The most logical use of a computer fan for other purposes is, of course, a wind generator. The simplicity and affordability of a computer cooler has inspired many DIYers. The idea of ​​​​creating a portable charger with your own hands for mobile devices haunts many. So the author of this wonderful video lesson has long wanted to check - what is this turntable really capable of?

We take any case fan, the larger in diameter, the better. Many people naively believe that its electric motor will immediately turn into a generator, one has only to twist it. However, the maximum that he is capable of in this design is to light a weak LED. Is this the limit? Why so few? To understand the reason, you need to look inside the device. The trick is that such coolers have a brushless motor. It is not structurally adapted to work in reverse mode as a generator, and here's why: its windings are wound in series with a double wire, and even opposite to each other, and the poles of the magnet alternate. Therefore, when the fan rotates, counter-emf will occur in the coils and such a generator will be inefficient.

The first way to reconstruct the cooler into a current generator

The first way out of this situation is to try to cure the native motor, that is, rewind the stator with a new wire. Of course, this procedure is very painstaking, but for those who know how to work with their hands, it is quite feasible.
It's even useful for educational purposes. The main thing now is to alternate the directions of winding the wire on each core. Thus, we get the simplest single-phase alternator. The coils are connected to each other in series. The more turns and the thinner the wire, the better. The beginning of the first coil and the end of the last one will be the outputs of our generator, respectively. Now you can collect everything and check. But do not forget that the voltage will be variable. Therefore, you need to make a simple rectifier or buy a ready-made one.
After all this treatment procedure, the indicators certainly improved, but not radically. The reason for this may be either too large a gap between the stator and the rotor, or a weak ring magnet. It's a stretch to call it a magnet. Plus, the rectifier still eats from one to two volts. Unfortunately, this change did not pay off.

The second option for converting the cooler into a windmill

Well, let's move on to plan "B". Let's take an ordinary brush motor from a printer. It easily turns into a generator without any alterations. And thanks to the mechanical collector, during rotation, it immediately gives out direct current. And you don't need any rectifiers. Its breaking force is minimal, which is important for a small impeller. However, it should be noted that for efficient operation it requires high speed, and hence the wind speed. Let's see what we can survive from it by conducting a series of tests. We can conclude that there is nothing to catch at all in the wind at a speed of up to five meters per second, but in the range from five to ten meters per second it is quite possible to power a large LED flashlight and in practice use it for emergency lighting of small rooms, corridors, street paths or as a beacon. You can abandon the batteries in a small radio, and if you add a storage device in the form of an ionistor to the circuit, then the problem with gusts of wind will be solved and the design will become more practical. If you live in a high-rise building, then it is ideal to place such a wind generator on the balcony and find its use. But you will have to forget about charging mobile phones with such a windmill. Just not enough power. It’s not a problem to gain voltage, what the phone’s circuit will work for and, as it were, show the charging process, but the current will be no more than 50 mA with a wind of about ten meters per second. And this is meager power. For normal charging, you need ten times more. Alas, this is only possible with a hurricane wind. By the way, a big plus of a small windmill is that it is not afraid of strong gusts of wind and, accordingly, it does not need protection, and the cheapness and simplicity of the design can awaken the imagination of a much larger number of do-it-yourselfers who are able to work miracles with their own hands.
The process of making a windmill from a cooler from a computer is shown in detail in the video.

The simplest windmill can be made from an ordinary room fan. The electricity that such a windmill will produce, in the presence of wind, is enough to power a lantern for a tent or to charge cell phone. For the manufacture of a wind generator, a serviceable fan is not needed, only a few parts from it are needed. All you need is a stand and a screw. In addition, you will need a stepper motor with a diode bridge for constant voltage. Shampoo bottle, plastic bucket lid, 50 cm plastic water pipe and plug for it.

First you need to grind a sleeve on a lathe, which will be the axis for the screw. We fix the engine-generator on the sleeve. Cut off the bottom of the shampoo bottle. We drill a 10 mm hole in the cylinder in order to install an axis machined from an aluminum bar.

After soldering all the necessary wires on the engine, we make a hole in the case for their output. Let's stretch the wires and put the body on the engine.

Now you need to make a shank for the windmill so that it catches wind flows from different directions. To make the shank, you will need a plastic tube and a plug to it. To attach the shank to the body, unscrew the cap and push the tube. Cut out the end of the tube desired diameter so that you can press it in. Now it remains to cut a groove for the shank in the pipe with a hacksaw. Next, cut out the wing of the shank from the lid of the plastic bucket.

The generator remains to be assembled. Install a USB output on the back of the stand.

Tests, literally in the field, showed that the radio is powered by the generator, the smartphone is charging, it is able to give a small illumination on the LEDs. Want a windmill? They are in this Chinese store.

Today is an interesting and useful video on how to assemble a simple and efficient wind generator from improvised means. Namely, from an unnecessary home fan. Such a thing will feed any LED bulbs, a receiver in the garden or cottage will work from it, as well as the most important and necessary property of this windmill to infect a mobile phone.

Generator Discussion

IN Last year I was engaged in constructions on stepper motors, well, during my spare time I tried some as a generator. So I have an idea about their capabilities.
At the speeds shown in the video, such an engine works in an almost optimal mode, but there are a couple of notes so as not to be disappointed later:
The maximum energy of such a generator is enough to light one or two bright LEDs, so you should not expect special lighting (not a single light will light up, whatever one may say).
This energy can be obtained only with a rather weak wind of 5-6 m / s and above. And winds like this don't happen very often.

Nevertheless, the very idea of ​​using a stepper motor as a generator deserves attention, despite their low efficiency.

Someone here hinted what was left to buy lathe to make such a device. Somehow it sounded unworthy for a home designer. There is no machine - there is a drill and a file. There is no burnt fan - there is plywood, cans... A year ago, for example, I made something similar from halves of two-liter plastic bottles, and a plastic medicine bottle, and it was spinning.
You were given an idea - then let your imagination work. And if you don’t think how to do it without a lathe, it’s better not to start.

Serg IV
The idea is normal, although it was implemented in a draft. And for good reason such malicious comments. This is probably from your own laziness, or the habit of buying ready-made, and not bathing yourself with understanding the wilds of technology that are unfamiliar to you ... after all, if you don’t understand something, you feel insecure, right?

As for the lathe - someone has it at home, I personally do not have a question to carve something, if there is a mood. Yes, and without a machine there, in principle, you can do without it, there would be a desire.
As for the fan - I recently passed by a garbage dump - there it was just such a non-working fan that someone put up, in appearance all the mechanics are intact, only the engine is dead. So it is not always necessary to break the worker. Yes, and in the heat from the fan you can catch a cold. There were not enough specific measurements of current and voltage in real time. Although it would not be so difficult to show.

Grammaton Cleric
It seems to me that anyone who has such a lathe does not need to be told how and from what to assemble a windmill, and those who need to be told they do not have such a machine. The next time you list what you may need, do not forget to mention the tool and use a more popular, accessible tool.

Free electricity in mini volumes will help you quickly understand the power of free energy. You will need an old fan (aka cooler) from the computer and three neodymium magnets. This simple version of the BTG fuelless generator is a miniature of the large free electricity generators.

This is what a finished perpetual motion machine looks like, it is also a generator of electricity:

Here's what you need to build the perpetual generator:

  • Three neodymium magnets
  • Fan from the system unit
  • 12 volt light bulb
  • Loopback Diode

As well as a wooden platform (or any of your choice), as well as a glue gun.

1. Cooler

2. Thin neodymium magnets:

3. 12 volt light bulb (35 W)

here is the marking

4. Diode

We start assembly.

We apply glue to the blade and glue it.

second magnet on the opposite side

glue the same

here's what you don't have to do! - initially there was a desire to make 4 magnets, but they were larger and heavier, so the cooler engine did not work.

here is the error

and so on in the end - until two large ones are peeled off.

Step number 2 (we collect the energy generator on the plateau)

glue the cooler to it

it is better to glue it well, otherwise vibration ...

glue the lamp to the cooler

here is the result:

Step #3 (solder wires and diode)

the first wire through the diode

the second directly to the light bulb

Let's start testing the generator!

Pre-peel off two magnets, so it will be easier for you.. you only need to stick two

We bring a magnet

movement starts

RPMs go up, lights get brighter

Having found the ideal point for the location of the magnet, we glue it.

Now you can start the perpetual motion machine with a push of your finger ...

Free Energy for You!

Ready to repeat this experiment?

Do you believe it's true?

Do you think there is cheating here?

  • write your comment on the page below:


That you can become part of a community where there is a knowledge base, in which a collection of ready-made instructions for assembling the BTG, drawings, diagrams, DISCUSSIONS, and the same enthusiasts.

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Scope of application

To make a wind generator, taking a fan as a basis, it would seem, what is easier? However, there are several obstacles in the way of such a technical transformation. How to overcome them, for which a wind power plant made from a fan can be used, this article will tell.

It’s worth mentioning right away that it’s not worth counting on the result of the labors to be a unit that can charge industrial batteries or heat buildings. Charging a mobile phone, or the operation of a small LED illuminator - approximately such tasks can be solved by a wind generator, which, so to speak, is a product of a deep processing of a fan.

Why do such outwardly similar devices require effort to transform into each other? There are technical explanations for this, which it would be useful to consider.


Design features of electric motors and generators

The movement of electrons electricity, occurs in the conductor under the influence of a changing external magnetic field. Electric motors are similarly arranged, only in reverse order - moving charged particles in a magnetic field are affected by a force that forces the conductor to change its position in space, i.e. causes the rotor to move.

Both in generators and in engines, this very magnetic field is created in the stator, or in the rotor, depending on the model, by permanent magnets or electromagnets (field windings). If the motor attracts iron objects, it is on permanent magnets. This option is optimal from the point of view of using it as a generator, since it does not require any modernization.

“The use of an engine with excitation windings to generate electricity will be more difficult, because you will have to provide power to these same windings. And this will significantly complicate the design.

This is how it actually works car alternator. 12V is supplied to the rotor through the "tablet", brushes and slip rings. Together with the rotor, the magnetic field created by it rotates. It is this that creates an electric current in the stator winding (of course, more current is generated than is spent, otherwise why do we need a generator).

When the battery is fully charged, and powerful consumers are turned off, almost no current is supplied to the rotor and the generator rotates idly. And using an autogenerator as a wind power plant, this current will have to be supplied and its parameters controlled.

Sometimes it is suggested to remove the windings from the rotor for such a case and glue neodymium permanent magnets instead of wire (in this case, no current is needed), but this is a topic for a separate article.

Features of the geometry of the blades

Since the design of the fan meets the purpose - to push the mass of air, but, on the contrary, are set in motion by the currents of air masses, then the geometry will differ slightly. The angle of attack of the tips of the blades of both types differs little.

The closer you move to the center, the differences are observed.

Wind farm screw:

The section of the blade near the center practically does not participate in the generation of energy, since it moves many times slower than the entire blade, therefore it is made with an angle of attack equal to zero so that the air masses can pass quietly without creating congestion in the form of turbulence. A stationary fan does not need to change the angle of attack of the blade.

Since the overall geometry is similar, the fan propeller will also work as a wind turbine.

Rotational speed

It is unlikely that at least one fan under the influence of wind will give the same speed as when it is connected to the network. Therefore, you should not hope that a 100-watt wind generator made from a 12v fan will produce the same voltage and ensure the operation of 100-watt consumers.

Manufacturing examples

From a battery-operated children's toy fan

Such a wind generator is easy to make. The toy uses an electric motor most often at 1.5 or 4.5 volts with independent excitation from permanent magnets. There is a finished screw. It is necessary to get the batteries, connect the wires to the + and - contacts, place the fan in the air flow, turn it on, and you can measure the characteristics of the generated current on the contacts.

To make such a wind generator work better, it does not hurt for the propeller blades to add power, for example, with pads cut from plastic pipe in the form of petals. Well, you will have to supply the unit with some other elements that are mandatory for an electric windmill.

The fan will have to be protected from precipitation with a special casing and fixed on a movable frame. The movable fastening of the frame to the mast must include a contact-brush mechanism (you cannot transmit current downward without it). The opposite end of the frame is equipped with a stabilizer, its task is to turn the wind generator towards the air currents.

What you can count on if the engine is 4.5V is 2.5 ... 3V maximum, not even enough to charge the phone (usually 5V). But the power of the LEDs, which, for example, can indicate the boundaries entrance gate, or illuminate the borders garden path, such a device, with sufficient wind, is quite capable of providing.

From the CPU cooler fan (cooler)

This fan most often has a 12v motor, as in the previous example with permanent magnets, and its transformation into a wind generator occurs in the same order.

The differences are that:

  • the cooler blades are initially useless - a new propeller is needed;
  • the generated current at a certain wind speed is enough to charge an android or a 5v tablet (in this case, the use of a controller cannot be avoided and it is impossible better fit conventional car charger).

From a car engine radiator cooling fan

The option is more complicated, but if the previous options were initially considered as toys, then there can be quite tangible returns from this design. The wind generator in question can serve, for example, to charge a 12v battery. The electricity stored in the battery, passing through the 12/220 converter, can be used as a home network.

The design uses a 24v fan motor. The blades are shortened, leaving only the fragments necessary for attaching new ones - cut from pvc pipes(it will not work to use PVC bottles for these purposes - due to their low rigidity, they will simply be bent by the wind).

The blades are cut approximately according to the same pattern as in the photo.

The number of blades can be any, the most commonly used options are 3, 4 or 6.

The wind generator is assembled according to the classical scheme (Fig. 3). The voltage generated by it at a moderate 4 ... 7 m / s will be more than 12v, which will allow charging the battery. IN electrical circuit a diode must be added so that in the absence of wind, the power plant does not turn into a fan on the mast.

The battery charging controller, which regulates the charging current and opens the circuit at the end of charging, will not interfere either. You can do without it, but then you have to constantly monitor the charging process and adjust it manually.

If you have a house, an old computer cooler, you can build an excellent wind turbine that will produce electricity. A mini wind generator is a great thing, especially for areas with frequent and strong winds. We will learn about the features and technology of its manufacture further.

How to make a mini wind generator with your own hands

Work on a mini wind generator should begin with the manufacture of drawings for a future wind turbine. In addition, materials should be prepared in the form of:

  • thick plastic bottle;
  • an old cooling cooler or fan, the power of the generator itself directly depends on its size and power;
  • low-current wire in the amount of 5-8 meters;
  • wooden beam, the section and dimensions of which are determined individually;
  • two steel pipes that go one into one;
  • diodes;
  • epoxy adhesive and super adhesive composition;
  • fasteners in the form of lingering ties;
  • old CD.

First of all, you need to start work by finding a suitable cooling mechanism. We suggest using a cooler from an old computer. Initially, the cooler is disassembled, its propeller part is located on the electric motor. Most often, it is fixed on the retaining ring, it is located under the rubber seal. After dismantling the O-ring, remove the blades on the fan.

This is followed by the process of soldering the cables that ensure the operation of the generator set. There are two wire connections on the copper coils of the fan, they are connectors on the coils. One of the sections is distinguished by the presence of a connected copper wire, and the second has two wires. Two wires are connected to the legs of one wire by soldering.

At the next stage of creating a small wind generator, a rectifier is being created. The main function of this device is to convert AC to DC. For these purposes, four diodes are required, they are cut so that one pair from the black mark remains with a 10 cm segment. The long end of the diode is bent, so you get a U-shaped connection. All diodes are interconnected by soldering. To test the wind generator, connect diodes to it, if the LED works, then the wind generator is functioning correctly. The outer plastic part of the cooler is removed, to process all the bumps, use a knife.

Next is the manufacturing process of the wind turbine blade. To make blades, use old bottle, for example, from under shampoo. The top and bottom of the bottle are cut off. You will get a cylindrical product, it needs to be cut along. Pre-make a drawing in the form of blades, according to it, cut out the blades for the wind generator from the bottle. Please note that the end of the blades must be cut at an angle of one hundred and twenty degrees. This is followed by the process of fixing the blades on the cooler.

The next step is the manufacture of the windmill shank. To fix the motor, a beam made of wood is used. Its rotation is carried out using steel tubes. For the manufacture of the shank, use an unnecessary disk. The wooden block is equipped with a through hole, its diameter should be slightly larger than the diameter of the steel pipe. If the tube is loose, fix it with epoxy glue. At the end of the bar, a cut is made for mounting the disc. The place where the motor is connected to the bar must also be treated with an adhesive. Wires and soldering are also recommended to be coated with glue to prevent corrosion.

The following is the process by which the support is made. For its construction, use two pipes. One of them is fixed on a wooden block, and the second is set in relation to rotation. To connect them, you can use bearings, and to improve sliding, use fluoroplastic.

DIY mini wind generator from a motor

We offer the option of manufacturing a wind generator from a motor from an old printer. This model differs in average productivity and works, even at the slightest wind. To operate the wind generator, you will also need a battery, the maximum power of the device is 100mA.

As the main part of the windmill, a motor is used, from an idle inkjet printer. The printer must first be disassembled and the motor removed from it.

A transistor is used for the blade clamps. It must be drilled in relation to the size of the installed shaft. Further, all parts are fixed with an epoxy-based adhesive. In addition, with the help of this composition, the most important parts of the device are protected from moisture and bad weather.

Using a piece of plastic pipe, about 12 cm in diameter, cut out the blades for the windmill. For these purposes, a cutting machine is used. Optimal value part width is 90 mm, holes are made special device, and then the shaft is mounted on the generator motor using screw connections.

A pipe with a diameter of 55 mm is used as the basis for the manufacture of a windmill. Use plywood to make the tail. The motor is installed inside the pipe, Next, the construction of the rectifier is carried out. Since the motor does not produce a large amount of electricity with a small wind. Thus, it is possible to apply the doubling scheme, which is connected in series.

The circuit is installed in a plastic bag and installed inside the pipe together with the rectifier. Next, the motor is fixed with a wire. In addition, all holes are sealed with a silicone gun. One hole is used to drain water, and the second to evaporate condensate masses.

A bolt and wire are used to fix the tail of the wind generator. Thus, it will be possible to securely fix the installation. Watch the rigidity of the resulting joints.

In order to build a mast for installing a windmill, use bars connected to each other with self-tapping screws. Fix the windmill on the mast and install it in the pre-allocated place. With the help of such an installation, it is possible to charge a mobile phone or organize a backlight.

We make a mini wind generator with our own hands

Before starting work on a wind generator, you need to determine the number of winds in your climatic region. Gray-green - windless zones imply the use of sail-type wind turbines only. If necessary, provide direct current, a device in the form of a booster is added to them. This device performs the function of a rectifier, and also stabilizes the voltage. You will also need to have charger, high-power battery, converter. The cost of manufacturing this installation is prohibitively high and is not always justified.

In areas with weak winds, indicated yellow, it is possible to manufacture a low-speed wind generator. These devices perform well.

For windy regions, any wind turbine is suitable. Most often, vertical-type devices are used - blades or sailboats.

In order to perform calculations to determine the power of a wind turbine, it is necessary to take into account such factors as:

  • constant wind speed in a particular region;
  • air is a continuous medium, therefore, the power of the wind generator depends on the quality and performance of the rotor;
  • air currents have kinetic energy.

We offer to consider the features of sailing wind turbines. These devices are made of wear-resistant material that perfectly resist the winds. If you decide to make such an installation yourself, then you must first of all carry out a series of calculations related to these devices.

As a material for the manufacture of a wind generator, you can use various pieces of iron that are lying around in your home. The most expensive item is the battery. Its power determines the size of the installation and its performance.

Making a homemade axial-type wind generator at home is quite simple. Work should begin with the mast. For its manufacture, pipes are most often used, they must be different in diameter. Used to connect pipes welding machine. The mast is installed on a concrete platform. At the same time, several meters of it go deep into the ground to obtain a stable structure. On individual parts of the installation, two magnets must be glued. For a stronger fixation, they are additionally poured with epoxy resin.

This is followed by the process of making molds and plywood. For these purposes, coils connected by a phase are used. The stator manufacturing process looks like this: wax paper is installed on a previously cut plywood square. This is followed by the installation of plywood, on which holes for mounting the stator are pre-cut. This is followed by the process of mounting a glass cloth mug and coils are installed.

After that, the finished stator is removed from the previously prepared mold. For the manufacture of the screw, a duralumin pipe is used. The screw is made with a diameter of one meter. Use an electric jigsaw to cut the blades. In the central part of the installation, equip a hole with which the screw will be fixed on the generator.

The wind generator has a tail element displaced with respect to the axis. With strong gusts of wind, pressure occurs on the surface of the wind generator and it shifts to the side. This scheme allows you to protect the device from strong winds. This wind generator model allows you to generate enough energy to provide street lighting for the house. It is not difficult to make a wind generator, the main condition for obtaining a quality device is to compare the wind strength in your region with its power.

Do-it-yourself mini wind generator manufacturing technology

For wind turbine manufacture, a minimum supply of tools and materials is required. We offer a variant of the construction of a mini wind generator for summer cottages. This device is able to provide small house with a minimum number of electrical appliances - electricity.

For the manufacture of such a wind generator, you will first need a disk on which magnets are installed. This is followed by the process of winding copper coils, which are filled with resin. For rotation, the generator is installed on a previously provided base.

These wind generators are distinguished by good performance and high-quality work. The ratio of the magnet to the poles is two to three, if the wind generator has two phases, a ratio of one to three is sufficient for a single-phase device. All poles are related to each other depending on the coil options used.

The power of a wind generator is determined primarily by the size of the magnets used in its construction. As a mast for the generator, it is enough to use a steel pipe or a log. It is not necessary to use new batteries, any devices that are suitable in terms of power will fit.

It is possible to manufacture several wind turbines at once, while each of them will perform certain functions - one provides a home with light, the second is responsible for the operation of the TV, and the third is for night lighting.
