Mind consisting of equivalent self-destructing egoistic centers. Babaj said be original. I chip them myself. The devil tries to be equal and denies equivalence. He tries to be original and denies himself. Devil believers are conserved and swollen from the gray spots of HIV virions. Whoever loses his soul will gain, and whoever retains his soul will lose his soul. Compensation law. The devil preserves the soul and swells from the nuclear self-collapse reaction that occurs as a result of the concentration of particles and transformation into a unit. It is necessary to concentrate them, to give faith. Hubbard said ~ as soon as a person has faith, unconsciousness disappears. Concentration camps will save the world. Correction camp is a hospital. year 2014. I leaned back into the light. Devilish energy is a particle of the spectrum. All particles of the spectrum are contained in one direction of divine energy. Any energy in the spectrum can mutate. The mutation of divine orientation forms the Devil. The sub-sound manifested and a sublight appeared ~ the taste and was found out. Dotma was resurrected and created a gpzr. They canceled photon and phonon. And they put Gandon in the Vatican. I am a person and not a state. Why are you fighting with the state? I am a little girl born in the USSR. I was born a champion. ~ I say that I was born a champion. Learn Russian. It is the most cunning language in the world of the invulnerable breakfast cyborgs today. Do you know what will happen if English is translated into English? Self-flapping. Mathematics. ~ I also translated English into English. German Kazakh. Kazakh German. Chechen hollywood. Russian Pentagon. Italian Rome. Red East. What? Nothing. I'm nothing. I'm shit. Shit is above all yogas. They said they will wipe the asshole with Veda. Malakhov gave them urine to drink and they fled to Germany ~ and from there they are trying to establish Russian power. Let the property be returned to me first. Christ drove the merchants out of the temple. Mother Baba's trial. I say let's go to the Tribunal Palace. I was in the garden. Mother's trial in the garden. The prisoners tried Russia. Gobbled up a uranium box. Box; 7 exploded in Moscow. Children exploded. The New Vatican was formed with its Center at; The Pentagon. Maigul sits in the village of Tochka. Saule Askarova returned to Tochka and lives with Maigul. Everything collapsed into a Point. New Apocalypse. The grants came true. Nuclear winter ~ nuclear spring. The Negatives believed in an eternal nuclear spring and received an atomic summer. They live in maya. Jay Mahamaya Ki Jai. According to your faith ~ you will be rewarded. God is always the reason. The devil is always a consequence. God stimulates the resonance to the Devil to self-flap. The truth is written in the action codes. They all methodically killed the child. I am not expecting you and you do not come to me. I will not come to you and you will not expect me. Spell. ~ I am not expecting you and you are not expecting me. I will not come to you and you will not come to me. Dispatch.

It is very important to understand how the law of attraction works. Vibration is energy. Vibrations arise from our thinking and speaking. Vibrations are just moods and feelings. At any moment we emit vibrations, and in the vibrational world there are only two types of vibration: positive and negative. The Law of Attraction is a truly powerful universal law that reacts to our vibrations and gives us more of what caused them, whether it is good or bad for us, at any given time, even now.

Determination of the law of attraction.

I attract to myself everything that I pay attention to or give energy to, regardless of whether I want it or not.

The law of attraction is an obedient law. We must be aware of the vibrations we are emitting.

Almost all of your senses emit vibrations, whether they are positive or negative. Abundance is a feeling, and that's good news. Why? All senses can be recreated. Abundance is a feeling, and like a feeling, it has corresponding vibrations that we can create. In many cases, people create a sense of absence, sadness, despair simply by using their thoughts and words. Through our thoughts and words, we can create feelings, we can learn how to consciously create feelings of abundance.
Another great news is that the Law of Attraction does not know what creates our vibrations, memories, representations, creation, visualization or daytime dreams. He simply reacts to our vibrations. We can only create one vibration at a time. Thus, by consciously and quite often creating vibrations based on the feeling of abundance, we increase abundance in our life.
Create a list of all the sources and resources where abundance and money can come from. Most people, when asked the question "How could you get more money?" answer that for this they need to work harder. They believe that the only way to increase abundance is to find a way to make more money, remember this is a limited belief. In fact, there are many ways that you can increase abundance in your life.
Here are 5 sources of abundance, take a look at them and build your list of over fifty sources of abundance.
* Someone invites you to lunch (breakfast or dinner).

* Someone gives you free consultations and trainings.

* You receive gifts.

* Free travel and accommodation are available to you.

* You get the third cup of coffee for free.

Part two:

Keep a daily journal of all the sources from which you receive abundance. This will greatly help you notice abundance in your life. Keeping a journal can help you find concrete evidence that abundance exists and is growing in your life. Celebrate! If you notice abundance, rejoice, it is evidence of its existence, and by celebrating, you create positive vibrations of abundance. Remember that at every moment of time, including now, the law of attraction takes your vibrations and gives an answer.

That's the whole secret. Two minutes a day, deliberately focusing on abundance is better than nothing.

This activity will help you create vibrations of abundance more consciously and often. Over the next seven days, do the exercise above and you will find it easier to say, “I'm so rich! I have attracted so much evidence of abundance in just seven days. "
Begin to deliberately create vibrations of abundance, and the Law of Attraction will obediently attract more abundance for you.

Christianity is a religion of revelation. Therefore, it is not scary that a person is limited.

For this, in history, God is incarnated, comes to people himself, since man is limited.

For this, God comes to each individual person, wanting to save everyone.

And in Bulgakov's novel this, of course, is not visible. Because, the novel is not a retelling of the gospel, but a novel where the gospel is used for other artistic purposes. There, the gospel events are retold by Woland. Who, in fact, is the father of lies, a liar from the beginning. And he tries to present Yeshua as a wandering philosopher, whose people are all good, and he himself does not even decide the fate of people after death, but asks! about her, Woland. However, the hint was left, after all, Yeshua can heal, and Woland has an eternally sore leg, from which he cannot get rid of the pain.

The phrase itself:

Everyone will be rewarded according to faith ...

compare with the gospel:

  1. When Jesus walked from there, two blind people followed Him and shouted: Have mercy on us, Jesus, son of David!
  2. When He came into the house, the blind came to Him. And Jesus said to them: Do you believe that I can do this? They say to Him: her, Lord!
  3. Then He touched their eyes and said: according to your faith be it to you.

And this is good news, as it was earlier:

Previously, a person was really limited - business. Now the faith that must be accepted, which God gives, can heal.

Again, this is what is happening, this is the good news:

He himself comes, he offers healing and heals. The man only needed to take a counter step when He came and knocked.

_ _ ___

The same applies to your second question:

Bulgakov does not retell the Gospel, he shows the world that has rejected God, where Woland comes. Woland parodies God, and lies about Him, and acts or pretends to be an instrument of justice, that is, God. All this at the same time and we ourselves need to think and watch. In a world that has waited for justice from Woland (we also like how he punishes the stupid, greedy, deceitful there), the principle of "rewarded by faith" from the good news of the possibility of healing turns into cutting off the head of an atheist. We are invited to triumph and laugh at the arrogant atheist Berlioz. Although, as you feel, it is not very funny.

_ _ _ _ _ ___

And how in life, how in reality? Where Stalin ruled the ball, where it was not clear what to do to write novels. Did the real Margarita do the right thing?

Hence the whole duality of the novel is the same as life.

So, in Moscow, in the Kolomna Palace of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich, on June 18, 2017, the Scientific conference “Yekaterinburg remains. Where is Truth, and where is fiction? " True, the organizers and most of the conference participants believe that the Remains of the Royal Martyrs were completely destroyed. And in St. Petersburg, in the Peter-Pavlovsk fortress, false ostanks are buried.

The conference was opened by Vasily Vadimovich Boyko-Veliky. He said that although the commission led by Boris Nemtsov suggested that we believe that the unknown remains buried in the Peter and Paul Fortress are undoubtedly the remains of the Royal Martyrs, the Russian people never believed this ... How this malicious lie ended for Boris Nemtsov himself - we add on our own , - everyone knows well. Death struck him on the Bolshoy Moskvoretsky Bridge opposite the Kremlin, when he and another harlot walked home from the restaurant to indulge in carnal pleasures ... Not an enviable death, I must say. But it could not be different. Lies, blasphemy and desecration - and, moreover, consciously - the memory of the Holy Royal Martyrs does not pass without a trace. A forgery of this level will be punished without fail. "Vengeance is mine and I will repay!" - said the Lord, and retribution was accomplished ... And so it will be with all the grave-diggers, blasphemers and desecrators, who themselves, not knowing what they are doing, knowingly or unknowingly fulfill the order of the Secret Forces.

After all, it was written on the wall of the Ipatievsky basement:

“Here, by order of the Secret Forces, the Tsar was sacrificed to destroy the State. All nations are notified of this. "

“Sacrificed”, the Secret Illegal ritual Bloody Sacrifice, which the forces of Darkness have always brought in the service of their father the Devil. It would seem that these four signs themselves, as it were, repeating the inscription on the wall during the feast of King Belshazzar - "Mene, Mene, Tekel, Uparsin", written by a hand that came out of the wall - and also repeating another testimony written on the Crucifixion by Pilate:

- Jesus of Nazareth the King of the Jews - all these inscriptions clearly testified to what was happening - and nevertheless, we still do not believe, we are conducting "genetic-anthropological-historical-archival" and so on. examination-investigation, we have been conducting it for 23 years, and we will carry out another 23, although the evidence and confirmation of their bloody deed were left to us by the workers of the Secret of Iniquity ...

What does this testimony of them mean? And the fact that it was the satanic kabbalistic ritual that was performed. But ritual murder of this level occurs very rarely in history. And according to the ritual, they demand exactly the most efficient - "punishment with water" ie dumping into the icy water of the mine, - further, extraction from there, the obligatory dismemberment of bodies, followed by burning - "punishment by fire" - on a natural altar, in this case on a clay hill near Ganina Yama ...

“Don't look for my grave,” Emperor Nicholas II said quite clearly.

“There are no graves, and their remains are not,” said the elder Nikolai Pskovozersky.

“Everything about the death of the Royal Family is open to Father Nicholas,” said the recently deceased elder of All Russia, Father Kirill Pavlov.

But no, we will find unknown bones - we will conduct a genetic examination for 23 years, we will bury, we will lead excursions to unknown whose coffins - then we will conduct an examination of anthropological, historical, archivirus, sorry, archivist, handwriting, molecular, atomic, and so on. to infinity, more, more and more ...

And the people do not go to false powers. And the people do not worship them. And no healings and other miracles from the "relics" have been attested. No one! And at this time, the Icon of the Holy Royal Martyrs has been streaming myrrh-bearers for four years, and Igor Evgenievich Smykov travels throughout the country with the Icon of the Tsar Martyr, which has also been constantly streaming myrrh for many years ... These miracles, as they say, are present, but those are not there, and no…

So why carry out all these scientific examinations? To prove - to prove what? What are these relics of the Holy Martyrs? But I want to ask the question: is it possible to prove the existence of God by scientific methods? Here I recently came across several books, which describe that "under Jerusalem found the remains of Jesus Christ." And they carry out a "genetic examination". Yes, not one book, but several at once. 300-400 pages each. Dan Brown started the first.

So all these genetic examinations are from the same series. It is said: "According to your faith it will be given to you." And they do not believe, and everyone is looking for objective "scientific" materialistic proofs.

And each time they find themselves at a pile of unidentified bones ...

No, brothers and sisters, the remains of the Royal Martyrs are burned. And they were burned exactly on Ganina Yama. And the monastery stands precisely on this holy and sacred place for every Orthodox person.

Therefore, let's calmly prepare for the Procession of the Cross from the Church on the Blood in Yekaterinburg to the monastery on Ganina Yama this year, and next year, 2018, when the hundredth anniversary of Their martyrdom is celebrated.

Holy Kingdom Martyr, pray to God for us!

Head of the Union of Orthodox Banner Bearers, Chairman of the Union of Orthodox Brotherhoods,

Leader of the Serbian-Montenegrin Saves of the Orthodox Barjaktar,

Leonid Donatovich Simonovich-Niksic

Once, in the mountains, a lonely traveler met the venerable Elder. For some time he did not dare to speak to him, choosing an important topic for conversation. Finally, I decided:
- Tell me, why is my life like that?
- Fate-a ..., - the Elder drawled.
- Why do I have such a fate?
The elder looked at the traveler in surprise:
- How why? Because you are so ...

I wonder what there is in us that makes us successful or not? Looking around, looking closely at the people around me, I'm sure I'm not the only one asking this question.

I know directors of successful companies, who have only secondary or incomplete higher education. And I am familiar with graduates of universities with honors, who have not managed to advance in life. There are people who started their business from scratch, they did not have financial support, and despite this they were able to achieve solid business heights. And someone has money and support, but ... "things are still there." There are teams where each of its members is a highly professional specialist, but this is separately. But when they get together, they cannot work together, because one must be able to negotiate, resolve contradictions and conflicts, sacrifice personal in favor of a common result. Someone will say to this: “It's just that some people are like that, and others are not like that. What is it about? How to find out what helps us (in business and personal life) to achieve success, quickly and easily achieve goals, solve problems, and what hinders this? Finding answers to such questions is the task of one of the important stages in working with a coach-consultant.

“Coach” is translated from English as “coach”. At the same time, direct translation conflicts with the way a coach works: he does not give advice or instructions. There are no analogues to this word in Russian. Perhaps the closest to the essence of this concept is expressed by the phrase "consultant organizing the coaching process."

Have a goal, what's next?
Once you've decided on a goal, what's the next step? You can immediately rush into battle. But if you are working with a coach-consultant, then before building a plan for achieving the goal, be sure to hear the question: "Why do you still not have what you want?" In coaching, the purpose of these questions is to identify any obstacles and limitations on your way to a desired goal.

Possible obstacles can be external and internal. External obstacles include: social status, lack of support from the family (friends, subordinates), lack of necessary resources (for example, financial), low level of professional training of personnel, etc. Internal obstacles include the lack of necessary skills, knowledge and skills, as well as obstacles of a psychological nature.

I don't think that you and I should dwell on external obstacles for a long time, as well as on skills and knowledge. There is no particular difficulty in working with them. It is enough to note what you are missing in order to draw up a plan to eliminate the "weak zones": decide where to get money, decide how to get support, choose where and what to learn. It's simple. And by the way, these obstacles are not the most important. Much more important and "more serious" are the obstacles of a personality-psychological plan. We often dismiss it, from “psychology”, but sometimes it is about it that our big dreams and plans stumble, your promising employee cannot step over it, sometimes members of a seemingly promising team cannot cope with “psychology”. And in case of failure, we just throw up our hands, saying: "Well, what do you want, the human factor ...".

We often dismiss it, from “psychology”, but sometimes it is about it that our big dreams and plans stumble, your promising employee cannot step over it, sometimes members of a seemingly promising team cannot cope with “psychology”.

So what can prevent us from achieving our goals? Someone will definitely name self-discipline, the ability to manage time, or emotions, or people. That's right, and all this refers to skills and knowledge, this, if desired, can be learned. What else is there? We also have beliefs, and they are different for us. When you start answering a coach's question, “What is stopping you from getting what you want right now?” Many limiting beliefs become visible. For example, a businessman approached me: “I’m tired of being overworked at work, I need to do something, somehow organize my work differently in order to have a full rest without detriment to the quality of work”. In the process of further communication, answering the question: “What prevents right now from starting to work less, freeing up time for good rest?”, We find the conviction that “a truly worthwhile job is necessarily hard work”. Serving this conviction, the businessman himself did his job hard, worked seven days a week, with anguish, to the limit (by the way, he also forced his subordinates to work). As a result, we have a goal and a belief that is an obstacle on the way to it. And as long as this conviction is alive, the goal will remain beyond the horizon.

The cause of failure is in ourselves
What it turns out: we set ourselves different-scale goals over and over again, and some of them still bump into our limiting beliefs over and over again. Why do we not notice how we ourselves put sticks in our wheels? Because it is very difficult to believe in this: I set a goal, I want it, and I myself do not allow myself to reach it.

It's simple. Here we are faced with the effect of a bear in a cage or a pike, described by Nikolai Rysev in the book "Active Sales": "... if you divide the aquarium with glass into two halves and start a pike in one of them, you will definitely notice that after several unsuccessful attempts to swim in the other part of the aquarium, the pike will start swimming only to the middle. After removing the partition, you will find that the fish continues to swim in only one half. The external barrier has become internal. The outer barrier has disappeared, but the inner one remains. " Sometimes we, having great opportunities, use only a tiny part of our "aquarium" - life. Beliefs serve as invisible boundaries.

Our beliefs are the result of experiences, sometimes negative ones, and more often from childhood. This is the result of the influence of the foundations of society, friends, teachers, authorities, books. Sometimes this is the result of blind copying of someone else's model of behavior, lifestyle. At the same time, we usually do not realize the very fact of the appearance and formation of the next conviction. Beliefs are born in us, gradually grow, get stronger, becoming an integral part of our personality. And now we no longer “swim” into certain areas of our life, our potential is cut off, and we live in the “open spaces” strictly allotted to us, limited by beliefs firmly entrenched in us. And the failure of the next goal, the inability to solve the problem, the inability to interrupt a series of regularly rolling problems, we attribute to external circumstances-obstacles, but not to the reasons in oneself beloved.

Example. The head of a large retail chain asks for advice: “I have problems. We are growing intensively, we open several branches a year, but, despite all the support from the head office, most of the branches are working in a negative way, the teams on the ground do not want to work, there is a lot of staff turnover. My goal: keeping our pace of expansion, in each branch to pick up a normal team, in the next six months to bring unprofitable branches to a plus. " We start to communicate. Please give me several statements of this goal. As a result, we see that the wording is changing, but the emphasis in it remains on "keeping our pace of expansion." I am interested in: "What is more interesting for you in this goal: to maintain the pace of expansion, to form sensible teams, to gain profit from branches?" The growth in the number of branches is in the first place. The next series of my questions: what is behind this, why do you need to grow at such a pace? As a result, we come to the conclusion that the leader is a good "invader", he is excellent at entering new territories, as he says, "business is always the occupation of new territories, this is intensive growth, and not some kind of routine." (See the conviction?) Thus, this leader constantly selects the directors of branches for himself, that is, the same invaders and ... avoiding any routine at work.

The businessman himself says all this to himself and immediately slaps himself on the forehead: “Wow! After all, I do not have a single business executive who knows how to develop the territory that has already been captured, to be engaged in development, not conquest - and this is a very routine, painstaking work! And the system of material incentives in our country is aimed more at expanding the client base, and not at its development. " That's nice, then he slightly adjusts his goal, outlines steps to achieve it.

We set ourselves different-scale goals over and over again, and some of them still bump into our limiting beliefs over and over again. Why do we not notice how we ourselves put sticks in our wheels? Because it is very difficult to believe in this: I set a goal, I want it, and I myself do not allow myself to reach it.

A bit of theory
What is belief? Belief is a person's confidence in something. Often in the form of some generalization about the surrounding world, other people and oneself. For example: “men don’t cry”, “money is dirty”, “I must always be at my best”, “people cannot be trusted, you have to keep everything in your hands”, “I need to be loved and get everyone's approval, whatever I I did not study. How to highlight beliefs in speech? There are convictions where there is categoricality - the words: "always", "never", "must", "must", "nobody", "everything"; where there is evaluativeness - "bad", "good", "unacceptable".

Why is it worth paying a lot of attention to studying your own beliefs when moving towards a goal? Because our life is shaped according to our beliefs and convictions. I may want to become a successful person, but if I think of myself as a loser, unworthy of happiness, then what do you think fate will give me - what kind of life? "And you will be rewarded according to your faith!" - familiar?

Each of us has beliefs that give strength, and there are those that take them away. I am convinced that I am right, and there are strengths to defend my point of view. You believe that you are worthy of the attention of others - and you have the strength to demonstrate yourself and attract this attention (for example, confidently and calmly speak in front of a large audience). If you are convinced that you are worthless in this world, then there is no strength to properly reveal yourself to the world. Or I am convinced that a loser, and on the way to the next goal, in the event of small-scale difficulties, give up, lose strength, confidence that you will reach, and ... as a result, you retreat. Like this: what we believe in is what we get. Therefore, when setting a goal, it is very useful to take a closer look at yourself, your beliefs.

Our beliefs about ourselves and our capabilities in the world around us invariably and significantly affect our daily activities. Everyone has beliefs that serve as a resource, and along with that, beliefs that hold back progress.

Robert Dilts

What to do?
What do we do when we find a limiting belief. Removing it? No. Don't divide beliefs into good and bad. Rather, they are neutral and, when applied to each specific situation, can be helpful, supportive, explanatory, directing or hindering, inhibiting. For example, the belief "I must do everything right, without mistakes." In one case, it makes you diligent and considerate in your work. And in another situation, when, for example, an impromptu approach, a creative approach, a willingness to take a risky step is required from you, then such an excessively harsh conviction, and, accordingly, fear of a possible mistake will cause stiffness and tension. You will “a hundred times” recheck all the pros and cons, which means you may miss the chance to make a quick and timely decision.

Let's look at an example. Leader's belief: "Emotion is a sign of weakness." On the one hand, there are pluses: in serious negotiations you are impenetrable, do not show your worries, your interest in a positive outcome of the deal; lack of emotions allows you to keep many little things under control. On the other hand, your emotional impenetrability very quickly becomes a habit, and you are already at home, in your family you cannot relax. And if among your goals are such as, for example, to remove fatigue, learn how to relieve excess emotional stress, build the desired relationships in the family, then this belief can be a serious obstacle on the way to them. And work can be difficult. An “emotionless” leader may be a good manager-administrator, but it is more difficult for him to become a leader-leader. Because building a close-knit team, maintaining a positive spirit in the company, the ability to inspire and lead people - all this requires the expression of emotions.

By the way, the same belief in different situations can affect our state of mind in different ways. “A man should support his family” - today you are in a good and cheerful mood, and this conviction pulls you off the couch, stimulates you to an active life position. But in a state of depression, it can become limiting: "Yes, I don't owe anyone anything!"

What to do with limiting beliefs? After these beliefs are found, the coach-consultant will propose in a specific situation, for a specific goal, to neutralize their impact, or even turn them into helpers. Here are the options for how you can do it:

  1. All the pros and cons are written out - what this conviction gives and what it deprives. This is enough to put this belief aside if the list of minuses is weighty.
  2. If the benefits of having a limiting belief outweigh, then you can look for ways how to get these benefits in another way. For example, "subordinates cannot be delegated a lot of powers, one cannot" weaken the reins ", they cannot be trusted." This conviction brings many benefits: the concentration of power in one hand and well-stretched "reins" allow you to maintain the quality of employees' work at a high level, you are calm, because you are constantly aware of how most business processes are going on at the moment. Therefore, we set the task: how, having transferred part of their powers to employees and weakening daily control, maintain the quality of their work and remain calm, that everything will be done as it should? Here you can think about using new management methods that increase the responsibility and diligence of subordinates, etc.
  3. Strengthening a belief through its exaggeration, unswerving conscious adherence to it. For example: "I must do everything without mistakes." Task: to do everything without mistakes for several days. To approach any of your actions with special attention, and even brush your teeth especially carefully and "correctly" so that, God forbid, you do not make any mistake. Wash the dishes three times. Communicate with employees strictly in accordance with business etiquette, with all "please" and "be kind", respecting the business distance, personal. After each case, ask for feedback (from employees, family members): "Tell me if I did everything right (I said hello in the morning, washed the dishes, sit on a chair) - rate me on a ten-point scale." Believe me, the reception is proven - works very well.
  4. We remove the generalization and categoricality. "All men are cool ..." - everything? “Big money can only be earned in an unfair way” - just not in an honest way? And if there was an honest way, what would it be? "All people are lazy" - have you met people who are not lazy? What are you like? Where can you find hardworking people? The purpose of these and other similar questions is “to make the assumption that it could be different. We replace "everything," always "," must "," only so "," unambiguously ", etc. on "it happens", "it happens", "maybe", "sometimes", "there are exceptions."
  5. We find a larger (strong) conviction that can neutralize the disturbing small one. For example, in the perestroika years, the widespread conviction “trade is a woman’s occupation and the lot of huckster-speculators” was neutralized by the stronger “family must be supported, one must be able to earn money,” and many men went into business.
  6. A belief can be reformulated into a problem. For example: “You cannot conquer the market with a product if it is significantly inferior in its characteristics to similar goods that have been selling well on the market for a long time” we turn into a task: “How to conquer the market with a product that is significantly inferior to its counterparts, which have been selling well for a long time. market? "
I agree that this is not a complete list of techniques and methods of working with limiting beliefs. My task was to acquaint you with how and on what you will work with a coach-consultant at the next stage of coaching. Limiting beliefs are your front line of work. The result of this stage should be: first - clarity of vision, where you put sticks in your own wheels, do not believe in yourself, where your faith in your ability to move mountains is hiding and what prevents you from moving in the intended path; the second is to neutralize limiting beliefs. The bottom line is that you move towards your goals easier and faster.
