Along with them, the stores offer a wide selection of catching devices for Prussians. But do not rush to empty your wallet. A trap for cockroaches may well be made with your own hands from improvised means. A device made at home will perform its function no worse.

How effective are homemade devices

Traps for cockroaches - perfect option for ardent opponents of the use of any in their home. Naturalness and safety are the main advantages of such devices. Another important plus is availability and cost savings. After all, almost all the components for the manufacture of self-propelled guns, in the literal sense, can be at hand.

With regards to efficiency, it is not necessary to hope for the complete destruction of the entire population of cockroaches that have settled in the apartment. But it is quite possible to knock down the rows of pests scurrying around the kitchen or closet. The following factors influence the number of individuals caught;

  • the size of the colony;
  • Availability additional sources nutrition;
  • the selected location for the installation of the catching device.

On a note!

In addition to the fact that the trap helps to catch a cockroach at home, it also acts as a kind of marker that allows you to determine the extent of the infection.

A do-it-yourself cockroach trap has a number of disadvantages:

  • a home-made fixture looks unpresentable and it is doubtful that it will harmoniously fit into any interior;
  • caught individuals have to be disposed of, and not everyone will like to crush the swarming half-dead.

Despite the disadvantages, there are many who want to make traps for cockroaches and try them out. The choice of options for effective designs is quite limited. In fact, there are only two of them: containers with baits and structures with sticky surfaces.

Banks for trapping insects

glass jars- universal container. They store products, use them for conservation, and are used to control insects. At home, a can trap is the easiest way to catch the ubiquitous cockroach without spending effort and money. For its manufacture, you need a bottle of 2 or 3 liters. Smaller containers will not work, as the Prussians will be able to get out of them.

How to make a cockroach trap from a jar:

  1. Lubricate the inner walls of a three-liter jar with any fat. The easiest way to do this is with a brush. As a fat base, which will not allow pests to get out of the trap, you can use the most ordinary vegetable oil.
  2. Place bait at the bottom. For these purposes, almost any food is suitable: bread crumbs, small pieces of fish or liver, confectionery. But according to the observations best bait for cockroaches, it's beer. The Prussians cannot remain indifferent to its smell and will definitely fall into a trap.
  3. The peak activity of baleen insects occurs at night. Therefore, in the morning it is necessary to inspect the trap and decide what to do with the prisoners. You can, of course, watch them for a while, make sure that a cockroach turned over on its back will not be able to roll over on its own, or pour it into a jar hot water and pour the contents down the toilet.

On a note!

Some craftsmen recommend attaching sticks to the jar, which will serve as stairs. But there is no need to bother yourself with unnecessary gestures. Cockroaches move perfectly on vertical surfaces and can easily climb into a bottle without additional devices.

As a container for making traps at home, not only cans, but also other containers can be used. For these purposes, applicable plastic bottles. If there is an empty container from under sunflower oil, then you just need to cut off the neck, add bait to it, and the cockroach trap is ready. For a big "catch" you can use a bucket.

sticky constructions

Traps with a sticky adhesive coating fix the Prusak and hold it firmly. Such devices are not suitable for reusable use and must be replaced as insects stick. There are several ways to make a trap for cockroaches:
  1. The most primitive and not laborious option is duct tape from cockroaches. On double sided tape a sheet of cardboard is placed, covered with long-drying glue on top, and food bait is placed in the center. Hardware stores sell special insect glue that is already flavored to attract pests. You can use it.
  2. A more complex design involves the manufacture of cardboard boxes, on internal walls which the adhesive mass and bait are applied. For greater efficiency are added to it. Having tasted such a meal, the insect has practically no chance of survival, even if it manages to get out into the wild.
  3. Also, to reduce the number of cockroaches in heavily infested premises, ordinary sticky tape is used, which is often hung for flies. It must be placed near sources of moisture and food, where the Prussians usually come to fish.

Features of using traps at home

In order for the cockroach trap to be most effective, it is necessary to eliminate all sources where individuals could profit. The only treat that should be available to them is the bait placed in the trap. It is desirable that it be with a pronounced smell: unfiltered beer, fermented kefir, cocoa, liver.

Traps should be placed along the baseboards, near the trash can, sinks, washbasins, behind gas stove, refrigerator, on kitchen cabinets - near all places, .

For a person? Someone is driven by simple curiosity, another needs it for reasons of their own safety, and someone wants to catch an apartment thief.

Usually people hunt birds and animals, set traps for large and small game. Since ancient times, man has adapted to provide himself with furs and meat, capturing animals. Let's get acquainted with some of these devices to find out if and how to make a trap for a person at home.

Venter, mousetraps, nets, pits

Traps are technical devices made of metal, ropes, branches, the use of natural features of the terrain to capture the victim or take her life. An object can be either an animal or a person. And in order for the hunt to become successful, it is necessary to take into account not only the size, but also the habits, lifestyle and disposition of the intended victim. How to make a trap for a person? Here is a small list of devices that can help in this venture:

  • Snares, nets, nets. Although they are usually used to capture hares and birds, these traps may well detain a potential victim, in our case, a representative of the human race.
  • A bucket of water, fixed over an ajar door, is one of the options for a makeshift trap.
  • A banana peel thrown under the attacker's feet will cause him to fall to the floor.

Like in the movies

There are traps, once in which it is impossible to stay alive. Such constructions were usually arranged during the military operations by the guerrillas in Vietnam. And the hunters of the African tribes knew well how to make a trap for a person.

In the forest, you always need to be careful, as an ordinary anthill can turn into a trap. Moving logs, falling stones from nowhere and other "miracles of engineering" are very colorfully demonstrated in many films, and so clearly that even instructions on how to make a trap for a person are not needed.

However, let's leave these methods for cinema, and in modern realities, simple and safe methods are used. Although ... Let's remember the well-known and beloved by many film "Home Alone". Not all the traps prepared by M. Kalkin's hero can be called safe for health. And of course, they became an unpleasant surprise for the villains. However, we will talk about thieves, or rather about the methods of their "liquidation", a little later, but for now ...

Game and fun snares

Of course, traps are not only scary and dangerous, but also playable. How to make a trap for a person in the house? If you want to entertain children and the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room allows, you can arrange a game "Overcoming laser obstacles." You need to do the following:

  • arrange several chairs around the room at different distances from each other;
  • take a ball of thick thread or a long rope;
  • tie one end of the thread to the leg of one of the chairs;
  • stretch a thread or rope from one piece of furniture to another, fixing it at different heights in random order;
  • the second end of the rope must also be attached.

As a result of such manipulations, a kind of “obstacle course” should be obtained, resembling a network of light rays.

Participants, being on one side of the room, must move to the free part of the room. Whoever gets out the fastest wins. Is it worth mentioning that you cannot touch the "laser beams"?

How Auntie Scared Thieves

Of course, in peacetime, variations on the theme “How to make a trap for a person” are usually sought in order to protect their housing from the intrusion of uninvited guests. Our people are cunning to invent, they invent such methods that you simply marvel.

For example, one of the townspeople made a large rag doll, dressed her in her old dressing gown, put a wig on her head. Before leaving for the dacha, the woman hangs this mannequin in the hallway in front of the front door. Any thief, having climbed into the house and seeing such a picture, will forget about the purpose of his “visit” and retreat. Well, okay! After all, the main thing is to protect your property, and not to catch the villain.

Some of the craftsmen connect one of the lamps to a timer that turns the lamp on and off from time to time. This gives the impression that there are owners in the house.

Special tools, or How to make a trap for a person

To protect apartments, garages and cottages, manufacturers produce quite effective, but at the same time safe and inexpensive devices.

Devices for passive security can be camouflaged as small objects or simply hidden in a room. Chemical aerosol traps contain special indelible substances:

  • luminescent spots on the face or visible in the dark;
  • coloring powders cannot be washed within 5 days, which will allow you to quickly find an intruder (works great if the uninvited visitor is from a familiar environment);
  • by odorous marks, a thief can easily be found by a service dog.

The magnetic siren, triggered when the doors are opened, will scare away the uninvited "guest". Stretching with mounted on front door, in a couple of seconds will disable the unlucky thief.

Some landlords, wanting to protect themselves from robbery, leave poisoned alcohol on the table, others set traps for people. Particularly "caring" can connect an electric current to the door handle or put boards with nails under the window sills.

Such barbaric defenses can result in the attacker dying or being seriously injured. Effective, to be sure, but ... It is important to remember that, in accordance with the law, such actions are considered intentional harm to health. Even if the owner of the house resorts to them for protection purposes, he may be subject to criminal punishment.

A trap on the native street, or On safety and inattention

How to make a trap for a person on the street? It is not always necessary to deliberately dig holes, insert stakes, or set snares. An open and unfenced trench, a construction pit and a well with boiling water from a heating main can become a deadly trap on the streets of a modern city.

If construction is underway near the house, it is imperative to look after children and adolescents. After all, it is so interesting for them to be on the territory of the “excavations”, and games in such a place often end in failure: spinal injuries, fractures and concussions.

In order not to fall into an open well, you need to carefully look under your feet when driving on sidewalks. Of course, builders and repairers must put up fences and warning signs when working on the site. However, in order to maintain your own health, you must also take care of yourself.

Many people like to eat boiled crayfish meat, but not everyone knows how to catch them. It is not always convenient to catch a net, so it will be easiest to make a simple trap from which the crayfish will definitely not be able to get out.

The videos below will help you understand the process of creating a trap from improvised materials.

For work we need:
- metal grid with a cell of 6mm;
- pliers;
- metal wire;
- scissors for metal;
- marker;
- nylon thread;
- roulette;
- cutters.

Having prepared all the materials, we get to work.
We measure 80 cm from the grid, with a width of 1 m. We make a mark with a marker and cut it off with scissors for metal.

After that, the cut piece is twisted into a tube. We connect the edges of the grid by inserting the edges of the cells suddenly into each other and bending the metal tips.

Now we need to take a metal wire and cut off a small piece from it, about 10 cm, and use it to make a more secure fastening of the edges of the grid. Cut off excess wire ends. Make the distance between the wire fasteners 5-7 cm.

The protruding sharp edges of the mesh can either be bent or bitten off.

Our preparation is ready. Now you need to measure the diameter of the resulting circle and mark the same distance on a new piece of mesh. We draw a semicircle with a marked diameter. Cut it out with metal scissors. Mark the center of the straight part of the semicircle. From the mark we measure 5 cm in each direction and outline another semicircle, cut it out.

Now we need to connect the two edges of our semicircle. It turns out something like a cone. We fasten the edges with wire. We insert our cone into the blank of the trap body and fasten the edges with wire along the entire perimeter.

We perform exactly the same actions for the second side of our crayfish trap. Do not forget to bite off or bend the protruding edges of the mesh.

The next step we need to make a window through which we will get the crayfish and put the bait. To do this, draw a small square approximately in the middle with a marker. We cut out three of its sides with the help of wire cutters, then simply bending the window.

How to make a trap for a person at home? and got the best answer

Answer from GELIOS[guru]

People say: "Do not dig a hole for another, it is not even an hour - you yourself will fall into it."
Ksenia! This must always be remembered!

Answer from SAVIOR[master]
Depends on what you want? There are several options, looking for what? If caught red-handed, then this is one thing. If you frighten or humiliate - another. And if you punish or cripple - this is the third. Define and clarify the question.

Answer from Natalia Gavrilova[newbie]
skin 3 trap

Answer from Alexander Shkryabin[expert]
Dig a hole with nettle branches inside or with some kind of muck.

Answer from Vlad naidenko[newbie]

Answer from Vladislav Kotovenko[active]
Buy maggots, in a jar, dig a hole the size of a foot, put something in there so that the worms do not crawl away, put twigs, put leaves, wait for the night, and make your friend or foe fall into a trap !!! and if you want to cripple, take a square toast, drive nails into it, dig a hole, then do all the same actions, put the toast on the side with nails, lure, and wait, he falls, and pierces his leg with nails, there will be a lot of screams, and blood, cruelly, and the victim suffers, and then you decide what to do with him or her)))

Answer from Angella[guru]

Answer from 2 answers[guru]

Hello! Here is a selection of topics with answers to your question: How to make a trap for a person at home?

I'm not entirely sure that human traps are related to the topic of survival, it's more of a guerrilla warfare method, but, as they say, knowledge is power.

There is an interesting museum of human traps in the city of Ho Chi Minh City (Vietnam), it is organized on the basis of the Cu Chi underground tunnels (Vietnamese: Cu Chi) dating back to the time of the US Vietnam War. There are a lot of interesting things there, everything, as they say, is first-hand and time-tested.

I must say, traps for a person are not very different from those described in the article Homemade traps or traps, except that one must take into account the fact that a person is smarter and more suspicious than animals, and his dimensions are not small.

Quite a few examples of various traps designed for people can be found in the cinema.

Pictured above is the human trap used by Rimbaud in his iconic film. You could see it in the first part - an elastic tree, pins sharpened with a Rimbaud knife and a stretched rope as a descent. We can say that this is a classic trap, it will act both against the beast and against the person.

No less classic are small pit traps.

Sharply sharpened stakes pierce the leg, and the side stakes prevent the foot from being pulled out of the trap. It was these traps that forced manufacturers of military shoes to insert into the sole, at first they put metal, but after anti-personnel mines appeared that reacted to metal in the sole, they began to insert hard plastic.

Often used and just pieces of boards with nails driven into it, such traps on a person were simply slightly dropped to hide from the eyes.

Trapping pit - a large pit with steep slopes is dug, sharpened stakes are set at the bottom, then the pit is masked by an interweaving of branches, on which fresh turf is laid.

Such a trap was also used for hunting large game.

And the next trap is designed exclusively for humans. This is a kind of wood with nails.

As you can see, here the configuration of the pit is a little more complicated, but it is impossible to protect yourself from such a trap with the help of standard equipment. As soon as the foot gets into the trap, under the weight of the body, the planks dig into the limb pressing on them.

There are more cruel types of traps for a person.

Two frames fixed in the middle, spikes on one side of the frame, and a canvas connecting the frames on the other. It is worth falling into such a trap and the pins will enter the body, the heavier the person who has fallen into the trap, the more force the pins will dig into the body.

This variety can be called gravitational, because such traps work under the influence of gravity acting on the body trapped in the trap.

And here it is used wooden shield according to the diameter of the trap, the pins are hidden in the walls, a rope is attached to the back of the pins, the second edge of the rope is tied to the shield.

As soon as the shield goes down under the weight of the trapped person, the ropes will begin to pull the pins out of the walls of the trap. Hmm, a very nasty trap.

The next trap is even worse.

It is worth getting between the logs with pins, as under their own weight the fallen one will fall down, scrolling the logs along the way. The pins enter the body at one angle and exit at another, so that such a trap for a person can be called a meat grinder.

Summing up, this is a terrible thing, traps for a person. I would not want to walk in an area where this can occur.
