Black and green tea varieties are ubiquitous and can be found, perhaps, in every home. But white was tried only by true connoisseurs of a fragrant drink. According to legend, its history began several centuries ago, when the famous tea master Long Yu, traveling around China, found a valley with tea trees, on the top of which there were several large buds. white color. Having brewed them, he was so delighted with the taste and aroma of the drink that the raw materials were immediately sent as a gift to the emperor and his family.

Fortunately, today anyone can try white tea. The benefits of drinking it for the body, whether the drink can be harmful to health and how to prepare it correctly will be discussed further.

Useful properties of the product

Elite varieties of white tea are made from buds and young leaves collected from tea bushes growing in the Chinese province of Fujian. It is believed that raw materials for harvesting are suitable for several days a year in spring and autumn, when certain temperature and weather conditions are met. Of course, such tea is very expensive and is practically not exported from the country.

The product sold in Russia most often belongs to small varieties (Gong Mei). They are much cheaper, but in terms of taste and useful properties they are not much inferior to the original. The fact is that any white tea undergoes minimal processing: this retains most of the natural components and biologically active substances in its composition.

The drink has the following effect on the human body:

  • normalizes metabolism;
  • due to the content of antioxidants, it slows down the aging process and even prevents the development of cancer;
  • calms and improves mood;
  • strengthens the immune system;
  • displays harmful substances from the body, therefore it is useful for overeating, alcohol or any other poisoning;
  • improves the functioning of the pancreas and lowers blood sugar levels;
  • cleanses oral cavity, reduces the risk of developing caries, tartar;
  • improves skin tone, smoothes fine wrinkles.

Compared to black and green tea, white contains significantly less caffeine. Therefore, it can be used by those to whom the usual drinks are contraindicated (for example, hypertensive patients).

Table: Chemical composition of white tea (per 100 g)

Video: The benefits of a Chinese drink

Contraindications and possible harm

The only contraindication to the use of white tea is individual intolerance, manifested by a rash, itching, indigestion after drinking the drink. In other cases, this species is safe, so you can safely include it in your diet.

For a healthy person who is not hypersensitive to caffeine, doctors recommend drinking up to 3-4 cups of loosely brewed white tea per day. You can do more if you feel good about it.

The beneficial properties of the drink will be preserved only if the raw material is poured not with boiling water, but with water heated to 65–70 ° C. With subsequent brewing, which can be 2-3, many varieties of white tea acquire an even more pleasant sweetish taste, so adding sugar, honey and other sweeteners is undesirable.

For various diseases


White tea is one of the few drinks that can be drunk with acute inflammation of the pancreas. At the same time, it must be:

  • weakly brewed;
  • without added sugar, honey, milk and other additional ingredients;
  • 100% natural, no colorants, fruit or herbal additives.

During the treatment of the acute stage of the disease, such tea can be drunk up to 1.5–2 liters per day. With chronic inflammation of the pancreas, it is allowed to take up to 3-4 cups of the drink daily.


The drink can alleviate the condition with exacerbation of cholecystitis. It is recommended to drink up to 3 glasses of warm white tea without additives daily until the symptoms of the disease are relieved.


With exacerbation of peptic ulcer and gastritis with high acidity, it is recommended to limit the intake of white tea to 200-300 ml per day. During remission, when the main symptoms of the disease subside, you can drink a weakly brewed drink within the normal range.


For therapeutic nutrition in type 1 and type 2 diabetes, this low-calorie and rich in vitamins and biologically active substances drink is excellent. It is recommended to take 1 cup of white tea 30-40 minutes after meals three times a day for at least six months.


White tea is an amazing drink that, when consumed regularly, cleanses blood vessels, reduces the amount of bad cholesterol and even lowers blood pressure. Hypertensive patients are advised to drink up to 3 cups of unsweetened white tea.

A prerequisite for such an ailment is to limit the consumption of table salt to 3 g per day.

When losing weight (on a diet)

If you use a high-quality drink, the manufacture of which followed the original recipe, in a warm form of 200–300 ml half an hour before a meal, it will significantly reduce appetite and start metabolic processes in the body. Following this scheme, you can lose up to 2-3 kilograms per week.

During pregnancy

Due to the low content of caffeine and a large amount of nutrients, white teas are considered one of the most useful during the period of expectation of a child. Expectant mothers with a trouble-free pregnancy can drink up to 2-3 cups of a weakly brewed drink per day, preferably in the morning. With an increased tone of the uterus, the threat of miscarriage and high blood pressure, be sure to consult your doctor before including white tea in your diet.

When breastfeeding

You can use white tea while breastfeeding. But until the child is one month old, it is worth giving up the drink. When the baby is a little older, try drinking a cup of weakly brewed tea without additives or sweeteners, watching the reaction of the baby. If the baby began to sleep worse during the day, began to act up and get annoyed, perhaps this is due to increased sensitivity to caffeine, which, although in minimal doses, is contained in white tea. Then the fragrant drink will have to be abandoned at least until the child is six months old. If you haven’t noticed any unusual reaction from the crumbs, you can safely drink up to 750 ml (3 glasses) of white tea per day.

For children

Tea can be given to a child after reaching the age of 2 years

The drink in question is not the best alternative to mother's milk: the alkaloid tannin provokes the destruction and accelerated excretion of iron and, as a result, the development of anemia. It is possible to introduce white tea, like other varieties, not earlier than the age of two, when the metabolic processes in the baby's body are established. When trying to give a new product, follow the simple rules:

  • Tea should be lightly brewed and served to the child warm, not hot.
  • Let the baby drink it in the morning, this will help to avoid problems with night sleep.
  • Try not to add sweeteners to the drink (sugar and especially honey, which is contraindicated for children under 3 years old). They load the baby's pancreas.
  • The recommended intake of white tea for children is 300–400 ml. If the child has taken this amount of the drink, do not offer him black, green tea and even more so coffee that day.

The nuances of brewing a drink

Selection of quality raw materials

On the shelves of shops you can often find white tea bags. Unfortunately, it has nothing to do with the real royal drink. The “correct” raw materials should be leafy, uniform in size and free of various debris (twigs, sticks, damaged tea leaves and dust). The best varieties so fragile that they cannot withstand export. Therefore, elite white tea can only be tasted in China.

Serious requirements are imposed on the storage of real white tea. The perfect place for him is earthenware with a tight-fitting lid, but not a paper or plastic bag. Keep dried buds and leaves away from spices and other odorous products - as you know, raw materials quickly absorb foreign odors, due to which its own aroma is greatly affected.

Good raw materials should be free of debris and impurities

Preparing white tea

Before proceeding directly to the consideration of the preparation of the drink, it is necessary to dwell on two key points that affect the taste and aroma of white tea:

  1. Use only soft purified water for brewing, ideally spring water. Tap water will make the drink rough and flat.
  2. For a real tea ceremony, get earthenware that will convey all the variety of tea tastes.


  • white tea (at the rate of 1 tsp per person + 1 tsp additionally per teapot);
  • purified water - according to the volume of the teapot.

Brewing algorithm:

  1. Boil water and pour boiling water over the teapot.
  2. Fall asleep required amount tea leaves and pour raw materials hot water by a third.
  3. After 1-2 minutes, increase the volume of water, bringing its level to half the capacity.
  4. The brewing time for each variety is individual and, as a rule, is indicated on the package. A sign of the readiness of the drink is the appearance of yellow foam, which must be mixed with tea leaves. When it appears, you can start drinking tea.

Fans of strong brewed tea may not immediately appreciate the delicate refined taste of the royal drink. To taste it, give up any additives and sweets: only in this way will it fully open.

It is best to use special earthenware for brewing and drinking tea.

The magic of white tea lies in the combination of impeccable taste and a lot of useful properties. The drink was used in traditional Chinese medicine as a remedy for a hundred diseases, today we can use this gift of nature to improve health and gain longevity.

If we talk about Chinese tea, then it is simply impossible not to talk about white tea in more detail. In this article, you will learn everything about white tea: its varieties, chemical composition how they are made, the benefits and harms of the drink for women and men, calorie content. Let's get started with this amazing drink!

White tea is one of the elite varieties of a healthy and tasty drink. It is produced by harvesting tea buds and one or two of the topmost young, tender leaves of the tea bush, which have white coating"fluff", which define the name of the product. More precisely, these are not even leaves, but arrows emanating from a tea bud. They are called tips.

This tea belongs to the most expensive and elite varieties. In order to make 1 kilogram of elite white tea, you need to collect more than a hundred thousand tips! It's hard to imagine, but it's true!

Features of growth and collection

All varieties of this type of tea are deservedly appreciated by all admirers of this drink, because it has every right to be called elite. White tea has a lot of healing properties. No wonder the Chinese call it "the drink of immortality."

For the production of white tea, buds and young leaves of tea bushes of only certain varieties are needed. They grow only in China in very small quantities. During the Chinese Empire, only members of the imperial family and high-ranking persons could drink this drink, as a sign of great favor from the ruler. For ordinary people, white tea was previously unavailable at all.

The special value of the drink lies in the fact that it is impossible to grow raw materials for it in the territories of other countries. Today, white tea plantations exist only in the Fujian province of China in the mountains at an altitude of more than 1000 m above sea level. There were attempts to grow tea in the highlands of India, Sri Lanka, but each time they ended in failure, tea growers could not get the inherent quality and taste of true Chinese white tea.

The collection of raw materials for the production of elite tea takes place only two days a year - one day in April, and another one in September. At the same time, it is collected manually at a certain time - in the morning, strictly between 5 and 9 o'clock.

Why is he white?

This variety undergoes the least processing compared to other species. When brewed, a drink is obtained, almost white in color, with a slight delicate shade.

Types and varieties of white tea - taste and aroma

The most common varieties of white tea:

  • Bai Hao Yin Zhen. Translated from Chinese, the literal translation sounds like "white silver needles." Tea is made only from the kidneys. Dry tea leaves resemble small silver needles. The finished drink has a delicate light caramel color. The taste is delicate, with a hint of sourness and a floral tint, a very pleasant aftertaste. The aroma is so refined that having brewed a cup of such tea, you want to enjoy it endlessly.
  • Bai Mu Dan. The literal translation sounds like "White Peony". This white tea contains both buds and young leaves. Dried raw materials resemble peony flowers in miniature. After brewing, it acquires a golden hue. Vanilla and caramel notes can be recognized on the palate.
  • May show. The leaves for tea are harvested later and subjected to a longer processing, so they have a dark color. The drink is dark amber, with a moderately pronounced pleasant taste of meadow grass. Sounds unusual? But believe me, the taste is very impressive, strong, almost reminiscent of oolong tea, it will allow this type of tea to become one of your favorites.
  • Gong Mei. This is the cheapest version of white tea. It is made from damaged leaves and buds that remain after the production of elite premium varieties. Tea is sold in crushed form, but still it also has an elegant taste and delicate aroma. Any buyer can afford it. He saves everything beneficial features more expensive varieties of this type of tea.

Bai Hao Yin Zhen tea is the most expensive, even the Chinese themselves drink very rarely, only on holidays and special celebrations, as the prices are exorbitant. White Peony tea is slightly cheaper, so more people can afford to buy it. The high price is fully justified: the manual selection of each leaf and bud, careful storage and complex transportation require a lot of money, and the whole way from collecting tea to the buyer is a very time-consuming process.

Chemical composition and calorie content of white tea

The raw materials used for the production of white tea and the method of its manufacture allow you to save all the beneficial substances that make up this plant.

The chemical composition of tea includes:

  • B vitamins;
  • vitamins K, C, D;
  • ascorbic acid;
  • amino acids;
  • antioxidants;
  • tannins;
  • essential oils;
  • a large number of micro and macro elements;
  • potassium, calcium, magnesium and a whole range of useful elements.

Very low calories- 100 ml of white tea contains only 3-4 kcal. Since they drink it without sweeteners and additives, you should not worry about the fact that you have to burn extra calories.

Caffeine content in white tea

Surely you wondered how much caffeine is in tea. It is found in all species, and this variety is no exception. However, its amount varies and depends on the methods of processing the leaves.

Since the white tea leaves are harvested at an early stage and not fermented, this prevents the formation of a large amount of caffeine, so that the white tea drink contains the least amount of caffeine. Its difference from other varieties of tea is that the amount of caffeine in white tea is minimal, for this reason it does not have such a stimulating effect on nervous system person. He's rather calming.

On average, white tea contains 15mg of caffeine per 100ml, while green tea has 20mg and black tea has 40mg, making it ideal option if you are cutting back on caffeine.

Useful properties of white tea

White tea is significantly superior to other varieties in many beneficial properties. In the production of tea, heat treatment of tea raw materials is not allowed, so all valuable substances are not lost, but are preserved in full strength and volume. Freshly harvested raw materials are steamed for a minute and then dried naturally in the sun. The leaves do not crumple or twist, they completely retain their shape, which does not allow bitterness in the finished brewed drink.

White tea has a positive effect on the whole body:

  • improves digestion;
  • speeds up metabolism;
  • as a result, it effectively helps in the fight against excess weight;
  • prevents the development of atherosclerosis;
  • antioxidants in tea, rejuvenate all body cells;
  • improves skin condition, smoothes wrinkles, increases its elasticity;
  • complexion improves;
  • tones and relieves fatigue;
  • calms the nervous system, neutralizes the harmful effects of stress;
  • strengthens the immune system;
  • enhances blood clotting;
  • has a beneficial effect on the heart and strengthens the walls of blood vessels;
  • removes toxins and toxins;
  • neutralizes the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation;
  • prevents varicose veins, the formation of blood clots;
  • prevents the development of cancer cells.

It is not for nothing that the Chinese call this drink the elixir of youth and immortality - its regular use helps to maintain good spirits and body health even in advanced years. Maybe that's why it is in these areas of China that residents have the highest life expectancy on Earth.

Best of all, you can appreciate white tea in the heat, it perfectly refreshes and quenches thirst. It is advisable to drink it between meals, without jamming anything. Cakes, buns and sweets are best left as an addition to other drinks. White tea does not tolerate any additions. A freshly brewed drink will delight you with pronounced fruity and floral nuances in taste, additives and sweets will simply spoil the whole taste and pleasure of the drink.

For men

He will give men strength and energy during physical and mental stress. A cup of tea during or at the end of the working day is able to remove the accumulated fatigue, and the person feels cheerful again. The work of the brain is activated, which is important during mental stress. White tea also has a positive effect on male power, increasing potency.

For women

It is very useful to include it in the diet of all women who care about their beauty, health and keep themselves in good shape. The high antioxidant capacity of white tea has a powerful rejuvenating effect at the cellular level.

Drinking only 2-3 cups a day, you can quickly notice the result, how the skin condition improves, it becomes more elastic, wrinkles are smoothed out and a healthy color returns to it. Skin will look younger, clearer and fresher as the antioxidants in white tea reduce the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation on the skin, restore moisture balance and prevent dehydration.

Minerals and vitamins strengthen nails and hair, and the acceleration of metabolism helps to lose weight.

Disappear not only body fat, and health will also be strengthened, and the body will rejuvenate. White tea is an elixir of youth and health, as already mentioned.

White tea extracts are widely used in cosmetology, they are used as an active component of anti-aging cosmetics for women. The antioxidant compounds present in the composition effectively prevent aging and slow down the action of free radicals that cause aging of cells.

White tea for weight loss

IN last years The antioxidants in white tea have generated a lot of interest due to their purported ability to influence cellular metabolism and weight loss. Because this variety is a rich source of EGCG, one of the most potent and widely available antioxidant compounds (4245mg per 100g), it effectively boosts metabolic activity.

The drink will be especially useful for women who want to lose extra pounds. White tea, due to its properties and composition, activates metabolic processes, which naturally affects the rapid burning of internal fat. Very effectively helps to lose weight without much effort, without changing the diet and just drinking 2-4 cups of tea per day. But if, in addition to this, you still follow a diet, the effect will increase and will be noticeable almost immediately.

Can pregnant women drink white tea?

This drink contains many useful substances: vitamins, minerals, polyphenols and flavonoids. White tea during pregnancy is allowed to drink and it can be good for health future mother and baby. However, in this important period of life for a woman, before using any products, you should consult your doctor. Indeed, in the brewing of white tea there are also tonic substances that can cause harm.

Harm and contraindications of white tea

There are practically no contraindications for white tea. The only restrictions on use are the same as for black and green teas. It is not recommended to drink it on an empty stomach, with peptic ulcer and individual intolerance to caffeine. If you have a high caffeine intolerance, you should avoid drinking it at night or take herbal teas instead. Also, this drink can be harmful in severe kidney disease.

How and for what diseases you can drink white tea

In the presence of any diseases, it is very important to know how and in what quantities you can drink tea. After all, it can both benefit and negatively affect well-being. Let's look at some recommendations.

With gastritis with high acidity doctors do not prohibit the use of tea, but recommend limiting its amount and strength of tea leaves.

With pancreatitis. Tea can be drunk even if the disease has already become chronic. Moreover, any kind: black, green, oolong or pu-erh, but white tea is even recommended for pancreatitis. This variety is superior in its useful properties to black and green and has a positive effect on the general condition of the whole organism.

With diabetes. Diabetics want to drink not only in the heat, but at any time . White tea is best suited in this case, it perfectly quenches thirst, while providing the body with useful substances. This drink strengthens large blood vessels and small capillaries, and also normalizes blood sugar levels. The low caffeine content does not cause an increase in blood pressure, which is very important for people with diabetes.

At elevated pressure. Hypertensive patients have to limit the use or completely abandon caffeinated drinks. In this case, the question arises, is it possible to drink white tea with high blood pressure? You can, but you should reduce the amount of brewing and reduce the brewing time, then it will have a positive effect on well-being. White tea lowers arterial pressure if used systematically. It has a stabilizing and calming effect. It is even advisable to drain the first tea leaves and use for drinking, the infusion brewed for 2 minutes a second time.

White tea - how to brew

Now it's time to learn how to brew white tea and get maximum benefit from a healthy drink.

  • When making white tea or any other tea, always use soft, purified water to avoid impurities that can ruin the taste of your tea. For brewing, it will be correct to use a ceramic or glass teapot.
  • Like green tea, white tea leaves are quite delicate, so do not boil water. The ideal temperature for this tea ranges from 70ºC to 80ºC.
  • For one serving, use one teaspoon of tea per 200 ml of water.
  • The kettle should be pre-rinsed with boiling water so that it warms up. Then pour the right amount of dry tea into it and pour it with hot water. Close the lid and let it brew for 1-2 minutes. Tender buds and leaves have time to fully open during this time.

You can brew white tea up to three times. It is during the second brewing that all the qualities and taste characteristics of an elite drink are most revealed.

How to choose the right white tea

Of course I want to buy quality product and you will need a few useful tips. It is better to try to buy loose white tea at the end of spring and during June. Because the collection time falls on the beginning of March, immediately after processing, the finished raw material goes on sale and ends up on the shelves of retail stores.

Considering any variety, pay attention that there are no impurities, crumbs, small sticks and other things in the tea.

Also note that white teas are never flavored, unlike black or green teas. There should be no foreign smells, especially dampness or mold. If they are, then the storage conditions have been violated.

In high-quality tea there will be only beautiful young leaves and a pleasant soft aroma. It is advisable to buy 50-100 grams, with long-term storage, it gradually loses its qualities, and the drink will no longer be so refined.

How to store

To preserve all the properties of elite white tea, it is recommended to use ceramic dishes with a tight lid. It should be stored in a dark place and not allowed to be near white tea with strong-smelling products, such as spices, spices. Dry brewing quickly absorbs odors.

If the store poured tea into a paper bag for you, it would be right when you come home to immediately pour it into a jar and close it tightly.

How much does white tea cost and where to buy

Today, large chain stores such as METRO or LENTA offer a wide range of tea products. You can buy white tea in bags and packs, brands Rioba, Basilur, Curtis (Curtis). But this one will not be that charming drink at all.

It is worth noting right away that White tea has never been cheap. We have selected for you the approximate prices at which it is sold in tea shops in 2019. You can search cheaper via the Internet, but in this case there is a risk of "running into" unscrupulous sellers, in addition to paying for delivery.

Tea price per 50 grams:

Bai Hao Yin Zhen- 600-700 rubles;

Baimudan- 850-950 rubles;

Gong Mei- 500-600 rubles;

Show Mei- 300-350 rubles.

For most families, tea is their favorite drink. A large number are known different types tea, which can differ from each other in many parameters: the degree of maturity of the tea leaf, the place of collection, the method of preparation and processing. The taste of the drink, as well as its properties, strongly depend on these parameters.

Black tea and green tea are in the greatest demand. And only true connoisseurs who know a lot about this drink prefer white tea, which has a unique taste and subtle aroma. It is white that is considered a real pearl among all varieties of teas.

It is not for nothing that for a long time it was available exclusively to members of the imperial family. The technology of its production was classified, certain requirements were imposed on the pickers of tea, and its collection was carried out only a few days a year in the morning. Let's look at the benefits and harms of white tea.

The name of the drink was due to the white villi covering the buds and leaves of the plant. Minimal processing of tea leaves practically does not damage them and does not change appearance, and also contributes to the maximum preservation of nutrients. For its manufacture, the upper tender buds and adjacent leaves are collected.

Advice! Real tea of ​​this variety is sold only by weight. At the same time, you should not choose tea produced more than a year ago.


The most elite varieties of this tea are considered to be Silver Needles, as well as White Peony. The main difference between these two varieties is as follows: the first one is made from young leaves that have not yet blossomed and look like needles (hence the name). White peony is already made from buds and leaves.

Also considered to be good varieties are bearing the funny names Eyebrows of the Elder (Show Mei) and Eyebrows of longevity or gift (Gong Mei), but they are somewhat inferior in taste to the previous two varieties.

The drink has an overall sweetish taste, but bitterness is felt. Pleasant herbal scent.

Advice! Authentic white tea is produced in only one Chinese province - Fujian. Even the Chinese themselves consider dry tea leaves produced elsewhere to be fake.

Composition and effect on the human body

No wonder white tea is called the drink of youth and longevity - it has collected and stores a large amount of useful substances, vitamins and trace elements that have a beneficial effect on human health:

  1. Caffeine. Known for its tonic effect. Perfectly refreshes and quenches thirst.
  2. Phenolic compounds, in particular tannins and catechins. Normalize metabolism, promote weight loss. Epigallocatechin gallate is considered one of the most powerful antioxidants, which helps the body to accumulate and absorb vitamins C and P from the foods consumed. This, in turn, improves the elasticity of blood vessels and normalizes blood pressure. In addition, catechins increase the body's sensitivity to insulin, which is very important for diabetics.
  3. Vitamins B1, B2, B3, C, PP, P and K. Tea contains a large amount of vitamin P. It increases the ability of the blood to clot, so that wounds heal much faster. Largely due to this property, the drink was called the "elixir of immortality": quickly healing wounds, it helps the body recover. Vitamin E strengthens blood vessels, so white tea is especially useful for women suffering from varicose veins.
  4. Trace elements magnesium, potassium, sodium, calcium.
  5. Amino acids. Glutamic acid, together with phosphorus compounds, has a beneficial effect on the human nervous system, nourishes nerve fibers and contribute to their recovery.

Few drinks can compare with white tea in terms of its effects on a person:

  1. Slows down the aging process and promotes rejuvenation of the body.
  2. Increases immunity, helps to cope with colds faster. During periods of their epidemics, it is recommended to drink white tea.
  3. Raises the overall tone of the body, relieves fatigue and improves mood.
  4. Prevents the formation of tartar and caries. A real salvation for those with a sweet tooth and people who consume lactic acid.
  5. Promotes the rapid elimination of toxins. Helps with various types poisoning: alcohol, food and nicotine. Therefore, during feasts and holidays, such a drink will be most welcome.
  6. Normalizes and accelerates metabolic processes, destroys fat cells, which contributes to weight loss. It is used during the diet.
  7. Suitable for the prevention of cancer.
  8. It perfectly copes with the removal of free radicals, various toxins and slags from the body, destroys cholesterol plaques.
  9. It has a positive effect on the appearance of the skin of the face and body, making it supple and smooth. This property of tea is widely used in the manufacture of cosmetics.

Advice! Tea leaves that are properly dried should break if rubbed. Over-dried tea leaves turn into dust, and under-dried ones - into rolled lumps.

To get the maximum positive effect from tea, Polzateevo magazine recommends brewing it in a certain way. Tea leaves are prepared in glass, ceramic or porcelain dishes. Under no circumstances should tea be poured with boiling water. The optimum temperature for this should be approximately 60 to 85 ° C. Proportion: 3-5 g per 150 ml hot water. Insist tea leaves for 4-5 minutes. The same brew can be brewed several times.

Important! Never add milk to this tea. This will reduce the effect of antioxidants.


Despite the fact that white tea is a completely natural product with a high content of nutrients, it should be consumed with extreme caution (no more than one cup a day):

  • during pregnancy and lactation;
  • with stomach and duodenal ulcers;
  • kidney disease (especially if there are stones) or liver;
  • pancreatitis;
  • cholecystitis;
  • increased acidity of the stomach;
  • hypertension;
  • sleep disorders;
  • during the period of exacerbation of diseases of the genitourinary system.

It is important to note that such restrictions are more or less typical for any kind of tea. In general, there are no serious contraindications, especially for healthy people. In extremely rare cases, an allergic reaction may occur. Well, and, of course, such a drink is not recommended to drink at night, as it has a stimulating effect. This drink should be introduced into the children's diet only after a year and a half (at first, a little, and from seven years, you can take one or two cups).

Welding should be weak. Older people can consume it in large quantities, unlike black and green tea, it has much less caffeine. good choice white tea will be for those who are on a diet. It speeds up the metabolism and also burns internal fat. Best consumed 30 minutes before meals.

Otherwise, white tea is an easy way to beauty and health. It has a pleasant, light, subtle aroma, and a delicate taste.

Our mission today is to provide comprehensive information about white tea. Opinions about it are for the most part erroneous, and therefore we will debunk the myths, reveal the topic of its collection and production, pay attention to the beneficial properties and the method of preparing a wonderful drink. Let's put everything into one puzzle so that you, dear readers, get an exhaustive idea of ​​this magical product.

Do you want to buy white tea?

You can always buy white tea in our online store.

general information

White tea is one of six varieties accepted by the technological classification.

The first mention of the hero of our article falls on the beginning of the 12th century. We are talking about Bai Hao Yin Zhen (Silver Needles), the most famous and valuable representative of the group. It was written about in a historical treatise during the reign of Emperor Hueng Zong, who highly valued this particular variety. Mass production began at the end of the 18th century, when white tea began to be delivered to Europe after the embargo on its export was lifted.

Why white? The reason for the name was the color of the kidney, covered with fluffy villi. The idea of ​​white varieties is to preserve the original appearance of the tea leaf growing on the camellia bush, preserving all naturalness in it and minimizing human impact.

Debunking the Myths

Let's start our excursion by debunking popular myths.

  • For its production, a special variety of leaves is used.

Of course, there are types of shrubs that produce the best leaves and buds. In fact, like every other kind, white tea can be made from almost any raw material.

  • White varieties are the most useful.

This assumption seems logical at first glance. After all, the leaves are almost not processed during production, which means that all the benefits are preserved in them. There are a lot of antioxidants and vitamins in white tea. Although there is one "but" - its low extractivity. This means that when brewing, most of the components simply do not get into the infusion. This is due precisely to the minimal processing, during which the cell membranes are not damaged and everything useful remains inside them. As a result, the benefits of white tea correlate with other varieties: for example, with green and red ones, in which they are not so rich in chemical composition, but have a high extractivity.

  • The younger, the more expensive.

Also a myth. It is a mistake to think that you need to drink tea within 3-5 months from the date of collection. In fact, every day, high-quality white varieties acquire new useful properties. If shengs gradually change towards shu, white - towards red. Exposure makes them golden, then the leaves turn brown, the infusion becomes thicker and brighter. The value of many white varieties (such as Shou Mei and Gong Mei) only increases over the years. The main thing is to store them properly.

  • The best brewing temperature is below 80 degrees.

Everything is individual for each variety. For example, Silver needles are suitable for brewing and open better in water of 90-100 degrees.

About fermentation

"Killing greens" is a step that is not present in the white tea production process. What does it mean? The fact that the active enzymes that take part in the oxidation are completely preserved in the leaf. As a result, its fermentation (oxidation level) becomes slightly higher than that of green varieties. It varies from 5 to 10%. This is manifested both in the color that the water acquires and in the organoleptic properties of white varieties. Their infusion is darker, and the taste is denser than that of greens.

A logical question arises: why during the production of white tea (on average, a full cycle takes a little more than a day) does not the leaf completely oxidize? The answer is this: before drying in air, the leaves are not crushed, so the cell membranes are not deformed, the juice is not released. As a result, fermentation is very slow and not like other varieties. In the process, much less oxidized substances are formed, which differ from the oxidation products of oolongs, pu-erh, green varieties. This explains such a peculiar taste characteristic of white teas.

Geography of white tea

China, quite predictably, is the world leader in white tea production. It accounts for more than 90% of all deliveries. The center is Fujian province, which is also famous for its red varieties and dark oolongs.

The shrubs that provide the raw material for its production are mostly found in Fuding County, near the Wuyi Mountains. Here are ideal conditions for a delicious harvest: tender buds and young leaves. Clouds, fogs, dense forests, the proximity of the coast ... Here it will bloom and fill life energy anything.

Vegetation Da Bai Hao begins early - around the end of February. Therefore, we have the pleasure of enjoying fresh white varieties earlier than other types of tea. By the beginning of spring, bushes are already overgrown with fluffy buds. By the way, their main function is to protect the plant from the cold.

The remaining 10% of world production comes from Sri Lanka and India (Nilgiri and Okaiti provinces). In these countries, it is also highly valued and produced mainly for export.

Chinese white tea

In view of the fact that the predominant volumes of this tea are produced in China, the issue of white tea from China will be relevant.

Collection and subtleties of production

Features of the collection, including seasonality and time of day, differ depending on the particular variety. Silver needles, for example, fall under the rule of ten taboos for picking leaves. They are not picked when it rains, when there is dew on the grass, small and weak buds, purple shoots, damaged and oversized buds, and so on. Only thorough observance of these rules allows you to get a product with a special aroma and properties.

The production process of white varieties is simple and complex at the same time. Let's explain in order.

Simplicity lies in an unpretentious technological chain and minimal sheet processing in the process. The process includes only three steps:

  • harvesting;
  • leaf drying;
  • outdoor drying.

White tea is the only type of tea that is not crushed during production. This helps to slow down its fermentation. , discussed in the relevant chapter.

The difficulty lies in the many nuances of collecting and subsequent handling of tea leaves. Strict adherence to the terms of withering and drying is required, temperature regime and moisture to produce the perfect product, with a delicate aroma and beneficial properties.

Sometimes one more stage is added to the technological cycle - pressing. It is made very carefully so as not to damage the leaves. Shou Mei and Baimudan are often pressed. Sometimes they are called white pu-erhs, but in fact they have only pressing and shape from pu-erhs.

Varieties of white Chinese tea

Of course, there are more of them (about a dozen), but there are four of the brightest. It is interesting that they differ from each other not by the type of shrub and not by the production technology (it is the same), but by the stage of leaf ripening. For example, for Bai Mu Dan, they take kidneys with two leaves, for Silver needles, only kidneys.

  1. Bai Hao Yin Zhen. Honored leader in popularity and value. Included in the top ten most popular teas. Until 1891, there was an embargo on its export from the country. After the ban was lifted, it spread around the world with lightning speed, it was especially highly valued by the British and the Dutch. A product for true connoisseurs and connoisseurs.
  2. Baimudan (White Peony). Its price is lower, the taste is more understandable, very pleasant, soft and fresh, it changes interestingly when brewed. It happens both loose and pressed Baimudan.
  3. Shou Mei (Eyebrows of the Elder/Eyebrows of Longevity) is an inexpensive tea with a fresh fruity-floral taste.
  4. Gong Mei is also an inexpensive white tea that combines the lightness of fruity and floral tones with the spiciness of roasted nuts and sugar.

There are also new varieties worthy of attention and tasting. For example, the unusual Yue Guan Bai (White Moonlight) with a specific aroma, in which notes of strawberry and honey are especially pronounced.

Making tea from China

In the field of preparation of white tea, too, there were stereotypes. There is, for example, the belief that, like green, it is best revealed in porcelain and glass. Allegedly, a clay teapot is not a suitable dish for him. Another opinion is that the less fermented the tea, the lower the water temperature should be.

All this is relative. Do not forget that making white tea is a creative process, and tasting it is not only enjoyment, but also learning. Experiment: try brewing different varieties in different dishes, at different temperatures. For example, Bai Hao Yin Zhen opens up well in water at 100 degrees and is ideal for cooking over a fire.

But it is better to take filtered or spring water: based on it, the drink will be tastier, more aromatic and healthier.

The benefits and harms of white tea

As we noted in the "Debunking the Myths" section, the health benefits of white varieties are often exaggerated.

If we talk about the benefits, for white representatives, the quality of raw materials and adherence to technology are especially important. Its slightest violation leads to the fact that the valuable substances of the leaf (antioxidants, minerals) simply do not get into the infusion, and, accordingly, the human body. Choose good tea and you will be happy.

With regular use of white tea, health and well-being improve: especially if you drink it instead of coffee. In China, they talk about his strength in the fight against the "three heights" ("san gao"):

  • high pressure;
  • high cholesterol;
  • elevated blood sugar levels.

And also about the "three counteractions": radiation, reproduction of cancer cells, aging. Although the latter applies to almost all varieties of light tea.

Especially many positive reviews about white tea are left by hypertensive patients, overweight people, gastrointestinal diseases and problematic metabolism.

In Chinese medicine, it is classified as a metal element. Hardness, purity, protection. But everything is good in moderation, so you should not drink more than 2-3 cups a day, so as not to feel the possible harm from white tea.

Impact on the human condition

Our energy burns in the fire of stress and everyday hustle and bustle. And this is harmful to health. Tea helps to calm down and streamline thoughts, which means to recharge your batteries and harmoniously balance between external and inner world. Especially magically pacify white varieties. They are light and gentle, and therefore relax and harmonize without causing pressure surges and other unpleasant things.


We store in a closed container (for example, ceramic or wooden) with a tight lid, in a dark and dry place. White, like other light varieties, quickly exhale, ”losing their properties, and also instantly absorb foreign odors. Therefore, they definitely do not belong in a box with spices and coffee.

In an airtight container at a temperature of 10-15 degrees, tea can be stored for more than 10 years without losing its properties over time. And maybe improve them.
