One of the most convenient features of the Mobile Banking service is Quick Payment. With its help, you can make a transfer from your card to the account of another person in a couple of seconds, pay for a number of popular services, etc. The easiest way to connect Quick Payment is Sberbank Online. Let's talk in more detail about how to carry out this operation.

With the help of the Quick payment function, you can pay bills in an instant

Feature Features

In fact, it is the activation of the Quick (or, as it is also called - Easy) payment option that allows Mobile Bank users to carry out most financial transactions via SMS. In particular, by activating the service, the client will be able to:

  • replenish the balance of any phone from your card;
  • transfer funds to other users of Sberbank cards;
  • find out the balance of your account or the available spending limit.

At the same time, the service allows you to transfer money to other Sberbank customers without even knowing the details of their account or card. It is enough to enter the phone number of the recipient of funds for the payment to be made. Of course, this option becomes available if the recipient indicated the entered phone number in the agreement with the bank for servicing the card.

When making transfers or paying for services via phone, Quick Payment sends a code to the user to confirm the operation. That is, despite the external ease of conducting transactions, their security is still protected.

Sberbank does not charge any subscription fee for using the service. Easy payment is included in the Standard and Economy tariffs of the Mobile Bank. All operations with its help are made free of charge and without any commissions.

Examples of using the service

The most popular features of Easy Payment are money transfers to other Sberbank customers and payment for services cellular communication. The user can perform these operations in one of two ways:

  • creating a USSD request;
  • sending a message to 900.

Let's look at examples of SMS commands, since most customers think that this is more convenient than USSD requests. In case of incorrect data entry, SMS can be edited and resent, while the request will have to be completely re-typed.

Connecting a quick payment is possible through Sberbank Online

So, in order to replenish a mobile account using Quick payment, you need to create an SMS like: TEL The telephone number in this case can be entered in any form - starting from the eight, from +7 or even in 10-digit form.

To transfer funds to the account of another client of Sberbank, an SMS of the form will help: TRANSFER.

Here the phone number is also entered in an arbitrary format. It is absolutely optional to indicate the recipient's card number - the system will find the recipient of funds according to the data entered in the message.

Having received the transaction confirmation code, the user must send it to the Mobile Bank number - 900. Only after that the request for a transfer or account replenishment will be processed.

Ways to connect the service

The easiest option is to request the activation of the Quick payment option immediately when issuing a plastic card. But as a rule, at this moment the client's head is full of information. In addition, he does not quite understand what Easy Payment is and why he might need it.

But you can write an application at a bank branch not only when applying for a card, but also at any other time. You can do without a visit to the office, but simply call the Sberbank hotline. The number 8-800-555-55-50 operates around the clock and is available to all residents of Russia free of charge.

In each of these cases, the client will need the following documents:

  • passport;
  • card to which the Mobile Bank is connected.

When contacting the hotline, the client will have to go through a full authentication procedure - to dictate not only his full name, but also passport data or a code word. We recommend preparing everything in advance. Required documents so as not to delay the call.

As a rule, the service activation speed is not affected by whether the user called the hotline or personally visited Sberbank. Easy payment is usually available within a few minutes after the application is processed.. The applicant receives an SMS on successful connection to his mobile phone.

Information about fast payment from the Sberbank website

Remote connection methods

Those who do not really want to contact bank employees are usually interested in how to enable the Quick payment option remotely. There is such an opportunity, but only for customers registered in the Sberbank Online @ yn system. No other methods can independently activate the service.

Despite the fact that the quick payment option belongs to the Mobile Bank service package, there is no separate SMS command to activate it.

To connect to the service via the Internet, you must perform the following steps:

  • log in to your personal account of Sberbank;
  • in the menu on the left, find the "Mobile Bank" section and go to it;
  • at the bottom of the page, find the "Connection Details" tab;
  • go to the tab and find the item "Quick payment" in the list;
  • click the "Connect" button next to the found item.

You can activate the option through the Sberbank mobile application using the same algorithm as in a full-fledged personal account.

How to cancel the service

We've covered how to enable Easy Checkout. Let's talk at the same time about the possibilities of turning it off. If for some reason the client has such a need, he can use one of two methods:

  • send a disconnection request through Mobile Banking;
  • use your personal account in Sberbank Online@yn or mobile application.

In the first case, the user will need to send a message to number 900 with one of the following words:

  • ZERO;
  • ZERO;
  • NULL.

After a few minutes, the phone will receive a message stating that the request has been processed and the option has been disabled successfully.

Remote control of the service is the most convenient way

Cancellation of Easy payment through the Sberbank subscriber account on the Internet is carried out almost according to the same algorithm as its connection. The user needs:

  • Sign in;
  • select the "Mobile Bank" section in the menu;
  • go to the "Connection details" tab;
  • find information about the connected Quick payment;
  • click on the word "Disable".

In the mobile application of the bank, the same steps will be required. The speed of processing the request will be the same as through the Mobile Bank.

Things to remember before disabling the service

Before turning off Easy Payment, a Sberbank client should take into account that sending money transfers via phone will become unavailable to him. But he will be able to accept transfers made to his address through the Mobile Bank without restrictions. Also, the user will have the opportunity to replenish the balance of his phone using SMS commands.

"Fast payment" means instant payment for services and goods by sending an SMS command. Sberbank provides the option completely free of charge, and to activate the service, you only need a mobile phone tied to plastic. How to connect this type of service, we will consider further.

The "Quick Payment" service provides an excellent opportunity for all customers to pay bills through Sberbank by sending SMS to the short number 900. In this way, you can pay any bills: your own or others. The system number is not only for messages, but also for calls from cell phones. Specialists of the "hot" line provide full technical support, answer all your questions.

The main advantages of the procedure are:

  1. The ability to instantly pay bills without any extra effort.
  2. No fees for transactions between your cards.
  3. You do not need to know the full details of the recipient.

The cost of the "Quick payment" service is 0 rubles. There is also no fee for connecting / disconnecting the service.

How to activate - instructions

To connect, you can use an ATM or go to your Sberbank Online profile. In any case, to carry out the activation, you need a plastic card and attached mobile phone to her. The procedure through Internet banking is as follows:

After sending the code, the option will be considered enabled, and payments through the number 900 in the "quick format" will become available to the client. When connecting, you need to make sure that the linked cell number does not get to third parties, since attackers will be able to withdraw funds from all accounts. It will be problematic to challenge the transaction.

When connecting the service through an ATM, you need to contact the device, authorize the card using a PIN code and go to "Personal information and service".

Using "Fast Payment"

In order for the extended functionality to become available, you need to study the list system commands For mobile bank. The most common options are:

  • Sending the transfer amount to number 900 - payment of the mobile bill linked to the card.
  • Message: "TEL 9 (number) amount" to number 900 - transfer to any mobile numbers.
  • Replenishment of a bank card: "TRANSFER 9 (number of the recipient of funds) (transfer amount)".

There are other teams, a list of which can be found in your Sberbank Online personal account.

Disabling an option

You can disable the service in your Sberbank Online profile by clicking on the link: "Mobile bank" - "Connection details" - "Disable".

The service can also be canceled by phone, for which you need to send a message with the word "ZERO" to 900, or call the contact center and disable the option through a bank employee. In this case, you will need to name the passport data and the code word from the contract or the client code.

"Quick payment" is designed for the convenience of customers, as it allows you to make transactions instantly and with a minimum commission. It is enough to remember a few code SMS or save their templates to your phone.

Sberbank plastic card holders have access to two main electronic services designed to make the bank's work with the clientele simpler, but at the same time more productive and functional. We are talking about Mobile Banking and Sberbank Online. And accordingly, questions arise, how to connect Sberbank Online and how to connect a quick payment through this service. Or can this service be connected in some other way? To begin with, the described services are completely different things. Sberbank Online is also often considered simply the Internet representation of Sberbank, its website. No, Sberbank Online is an electronic software, through which the bank's customers can perform all major monetary and banking transactions. Namely:

  • money transfers (to plastic card or cards, to cards of other banks, to electronic wallets);
  • replenishment of the balance cell phone;
  • payment via the Internet for utilities and other services (services of Internet providers, cable TV, etc.);
  • registration of various loans in the lending system of Sberbank;
  • other functions.

Connection between Mobile Bank and Sberbank Online

"Mobile Bank" is rather a narrower application operating within the framework of the Sberbank Online service. Although the client whose "plastic" is connected to this application may never use the online mode. The fast payment function, in turn, is an even narrower part of the Mobile Bank application. Thanks to this function, the client will not only be constantly informed about all transactions with his card (inflow/expenditure, blocking/unblocking, overdrafts), but will also be able to send money via SMS messages from his card account (i.e. from his card) to any SIM card or "plastic" (but "plastic" must be Sberbank). If a quick payment is inactive, the client will not receive informational SMS messages.

However, if Internet banking is connected to a minimum set of services (and this usually happens), it will still be possible to carry out a number of financial transactions with a bank card through SMS messages. It will not be possible to carry out such operations only through Sberbank Online. And from number 900, the client will not receive messages about how much money is left on the card, how much was spent on paying for something, etc. Now the most common classic Sberbank debit card automatically supports the Mobile Bank service within the economy class and is in the database data of the Sberbank Online service. However, in order to use this minimum package, you must attach a SIM card number to a Sberbank card. You can link a number:

  • using self-service devices - a terminal or an ATM (a few simple, consistent actions on the touch screen);
  • a call to the call center of Sberbank - 8 800 555 55 50;
  • the client himself comes to the bank branch, where the employee will link the phone and bank card numbers in a few minutes.

However, now, when purchasing a Sberbank debit card, an institution specialist immediately strongly recommends that the client assign the card product to the number of the mobile device. To use the services of Mobile Bank in full, i.e. to activate the quick payment option, you need to log into the Sberbank Online service. This will count as an authorization and a connection at the same time. But to enter, you will need an identifier, a permanent password and a set of one-time passwords (about 20 pieces) for specific transactions. Where to get this technical necessary information? Three ways:

  • through an ATM. After inserting the card, you must select the "Internet service" section and the "ID and password" subsection. The device will issue a receipt with all the data;
  • a call to the already mentioned call-center. But here you will need to name not only your full name, but also the code word that the client chooses when purchasing a card product;
  • via SMS. If the client is already using the minimum package of Mobile Bank, then the last five digits from the bank card number should be sent to number 900 - all the necessary information will be in the response message.

Fast payment connection and new features

And, of course, you can always visit the nearest branch of Sberbank, where an employee will help solve this problem (have a passport and a card with you). Now, by logging into Sberbank Online through your personal account, you can also make the quick payment function active. To do this, in the upper section, you need to click on your full name to open your personal menu. Select the "Mobile Bank" section (on the left). We are looking inside the new menu that opens for the footnote "Connection details". We click on it. And in the window that appears, we are looking for brief information about the option and the inscription "Enable". Click and then click on the "Confirm by SMS" footnote. A message with a one-time verification code will be sent to your phone. Its input and secondary confirmation. This last click activates the fast payment service.
By the way, you can also access the Sberbank Online service from a mobile gadget. But again, for this, the SIM card number must be tied to the "plastic". Connected fast payment will provide many conveniences.

For example, the text in SMS "TEL (phone number) 100" will mean that 100 rubles will come to the balance of the specified phone number. And “TRANSFER (phone number) 500” means that 500 rubles will come to the “plastic” that is tied to this number. As you can see, for money transfers between Sberbank cards using a quick payment, it is necessary that the cell numbers used are linked to the bank's card products. In the "Connection details" menu, you can find a list of all cards that are linked to a phone number. You can link not one, but several cards. The first one in the list is the one to which all SMS messages from 900 come.

And it is from this card that the monthly fee for the fully connected "Mobile Bank" is debited. The amount varies from 30 to 50 rubles per month, depending on the type of card. So, a minimum of 30 rubles is charged from unnamed cards. And with nominal "plastics" a little more. Opposite the number of each linked card there is a window for the text of the request for any financial transaction. The request should always include the last four digits of the card number. For example, XXXX XXXX XXXX 1129. Specify only 1129. Moreover, if there is not enough money on one linked card product, the money can automatically be debited from the next one in the list.

As already mentioned, a quick payment will allow you not only to carry out basic financial transactions using your phone and always be aware of all transactions, but also to block the card as quickly as possible if necessary. And through Sberbank Online, it will be possible to quickly and conveniently make payments to repay a loan or for utility bills. However, fast payment, if the client so desires, can always be turned off. It is enough to send an SMS message with the number "0" to number 900.

The purpose of this article: to familiarize the holders of plastic products of Sberbank with all the functionality of the bank's card-electronic system.

Our readers often ask questions about how to connect "Quick payment"? There is nothing complicated in this operation for clients of Sberbank of Russia, we will analyze in detail all your actions further.

In order to be able to use this service, you need to activate the Mobile Banking service.

It "links" your phone number to a valid card, and allows you to pay for the phone, make transfers, provide an account statement, etc. almost instantly. In this case, you will receive access to payments automatically.

"Mobile Banking" is of two types:

  • Economy package - your phone number will be linked to the card, you will be able to send SMS and perform various operations on the account, however, you will not receive notifications from the Sberbank system. Those. you cannot enter Sberbank Online with an economy package. The service is free;
  • Package "Full" - this service is paid in the amount of 30-60 rubles per month, depending on the category of the card. You will receive SMS about receipts on the card, completed transactions, as well as verification codes from the Sberbank Online system.

Features of connecting the Fast payment service

The service provides a lot of advantages for the client:

  • Possibility to replenish mobile phone.
  • Transfer of funds to the number of your relative or friend.

As well as the following types of payments:

All these operations are performed not only by sending messages, but also by means of short ussd commands. Next, the client receives a password, which must be sent to the same number in order to confirm their desire to perform the action.

Who is eligible for the option

It can be used by any client of a financial institution who is the owner of the card. First you need to bind a mobile phone through:

  • ATM or self-service terminal
  • bank branch by filling out an application
  • call to technical support of Sberbank.

How to connect

Service activation is possible only through Sberbank online. Phone connection is not available today.

Do the following:

  • Log in with your ID and password.

  • Select the Mobile Banking section.
  • Click on the Connection Details tab.
  • Select "Quick payment".
  • To plug.

The process is very simple and takes very little time.

Getting a login to enter occurs in the following ways:

  • At the branch when issuing a card or at another time convenient for you.
  • Call the call center at 8 800 55 50 (read how to make a call). The operator will ask you to name the card details, and then tell you when to expect an SMS with an identifier. With it, you can go to Online Banking and set a password.
  • Ask at an ATM. The device should issue a receipt with one-time passwords. They will be needed to enter the Personal Account and set new permanent codes.

You can also click "Register" on the website in Sberbank-Online. Fill in the fields: phone number, card number, code from SMS. After that, you can assign a username and password yourself.

Quick payment: how is it done

To carry out any operation You send SMS to number 900 with the following content:

  • To pay for the phone, just send an SMS, where in the text indicate only the amount you need to replenish the mobile.
  • If you need to top up someone else's phone, then dial the following message: TEL 9XXXXXXXXXX 100 - you are paying for someone else's phone in the amount of 100 rubles.
  • If you need to transfer money to the card of another Sberbank client, the message will look like this: "TRANSFER 9XXXXXXXXX uuu". Where 9XXXXXXXXX is the recipient's phone number linked to the card, and yyy is the amount. Please note that in order to be able to send money to someone via SMS, the recipient must also have a Mobile Bank connected. Moreover, if the sender's and recipient's cards were issued in different regions then you will be charged a transfer fee.

You can also manage this service in Personal account"Sberbank Online":

  • log in to the system;
  • click on your name in the upper right corner;
  • then on the left select the link "Mobile Banking";
  • in Connection details, click on "Connect" or "Disconnect" payment and confirm the action.
