Heat guns are used to heat or dry large rooms. They run on electricity, gas or diesel fuel. Each of the varieties has its own positive and negative sides, which we will consider in this article.

Heat gun power

The power of the heat gun is selected depending on the volume of the heated room and the degree of its thermal insulation. For ease of calculation, several degrees of thermal insulation are distinguished. High thermal insulation - these are multi-apartment brick, monolithic or panel houses, office buildings, private country houses made of bricks, logs or timber. Medium thermal insulation - brick garages, capital outbuildings, warehouses, barns, sheds. Weak thermal insulation - old houses, hangars, warehouses, industrial premises. There is no thermal insulation in metal garages, outbuildings made of boards, hangars, and warehouses.

Having determined the volume of the room and the degree of thermal insulation, you can select the required power according to the table:

The table is based on a temperature difference between the outside temperature and the desired room temperature of 30 degrees. If the difference is smaller or larger, the result changes proportionally. For example, with a temperature difference of 15 degrees, the power should be half that indicated in the table.

When choosing a heat gun, you should decide for what purposes they will be needed: heating a house, garage, greenhouse, or for construction needs.

In any given case, for right choice electric heater, you need to decide on its power, design characteristics and manufacturer.

Technical properties and characteristics of heat guns

Heat guns for home

The first thing to pay attention to- these are the parameters suitable for the normal and high-quality operation of the heat gun. It is necessary to choose according to power and suitable electrical voltage.

For the first characteristic, there are two main calculation options. A simple definition is that for heating 10 sq.m. rooms need at least 1 kW of electrical power. And if you have a room of 4x6 meters, simple calculations will show that you need to purchase a heat gun with a power of at least 3 kW.

We got this score like this: 4 * 6 \u003d 24 sq.m., given that the supply of electrical power should be at least 20%, we consider: 2.4 * 1.2 \u003d 2.88 kV. The closest value will be 3 kW, and you need to choose it for heating this room.

The second calculation method is more accurate, and we recommend using it when choosing a heat gun for your home. In this case, the formula does not take into account the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room, but its volume and the thermal conductivity of all walls. And the formula takes the following form: P= (V*dT*Kt)/860, where:

V is the volume of the room, calculated as the area multiplied by the height of the ceiling, m3;

dT is the temperature difference between the room and the environment;

Kt is the thermal conductivity coefficient. An indicator from 0.6 to 1 goes for walls with good thermal insulation. With medium thermal insulation - from 1 to 2. With poor thermal insulation - from 2 to 3. Old houses - from 3 to 4.

860 is the number of kcal in 1 kW.

Required heat output

For a more understandable essence of the calculation, consider it with an example. You have decided to purchase an electric gun to heat the car in. The volume of the garage is 4x6 meters, the ceiling height is 3 meters. The temperature inside the building is +15C, outside it is -20C. The temperature difference is 35C. The garage is insulated quite well, we select the thermal conductivity coefficient 1. As a result of all the indicators, the formula takes the following form: 72 * 35 * 1 \u003d 2520 kcal / hour.

To convert the value to kW, you need to divide it by 860. It turns out 2.93 kW. Taking into account the necessary margin, you need to choose a heat gun of at least 3.5 kW, and this will be quite enough.

It should be noted that at present there is a conditional classification of all thermal devices by power. It is generally accepted that up to 5 kW these are heat fans, and already above this power - heat guns.

We also note that the one-piece stamped impeller creates a more powerful flow of warm air. If you need a good electric heater for repairs, for example, for installation and installation stretch ceiling, we recommend choosing a device with just such a fan.

We wrote above about how to choose the right heat gun for your home and garden. We hope that this information was useful and interesting for you. And in the future, you can easily choose the heat gun you need.

A heat gun is an indispensable assistant for most of the work carried out in the cold seasons. It can be a small repair of a car in your own garage, and the operation of a huge warehouse or any other room that lacks a full-fledged stationary heating system. If for additional heating of an apartment or a small office it is usually enough or compact, then in more spacious buildings they are no longer enough, and you have to think about purchasing a heat gun. However, due to the huge assortment, the choice of a particular model is far from always obvious. So that you can better navigate the variety on the market, we will briefly talk about how to choose a heat gun. Bonus - some of the best heat guns on the market.

Types of heat guns by type of energy carrier


To begin, consider the most unusual among all other options. Essentially, water heat gun- this is a radiator included in the main heating system, equipped with a fan that distributes heated air.

Despite the complete environmental friendliness, this device has enough cons: this is the need for a full-fledged heating system, and the complexity self installation. All this makes it difficult to use in most cases.


Electrical units, as you might guess, require a constant connection to the network. The thing is that the main heating element here is the heating element. He may have different shape and size. Accordingly, the larger the heater, the more air entering the interior of the heater will be heated over a period of time. A built-in fan is responsible for the intake of cold air and the exhaust of hot air. So that you do not get injured during use, all this is covered with a plastic or metal casing and a protective grille.

Most models, even the simplest ones, are equipped with a number of controls: a required temperature controller and a temperature sensor that allows you to automatically turn off the device when the room warms up and start it when it cools down.

What advantages of electric heat guns? First of all, in price - this is the most affordable type of such equipment. need. During their operation, no exhaust gases are generated, there is no need to refuel, and unlike liquid fuel guns, electric ones are easy to start at low temperatures.

Main disadvantage is the heating technology itself - the more powerful the unit, the more electricity it consumes and, accordingly, the more expensive it is. That is why such devices are not used as the main source of heat, which works constantly.


IR guns are practically "brothers" of the past type. Their operation also requires an electrical connection, but instead of heating elements, infrared elements are responsible for heating. However, there are models on the market that run on gas and diesel. With the help of radiation, they heat up the surrounding objects and surfaces, from which, in turn, the air is heated. A fan is not required here.

TO pluses such devices can be attributed to complete noiselessness. In addition, they are better than others for drying paint, plaster and other materials, since direct heating is faster.

TO shortcomings, as well as last time, it is possible to rank power consumption. Also, in a certain sense, the pronounced focus of the action is a minus: only those objects that are located opposite the heater warm up best of all, while the heat diverges throughout the room only due to convection, that is, slowly.


Gas heat guns work on a completely different principle: the gas coming from a cylinder or gas pipeline is burned inside a metal chamber, and the resulting heat, together with air, is blown out by a built-in fan. Unlike electric models, electricity is needed here only for ignition and rotation of the impeller, while much more heat is generated.

Such a unit has almost 100% efficiency, which allows you to warm up even a large room in a matter of minutes, and it can also be used as the main source of heat when supplying natural gas. However, do not forget that oxygen is burned during combustion, so the room must be ventilated.

Otherwise, the gas heat gun is very compact and can be quickly installed at the work site.


Considering the types and features of heat guns, one cannot do without mentioning units that run on diesel fuel. They are of two types: direct and indirect heating.

The first type is very similar to gas models and differs only in the presence of a fuel pump and tank. At the same time, the heat obtained by combustion is also distributed by means of a mains-operated fan. But do not forget that during the combustion of diesel fuel, by-products are formed - exhaust gases that are harmful to people, animals and plants, so use this species heaters can only be used in open, semi-open or simply constantly ventilated rooms.

Most often, such guns are used at a construction site, because due to their high power they can even warm up unfinished premises or, for example, dry materials.

The second type of diesel heaters is more versatile, as it is equipped with a pipe for exhaust gases. That is, the hot air blown out is safe, which is why such devices can be used indoors, including in the presence of people.

Basic flaw of all guns running on diesel fuel - a lot of weight and relatively high cost. However, the wheels installed on most models help to cope with the first, and the second is compensated by high power and reliability. In addition, they are purchased mainly for industrial use, and for personal use, you can easily pick up cheaper models of one of the above types.


In many ways, they resemble diesel ones, but they can run on kerosene and even used oil, which is why they are most widely used in auto repair shops.

Heat gun power

We note right away that we are not talking about power consumption, but about thermal power, which is a clear indicator of the performance of the heating device. The thermal power of diesel guns can reach 220 kW, gas - from 10 to 150 kW, infrared and electric - up to 50 kW. Electric guns with a power of up to 5 kW are called household, the rest fall into the industrial category. To work with powerful electric heat guns, you will need a three-phase 380 V network.

  • calculate the volume of the room, it's easy;
  • determine the temperature difference between indoors and outdoors. In public and industrial buildings, it is necessary to maintain a temperature not lower than +18 0 C, in warehouses - +12 0 C. The temperature outside can vary greatly, the average winter temperature is usually taken into account, but if the gun is the only source of heat, then it is better when calculation to use minimum winter temperatures;
  • we estimate the quality of the thermal insulation of the room, the coefficient k. For well-insulated houses k = 0.6-1.0, for medium thermal insulation (two-brick walls without insulation, a small number of windows) k = 1.0-2.0. In outbuildings and garages, as a rule, thermal insulation is poor (one brick wall, windows with one frame), so k = 2.0-3.0. For sheds, hangars, semi-open and open areas k=3.0-4.0

Let's say we have a warehouse with an area of ​​200 m 2 and a ceiling height of 3 m, a winter temperature of -25 0 C, average insulation. We get the result of multiplication in kcal / h. To convert to the usual kW, you need to divide it by 860.

Power \u003d 200 * 3 * 37 * 1.0 \u003d 22,200 kcal / h, or 25.8 kW.

Best heat guns 2017/2018

Consider several interesting models of heat guns.

Ballu BKX-3

A good option for heating a garage or country house. The compact model is equipped with a thermostat that can turn off when overheated. It is possible to adjust the power and temperature. Functional and safe option with an attractive price.

If you need to heat a slightly larger area, then you can pay attention to the Ballu BKX-5 model with a power of 3 kW. It costs a little more, about 2300 rubles.

Ballu BHG-10

The gun runs on liquefied gas, consumes up to 0.8 kg / h, there is a power adjustment and a shutdown function in case of overheating. For the convenience of the user, a piezo ignition is provided. It consumes very little electricity - 32 watts.

Master BLP 17M

This is a more powerful option, suitable for warehouse and industrial premises. Consumes fuel 1.16 kg/h, turns off when overheated, runs on liquefied gas. For ease of movement, as in many other models, a handle is provided.

Ballu BHDP-10

Option for open or semi-open spaces. The model heats up the room quickly, the volume of the tank is 12 liters, fuel consumption is 0.8 kg/h. There is a fuel level sensor and a coarse filter.

A heat gun is one of the fastest and most powerful types of space heating. To select the desired design of the heat gun, we will conduct a brief analysis.

What is a heat gun

In our climatic conditions, even with enhanced insulation of the room, using modern finishing heaters, using heat-insulating plaster - you can not do without heating.

A heat gun, like conventional heaters, consists of a heating element, a housing and a fan. Since such equipment can set a comfortable temperature in the premises in a matter of minutes, a very powerful fan is used in heat guns.

The fan forces air to pass through the heating element, thereby creating a powerful heat flow.

Heat guns are mobile, which allows you to move them from one place to another.

Outwardly, this unit resembles a cannon, has a cylindrical body, is located horizontally or at a slight angle upwards.

Very often, we can say mostly, heat guns are used on a construction site or an industrial facility.

How to correctly calculate the required thermal power of the gun

Before purchasing this unit, it is necessary to know the dimensions and volumes of the room in which the heat gun will operate, whether people will be constantly there.

It is necessary to decide which type of fuel the consumer will use - electricity, gas or diesel.

Any good seller will ask leading questions before offering a model.

For example: the volume of the room, depending on this volume, the required performance of the gun is selected. With an average ceiling height of 3 meters, one kilowatt of heat output is enough for heating from about 8 to 12 cubic meters. The larger the room, the more powerful the equipment must be.

There are formulas by which you can independently calculate the required thermal power.

Thermal power (kcal/hour) is equal to Vx^TxK. V - the volume of the heated room, i.e. product of width by length and height (cubic meters);

^T - the difference between the outdoor air temperatures and the required indoor temperature, in degrees Celsius;

K - dissipation factor, depends on the type of construction and insulation of the room.

Simplified wooden structure or the construction of corrugated metal sheet without thermal insulation has a coefficient of 3 to 4;

a simplified building structure made of single brickwork with a simplified design of windows and a roof, with little thermal insulation, has a coefficient from 2 to 2.9;

standard design with double brickwork, with a small number of windows, a standard roof, medium thermal insulation, has a coefficient from 1 to 1.9;

improved design, brick walls double insulated, limited number of double glazed windows, thick floor base, roof made of high quality thermal insulation material, high thermal insulation coefficient from 0.6 to 0.9.

One kilowatt is 860 kilocalories per hour.

But any theoretical calculations do not always give an accurate result, since a lot depends on the circumstances.

For example, if the building has very high ceilings, the use of infrared heaters is recommended, they do not heat the air, but the surface of objects, the heat from which is transferred to the air.

To correctly select a heat gun, you need to know how to heat the air flow with this technique.

Guns are divided into several types: electric, diesel and gas guns.

Each type has its own characteristics and advantages.

Electric heat guns

If it is possible to connect to electricity, you can install electric heat guns.

The so-called fan heaters are popular today in everyday life and construction.

Such guns are mobile, easy to operate, do not require additional fuel, and operate from the mains.

Models up to 5 kW. powered by 220 volts, more powerful from 380 volts.

Heat is generated when current passes through a high resistance conductor, the fan blows off the heat from the heating element and carries it to its destination.

Currently, most heat guns use heating elements - heaters in which a wire is placed inside the tube, the tube itself is made of austenitic or non-austenitic steel.

Tubes made of non-austenitic type steel heat up less, are more durable, but carry less heat load per unit area. For stronger heating, it is necessary to use longer heating elements.

Tubes made of austenitic steel oxidize during operation, microcracks appear, this can lead to a risk of heating element explosion.

Electric guns are relatively small in size, take up little space, but their performance is not very high, they are not suitable for heating rooms with high humidity (baths, saunas, etc.).

Electric guns consume a lot of electricity, so these models are used in short-term operation.

Gas heat guns

Such models weigh a little and are inexpensive.

Power is usually in the range from 10 to 100 kW, but more powerful ones are also found.

The only problem is fuel, liquefied gas in cylinders is not sold everywhere, it is difficult to make a supply of fuel, since a number of requirements apply to the storage of gas in cylinders.

Gas guns are economical, they practically do not emit gas when burned harmful substances but ventilation is still required.

The consumer must be aware that the gas pressure in the line or in the cylinder must correspond to the selected model of the heater.

For the simplest model with a power of 10 kW, a pressure of 0.5 bar is required, than more powerful gun, the greater the pressure.

For safety reasons, many guns are provided with flame control and protection against overheating of the case.

Gas guns are sensitive to low temperatures, and in severe frosts they can work unstably.

Diesel heat guns

Diesel guns are similar in principle to gas guns, they use diesel fuel as fuel.

It has a number of disadvantages, namely: a rather high weight, since the gun has to be transported along with the tank.

The design of diesel guns is more complicated.

Fuel is supplied to the combustion chamber by a fuel pump or compressor - all this leads to an increase in cost, and additional components require additional maintenance.

Diesel fuel is more contaminated with impurities than gas, so such guns can be turned on in non-residential premises with ventilation.

But the advantages of such guns are decent.

Fuel is available, its consumption is very economical, one refueling is enough for continuous operation for 10-15 hours.

Transportation of diesel fuel is safe, the heating installation is not tied to the gas pipeline, the power is the same as that of gas guns.

The diesel gun can operate in a wide thermal range.

Some models belong to indirect heating devices; for this, an additional circuit is used in the guns - a heat exchanger.

Hot gases pass through the heat exchanger and go outside through the chimney, the heat is removed by a fan.

The efficiency of such guns is lower, the price is higher, but there is no need to worry about ventilation and ventilation.

Such models are designed for heating large volumes in working rooms.

It must be understood that the operation of diesel and gas heat guns still requires a small amount of electricity to power the fan and the automation system, but if necessary, the gun can be powered from a small generator.
