Most of the breads traditionally on the market are made up mostly of carbohydrates, and these make you gain weight. To reduce your carb intake, it is recommended that you eat low-carb alternatives to breads, pasta, and so on.

But who does not want or cannot refuse bread, for example, for dinner, can try the so-called protein bread. Will such an alternative really help not only not gain but also lose weight?

Protein bread check

In the bakery and in the supermarket, you can find bread especially rich in protein, and it is this bread that is recommended for a healthy diet, especially for dinner. Why?

Protein bread contains more protein than steak and less carbohydrates than regular wheat-rye bread. Eating protein bread in the evening gives your body protein rather than carbs, which is better for insulin levels and fat loss at night.

Does this bread really help you get rid of those extra pounds?

So it is considered. However, it is higher in calories and fat than whole grain bread. A 40-gram piece of whole-grain rye bread contains 78 kcal, and the same piece of protein bread is already rich in 99 kcal.

The protein is satisfying enough. Perhaps, in connection with this, less bread is eaten?

It depends on the pace of the meal - bread is a relatively light product. Since a well-baked crunchy piece of bread is eaten quickly, satiety awareness is delayed.

Therefore, the amount of bread eaten is unlikely to decrease. It cannot be classified as a weight loss product. But protein bread provides more energy. This should be known, after all, the energy balance of the whole day is important, as well as sufficient active movement and sleep.

Is protein bread good for your health?

In moderation - yes. But if you get too carried away with it, you can strain the kidneys due to the high protein content. In addition, protein bread contains a lot of gluten, which not everyone can tolerate well.

Anyway: Special protein bread provides a lot of energy and is especially suitable for athletes who require protein for muscle strength. Experts recommend it less for those looking to lose weight - not least because of its high calorie count.

  1. Relatively high in vegetable protein.
  2. The presence of natural Omega 6 fatty acids.
  3. Carbohydrates, whose glycemic index varies depending on how the bread is prepared.
  4. A lot of minerals and.
  5. Lots of fiber, which helps to improve digestive processes.

Fiber deserves special attention, which helps to avoid the unpleasant consequences of high protein intake.

Depending on the recipe, bread is traditionally divided into:

  1. Yeast-free bread. Made from premium flour. The key feature is the absence of yeast and, as a result, phytoestrogens.
  2. White bread made from premium flour. It has the highest glycemic index and the lowest content of vitamins and minerals.
  3. White bread made from wholemeal flour. Fiber and more vitamins are retained.
  4. Whole grain white bread. Bread with an extremely low glycemic index. Low nutritional value.
  5. Baton. A product that cannot be considered bread in the classical sense, as it contains many additives.
  6. Rye bread. Made from rye flour, it has a lot of vitamins and fiber.
  7. Protein bread. A separate type of whole grain bread with increased amounts of eggs and other protein products (such as cottage cheese).

Let's highlight 4 main groups:

  1. Yeast-free bread.
  2. White bread.
  3. Rye bread.
  4. Protein bread.

Note: the table is for informational purposes only and the amount in each individual loaf of bread can vary both up and down.

Harm or benefit?

Let's take a closer look at what harm and what benefit bread can bring, regardless of its composition:

Benefit disadvantages
Bread is one of the most readily available sources of carbohydrates.Bread has a high glycemic index, which excludes its use when drying or losing weight.
The cereals used for cooking contain many vitamins and minerals.Bread has the ability to retain fluid in the body due to the sodium included in the composition.
Due to the fiber contained in bread, it takes longer to digest, therefore, allows you to feel fuller longer.The fatty acids that make up the composition acquire a complete form during the preparation process, which reduces their benefits to zero.
Bread contains a lot of vegetable protein.The protein has an incomplete amino acid profile.

Yeast-free bread

Yeast-free bread is traditionally considered the healthiest of all. Indeed, in his recipe there is no yeast - a source of phytoestrogens that negatively affect the athlete's body. But is it that simple? In the process of making such bread, sourdough is used, which must be quenched with soda. This creates additional hassle. Such bread is enriched with sodium, which retains liquid, and therefore interferes with drying. This type of bread contains less protein and more fat, which gives the bread its unique taste.

The main advantage of yeast-free bread is the minimal presence of additional stabilizers and low calorie content. But the greatest harm lies precisely in water retention. In addition, baking soda reacts with the gastric environment, increasing its acidity, which increases appetite and can lead to problems with the gastrointestinal tract.

Note: of course, we are talking about harm only if you consume a large amount of yeast-free bread.

Rye bread

Rye bread is most popular with people looking to lose weight. And it is not surprising, because its calorie content is 30% less than that of white bread made from fine flour. It itself is made from a different kind of flour, which makes it more resistant to mold. However, rye has a large acidic environment, which, with a relatively low glycemic index, irritates the gastric mucosa.

In addition, rye bread has a lower bioavailability of nutrients due to its high fiber content, which reduces the absorption of nutrients. On the other hand, the bioavailability is offset by the high content of minerals, protein, and vitamins. For all its pros and cons, it is a priority source of "bread" calories.

White bread

Considering wheat bread, its benefits and harms, we will move away from classical myths.

Let's start with the cons:

  • White bread has the highest glycemic index. This makes it difficult to follow low-calorie diets. after quick satiety, a quick feeling of hunger sets in.
  • Yeast, which is part of white bread, not only acts as the main source of phytoestrogens, but also removes calcium from the body.
  • Traditionally, such bread is made from the highest grade flour, which is completely devoid of beneficial micronutrients and fiber. Therefore, such bread can harm the digestive system.
  • Due to its high glycemic index and load, it not only loads the liver, but also increases the acidity of the stomach. Such bread is not recommended for people suffering from gastritis or peptic ulcer disease.

And now the pros of white bread.

  1. This is the highest calorie source of carbohydrates, which makes it easy to gain calories while working on weight.
  2. This is a good dopamine stimulant.
  3. Among the classic types of bread, it contains the most protein.
  4. It breaks down not into glucose, but into starch, which, despite the high GI, allows the body to supply energy for a longer time in comparison with other sources of "bread calories".

Protein bread

Looking at baked goods in general, it's easy to identify the main disadvantages:

  1. Low in protein.
  2. Irritation of the gastric mucosa.
  3. Low content of vitamins and other macronutrients.
  4. High GI.

But if you love bread and are serious about sporting, you should pay attention to protein bread.

Its composition:

  • wholemeal flour;
  • egg white;
  • cottage cheese;
  • flax seeds.

Conclusion: Protein bread is the perfect solution for athletes:

  1. Low calorie content of the product. Allows you to safely consume large amounts of protein bread without the risk of inhibiting weight loss.
  2. High content of complex protein. Especially important when working with high-quality pulp or with intensive drying.
  3. Low sodium. Virtually no water retention.
  4. Large amounts of calcium. Even if such bread contains yeast, calcium more than compensates for it.
  5. Availability . This is especially important, since the main disadvantage of the dietary habits of a modern person is a deficiency of Omega 3 acids, which disrupts the synthesis of "good" cholesterol and reduces the potential level of testosterone.
  6. Low glycemic index, which makes it a "complex carbohydrate" bread.

Such bread will be an ideal solution for people with a healthy lifestyle, although when using it you should:

  1. Additionally, consume carbohydrates from cereals.
  2. Monitor protein sources (often in stores instead of cottage cheese they use soy protein rich in phytoestrogens).

Which one is more useful?

It's impossible to say unequivocally that white bread is worse than rye bread. They differ in their composition, in the amount of incoming nutrients and macronutrients. However, if we consider the benefits of bread in terms of use in sports, the following parameters can be distinguished:

  1. Glycemic index.
  2. The percentage of protein to total food.
  3. The percentage of polyunsaturated fatty acids.
  4. The presence of yeast.
  5. Fiber content to the total weight of carbohydrates.

According to these parameters, consider a table of the described types of bread:

Bread Glycemic index Protein percentage Fats Yeast Cellulose
White yeastTallOver 406,5 2,0 PresentLow content
Yeast-freeLow30 to 408,1 1,0 absentAverage content
ProteinExtremely low25 to 3013 3 PresentAverage content
RyeLow35 to 4526 2 PresentHigh content

Based on the available data, we conclude that protein bread will be the most useful for an athlete. In second place - rye, in third - yeast-free. But classic white bread, according to these parameters, is the most useless.

What to look for when buying?

If you do decide to buy bread at the nearest store, you should pay attention to the following factors when buying:

  1. Shelf life. Of course, everyone loves fresh white yeast bread, but because of the processes taking place in it, it is somewhat more harmful than the same bread that will lie on the shelf for 1-2 days.
  2. The real content of the BZHU.
  3. Calorie content.
  4. Features of the composition.

And remember that good store-bought bread grows moldy quickly. If your bread has been lying for more than 3-4 days and has not begun to grow moldy, then there are questions about the purity of its composition.

How much to consume per day?

  1. No more than 100 g of net carbs per meal (equivalent to 150 to 200 g of bread).
  2. Bread calories should not exceed 40% of the total carbohydrate intake.
  3. For mass gain: the total amount of carbohydrates should be in the order of 5 g per kg of net weight.

Always remember that bread is a high glycemic carbohydrate. Based on this, adhere to certain recommendations:

  1. Do not consume more than 150 g of bread in one sitting.
  2. Do not combine bread with fat. It is worth giving up mayonnaise with bread, since under the influence of an intense insulin reaction, fats smeared with a thick layer are immediately transported to the fat depot, instead of benefiting the body.
  3. The glycemic index largely depends on how thoroughly you chew the bread.


Despite all the shortcomings of bread, it can be called the optimal solution for budget nutrition during the period of weight gain. By correctly combining bread and cereals, you can easily gain the required amount of calories without feeling hungry. Think, maybe it is worth spending money on a bread maker once and using a product in the quality and composition of which you will be sure than buying products with a dubious composition in stores.

I loved this bread very much as a child. It was so soft, airy and rubbery - for some reason, I liked this rubberiness very much then. And now, having found at Luda mariana_aga recipe, I planned to bake it, but all my hands did not reach. The day before yesterday we finally got there. It smelled exactly that way, tasted the same, turned out to be incredibly soft, so soft that, cooling down even on its side, it crumpled. But, it seems to me, it came out more rubbery than the bread from my memories. Such bread is good not only for diabetics, but also for those who, trying to maintain their figure, correctly and thoroughly chew every portion of food sent to their mouth (30-40 chewing movements) - there is such a technique. You will not chew this bread in a fewer of these very movements. And it is not surprising, because it is baked from almost one raw gluten. I even googled on the Internet to make sure that it should be so, although I unconditionally trust People's recipes, but, as I held the washed gluten in my hands, I doubted that something edible could be baked out of so much of it.
So my source of inspiration is here:

Here is the recipe with my notes in brackets in red italics.

This bread is baked in the form of bricks weighing 100g, 200g or 300g. It can be prepared with raw or dry gluten. 100 g of this bread contains 21 g of protein and 22 g of carbohydrates. For comparison, regular wheat bread contains 8g of proteins and 51g of carbohydrates in a 100g piece.

RAW Gluten Bread Recipe

Raw gluten 750 g (I washed this amount out of 2 kg. flour 1 sec.)
Wheat flour of the highest grade 250g
Pressed yeast 30 g (I took 4 SAF Instant Gold)
Sunflower oil 30 g
Animal oil 30g
Salt 7.5g
Saccharin 0.1g (I'm not a diabetic, I don't have saccharin at home, and I didn't want to buy a package, so I took 30 g of sugar, given that saccharin is 300-500 times sweeter than sugar. My yeast is sugar tolerant, fermentation was normal)
water until a very soft dough is obtained (humidity according to GOST 52-55%) (I added 130 g of water)

Gluten is washed off 8-10 hours before cooking. To get 200g of raw gluten, take 700g of 1st grade wheat flour and 450g of water (20-23s). Stir for 5-25 minutes, depending on the brand of the mixer, the T dough at the end of kneading should be 23 seconds, and leave alone for an hour.

Then they begin to wash out the gluten from the resulting piece of dough. Pour portions of fresh water 20C into the bowl and mix. Drain the cloudy water (starch milk), add fresh water and mix. And so many times, until you get a clot of raw gluten, practically free from wheat starch (i.e. when the water is drained, it is practically transparent, non-starchy). The washed gluten is stored in cold water. (I washed over a sieve under a tap in cool running water)

Gluten is used for making proteinaceous wheat (white bread for diabetics) and proteinaceous bran (black bread for diabetics) bread.

Bezoparnoy dough is kneaded: put gluten in a bowl, add a solution of yeast and salt, the rest of the ingredients and knead for 8-20 minutes until a coherent mass is obtained (this dough is kneaded one and a half to two times longer than ordinary bread dough made from wheat flour). (It seemed to me that the rubber lump of gluten would never mix with the clumps of dough adhered to it from the other ingredients that had joined together. I beat it, stretched it, laid it on the table according to the French method, and, nevertheless, it mixed)

The finished dough is left to ferment for 1.5 hours at 22-26C, kneaded and again allowed to ferment for 1-1.5 hours (Mine in 1.5 hours grew up to about 2.5 liters. Then it kneaded thoroughly, kneaded right well. Another hour of fermentation, grew to almost 3.5 liters. Kneading. Another hour of fermentation, grew to almost 4 liters)

The dough is cut with wet hands on a wet table, rinsing the pieces of dough well, so that there are no bulges and voids in the baked crumb. They are placed in molds greased with vegetable oil or non-stick grease, filling them no more than 1/4, and sent for proofing in a warm ((35-40C) humid (85% rel air) proofing cabinet for 65-70 minutes. and in the conditions of the bakery, but then the proofing time changes. (I divided into 4 forms (900 ml. volume) of 300 g of dough. This turned out to be a lot, a large cap swelled during baking. It was necessary to divide into 5 portions)

Before planting in the oven, the workpieces are pricked so that the crust swells.

Bread weighing 200 g is baked with steam humidification at the beginning of baking for 45 minutes at 220-235C. (I baked for 50 minutes, covered in the second half of the baking with foil)

For a long time I walked around the bush of this bread, everything was not baked. Although it is not long at all, very simple. No, I lied, it was physically difficult, but nothing else.

I remember very well this bread, when it was still possible to buy it in the store like that, easily. It was very expensive and was sold in small bricks, often found in the diabetics section along with other mysterious products - from unknown sorbitol, etc. I do not see it at the moment. Thank God I don’t need it, but there was interest.

For some reason, I thought that since it is protein, then it is done on egg whites. But no. Gluten free. I have a bag of dry gluten, bought it somehow out of interest, so it came in handy.

Fermentation temperature +26 ... 28C + Fermentation time 120 ... 150 min + Duration of final proofing 65 ... 70 min + Baking time weighing 200 g - 40 ... 45 min + Baking temperature +220 ... 235C

Flour, dry gluten are poured into the container and mixed dry for several minutes. Then add a solution of salt, yeast, well mixed to a homogeneous mass in warm water at a temperature of +30 ... 35C, melted butter, vegetable oil and knead until a coherent homogeneous mass is obtained. The duration of kneading gluten dough is 1.5 ... 1.7 times longer than the duration of kneading a regular wheat dough (for me it is 15 minutes). After 90 minutes of fermentation, the dough is kneaded.

After fermentation, the dough is cut into pieces and shaped with wet hands. When shaping, the dough is well minced to remove excess carbon dioxide, so that during baking the crust does not swell and there are no large voids in the crumb.

Pieces of dough are placed in molds, greased with vegetable oil and sent for proofing with a temperature of +35 ... 40C (this is true) and relative humidity of 75 ... 85%.

Before planting in the oven, the dough pieces are pricked.

Bake with steam at the very beginning of baking.

My notes:

The yeast was dry active, 4 g.

As I already said, I was able to knead the dough only by hand, and even then with great difficulty - just imagine that you are kneading a tennis ball ... The main difficulty I experienced was with the distribution of the oil in the dough. When I mixed everything, it turned out to be a nondescript grayish mass and I thought that it would never rise. Where there. The dough rose great, after the second approach it was generally like a balloon.

She cut the dough just on the table, slightly moistened with water. Actually, even she was not needed, the dough does not stick to anything at all.

It is especially fun to squeeze out extra bubbles from it - an exercise for those who like to click bubbles on the cushioning material (I don't know what it's called). It also takes a lot of effort.

I did everything else in a written manner. Not sure yet what I will repeat, but the experience was interesting.

by The Wild Mistress's Notes

Diet bread recommended for certain diseases or deviations, including overweight. What kind of bread is considered dietary, what is the rate of such bread for weight loss and how to cook it yourself - find out right now.

Types of dietary bread

The grocery market today offers a huge selection of bakery products. How to make the right choice for health and shape? First of all, you need to focus on the composition of the bread, which in most cases is reflected in the name.

Butter bread, yeast bread and wheat flour products are not dietary. Not only that, excessive consumption of white bread, confectionery or baked goods leads to consequences such as volvulus, indigestion and constipation.

Rye bread. In the dietary diet, it is he who should take the main place of all breads. Rye bread has the lowest glycemic index. It, in comparison with white bread, contains many times more magnesium, iron, phosphorus and vitamins. Calorie content of rye bread within 180 kcal per 100 grams of product (for comparison - in wheat 235-240 kcal, in baked goods - up to 350 kcal). Of course, eating an unlimited amount of rye bread will not lead to weight loss. The rate of its use must be controlled in the calorie ratio of the dietary food ration.

Grain bread. Such bread is baked from wheat flour with the addition of coarse wheat grains. Calorie content of one hundred grams of such bread 250 kcal ... It is included in the list of dietary products as a recommendation for those who suffer from constipation. Control the amount of bread you eat, try not to consume more than 200 grams per day if your goal is weight loss.

Bran bread it is also baked on wheat flour with the addition of wheat bran. This type of bread is considered the most popular among those who lose weight, although its calorie content is not so small - from 250 to 300 kcal per 100 grams. Why is he so good? The fact is that bran has the ability to swell, and after eating a small amount of bran bread, the stomach becomes full. Due to this, you reduce the amount of food you eat.

Diet bread recipes

Try baking a low-calorie bread at home - delicious, crisp and fresh. Diet bread, the recipe of which we offer you, requires a little of your time, desire and creativity. With experience, you will be able to vary the ingredients to create your own unique way of making healthy bread.

Rye with bran


  • Flour (rye with bran and wheat) 3 cups each
  • Yeast - 2 tbsp. spoons
  • Granulated sugar - 1 table. l.
  • Warm water - 3 glasses
  • Salt - 1 table. l.
  • 2 table. tablespoons of oil grows.


1. Dissolve granulated sugar with yeast in warm water, let the mixture foam. This is a dough for the test.

2. Stir both flours together, oil and salt.

4. After raising the dough, divide it into two equal parts, put it on a baking sheet (you can put it in a mold) and let it stand for another two hours.

5. Place the baking sheet in the prepared oven (preheat to 200 degrees) for 30-40 minutes. until a brown crust appears.

6. Grease the finished bread with butter, you can milk. Allow to cool without removing from the baking sheet. If baking in a mold, let it cool directly in it, and then remove it.

Bread with bran on kefir


  • Flour 4 stack.
  • Bran in the same amount
  • Kefir 3 stack.
  • Soda and salt 1 tsp each
  • Grows oils. - 1 stack.


1. Stir flour with bran, salt and granulated sugar (1 tablespoon).

2. In a bowl, mix kefir with butter.

3. Knead the dough from the two mixtures obtained.

4. Roll several loaves of equal size from the dough. Place them on a baking sheet and place in the preheated oven. After twenty minutes, turn over and bake for another ten minutes.

Bread with barley


  • Milk glass
  • 1 egg
  • Yeast 5 gr. (dry)
  • Finished fitness flour - 1 glass
  • Salt 5 grams
  • Ghee butter 1 table. l.
  • Corn - 50 grams (to grease a baking sheet)
  • Barley grains ground through a coffee grinder - 150 grams. Can be substituted for barley, rice, buckwheat or corn flour.


1. Pour yeast into a bowl of milk and beat in an egg. Dip the ghee there, mix everything.

2. Then add flour in small portions. The consistency of the dough will be like sour cream.

3. Grease the mold and pour the dough into it.

4. Put in the oven (250 degrees), bake until golden brown.

Protein bread


  • Ground almonds and flaxseeds - 100 grams each
  • Bran - 4 tablespoons. spoons
  • Baking powder - 1 pack.
  • 1 teaspoon of salt
  • Low-fat cottage cheese - three hundred grams. If the curd is lumpy, crush it until it is pasty.
  • Egg whites - 7 pcs.
  • Any seeds for sprinkling


1. First mix dry ingredients in one container. Set aside a small amount of bran for sprinkling.

2. Then, adding cottage cheese with proteins, stir with a mixer to get a homogeneous mixture.

3. Place baking paper on the bottom of the dish. Lightly moisten the walls of the mold and sprinkle with the remaining bran.

4. Pour the dough into the prepared mold, pour the seeds on top.

5. The oven is heated to 175 degrees. We put bread there and bake for 50-60 minutes. Cool the finished bread in the form. Such bread is stored better in the refrigerator.

We wish you bon appetite and a great figure!
