The news that Dana Borisova is being treated for drug addiction has become one of the most discussed last week. The problem became known on the last Wednesday of April, when the TV presenter's mother complained about her daughter's addiction on the air of Andrey Malakhov's program “Let them talk”. It was not by chance that the woman chose this particular program as a mouthpiece - Malakhov has been friends with the family of Dana Borisova for more than twenty years, in addition, Channel One and Let They Speak more than once helped drug addicts give up their deadly habit. They did not leave people in trouble this time either.

For several years now, Channel One has been cooperating with the First Step network of narcological clinics, whose representative offices operate in many regions of Russia, as well as abroad. The rehabilitation center on Koh Samui, where the TV presenter is currently undergoing treatment, is also a project of our clinic.

Addiction treatment in Thailand

The first program that Dana Borisova uses drugs was aired on April 26. She was sent for treatment two days before the show of the program - immediately after the filming of "Let them talk", where she unwittingly became the main character. When the whole country groaned and gasped in front of blue screens, Dana was already in Thailand. It is no coincidence that this country is considered one of the most comfortable for the treatment and rehabilitation of drug addicts. The fact is that drug trafficking is completely prohibited on the islands, and the death penalty is imposed for their distribution. This circumstance reduces the likelihood of relapse to zero - until the end of the course of treatment and rehabilitation, the patient is guaranteed not to be able to get a dose of the drug.

A Thai visa is issued right at the airport, in order to undergo a course of drug addiction treatment in Thailand, Russians need a valid foreign passport. All details can be obtained from our managers. Recall that this is the same clinic where Dana Borisova is now being treated for addiction. Thailand is warm, and summer, sea and Exotic fruits It's also a kind of therapy. All this certainly helps to be alone with yourself, learn to enjoy life without additional stimulants.

Dana Borisova was lucky. In a difficult life period, her mother was next to her, who decided to take a bold step - to tell the whole country about the problem. The support of friends was also important - Andrei Malakhov, Prokhor Chaliapin, Elena Vorobei and producer Lera Tuvina. If trouble has knocked on the door of your house, remember that the vast majority of drug addicts are not able to cope with addiction on their own - all hope is for loved ones.

If you notice signs of addiction in any of your relatives and friends, do not put off calling the clinic. Our specialists hotline will help to understand what is happening with a person and how to help him. Don't forget that wasted time can cost the addict their health and, in many cases, their lives. Our phones work for you around the clock, free of charge and anonymously.

The dramatic story that unfolded around the once popular TV presenter, 40-year-old Dana Borisova, probably did not leave anyone indifferent. The news about the drug addiction of the famous blonde stirred up the public so much that the ratings of talk shows devoted to this topic threaten to break even those records that were previously set, or. So, according to the mother of Borisova, her daughter has been in a rather severe dependence on drugs for more than one year and systematically uses cocaine, and also drinks strong drinks and takes strong medications. The woman decided to tell the whole country about it on the air of the most popular TV project “Let them talk”. Ekaterina Ivanovna admitted that she told her by phone about the white powder stored in her mother's bedroom and about the strange guests who often visit their house. Borisova Sr., without hesitation, asked her former son-in-law, businessman Maxim Aksenov, to take the girl to her place for a while, and she herself went to television to ask for help from Dana's friends and colleagues. The host of the show, Andrey Malakhov, immediately warned the TV presenter not to try to accuse her mother of being crazy, because they have all the certificates confirming the woman’s mental health, so they have no reason not to believe her.

But, as it turned out, something interesting remained behind the scenes of the talk show. It turns out that immediately after the broadcast, Andrei Malakhov himself, as well as Prokhor Chaliapin, and Rustam Solntsev, and some other Borisova's star friends decided to go straight to her house. All of them are simply incredibly worried about the future fate of Dana. Although there is an opinion that there are no friends in the world of show business, this is far from the case. Pop singer Chaliapin, for example, is not only a close friend of the TV presenter, but they also had a common PR director, unfortunately, the now deceased Tim Brik, who, according to some reports, tragically died himself without calculating the dose drugs. In addition, according to Dana's mother, it was Tim who once hooked her daughter on hard drugs. Friends all together immediately went to Dana's apartment in order to jointly pull her out of this abyss and improve her life. Colleagues, in the end, managed to take the TV presenter for compulsory treatment to an elite rehabilitation clinic, which, by the way, is located in Thailand. Dana did not want to go there voluntarily, because she never admitted her addiction. For this reason, the comrades even had a chance to lie to the rescue in order to lure the presenter out of the house under the pretext of participating in the filming of a new TV project. Relatives and friends of Borisova sincerely hope that after undergoing treatment, she will be able to return to work, and she will not be deprived of parental rights. But now Dana's state of health is extremely disappointing, she lost her appetite, became very thin, so that the doctors even called her condition anorexia.

About Dana Borisova (in the hope that she will improve) two years is not a record yet. The former lover of the infamous TV presenter kept her secret even longer - three years.


Only now, a businessman from Germany, Alexei Pankov, in a frank interview, confirmed that the TV star has long had drug problems. With him, Dana tried to build love in 2014.

Pankov and Borisova met on the show "Let's get married!". The young people did not have time to reach the registry office - and then with slops through the media. Dana accused former lover in the fact that he pursues her and allegedly. The businessman even had to turn to lawyers to. Blonde same in police.

Alexey claims that in those months of showdowns, he sounded the alarm, but he was ignored. “I knew then that she was taking drugs, but no one wanted to hear me. Everything I tried to convey turned out to be black PR for me,” Pankov complained.

The businessman said that once, when Borisova, she had a heart attack while taking illegal drugs.

“We just started dating then, I didn’t know about her problem yet. Dana suddenly became ill, I called an ambulance. The doctor, having taken blood for analysis, already then told me:“ Do you understand that these are drugs? I could believe it, but analysis can't lie!" - Pankov is quoted by the site

The man wanted to help the TV presenter. “I tried to talk to her, but she denied, assured that these were diet pills ... Now I feel very sorry for her, although she brought herself to this. Now, I hope people understand that she was talking nonsense about me. And I hope she I'm ashamed, although... I doubt it," Alexey summed up.

Recall that at the moment Dana is undergoing treatment in a rehabilitation clinic in Thailand, where her Channel One is. The blonde said that in this paradise on Earth she was not at all sweet. To begin with, Borisova was embarrassed by the early rise. Then she lost her favorite gadget and all the pills she managed to smuggle across the border.

“They took away my phone,” Dana complained. “I don’t eat anything. I can’t physically eat anything. I’m weak. I have terrible phobias.

On the third day of her stay in a clinic in Thailand, Borisova reported that she had had a terrible night after specialists took all her sleeping pills from her. And the TV presenter caught a cold internal organs after sitting for a long time on cold stones.

Dana is helped to hold on by the only thought - about her daughter Polina. And Borisova also dreams of rehabilitating herself. "I'm not a finished person, I'm capable of more," the TV presenter, who got into trouble, assured.

Recently, celebrities have begun to save each other from alcohol and drug addiction. The movement was pioneered by 41-year-old Dana Borisova, who was sent to a rehabilitation center on Koh Samui, Thailand, where she spent five months.

The VIP center for the treatment of alcoholism and drug addiction "Sabay" became popular with the easy filing of Andrey Malakhov, who offered to send Dana there. Channel One spent more than a million rubles on the rehabilitation of the former host of the Army Store - a month of stay in the center costs 200-250 thousand rubles, which is about 8,000 rubles a day. During this time, Dana was supposed to be taken out of depression and instilled in her thoughts about the benefits of a healthy lifestyle.

Whether the rehabilitation was effective, time will tell. In the meantime, Dana is happy to give interviews, telling how she “became stronger” and actively helps other celebrities who are also in trouble. For example, she persuaded Chris Kelmi and Evgeny Osin to come to the rehabilitation center for alcoholics. And last week she announced that she had become the face of a psychological recovery center.

To understand how therapy takes place in the Thai center, just look at the schedule of events on the official website. It has everything for a happy life of the patient: shopping, spa treatments, boxing, game therapy, English language, movies, chef's meals, yoga, swimming, and a daily meditation item. Once a day, the patient can listen to a lecture on healthy way life, talk with a psychologist and make an entry in a personal diary on the topic “How my life is changing.”

Dana even started writing a book in Thailand called "Obsession", where she admitted that she first tried illegal drugs at the age of 16.

« Mom, who worked in an ambulance, brought phenazepam and told me: “You sleep so badly ... (And I already worked as a TV presenter.) Drink them and you will be rested.” Since then, I have been constantly drifting away from reality. Maxim saw how handfuls I always drank them, and this infuriated him. All my relationships ended because of pills. In only 2 years that I was pregnant and breastfeeding, I did not drink a single one. Then alcohol and drugs joined them. Pills have always been evil number 1 and at the same time salvation. I couldn't live without them, it was an obsession....", says Borisova

There is also an Orthodox priest in Thailand who helps patients cleanse themselves of sins, as well as an equestrian instructor, a meditation coach, in a word, everyone who can distract addicts from thoughts about illegal drugs.

However, not everyone recognizes such a system as useful, there are also negative reviews about the clinic. The Thai rehabilitation center also has opponents, for example, State Duma deputy Nikolai Valuev, who published information about the true activities of Dana Borisova’s savior Nikita Lushnikov on his website: “I I consider cooperation with the Center for Healthy Youth charitable foundation to be my mistake and I do not regret at all that I cut off all possible contacts with this organization».

According to Valuev, the declared activities of the Central Health Museum outwardly look wonderful and are carried out with the involvement of many famous personalities - domestic artists, doctors and even politicians, but the reverse side of the work of the foundation is the introduction of all these people, as well as their wards, into deep error by hiding real ties with the neo-Pentecostal religious organization "Kingdom of God", whose headquarters is located in Ukraine.

In the end, due to the provision of false information about the activities of the CPM, Nikita Lushnikov was removed from work in the State Duma. But he did not stop his activities.

Indeed, many popular people are connected with the activities of the Center for Healthy Youth. For example, TV presenter Alexei Lysenkov, Ksenia Rappoport, Pavel Derevyanko, Vera Brezhneva actively help him ... Thanks for the active life position The TsZM organization was issued by Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev.

But the most zealous defender of Lushnikov was TV presenter and journalist Andrei Malakhov, who, by virtue of his profession, simply could not help but know about the strange past of the drug addict rescue group. He continues to promote the activities of the organization with a tarnished reputation and involve unfortunate artists in it, writes

A well-known TV presenter ended up in a drug treatment clinic in Thailand, smuggling drugs in her underwear

Borisova justified herself by taking medicine for insomnia. For such “harmless”, from the point of view of Dana Borisova, drugs, the Thai authorities pass a “death sentence”. The first days of her stay in Koh Samui were not easy for Borisova. She could not eat and felt very ill. But then Dana's condition began to improve, says Andrey Malakhov.

Dana Borisova, going to rehabilitation from drug addiction, sewed another dose of the potion into her bra. The drug was found directly in the rehabilitation center. Borisova failed to take the drug.

Andrey Malakhov spoke about the drug addiction of the Russian TV presenter Dana Borisova live in one of the episodes of the April program “Let them talk”. Colleagues and admirers of Borisova were sincerely alarmed by the state of Dana and tried in every possible way to support the popular TV presenter. Andrey Malakhov volunteered to organize Dana's treatment in Thailand.

The country's authorities are very strict about drugs. Distribution and manufacture of psychotropic drugs in Thailand is punishable death penalty. Borisova was lucky that the prohibited drug was not found during the customs inspection. Then the presenter would be in big trouble with the local law. , 10.05.17 , “Dana Borisova: I was sent to a clinic to take my daughter away‍”

TV presenter Dana Borisova complained about her loved ones, saying that they sent her to the clinic to take away her daughter. She is currently in Thailand in a closed private clinic for drug addicts.

According to the TV presenter, she went to Thailand to participate in a TV project, but as a result it turned out that she was closed there at the clinic at the instigation of her mother, who wanted to take her granddaughter Polina from her daughter. Borisova admitted that her mother Ekaterina Ivanovna constantly interfered in her daughter's life and even tried to kill herself 2 times, using it as blackmail to take Polina away.

Now, according to the presenter, elderly woman, for which she bought an apartment in the resort town of Sudak, crossed all possible boundaries. Borisova Sr., after taking part in the show “Let them talk,” was able to earn a considerable fee, but did not understand that they would not give her granddaughter, given her diagnoses from psychiatrists.

Dana Borisova does not deny that she had problems with alcohol, but she was able to cope with them for the sake of her daughter. Another reason for high-profile accusations was the regular use of diet pills containing narcotic substances to reduce appetite. But, according to Borisova, these pills were advised to her by Ekaterina Ivanovna herself, who has a medical education, so she could not help but know about side effects facilities.

"WomanHit" , 10.05.17 , “Friend of Dana Borisova: “I can’t say that she is a drug addict”

Oksana Romanenko, the owner of a PR agency, commented to on the rumors that go around the person of the TV presenter.

Today, again on the Web, they began to discuss Dana Borisova, who, shortly before the holidays, her own mother accused of drug addiction, and her colleagues in the shop were sent for treatment to Thailand. Now, surrounded by a TV presenter, they are discussing that not only Dana herself is to blame for this situation, but also her mother, Ekaterina Ivanovna. To clarify the situation, turned to her friend Borisova, the owner of her own PR agency, Oksana Romanenko.

Oksana, today the mother of Dana Borisova is accused of being the one who pushed her own daughter into the abyss that she spoke about in Andrey Malakhov's studio.

I don't know mom. The first time I saw her was on the program. Before that, when I organized the wedding of Dana and Andrei Troshchenko in 2015, I heard from her - I can’t say that it was negative - it was not a desire to communicate with my mother. She did not find a common language with her mother. When her daughter Polina went to her grandmother in the Crimea for a vacation, Dana talked with Ekaterina Ivanovna. But she strictly forbade me to let her go to the celebration. And when her mother called, Dana's mood always deteriorated. I don't know what it was about.

In my opinion, here the problem is hidden much deeper than it seems. Most likely, they have been living in this conflict for a long time. For example, my mother was not allowed into Golden Keys, the residential complex where Dana lives. They didn't even let me through security.

- Maybe it's because of Andrey Troshenko's husband?

Dana had a wonderful husband. He communicated well with her daughter Polina. As you know, other people's children are other people's children. But Andrei talked to her as if he were his own. We all went to shoot abroad together, filming a honeymoon trip. Andrei and Polina played, she obeyed him. Although she is an emotional child, she has a mobile psyche. And, in my opinion, it is quite difficult to find a common language with her. And Andrey found it wonderfully ... On that trip, Dana became ill. The fact is that she had an obsession: she is fat and she needs to lose weight. When she got there, she didn't eat anything. We had to shoot, but she can't get up, her stomach hurts. I even went for special stomach medicines. After that, she came to her senses a little, shot for a magazine and again went to rest. And Andrew came up to me. And he began to speak. It was a monologue of a man who is tired of life. He told me that her mother got her hooked on antidepressants, that she was considering some kind of fraud with real estate and wanted to take away her apartment. That she constantly accused Andrei of being an adventurer and seeking benefits from marriage with Dana. And it’s worth saying that Andrei is a simple guy, far from show business. And he married a simple girl, not a TV star. He didn’t need anything from her, except for love and family. But he constantly cursed with her mother, who weaved all sorts of intrigues.

-Why isn't he involved in this whole scandal?

He is not that kind of person. When the first program of Andrei Malakhov came out, he called me and thanked me: “Thank you for supporting Dana and not saying that she is a drug addict.” But I can't say that she is a drug addict. To accuse a person like that, you need to see the documents, the conclusions of specialists. The fact that she drank antidepressants is yes. And the fact that she could drink champagne after antidepressants is also yes. And such a mixture inhibits speech. And it seems that she is in a deranged state. But to say that a person is a drug addict - I will not do it. You can't blame someone like that. I haven't had much contact with her lately. She called me when she already broke up with Andrey. And he says: “Will you help me make the wedding again? I'm getting married, this time the man is rich." It was just about the person who is now telling everyone that she is a drug addict. And then the question arises: why, if you saw that she was a drug addict, did not help her? Why didn't he sound the alarm? And then Dana soon called me again and said that they had postponed the wedding for a year. Then she called me when she got a job at the clinic: “Now I’m like you, a PR person.” Then she periodically informed me that she was doing well ...

Dana is a person with a mobile psyche. I think she is very unhappy and lonely. All boyfriends perceived her as a star and communicated with her only for this reason. And Andrei loved her and treated her like a normal simple person. And when he called me after the release of the program, he was indignant. He said that this was not true and why her mother started all this.

Oksana Romanenko at the wedding of Dana Borisova and Andrei Troshchenko

- Dana's mom divorced them?

I think yes. She constantly blackmailed Borisova, called and said: “If you don’t give money, I’ll tell you that you were in a psychiatric hospital.” I don't know Ekaterina Ivanovna. But I am the mother of my daughter. And from a mother's point of view, I would never go on television and say that my daughter is a drug addict. I would try my best to heal her.

- Now they say that the mother started all this in order to select Polina ...

Maybe, judging by what I heard earlier from Dana and Andrey. Although the question is: why didn’t she take her now from Maxim (former civil husband of Borisova and father of her only daughter, - approx. In this whole situation, no one thought of this poor girl. How is she at school now? What do they think of her and what do they say to her? A child may have a psychological trauma when everyone poke her that her mother is a drug addict. And why didn't Borisova's mother think about it when she went to the program? I don't want to say anything bad. I can't tell if she's a good person or a bad one. But after shooting the program, I asked her: “Why did you dump all this on the whole country?” She began to make excuses that she had no other choice. But if they are friends with Andrei Malakhov, could they call him and ask for help without filming?

How is Dana now?

Everything is fine, I started eating.

- Does she still perceive treatment as filming a show?

No. She realized that she was in a place where people are being treated. But she doesn't know what she's being treated for. In my opinion, she needs to be treated for anorexia, which is much more difficult. Anorexia has been treated for years! This is the psychological state of a person. Dana couldn't eat. She will eat half a banana, and she will feel sick. She could only drink broths. And in Thailand, I started eating. But I believe that in the month for which she was assigned there, nothing can be cured. Moreover, a person himself must understand what he is being treated for, and want it. I believe that Dana has a psychological breakdown, addiction to tranquilizers. Her soul hurts. She told me before the wedding that she dreams of a normal family, taking care of her daughter, her husband. She wanted a normal human life. And now it’s scary to imagine how she will return from Thailand in a couple of weeks. And how much negativity will pour out on her. And she will have to somehow come to terms with this story and somehow start living in this society. She will need to understand that she is sick with something. To recover. And I think she needs to leave immediately. Visit places of power, temples, springs. Get rid of this dirt.

Tamara Astapenkova

"" , 04.05.17 , Borisova's ex-fiance told how drug addiction brought her to a heart attack

Recently, the public learned about the difficult situation in which 40-year-old Dana Borisova found herself. And now the journalists have contacted the former fiancé of the TV presenter, Alexei Pankov, who admitted that she was addicted back in 2014.

Now Dana Borisova is undergoing rehabilitation in one of the specialized centers in Thailand. According to the TV presenter herself, the treatment is difficult for her, but she is determined to fight to the end for the sake of her daughter Polina. Fans and Internet users support Dana and hope that she will find the strength to cope with a serious illness.

Ex-fiance of Dana Borisova Alexei Panikov gave a frank interview about her drug addiction

Dana and Alexey met on the Let's Get Married program

The relationship between Pankov and Borisova developed rapidly, but in the end, the lovers broke up with a scandal

In a new interview, the businessman said that he learned about the dependence of the TV presenter in 2014

For a long time, Pankov tried to help Borisova

However, Dana refused to acknowledge the problem.

Recall that her mother was the first to tell Borisova about drug addiction.

After this confession, Andrey Malakhov and other friends of Dana tricked her into Thailand for treatment.

The TV presenter herself admitted that rehabilitation is very difficult for her.

However, Dana agreed to continue treatment for the sake of her daughter.

Internet users support Borisova

Fans of Dana hope that she will be able to overcome a serious illness

Dana Borisova

Dana Borisova

The other day, journalists from the portal contacted Borisova's former lover Alexei Pankov. The man said that he learned about the dependence of the TV presenter in 2014, when they were together.

“We just started dating then, I didn’t know about her problem yet. Dana suddenly became ill, I called an ambulance. The doctor, having taken the blood for analysis, even then said to me: “Do you understand that these are drugs?” I couldn't believe it. But analysis cannot lie! Alexey remembered. Pankov also explained that he had been trying to help Borisova for a long time, but she refused to admit the problem, and any of his attempts to report the drug addiction of his beloved to journalists became a pretext for accusations of self-promotion.

Victoria Artemova
