® anomalous magnetic declination point ( d);
® reliable coastline;
® the coastline is unreliable;
® top of the mountain;
® triangulation point;
® astronomical point;
® leveling mark, benchmark;
® church, cathedral, kirka, church;
® chapel;
® monument, monument;
® drilling rig;
® a beached vessel;
® anchorage;
® deep water anchorage;
® anchoring is prohibited;
® depth unreliable or doubtful;
® depth over hazards;
® a sunken ship with a depth above it of 20 m or less;
® a sunken ship with a depth above it of more than 20 m;
® sunken ship with masts above water;
® a sunken ship with an indication of the depth above it;
® danger, the position of which is approximate or doubtful;
® a hazard that is doubtful;
® the danger caused by the report;
® surface rock (stone) indicating the height;
® underwater rock (stone) indicating the depth above it;
® breakers;
® Rip;
® constant flow with indication of its speed;
® variable current with indication of its speed;
® tidal current with indication of its speed (in syzygy);
® ebb current with indication of its speed (in quadrature);
® whirlpool;
® power submarine cable;
® inactive submarine cable;
® underwater oil pipeline;
® recommended route indicating the direction of movement of ships;
® recommended path with indication of the smallest depth;
® recommended deep water route along the alignment;
® maximum allowable draft of ships on the recommended routes;
® the established direction of movement of ships;
® recommended direction of movement of vessels;
® prohibited, dangerous or restricted area for navigation;
® state border;
® demarcation line;
® border of territorial waters;
® border of the adjacent zone;
® beacon;
® a luminous sign indicating the top figure and the color of the sign;
® air beacon;
êInfr Pr 8s 14M ® infrared fire;
Ztm ® eclipsing fire;
Gr Ztm ® group eclipsing fire;
Gr Pr(2) ® group flashing light;
Dl Pr ® long flashing light;
PR ® flashing light;
Prer 04 ® intermittent very frequent fire;
Per Gr Pr (2) ® variable group flashing light;
Pr (3) 15s 22M T (s) (k) og DV RMk s.st. ® group flashing light, 3 flashes in a group, 15 second fire period, 22 miles visibility range, horn (primary) and bell (backup), visibility sensor fire, radio beacon and signal station.

The degree of completeness and detail of the content of the maps is called card load, which depends on the purpose and scale of the map(the larger the scale of the map, the more detailed the situation is).

One of requirements guiding documents to the navigator, and even more so to the officer in charge of the watch is - the ability to read a map. This question must be constantly worked out. independently on the ship according to the "Symbols of sea charts and charts of inland waterways"(Adm. No. 9025 - ed. GUNiO MO RF or Adm. No. 902 - ed. of the Ministry of Transport of Ukraine).


1. Navigational nautical charts constitute the main subgroup of nautical charts and directly ensure the navigational safety of navigation in almost any area of ​​the World Ocean.

2. To ensure safe navigation in a particular area, the largest-scale map published for that area is used for graphical dead reckoning.

3. It should always be remembered that the larger the scale of the map, the more complete and detailed the information necessary for safe navigation is.

4. For navigationally difficult areas, the marine navigation chart should be more visual and convenient, which is achieved by additionally performing its “lifting”.

5. Blind trust in the map and its unreasonable overestimation on the part of the navigator can lead to a navigational error, sometimes leading to a severe accident and even death of the vessel.

6. Competent and full use of the nautical chart for the purposes of navigation is impossible without the ability of the navigator to “read” this chart.


General information.

The map is one of the main sources of information for the navigator. However, even the most detailed map cannot provide the full necessary information. The Main Directorate of Navigation and Oceanography of the Ministry of Defense issues publications of a navigational nature, which are divided into marine navigation manuals (MNR) and marine navigation manuals (MNP).

Mongolian People's Republic- official publications for mariners containing rules, instructions, instructions or recommendations of a navigational or legal nature, failure to comply with which makes the mariner liable for possible consequences.

Swimming guides are: directions and additions to them; description of lights and signs (lights); description of radio technical aids to navigation equipment (RTSNO) and radio navigation systems (RNS); schedule of radio transmissions of navigational and hydrometeorological messages and facsimile hydrometeorological transmissions; navigation rules for canals, fairways, inland waterways, ports, etc.; instructions and instructions for swimming; printed proof documents.

The manuals should also include various publications containing information of an international legal nature.

These include: International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea (COLREGs); International Code of Signals (ICC); collections of regional agreements and legislative acts on navigation issues; obligatory regulations on seaports, etc.

MNP- official publications for navigators containing navigational and hydrographic, geophysical, astronomical and various kinds of reference data intended for solving problems of navigation. They are divided into aids for navigation, hydrometeorological, astronomical, reference and auxiliary aids.

The main requirements for guidelines and manuals are as follows:

· They should not duplicate the information on the cards;

· Must not conflict with the cards;

Fully correspond to the actual situation;

Guides and manuals usually contain the following information:

· Data on the physical and geographical conditions of the area;

· Navigational and geographical description of objects on the sea and adjacent land;

· Information about the peculiarities of swimming in the area;

· Description of the aids to navigation in the order in which they are used;

· Information for solving various tasks of a navigational nature;

· International legal information;

· Information about the swimming mode;

· a brief description of basic guides.

· 1.6.2 PILOT

· The Admiralty numbers of this type of publication of the GUNiO MO begin with the number 1. The sailing directions contain information about the navigation conditions in the area. They can be divided into parts geographically. If the part is very voluminous in size, then it can be divided into issues. Each location is provided with a map of the described area. The scheme indicates the boundaries and numbers of the heads of the sailing directions, describing individual sections. In some sailing directions, instead of the area scheme, a combined sheet of maps is placed on the area described by the sailing station.

Each lotion contains:

introductory documents;

General review;

Navigation description;

Guidance for swimming in general courses;

Reference department;

Alphabetical index.

B. Obtaining information using sailing directions.

To get information about a geographic feature by its name, from alphabetical index you should select the page number printed in bold and read the necessary information there.

For getting general information about the navigation and geographical features of the navigation area and hydrometeorological conditions, it uses the corresponding essays from " general overview". It also provides information on the rules of navigation in the waters of foreign countries.

Description of specific sailing conditions is given in the relevant chapters of the "Navigational Description". Particular attention should be paid to the "instruction" (instruction) for swimming in the area.

If navigation is carried out in transit through the area described by the sailing direction, then it is necessary to use the information from the section “Instruction (indication) for navigation in general courses”.


Admiralty numbers of this type of publication of the GUNiO MO begin with the number 2. This manual is published under two titles: "Lights" and "Lights and Signs". The structure and form of presenting information in these manuals is the same, however, there are significant differences between them:

1. "Lights and signs" are drawn up for the waters of Russia (including the former USSR), and "Lights" - for foreign waters.

2. "Lights and signs" contain information about all regular aids to navigation, with the exception of milestones (regular aids to navigation - permanently located in the same places or removed annually at winter period and exhibited annually for the navigation period). They also include non-illuminated signs and buoys), and "Lights" contain information only about luminous aids to navigation and sound signal installations, with the exception of buoys and milestones, lights on drilling and oil rigs.

3. In "Lights and Signs" the smallest of the standard and geographical range of visibility of lights is given, and in "Lights" the nominal or optical range of visibility of the lights.

Graphic image The meaning of conventional signs Graphic image The meaning of conventional signs
Fairways, boundaries of water areas
Fairway without indication of depth Fairway with the smallest depth 6 m Leading fairway etched with a flexible trawl to a depth of 7.1 m Leading fairway etched with a rigid trawl to a depth of 10.1 m Sea channel: 1 - expressed to scale; 2 - not expressed to scale Boundary of danger, distinctive depths and coastal stones Forbidden zones, exercise areas, etc. Boundaries of protral areas Boundary of fishing Boundary of ice Boundary of magnetic anomaly Boundary of magnetic anomaly unreliable Boundaries of poorly surveyed areas
Isobaths (in meters) 1 ………………. 10 ._._._._ 2 .. .. .. .. .. .. 20 .._.._.._ 5 – - – - – - – - 50 .-.-.-.-
Coastline reliable Coastline not reliable Rocky coast Steep coast: 1 - with a beach expressed in scale; 2 - with beach not to scale
Steep shore without beach Sandy (or earthy) shore with boulders Clay shore Dangerous shore Dry silty shore Sandy dry shore. Drainage Sandy-rocky dryland coast Pebble-gravel dryland coastline Rocky dryshore
Navigational hazards
Emersed stone Underwater stone Drying stone Burun Position of the danger is doubtful Existence of the danger is doubtful Banks of small size Underwater obstacles Surface rock Area not recommended for anchorage (bad ground) Wreck, part of which is above the water The same, with a depth of less than 18 m above it The same, with a depth of more than 18 m above it Fishing nets and stakes
Depths, currents, hydraulic structures
Depths Depth unreliable Depth at which the bottom was not reached (“swept”) Depths distinctive Depths above the danger Depth of trawling above the danger Drying height above zero depth Bollards, woven and piled underwater barriers Mole Breakwater Harbor Pier Granite, concrete and reinforced concrete embankments: 1 - not to scale; 2 - expressed in scale Fortified coast: 1 - not expressed in scale, 2 - expressed in scale
floating fences
Pole, ice pole Flag pole North pole, left side pole, left turning South pole, right side pole, right turning West pole East pole

Cross buoy Buoy, buoy, non-illuminated Buoy, buoy with top figure Luminous buoy or buoy Buoy with light reflector Buoy with active or passive radar reflector Radio beacon with illuminated buoy Milestone or buoy above a wreck Fire over a wreck Beacon vessel Barrel
Lighthouses, lights, signs, stations, landmarks and other objects
lighthouse lights radio beacon fog station aerial Fog stations underwater

High and low tide signaling in ports

Note. The cones used to produce signals No. 1 and 2 must have a base diameter of 0.5 m and a height of 1.5 m

Water height alarm

Note. The height and diameter of cones and cylinders, as well as the diameter of the balls for the production of signals No. 3-6 must be at least 1 m

Annex 1

The image on the maps of the color of lights glowing aids to navigation

Appendix 2

1. Fencing signs of navigational hazards on the sea and lake relative to the cardinal points

Appendix 3

Ship lights and signs according to the "Rules for warning ships at sea"

1. Symbols of ship lights

13. Vessels engaged in fishing with trawl gear while underway (Regulation 9c)

Appendix 4

Visual ship signals according to

"Rules of Navigation on Inland Navigation Routes"

A. Signals hoisted on ships while underway (under way)

I. On steamships when sailing without a crew of ships

B. Signals hoisted on ships while anchored (mooring signals)

Emergency two-flag signals according to the international code of signals

The manual is meant to be read nautical charts And maps of inland waterways publications of the Main Directorate of Navigation and Oceanography of the Ministry of Defense.
1. Navigation nautical charts mostly drawn in normal isogonal cylindrical projection Mercator. Maps at a scale of 1:50,000 and larger are compiled along their mean parallels, and maps at scales smaller than 1:50,000 along the main parallel of a sea, lake, or region.
2. Depths and heights of drying on the maps are given in meters from the accepted zero depth. Depths and heights of drying, displaced relative to their position, are enclosed in parentheses (see 35, 311).
The smallest depth - adobe - shallow depth on the bank, reef, bar and other elevations of the bottom, as well as on the fairway, in the channel.
Maintained depth - the smallest depth in the channel or on the fairway, which is maintained during the entire navigation.
Distinctive depth - a depth that differs up or down from the surrounding depths (by at least 10% for even and 20% for uneven bottom topography).
3. Marks of heights, heights of islands, above-water rocks and stones are given in meters from the sea level adopted on the maps of the given area for reading heights. Elevation marks displaced relative to their position and heights of structures are enclosed in brackets (see D42).
4. The abbreviation "PS" is given for hazards, the position of which on the map is shown approximately or doubtfully. For coastal objects (landmarks, aids to navigation, etc.), the position of which is shown approximately on the map, the abbreviation “PP” is given. Approximate elevations and other approximate numerical characteristics are abbreviated "approx.".
5. The lights of luminous aids to navigation on maps at a scale of 1:500,000 and larger are shown according to their actual color. White, yellow and orange lights are shown with orange paint; the abbreviation "g" is placed before the character of the yellow and orange lights.
The radii of circles and arcs indicating the color of the lights do not correspond to the visibility range of the light. The visibility range of fire is given in nautical miles.
On maps at a scale smaller than 1:500,000, all lights of luminous aids to navigation are depicted as purple "horns".
On maps at a scale of 1:500,000 intended for use as general (inland or marginal seas), all lights, regardless of type and color, are depicted as purple "horns". The color of the fire is indicated by abbreviations before the nature of the fire.

General remarks
Symbols for navigation charts
1. Edition. Borders of insets, plans, maps
2. Position, units, directions
3. Elements of terrestrial magnetism
natural objects
Hydrographic line and land relief
Glaciers and land cover
4. Artificial objects
Buildings, structures
Roads, bridges
5. Landmarks.
6. Port facilities.
7. Depths, drying heights, isobaths.
8. Dangers.
9. Soils.
10. Tides, currents.
11. Structures at sea.
12. Recommended routes, fairways.
13. Regions, borders.
14. Lights.
15. Buoys, milestones, signs.
IALA fencing system.
16. Alignments, solutions, directions, measured lines.
17. Sound signal means.
18. Radio equipment.
19. Services.
20. Elements of mine load.
Symbols for maps of inland waterways.

The coasts of the seas are "covered" by a series of nautical charts, each of which covers its own geographical area.

To communicate with neighboring charts and preserve the continuity of the graphic reckoning of the ship's route, neighboring charts have "finds", i.e., mutual overlaps.

Maps are printed on standard sheets of 75 x 100 cm. In addition, they can be printed on half or a quarter of a standard sheet with dimensions of 75 x 50 and 38 x 50 cm, respectively.

If some part of the coast is not placed in a given scale on a standard sheet, in addition to the map imprint, a valve can be printed on a non-standard sheet.

The valve is glued to the main sheet of the card. Sometimes the valve is printed in free space directly on the card.

Sea charts are assigned five-digit Admiralty numbers. Each of the digits of the map number conditionally denotes the name of the ocean or its part, the type of map depending on its scale, the area of ​​the ocean or sea, and the serial number of the map in this area. Special alphabetic or numeric designations are introduced for reference maps and special-purpose maps.

The cartographic grid of the sea chart is filled in accordance with its purpose with geographical and navigational content elements, inscriptions and elements additional feature.

To geographical elements The contents of the map include images of the shores of the oceans, seas, bays, the topography of the seabed and land, state borders, and settlements.

To navigation elements ports, aids to navigation, fairways, sea channels, navigational hazards, navigational landmarks, magnetic declination data and other map elements of a navigational nature are assigned. The inscriptions are the title of the map, geographical names, various explanations and warnings, as well as data on the publication and correction of the map.

To the elements of additional characteristics include insets, i.e. small large-scale plans or maps of navigationally important sections of the coast, placed in free places on the sheet, tables with information about tides and currents, drawings of lighthouses, signs, etc.

The elements of the content of the maps are transmitted by conventional signs, image symbols or schematic drawings of objects. Various kinds of inscriptions on the maps relating to the color and nature of the lights, the name of the soil, etc., are given in the form of abbreviations. The location of objects that are not expressed on the scale of the map is shown by symbols.
The real place of the object in this case is taken in the geometric center of the sign, if it has a regular geometric shape, or in the middle of the base, if the object is depicted as an asymmetrical pattern or a sign with a wide base.

Depths are reduced to depth zero and are given in meters and decimeters, with depths from 0 to 5 m rounded to the nearest 0.1 m; from 5 to 20 m - up to 0.2 m; 20 and more - up to 1 m.
In addition to marking depths, lines of equal depths - isobaths - are drawn on the maps. The isobath of 10 m is considered cautionary for small vessels, and 20 m for large-tonnage ones.

The coastline in tidal seas is mapped with two lines. One of them (the main one) corresponds to the trace of full water in the syzygy, and the other corresponds to the lowest sea level. The zone enclosed between these lines is called drying. In seas where the tides do not exceed 0.5 m, the coastline is taken as the water's edge at an average sea level.

Heights of lighthouses and signs in the sea x that do not have tides are given above the mean sea level, and in seas with a significant tide - above the level of the mean full spring water.

Aids to Navigation (Aids to Navigation)- lighthouses, luminous and non-luminous signs, alignment marks, radio beacons, floating beacons, buoys, milestones - are shown on maps as off-scale conventional signs.
Next to the image of the luminous aids to navigation, with the help of abbreviations, their nature, the number of flashes or eclipses, the period, the visibility range of the fire, information about radio stations, fog signals, lighting sectors are inscribed.
The directions and sectors of the lighthouses give the true ones, counting from the coast from 0 to 360 ° clockwise.
Next to the image of non-luminous signs in the form of a fraction, their height from sea level (numerator) and from the base of the sign (denominator) are shown.
Next to the image of the buoys, their color, sound signals, serial numbers, data on the radar reflector are indicated, and for luminous buoys, the nature of the fire is also indicated. Leading lines are drawn through the centers of the images of leading signs, the running part of which is depicted as a solid line, and the slow moving part - as a dotted line.

Since the degree of detail of the image of the area depends on the scale of the map, then of all the maps available for a given area, the map of the largest scale should always be used.

The reading of the map begins with its title, which indicates the name of the depicted area of ​​the sea, the scale of the map, information about the zero depth, accepted units for indicating the depths and heights of objects, data on magnetic declination.
Then the warnings and notes printed on the map should be read, the dates of publication, as well as major and minor corrections, should be set. To obtain the most complete picture of the area depicted on the map, all the geographical and navigational elements of the image shown on it are studied.

When sailing in navigationally difficult areas, it is recommended to lift the map, i.e., increase its visibility by highlighting the most important elements of the map. To do this, in particular, arcs are applied with a pencil corresponding to the visibility range of the beacons, the dangerous sectors of lights are shaded, and lines of dangerous bearings are drawn.

Before using the map, you need to evaluate it in terms of the reliability and completeness of the image printed on it. The later the map is made, the more it can be trusted. The level of modernity of the map is also judged by the dates of its new edition, major and minor corrections.

To assess the reliability of the image of the bottom topography, the degree of detail of the measurement is established. Well-surveyed areas of the sea correspond on the map to a high frequency and uniformity of plotting depths. Rarely and unevenly shown depths, white spots between them are a sign of insufficient knowledge of the area.

International system of navigation barriers.
Instructions for use.

To protect navigational hazards and designate safe passages (fairways) and indicate special areas of the water area, most countries of the world use the generally accepted system of navigation signs. The standards for such signs are developed and maintained by an international organization IALA – (International Association Lighthouse Authorities). They are printed on nautical charts and help guide the ship around various hazards. The water area of ​​the world ocean is conditionally divided into two large regions: the region A and region IN. To the region IN belong to the regions of North and South America, Korea and the Philippines. Today we will look at the region A, in which we, in fact, are located and to which Europe, Asia and Africa belong.

All navigation signs have the following characteristics: shape, color, characteristics of lights and sound signals. Knowing these parameters, one can reliably identify any sign seen at sea and on a sea chart.

If the direction of the buoy is not obvious, then on the map it is indicated as follows - rice. 2. This means that if a ship follows the fairway in the direction indicated on the chart, then the red buoys should be on its port side, and the green ones on the starboard side.

Lateral marks may be in the form of a milestone, a pyramid with a wide base, a cone or trapezoidal buoys. The lateral signs of the left side of the fairway, in addition to the red color, have a truncated trapezoid as the upper figure and, in conditions of limited visibility, a red flashing light.

Signs on the right side of the fairway, painted in green color, are characterized by a triangular shape of the upper figure and in conditions of limited visibility glow with a green flashing light. On rice. 3 you can see how the lateral signs and the direction of the buoy are shown on the charts.

II. Cardinal signs (cardinal marks) (Fig. 4)

Cardinal signs protect a navigational hazard and indicate on which side it can be safely bypassed. In this case, the danger is shallows, underwater or surface rocks, ships sunk at shallow depths, etc. Cardinal signs are associated with the main directions of the compass in parts of the world and differ from each other in color, shape of the upper figure and characteristics of the lights.

1. Northern cardinal mark (north cardinal mark) (Fig. 5)

2. Eastern cardinal mark ( east cardinal mark) (Fig. 7)

This sign tells the sailor that it must be bypassed from the east. Coloring (from top to bottom): black-yellow-black. The shape of the upper figure is two black triangles, directed by the vertices from each other. Fire Characteristics: Fast flashing white in groups of three flashes. The map is shown as rice. 8.

Tells the sailor that it needs to be bypassed from the south. Coloring (from top to bottom): yellow-black. The shape of the upper figure is two black triangles with their vertices down. Fire Characteristics: Fast flashing white in groups of six flashes plus one long flash. Shown on the map as rice. 10.

This sign should be bypassed from the west. Coloring (from top to bottom): yellow-black-yellow. The shape of the upper figure is two black triangles with their vertices directed towards each other. Fire Characteristics: Fast flashing white in groups of nine flashes. The map is shown as rice. 12.

The sign of an isolated danger is placed directly at the place of danger. It can warn of a single rock, surface or underwater dangerous shoals, etc. Coloring (from top to bottom): black-red-black. The shape of the top piece is two black balls. Light characteristic: a group of two white flashes.
How the isolated danger sign looks on the map, see rice. 14.

Safe water mark (Fig. 15)

Special stamps (Special marks) (Fig. 17)

These stamps usually designate some special areas in the water area - for example, areas where submarine cables run, submarine ranges, as well as areas reserved for water skiers and jet skis. In any case, if on the map some zone is limited by special marks, then there, on the map, there is always an explanation of what exactly they protect ( rice. 18). Special grades are painted in yellow, the shape of the upper figure is an oblique cross. Light characteristic: yellow flashes.


Lighthouse in specialized literature (light house) is a navigation landmark in the form of a tower or building of a distinctive shape and color, installed on the mainland, island or directly in shallow water, equipped with a lighting device with a long optical visibility range. A floating lighthouse (lightship)- a ship equipped with a beacon light and installed in the area of ​​dangers remote from the coast.

So, a lighthouse is a large structure equipped with fire at the top point, with characteristics that are individual for each lighthouse. At least within a radius of a hundred nautical miles, you will not find two lighthouses with the same light characteristics. Many beacons are equipped with horns (usually howlers) that can be used to identify the beacon in low visibility conditions such as fog. Also, most beacons are equipped with a source of a characteristic radio signal, which allows ships to determine their position using radio navigation equipment in conditions of limited visibility.

Rules required for lighthouses:
the location of each lighthouse must be accurately mapped;
it should be clearly visible both day and night;
the light of the lighthouse shall not be mistaken for any incidental light on the shore;
the beacon must have a reliable fog alarm. Depending on the place of installation, beacons are divided into coastal and sea ones.

Coastal lighthouses, as a rule, are erected on high capes of the mainland protruding into the sea or on large islands, sea beacons - on natural or artificial islands located far from the coast, or simply on an underwater rock. According to their purpose, coastal beacons are identification (indicative) and leading.

The former, as the name implies, usually serve as reception marks at the entrance to a port or channel, turning marks where passing ships usually change their course, and warning signs indicating a certain navigational danger. Leading beacons are placed to facilitate the passage of ships in narrow places or at the entrance to the roadstead, harbor or port.

So, lighthouses have a dual purpose: they help sailors determine their position at sea and warn against danger. To use a lighthouse as a navigational landmark at night, we must, firstly, see its light, and secondly, identify it. On nautical charts, beacons are marked with a magenta (purple) exclamation mark-like symbol and/or surrounded by a purple circle. The main identifying characteristics of a beacon light, such as color, period and phase, are mapped beside it.

The color of the beacon light can be white, green or red. Green light corresponds to the designation G (green), red - R (red), blue Bu (blue), purple - Vi (violet), yellow - Y (yellow). If none of these symbols is indicated, we are dealing with fire white color.

To learn to identify beacons various types Let's look at a few examples.

Example 1 On the sea chart ( rice. 1) we see the lighthouse Berry head, which has the following designation - Fl (2) 15s 58m 14M. Let's see what we will see in the dark, being close to him. Fl (2) denotes the phase characteristic of the lighthouse fire and stands for a group of flashes ( group flashing). The number 2 in brackets indicates the number of flashes in the group, and 15s (seconds) is the period. Thus, this beacon sequentially gives 2 flashes and after a break - again 2 flashes, etc. To make sure that we see exactly the beacon that is marked on the map and has the above characteristics, we need to take a stopwatch, start it as soon as we see the first flash in the group, track 2 flashes, a break and stop the countdown at the time of the first flash in the next group time. If this is indeed a beacon marked in this place on the map, then the period counted by the stopwatch will be 15 seconds (15s).

What color of flash do you think you will observe? Quite right, they are white, because there are no G or R symbols in the designation of the beacon. The circle around the beacon and the letters RG in magenta color indicate the type of radio signal that this beacon emits. The symbols following the period in the designation of the lighthouse - 58m - are its height above sea level, and the mysterious 14M tell us that in good weather at night from the height of the captain's bridge of a medium ship, its light is visible from a distance of 14 nautical miles.

Example 2 lighthouse on Eddystone Rocks (rice. 2) has the following designation: Fl (2) 10s 41m 20M & F.R. 28m 13M Horn (3) 60s. Fl (2) 10s - a group of two flashing flashes with a period of 10 seconds. Since the color is not specified, it means that it is white. 41m 20M - its height is 41 m, visibility in good weather is 20 nautical miles. The symbol "&" means "and", followed by the symbols: F.R. 28m 13M. This means that the beacon is equipped with an additional permanent red light ( F.R. – fixed red), installed at an altitude of 28 m (28m), and visibility in good weather to 13 nautical miles (13 M). If we carefully look at the map, we will see the designated sector of this fire (arc of visibility of F.R. lt). That is, if we go in such a way that we see a red fire, then we are going to danger (7-meter shallow). Symbols Horn(3) 60s tells us that the beacon is equipped with a howler that gives 3 beeps every 60 seconds. Symbols Racon(T) (3&10cm) refers to the radio signal emitted by this beacon.

Example 3 Pay attention to two identical lights located at the top fig.3 and marked with the symbols F.G. 6M. Now you can easily decipher these lights as constantly burning green. (Fixed Green) and that their visibility in good weather is 6 nautical miles (6M). These lights are located on one straight line, the direction of which is indicated on the map as 352º45´ - naturally, this is the true bearing. The meaning of these lights is that if you go into Holcombe Bay to the anchorage, you will keep these two green lights "on target", i.e. on one straight line, you will follow the true course of 352º45´ and enter the bay, avoiding dangers. Such lights are called "leading" or leading lights.

To identify the phase characteristics of the lights, use the Admiralty Booklet 5011. Its full name is Symbols and abbreviations used on Admiralty charts 5011. You must also have a book on board. List of lights for your region. By it, you can always correctly identify the beacons that you meet on the way.
