Online game World of Tanks - a simulator of tank battles during the Second World War. World of Tanks is a massively multiplayer online game entirely dedicated to armored vehicles from the middle of the 20th century. Players will have the opportunity to fight shoulder to shoulder with fans of steel giants from all over the world, defending their claims to world tank domination. General provisions and time of the "World War" General provisions The World War is a browser-based multiplayer military-political game-application for MMO "World of Tanks". The global map is the playing field of the World War, divided into provinces. The basis of the gameplay of the World War is the strategic struggle between the associations of players (clans) for territorial possessions on the Global Map. The armed forces of the warring sides in the World War are represented by tokens that are available to each clan participating in the World War. The number of these chips in each specific clan corresponds to the number of players who are members of this clan and who have played at least one battle on any military equipment of at least level five. Each such player gives the clan only one chip, regardless of how many tanks of the corresponding level he played. In addition to chips, each clan has its own bet, one per clan. Headquarters is the mobile capital of the clan and serves to deploy chips from the clan reserve on the game map. The movement of their armed forces (chips) on the Global Map is handled by the commanders of the clans participating in the World War, as well as their deputies. The remaining fighters of the clan can track the deployment, movement of troops and rates of their clan. Also on the map, they have access to information about the planned battles, both of their own and foreign clans. World War Time Playing World War mode is turn-based. Time on the Global Map is divided into periods of 60 minutes - turns. 24 moves make up a game day. All changes to the World War game board occur at the start of a new turn. It is at this moment that the actual movement of the chips and the bet is made. In order for the actions planned by a participant in the World War to take place at the beginning of the next turn, they must be completed before the end of the countdown timer located at the top of the screen: Prime time in the provinces is close to the time of their real counterparts and coincides with time zones: for example, Moscow prime the time will come only in those territories, the prototypes of which live on Moscow time, and in those that live on Novosibirsk time, the prime time will be Novosibirsk. During prime time, movement of tokens between two neighboring provinces located in different time zones is suspended. In accordance with the rules, the border between such provinces is blocked for both civilian and combat movement between the start of the prime time of the more eastern province and the start of the prime time of the more western.

The game is easy to master - just try a couple of times, and the controls will become accessible and understandable. The game features tanks from ten countries: the United States, Britain, China, Germany, Soviet Union, Japan, Czechoslovakia, Sweden, Poland and France.

Over time, the player learns more and more new features. For example, that each tank has its own weak spots, hitting which, you will almost certainly disable some tank module. Everything is so realistic that when a crew member is injured, the performance of the entire tank deteriorates.

Ammunition may explode or the caterpillar may stop working, which will completely immobilize the vehicle. Each tank can be upgraded and "pumped" (and it will drive faster and shoot more accurately). You can choose a fast and maneuverable car or a durable, but inactive car. And after playing a little more, you will gain tactical skills that will help you out more than once in difficult battles.

World of Tanks is suitable for Windows 7, XP, 8, 10, Vista.

Game Features:

  • tank battles around the world during World War II;
  • a huge number of different combat units;
  • "pumping" the command staff of the tank opens up new opportunities for the crew (notification that you have been noticed, accelerated fire extinguishing, master of disguise);
  • the ability to create or join clans, after which you can fight for territory against other clans around the world and participate in rating battles;
  • special mode for beginners "Training ground".

We liked:

  • You can download and play World of Tanks for free. Moreover, the game will automatically update to the latest version;
  • the number of players is so large that it is not necessary to wait for a team to play - it gathers instantly;
  • after your tank has been knocked out, there is no need to wait for the end of the battle, you can leave it and start looking for a new one;
  • Donat practically does not affect the quality of the game;
  • constant optimization of the gameplay and the addition of new models.
  • good graphics - you can see far and clearly.

We didn't like:

  • sometimes you are thrown into a team with tanks one or two levels higher than you, it is very difficult to compete with them, since it is not easy to break through their armor;
  • the best quality of rendering details is achieved only on the HD client, which is quite demanding on PC resources.

Download Russian World version of Tanks everyone can. The popularity of the game is so high that its derivative name "tanchiki" can be considered a household name, jokes are written about it, many comedy videos are dedicated to it. Realism of locations gives a special “zest” to the game - for example, durable objects (stone buildings) cannot be shot through, but wooden fence can be easily crushed.


  • War Thunder is an "air" analogue of the World of Tanks, in which battles take place at the level of aviation.
  • World of Warship is a popular online game recommended for all fans of naval battles.

World of Tanks Blitz - grandiose tank battles in PvP mode are now available for Android smartphones and tablets, so now you can arrange a noble war game, as they say, without leaving production, using any free minute for this.

The original game World of Tanks for PC appeared on our open spaces about five years ago and very quickly gained nationwide popularity. The tank theme was to the taste of a very large number of users, and therefore soon the game servers were tightly overloaded with an endless stream of people who wanted to join the game. However, today the entire technical part functions as expected, and therefore admirers of both the desktop and mobile version can replenish the ranks without any problems World players of tanks.

Key Features of World of Tanks Blitz

  • about a hundred legendary tanks in the player's arsenal;
  • more than a dozen gaming locations;
  • incredibly realistic and high-quality graphics;
  • perfectly designed control system;
  • general balance of the game (free and VIP accounts have absolutely equal opportunities in battle).

The main "trick" of World of Tanks Blitz is that in it, as in its computer version, the main emphasis is placed on maximum realism and compliance of the gameplay with the real laws of physics. It is also nice that the developers tried to recreate the real look of combat vehicles with maximum accuracy, which turns the game into a kind of encyclopedic guide to armored military vehicles of the middle of the 20th century.

In general, the game World of Tanks Blitz for Android really turned out to be what you need, but unfortunately not everyone will be able to enjoy it to the fullest. The fact is that in order to play it, you can’t do without a good Wi-Fi or 3g connection. So before downloading it, you should take care of connecting to high-speed mobile Internet.

World of Tanks is the first MMO tank simulator in arcade mode. All vehicles in the game are real combat vehicles that were in service, or existed only in drawings, from the late 30s to the early 60s of the twentieth century. hallmark The game is a high attention to tank models, ballistics and physics. For example, the width of the track and the terrain will affect the speed of the tank, and the angle at which the shell hits the armor will affect the chances of it breaking through. The developers have worked hard to ensure that, with the maximum realism of the game, to maintain the arcade and dynamism of the battles.

Start playing the online game World of Tanks in Russian without sending SMS to incomprehensible numbers and without any such muddy actions!

In order to start playing World Of Tanks, you do not need to engage in long searches and registrations on various sites. The World Of Tanks client game must be downloaded, installed on a PC and started playing, minimum time and effort, maximum results.

To achieve the desired result, namely the launch of the World Of Tanks game, you must click the "Start the game ..." button located just below this text, then you will be transferred to the official website World games Of Tanks, subsequent download of the game, then it remains to launch the game and dive into the new wonderful world World Of Tanks.

Tank games became popular back in the days of 8-bit consoles - many gamers remember the classic Battle City tanks. Now the capabilities of computer technology have become much higher, and this has made it possible to implement a more realistic and large-scale tank simulator. World game of Tanks adequately continues this game genre and even sets the bar for quality in it. Here you will find a huge variety of equipment, large locations and, what is especially pleasing, multiplayer battles with real players. The game tanks are based on real combat vehicles that took part in the Second World War.

Get your first tanks and join the battle right away!

After installing the game, you will be taken to the hangar. There are already several tanks of different nations here: the USSR, Germany, the USA, Japan and others. All of them require significant upgrades, otherwise they simply will not be able to demonstrate their maximum capabilities on the battlefields. Money for research and installation of improved tank units should be won in battles!

At first play World of Tanks will offer in training mode against a group of computer bots. You should not miss participating in such battles, because in them you can learn how to control a tank, understand various game tricks. For example, since tanks are constantly moving during the game, it will be more convenient to activate auto-aim. So the tank's turret is steadily turning towards the target, and all you have to do is fire destructive projectiles.

Fight smart!

World of Tanks game allows you to implement various tactics of warfare. They depend on your technique and preferences. There are three types of tanks in the game: light, medium and heavy. Each has unique features that you need to know and consider. So light tanks are very maneuverable and fast, but they have unreliable armor and weak shots. Heavy tanks are slow and clumsy, but their armor is not easy to penetrate, and there is little that can withstand a direct hit from their most powerful weapon. Medium tanks have both advantages and disadvantages of other classes of combat vehicles. Besides play World of Tanks it is possible on self-propelled artillery guns capable of firing at long distances and which turn out to be very useful in the coordinated actions of a friendly team.

Your behavior in battle should take into account the qualities of the tank. Light vehicles are mainly used for reconnaissance. Medium tanks provide fire support to heavy tanks, are able to quickly strike at the enemy and hide just as quickly. Heavyweights are the main striking power and break through the defense of opponents like a fist.

Play as a team!

After training battles with bots, you can start really intense battles against real gamers. World of Tanks game offers various modes that differ in some features. The most popular is the Random Battle, in which teams of 15 tankers are formed automatically. The type of battle and the map are also determined.

The most successful teams in the game are formed from long-term partners who are able to coordinate their actions and achieve victory in a coordinated manner. In the game, such groups are called platoons. The next step in uniting players is creating a clan or joining an existing one. After that play World of Tanks it will be possible on the global map, a huge virtual location where clans are fighting for world domination.

Now the game World of Tanks has more than 90 million registered players. This is one of the largest gaming communities in the world. Are you ready to join him?
