Lom-Ali Akhmedievich Gaytukaev(p.) - a well-known Chechen crime boss and businessman, a defendant in a number of high-profile criminal cases.


Lom-Ali Gaytukaev was born in the village of Achkhoy-Martan in the Chechen-Ingush ASSR. He studied poorly at school, according to his own admission, made during an interview with the TV show "Criminal Russia", he does not even know the multiplication table. At present, as some media write, in his native village, where Gaitukaev has not appeared for many years, he is remembered with caution and respect. After the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991, Gaitukaev's homeland of Chechnya declared its independence from the Russian Federation. Gaytukaev decided to take advantage of this and, along with many of his fellow citizens, began to engage in fraud, the purpose of which was to steal Money from the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, and which will later become known throughout the world as "Chechen advice notes". To cover up his criminal activities, he created a joint Russian-Austrian enterprise, and also received Greek citizenship and registered in the city of Thessaloniki.

Gaytukaev and "Chechen advice notes"

Gaytukaev met Vladimir Novikov, an employee of the East Siberian Bank, who is responsible for finding clients for the bank. He agreed to carry false advice to the bank's management. Gaytukaev, arriving for the duration of the operation to steal money, stayed at the Intourist Hotel. On June 3, 1992, Gaytukaev and several of his accomplices were detained in a hotel room by officers of the department for combating drug trafficking. During the search, one of Gaytukaev's guards tried to escape with a bag containing a large amount of money, but received a severe gunshot wound. The package contained 3 million rubles in 1992 money in the packages of a well-known Moscow bank. Searches were carried out on all Gaytukaev's contacts in Moscow, which gave an unexpected result - instead of the drugs they were looking for, they all found huge amounts of money. The money was even found in Gaytukaev's personal Mercedes car. Then the case was transferred to the department for combating economic crimes. The next day, Novikov and another accomplice of Gaytukaev, Norik Mesumyan, were arrested. The investigation of the case was difficult: all the suspects denied their involvement in fraud, there was a catastrophic lack of evidence. When the suspects were about to be released for lack of evidence of their guilt, the employees of the anti-drug trafficking department were found to have transcripts of audio recordings of conversations between Gaytukaev, Novikov and Mesumyan, made by their listening devices. The testimony of several accomplices of Gaytukaev, who never confessed to anything, made it possible to restore the scheme of operations with advice notes: Gaitukaev made fake stamps and letterheads, then, through a person who had connections in banking circles (Mesumyan), he transferred fake advice notes to a person who worked in a bank and a former with him in collusion (to Novikov), and he convinced the bank management of the profitability of the transfer and cashing out. Advices were supposed to come to the cash settlement center of the Central Bank by special mail, but Gaitukaev and Mesumyan took advantage of the confusion that prevailed then in all institutions of the country and managed to get huge amounts of money from fake advices - hundreds of millions of rubles. The scammers kept the stolen money in a ten-ton sea container installed in one of the Moscow courtyards. Gaytukaev was going to estimate the next advice at one billion rubles, but was delayed.

Novikov did not live to see the trial, having died in a pre-trial detention center, while Gaytukaev and Mesumyan became the first defendants to be tried for stealing money from the country's main bank. On November 30, 1993, the court sentenced Gaytukaev to 7 years in prison with confiscation of property.

Gaitukaev and the Korban case

After his release, Gaitukaev organized the so-called inter-regional public movement for the development of cultural and socio-political ties with the Chechen Republic "New Time". There was evidence that he was one of the leaders of the so-called Lazanskaya (Alazani) organized criminal group.

In February 2006, Gaytukaev received an order to kill Gennady Korban, chairman of the board of Slavutich-Registrator LLC. The identity of the customer has not yet been established. Gaytukaev found the perpetrator of the crime Arsen Dzhamburaev, to whom a little later he handed over a weapon in the city of Dnepropetrovsk "Dawn" a weapon - a Kalashnikov assault rifle, 80 rounds of ammunition for it, as well as a thousand dollars. The criminals followed the businessman. On March 19, 2006, Dzhamburaev opened fire with a machine gun, Gaytukaev, according to investigators, personally gave the command to shoot the killer. Korban survived only due to the fact that his car was armored, only his guard was injured.

Gaytukaev was detained by the Federal Security Service in January 2007. Testimony against him was given by Dzhamburaev, who was arrested almost immediately after the assassination attempt and sentenced in December 2006 to 14 years in prison. Since Gaitukaev was already a Russian citizen at that time, his criminal case was heard in the Moscow City Court. Gaytukaev convinced the court that in Ukraine he was engaged exclusively in business and collecting information about Chechen groups for the Russian special services. On March 27, 2007, Korban's former business partner Maxim Kurochkin was shot dead at the exit from the courtroom. According to investigators, he could have ordered the assassination. Gaitukaev directly stated that Korban was involved in the murder of Kurochkin, but there was no confirmation of this. On February 20, 2008, the court sentenced him to 15 years in prison, although the prosecutor insisted on a 17-year term. The verdict came into force.

Further fate

Despite the condemnation, the name Gaytukaev often appears in the media. In particular, in September 2008, he stated that he knew for certain that the killers were paid $2 million for the murder of journalist Anna Politkovskaya. And in December 2009, Gaytukaev announced that he had helped the Russian special services in the elimination of the well-known terrorist Shamil Basayev.

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  1. Documentary film "Scam" from the series "Criminal Russia"
  2. Emilia Kazumova.(Russian). Look (December 5, 2008). Retrieved 5 January 2011. .
  3. (Russian). (Feb. 23 2008, 12:44). Retrieved 5 January 2011. .
  4. (Russian) (unavailable link - ). Forex news (21.02.2008). Retrieved 5 January 2011.
  5. Vladimir Demchenko.(Russian). News (01.09.2008). Retrieved April 15, 2013. .
  6. Yuri Vershov.(Russian). Rosbalt (18/12/2009). Retrieved 5 January 2011. .
  7. (Russian). RSN (09/02/2011, 16:37). Retrieved September 2, 2011. .
  8. (Russian). Kommersant FM (June 9, 2014). Retrieved March 1, 2015.

An excerpt characterizing Gaytukaev, Lom-Ali Ahmedievich

(Having visited these sacred places, I managed to find out that the water in the mountains of Occitania turns red because of the red clay. But the sight of the running "bloody" water really made a very strong impression...).
Suddenly Svetodar listened warily... but immediately smiled warmly.
– Are you taking care of me again, uncle?
Radan stepped out from behind the stone ledge, sadly shaking his graying head. The years did not spare him, leaving a harsh imprint of anxieties and losses on his bright face ... He no longer seemed that happy young man, that ever-laughing sun-Radan, who could once melt even the hardest heart. Now it was a Warrior hardened by adversity, trying by any means to save his most precious treasure - the son of Radomir and Magdalena, the only living reminder of their tragic lives ... their courage ... their light and their love.
– You have a Duty, Lightgiven... Just like I do. You must survive. Whatever it takes. Because if you are gone, it will mean that your father and mother died in vain. That scoundrels and cowards have won our war... You have no right to that, my boy!
“You are mistaken, uncle. I have my right to it, because this is my life! And I will not allow anyone to write laws for her in advance. My father lived his brief life, obeying someone else's will ... Just like my poor mother. Only because, by someone else's decision, they saved those who hated them. I do not intend to obey the will of one person, even if this person is my own grandfather. This is my life, and I will live it the way I see fit and honest!.. Forgive me, Uncle Radan!
Svetodar got excited. His young mind resented the influence of others on his own destiny. According to the law of youth, he wanted to decide for himself, not allowing someone from outside to influence his valuable life. Radan only smiled sadly, watching his courageous pet... There was enough of everything in Svetodar - strength, intelligence, endurance and perseverance. He wanted to live his life honestly and openly... only, unfortunately, he did not yet understand that there could be no open war with those who hunted him. Just because it was they who had no honor, no conscience, no heart ...
“Well, you're right in your own way, my boy… It's your life. And no one can live it but you... I'm sure you'll live it with dignity. Just be careful, Svetodar - your father's blood flows in you, and our enemies will never back down to destroy you. Take care of yourself, my dear.
Patting his nephew on the shoulder, Radan sadly stepped aside and disappeared behind a ledge of stone rock. A second later there was a scream and a heavy thud. Something heavily fell to the ground and there was silence... Svetodar rushed towards the sound, but it was too late. On the stone floor of the cave, clinging in the last embrace, lay two bodies, one of which was a man he did not know, dressed in a cloak with a red cross, the second was ... Radan. With a piercing cry, Svetodar rushed to his uncle's body, which lay completely motionless, as if life had already left him, not even allowing him to say goodbye. But, as it turned out, Radan was still breathing.
- Uncle, please don't leave me!.. Not you... I beg you, don't leave me, uncle!
Svetodar bewilderedly squeezed him in his strong male embrace, gently rocking him like a small child. Just as Radan had pumped him so many times... It was clear that life was leaving Radan, drop by drop flowing from his weakened body like a golden stream... And even now, knowing that he was dying, he was worried only about one thing - how to save Svetodar ... How to explain to him in these remaining few seconds what he has not been able to convey for all his long twenty-five years? .. And how will he tell Maria and Radomir, there, in that other, in an unfamiliar world that could not save itself, that their son was now left all alone? ..

Dagger of Radan

“Listen, son… This man is not a Knight of the Temple. Radan said hoarsely, pointing to the dead man. - I know them all - he is a stranger ... Tell this to Gundomer ... He will help ... Find them ... or they will find you. And best of all - go away, Svetodarushka ... Go away to the Gods. They will protect you. This place is covered with our blood... there is too much of it here... go away, dear...
Slowly, slowly, Radan's eyes closed. From the unclenched powerless hand, a knight's dagger fell to the ground with a clang. It was very unusual... Svetodar took a closer look - this simply could not be!.. Such a weapon belonged to a very narrow circle of knights, only those who once personally knew John - at the end of the handle there was a gilded crowned head...
Svetodar knew for sure that Radan had no longer had this blade for a long time (it had once remained in the body of his enemy). So today, he, defending himself, grabbed the killer's weapon?.. But how could it fall into someone else's hands?!. Could one of the knights of the Temple he knew betray the cause for which they all lived?! Svetodar did not believe in it. He knew these people as he knew himself. None of them could have committed such low meanness. They could only be killed, but it was impossible to force them to betray. In that case, who was the person who wielded this special dagger?!
Radan lay motionless and calm. All earthly worries and bitterness left him forever... Hardened over the years, his face smoothed out, again resembling that joyful young Radan, whom Golden Mary loved so much, and whom his dead brother, Radomir, adored with all his heart... He again seemed happy and bright , as if there was no terrible misfortune nearby, as if everything in his soul was joyful and calm again ...
Svetodar was on his knees, not saying a word. His dead body only gently swayed from side to side, as if helping itself to endure, survive this heartless, vile blow ... Here, in the same cave, eight years ago Magdalena died ... And now he was saying goodbye to his last loved one being truly all alone. Radan was right – this place absorbed too much of their family blood... No wonder even the streams turned crimson... as if wanting to tell him to leave... And he never came back.
I was shaking with some strange fever... It was scary! It was completely unacceptable and incomprehensible - after all, we were called people !!! And there must be somewhere a limit to human meanness and betrayal?
– How could you live with it for so long, Sever? All these years, knowing this, how did you manage to remain so calm?!
He just smiled sadly, not answering my question. And I, sincerely surprised at the courage and resilience of this wonderful person, discovered for myself a completely new side of his selfless and hard life... his unyielding and pure soul....
“A few more years have passed since Radan's murder. Svetodar avenged his death by finding the killer. As he suspected, it was not one of the Knights of the Temple. But they never knew who the man who had been sent to them really was. Only one thing nevertheless became known - before killing Radan, he just as vilely destroyed the magnificent, bright Knight who had been walking with them from the very beginning. Destroyed just to get his cloak and weapon and give the impression that Radan was killed by his...
The heap of these bitter events poisoned the soul of Svetodar with losses. He had only one consolation - his pure, true love... His sweet, gentle Margarita... She was a wonderful Qatari girl, a follower of the teachings of the Golden Mary. And she somehow imperceptibly resembled Magdalene ... Either it was the same long golden hair, or the softness and slowness of her movements, or maybe just the tenderness and femininity of her face, but Svetodar very often caught himself on what he was looking for in her memories long gone, dear to the heart ... A year later they had a girl. They named her Mary.
As promised to Radan, little Maria was taken to the lovely courageous people - the Cathars - whom Svetodar knew very well and trusted completely. They pledged to raise Mary as their daughter, no matter what it costs them, and no matter what it threatens them with. Since then, this has been the custom - as soon as a new child was born in the line of Radomir and Magdalena, he was given up for education to people whom the “holy” church did not know and did not suspect. And this was done in order to save their priceless lives, to give them the opportunity to live them to the end. No matter how happy or sad he is...
- How could they give away their children, Sever? Did their parents never see them again? .. - I asked in shock.
- Why didn't you see it? Seen. It's just that each fate developed differently ... Later, some of the parents generally lived nearby, especially mothers. And sometimes there were cases that they were arranged even by the same people who raised their child. They lived differently ... Only one thing never changed - the servants of the church did not get tired of following their trail, like bloodhounds, not missing the slightest opportunity to destroy the parents and children who carried the blood of Radomir and Magdalena, fiercely hating even himself for this a small, newly born child...
- How often did they die - descendants? Did anyone stay alive and live their life to the end? Did you help them, Sever? Did Meteora help them?.. - I literally bombarded him with a hail of questions, unable to stop my burning curiosity.

Chechen criminal authority and businessman, sentenced in 2008 to 15 years for organizing an assassination attempt on Ukrainian businessman Gennady Korban. He was named in the press as one of the likely participants in the murder of Anna Politkovskaya.

Lom-Ali Akhmedievich Gaytukaev was born in 1958 in Achkhoy-Martan, Chechen-Ingush Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic,,.

He first came to the attention of the press in the early 90s, when he was arrested in the case of the so-called "Chechen advice notes", initiated by the fact of receiving money from the Russian Central Bank on non-existent bank orders: such scams were common in the early 90s , when a telegram with a password was enough to transfer funds, . It was reported that Gaytukaev, as a co-owner of the Austrian company "Mayeks" and its subsidiary "MBV", acted in 1991-1992 as an intermediary in a similar transaction between Serik Amanov and Valery Kovalkov. Fraudsters then managed to steal about 632.5 million rubles. Subsequently, Gaytukaev, with the help of Vladimir Novikov and businessman Norik Mesunyan, stole another 300 million rubles. The participants in the second fraud were arrested in 1992,,,,,. In 1994, the investigation in both cases was completed, and in November of the same year, Gaytukaev was sentenced to 7 years in prison with confiscation of property,,.

By that time, it was already reported that Gaitukaev received Greek citizenship and lived in Thessaloniki, however, in 2008, the Kommersant newspaper wrote that Gaitukaev had Russian citizenship, "was registered in Greek Thessaloniki, and lived in Moscow."

By 1997, the case of false advice was filmed and shown on NTV. documentary"Scam" from the series "Criminal Russia". Gaytukaev was already at large by that time. According to Kommersant, at that time he was one of the co-founders of the interregional public movement for the development of cultural and socio-political ties with the Chechen Republic Novoye Vremya, which opposed the policy of the President of the Chechen Republic of Ichkeria Aslan Maskhadov. In the future, Gaytukaev did not come to the attention of the press for a long time, although it was reported that he was allegedly a member of the "Lazan" ("Alazan") criminal group,,.

In August 2006, Gaytukaev was detained by the FSB and in February 2008 appeared in court on charges of organizing an assassination attempt on Ukrainian businessman Gennady Korban in March 2006,,,. The perpetrator of the crime, Arseniy Dzhamburaev, who was caught earlier, testified against Gaitukaev. Despite Gaytukaev’s statements that in Ukraine he was simply doing business and collecting information about Chechen criminal communities for the Russian special services (according to some reports, he was even an FSB agent), he was sentenced by the Moscow City Court to 15 years in prison with a sentence to be served in a colony strict regime , , , .

In 2008, the press began to speculate that Gaitukaev was involved in the October 2006 murder of prominent journalist Anna Politkovskaya. Although by that time Gaitukayev was already under arrest in connection with the assassination attempt on Korban, some media, including the Izvestia newspaper, suggested that he was the organizer of Politkovskaya's murder. However, Gaytukaev avoided accusations of organizing the crime and acted as a witness in the case. As a result, the accused in the case were the former detective of the Department for Combating Organized Crime (UBOP) Sergey Khadzhikurbanov, former FSB officer Pavel Ryaguzov and two nephews of Gaytukaev Dzhabrail and Ibrahim Makhmudov (the third nephew, Rustam, fled from the investigation) , , , , . According to media reports, Gaytukaev was personally acquainted with the alleged participants in the murder of Politkovskaya - for example, he knew Ryaguzov and Khadzhikurbanov well since the late 90s,,,,,,.

In February 2009, the brothers Makhmudov, Khadzhikurbanov and Ryaguzov, who appeared before the jury, were acquitted. In the same month, the acquittal was approved by the Moscow District Military Court, but subsequently the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation sent the case for further investigation,,,,,,,.

On May 31, 2011, the alleged perpetrator of Politkovskaya's murder, Rustam Makhmudov, was detained in Chechnya, but, as the press wrote, he refused to cooperate with the investigation,,. In August of the same year, retired police lieutenant colonel Dmitry Pavlyuchenkov, who had previously acted in the Politkovskaya case as the main witness for the prosecution, was detained (he was also mentioned in the media as a witness in the case of the attempt on Korban). It was reported that, according to the investigation, Pavlyuchenkov instructed his subordinates to spy on Politkovskaya, and received the order from Gaitukaev, who, in turn, acted on behalf of the main customer, whose name the investigation did not name, and gave instructions to Khadzhikurbanov by phone from the pre-trial detention center, , , . On October 28, 2011, Gaytukaev was charged accordingly.

Gaytukaev's family was not mentioned in the press, however, it is known that in 2008 his sentence was commuted due to the fact that he had minor children.

Used materials

Gaytukaev has been charged with the murder of Anna Politkovskaya. - Radio Mayak, 28.10.2011

The filing of charges in the Politkovskaya murder against Chechen-born Gaytukaev has been postponed. - Caucasian knot, 07.10.2011

Natalia Kozlova. For interrogation - in a prison car. - Russian newspaper, 28.09.2011

Vladimir Shishlin. The Politkovskaya case: from Pavlyuchenkov to Gaitukaev. - Interfax, 02.09.2011

Pavlyuchenkov has been charged with Politkovskaya's murder. - RIA News, 02.09.2011

A former police lieutenant colonel has been detained on suspicion of organizing the murder of journalist Anna Politkovskaya. - Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation, 24.08.2011

Andrey Artemov. The witness became the accused. The organizer and customer of Politkovskaya's murder have been identified. - Arguments and Facts, 24.08.2011

"The Politkovskaya case": did the investigation reach the "customer"? - IA Rosbalt, 24.08.2011

Anastasia Petrova. The evidence has been collected. - Sight, 02.06.2011

Anatoly Karavaev. Plot change. - news time, 28.09.2009. - №177

Vladimir Demchenko. Why people's assessors acquitted the suspects in Politkovskaya's murder. - News, 24.06.2009

The Moscow City Court yesterday sentenced 47-year-old Lom-Ali Gaytukaev, a former participant in Chechen memo scams and co-founder of the Novoye Vremya, an interregional public movement for the development of cultural and socio-political ties with the Chechen Republic, to 15 years in prison. He was recognized as the organizer of the assassination attempt on Gennady Korban, chairman of the board of Slavutych-Registrator LLC, a shareholder in enterprises of the largest Ukrainian financial and industrial group Privat and one of the top managers of this group. The convict called the verdict boundless, promising the prosecutor to meet in the next world, and also assured the court that in Ukraine he was not engaged in murders, but carried out the task of the FSB.

The paddy wagon with Lom-Ali Gaytukaev stood for four hours in Moscow traffic jams on the way to the courthouse. This expectation of the verdict obviously spoiled the mood of Lom-Ali Gaytukaev. When he was pushed into the glass "aquarium" for the defendants, he almost attacked the guards. "The Almighty gives a term, and this is an unlimited term, we will deal with it," the defendant said to his relatives, who had taken a seat near the "aquarium." After that, Lom-Ali Gaytukaev switched to the state prosecutor: "You've been asking me for 17 years, but you don't have any evidence!" "Stop it, you Gaitukaev," the prosecutor said wearily. But the defendant did not let up. “Why don’t you put Korban here?” he was indignant. “It’s him Kurochkin (well-known Russian-Ukrainian businessman Maxim Kurochkin, killed in March 2007.—“ Kommersant ”) killed, right in the courtroom, a Russian citizen, by the way, and you pretend that you don't know who killed him. But we know, and the people know. Korban killed ten people from Kurochkin's side, and you are defending him." Hearing the quiet, but clearly approving exclamations of his relatives, the defendant concluded: "Nothing, we will meet in the other world, only there I will be in charge."

At that moment Judge Andrey Korotkov entered the courtroom and began to read out part of the verdict. As follows from the document, in February 2006, Lom-Ali Gaytukaev received $50,000 from an unknown customer for the murder of Gennady Korban, top manager of the largest Ukrainian financial and industrial group Privat.

FIG "Privat" was established in 1992 on the basis of Ukraine's largest Privatbank (Dnepropetrovsk), whose value, according to one of the largest shareholders, Gennady Bogolyubov, is currently between $6 billion and $7 billion. The co-owners of Privat (except for Mr. Bogolyubov ) are Ukrainian businessmen Igor Kolomoisky and Oleksiy Martynov, as well as a number of their partners. The main assets of the group are the largest Ukrainian oil company Ukrnafta (two refineries and a network of more than 700 gas stations in Ukraine), a minority stake in Ukrtatnafta, fertilizer manufacturer Dneproazot, Zaporozhye and Stakhanov ferroalloy plants. Together with the concern "Pridneprovie" of Viktor Pinchuk, he controls the Nikopol Ferroalloy Plant. The share of Privat enterprises in the world market of ferroalloys is estimated at 20%. Among the group's financial assets are Moskomprivatbank (RF), Paritate Bank (Latvia).

It followed from the verdict that after receiving the deposit, the defendant Gaytukaev found the perpetrator of the crime, to whom he later handed over a Kalashnikov assault rifle, 80 rounds of ammunition for it and $ 1 thousand in the Dnepropetrovsk hotel "Dawn". The criminals began to spy on the businessman, finding out his daily routine, and on the eve of the attempt Lom-Ali Gaytukaev, on his Daewoo, personally followed the Mercedes G500, on which Mr. Korban was moving around Dnepropetrovsk. The attempt on the businessman's life took place on March 19, 2006, when, according to investigators, the order to the killer to open fire was given personally by the defendant. The top manager of "Privat" was saved by the armor of the car. During the assassination attempt, only his bodyguard, who was opening the car door, was wounded.

Lom-Ali Gaytukaev was detained by the FSB at the end of January 2007 in Moscow. It is known that during his detention, the orientation provided by the security service of Ukraine was used. Arsen Dzhamburaev, a Chechen arrested in April 2006, testified against him to the Ukrainian investigation (he was sentenced to 14 years in December 2006). Since Mr. Gaitukaev is a citizen of Russia, and Russia does not extradite its citizens, his case was considered in the Moscow City Court. At the trial, Mr. Gaytukaev claimed that he was doing business in Ukraine, and also collected information for the Russian special services. And they were interested in the Chechen groups operating there.

The Moscow City Court considered the guilt of the defendant Gaytukaev proven, however, noting the presence of minor children as a mitigating circumstance, sentenced him to 15 years in a strict regime colony. "Nothing, we'll see each other soon," the convict threw out to the public prosecutor as he left the hall. The defendant's defense intends to appeal the verdict.

A native of Achkhoy-Martan, Lom-Ali Gaytukaev is a legendary figure in Chechnya. In his native district center, where he has not appeared for many years (according to the documents, he was registered in the Greek Thessaloniki, but lived in Moscow), they still talk about him with apprehension and admiration, calling him "an authoritative person." The fact is that in the early 90s, according to the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs, Mr. Gaytukaev was the organizer of several major scams with Chechen advice notes. For this he was convicted, however, when he was released, he joined the so-called anti-Maskhadov movement. In any case, in 1997 he acted as one of the nine co-founders of the inter-regional public movement for the development of cultural and socio-political ties with the Chechen Republic "New Time". Together with Mr. Gaytukaev, among the co-founders was Khamzat Arsamakov, the general director of the St. Petersburg plant "Samson", where in 2006 the Chechen security forces carried out a notorious special operation. The chairman of the society was the former deputy head of the administration of Chechnya, and now the head of the Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs of Chechnya, Usman Masaev. "Indeed, this organization was founded by me and other well-known Chechen entrepreneurs as a counterbalance to the then Ichkeria," Mr. Masaev told Kommersant. However, he could not remember whether Lom-Ali Gaytukaev was among them. "I never knew him personally and had nothing to do with him," Mr. Masaev added, recalling, however, that he knew Mr. Gaytukaev's brother, but he died several years ago. And the society itself was then closed.

Meanwhile, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine suspects that a possible customer of the assassination attempt on Gennady Korban was his former business partner Maxim Kurochkin, with whom they allegedly quarreled over control over the Ozerka market in Dnepropetrovsk. In addition, Lom-Ali Gaytukaev is being checked for involvement in other high-profile crimes. In particular, to the murder of Novaya Gazeta columnist Anna Politkovskaya. By the way, the alleged organizer of this crime, the former head of the Achkhoy-Martan district, Shamil Buraev, was first detained precisely in the framework of the Lom-Ali Gaytukaev case, but he was accused only of organizing the murder of Mrs. Politkovskaya.

Yesterday, Gennady Korban told Kommersant that he had no motives for killing Maxim Kurochkin: “To be honest, it’s even incorrect to comment on the words of a person who attempts on your life. all conflicts. For December 2006, I paid all the money (for the Ozerka market. - Kommersant), and all issues between us were closed. Moreover, he himself wrote in some letters that it was not Korban who were hunting him , not Kolomoisky (the head of the Privat group - Kommersant), but other people. You understand, I am a believer, I go to the synagogue, so I can’t take sin on my soul, even for the same Chechen, it’s impossible.

Vlad Trifonov
Musa Muradov
Ivan Krasikov

Lom-Ali Gaytukaev, convicted in the case of the murder of Anna Politkovskaya and who died in the Vologda colony, is buried at the cemetery in Achkhoy-Martan, his relatives reported. People in Achkhoi-Martan do not believe that Gaitukaev was the organizer of Politkovskaya's murder, a local resident told the "Caucasian Knot".

Lom-Ali Gaytukaev in 1992 was arrested for operations with so-called "Chechen advice notes""- fraud using fake payment documents. On November 30, 1993, the court sentenced Gaytukaev to seven years in prison. After his release, he organized the New Time public movement. In September 2011, representatives of the investigation announced that Lom-Ali Gaytukaev spoke in as the organizer of the murder of Anna Politkovskaya.According to the investigation, Lom-Ali Gaytukaev organized the crime having received an order to kill Politkovskaya from a person "dissatisfied with the journalist's incriminating publications about human rights violations, theft of state property and abuse of power by officials."

Lom-Ali Akhmedievich Gaytukaev(b. 1958) - a well-known Chechen crime boss and businessman, a defendant in a number of high-profile criminal cases.


Lom-Ali Gaytukaev was born in the village of Achkhoy-Martan in the Chechen-Ingush Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic. He studied poorly at school, according to his own admission, made during an interview with the TV show "Criminal Russia", he does not even know the multiplication table. At present, as some media write, in his native village, where Gaitukaev has not appeared for many years, he is remembered with caution and respect. After the collapse Soviet Union In 1991, Gaytukaev's homeland - Chechnya - declared its independence from Russian Federation. Gaytukaev decided to take advantage of this and, along with many of his fellow citizens, began to engage in fraud, the purpose of which was to steal money from the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, and which would later become known throughout the world as “Chechen advice notes”. To cover up his criminal activities, he created a joint Russian-Austrian enterprise, and also received Greek citizenship and registered in the city of Thessaloniki.

Gaytukaev and "Chechen advice notes"

Gaytukaev met Vladimir Novikov, an employee of the East Siberian Bank, who is responsible for finding clients for the bank. He agreed to carry false advice to the bank's management. Gaytukaev, arriving for the duration of the operation to steal money, stayed at the Intourist Hotel. On June 3, 1992, Gaytukaev and several of his accomplices were detained in a hotel room by officers of the department for combating drug trafficking. During the search, one of Gaytukaev's guards tried to escape with a bag containing a large amount of money, but received a severe gunshot wound. The package contained 3 million rubles in 1992 money in the packages of a well-known Moscow bank. Searches were carried out on all Gaitukaev's contacts in Moscow, which gave an unexpected result - instead of the drugs they were looking for, they all found huge amounts of money. The money was even found in Gaytukayev's personal Mercedes car. Then the case was transferred to the department for combating economic crimes. The next day, Novikov and another accomplice of Gaytukaev, Norik Mesumyan, were arrested. The investigation of the case was difficult: all the suspects denied their involvement in fraud, there was a catastrophic lack of evidence. When the suspects were about to be released for lack of evidence of their guilt, the employees of the anti-drug trafficking department were found to have transcripts of audio recordings of conversations between Gaytukaev, Novikov and Mesumyan, made by their listening devices. The testimony of several accomplices of Gaytukaev, who never confessed to anything, made it possible to restore the scheme of operations with advice notes: Gaitukaev made fake stamps and letterheads, then, through a person who had connections in banking circles (Mesumyan), he transferred fake advice notes to a person who worked in a bank and a former with him in collusion (to Novikov), and he convinced the bank management of the profitability of the transfer and cashing out. Advices were supposed to come to the cash settlement center of the Central Bank by special mail, but Gaitukaev and Mesumyan took advantage of the confusion that prevailed then in all institutions of the country and managed to get huge amounts of money from fake advices - hundreds of millions of rubles. The scammers kept the stolen money in a ten-ton sea container installed in one of the Moscow courtyards. Gaytukaev was going to estimate the next advice at one billion rubles, but was delayed.

Novikov did not live to see the trial, having died in a pre-trial detention center, while Gaytukaev and Mesumyan became the first defendants to be tried for stealing money from the country's main bank. On November 30, 1993, the court sentenced Gaytukaev to 7 years in prison with confiscation of property.

Gaitukaev and the Korban case

After his release, Gaitukaev organized the so-called inter-regional public movement for the development of cultural and socio-political ties with the Chechen Republic "New Time". There was evidence that he was one of the leaders of the so-called Lazan (Alazani) organized criminal group.
