Interests take far from the last place in a casual conversation. But How competently? There are a few tricks to help you navigate. And, of course, it is better to be prepared for this topic in advance. Think about what you like to do using the tips from this article.

How to talk about a hobby in English? Hints

What tricks should be followed in order to understand How Right talk about hobbies in english?

1) A good start is already half the battle. You can use one of the following suggestions.

1. I can't imagine my life without... I can't imagine my life without...

2. You won't believe but I really enjoy… You won't believe it, but I really like...

3. Actually, I’m keen on… - In fact, I’m fond of…

2. I'm fond of ... - I like ...

3. … is my favorite pastime. - ... my favorite pastime

4. I’m interested in… - I’m interested in…

5. When I am free I tend to… - When I am free, I tend to…

6. Most of all I like… - Most of all I like…

2) Make sure you know the English version of the hobby. If not, then learn it so as not to fall flat on your face during such a conversation. Below are the most common hobbies.

1) playing with friends, 2) fishing, 3) drawing, 4) cycling, 5) cycling, 6) acting, 7) camping, 8) sewing, 9) rowing, 10) watching TV, 11) gardening, 12) hiking, 13) knitting, 14) collecting coins, 15) swimming, 16) playing cards

3) To keep the story interesting for the interlocutor, share how you first tried a hobby. Maybe someone inspired you to take up this particular hobby? What attracted you to it? Do you recommend it to others?

Using the verb like in an interest story

Don't forget that use of the verb like in a story about a hobby has its own specifics. It is important to apply the following like ending verb –ing when you share general information about your favorite pastime.

a) Anton likes play ing football.

b) Monica likes go ing to the cinema.

c) They like spend ing free time outside all together.

An example of a hobby story in English


I have several hobbies and each of them is equally important to me. First of all, I cannot imagine my life without learning foreign languages. It's so interesting to compare English with Spanish, Russian with German and so on. I have found out that there are a lot of English words in my native language too. This idea makes me look for more common features and share them with others. It's wonderful to understand foreign music and popular movies.

When I have some free time, I tend to embroider something. This helps me relax and I seem to inherit it from my grandma. She also enjoyed sitting with a needle in the evenings before TV. I like presenting embroidered pictures to my friends. Such things are better than gifts from the shop.

Reading is my third favorite pastime. It’s a good idea to read before bedtime to focus on something different from work and get ready to sweet dreams!


I have several hobbies and each of them is equally important to me. First of all, I cannot imagine my life without learning foreign languages. It's so interesting to compare English with Spanish, Russian with German, etc. I found out that in my mother tongue also a lot of English words. This idea encourages me to look for more common points and share them with others. Understanding foreign music and popular films is great.

One of the methods of learning a foreign language is writing essays and essays on various interesting topics. The ability to write about yourself and your hobbies can tell a lot about a student's language proficiency.

One of the most popular essay topics in English is “My hobby”. In this article, we will look at useful vocabulary and expressions on the topic of hobbies, provide it with a translation, and also teach you how to write beautifully and competently about your hobbies in English.

English words about hobby

The very word "hobby" in the meaning that we know now, was not always. Earlier English word hobby called small horses and ponies. A children's pony toy of the same name was then released.

But the concept of “hobby” acquired the meaning of leisure or hobby a little later after the release of the novel by Lawrence Stern, where he used this concept in the form of an aphorism “to ride a horse”. In the novel The Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy, Gentleman, the phrase was used in the sense of "carrying on a conversation on a favorite topic." After that, the word "hobby" became the equivalent of the concept of "hobby". In many European languages, hobby sounds and is spelled almost the same. Therefore, you will never confuse such a concept with other foreign words.

Many of those who do not have a large enough may face the problem of not knowing the lexical units on the topic. To make it easier to write about your hobbies in English, it is better to know in advance what exactly you will write about and what vocabulary to use.

Dictionary is yours best friend. If you do not know how certain phrases are used, with what articles or prepositions, it is best to turn to dictionaries, which will describe in detail all the nuances of using vocabulary.

Some people don't like working with dictionaries and prefer to translate whole sentences in online translators. Not every such program is able to translate correctly, taking into account all the grammatical nuances. Sometimes you can find the wrong use of words. Therefore, it is best to turn to reliable sources.

Here are examples of the most popular types of hobbies in English with translation into Russian. Perhaps this table will help you choose a hobby that you would like to write or talk about.

my hobby my hobbies
making of hand-made things making things with your own hands
running run
tennis tennis game
fishing fishing
chess game of chess
football football
programming programming
gymnastics gymnastics
diving diving
camping camping trip with tents
rock climbing rock climbing
snowboarding snowboarding
reading reading
drawing drawing
language learning language learning
cooking cooking
listening to music listen to music
playing computer games play computer games
photography photo
writing authorship (to write about something)

Let's analyze a few short stable phrases, thanks to which the author can express his attitude to a particular hobby in his essay. A hobby can be liked, it can be carried away, it can be loved, and much more.

How to express it in English:

I love ... - I love ...

I like ... - I like ...

I am interested in ... - I am interested in ...

I am fond of ... - I like ...

I don't mind ... - I don't mind ...

I hate ... - I hate ...

I am good at ... - I'm good at ...

I am bad at ... - I'm bad at ...

I am into ... - I am fond of ...

Thanks to these simple expressions, you will be able to correctly convey your position not only on the topic of a hobby, but also on other topics and problematic issues.

How to write an essay or story on the topic "My hobby"?

Before starting to express our thoughts on the topic "My Hobby", let's analyze how it should be written correctly, what structural components it should consist of and what phrases are best used in each of them.

A person who knows how to write essays, especially in English, is able to think critically, expand the boundaries of thinking, correctly and consistently express his thoughts, and build logical chains. creative thinking and intellectual ability also develop while writing an essay or essay in English. The sequence of presentation largely depends on the observance of the structure of the text.

In any essay in English, it is necessary to observe the presence of three main structural components, therefore, such a plan is needed:

Starting to write an essay is always difficult, because choosing a topic becomes a dilemma for many. We know the topic of our essay in English, but here we also have to make a choice.

Before you start writing an essay about a hobby, it is important to decide which of the many hobbies you would like to talk about. You don't have to focus on just one thing. If you want to talk about several hobbies - do it. Give free rein to your imagination. With the arrival of the final choice, you can proceed directly to writing an essay in English.

Read also

Useful phrases

To make it easier to write about your hobby, you should look for and write out universal phrases in English on the topic of the hobby. For each structural part of the composition, you can choose your own special expressions.

Let's present to your attention a table in which you can find a list of universal phrases for composing in English with respect to each of its structural components:

Now I want to tell you about my hobby.

My hobby is…

I am fond of…

I am interested in…

Most of all I like…

Now I want to tell you about my hobby.

My hobby is…

I like…

I'm interested in…

Most of all I love...

There are many interesting activities that can become hobbies for people.

The main body/Main part
Firstly, I want to tell you about…

I started…when I was…

So I have been doing it for (3) years.

There are a lot of things to do, but a chose…

I cannot imagine my life without…

I like it because…

I have my lessons … time a week.

I really enjoy what I do.

It brings me a lot of pleasure.

I chose it because …

First, I would like to talk about…

I started practicing…when I was…

I did this for 3 years.

There are so many different activities, but I chose ...

I can't imagine my life without...

I liked it because...

It is important to note that …

I hope to continue … in the future.

I have a dream… and I hope it will come true.

An important point is that…

In my opinion…

In conclusion…

It is important to note that…

I hope to continue... in the future.

I have a dream... and I hope it comes true.

It is important that…

In my opinion…


This classification is conditional. Some of these phrases can be used both at the beginning and in the main part of the essay. It all depends on the imagination and the message of the author.

In an essay about a hobby in English, you should not use too complex syntactic constructions, because there is a chance of getting confused in the coordination of tenses and making mistakes. Therefore, it is best to write in monosyllabic sentences with elements of introductory constructions. For example, "to go to the cinema, to chat with friends, to go skiing etc".

It is good when a person studying English knows how to write essays on a hobby topic well. But it is also important to be able to support, correctly ask thematic and questions and also answer them correctly.

Composition "My hobby is dancing"

You need to be able to write an essay about a hobby for those who want to talk about their pastime. Native speakers and others who speak English will be interested in talking with you not only about work or study, but also about your hobbies. Knowing a person's hobby, you can tell a lot about him. With the help of a hobby theme, you can find like-minded people who share your views and interests.

Below we will give an example of an essay in English on the topic “my hobby” and its translation so that you can see the structure of the text, thematic vocabulary and the use of the above expressions.

My hobby is dancing Dancing is my hobby
There are many interesting things that can be people's hobbies. Some people discover their talent in playing musical instruments, writing or drawing. People fascinated by sports find it in football, tennis or basketball etc. There are so many interesting activities that can become a hobby for people. Some discover their talent in playing musical instruments, writing or drawing. People who are fond of sports find talent in football, tennis or basketball.
There are also some options for calm people e.g. collecting things, making models or reading interesting books. For calm people, there are also options for hobbies: collecting, collecting models or reading interesting books.
There are a lot of things to do, but I've chosen dancing. it. I have been dancing for eight years. I started doing it when I was a ten-year-old child. I have my lessons four times a week in the coolest dance-school in the town. There are many things to do, but I chose dancing. I can't imagine my life without it. I have been dancing for 8 years. I started doing this when I was 10 years old. My classes are held 4 times a week at the coolest dance school in town.
Dancing became the most important part of my life and I really enjoy it. In the beginning, my father was against dancing because he thought I wasted my time. He wanted me to do something more serious. But over time, he changed his mind and now he tries to support me in all my undertaking. Dancing has become an important part of my life and I really enjoy it. At first, my father was against dancing because he thought I was wasting my time. He wanted me to do something more serious. But over time, he changed his mind and now tries to support me in all my endeavors.
I like dancing because of the unbelievable feeling it gives me. I can express myself the way I like. It is happiness for me. I love dancing because of the unforgettable emotions it gives me. I can express myself the way I like it. This is happiness.
I believe that the keyword in a hobby definition is "pleasure". My hobby brings me a lot of pleasure and satisfaction. I feel my progress and it is the best motivation to go ahead. I hope to continue dancing in the future. I believe that the key word in the concept of "hobby" is pleasure. My hobby brings me a lot of pleasure and satisfaction. I feel like I'm growing and that's the best motivation to keep going. I hope that in the future I will continue to dance.

The topic of dancing is broad enough to be discussed. There are many various kinds and styles, dancing can be done professionally, or just for yourself.

When talking about your dancing skills, it is also worth mentioning whether you participated in any dance competitions or not, whether you won prizes. Perhaps you dance not in any particular style, but just from the heart at parties or at home, and it brings you great pleasure.

Composition “My hobby is sport”

The theme "" can be safely called one of the most popular topics for choosing a hobby. Even those who do not do it professionally just enjoy the fact that they are actively spending time and energizing.

You can write and talk about such types of outdoor activities:

camping - hiking with tents;

diving - diving;

tennis - a game of tennis;

yoga - yoga;

running - running;

travelling - travel;

horse-riding - riding;

paintball - paintball;

basketball - basketball;

cycling - cycling;

gymnastics - gymnastics.

The following is an example of an essay in English, which talks about such a sport as swimming. The text highlights commonly used phrases regarding the topic “My hobby”, which can later be used in an essay about any other hobby.

My hobby is sport My hobby is sport
Different people have different tastes. Someone likes to play tennis or football, someone does not like sport ever. I am interested in swimming. I really love it. Swimming brings me a lot of pleasure. Different people have different tastes. Someone likes to play tennis or football, someone does not like sports at all. I'm also interested in swimming. I really love it. Swimming brings me a lot of pleasure.
I cannot imagine my life without swimming. When I was a child, my family and I moved to the town located near the blue and beautiful sea. In summer when the weather was good and warm, we had a nice time walking through the seashore and swam every weekend. I can't imagine my life without swimming. When I was a child, my family and I moved to a city located next to the beautiful blue sea. In the summer, when the weather was nice and warm, we had a nice time walking along the seashore and swimming every weekend.
When I was seventeen, my mother offered me to visit the swimming classes at my school. It was a wonderful idea because at that time I had already wanted to compete with other children. I had my lessons three times a week. I had been training so hard for many hours. When I turned 17, my mother suggested that I go to my school for swimming lessons. It was a great idea, because at that time I already wanted to compete with other children. Classes were held 3 times a week. I trained hard for many hours.
When I was eighteen, I won my first tournament. I was very happy that day and grateful for my mother for believing in myself. I wanted to become a champion of the Olympic Games in the future. It was a beautiful dream. When I turned 18, I won my first competition. I was very happy that day and grateful to my mother for believing in me. In the future, I wanted to become an Olympic champion. It was a beautiful dream.
It is important to note that I still had been training for 3 years from that tournament. But, last autumn, unfortunately, I retired from this sport. Now swimming is a favorite hobby for me. I swim in the pool every Sunday and enjoy it. It is important to note that I have been training for three more years since that competition. But last fall, unfortunately, I retired from the sport. Now swimming is my favorite hobby. I go to the pool every Sunday and enjoy it.


While studying in English the topic of a hobby is often touched upon in different variations, for example, in the form of a short monologue or dialogue.

You may be given a task and asked to tell not only about your hobbies, but also about the hobbies of your family or friends. Perhaps they also share your views with you, and it would be interesting to read about this.

When talking about your favorite hobby, it is important to be open and not afraid to use unfamiliar or unusual expressions. You can also write out a couple of phrases separately for yourself that would look advantageous against the background of your story about leisure or essay in English.

On the subject of a topic about a hobby, you can talk a lot, a lot, because a person can be passionate about anything. It all depends on personal preferences and tastes, someone loves volleyball and floriculture, and someone likes to draw and cook, or even solve crossword puzzles.

Someone will consider your hobby interesting, and someone will say that it's just a waste of time. But the main thing in hobbies is the pleasure that you get from the process. With the help of favorite hobbies, a person expands his horizons and fills his life with vivid emotions.

An essay on the topic “My Hobby” is offered not only to students elementary school but also ninth grade graduates. Children have a great opportunity to talk about their hobbies and interests.


An essay on the topic “My Hobby” implies the presence of a certain structure that must be observed. In the classic version of this type of work, there are three main parts.

Any essay on the topic “My favorite hobby” in the junior level begins with an introduction, then the main part goes, and ends with a conclusion. For middle and senior students, quotes and an author's thought should be added to the essay on the topic “My Hobby”. In addition, it is assumed that it contains an epigraph.

Features of each part

Any essay on the topic “My hobby” must begin with an introduction. There are several options, the choice depends on the personal preferences of the student. In any case, it is important that it mentions the main idea of ​​the essay,

For example, you can mention that in the field of additional interests people have cooking, music, choreography, music. Someone likes to walk in the fresh air, enjoy the natural colors. Everyone has a hobby, and so do I.

In such a short introduction, the student leads readers to the disclosure of the main idea. Further, the essay on the topic “My hobby is dancing” can be continued with the main content.

For example, it can be noted that since childhood I liked to dance, to do choreography. My mother works as a choreographer, she often took me with her to classes, I was fascinated by the graceful and beautiful girls performing rhythmic movements. After I grew up a little, I became a member of her dance group. Not for one minute did I regret that I took up dancing.

In conclusion, it is important to draw a conclusion, as well as draw a logical conclusion. For example, explain the importance of hobbies for relaxation after a hard day at work or school. It can be mentioned that for many teenagers a hobby develops into a professional activity, becomes not only a hobby, but also a way to ensure material prosperity.

An essay on the topic “My hobby is sport” is drawn up in a similar way, but it should be dedicated to your favorite species.

An example of a finished essay

A hobby should be in the life of any person. Despite the fact that the main purpose of human existence is to improve the world around them, only if they have hobbies can people feel truly happy. A hobby is a favorite thing that helps us to relax, forget about our problems and everyday worries.

I also have a hobby in my life. I like skiing, I try to practice this sport professionally. Why did I choose this particular sport? The city where I live has a severe winter during which there is a lot of snow. Climate features have become the main reason for my choice of such an unusual hobby. At first, we went skiing with our parents, enjoying the beauty and grandeur of the winter forest. In elementary school, a coach from a sports school came to our class, told us about the existence special school for those who like skiing.

So I ended up in a sports school, and I didn’t regret my choice for a single minute. Constant training taught me how to rationally distribute my personal time. At the sports school, I met guys who were passionate about sports, who became my faithful and reliable friends. Sport became the meaning of my life, gradually it turned from a hobby into a future professional activity. After graduation, I plan to enter the sports department of the university in order to become a certified coach.


An essay related to a description of a favorite hobby is drawn up in full accordance with the rules that have been developed for school essay. At the senior level of education, it is drawn up in the form of an essay, involves the use of 2-3 arguments, their motivated justification.

Option number 1

A hobby is what a person does in their free time, mainly for recreation and replenishment of energy lost as a result of work.

Someone likes to take pictures, someone collects stamps, many like to read. Everyone chooses a hobby to their liking.

Some hobbies, such as photography, are very expensive. Since you need a lot of money for equipment, although sometimes one inexpensive camera is enough. Hobbies like gardening require hard physical work. Reading requires serious intellectual exercise.

My hobby is collecting stamps. Every country in modern world issues stamps. Stamps are issued on the birthdays of famous people, to commemorate some important events, etc.

Stamps have different colors, dimensions and design. They contain photographs of birds, people, animals, plants, factories, etc. They remind us of the value of something, often showing the dates, months, and years of certain events.

I have about five thousand postage stamps in my collection. I have distributed them in albums by countries belonging to different continents. I also made a list of stamps different types such as landscapes, birds, animals, people, scientific inventions and discoveries related to historical and geographical areas, etc. I am satisfied and proud of my stamp collection!

Option number 2

Sport plays an important role in physical and mental development of a person, and everyone should play sports in order to be physically healthy and developed person. I consider cycling to be my favorite pastime and this sport is very important to me. I have participated in many cycling competitions and in some of them I have achieved good results.

I ride a bike to be physically healthy. I have also noticed that cycling helps me to overcome some of the personal problems associated with my life. Cycling keeps me energized, and riding a bike is a great short cut to get to where I need to be.

Lance Armstrong is my sports hero. I consider him my idol and I really learned a lot from Lance Armstrong. This is a living example of how much can be achieved if you have the will and character.

Just two hours of cycling a day can refresh your mind and keep you in good physical health. It is unlikely that I will ever give up cycling, for me it is even more than a hobby.

Together with the article “An essay on the topic“ My hobby ”read:


It will not be difficult to write an essay on the topic “My hobby” for students of the younger or high school. It is especially good to complete such a task for those who are really interested in something. The task of parents is to help their son or daughter in this task.


In order for the essay on the topic “My Hobby” to be written correctly and thoughts to be presented in the correct sequence, the child should be prompted how to make a plan. This can be done in different ways. The standard plan for writing an essay on the topic “My Hobby” is as follows:

  • Introduction. In this part of the work, you should write a few sentences about what a hobby is, what they are. Why is passion so important for a person.
  • Main part. Here you should talk about your hobby. Describe in detail how it appeared, why such a hobby was chosen. Also tell briefly what else, in addition to the main hobby, captivates and interests.
  • Conclusions. In the final part, you need to write what effect the hobby has on life. Tell us what plans you would like to implement and why.

Composition on the topic "My hobby" for elementary grades

In the first grades, they may be asked to write their thoughts about hobbies. It is important to understand that professional writing will not be required from elementary schools. The most important thing is to fully and fully express your thoughts and transfer them to a piece of paper. For students of the first three grades, it is quite possible to write the following essays on the topic “My hobby”:

People who are not interested in anything live a boring life. Therefore, I believe that it is imperative to come up with some kind of occupation that will please, give good emotions.

My hobby is drawing. I really like to transfer to a piece of paper what I think about in bright colors. Mom and dad noticed that I had talent and sent me to art school. Now I have been taught even what I did not know before. My parents keep all my drawings to show me when I grow up.

I dream of becoming a real artist, so that not only close people, but also everyone who appreciates this kind of creativity admire my paintings.

I can't imagine my life without hobbies. When I get bored, I always cheer myself up with my collection.

My hobby is collecting teddy bears. It's hard to find other soft toys in my room. Once my mother and I counted my bears, they turned out to be more than fifty pieces.

I am proud of my collection and my dream is to collect more than a hundred pieces of teddy bears. I think that everything will work out for me.

Such presentations of thoughts are quite suitable for children of elementary grades.

Composition on the topic "My favorite hobby" for high school students

Middle school students should write about their hobby in detail. An essay on the topic "Hobby" in English does not differ from the Russian-language presentation of thoughts. The most important thing is to convey your ideas clearly and grammatically. Middle school students can write an essay like this:

I believe that if a person does not have a hobby, then his life is banal and boring. I have several hobbies, knitting is the main one.

I really like to watch my with my own hands interesting things are created. A couple of times I knitted soft toys, which really set me on fire. Now I plan to knit a whole collection of soft animals, as well as clothes for them. And most importantly, I am sure that everything will work out.

I think that you should not give up your hobby halfway. And if something is exciting, interesting for you, then be sure to go side by side with this hobby.

How to get a good grade for an essay?

Of course, every child wants to receive a worthy assessment for their efforts. In order for the teacher to appreciate the work, you should:

  • Write an essay sincerely and truthfully. Only such works are worthy of the highest score.
  • You also need to pay attention to the order of presentation of thoughts. It also depends on how complete and complete the text will be.
  • And most importantly, write not according to a template, but sincerely, so the essay will turn out to be real, revealing the main goal of the task.

No matter how the child writes the essay, in any case, he must be praised so that the zeal for creative tasks does not weaken.
