International Day of Rivers (International Day of Action against Dams)

On March 14, many countries celebrate International River Day, formerly known as International Day Against Dams, for Rivers, Water and Life. At the beginning of the global anti-dam movement, in 1998, more than 50 protests took place on this day in more than 20 countries of the world, including Brazil, India, Thailand, Australia, Russia, Japan, and the USA. In the first year, more than 10,000 caring people took part in demonstrations, campaigns to send letters of protest, clean up rivers.


International Pi Day

This Day was first celebrated in 1988 at the popular science museum Exploratorium in San Francisco, and this unofficial holiday was invented a year earlier by San Francisco physicist Larry Shaw, who noticed that in the American system of writing dates (month / day), day 14 March - 3/14 - coincides with the first digits of the number π = 3.14...Looking at this sign, it immediately becomes obvious why Pi Day is celebrated today.


Beginning of Lent

In 2016, the time of Great Lent is from March 14 to April 30. The Lent of Holy Lent is called Great Lent due to the special importance of its establishment. Traditionally, the Holy Forty Day and all divine services begin with Vespers of the Maslenitsa (cheesy) week. During the evening service on Forgiveness Sunday, there is a rite or rite of general forgiveness in the temple. First day of Great Lent in Russian Orthodox Church It was called "Clean Monday", due to the fact that people tend to spend this first day of fasting clean. Therefore, on Clean Monday, as in the next two days, a very strict fast is established, believers are ordered to pray harder and fight sinful passions.

Commonwealth Day

Commonwealth Day is an annual holiday of 53 countries participating in the international community of the Commonwealth of Nations (until 1947 - the British Commonwealth of Nations), an association of independent states that were previously part of the British Empire, recognizing the British monarch as a symbol of free unity. Commonwealth Day is celebrated on the second Monday in March.


Ovsen small

In ancient times, the Slavs met New Year on the first spring day - March 1, which, according to the new style, falls on March 14. Celebrations took place widely, because the beginning of the new year was a symbol of the beginning of a new time. From that day on, it was possible to start a new cycle of field work, to engage in other agricultural work.


Day mother tongue in Estonia

Every year since 1996, Estonia has celebrated Mother Language Day on March 14th. If we translate this word literally, then the Day can also be called the Day of the "mother" language. The date of this holiday was chosen in honor of the birthday of the poet and writer Kristjan Jaak Peterson (1801-1822), who laid the foundation for the development of the Estonian literary language. The purpose of this holiday is to preserve the Estonian people, language and culture.


Historical events March 14

March 14, 1797- American Eli Whitney patented a machine he invented for separating cotton fiber from garbage, seeds and husks.


March 14, 1875- Italian circus Ciniselli for the first time presented the children's pantomime "Cinderella, or the Crystal Slipper".



March 14, 1953- Nikita Khrushchev achieved the separation of powers: into state and party.


March 14, 1956- The American company "Ampex" demonstrated the first video recorder designed exclusively for professional needs television.


March 14, 2004- Re-election of V. Putin to the post of president.


Nadezhda Guseva

We present the holidays of March 14 in Russia and Ukraine, church, Orthodox, festive events and memorable dates on the fourteenth day of March of the first spring month of this year. On this page you will find out what holidays will be on March 14, what they are connected with, what events, as well as folk signs, proverbs and sayings about this day of spring.

Also, at the end of the page you can learn (briefly) about other holidays and celebrations of the month of March, customs, traditions, folk omens And so on. But first, find out what a holiday is, its definition.

A holiday is a certain period of time (usually one day) allocated in the calendar for the coming year in honor of some significant event, something or someone, which has a sacred mythical, non-domestic) meaning and is directly related to the cultural or religious tradition in some country (region).

The word holiday is also used in other meanings that are close in meaning, such as:

A holiday is the opposite of weekdays - is an official day of rest, established in connection with some calendar event;

A holiday is a fun pastime of free time, entertainment events (mass), a day of some personal or social joyful event;

The general state of spiritual uplift (high spirits), (sometimes in phrases: "holiday of life" and so on).

Holidays March 14 - dates and events

Day of Evdokia (Avdotya), whistlers, freckles

International Pi Day

international river day

Departure date of Noah's Ark

VCR birthday

Day of ugly good mood

In the sky on March 14 the sun plays - wait good harvest mushrooms, cucumbers, herbs, cereals

Cold Avdotya - a sign that spring will come late and be cold

Church holidays March 14 (Orthodox) - Evdokia's Day

At this time, rather strong “whistling” winds begin to blow, which often occur in spring.

They say: “Spring-red summer carried Evdokia hot” or “Spring Evdokei came - they brought agrarian ideas to the peasants.”

From these sayings it is clear that it was on March 14 that the peasants began to work in the field. The days were getting warm, and therefore, it was possible to start sowing.

In the Russian Orthodox Church, March 14 is the day of the Venerable Martyr Evdokia. She was able to repent of her sins under the influence of faith in Christ, after which she decided to consecrate herself to God. As a reward, she received the gift of healing diseases and even resurrecting the dead.

During the period of persecution of Christians, Evdokia was arrested and beheaded. If it is sunny and warm on Evdokia, then the weather will be good all spring.

Gentle and warm wind March 14 - summer is likely to be with a lot of precipitation and cold.

Chickens drink melt water - a sign that there will be frost, and cold weather will last long enough.

A sunny day portends a harvest of cereals, mushrooms and pumpkin crops.

Warm day March 14 - the summer will be hot, and you can also expect good hay

Rainy day - there will be a lot of bread.

A blizzard began that day - the whole year will be quite cold.

Holidays March 14- International River Day

River Day is celebrated annually by many countries around the world. For the first time, an environmentally significant event began to be celebrated in 1998 and was referred to as "International Day Against Dams" (some called it "Day for the Protection of Water Resources").

So, it all started on March 14, 1998. It was on this day that the organizers of the anti-dam movement in dozens of countries held mass actions in defense of rivers.

In the first months, thousands of caring citizens took part in demonstrations and activities to clean up the rivers. A year later, the companions became about a hundred thousand.

The activists of the anti-dam movement have already achieved great results. In the United States, several dams were dismantled, and Sweden passed a series of laws, according to which it is forbidden in the country to build such structures more than 15 meters in height.

The cardinal "coups" have not yet touched the Russian Federation.

Holidays March 14- International Pi Day

Pi Day is an unusual holiday, but very relevant. The event was first celebrated in 1988 by the largest popular science museum located in San Francisco.

With the mathematical value of "Pi" a person begins to encounter from the school bench, studying the geometric circle.

The digital value of Pi is 3.14... and has an infinite duration. It is surprising that the unusual holiday coincides with the birthday of the legendary scientist of our time - A. Einstein.

For scientists around the world, Pi Day plays a very important role. As a rule, on March 14 they gather for a symbolic round table bake pies and cakes round shape, and then, talking about the mystery of the mathematical constant and the merits of Einstein, they drink tea.

March holidays - events, dates, festivities...

World day of civil defense (protection).

Saint David's Day (patron saint of Wales).

Independence Day. Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Day of Remembrance. Marshall Islands.

Panama Constitution Day.

Heroes Day in Paraguay.

Republic Day in Switzerland, Neuchâtel.

Independence Movement Day South Korea. In 1919, demonstrations began against the Japanese.

National Peace Day - Bikini Day in Japan

Mahavira Jayanti (March - April)

Day of peasants in Burma.

Evacuation Day in Libya.

Day of the Peasants. Myanmar.

Independence Day in USA, Texas.

Victory Day in Ethiopia.

Girls' Day or Puppet Festival (Japan).

Day of the liberation of Bulgaria from Ottoman rule.

International day of peace for the writer.

Independence Day. Grenada.

Kaziukas or St. Casimir's Day in Lithuania.

Day of the victims. Malawi.

Throne Day (since 1961). Morocco.

National Unity Day. Sudan.

Police day. Belarus.

Constitution Day in the USA.

Arbor Festival. Taiwan.

Casimir Pulaski Day USA, Illinois.

Egyptian Muslims celebrate Waqf al Arafa.

Omizutori, Nara.

Labor Day Australia, Western.

Republic of Ghana Independence Day. Celebrated since 1975.

Day of Magellan. Guam.

Alamo Day. Mexico.

Town Meeting Day. USA, Vermont.

Grandmother's Day (France). In France, on the first Sunday of March, the feast of grandmothers is held annually.

Holi is the Indian New Year holiday. The Indian holiday of Holi is the New Year's, the most colorful holiday celebrated on the full moon of the month of Phalgun (February-March).

Veterans Day in Laos.

Omizutori, Nara.

International Women's Day.

International Day for Women's Rights and International Peace.

Youth Day in Zambia.

Memorial Day in Liberia.

Sultan's Day in Malaysia.

Revolution Day in Syria.

Omizutori, Nara.

Day of Baron Bliss. Belize

Omizutori, Nara.

Labor Day in South Korea.

Teacher's Day Laos.

Starting day of the dry season. Myanmar.

Day of the farmer in Ukraine.

Omizutori, Nara

Maha Shivaratri among Hindus. Maha Shivratri is a Hindu festival. This is a sacred day on which Shiva assumed the form of the Lingam for the benefit of the seekers. Worship of Shiva serves to gain Wisdom.

Youth Day in Zambia.

Independence Day in Lithuania. (1990)

Commonwealth Day. Tuvalu.

Omizutori, Nara.

Update day. Gabon.

Commonwealth Day. Canada.

Day of Moshoeshoe. Lesotho.

Independence Day, Republic Day. Mauritius.

Omizutori, Nara.

Professional holiday for employees of the penitentiary system of the Ministry of Justice of Russia. Professional holiday for employees of the penitentiary system of the Ministry of Justice of Russia. In 1879, Russian Emperor Alexander III issued a Decree on the establishment of a prison department, which laid the foundation for a unified state system for the execution of punishments in Russia.

Arbor Day (China). Official holiday in China. It is marked by massive planting of trees.

Name day of Crown Princess Victoria (Sweden).

Day of workers of geodesy and cartography.

Revolution Day. Grenada.

Elephant Day in Thailand.

Omizutori, Nara.

International day of action against dams. Celebrated at the initiative public organization"International Network of Rivers" (USA). "For rivers, water and life" is the motto of this day.

Constitution day. Andorra.

White Day (Japan). On this day, men give white chocolate to women in gratitude for Valentine's Day gifts. The holiday has been celebrated since 1965.

World Consumer Rights Day. On this day, March 15, 1961, John F. Kennedy delivered a speech to the US Congress in which he named four basic consumer rights.

Constitution Day of Belarus.

The day of the beginning of the revolution of 1848 in Hungary.

Roberts Day. Liberia.

Day of national mourning for the Kurds. Established in memory of the victims of 1988. On this day, Iraqi troops subjected the Kurdish city of Halabaja to a chemical attack. 5 thousand people died.

Saint Patrick's Day in Ireland. St. Patrick's Day is an Irish national holiday, during which a festive procession is held through the streets and beer is actively consumed.

As the Irish explored all four corners of the world, the image of St. Patrick followed them everywhere as a reminder of who they are and where they came from. Every year on March 17, on St. Patrick's Day, the whole world becomes Irish for one day.

evacuation day. USA, Boston. (in 1776 the British troops were evacuated from Boston).

Day of the Paris Commune (since February 20, 1872). On this day, March 18, 1871, there was an armed uprising of the Parisians and the overthrow of the bourgeois government. On March 28, the Paris Commune was proclaimed.

International Museum Day.

Flag and Anthem Day. Aruba.

Tax Police Day. Russia.

Day of the Mongolian People's Army.

The day of the creation of the submarine forces of the Russian fleet (celebrated since 1996 by order of the commander in chief of the Navy Felix Gromov on the anniversary of the decree of Emperor Nicholas II of 1906 on giving the status independent class ships).

Saint Joseph's Day (Father's Day). Italy, Malta, Liechtenstein (Catholic holiday). St. Joseph, the betrothed of the Blessed Virgin Mary, was Jesus' guardian and tutor. The gospels say that Joseph, a descendant of King David, was a carpenter and a righteous man.

World Water Day.

Qing-ming - the beginning of the Chinese lunar month Oin-ming "pure radiance" and a festival of veneration of the graves of ancestors.

International day of Francophonie - all speakers of French. Today, the Francophonie unites 47 countries around the world whose population speaks French every day. Among them are such rich countries as France, Switzerland, Luxembourg, Canada, Belgium.

Canberra Day in Australia.

Day of nationalization of oil in Iran.

Independence Day in Tunisia.

Spring equinox in Japan.

Planetarium day.

Day of spring equinox.

Spring holiday - Navruz (celebrated in the republics of Central Asia and Transcaucasia and in the countries of Central Asia).

International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination.

World Earth Day. It is celebrated annually on the day of the vernal equinox by decision of the UN General Assembly.

World Poetry Day. By the decision of the 30th session of the General Conference of UNESCO, March 21, 2000 was declared World Poetry Day.

Spring Day in Iraq.

Tree Day in Italy. It has long been celebrated in the country as a holiday of renewal and unity of man with nature.

Arbor Day in Lesotho.

Sultan Terengganu Day. Malaysia.

Independence Day (1990). Namibia.

Day Agriculture in USA.

Youth Day in Tunisia.

Human Rights Day in South Africa.

trade workers day consumer services and housing and communal services.

World Water Day (Water Resources).

Baltic Sea Day.

1 Chaitra - New Year in India.

Day of the People's Party. Laos.

Arab League Day. Lebanon, Jordan.

emancipation day. Puerto Rico.

Nauryz - Kazakh New Year

Navruz (Nooruz, Nauruz) is a holiday of spring. Navruz (Nooruz, Nauruz) is a holiday of spring or a new year. The term "Nauruz" consists of two Persian words "nou" (new) and "ruz" (day), that is, the first initial day of the most important holiday of the Aryans. It has been celebrated for thousands of years now.

Purim is a Jewish holiday. Purim is a holiday in memory of the miraculous deliverance of the Jews who lived in Persia in the middle of the 5th century. BC e., from mortal danger. The first minister of the then reigning king Artaxerxes named Haman, stung by the disrespectful attitude of some Jews towards him, decided to destroy them all. By cunning, he managed to get the permission of the king for this.

But Queen Esther (Esther), a Jewess by birth, having learned about this plan, managed to thwart it. Haman was executed, many of his accomplices were exterminated in different cities of Persia.

World Meteorological Day. Since 1961, on March 23, all progressive mankind has been celebrating World Meteorological Day.

Pakistan Day. Celebrated since 1956

World TB Day.

Greece Independence Day. The national uprising of 1821 marked the beginning of the liberation of Greece from four centuries of Ottoman yoke.

Annunciation to the Virgin Mary by Catholics. The Gospel of Luke (1:26-38) tells how the archangel Gabriel was sent by God to announce to Mary, the virgin betrothed to Joseph, that she was to conceive from the Holy Spirit and give birth to the baby Jesus, who would become the Messiah and be called the Son of God.

Embarrassed by the angel's greeting, Mary then became convinced of the veracity of his promise and expressed her faith with the words: "let it be to me according to your word."

National Day of the Unborn Child in Argentina.

Independence Day (since 1971) Bangladesh. The national holiday of the People's Republic of Bangladesh - Independence Day has been celebrated since 1971.

Youth Day in Vietnam.

Kuhio Day. Hawaiian Islands.

Seward Day. USA, Alaska. The anniversary of the Russian-American sale of Alaska is being celebrated.

Day of the Internal Troops. Ukraine.

Islamic New Year. Muharram.

International Theater Day. This holiday was established in Vienna at the XI Congress of the International Theater Institute (MIT) at UNESCO. It has been celebrated annually since 1962.

Victory Day. Angola.

Celebration of the French-speaking cultural community in Belgium.

Armed Forces Day. Burma.

Army Day. Myanmar.

Day of Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Russian Federation established by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of 19.03.96.

Day of the revival of the Balkar people and the restoration of the Balkar statehood.

Evacuation Day in Libya. (in 1970, the last English military units left the country).

Constitution Day in Serbia.

Teacher's Day in the Czech Republic.

Birthday of Queen Ingrid (Denmark).

Tsubaki Matsuri (Japan) - A holiday of admiring blooming camellias.

Veterans Day. Vietnam.

Memorial Day of Heroes. Madagascar.

Vietnam Veterans Day. USA.

Day of President Boganda. CAR.

Flower Day. Spain, Barcelona.

Day of the Sultan of Kelatan. Malaysia.

Earth Protection Day. It is celebrated annually by the Arab population of the occupied territories and Israel in memory of the patriots killed by the Israeli police in 1976.

Transfer day. Virgin Islands.

Freedom Day. Malta. (On this day in 1979, the 79-year-long British military presence in Malta ended.)

Caesar Chavez Day. USA, California.

Ancient holiday Hansik. Korea. On this day, they do not eat hot food to appease the fire, which symbolizes the coming warmth, and bring gifts to the graves of their ancestors.

Day of the Azerbaijani Genocide.

Holidays March 14, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020 ... - church and state, significant dates and memorable events, signs ...

Holidays March 14, 2016 - church, events, dates, what day

Holidays March 14, 2017 - church, events, dates, what day

Holidays March 14, 2018 - church, events, dates, what day

Holidays March 14, 2019 - church, events, dates, what day

Holidays March 14, 2020 - church, events, dates, what day

Holidays March 14, 2021 - church, events, dates, what day

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Holidays March 14, 2023 - church, events, dates, what day

Holidays March 14, 2024 - church, events, dates, what day

Holidays March 14, 2025 - church, events, dates, what day

Holidays March 14, 2026 - church, events, dates, what day

Holidays March 14, 2027 - church, events, dates, what day

Holidays March 14, 2028 - church, events, dates, what day

Holidays March 14, 2029 - church, events, dates, what day

Holidays March 14, 2030 - church, events, dates, what day

Holidays March 14, 2031 - church, events, dates, what day

Holidays March 14, 2032 - church, events, dates, what day

Holidays March 14, 2033 - church, events, dates, what day

Holidays March 14, 2034 - church, events, dates, what day

Holidays March 14, 2035 - church, events, dates, what day

Holidays March 14, 2036 - church, events, dates, what day

Holidays March 14, 2037 - church, events, dates, what day

Holidays March 14, 2038 - church, events, dates, what day

Holidays March 14, 2039 - church, events, dates, what day

Holidays March 14, 2040 - church, events, dates, what day

Holidays March 14, 2041 - church, events, dates, what day

Holidays March 14, 2042 - church, events, dates, what day

Today March 14, holidays, events:
International Pi Day.
International Day Against Dams.

Every year on March 14, people who are not indifferent to mathematics celebrate the day of the number "pi".
The number π (pronounced "pi") is a mathematical constant that expresses the ratio of the circumference of a circle to the length of its diameter. π = 3.1415926…
If you write the date March 14 in American writing (first the month, then the day), then the date will look like 3.14. That is why this holiday is celebrated on this day.
You can congratulate the mathematicians around you (and they love accuracy!) Happy “pi” day at 1:59 (the next three digits of the number “pi”).

International Day Against Dams, For Rivers, Water and Life is an international date celebrated in dozens of countries around the world every year on March 14th.
At the beginning of the global anti-dam movement, in 1998, more than 50 protests took place on this day in more than 20 countries of the world, including Brazil, India, Thailand, Australia, Russia, Japan, and the USA. More than 10,000 people took part in demonstrations, protest letter campaigns, river clean-ups. The following year, there were over 100,000 participants...
“Due to the fact that the number of unregulated rivers is rapidly decreasing, we may face the impact of dams not only on the rivers themselves, but also on other natural objects and phenomena. Now we cannot assess the damage from the disruption of the natural flow of the river, and when the consequences manifest themselves, it will be too late, ”says one of the authors, WWF dam program coordinator Uta Koller, in the report.
"Hurricane Katrina's impact on New Orleans was a prime example of how the Mississippi River took revenge on humans for disturbing its ecosystem," said James Pittock, director of WWF's International Freshwater Program. “The dam retains sand, silt, and other bottom sediments, thereby impoverishing the floodplain meadows and swamps downstream, which is the main factor in the devastation and loss of life.”
Of the 177 largest rivers in the world (1,000 km long or more), only a third do not have dams or other structures on their main channel. 21 large rivers are free in their course from source to mouth. 43 more large tributaries of the great rivers, such as the Congo, Amazon and Lena, remain unregulated. The construction of dams on rivers is a dangerous trend that threatens the nature of the entire planet.
Most of the unregulated rivers today are in Asia, in South and North America. There are three of them in Australia and Oceania, in Europe, including the territory west of the Urals, only one large river - the Pechora in Russia - remains free flowing from its source to the sea. According to WWF forecasts, every fourth largest river in the world will be regulated in the next 15 years.

Holiday calendar in March.

Around the world, March 14th is celebrated by many as the Day of Action for Rivers, Water and Life, or, in more practical terms, International Day of Action against Dams. Dams, of course, are problematic objects. But the fight against them knows the answers to all questions in advance. And March 14th is Pi Day. It was invented in 1987 by San Francisco physicist Larry Shaw, who noticed that March 14 in the American date system turns into 3/14 - and thus resembles the approximate value of this mathematical constant. And if on this day we take the time 1 hour 59 minutes 26 seconds in the afternoon, we get the number "pi" with an accuracy of up to the seventh decimal place. Those who wish can go further even to infinity.

On March 14, 1583, Yermak Timofeevich and his retinue occupied the city of Isker, the capital of the Siberian Tatars. But in August 1584, the defeated Kuchum attacked the Cossacks of Yermak. Yermak drowned while escaping by swimming across the Irtysh. Doesn't this remind you of anything? That's right, the death of Chapaev. There is a suspicion that in a few centuries some future creator of the “new chronology” will, in the manner of our Anatoly Fomenko (born March 13, 1945), prove that Yermak and Chapaev are one and the same person ...

On this day in 1741, the largest Burgteeter in Austria was opened in Vienna, originally called the Royal Theater at the Palace and intended solely for the amusement of the aristocracy. In 1751, an Austrian dramatic troupe made its debut on its stage, gradually replacing the previously dominant Italian and French artists. In 1776, the theater was renamed "Court and National" and since that time has become the center of dramatic art in Austria.

On the spring day of 1797 we are considering, the American Eli Whitney received a patent for a machine he had invented a year earlier for quickly and efficiently separating cotton fiber from seeds, husks and other impurities. It was a wooden drum, studded with metal hooks, which had to be rotated manually or by horse or mechanical traction. It was the hooks, picking up the fibers, dragging them through a fine wire mesh, freeing them from adhering debris. Prior to this, cotton had to be cleaned with fingers, which was time-consuming and very expensive, so cotton fabrics were considered a luxury. Now labor productivity has increased hundreds of times. Whitney's device inhaled new life in the plantations of the South of the United States and, as it is believed, delayed the aggravation of the question of the abolition of slavery for half a century.

On the day of our review in 1808, the German physician and anatomist Franz Joseph Gall, the creator of the pseudoscientific doctrine of the connection of the human psyche with the relief of the skull - phrenology, presented to the Institute of France in Paris "Research nervous system in general and the brain in particular. Gall's ideas won over many serious scientists, but there were more amateurs among his admirers. Everything changed when Napoleon heard about the visiting foreigner. The emperor scolded the academicians for their servility to German science, but most of all they got it for their condescension towards a man who had the audacity to declare that the sloping forehead of Bonaparte himself testifies to a purely practical turn of his mind and a disinclination to philosophical thinking. Still, Gall ensured a comfortable existence for himself thanks to the success of his sessions in Paris.

"Vice and anarchy". This is how Nicholas I defined the revolutionary events in Europe in his manifesto of March 14, 1848, declaring his readiness to restore order with the help of weapons.

On this spring day of our review of 1875, the premiere of the children's pantomime "Cinderella, or the Crystal Slipper" took place in the Italian circus Ciniselli. In the performance, all the roles were played by children, the youngest was 3 years old. Pantomime was such a success that it remained in the repertoire for 35 years and was played 500 times. Cinizelli Circus has made a great contribution to the development of circus art in Russia. A family of Italian circus entrepreneurs headed by Gaetano Ciniselli first came to Russia in 1869. The best artists of Europe performed in their circus: the famous clowns - Billy Hayden and Jacomino, the grotesque rider Mademoiselle Adele, Russian clowns, trainers brothers Anatoly and Vladimir Durov. In the circus there were magnificently decorated pantomimes and water extravaganzas - "Robert and Bertram", "Fiametta - the queen of robbers", "Nibelungs", championships in classical wrestling were held. The Ciniselli Circus was loved no less than the fashionable opera in those days.

On the spring day of 1917 we are considering, the Petrograd Soviet of Workers' and Soldiers' Deputies issued Order No. 1 for the Petrograd garrison on the legalization of the soldiers' committees, to which all weapons were transferred. The officers were deprived of disciplinary power over the soldiers. And in Kyiv, the Congress of cooperators of the Kiev region began (it lasted 2 days). The resolution of the congress proclaimed a course towards the autonomy of Ukraine and the organization of village committees in the villages to ensure the implementation of the policy of the UCR on the ground.

On this day in 1919, the Central Committee of the Bolshevik Party handed over to the American Commissioner William Bullitt a list of conditions under which the Soviets were ready to make peace with the White Army.
US President Woodrow Wilson expressed his willingness to cooperate with Lenin. But US Foreign Secretary Lasing was cautious. Bullitt went to Moscow with the task of assessing the situation, clarifying under what conditions the Soviet government agreed to peace. The parties failed to reach an agreement, Bullitt's mission failed, and Washington had to give up trying to improve relations with Moscow. After 15 years, Bullitt returned to Soviet Union the American ambassador.

On March 14, 1923, the Russian Society of the Voluntary Air Fleet "Dobrolyot" was organized.

On March 14, 1923, the twenty-ninth President of the United States, Warren Harding, became the first American leader to file a tax return. Since the 1970s, all US presidents have voluntarily made public information regarding their taxation.

On the day we are considering in 1927, the first torpedo boat "Pervenets", designed by Andrei Tupolev, was launched in the USSR.

On March 14, 1939, German troops began the occupation of Czechoslovakia. Slovakia and Subcarpathian Rus formally declared independence. In the Czech town of Mistek, a company of soldiers under the command of Captain Pavlik entered into battle with the German troops with troops - the only case of organized resistance to the German invasion.

On this spring day in 1953, Nikita Khrushchev achieved the separation of party and state power: Georgy Malenkov easily left the post of secretary of the Central Committee, retaining the post of head of government. The leadership of the Secretariat of the Central Committee of the CPSU passed to Khrushchev. What happened can be considered a tragic mistake by Malenkov and Beria, who considered it more important to maintain control over state power. Of course, Stalin, as chairman of the Council of Ministers, was an all-powerful master, but he would have been the same without this position.

The Grammy Awards, also known as the Oscars of Music, were established by the Recording Industry Association on March 14, 1958. The idea of ​​its creation was born from professional musicians in Los Angeles in 1957, when the 80th anniversary of the invention of the gramophone by Thomas Edison was celebrated. Hence the name "Grammy" and the shape of the prize figurine (gilded gramophone). The first award ceremony took place in 1958. The ceremony was opened by Frank Sinatra, who later received this award twice.

On March 14, 1966, the first part of Sergei Bondarchuk's four-episode epic War and Peace was released on the wide screen. The film was called "Andrei Bolkonsky". This adaptation of Leo Tolstoy's great novel won the Academy Award for Best Foreign Film in 1968. There were also prestigious awards at international film festivals in Venice and Moscow. The first attempt to film Tolstoy's novel was made by Gardinny and Protazanov back in 1915. A few years later, the film Natasha Rostova appeared, staged by Chardynin. The third film "War and Peace" (directed by Kamensky) was also shot, but it never reached the screen. And then the Americans took up the most ambitious work of the Russian classic. In 1956, they, led by director Peter Yates, completed filming their "version" of War and Peace. This film version of the novel starred some of the most famous actors Hollywood of its golden days: Audrey Hepburn as Natasha Rostova, Henry Fonda - Pierre Bezukhov and Mel Ferrer - Prince Andrei Bolkonsky, as well as Philippe Noiret, Peter O'Toole, Shian Philips and John Halam. Six screenwriters worked hard to shorten and to simplify Leo Tolstoy's novel (I must say, it was not easy.) In 1957, the American drama was nominated for an Oscar, but Bondarchuk's film got this award almost 10 years later. Mario Soldati But here, too, Soviet cinema surpassed the "dream factory": until now, the most grandiose episode in the history of cinema (still without the use of any computer special effects there) is considered the scene of the Battle of Borodino.... One hundred and twenty thousand people took part in it! Vyacheslav Tikhonov, Oleg Tabakov, Oleg Efremov, Anastasia Vertinskaya, Irina Skobtseva, and Sergey Bondarchuk himself in the role of Pierre Bezukhov starred in the main roles. "Andrei Bolkonsky" was watched by 58 million viewers. The film took first place at the 1966 box office. The world premiere of the painting "War and Peace" (with subtitles) took place two years later, in 1968 in Paris. Well, in 2002, Bondarchuk's film was digitized in DVD format with translation into 17 languages ​​of the world. So, the classic does not get old, but even vice versa ...

On March 14, 1966, China, preparing for a great proletarian cultural revolution, rebuffed US Vice President Hubert Humphrey, who proposed establishing friendship between the two countries. In the official response, this routine, in the spirit of diplomatic rhetoric, the statement was called the kiss of Judas.

On this spring day in 1974, a decree was published in the newspapers on conferring the titles of People's Artists of the USSR to two stars of Russian cinema: Nona Mordyukova and Evgeny Matveev. In those days, they were preparing for filming in the next films: Mordyukova was supposed to play one of the main roles with Alexei Saltykov in The Ivanov Family and star in an episode with Sergei Bondarchuk in the Sholokhov adaptation of They Fought for the Motherland, and Matveev - the main role in own film "Earthly Love".

On the day of our review, the American band Bon Jovi celebrates its birthday. The founding fathers in 1983 were Jon Bon Jovi, Richie Sambora and Alec John Such.

On March 14, 1990, in the city of Stryi, Lviv region, for the first time in Soviet times, the Ukrainian national (blue-yellow) flag was raised over the administrative building - the city executive committee.

On the day of our review in 1990, the 6th article on the leading role of the CPSU was excluded from the Constitution of the USSR.

On the day we are considering in 2000, the American writer Stephen King became the first writer in the world to publish his work on the Internet (2 million people read it in a day).


Today, the number "Pi" is reduced to a value of 3.14. In principle, it becomes clear why the holiday is celebrated on March 14 (14 is the day, 3 is the designation of the month). Researchers argue that the discovery of the number "Pi" can be attributed to the Babylonian magicians, since it was this word that was used in the construction of the Tower of Babel. However, it is believed that an insufficiently correct definition of its meaning led to the ashes of the project. It is also possible that the number "Pi" underlay the construction of the legendary temple of King Solomon.

Interestingly, the holiday of the number "Pi" coincides with the birthday of the famous scientist Albert Einstein - one of the outstanding physicists of our time.

It is known that earlier the Slavs celebrated the New Year on March 1 according to the Julian calendar. The adoption of the Gregorian calendar led to the fact that the holiday was moved forward 13 days and began to be celebrated on March 14th. It was the time when they celebrated the arrival of spring, began field work - therefore, in fact, the New Year was originally celebrated in the spring, as at the time of the birth of new life during the cycle of nature.

Therefore, the holiday received such a name as Little Ovsen. Its meaning just assumed that field work (in particular, sowing) is carried out in small quantities, partially, but the fields are already being cultivated, which means that spring will come soon.

However, with the adoption of Christianity, March 14 was also celebrated as the Day of the Venerable Martyr Evdokia, and she became the prototype of spring. The New Year itself, as you know, was postponed to January 1 by order of Peter the Great.

In 1998, for the first time, an anti-dam world movement was organized, as a result of which more than 50 protests took place in more than 20 countries of the world, including Japan, Thailand, Brazil, the USA, Russia, Australia, India, etc. The following year, there were no longer 10,000 participants, as initially, but 100,000, and every year their number grew. All of them say that the violation of the natural flow of the river negatively affects the state of the environment and leads to various cataclysms in the form of hurricanes, floods, etc.

March 14 is Mother Language Day in Estonia. The Estonian dialect belongs to the group of Uralic languages. According to the latest data, it is spoken by about 1.1 million people, of which 950 thousand live in Estonia. On this day, various lectures, seminars and even theatrical performances are held on the origin, development and use of the Estonian language.

The holiday has been celebrated by Ukrainians since 1999, when the President of Ukraine adopted Order No. 1556/99 to support the initiative State Committee Ukraine on land resources, which together with the Union of Land Surveyors came up with the initiative to introduce a professional Land Surveyor Day. This is not surprising, since the profession of a land surveyor in Ukraine has always been prestigious and in demand due to the high natural and agricultural potential of the country.

March 14, 1886 was born the famous artist, engraver Vladimir Favorsky, who was classified as a truly Russian intellectual.
