fish

The underwater world is rich in a variety of species of inhabitants. In the depths of the sea you can meet countless thousands of individuals who delight with their appearance or scare with huge teeth.

  1. Cod representatives. dietary view, which include hake, haddock, hake, cod and other white varieties.

    They called the fish "chicken" for a small number of bones in the meat. A useful variety helps to overcome beriberi and rickets due to the vitamin composition.

  2. mackerel group has a peculiar stripe. The meat is tender and fatty compared to white varieties.

    It contains vitamin D and omega-3, which help maintain immunity.

  3. Scad group. Subspecies - more than 200 individuals. Horse mackerel has a slightly sour taste, the fat content of meat is no more than 5%. The class includes seriola, lychia, caranxa.
  4. Scorpion family. A species called "sea bass" is known. Fatty varieties of fish that are popular with cooks.
  5. Spar group. On the shelves of stores, a mix of Cuban crucian carp, chon fish and other representatives will be sold as oceanic crucian. The fat content of meat reaches 10%.
  6. notothenic family. A fatty variety, the main representatives of which have tender, almost boneless meat. Fat content - up to 25%.
  7. Gorbyl representatives. There are more than 150 subspecies of individuals. Reminiscent of the taste of the river, do not have a sharp sea smell.

    Famous representatives are captain fish, trout, umbrina.

  8. Herring and her friends. Source of income for most port cities.
  9. Smelt. The main known representative is capelin. Despite its small size, it is in demand on store shelves.

And that's not all representatives. The sea and the ocean are a space that has not been fully explored. Fish is the basis of a daily healthy diet.

Everyone a representative is easy to find on store shelves in raw and ready-made form.

Types of edible marine fish

The habitat is the sea. Such species differ from their river relatives in a large number of useful minerals and vitamins in meat. Conventionally, marine life can be classified into 6 groups.

Check out the list in the table:

Representatives of predators are sharks. Its meat is eaten as a delicacy. Mercury accumulates in meat, which complicates the cooking process. Sharks number more than 450 species.

herring species do not have scales on their heads. Representatives have small teeth, a simple color. Meat is rich in protein and vitamin A.

Herring- one of the most popular marine abodes. A similar group is mackerels.

Familiar marine life like cod, mackerel often end up on our table.

Flounder - dietary meat, saturated with phosphorus, selenium and vitamins of group B. Halibut is a fatty type of flounder family.

There are more than 500 subspecies in the group. Eating such varieties prevents the development of atherosclerosis and improves blood flow.

The cod group is the largest. It includes white varieties of fish. The garfish family are individuals of the garfish.

When cooking, the meat changes color to green, this is normal. This needle-like appearance is delicious.

Names of oily, white and red fish

In the composition of fish meat, the percentage of proteins is much higher than the fat content. Not fatty varieties suitable for diet food, caloric content of white meat - no more than 100 kcal per 100 g.

The fat content of representatives is up to 1.5%. These are pollock, argentina, hake, blue whiting, saithe, etc. White meat is easily digested, nutrients are quickly absorbed by the body.

Important! Include white varieties of fish in your diet and improve your well-being.

Red varieties like pink salmon, trout, salmon are medium fat fish. This group includes herring, tuna, horse mackerel.

The average calorie content is higher than the low-fat group - up to 150 kcal per 100 g. Low-fat fish is included in the diet of children and athletes.

Salmon and cod are suitable for salting, frying and stewing - as the culinary fantasy dictates.

To bold species include representatives whose meat exceeds the fat content of 7%. Caloric content - more than 200 kcal per 100 g.

Halibut, eel, mackerel - fatty varieties are the most healthy for health, contain a huge amount of polyunsaturated acids. Suitable for people leading an active lifestyle.

How useful is such a fish for humans?

Fish is not inferior to pork or beef in protein ratio. Polyunsaturated fats keep cholesterol from accumulating.

It is worth including seafood in your diet for several reasons:

  1. Vitamin composition.
  2. Iodine and other trace elements.
  3. Omega 3.

in sea fish most iodine. The river can not boast of such a rich composition. The use of seafood contributes to the proper functioning of the thyroid gland.

Immunity is also strengthened, memory improves, pain syndrome decreases. Eat marine representatives to avoid heart attacks and strokes.

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We all have heard about how useful salmon, trout, salmon. But we note that only grown in the wild, and not the one that is grown in special pools and eats mixed fodder. Experts say that these elite varieties have a serious competitor among budget and affordable types of fish, which is also a good source of omega-3 fatty acids.

The name of this proud fish is capelin. The editors will tell you why it is so good. And also about how to properly cook this fish so that it brings maximum benefit.

The healthiest fish

Capelin fish has been familiar to people for a very long time. It is bought both for themselves and for a pet. This fish is rich in protein: it contains at least 20-25% of easily digestible protein. Like all types of fish that live in the cold waters of the Atlantic and Arctic Oceans, capelin is rich in omega-3 and omega-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids. From the point of view of physiology, she needs this fat to warm herself, so in the autumn period she is more fat.

Capelin is valuable for the presence in it of a huge amount of vitamins A and D. Vitamin B12 is more in it than in ordinary meat. The trace elements contained in capelin make it especially useful. It also contains iodine, selenium and phosphorus. Selenium is involved in the formation of our bones and hair. Without phosphorus, bone tissue is destroyed.

For capelin to be beneficial, you need to buy it raw or frozen. Important: Defrost it naturally, not in the microwave. You should not look towards the counters with smoked capelin, because there is practically nothing useful left in it. Also, experts are categorically against frying capelin. With this preparation, we kill almost everything beneficial features this fish.

Fresh fish - what is it? A pier, ships, the cry of seagulls and breakups with fresh fish immediately come to mind. All this is in the European coastal markets, but we are in Moscow. With good fish, things in Moscow have not been important for a long time. Therefore, if you want to eat quality fish, you need to be able to choose it.

There are 2 trade names: chilled fish and frozen fish. You will be upset, but there is not enough really chilled fish in Moscow. For the most part, under the guise of chilled fish, they sell you thawed fish with added value for "pseudo-freshness". And even well-known megastores and premium chain stores are doing this. Maybe because the sellers behind the counter have little understanding of fish, or maybe the rules of the game have long been established and selling fish honestly means being in a losing position in advance and having to do like everyone else.

  • Chilled fish is fish that, from the moment it was caught until the moment it was sold, was kept fresh, not frozen, subject to the prescribed temperatures during transportation, reloading, re-sorting, storage, etc. In Moscow, such fish can be ... almost all farm fish (aquaculture). These are sea bass, dorado, salmon, trout, carp, sturgeon, crayfish, oysters. Very rarely, if a store wants to sell good fish, it may have chilled fish in its assortment. sea ​​fish, such as cod, squid, octopus, crabs, but this, again, is VERY RARE. It is much easier to buy frozen cod and after defrosting it stick a "chilled" price tag. This is how most shops do it.
  • Frozen or fresh-frozen fish, everything here is simply fish caught and frozen. BUT! Frozen fish can be different. Quality and no. From here the price for the same fish dances. It can be 200 and 700 rubles per kilo of one type of fish. Freshly caught fish can spend several days in the holds until it is delivered to the shore for further processing, or it can be cut and frozen immediately on the ship within a few hours after being caught. We do not have very many such floating factories, but they do exist and they produce very good fish. What else to say about frozen fish? Freeze may be dry, or may contain icing. By itself, the glaze on frozen fish is useful. It protects the fish from oxidation, drying out and premature spoilage, but the main thing is that its quantity should not be prohibitive. According to the regulations, the glaze content cannot exceed 5% of the weight of the fish, but many people neglect this, the temptation to outwit everyone and sell more ice cream water is too great. And this factor also affects the final price.

Recently, you can find more and more articles and advice on the Internet (from bloggers, culinary specialists, the restaurant community), that today in Moscow it makes sense to pay attention to good frozen fish. And by the way, more and more restaurants, where quality is primary, and price is secondary, come to high-quality freezing. And if you settled on choosing frozen fish, remember the main rule of defrosting food! Defrost the fish in the refrigerator, slowly. So her flesh will remain denser and more plethoric substances will be preserved.

Happy shopping in the online store "Fish Delivery"!

If you are thinking about celebrating, well, a birthday, then most likely the last ingredient you want to make a main dish from is white fish. Everyone loves red fish. However, this is easy to explain, we were spoiled by fatty and expensive Norwegian salmon. No doubt, farm imported fish, firstly, looks beautiful both in and baked form, and secondly, it is quite simple to cook it, and it is difficult to spoil it. And it’s easy to choose, the main thing is not to take a rotten one.

Another thing is white fish. It can taste delicious, or it can be dry and tough, completely uninteresting. This fish is much cheaper than imported red. Nevertheless, this does not mean that white is worse. You just need to be able to choose it, not confusing it with another, cheaper variety of fish, and after buying it, you should also cook it correctly. How right? Some fish will look great in a fried state, and some should be served with sauce, simmered over low heat.

We have selected the most delicious varieties of white fish that you can eat every day and cook for the holidays.

Fatty and tasty

Fat is the best conductor of taste for our receptors. Our brain generally loves it and considers a fatty product to be delicious. Of course, up to a certain limit. It's just that no one will eat raw and fatty fat, but salty ... yes with garlic ... Therefore, the most delicious fish- fatty.


Perhaps the most popular fish in Russia. We mainly eat it salty, but you can also fry fresh herring - it will be delicious. Now the most popular is the Atlantic herring, it is light, beautiful and attractive. But the most useful and delicious is the Pacific, undeservedly set aside by the buyers of the European part of Russia. The meat of this herring is darker than the Atlantic.


Very tender and rather oily fish. Halibut is ideal for baking, frying, magical in pies. Amazing smoked halibut. It has very few bones and the meat is tender and very white. It is rightfully considered one of the most delicious varieties of fish. In addition, halibut is not bred in captivity, so its meat is also very healthy, it contains a lot of omega-3 fatty acids, B vitamins, there is an essential amino acid - tryptophan.


Smoked mackerel, and especially hot-smoked mackerel, is simply divine fish. It is fragrant, oily, tender. But no less tasty is unsmoked fish, for example, stewed with white sauce or baked in foil.


A wonderful and tasty fish, however, very fatty, so when cooking, half of it is lost in the pan. But this does not detract from the taste of catfish, which seems to be just made for frying. It is also suitable for minced meat, but paired with some less tender and oily fish.

Diet and tender

Low-fat varieties of white fish can also be very tasty and healthy. They contain B vitamins, phosphorus, iodine, calcium, in general, those elements that we need every day. At the same time, such varieties of fish are low-calorie and are especially recommended for dietary nutrition.


Only 70 kcal per 100 grams, selenium, vitamin B12, potassium and sodium make haddock an excellent fish for a diet table. To taste, it is a bit like cod, only it is softer, more tender, more airy. It is especially worth noting that this fish never comes across rubbery and hard, like a sole, but other white varieties have been seen in this more than once.


Excellent fish, but only if it has not been thawed and refrozen many times. The more times this happens, the harder the cod becomes. The same fish that reached the buyer in a serviceable refrigerator will delight you with the softness and tenderness of its meat. Cod can be very tasty in almost any condition: it can be baked, fried, stewed, steamed, made into soup and added to meatballs. By the way, this hot smoked fish is a wonderfully tasty thing!


It is slightly more caloric than haddock, and slightly fatter. Nevertheless, flounder is still a dietary fish and at the same time quite tasty. Due to the slightly higher fat content, flounder meat is quite easy to cook, and it is difficult to spoil. One of the advantages of flounder is a small amount of bones.

Expensive and unusual


Freshwater Siberian fish muksun is rightfully considered one of the most delicious and healthy northern species. It is rich in bromine and fluorine. There is also a lot of copper in it, which is necessary for the addition of oxygen to hemoglobin, a protein that delivers oxygen to all organs and tissues. One of the most important qualities of muksun is that it is not susceptible to infection with opisthorchiasis, so you can make stroganina from it and eat raw fish. If you don’t want it raw, you can bake muksun, it also turns out very well. Looks great and salty - the perfect snack for beer.


Smoked eel is one of the most delicious delicacies. But eel can also be sold fresh. Then you need to cook soup from it. It will be quite fatty, because the fish itself is very oily, but memorable, because once you try the eel, you will not forget it, and if you like it, you will buy it again and again. In addition to soup and smoking, this fish is stewed, stuffed for pies, and finally wrapped in rice, making rolls.
