The war of 1812 has changed the views of the advanced part of the nobles in relation to the serfs and the autocratic power of Russia. On the moral formation of Pushkin influenced the Tsarskoye Lyceum, who thought about how educational institution For noble children and which should be preparing future officials, loyal royal power. But it turned out the opposite. Lyceum has become a stronghold of freedomiff.

A vast influence on the winsitious ideas of Lyceistov, Professor Lyceum Alexander Petrovich Kuckingin, who taught logic, ethics, psychology and legal science, and believed that power must be limited, and the power is not only public, but also the parent, otherwise it turns into tyranium.

Under the influence of the philosophy of Rousseau and Kant, Kunitsyn lectures, communicating with lyceumists, against the background of the sentiments who twisted after the Patriotic War, the Ode was born, forever defeated the relationship of Pushkin with the emperor, and served as the reason for his expulsion from the capital. It - .

She was created immediately after the end of the lyceum, in 1917, when Pushkin was located in the Turgenev brothers apartment on Fontanka, the windows of which went to the Mikhailovsky castle. The same castle, where the sovereign Pavel Petrovich was killed. Perhaps this view from the window and inspired the young, but already famous poet on such a free product.

When on the gloomy neva
Star midnight sparkle
And carefree chapter
Calm sleep agults
Pensive singer looks
On the hardware sleeve
Tirana desert monument,
Forget the abandoned palace

The ODD, glorifying and praising the power of the pre-war, wrote to Pushkin. Ode Pushkin performs the opposite target. She condemns the absolute monarchy. The main idea of \u200b\u200bthis work is a protest against self-leveling.

Only there over the royal chapter

Peoples did not legally suffer

Where hard with the liberty

Laws of powerful combination;

In this work, the poet openly and emotionally expresses his feelings, attitude to autocracy. It is not surprising that, in the life of Pushkin, Oda was not published, but she very quickly went to the lists, and yet got on the emperor's table.

Tirana of the world! Breshing!
And you, be furious and put it,
Rose, fallen slaves!

Making an analysis of ODD "liberty", we see that it is divided into 3 parts. In the first part of the poet outlines the purpose of the work:

I want to fight freedom to the world
On the thrones to hit the vice.

In the second part, the poet expresses his opinion on the law, which is "above the crown and throne." The poet on the significant examples of the Russian king Paul and the French kings develops his thought.

The third part of the ODD is the conclusion with the call to the power to the precondition:

Build the first chapter
Under the village of reliable law
And become eternal guards of the throne
Peoples of liberty and peace.

The poem is a lyrical monologue written by a four-stranded yamb. Rhymes unstressed, with mixed stanza. All this gives the product the dynamism and clarity of the rhythm.

In the "liberty" at all the rigor of the composition there are many expressive epithets: "Weak Queen", "Wasned Lira", weak tears "" noble trail ". These and other epithets help the poet to convey their main thought - The law is above all.

Oda A.S. Pushkin echoes the same Radishchev's named the same name, but he puts the people over selfhood. Although the ideals of freedom, humanity are approved in both works. This product was rated by A.I. Herzenom, who wrote that "Pushkin's song continued the era of the past, filled the practical sounds of real and sent his voice to the remote future."

Alexander Nikolaevich Radishchev


Liberty (1783?)
You want to know: who am I? what am I? Where am I going? .. (1791)

Oda "liberty" of the great Russian revolutionary educator is one of the works most common in lists of free poetry from the end of XVIII and to the 1830s.

Oda with a special rage was pursued by censorship: the detection of its authorities, even in case of random circumstances, promised serious repression.

"The plot of" liberty "is based on the general sport theories of the natural law and the public contract, rethinking by Radishchev in the revolutionary spirit." (3Apadov V. A. Poetry A. H. Radishcheva // Radishchev A. N. Poechdzeny. L., 1975. With . 26 (B-Ka Poet, BS).

Oda summed up the evolution of Russian advanced political thoughts on the eve of the French bourgeois revolution. In the future, she had a huge impact on the formation of the ideology of the noble revolutionaries. Assessing the influence of Radishchev, Herzen in 1858 noticed that he would have heard a familiar string that we were accustomed to hear in the first poems of Pushkin, and in the "Children" of Ryleev, and in their own heart "(Herzen A. I.<Предисловие к книге «О повреждении нравов в России» князя М. Щербатова и «Путешествие» А. Радищева> // Cup. op. M., 1958. T. 13. P. 273.) Oda "Volost" did not lose its importance for the revolutionary democrats of the 1860s, but could only be mentioned only by the bias. Tyranoboric pathos and a call to a revolution, which must be able to power the kings, determined the constant, deep influence of OD.

The word "liberty" in the lexicon XVIII century meant independence, political freedom and had some semantic difference from the word "freedom": it was the "liberty" - the title of Pushkin Oda 1817. Later, this tint is erased, and necris in 1877, meaning this ODU Pushkin, called her "freedom." (Nekrasov N. A.<Автобиографические записи, Из дневника> // full. Cathedral cit. and letters. M., 1953. T. 12. P. 21.

The seven "you want to know: who am I? what am I? Where I'm going ... "also often meets in the hands of the hands starting from the 1820s.


ABOUT! Dar of Heaven Blessed,
The source of all the great cases
About liberty, liberty, the gift is invalid
Let me squeeze you.
Take the heart of your heat,
In it strong muscles your blow
Into the light of slavery to darkness
Yes, Brut and Tel will wake up
Sedya in power yes smith
From the play of your kings.

I went to the light, and you with me;
There are no yours on the muscles;
I can free hand
Enough this bread.
The feet carry, where I am pleased;
To the same, which is understandable;
I think that I think;
I can love and be loved;
I do good, I can be honored;
My law - the will is mine.

But what does my freedom rest?
I ware the limit everywhere;
There was a common power in the people,
Cathedral all authorities.
Her society is obedient
Everywhere with her unanimously;
For benefit, there is no obstacle;
In the authorities of all his stuff,
His creature, doing all the will, -
That's what is in society the law.

In the middle of the gracious valleys,
Among the harvested harvest,
Where crosses flourish tender
The medium of peaceful Oliva,
Parosskaya Marmor Beeee,
Orthodox day of rays lighter
It is the transparent everywhere temple;
There, the victim of Liv is not smoking,
There is an inscription fiery visible:
"The end of the innocence of troubles."

Olive branch Venedia,
On solid kamen Sedyai
Ruthless and cool,
The deaf deity is judged.
White snow in chlamyide
And in constant always form
Mirror, sword, weights before him.
Here the truth will stray gums
Here justice is obedy, -
This temple of the law is clear Zrim.

Builds strict anti-maritresses
Pours joy, fluttering around itself
Equally, all the personalities look at
Neither hating nor love.
He is a forefall, multiple,
Breed, knowledge, wealth,
Bent the sacrificial thunder;
Kinship does not know nor pleasant;
Equally divide and MZDA and execution;
He is the image of God on the Earth.

And the monster is terrible
As a hydra, a hundred having chapters,
Uminny and in tears,
But full jaw swell,
Earth authorities pouring
The head of the sky is advised,
His depreciation there, says;
Ghosts, Darkness everywhere sow,
Deceive and flashes
And blindly believing to everyone.

Covering the mind dark
And everywhere veins Clear poison,
Trojka will take a stance
The sensitivity of the nature of Chad,
Led in the yoke of enslavement,
En masse in br aboutnude misfortunes
Being truth ordered.
"The law of God", - the king broadcasts;
"Saint deception, - the sage calls -
People crush what you gained. "

This was, and there will be eternal
Source Lyut Slavery Okov:
From the angry life of all life
The death of one cover will be.
Omniporal God, benefits,
Natural you are the creator,
The law was found in his heart;
Perhaps that you have changed,
So that you, the God of Force, so Mastened,
Is it stranger to give us a voice?

We will revive in the field of extensive,
Where a dull throne stands slavery.
Gradual authorities there are all peaceful,
In King, in vain the image of a deity.
The power of the Tsarsk faith is guarded,
The power of Tsarotka Vera states;
Selfly Society oppresses:
One token is captivated,
Another will erase seeks
In favor of the general, - reissue.

Slashing slaughter under the canopy
Fruits of malicious will not increase;
Where is the whole mind silent
The greatness is not styling there.
There, Niva will launch fat,
Braid and sickle there are unorded
In the dry, the lazy ox will fall
A shiny sword will fame fame,
Minervin temple became the dilapidated
Cunning network started in dol.

Chelo in charge ascend
Grabbing iron scepter, king,
On the bulk throne of power
The people in the people only the bottom of the creature.
) Kivot and death in hand having:
"By will, - rivers, - Shutty the villain;
I can give the authority;
Where I laugh, everything laughs there;
I'm frozen - everything confuses;
We live then, I drove to live. "

And we will make a cold-blooded,
As the blood of our greed reptile,
Cutting always undoubtedly
In the merry days we sow poison.
Around the throne all arrogantly
The knee is precast.
But the avenger, tremies, comes.
He pallows, the liberty is proceeding, -
And Ce Solva from the edge to the edge,
Chairs freedom will leak.

There will arise everywhere brann,
Hope all arms;
In the blood of the tormentor Vedennna
Wash your shame, everyone hurries.
The sword is sharp, I zrya, everywhere sparkles,
IN different types Death flies,
Above proud head of the grain.
Refine, whipped peoples;
CE law commutable nature
The king was built on the fell!

And boils the curtain of false
With a crash powerfully spoiling
Silent power and plump
Huge iduan
Waving the storm is giant,
Entails him as a citizen
To the throne, where the people were silent.
"The criminal of power, by me by this!
Broadcast, the villain, I am a weddish,
Rebel against me how dare?

I enjoyed me in Porphyra
Equality in society obstacles,
Widow to despise and sire,
From misunderstanding to save,
His father to be chadoloubic
But Avenger is irreconcilable
Pokoka, false and slander;
Merit honor to reward
Device evil warning
Keep morals clean.

I covered the sea by ships,
Arranged a marina in the shores,
In order to treasure trading
Flowed with excess in cities;
Children's harvest so that there is no
It was orata useful;
He could broadcast behind the hijah:
"Brazda I am not a mercenary,
On theirs of their not a prisoner,
I guess you. "

I'm without mercy
The rattling riffered;
I am copper in bulk,
Villas external to punish;
You ordered to obey
With you to glory to rush;
For benefit, I can all;
Earthly depths
Metal brilliant removal
On your decoration.

But you, forgetting me, the oath of Danna,
Forgetting that I chose you
To be weddorn in joy
Removed that you are the Lord, not me.
The sword is my termination of statutes,
Muffedly relieved all right,
To be ashamed of truth ordered;
Cleared the frozen roads
It became not called me, but to God,
I raised to be raised.

Bloody then getting
The fruit, I asked for food,
With you, the crumbs are divided,
His Natuha did not gem.
You have a little treasure!
To what, tell me, they are missing,
What rubbish with me ripped out?
Give a pet, full of flattery,
Wife, alien to honor!
Ile Zlatto God you admitted?

In excellence sign invented
You started to give arrogance;
In the villain sword my sophisticated
You became innocence to fill.
Circled shelves in defense
To break whether the famous
For humanity to punish?
In bloody struggle the valleys,
In order, drove away, in Athens:
"Ira !!" - yawn, could say.

Villain, villains of all lute
Exceeding evil your chapter
The criminal, the first to
I will appear on the court to call you!
The villains all accumulated in one,
Yes neither one will let go
You from executions, soup.
I jerked to the squeeze you sting.
One death for that little
Melci! Did you die! "

Great Husband, Cunning Full,
KHANZH, and LLEST, and sore,
One are you in the world so beneficia
The great example could serve.
I know, crumb e.l, in you villain,
That the power in his hand is having,
You crushed freedom;
But you taught you in the genus and childbirth,
As peoples can revenge:
You are Charles on the court.

Nispal prize butk, and MGLU thick
The lamp of the truth eared;
Lictery that the name is holy,
Clearness from the womb.
God is not visible in an alien form,
He does not take revenge on his insult
But in the action spread out;
Not saved from the misfortunes of us
Father of all visible fathers
We have a victorious song.

Outpacing vortices forged
Interrupting the tile of quiet water -
Freedom glaces so strung out
In the evening the whole people flow,
The throne of the cast iron destroys
Samson like an array shakes
Filled cowarets;
The law is building the Nature Council;
Great, you are great, spirit of freedom,
Situable how God himself is!

Looming the supports of the spiritual power
And hard metrophese hand
Dominion is terminated on the part,
That Lya is erected by the Holy;
Crown Trega Essay
And the rod sacred refractive
Lightning curses sohel;
Laughing imaginary farewell
Put a ray of Luther Enlightening
With the earth, the sky recovered.

How so always at the beginning of the century
I revealed the whole shifter,
It is like a person
Create with the world put
Space from the desert of gloomy
Eastorg - and solid and transparent
The first seeds of all bodies;
Destroyed, an ancient blend of spoole;
Elephants he arranged
And the sun life told the sun.

I.Dal exceeds rapidly
Crew liah mind;
Offset Powerful Shucking
On top of the earth, it's too different;
In the Unknown Countries bravely
Columbus flies through the field wet;
But the miracle of Galilee creates:
Empty, proceeding emptiness,
Writing his own hand
Light day to approve.

So the spirit of freedom, ruining
Ascended, angles oppress,
In hails and villages flying "
To the greatness of all calls,
Lives, give birth and creates
Obstacles on the way does not know
We deposit the courage in the paths;
Imcessantly with him mind think
And the word property is numerical
Ignorance that dispels the dust.

Under the tree, moored,
Lord's flock Shepherd pass;
Suddenly the new light illuminated,
Pepha, freedom hears voice;
On the flock of the beast, he sees, rushing,
The fight with him is zealously striving;
A non-regulatory leader shave his own, -
About her heart did not raid my heart
As alien was, did not regret;
But now, now you are mine.

Lord will be fulfilled
Until the sun on the fields
Missing niva breaking
Owls languished on the brazdes;
Like stepmother to alien
It comes to the view always evil,
Slaves so the Niva Mzdu gives.
But the spirit of freedom of the Niva warms,
The field is unconscious, the field is wondering:
Some sow yourself, he wants himself.

Performing a range of day work,
Free husband home in a hurry;
Innocent heart, without care,
In the arms of married sleep;
Not the gentlemen hand in charge
He is given to him for execution
Innocent victims to multiply -
Love we deposit gentle
On the heart marriage erected reliable,
He chose his assistant.

He loves, and she loves her;
Proceedings - fun, sweat - dew,
That vital vitality
Muga, fields, forests;
Vertices of bliss reach;
Their fruit is softened
All the gods to simplicity.
Silent will reach death,
Not knowing the gala decades
Chicks that crochets in nage.

Review to the boundless field,
Where the boring brotherhood is worth it:
Not cattle here is inevitable
Do not draw courage gives
It's not a pile correctly seeks -
The leader here the warrior is coming,
The death of nice is looking for.
About the warrior unshakable
You are and was invincible,
Your leader is freedom, Washington.

Double-faced god temple closed,
Ferralness made himself
CE God celebrations between us came
And in the horn of the cheerleh Vedorbil.
Flock loudly louds,
Do not see formidable lord,
The law is fun to give
Freedom is called the Power here, -
Award here - one than Glory,
In the temple of immortality that leads.

Waking up a cheerful dance,
Differences in charge of removing,
CE Paks under the azure arch
Natural gets up with a charter;
Mired in the Tine power back
One personal cancellation
The crown will admire;
But do not add to the authority,
Experience only the senior Slav
He will take it to give.

Crown, Pindar assigned,
Arts Woven Hand;
Crown, housing science,
We carry a non-neunto chapter.
Such, always dreaming,
On the wings of the mind of the takeoff,
The Spirit of Bodr and the firm will be all
Worlds to the edge will be ascended
And the fame of the new will carry out:
The subject of his essence we are not me.

But passion, sophisticating anger,
Hostile flamesman shake
Dagger Lock myself in the womb
Peoples are detrimental;
Father on the son erected
Unions are breeding,
In the hearts of citizens die fear;
The power is born
Alcba, rushing,
That society will arrange a penalty.

Turn the swirl
Chancing the cloud dense
Luminous lining diarrhea,
Siajan poison covered saints.
Misseling, pretty, threatening,
Ile execution, Ile Mzdu nice -
CE Sword, Ce Chryto: Paste -
And sowing on Kameni Echidna,
Sailing zipper from the edge to the edge.

So Mari, Sulla, outstanding
Cleaning the roman,
In the hearts of vice reviving
In the hiring ripped the citizens,
Swearing all that is holy
And what was not taken away
At the Romans to buy off the horn;
The scales are malicious Mzids shameful,
Betrayal, burgted by akin
Early the dishonor of the insidency.

And CE, conclusing civilian
And the light of cunning seduction,
On the sky stretching Dlanni,
Anxious liberty soaring
Cast iron Skipter wrapped in flowers
Peoples of Mnili - rule themselves,
But Augustus yielded them;
Cooked at least the atom of kindness,
We deposit a soft soul, -
But the king when there was a fearlessness!

This was the law of nature
Unnecessable never
All nations are subject to him,
It is always invisible;
Tormenting, sharpen the limits,
Poison full of their arrows
In itself, not leading, spit;
The equality of the Kazakh will restore;
One power, falling, crushing;
An offend right will update.

Come to the metta perfection
In the paths of the Preskchiv,
In the way you will find bliss,
Unfortunate lot alleviating
And the sweat of the Sun is rugged
About liberty, liberty, yes you conclus
With eternity you are your flight:
But your root is exhausted,
Freedom to arrogance will turn
And the authorities under the yoke will fall.

Yes not divide transform
Which we are in the light of Zrimim
Universalistic aspire
Understandably striking Behaim
Fire in connection with moisture argue,
Element in us is the element of Boret,
The beginning of the darling to give;
Beautiful in the world
In the merry, will begin the birth
To ensure only die.

ABOUT! You, happy peoples,
Where the case of liberty granted!
Beway the gift of the good nature,
In the hearts that eternal drawn.
Torn, under the legs
You have ready to swallow you.
Do not forget for a minute
That the fortress of strength in the mightiness of Luta,
That the light in the darkness of Zait is to translate.

To you my soul pounded,
To you, word climbed,
Seeks to go bevel
Lying the liberty Popran;
Cheer! And we are sideways here! ..
That f, that w and we are all crazy;
An example of your Metow has exposed;
Your I glory is inappropriate -
Let me, by the Spirit of my university,
So that Breg Your ash though my hidden.

But no! Where Rock tried to be born,
May the limit will be there and days;
Yes, the cool dust will fall
Majesty, that I sang;
Yes, the young man, not fixed fame,
Called my dilapidated coffin,
In order to show with a sensory:
"Under the IGA power, this, born,
Wearing shackles are married,
We are liberty first drew. "

And it will be, after the glory
Direction of invoice,
To the West, South and Housing
To coar the limit, but no
You limit the limit of Notolla,
In a happy, you're leaking share
Where are you Jav. andsew your throne;
My fatherland, Fatherland Drague,
On silent belt forces, alone,
In the neighborhood you give the law.

But Dale than the source of power,
Weaker members of the Soyuz,
Among themselves all alien parts,
Any severity feels bonds.
Beam, I will escape from the shine,
Accompanies and shine and power;
In space he loses power,
In the key, though not fuses,
But running it weakens,
The crawling swallows the back.

In you when the union will interrupt
Dresses opinions strong power;
When the law is striking,
Bestus everyone will be part;
Then, confused instantly,
Then the harness is yours
Drawing internally, falls,
But the dust of the vortex will not touch
Animals seeds will wake up
Slot the sun will give light.

From the depths of the ruins are huge
Among the lights, bloody rivers,
Medium of the glad, atrocities, ulcers languid,
What a lutty spirit of the authorities was eager -
There will be small shining;
Invitable their fodder
Decorate the friendship with a crown,
Benefit everyone
And wolf predatory will be set
Which honors the blind to his father.

But not even Godina,
Fate did not accomplish;
In the distance, there was still a cum,
When all the troubles run out!
Meet the bugs with a gravity of the night;
Elastic power, collecting all urine,
Humping through the mountain, the mouth sweats,
Yes with a handy all gives all
And the guard to the Wondron will notice
Yes, there will be a grief attack.

Vosha Okov is imperpustible burden,
In the witch Vertepe ferments.
Will be lined up
On the sky will cause mortality;
Directed in the freedom of freedom,
Gums of nature,
Swam in dol - and fear before it;
Then all the power of the authorities
Miscel down to one moment.
About day! Choosing all days!

I am heard by the voice of nature,
Initial voice, voice of the Divine;
Shake eternumen vaults
CE MIG Bringing Substances.
Here slowly and in a slim rank
Coming is averaged alone -
Rek ... Bright light allowed his ray
And, false captivity Skipter Imend
Condensed MGLUL breaks
Brilliant day gave birth from clouds.

Radishchev A.N. Travel from St. Petersburg to Moscow. M., 1790 (Strafs 1, 3, 4, 6, 7, 12, 14-16, 18-21, 23 - fully and stanza 2, 5, 8, 10, 11, 13, 17, 22, 25, 38 , 40, 53, 54 - in extracts). Scherbatov M.M. On damage to the morals in Russia; Radishchev A. N. Travel<из С.Петербурга в Москву> / C preface Iskander (A.I. Herzen). London, 1858 (with editing of unknown origin, upgrading text); Radishchev A.N. Travel from S. Pethersburg to Moscow / (preluded. A. I. Herzen). Leipzig, 1876; Also. 2nd ed.<1876?>. Pechs. According to Radishchev, A. N. Poem. L., 1975 (B-Ka Poet, BS) (according to the list of Tsgali with the introduction of Var. By ed. 1790).


You want to know: who am I? what am I? Where am I going?
I am the same as I and I will be the whole of my age:
Not cattle, not a tree, not a slave, but man!
The road to lay, where there was no trace
For greyhound brands and in prose and in verses,
Sensitive hearts and truth I am in fear
In the urban Ilimsk food.

January - July 1791

"Painter: Weekly Satyrian op. N. I. Novikova. " St. Petersburg, 1864, without art. 6 (by the manus. Sat. 1792 from the Camp. P. A. Efremova). Pechs. According to Radishchev, A. N. Full. Cathedral cit. M.; L., 1938. T. 1 (by ed.: Radishchev A. N. Op. / Ed. P. A. Efremova. SPb., 1872. T. 2, but unchanged).

Filter Russian poetry of the XVIII-XIX centuries. Enters. Article, Sost., Intr. Notes, Podg. text and notes. S. A. Reiser. L., OV. Writer, 1988 (B-Ka Poet. Big Ser.)


Validity. Numerous copies have been preserved. ODD lists - PD; Tsgali, HBL, GPB, GIm. To date, the texts of nine lists are described. The most authoritative of them is considered to be a list of M. N. Longinova (Pushkin House) - it is this one, or very close to it, the text most often occurs in the lists of the end of the XVIII - the middle of the Xih century. Nevertheless, the problem of choosing the basic text of ODD cannot be considered finally permitted, for more details, see this in the note. V. A. Western (Poetry A. H. Radishchev // Radishchev A.N. Poechotz. L., 1975. (B-Ka Poet, BS). P. 230 - 240).

<Строфа> 1. Brut. Mark Yongy (85 - 42 BC) - Roman statesman, one of the leaders of the Republicans, who organized the murder of the dictator Kaya Julia Caesar; The name of the bruta was considered synonymous with a convinced Republican. Tel V. (Mind 1354) - Kantona Canton Canton, who became the head of the conspiracy against the Austrian yoke, for independence, Switzerland; His name has become synonymous with thiranobor. Sedyai (arch.) - Sitting.

<Строфу> 2 ODD Radishchev in the "Travel ..." explained: "... a person in everything is free from birth."

<Строфа> 3. Cathedral - Common. In the authorities of all his stuff, i.e. I see in my power a share of all, like everyone, take part in the management of the country.

<Строфа> 4. Kin - Lily. Parosska Marmor Beeee. Marble, extracted on the island of Paros in Greece, was distinguished by an unusual whiteness.

<Строфа> 5. Olive - Olive branch, has long been considered a symbol of the world. Sudisy - Judging, creative court. Chlamyda - Clothes of the ancient Greeks and Romans: a short cape over the shoulder. Mirrzal - triangular column with state coat of arms from above and three decrees of Peter I on the sides; Stood in all the first places. Sword - symbol of power and power. Libra - symbol of justice. Gum - on right. Oshuya - Left. 5 Radishchev stroke in "Travel.:." I explained this: "... The law is depicted in the form of a Divine in the temple, which is the guards of the essence of Truth and Justice."

<Строфа> 6. Aphid- dust.

<Строфа> 7. And the monster is terrible. We are talking about religious fanaticism. The clarification of the Radishchev Strafs is: "... the image of a sacred superstition, a sensitivity of a person who attracts him in the jar of enslavement and misconceptions, enhanced in armor."

<Строфа> 8. Art. Be fear truth ordel Radishchev commented: "The power calls the assimios of the Divine.; reason - deception. "

<Строфа> 10. Union - Communicate together. Art. The power of the Tsarsk faith is guarded And then, to the end of the stanza, radishes are explained so: "... and all the evil consets of slavery, such as carelessness, tape, cunning, hunger, etc.."

<Строфа> 11. Minervin Temple - The Temple of Minerva (Romans. Myth.), Goddess of wisdom, patroness of sciences, arts and crafts.

<Строфа> 13. After Art. 1 Radishchev wrote in "Travel ...": "... as an greedy sniy, sweating to everyone, poisoning the days of the cheerlee and jellies. But, although around your throne, all the knees are worsth, - the trembling, CE Avenger is coming, dirty liberty ... "

<Строфа> 17. After Art. 1 Radishchev wrote: "... gave a way to acquire wealth and prosperity. I wished so that the farmer was not a prisoner on his field and you would bless you ... "

<Строфа> 18. Copper Flashing Ground - Molded guns.

<Строфа> 19. Lord - Here and in stanza 30 - 32 in the meaning: Mr.

<Строфа> 21. In excellence sign invented - Order.

<Строфа> 23. CromwellO. (1599-1658) - the leader of the English bourgeois. Revolution. You are Charles on the court. Cromwell achieved in 1649 the convictions and executions of the English king of Charles I Stewart.

<Строфа> 25. Samson - Hero of the biblical legend, bogatyr, endowed with supernatural power.

<Строфа> 26. Crown Trega - Tiara, Pope Crown. Wand Sacred - Staff, symbolizing the power of the priests of higher ranks. Luther M. (1483-1546) - The German Religious Worker of the Epoch of Reformation, the founder of Lutheranism - religion, opposing himself to Catholicism. Luther spoke against the main dogmas of the Catholic Church ( Looming the supports of the spiritual power), in particular, rejected the dogma that the church and clergy are the necessary intermediaries between the person and God ( With the earth, the sky recovered).

<Строфа> 27. Sly- the day.

<Строфа> 33. Tint - Special tax, tenth of income charged in favor of the Church.

<Строфа> 34. Do not cheese correctly seeks.As explained by V. A. West (see Note. To Decree. Ed. A. N. Radishcheva 1975), we are talking about the rules of feudal-military Mushtra, which turned soldiers in the "dolls". Washington D. (1732-1799) is the North American statesman who fought for the provision of a former English colony of political independence; The first president in his country (1787-1797).

<Строфа> 35. Bodice of god temple closed. The temple in honor of the Roman God of Janus (depicted with two persons) opened only during the war.

<Строфа> 36. Admire- kidnap. Taken - It should be necessary.

<Строфа> 37. Pindar(522-448 BC. Er) - an ancient Greek Lirik poet. Neton - I. Newton.

<Строфа> 38. But passion, sophisticating anger. According to the clarification of Radishchev: "... Turn the calm of citizens into the harm ..." Father on her son is erected, the unions are breeding.Radishchev continued these verses like this: "... And all the consequences of the immense desire to rule."

<Строфы> 39-41 Radishchev outlined as follows: "Description of the detrimental consequences of luxury. Interdudes. Civic brands. Mari, Sulla, August ...

Anxious liberty soared.
The cast iron scepter wrapped in flowers ...

The consequence of that - enslavement ... ".

<Строфа> 40. Mary Guy (157-86 BC e.) - Roman commander, who tried to become a dictator of Rome. Sulla Lucius Cornelius (138-78 BC. E.) - Roman commander, politician, representative of the slave-owned aristocracy; In 82 BC e. Mary defeated and installed military dictatorship regime.

<Строфы> 42-43 in the text "Travel ..." are missing, and the content of them is transmitted in the following words: "... this is the law of nature; From the torment, liberty is born, there is a solidity of slavery ... "

<Строфа> 44. Understand (arch.) - strictly.

<Строфы> 44-52 are also missing in "Travel ..." and replaced by such text: "Nothing to make a divide, and a person will be born to die ...

The following 8 stanza contains proven about the future of the lot of the Fatherland, which is divided into parts, and the sooner than the extensive. But time has not yet come. When it comes, then

Meet the bugs with a gravity night.

Elastic power when the abhorcharge will be guarded by the word and will collect all his strength, in order to crush the emerging liberty ... "

<Строфы> 45-46 ODDs mean the political independence of the North American United States who have acquired in 1787.

<Строфа> 46. Sloved - Famous. Stanza 46, as established by the researchers, is a free transfer of the message of the prominent French enlightener, the ideologist of the revolutionary bourgeoisie G.-T. Reynal (1713-1796) to the American people in the book "Révolution de l'Amérique" (1781); The next stanza is like a polemical continuation of the Radishchev itself.

<Строфа> 47. Not exactly - Waiting, believed.

<Строфа> 48. Chersla - hips.

<Строфа> 52. Concent - Here in the meaning: End. Guide to the word ascend. We are talking about censorship.

You want to know: who am I? what am I? Where am I going? .. Dated Radishchev's stay in Tobolsk, along the way to the place of reference to Ilimsk. P. N. Berekov suggests that it is drawn to some particular person (a writer), maybe a poet of Sumarokov in Tobolsk (see: Berekov P. N. History of Russian journalism of the XVIII century. M.; L ., 1952. P. 539).

In France, the wreck of Western European feudalism, the struggle of oppressed peoples for freedom and the growth of their national self-consciousness. In Russia, that time, the best representatives of the nobility realized that the abolition of serfdom was politically necessary because it served an obstacle for the economic and social development of the state. But the task of progress figures was even wider - they set themselves the goals of the liberty of the person, her spiritual freedom. Russia's victory over Napoleon, encroached on world domination, gave rise to hope that social reforms will finally occur in the country. Many of the figures of that time called on the king to the speedy, decisive action.

Theme of liberty in the work of Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin

Throughout the work of Alexander Sergeevich, the idea of \u200b\u200bfree Russia is held. Already in the early works, he opposed despotism and injustice of modern public building, Cooking tyranny, destructive for the people. So, at the age of 16, they were written by the Licinia poem, and in 1818 it was one of the most ardent songs dedicated to freedom, "to Chaadaev", in which the belief is heard in the fact that the country will love from sleep. " The topic of liberty sounds in the poems "Arion", "in the depths of Siberian ores", "Anchar" and others.

Creation of ODD "Liberty"

However, Pushkin's views most clearly and fully expressed in his famous Oda "liberty", written in 1817, shortly after the exit from the lyceum. She was created in the Turgenev brothers apartment. Its windows went out to the place where Paul I was killed, - Mikhailovsky Castle.

Influence of ODD Radishchev in Pushkin

The name itself suggests that Alexander Sergeevich took the poem of another Russian poet with the same name for the sample. Oda "liberty" (Radishchev), a short content of which is similar to the creation of Alexander Sergeyevich's identity, is still a bit different from Pushkinskaya. We will try to answer, what exactly.

Pushkin emphasizes that his work is connected with the Radishchevsky and option of one line from the poem "Monument". Like his predecessor, Alexander Sergeevich glorifies political freedom, liberty. Both poet indicate examples of the Validity Celebration in History (Radishchev - for the Pushkin that occurred in the 17th century - to a revolution in France in 1789). Alexander Sergeevich Following Alexander Nikolaevich, he believes that the law, one for all, is the key to existence in the country of political freedom.

Oda "liberty" Radishchev is a call of the people to the revolution, to the overthrow of the power of the king at all, and Alexander Sergeyevich, it is directed only against themselves above any law "Tiranans". This is what writes that it allows you to say that in his creation he expressed the views of the early Decembrists, who sympathized and under the influence of which was located.

Features of Pushkin ODY

The strength of the verse of Alexander Sergeevich, his artistic skills gave a more revolutionary meaning of this work. As a call to an open speech was perceived by the advanced youth Oda "Velost", the analysis of which is proposed in this article. For example, pies, a well-known Russian surgeon of the time, remembering his young years, tells the next fact. Spoken about the political views of Alexander Sergeyevich, who were reflected in the work of "liberty", one of his comrades, while still a student, said that the revolution is in our opinion - so the revolution, "with guillotine" as French.

Revolutionary sounded, in particular, the rows ending the second street: "Tirana of the world! Thrust! ..."

Oda "Velost": summary

Pushkin his poem, following the example of Radishchev, wrote in the form of ODD. She begins with the appeal to the Museum - Terrible for the kings of the singer of freedom. Here the topic is scheduled - the author writes that he wants to "fight freedom to the world" and hit the vice of the throne. After that, there is a statement of the main position: for the people's good, it is necessary to combine with the liberty of Holy Powerful laws. It is illustrated by examples from history (Paul I, depicting historical events (the execution of Louis during the French Revolution, the murder of Paul I in the Mikhailovsky Palace with the hands of mercenaries), the poet applies to hostility not only to tyranny, but also to those who destroy the enslavers because These people are incense: they are illegal and treacherous.

Calling to the uprising of self-consciousness, Spirit, Alexander Sergeevich understands the importance of resolving conflicts by lawful way - it is precisely for this that a historical analysis conducted by Pushkin. Volost should try to get, avoiding bloodshed. Another way is destroyed for both tyrants and the Russian people.

Oda "liberty", the analysis of which is offered to your attention, is completed, as usual, by referring to the sovereign itself, with a call to extract the lesson from the foregoing.

Composite harmony helps us watch the movement of the feelings and thoughts of the poet. The verbal means of expression are in accordance with it. Oda "liberty", the brief content of which is presented above, is a sample of high artistic perfection.

Features of poetics

Poetic speech (agitated, raised) reflects a variety of feelings, owned by the author: the passionate desire of freedom (in the first storm), indignation against oppressors and tyrants (second stanza), the sorrow of a citizen of the state at the sight of a curled lawlessness (third stanza), etc. Poet It was possible to find accurate and at the same time shaped words in order to transfer the feelings and thoughts. For example, refers to the "Freedom of the proud singer", "thunderstorms of the kings" Musy of the political OD Pushkin. "WILLY", the analysis of which is offered in this article - this is a work inspired by over. It was Musa who inspires the poet of the "brave hymns."

Revolutionizing value of ODY

Oda "Violence" (for the analysis, see above) had a significant revolutionizing influence on the contemporaries of Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin, was used in the revolutionary camation of the Decembrists.

Soon the poet is disappointed in his former idealistic ideas that the monarch seeks to do everything that can to improve the lives of his people, because Alexander the first could not decide on radical reforms that would put the end of the fastener right. Russia still remained a feudal state. Noblemen, thinking progressively, including the friends of Alexander Sergeevich, created for an aimed to overthrow autocracy and thus eliminate various revolutionary societies.

Pushkin did not belong formally none of them, but the image of thoughts led to the fact that he realized the impossibility in Russia of liberal transformations from above. He reflected this idea in his further works. Oda "liberty", the analysis of which gives it better to understand, also called for the overthrow of the tyrannic power "from the bottom" by revolution.

Oda "Liberty" of the Russian writer and philosopher Alexander Nikolayevich Radishcheva (1749 - 1802) is a bright hymn freedom and a call to defend it and fight with tyranny, including with the help of the revolution. The story is depicted by Radish, as a process of combating freedom with non-free, which, however, can end up both the triumph of liberty and its suppression

Freedom, in the terminology of the 18th century - liberty, underlies historical progress. However, this is a natural human right given to him from birth, often destroyed by the authorities seeking to enslave society and subordinate to his will. The task of society ("people" in Oda Radishchev) is to defend its natural rights. Freedom is the highest, but very fragile value. For her should always be struggling. Otherwise, tyranny will destroy freedom - the light will turn "in the darkness".

Freedom is given to man from birth. This is his autonomous will, his right to freely think and express his thoughts, realize himself as he wishes it. This is what Radishchev writes, turning to the liberty:

I got into the world, and you with me;
There are no yours on the muscles;
I can free hand
Enough this bread.
The feet carry, where I am pleased;
To the same, which is understandable;
I think that I think;
I can love and be loved;
I do good, I can be honored;
My law - the will is mine.

Radishchev depicts freedom as a source of progress, vector history, giving people enlightenment and destroying existing oppression in society.

So the spirit of freedom, ruining
Ascended, angles oppress,
In hails and villages flying,
To the greatness of all calls,
Lives, give birth and creates
Obstacles on the way does not know
We deposit the courage in the paths;
Imcessantly with him mind think
And the word property is numerical
Ignorance that dispels the dust.

But here Radishchev indicates a threat to freedom, which is embodied in the supreme power. The rulers through their laws suppress freedom and enslave society. King

... Love in the yoke enslavement,
Enveloped them in armor delusions
Being truth ordered.
"Law of God," - the king broadcasts;
"Holy Deceive, - the sage calls -
The people crush that you gained. "

Power in the face of the kings and rulers usurps freedom. Relying on the priests, they dictate their own will dictate society.

We will revive in the field of extensive,
Where a dull throne stands slavery.
Gradual authorities there are all peaceful,
In King, in vain the image of a deity.
The power of the Tsarsk faith is guarded,
The power of Tsarotka Vera states;
Selfly Society oppresses:
One token is captivated,
Another will erase strives;
In favor of the general, - reissue.

However, the logic of history inevitably leads to the overthrow of tyranny. The law of nature and society is in the desire for freedom. Tiras destroys the most. According to Radishchev's thoughts, the more oppression, the greater the likelihood of the uprising and revolution, the bright description of which he gives in his Ode.

This was the law of nature,
Unchangeable never
All nations are subject to him,
It is always invisible;
Tormenting, sharpen the limits,
Poison full of their arrows
In itself, not leading, spit;
The equality of the Kazakh will restore;
One power, falling, crushing;
An offend right will update.

Freedom is the logic of history. It is aimed at infinity. But at the same time, Radishchev warns about the dangers that can threaten their freedom and which proceed from the authority.

Come to the metta perfection
In the paths of the Preskchiv,
In the way you will find bliss,
Unfortunate lot alleviating
And the sweat of the Sun is rugged
About liberty, liberty, yes you conclus
With eternity you are your flight;
But your root is exhausted,
Freedom to arrogance will turn
And the authorities under the yoke will fall.

Freedom needs protection, otherwise it is reversible in tyranny. The genius of Radishchev is that he indicated not only for the progressive development of history, but also for the danger of the reverse process - social regression, which is associated with tyranny. Therefore, Radishchev urges to take care of freedom and fight for it.

ABOUT! You, happy peoples,
Where the case of liberty granted!
Beway the gift of the good nature,
In the hearts that eternal drawn.
Torn, under the legs
You have ready to swallow you.
Do not forget for a minute
That the fortress of strength in the mightiness of Luta,
That the light in the darkness of Zait is to translate.

In his Ode Radishchev also gives examples of political and spiritual progress in history, which led to the conquests of greater freedom. This is an English revolution led by Cromwell. This is a religious reformation of Luther, the geographical discoveries of Columbus, the scientific achievements of Galilean and Newton. Finally, Radishchev writes about the modern American revolution and her hero Washington.

Nikolay Baev, Libertarian Movement "Free Radicals"

With autocracy in Russia, the serfdom is inextricably linked - the 2nd Food Food. The inhuman essence, irrelevant, the nationwide harm of the Radishchev serfdom exposes in a non-historical unity and as an artist-publicist, and as a sociologist politician.

The question of the peasant revolution includes the two problems from Radishchev: the justice of people's perturbation and its inevitability. The thoughts on the justice of the revolution of Radishchev brings the reader also gradually. It relies on the educational theory of "natural" human rights to self-defense, without which no living being can do. In the normally arranged society, all of its members should guard the law, but if the law is inactive, then the right of self-defense will inevitably come into force. About this right, but still running, says in one of the first chapters ("Lyubani").

Oda "Liberty" was written in the period from 1781 to 1783, but the work on it lasted until 1790, when it was printed with abbreviations in "Traveling from St. Petersburg to Moscow", in the chapter "Tver". Her text appeared only in 1906. Oda was created at a time when the American and the French revolution began. Her civilian pathos reflects the adamant aspiration of peoples to reset the feudal-absolutist oppression.

It begins his ODU Radishchev with the glorification of liberty, which he considers the priceless gift of nature, the "source" of "all great cases." In a country where the overwhelming mass of the population was in serfdom, this thought herself was a challenge of the existing orders. Volost is given to every person the very nature itself, the author believes, and therefore, in the "natural state", people did not know any constraint and were absolutely free: "I went to the light, and you with me; // On the muscles there are no my bangs ... "(T. 1. P. 1). But in the name of the common good, people united into society, limited their "will" by laws beneficial for everyone, and elected power to follow the stringent execution. Radishchev draws good consequences of such a device: equality, abundance, justice, religion surrounded the power of the ruler by the divine halo and thereby freed him from responsibility to the people. Monarch turns into a despota:

The loss of freedom is adversely affected in all areas of society: the Niva will be allowed, the Military Valor will be blown away, justice is disturbed, but the story does not stand still, and despotism is not eternal. The people are growing discontent. It appears heralds. Out of indignation flashes. Here Radishchev is sharply different from European enlighteners. Rousseau in the book "Public Agreement" is limited only to a brief remark that, if the monarch, elected by society, violates the laws, the people have the right to terminate the public contract concluded with him. In what form it will happen, Rousseau does not reveal. Radishchev agrees to the end. In his opinion, the people overthrow the monarch, judges him and execute:

Not pleased with the speculative evidence of the inevitability of the revolution, Radishchev seeks to rely on the experience of history. He recalls the English revolution of 1649, about the execution of the English king. Attitude towards crushing contradiction. Radishchev glorifies him for the fact that he "Charles on the court" and at the same time sternly blame for the usurpation of power. The ideal of the poet is the American revolution and her leader Washington.

Humanity, according to Radishchev, takes place in its development cyclical path. Freedom goes into tyranny, tyranny - free. Radishchev himself, retelling in the chapter "Tver" content 38th and 39th stanz, explains his thought as follows: "This is the law of nature; From the torment is born by liberty, from the liberty ... "(T. 1. P. 361). Turning to the peoples who dropped themselves the yespot, Radishchev encourages them as a sense of eye to take care of his conquered freedom:

In Russia, still triumph despotism. The poet and his contemporaries "Vistat" "Okov is imperceptively burden." Radishchev himself does not hope to live to a day, but firmly believes in her coming victory, and he would like to be a compatriot, coming on his grave, said.

In his style, the ode "Liberty" is a direct heiress of praise odomomosov. It is written by a four-stranded yack, ten-sized stanzas with the same rhyme. But its content is very different from Odomosov. Radishchev does not believe in enlightened monarchum and therefore freedom and indignation of the people against the king are becoming the objects of his praise.

Before us, the species of the same genre of the XVIII century. - Revolutionary and educational sample as one of the phenomena of educational classicism.

The task of ODD is the understanding of the lessons of history. Oda "liberty" was created during the lifting period of the revolutionary movement in America and in France. It is executed by solid faith in the celebration of liberation ideas.

Ticket 13.
1. Total Ode M.V. Lomonosova: Problems and poetics.

By nature and the method of its existence in the cultural context of modernity, the solemn Oda Lomonosov is . spear genre as well as literary. The solemn ODDs were created with the installation for reading out loud before the addressee; The poetic text of the solemn ODD is designed to be a sounding speech perceived by rumor. The typological signs of oratory genres in the solemn ODO are the same as in the sermon and the secular speech. First of all, this is the attachment of the thematic material of the solemn OD to a certain "case" - a historical incident or a state-owned event.

The composition of the solemn ODD is also due to the laws of rhetoric: each other text is invariably open and ends with appeals to the addressee. The text of the solemn ODA is constructed as a system of rhetorical issues and answers, the alternation of which is due to two parallel applications: each individual fragment of ODD is designed to provide the maximum aesthetic effect on the listener - and hence the ODD language is oversaturated with paths and rhetorical figures. As for the sequence of deploying the same plot (the procedure for the individual fragments and the principles of their relation and sequence), it is due to the laws of formal logic that facilitates the perception of the choice of the same text on the hearing: the wording of the thesis, the proof in the system of consistently alternating arguments, the conclusion that repeats the initial formulation. Thus, the composition of ODD obeys the same mirror-cumulative principle as the composition of satire, and their common cycling - sermons. Lomonosov managed to determine the relationship of the addressee and the addressee. * In classicist. Ode Lyrich. The hero is weakly expressed according to the laws of the genre. Address is expressed only nationally (i.e. I - Lomonosov - a Russian poet), one of the subjects of the monarch. Such static LIR. The hero does not suit the author, because There is no movement here. Lomonosov in order to evaluate the entire act of the monarch, the address must be the embodiment of the mind, i.e. Instead of static Lyrich. "I", Lomonosov offers duality; A subject is a reason that can fry on everyone and evaluate the acts of the monarch. Lomonosov structures the composition to change the point of view of the addressee. Changing the point of view of Lyrich. The hero allows us to combine concreteness and delight. The description of the acts is associated with the sphere of the soaring mind, hence the presence of strong metaphor, hyperball, etc. images, interlacing of the paths, interfacing the past, present and future. Monarch almost arrives in heaven, but Mind Lyrich. The hero can be a monarch's vertically-structured space. Lomonosov's celebrations Oda, from the point of view of the content, has classic features, and the rhenium rhenium is a baroque heritage. The movement of the "steaming mind" involves the complex attitude of the structure, in which the movement of thought is observed. The same stanza has a trail. View: ababccdede- (1 part - Katrer, 2 part - two-way, 3 part - katren). The dimensions of each of these parts do not always coincide, but often predetermine the separation of 2 main thoughts and one additional. The relationship between stanza is not always immediately visible, sometimes it images or parallels, but often you can catch the author's movement of thought from the stanza to stanza.

As one character characters, Russia, Peter I and Divine Science equalizes the same general property: They are the characters of ODDs so far because they are ideas expressing the general concept. Not a specific historical person and monarch Peter I, but the idea of \u200b\u200ban ideal monarch; Not a state Russia, but the idea of \u200b\u200bthe Fatherland; Not a specific branch of scientific knowledge, but the idea of \u200b\u200benlightenment is the genuine heroes of solemn OD.
