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Work in Moscow drilling rig operator

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Unified Tariff and Qualification Directory of Works and Professions of Workers (ETKS), 2019
Issue No. 4 ETKS
The issue is approved by the Decree of the Ministry of Labor of Russia of August 12, 2003 N 61

Drilling rig operator

ยง 37. Drilling rig operator

Job Description. Management of drilling rigs and installations various types, including tractor-based self-propelled ones, when drilling and widening wells. Installation, dismantling, relocation, preparation for work, installation and regulation of drilling equipment, planning and clearing the site for its installation. Marking of wells according to the passport for drilling operations. Management of the drilling process depending on geological conditions, the occurrence of complications, the state of drilling equipment and tools. Cementation, grouting, casing wells, other works provided for by the technological regulations and regime and technological documentation. Tripping, extension of rods, extraction of pipes. Choice of axial force, tool rotation speed, amount of flushing fluid supplied, air to ensure optimal drilling conditions. Observation of indications of instrumentation. Regulation of drilling process parameters to obtain optimal penetration rates. Performance of work on the prevention and elimination of curvature, accidents and complications in wells. Preparation of flushing liquids and cement mixtures. Control of parameters of washing liquids. Restoration of water loss of rocks in wells, installation of filters and water-lifting means. Selection of drills, bits and drill bits, changing them during drilling. Cleaning, flushing, lubrication of wells. Maintenance of compressors installed on drilling equipment, mobile compressors operating in combination with a drilling rig (machine), gasified installations used in fire drilling, pumps, liquid oxygen tanks and other auxiliary equipment. Fishing works, wellhead shut-in. Identification and elimination of malfunctions in the operation of the serviced equipment and tractor, participation in their repair. Replacement of engines, automatic machines, starters. Participation in the preparation of instruments and wellhead devices for special geophysical, hydrogeological and other studies. Carrying out liquidation work. In necessary cases - sampling of core, drill cuttings, rock samples and determination of the category of rock strength by drillability. Land reclamation upon completion of drilling operations. Slinging and loading and unloading operations at the drilling rig. Maintenance of primary technical documentation.

Must know: purpose, device, rules for installation, dismantling and operation of drilling and power equipment, their characteristics; designs of drilling rigs and masts, rules for their assembly and disassembly; technological regimes, rules and methods of drilling and expanding wells with and without core sampling under normal and complicated conditions; geological and technical order for the well; content and procedure for filling out the passport of drilling and blasting operations; the purpose and essence of cementation, bitumization, silicification, plugging and freezing of wells; purpose, composition, methods of preparation and processing of washing liquids, rock strength reducers and complex injection solutions; purpose, characteristics, types of tools, devices and materials used; requirements for the quality of filling drilling tools, depending on the strength of the drilled rocks; ways to control the drilling process, taking into account geological conditions, the occurrence of complications depending on the state of drilling equipment and tools; conditions and forms of occurrence of minerals; causes of technical malfunctions and accidents, measures for their prevention and elimination; instructions for sampling and storage of core; ways of performing fishing operations; fundamentals of geology, hydrogeology, mining, electrical engineering, hydraulics, pneumatics; name and location of mine workings; classification and properties of rocks; land reclamation methods; rules for conducting primary technical documentation, its forms; device and scheme of the power network and methods for eliminating current leaks; methods and rules for the production of slinging works; arrangement of a tractor and a self-propelled unit, rules for their operation and repair; accident elimination plan, rules for safe blasting.

When drilling exploration wells for solid minerals with first-class drilling rigs (with a lifting capacity of up to 0.5 tons), motor drills, manual and portable sets, rods - 3rd category;

when drilling: wells with non-self-propelled rotary percussion drilling machines, self-propelled rotary drilling machines with an engine power of up to 50 kW, sounding drilling machines from underground mine workings; exploration wells for solid minerals by drilling rigs of the second class (hook capacity from 0.5 to 1.5 tons); hydrogeological and geophysical wells using a rotary method without the use of a cleaning agent, percussion and other drilling methods; when drilling oversized with self-propelled drilling rigs, perforators, electric drills - 4th category;

when drilling: wells with cable-and-percussion drilling machines, self-propelled rotary drilling machines with an engine power of more than 50 kW, self-propelled rotary percussion drilling machines with an engine power of up to 150 kW, self-propelled roller-cone drilling machines with an engine power of up to 300 kW, machine tools from underground mine workings, except for sounding drilling machines; exploration wells for solid minerals by drilling rigs of the third, fourth and fifth classes (hook capacity from 1.5 to 15 tons); hydrogeological wells by rotary drilling with the use of a cleaning agent; when extracting (drilling out) a mineral from thin layers with auger-drilling machines and machines for underground work - 5th category;

when drilling: wells with self-propelled rotary percussion drilling machines with an engine power of 150 kW or more (or equipped with hydraulic systems), self-propelled roller-cone drilling machines with an engine power of 300 kW or more, thermal drilling machines, vibro-rotary drilling machines; exploration wells for solid minerals by drilling rigs of the sixth, seventh and eighth classes (hook capacity over 15 tons); when extracting (drilling out) a mineral from thin layers with auger-drilling machines and machine tools in open-cast mining - 6th category.


1. According to this tariff-qualification characteristic, work and workers employed in the drilling of wells of all types are charged, except for oil and gas wells, for the drilling of which workers and work are charged according to ETKS, issue 6, section "Drilling wells".

2. When drilling exploration wells using special technical tools that improve the quality of geological testing and drilling speed, establish and maintain a given direction of the wellbore (drilling using complexes with removable core receivers, hydraulic hammers and pneumatic hammers, with hydrotransport of the core; directional and multilateral drilling) ; when drilling exploration wells in difficult mining and geological conditions; when drilling exploratory wells in the fields worked out by mines (when drilling wells through worked out seams), the billing is made one category higher.

3. The classes of drilling rigs for drilling exploration wells for solid minerals are approved by state standards and include: drilling depth, initial and final diameter of the wells, hook load capacity, drive motor power, drill assembly rotation speed, inclination angle, lifting speed, length drill candle.

4. Engine power of drilling equipment is taken as the total power of electric motors installed on this equipment.

5. Assistants to the drilling rig operator who have mastered the entire range of work provided for in the tariff and qualification characteristics of the drilling rig operator are charged one category lower than the drilling rig operator with whom they work, and two categories lower if the entire range of work has not been mastered.

6. In the absence of assistants to the driver of the drilling rig, mobile compressors are serviced by drivers of mobile compressors (with a different engine), which are charged according to ETKS, issue 3, section "Construction, installation and repair and construction works".

Any job related to the oil industry is very prestigious and in demand in Russia. A drilling rig operator is just such a profession. All about its features will be discussed in this article.

About profession

A drilling rig operator is an employee who is engaged in drilling when finding gas and oil deposits, exploration of minerals, etc. A representative of the profession in question is obliged not only to operate drilling machines, but also to repair them. A competent specialist in the field of drilling must know all the modes of operation of the existing equipment, must be able to set up a cooling system, protection or control of equipment at a distance.

A drilling rig operator has a huge number of functions and responsibilities. In fact, he is fully responsible for the drilling process in production. It is worth noting that the specialist in question must also have a large amount of knowledge. Only thanks to knowledge, the drilling rig operator will be able to competently organize his professional activities.

Profession training

What can be said about the training of drilling rig operators? To get a profession, you will have to go to college or technical school for the corresponding specialty.

It is possible to take special courses, but they are not available everywhere.

During the training, the future drilling rig operator receives all the necessary knowledge about the design and operation of drilling machines, various instruments, mechanisms, etc. Here are the main subjects and disciplines that the training course usually includes:

  • socio-economic foundations;
  • professional and special courses;
  • occupational Safety and Health;
  • rules and methods of drilling;
  • geology;
  • exploitation ;
  • practice and some other subjects.

It should be noted that upon completion of training, the graduate will be issued a special certificate and certificate, thanks to which the drilling rig operator will be able to get a job. workplace.

What should a drilling rig operator know?

Only a person who has a secondary vocational education and at least one year of work experience can become a drilling rig master.

Such an employee must have a special certificate of completion of education and a certificate necessary for admission to work. In addition to all of the above, the drilling rig operator must have certain knowledge at a qualitative level. Of course, the amount of knowledge required for work also depends on the category of a professional. However, there are some general points that a representative of the profession in question should be aware of:

  • labor legislation (or its foundations);
  • documentation: administrative, methodical or normative, but one way or another related to the conduct of drilling operations;
  • safety and internal labor regulations;
  • basics of labor protection;
  • rules of sanitation and hygiene.

Functions and duties of a drilling rig operator

The profession in question is an incredibly complex, responsible and hard work.

A drilling rig operator has a very large number of functions and responsibilities. Among them are:

  • execution of drilling operations at the designated construction site;
  • performance of mining works;
  • performance of selection and packaging of certain samples of soil and groundwater;
  • transportation of necessary items.

It is worth noting that the specialist in question is obliged to perform all the functions assigned to him strictly under the supervision of a professional with a higher qualification. The employee must remember to comply with safety regulations, as well as the compliance of all work with certain technological standards (this is, first of all, standards for the selection, packaging, and transportation of products).

In addition to all of the above, the drilling rig operator is required to confirm or improve his qualifications every 5 years.

On the rights of a drilling rig operator

Like any other employee, the specialist in question has certain professional rights.

What is a drilling rig operator entitled to?

  • The worker's watch must meet all safety requirements. The specialist has the right to contact the authorities in case of any violations, whether it be equipment that has failed, a shortage of some tools, etc.
  • The employee has the right to discuss draft decisions with the management (if these projects somehow relate to the work activity of the specialist in question).
  • The drilling rig operator is able to coordinate with the management the involvement of any specialists in his work activity.
  • The specialist in question has the right to demand assistance from his superiors in case of unforeseen situations, any problems, etc.

Thus, the master of the drilling rig has a fairly wide range of professional rights.

On the responsibility of the drilling rig operator

A large number of rights and obligations always gives rise to a huge responsibility. In the case of a drilling rig operator, this is exactly the case.

What is the specialist in question responsible for?

  • Like any other worker, the drilling rig operator is liable for the improper performance of his professional functions and duties. Everything that prescribes about the functions of the specialist in question job description, must be strictly observed, and very high quality and competently.
  • The specialist in question is subject to strict RF as well as regulations concluded with the employer.
  • The employee is liable (up to criminal) for the commission of offenses, crimes or any other illegal acts in the workplace.
  • For causing harm to the organization, the employee is also able to bear responsibility (in the manner prescribed by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

Thus, the responsibility of a drilling rig operator is not much different from the responsibility of any other worker. However, it is important to remember about the huge number of functions assigned to the employee. Failure to do so may well lead to liability.

On the demand for the profession

Is a drilling rig operator in demand in the labor market?

Vacancies, it is worth noting, do exist, but not everywhere. Everything will depend on the region (whether it is mining or not).

It is worth noting, however, one very important point: Occupation in question, at least in Russian Federation, is quite promising and prestigious. The thing is that drilling is somehow connected with the extraction of some useful product: oil, gas, minerals, etc. The country needs these resources, and therefore professions related to mining will always be encouraged.

And what can be said about career growth in the profession in question? Here everything will depend only on the experience of the employee and on his desire to learn. It is very important to improve your skills in a timely manner. So, drilling rigs can become a master, and a simple master is able to grow into an engineering and technical worker. It is worth mentioning such positions as senior technician, site manager, department head, etc. The drilling rig operator, having the due desire, may well take these positions.

Drilling rig operators 3rd and 4th category

What can be said about the drilling rig operator, who has the third category? It is worth starting with the fact that this is the most low-skilled worker. As a rule, the third category is for beginners who have just started working after study and practice. A third-class specialist has the following responsibilities:

  • participation in the drilling of first-class rigs;
  • use of motor-drills, portable manual sets, special rods.

An employee with the fourth category has slightly wider functions. These include:

  • performance of drilling operations with the help of non-self-propelled rotary percussion machines;
  • drilling with the help of self-propelled rotary machines with a power of not more than 50 kW;
  • drilling with the help of probing machines and much more.

Thus, a specialist with the fourth category has much more technical equipment than a specialist with a lower qualification.

Drilling rig operators 5 and 6 categories

A specialist with the fifth, penultimate category works with the following types of equipment:

  • cable-shock machines;
  • self-propelled rotary drilling rigs;
  • installations of the second class (the higher the class, the greater the load capacity of the installations);
  • can use perforators, special electric drills, etc.

And what can be said about a worker who has the sixth, most recent and important rank? Undoubtedly, such an employee has a large number of duties and rights. As a specialist with the highest qualifications, the driver of drilling rigs of the sixth category is obliged to monitor the performance of the labor duties of all other employees. Of course, a specialist with the sixth category has a much wider range of rights and obligations.

Advantages and disadvantages of the profession

The profession in question has a number of both pluses and minuses. It is worth starting with the shortcomings of the work.

These include:
  • Unavailability of getting a job in some regions. The thing is that in some areas, in principle, mining is not carried out, and therefore it will be quite problematic to find a job.
  • Too many responsibilities and too much responsibility. Drilling work is really quite difficult and problematic to carry out. After all, even a small mistake by a specialist can lead to serious problems.

The advantages of the profession include the following points:

  • prestige. Any work, one way or another connected with the extraction of minerals, is considered prestigious in Russia.
  • Demand. It is quite easy to find a vacancy for a drilling rig operator. Watch, however, may not be available in all regions. And yet it is not very difficult to get a profession.
  • Good
  • Opportunity for early career growth. With due desire, the operator of a drilling rig will be able to climb the career ladder. There are enough direct employers interested in competent employees in any production.

We always have a large number of fresh current vacancies on our website. Use filters to quickly search by parameters.

For successful employment, it is desirable to have a specialized education, as well as possess the necessary qualities and work skills. First of all, you need to carefully study the requirements of employers in the chosen specialty, then start writing a resume.

You should not send your resume to all companies at the same time. Choose suitable vacancies, focusing on your qualifications and work experience. We list the most significant skills for employers that you need to successfully work as a drilling rig operator in Moscow:

Top 7 Key Skills You Need to Get a Job

Also quite often in vacancies there are the following requirements: accident-free driving, knowledge of the car device and repair work.

When preparing for an interview, use this information as a checklist. This will help you not only to please the recruiter, but also to get the desired job!

Analysis of vacancies in Moscow

According to the results of the analysis of vacancies published on our website, the indicated starting salary, on average, is - 66,250. The average maximum income level (specified "salary to") is 80,071. Keep in mind that these figures are statistics. The actual salary during employment can vary greatly depending on many factors:
  • Your previous work experience, education
  • Type of employment, work schedule
  • Company size, industry, brand, etc.

Salary depending on the experience of the applicant
