Songs, skits and poems for the project "Last call 2017"

Murashova Natalia Yurievna
teacher additional education MBOU secondary school No. 58 / part-time MBOU secondary school No. 44 of Khabarovsk
Description: All these skits and songs will be useful to the organizers, class teachers, high school students not only for the last call, but also for congratulations on Teacher's Day. I decided to publish it separately from the main outline of the script so as not to overload it with a description of the scenes.
Target: Congratulations to teachers.
1. Develop screenwriting skills while working on the text of the script.
2. Create an atmosphere for collective creativity.
5. Cultivate respect for teachers, for the stage, for the audience.

Room for OBJ teachers

Description: The number was invented together with the children, based on school reality: life safety lessons on Wednesday, school duty on Thursday, a disco, at the same time they demonstrated first aid skills right on the stage.
(Characters: Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Robinson)
Robinson stands on the stage in shorts and tattered clothes and counts the dashes on the wall.
Robinson:... seven hundred and thirty one. It's been two years since I've been on this island... I didn't die from hunger and cold - I adapted. The wounds are healing. The main thing here is to apply the bandage correctly and process it in time (sits down on the edge of the stage). Only one thing worries me: I'm talking to myself ... If only I could meet one living person!
Wednesday comes out, Robinson shudders and stares in bewilderment
Robinson: Who are you?
Wednesday (pats his head): I am Wednesday. Don't you remember me?
Robinson (gets up and looks away): As I remember right now: Wednesday, OBZh, the music is so ... special.
The anthem of Russia sounds
Wednesday leaves

Robinson (looks around and calls): Wednesday, Wednesday.... I dreamed again.
At this time, Thursday comes out and puts his hand on his shoulder.
Thursday (terribly): Are you late for duty again? Irina Anatolyevna will be unhappy...
Robinson: Ah-ah-ah-ah ... you mean Thursday?
Thursday(smiling): Thursday. Do you remember...
Vitya leaves
Robinson (lists): Wednesday... Thursday... So there's another one going around here.... Friday!
Friday comes out and hands a disco ticket
Robinson (looks at the paper in amazement) Oops, a disco ticket!?! Hey Friday, what time is the disco?
Friday (leaving): Tomorrow, Robinson... tomorrow.
Robinson: Tomorrow... what day is it? However, it doesn't matter! I won't go to the disco alone. (calling) Max!!! Maaax!
He pulls out a first aid simulator from behind the scenes.
Robinson: It's good that you and I were saved together! (slaps cheeks) Get up, buddy, we'll go to the disco tomorrow! (does a chest massage). Max! (calling) Maaax! Yes, come to your senses ... Eh! (sits on the edge of the stage, sighs sadly) Maxim, you are hopeless!
Voice behind the scene: Irina Anatolyevna, Igor Viktorovich, we will never forget your lessons!

Room for a computer science teacher (sketch)

The text was invented based on the experience of children working with operating systems.
The soundtrack "Cool pique" sounds. Three people in white coats come out
They approach the table on which the patient lies, three people stand,
whose surgical caps say
Windows (Olga Likhova), Linux (Katya Groshenko), iOS (Sasha Yuzhakova)

Windows: So, colleagues, let's get started! Loading started...
linux (looks at the patient in disbelief): Something he's stupid.
iOS (smiling politely): Just like you, dear colleague.
Windows: Soooo! we don't argue. Better look how many viruses are here!
linux: Where? I do not see?
iOS(mockingly): Please update your antivirus.
Windows: Kaspersky to me!
The nurse takes out the disc
iOS (in a whisper): What is Kaspersky?
linux (also in a whisper): I don't know!
iOS (whispers to the nurse): Psss! Ps! What is Kaspersky?
The nurse comes and whispers in your ear
iOS(understanding): Ah-ah-ah! (confidently) I don't need it.
linux(also in a whisper): Well?!
iOS (understanding): And it won't help you.
Windows: Let's start scanning...
linux(with enthusiasm): Can I!!!
Everyone takes a step back and stands with their hands up.
At this time, the patient's body begins to twitch,
squealing of a pig is periodically heard (as if a virus is detected)

linux (looks inside and winces): Trojan.
iOS (with disgust): Ugh!! That's disgusting! Must be removed.
Windows: Look at this... what an interesting case! See? (pause) You have to format!
iOS: Can we make a backup?
linux: Great idea! (presses the patient's knee)
Voice behind the scene: The data is stored in the Cloud.
Windows: Now let's start formatting... (computer buzzing sound)
Voice behind the scene: Formatting is complete.
Windows: Re-check. (Kate) Colleague, please!
Voice behind the scene: No threats found.
Windows: Colleagues, thank you for your cooperation. (to nurse) Reload!
A nurse remains on the stage, who pats the patient on the cheeks.
and runs a cotton swab in front of his nose.

Nurse: How are you feeling?
Patient (waking up): I feel great. Like new!
Voice behind the scene: Thank you to our computer educators!

SONG for math teachers

to the motive "Snow" by Philip Kirkorov
1. Giving warmth to us
Did you open your heart
You scolded us sometimes
But we hoped that we would understand.
Let's all say together: goodbye
Logarithms and drawings.
But student time
Will bring them back to us
Let's all say together: goodbye
Logarithms and drawings.
But student time
Will bring them back to us
2. How many problems were solved
And we have examples in notebooks ...
Goodbye, sorry, goodbye! -
We will tell you more than once.

You told us: study!
Soon we'll fly away
Like a flock of balls up!
So much knowledge you have invested in us,
You told us: study!
Soon we'll fly away
Like a flock of balls up!

Song for elementary school teachers

(The idea was taken from an advertisement for Nice)
From what, from what, from what
Made our first teacher?
La-la-la-la...... la.
From flowers and bells,
From riddles and notebooks
Made our first teacher...
From iron, from aspirations,
Of dedication and battles!
Made our first teacher!
Out of perseverance and attention
which our company is proud of:
Made our first teacher!
From lessons and diaries,
Of patience and clenched fists
out of independence and skill,
From passion and heart and dignity!
From the will - stronger than flint,
From strength and fire!
From freedom from other people's opinions
of accomplishments and achievements
Made our first teacher!
La-la-la-la...... la

Room for chemistry teacher

Description: If you have singing children, then you can sing this song.
Mendeleev sits on a chair on the stage with his head in his hands. Enter Varenka
Varenka: Dmitry Ivanovich, I understand everything - SCIENCE! But you need to sleep. For the third day, everyone draws something, draws ...
Mendeleev: Oh, Varenka, I can’t sleep .... in my head all the elements are spinning and spinning .... just close my eyes ...
Varenka: And you lie down. So I brought you a pillow. The morning is wiser than the evening.
Mendelev lays down on the edge of the stage and closes his eyes.
The song of the group "Underwood" sounds, three couples come out and dance "Chemistry and Life"
Song: Believe me, it's necessary.
Believe me, it's important.
We will not deceive the hopes and trust of citizens!
After all, I'm so talented, and you're so beautiful!
We are drawn to each other with clinical force.
Believe me, I'm not a bastard.
Believe me, I'm not a bastard.
You're just an acid, but I'm still an alkali.
Do not be angry with me, do not resist nature.
You are sediment at the bottom. I am a free radical.
Here, four more join them (at the loss).
From the first blow to the hat, a nail enters.
Look, my love, we are wet through!
We burn our hormones, we cry and tremble.
Look what they do to us
Chemistry and Life!
At the end, everyone makes a "picture": the letters CHEMISTRY are riveted on the backs.
Mendeleev(waking up): Sodium sulfate!!! How easy it all came together! Now you can show my system everywhere, even in schools at chemistry lessons!
Voice behind the scene: Elena Dmitrievna, thank you for your lessons.
We cut the song, there were too many indecencies in the second verse.
The script can be found here.

congratulations to the teacher

Manly, seriously and boldly,
Military instructor reads the file
We are talking about tanks made of armor.
Our teacher, I'm sorry

We want to congratulate you
Your lesson is to glorify the male.
Yes, military science
An amazing thing.

That the wire is electric
We don't need to lift
And under a metal canopy
In a thunderstorm, you should not sit together,

The teacher teaches how dangers
Avoid all around.
Words, accept gratitude
And congratulations from comrades.

We are no longer afraid of the unknown
Since we have been in the soul for a long time
Perfectly realized all the usefulness
An item called OBZH.
You were able to guide us on the right path,
And you managed to give us a lot;
Let me congratulate you today
And to be always useful/useful to wish!

There are three words in the name of the item -
Serious, wise, important, impartial;
And the letter O says that you are the basis
Peaceful days and a safe life.
You teach us to live without fear
And the search for only the right solutions;
Accept our congratulations today
And warm words without abbreviations!

You taught us a lot
And they gave us a huge amount of knowledge.
Now we know what to do then
When one of us becomes ill.

We can put a bandage on the wound.
And we can do artificial respiration.
Please accept our congratulations.
We sincerely wish you success.

We have studied life safety all these years and already
We know how to behave and how to save someone else's life.
We can do a lot
And all thanks only to you.

You taught us, you tried,
To give more knowledge to us.
We say thank you
For giving us knowledge!

OBZH is a special subject,
Everyone needs him and always
Because your lessons
Let's never forget!

Congratulations on the holiday
And we want to live without troubles,
Safe and happy
You are at least a hundred years old!

OBZh - these lessons
Useful to us more than once
And when we finish school
And when we leave the class.

We believe our life will succeed
We say thank you
Your wise advice
Let's make it happen in our life!


You, OBJ teacher,
Congratulations on Teacher's Day
Safety observe
We promise you firmly.

We wish you in the classroom
We are order, silence,
Knowledge of life safety
Everyone needs in life.

Let all schoolchildren
They know yours only perfectly,
The safety of life will
All good habits.

OBZH - favorite subject
We do not bend the soul.
To you, our beloved teacher,
We say thank you.

Congratulations on a wonderful day
And we wish you many more years.
And for the class, know for sure
You are always the authority.

Security in our life
Everyone always needs
And classes, lessons
They talk about it in full
OBJ teacher cute,
congratulations now,
You told us a lot
You are just a class teacher!

OBZH is a solid subject,
We don't miss a lesson
We always come to you with passion
Explore security.

Congratulations on a glorious holiday
Strength, patience, good luck.
May health be strong
All tasks are solved.

There is no better teacher
You will always help
We wish you only happiness
For the coming years.

Even atomic wars
Next to you are not afraid,
After all, there are hundreds of gas masks
Stored behind the wall.

We wish you many more years
OBJ to teach,
Giving knowledge to children
Only joy to receive!

Teach us the basics
safe life,
Good congratulations
Accept from us on holiday.

We wish you on Teacher's Day
Good luck in your work,
So that the safety of life
Has always been respected.

Wish you knowledge
They gave us strong
So that in life from danger
They protected us.

With us it is difficult for you,
Sometimes we don't listen to you
But we can still be forgiven
Our age is amazing.

OBZH gave us a lot,
We can save our lives
Thank you, and bow to the floor,
What have you been able to teach us?

Happy Teacher's Day, goodness and happiness,
We hasten to wish from the bottom of our hearts,
Let bad weather not touch you,
We wish you good health!

Our dear Life Safety Teacher, we congratulate you on Teacher's Day and wish you a long happy life, so that fires never happen, so that mosquitoes do not bite, so that you do not have to get sick, so that there is no sadness and confusion. Thank you for important life lessons. We wish you strong strength and prosperity.

He teaches the student
How not to become dead
How to escape disaster
Don't get prosecuted

For non-compliance
Safety rules.
And for this we appreciate
Therefore, we are grateful!

You teach OBZH,
This subject is our love class!
You give us so much knowledge
Thank you for this!

We wish you always
They loved their work!
May your dream come true
So that you shine with joy!

And may success accompany
You every day, year after year!
Let happiness fill the soul
And the positive in the soul lives!

Every school or college graduate wants to leave pleasant memories of himself to teachers and administration. Therefore, for the last holiday held after the 9th or 11th grade, all the guys carefully prepare original numbers, beautiful scenes. Funny and funny performances will help show your talents and please all the guests of the event. Scenes for the last call of 2017 can be dedicated to subjects, and favorite teachers, and even passing the exam. Ideas for composing numbers and video examples of cool productions will help you navigate when choosing a direction, main characters and when writing texts.

Original and funny sketches for grade 11 on the last call to subjects - with video examples

Graduates of the 11th grade usually feel more confident at the last call, because very soon they will leave the walls of their native school or lyceum. Thanks to this, the guys are ready to make every effort to hold a grandiose performance in front of the guests. You can select sketches for the last call in grade 11 both simply about the school, and about specific subjects or teachers. The attention paid to teachers will surely please them.

An example of the original scene "War and Peace in Faces" for the last call on subjects for grade 11

Your favorite teacher of literature will be pleased to know that high school students, although they could not always master the classical works completely, at least tried to read. Such funny scenes for the last call can include heroes of a wide variety of works. But the greatest delight will be the appearance of characters from the book "War and Peace". They will tell the reader in their own way about the events taking place in the plot and help to immerse the reader in the world of balls and battles.

Video example of a funny scene "OBZH" for the last call in grade 11

If in the primary and secondary grades the OBZH teacher told how not to behave, then in the final grades he points out to the students the required rules of conduct. You can tell about how fun and carefree the students felt in such pairs in a fascinating scene. Be sure to thank the teacher after the speech and indicate that the graduates will use all the knowledge received from him in the future.

Funny sketches for graduates of 2017 grade 9 on the last call in subjects - examples and ideas

Really funny sketches of graduates should be kind and sweet. In no case should they indicate serious shortcomings of the teacher or specific students in the class. Therefore, when selecting scenes by subject, you need to carefully monitor the selection of text. Beautiful dialogues and monologues will help to put good skits on the last call in grade 9 without any problems.

Ideas for composing funny sketches on subjects for the last call of 2017 in grade 9

In the productions for the last call in various subjects, one can indicate what the schoolchildren liked or disliked. Or you can simply show how the students themselves “fought” with complex science or how the teacher “fought” with the children. It is advisable to use real funny and funny stories from the class in the skit. This will help create a production that all the guests of the event will remember with a kind smile on their faces.

An example of the scene "Chemistry" for the last call in 2017 for grade 9

The science of chemistry is quite difficult for many students. And the problem here is not the teacher, but the science itself. In the next scene, without focusing on your teacher, you can talk funny about the intricacies of chemistry lessons.

Beautiful sketches for teachers on the last call - ideas for composing numbers and a video example

Not all teachers during the training managed to fall in love with the students. But they are also worthy of respect and honor. After all, the time spent and all attempts to convey to the younger generation the importance of their subject is the task of every teacher. That is why you should not "deprive" unloved teachers of attention. Graduates are usually replaced by no less incomprehensible schoolchildren. All teachers need to express their warm feelings. And beautiful scenes for the last call for teachers and the administration of a school or college will help in this.

Ideas for composing beautiful scenes for the last call about teachers

The most common options for scenes include playing productions about different subjects. But a general congratulation should also be prepared for all the teachers with whom the children communicated. You can do this in different ways:

  • play a scene about the communication of teachers in the teacher's room (even free reasoning, jokes can be used);
  • act out a number in which teachers argue about whose subject is more important (for many schools and colleges, this topic will be really relevant);
  • put a number about how teachers choose which of the students to send to the Olympiad.

Teachers will really like cool ditties and musical or song performances dedicated to them. For example, you can make a dossier of each of the teachers and describe in them the preferences of the teacher, his hobbies, point out the characteristics of the character. Or you can just pick up a song about each of the teachers: such a scene will cause real delight among all the guests of the holiday.

Video example of a beautiful scene for the last call for teachers

The original skit suggested below is a mixture of a regular production and a dance number. In it, students in the "masks" of teachers dance beautifully on stage. You can supplement this production with original dialogues with jokes and jokes.

Modern funny scenes for graduates for the last call - video examples of numbers

The original numbers on the last call do not have to be about individual teachers or subjects. They can also include funny stories about the students themselves. They can include images of the most beloved students and those who missed classes. After all, real teachers treat all the children well, despite their behavior, a difficult character. You can include modern scenes for the last call in any part of the program: funny and funny productions will be appropriate in any part of the script.

An example of a fun sketch "Excellent student" on the last call from graduates

Many teachers have noticed how excellent students simply go out of their way if they really want to answer the question posed. And to get a high score, they are really ready to overcome any obstacles. You can build funny scenes for the last call about the best and most responsible students according to the proposed example. Such productions will certainly amuse the guests of the event and will certainly please the teachers.

Unusual sketches about the Unified State Exam for the last call of 2017 - ideas for graduates and examples of numbers

Experiences before the exam for every student are normal. After all, even with good grades, graduates constantly repeat the materials they have studied, trying to replenish their knowledge. Therefore, many of them will agree to stage a scene for the last call about the exam. It will help convey all the excitement experienced in a humorous way.

Ideas for composing an unusual scene about the Unified State Examination for the last call of 2017

In the scene dedicated to the exam, you can beat the procedure for passing the exam or pay attention to the attempts of negligent students to use cheat sheets. Or you can play teachers who watched the students and kept order in the classrooms. True, not all graduates consider this work a great feat. To many schoolchildren, they seemed scary and even dangerous people.

Video example of the "Unified State Examination" scene for the last call in 2017

It’s not difficult to play a scene about your experiences during the exam. Especially if graduates want to submit such a number with non-standard humor and rather unusual jokes. The following example shows teachers who monitored compliance with the rules on the exam, through the eyes of an ordinary student. Positive emotions and delight of the audience from such a production will be guaranteed.

Cool skits for school and college on the last call - examples of funny productions

Original and really funny skits at the last call do not have to talk about school days or make fun of the behavior of students and teachers. You can compose truly touching and memorable numbers that will tell about the positive aspects of schoolchildren or teachers. Such cute scenes for the last call in college and school fit perfectly. After all, with them, graduates will be able to leave only warm and kind memories to their beloved teachers and the entire administration of the educational institution.

Cool scene "Maternity Hospital" for the last call at school and college

In the proposed example, you can easily and quickly characterize each of the graduates of the class. One of the schoolgirls should portray a nurse who tells the parents of the student about what he is. But at this moment he is allegedly still in the hospital. Cute descriptions of "little" graduates will be an amazing end to the last bell holiday.

Choosing the best of the proposed scenes, you need to pay attention to their subject matter, content and accompaniment. Correct selection music and costumes play an important role for the complete transformation of the actors. Graduates of both 9th and 11th grades can select scenes for the last call of 2017, but keep in mind that all performances should be fun, modern and interesting. Original funny numbers are sure to please teachers, especially if they talk about all the subjects and the lessons. And you can put the number of passing the exam. The proposed video examples and the considered rules, ideas will be useful to schoolchildren and will help them from the bottom of their hearts congratulate all the guests of the event on the last bell.

Manly, seriously and boldly,
Military instructor reads the file
We are talking about tanks made of armor.
Our teacher, I'm sorry

We want to congratulate you
Your lesson is to glorify the male.
Yes, military science
An amazing thing.

That the wire is electric
We don't need to lift
And under a metal canopy
In a thunderstorm, you should not sit together,

The teacher teaches how dangers
Avoid all around.
Words, accept gratitude
And congratulations from comrades.

We are no longer afraid of the unknown
Since we have been in the soul for a long time
Perfectly realized all the usefulness
An item called OBZH.
You were able to guide us on the right path,
And you managed to give us a lot;
Let me congratulate you today
And to be always useful/useful to wish!

There are three words in the name of the item -
Serious, wise, important, impartial;
And the letter O says that you are the basis
Peaceful days and a safe life.
You teach us to live without fear
And the search for only the right solutions;
Accept our congratulations today
And warm words without abbreviations!

You taught us a lot
And they gave us a huge amount of knowledge.
Now we know what to do then
When one of us becomes ill.

We can put a bandage on the wound.
And we can do artificial respiration.
Please accept our congratulations.
We sincerely wish you success.

We have studied life safety all these years and already
We know how to behave and how to save someone else's life.
We can do a lot
And all thanks only to you.

You taught us, you tried,
To give more knowledge to us.
We say thank you
For giving us knowledge!

OBZH is a special subject,
Everyone needs him and always
Because your lessons
Let's never forget!

Congratulations on the holiday
And we want to live without troubles,
Safe and happy
You are at least a hundred years old!

OBZh - these lessons
Useful to us more than once
And when we finish school
And when we leave the class.

We believe our life will succeed
We say thank you
Your wise advice
Let's make it happen in our life!

We love your item!
We are not interested in him!
There is only one such item.
It is vital.
And knowing it is always
We'll need it. Let the years
They will pass. We wish now
So that time does not touch you!

There are dangerous moments in the world
You taught us how to get around them.
Perhaps more important than your subject
There can be nothing in the world.
Thank you for your knowledge, care,
We congratulate you wholeheartedly.
Armed with acquired knowledge
Your kids go through life.
