Since childhood, Vitaly unquestioningly obeys his parents, has a gentle character, compliant and kind. Of the parents, he always reaches for his mother. He willingly plays with children of his age, but in games he does not try to take a dominant position, but on the contrary, he tries to help everyone who needs it. He can be entrusted with control over younger children, he will successfully cope with this. Vitaly easily meets new people and finds a common language.

He wants to see his mother in his future wife. It should be an almost exact copy. Regardless of age, Vitaliy is always a gentle person. And even if they get angry, it is nothing more than just a mask. You don't have to answer them the same. It will take a little time and it will become noticeable that he simply does not know how to be angry.

Vitaly is quite sociable, but there is a certain individuality in his character. He can enter himself for a while. For example, when he is doing something he loves, he does not need to be distracted. Has a good sense of humor.

Fate: In terms of energy, the name Vitaly is very favorable for a normal life, it has enough optimism, gentleness, mobility; at the same time, it bears a certain stamp of detachment from reality.

The Saints: Vitaly the Roman (name day on February 7), Vitaly of Alexandria (name day on May 5), Vitaly of Corfu (name day on May 11).

Day of Angel Vitaly

Ancient Greek origin - from the Latin language. The meaning of the name is life. It has the same root as the words vitamin, vitalism, vitascon. Balanced, smart (know how to control themselves), cunning; stocky, medium height. Hypersexual, capable of making several contacts in a row, stubborn. They strive not to overload their deep mind. We could achieve a lot, but laziness gets in the way.

Vitaly Name days according to the Church Calendar

  • January 24 - Vitaly Gazsky, St.
  • February 7 - Vitaly the Roman, martyr.
  • May 5 - Vitaly of Alexandria, St.
  • May 11 - Vitaly of Kerkirs, martyr.
  • August 5 - Vitalian, Pope
  • October 7 - Vitaly (Kokorev), primch., monk / novomuch. /

Any name of a person contains many secrets, mystery and meanings. At birth, when we receive our name as a gift, we still do not know what it will carry for us, and what character traits we can acquire thanks to it. Sometimes the name makes us famous, sometimes on the contrary, we are practically no different from the rest. When a child is born, you need to approach the choice of a name for him with great responsibility. In order for him to become some kind of special, the majority carefully examine the name of a person, and only then give it to a newborn.
Male names significantly different from women's, although there are exceptions. So the name Vitaly, whose origin comes from ancient rome, also has a lot of different meanings that affect the formation of the character as a whole. A person full of life, this is the meaning of this name. He has many related names around the world, and each has its own separate meaning and carries a special meaning.

Vitaly's childhood

IN early childhood this is a sweet and gentle child who is often attached to his parents, mainly to his mother. He is distinguished by a kind and cheerful disposition, but for some reason the female gender for his communication comes closer to him. He reaches out to the fair sex constantly. Such boys are very fond of tenderness and affection, he likes it when they constantly take care of him and pay a lot of attention.

Relationships with peers most often do not add up because of their mild nature, he is in persecution among them. Therefore, for himself, he chooses younger friends and gets along well with them. Each insult causes him the strongest harm, he takes a lot too close to his heart. Therefore, he tries to stay not far from adults who can stand up for him. Vitaly in childhood depends on a different opinion, and it’s practically worthless to impose your point of view on him.

At school, he manifests himself as a diligent student who fulfills all the requirements of the elders and always does his homework. He does not take diligence and perseverance, which is why many do not like him. From childhood, he begins to set goals for himself, and go towards them with small but confident steps. Children with this name often have great talents, and parents need to sometimes test their child for abilities that may just be hiding. There is one more indisputable quality, all Vitalys are lucky, they often win the lottery, or in any other contest or game. Many, realizing this, at an older age begin to use their luck for various purposes.


In their youth, all Vitalis are a little rough, this comes from that. That he hides his shyness behind ridiculous rudeness. They are still lucky in some cases, but now they can already appreciate it and are doing things in the right direction. They have the first fans who show signs of attention.

They have always been surrounded by women since childhood, which made it possible to get to know all the women closer. Now sometimes you have to use your knowledge in order to start a new communication. These are brave and sweet guys who have many far-reaching plans. The perseverance that is inherent in them helps in many things. With friends, they are basically the soul of the company, who can always cheer and support the whole conversation.

Behind this cheerful and cheerful character, there is a very vulnerable person, which can unbalance any unpleasant joke for him. But he will never give a look and will laugh at her along with everyone. Only left alone with himself, he will give vent to his emotions.

Adult Vitaly

An adult with that name loves to argue very much, but not because he likes it, but because he defends his innocence. Very emotional and temperamental, it is not always easy to be with him. Not everyone can withstand such assertiveness and keen interest in everything that is around him. Everything that was with him in childhood is forever forgotten. There is no longer that shy and shy boy who was next to his mother. Now this is a real man who firmly has his own opinion, it is very difficult to argue with him and even more so to convince him of something.
This very well-mannered man cannot break some of the rules that he has learned since childhood. He cannot make a career by going over the heads of his colleagues. The decency that lives in him from birth does not give him this opportunity. Absolutely not a conflict person, he does not know how to scandalize loudly. But if you have to defend your opinion, he stops at nothing. Often at work, relationships develop well, but sometimes human envy does its job. Vitaliy remains lucky for life, and this very often manifests itself, so he simply does not have relationships with some people. This does not interfere with his career, and he is successfully moving on.

Vitaly's personal life

Like many of us, he has his own family. Love for this person is of great importance, he cannot love superficially, and is given to feelings without a trace. People with this name are too amorous and this can happen to them very often. He does not know how to grieve for past feelings for a long time and after they end he immediately looks for a replacement.

There is one trait in Vitaly's character, he is a squeamish person, and this is what prevents him from changing partners too often. He will never pay attention to an untidy woman, even if she is very attractive and beautiful. Everything is clean and bright for him. If he meets a woman with inner beauty, then this will be a decisive step in his fate. He will immediately break off all unfinished relationships and give preference to only her alone.

It is very necessary for people like Vitaliy to be on the same wavelength with their partner, she needs to understand him and take care of him. As we can see, those feelings that he had in childhood wake up in him. Now he wants to be not only loved, but also cared for.

Until he meets his other half, he tries to spend almost all his free time with friends who support him and with them he is very fun and at ease. After a relationship begins with him, he simply disappears from the sight of friends for a while, but over time, his future wife also falls into this circle.

Vitaly's family

In the family, Vitaly is a wonderful and loving family man. First of all, he has a wonderful trait, he loves children very much, and if his wife gives him girls, then this will be real happiness for him. He will pamper and cherish his children, surrounding him with care and understanding. For him, this is the beginning of the whole world, since no one will be happy with him.

Relations between spouses are usually built on trust, he completely dissolves in his soulmate and trusts her in everything. Some Vitalis, after a short period of time, can afford to have a mistress, but they will not consider this a betrayal. So just they will rest from their family. Most often, this all happens unnoticed by the wife and she will never know about it. He will not exalt his mistress, he will need her for love pleasures.

IN sexual life for him, various little things play a role, smell, lipstick, bright clothes, in general, everything that can turn a man on. One can envy his temperament, perhaps that is why he is sometimes enough for two women. He is very demanding of his partner, he gets old to choose all the outfits that seem seductive to him, if understanding disappears in this, then most likely such marriages break up. He is a bit of a sexual tyrant and wants a woman to always obey him.

Positive traits of Vitaly

A soft, active person with a great sense of humor, it's all about him. Likes to communicate with the same people who have a great sense of humor. Always grateful for the feelings and actions shown to him. He has many friends who value him for such qualities as loyalty, sincerity and respect.

Negative Traits

People with this name are sometimes too gullible, besides big dreamers who can invent anything. In adolescence, he very often shows aggression and rudeness, but over the years this passes and, having matured, he overestimates these qualities. His excessive softness is sometimes very annoying, which makes communication unpleasant. Other than that, he doesn't have any major negatives. Therefore, his character begins to develop certain traits that help him a lot in life.

When, according to the church calendar, Vitaly's name day:

May 3 - Vitalius of Alexandria, reverend; May 11 - Vitaly Kerkinsky, martyr; February 7 - Vitalius the Roman, martyr.

The name Vitaly is translated as "life", and it came from the Latin language. The most famous saints with the indicated name are the martyr Vitaly Kerkinsky, the martyr Vitaly the Roman, and others.

Vitalik is a soft, supple and compliant child. He always unquestioningly obeys his parents, reaches out to them and spends a lot of time at home.

At the same time, the boy has a lot of friends, and he enjoys playing with them, but does not strive to be a leader in the company.

The boy is sociable and sociable, he responsibly treats all his household duties and school assignments. Usually everyone loves him and treats him with respect.

As an adult, Vitaly remains still a supple and soft person, but this does not mean at all that a man can be manipulated.

He excels at work, where he is valued as a responsible and honest employee. Often a person achieves significant success precisely because of these two qualities.

The owner of this name chooses a wife who is similar to her mother both externally and in character. Vitaly certainly respects and tenderly treats his wife, their family life will be calm, measured and stable.

Congratulations for Vitaly on his name day in verse

A wonderful person - Vitaly, accept congratulations!
Be successful and lucky, get rich and prosper!
I want to wish health and all the best to your family,
So that fate brings you a full box of happiness!

Happy birthday, Vitaly, we want to congratulate you,
And wish you good health - eat deliciously and sleep soundly!
To be cheerful and free, reckless and perky,
A strong, strong fellow, to become a husband, then a father!

SMS congratulations to Vitaly on his name day

Accept, Vitaly, congratulations - your angel day has come today!
I want to wish, without a doubt, good health, fresh strength!

I congratulate and wish you, Vitaly, to be strong,
I wish you to always be loved, and love people yourself!

Vitaly, this is your holiday, and I heartily congratulate you!
At work, at home, be a hero, not knowing misfortunes and troubles!

When, according to the church calendar, Vitaly's name day May 3 - Vitaly of Alexandria, reverend; May 11 - Vitaly Kerkinsky, martyr; February 7 - Vitalius the Roman, martyr.

Characteristics of the birthday boy Vitaly:

Ancient Greek origin - from the Latin language. The meaning of the name is life. It has the same root as the words vitamin, vitalism, vitascon. Balanced, smart (know how to control themselves), cunning; stocky, medium height. Hypersexual, capable of making several contacts in a row, stubborn. They strive not to overload their deep mind. We could achieve a lot, but laziness gets in the way.

They live by the rule, work is not a wolf, it will not run away into the forest! Therefore, they perform it according to the mood, with minimal effort. Jealous, but their temperament is carefully disguised. They like to go to visit - eat delicious food, drink something exotic, like Jamaican Rum, flirt.

Congratulations on the name day of Vitaly:

Do not forget to celebrate Vitaly's name day and congratulate Vitaly on Angel Day.

Our birthday boy in a cruel world

Came without feeling trembling:

Vitaliy means "hardy"

You won't break it with anything.

To him fate - all steeper, steeper.

And every day - trouble, trouble ...

loss ballpoint pen

He will never forget.

He, even being "under gas",

The glass "for good luck" did not break.

And in the lottery he never

Didn't win a car!

Another would have grabbed a shizu long ago,

I would walk with a bad head,

And he just enjoys life

With which we congratulate him.

On the day of the angel I wish, Vitaly,

To be lucky in everything!

To always live in the house

Only joy, kindness and warmth!

Let the faces shine with smiles

Surrounding loved ones

So that the soul sings like a bird!

Implementation of new ideas!

More Cyprus and Antalya

In life I wish you

With this Holiday, Vitaly,

I congratulate you today!

So that everything is like in a resort,

And worries did not hover

Many beautiful girls

Pleasant, not obstinate,

And cocktails under the moon

And cruises over the wave!

The most popular version of the meaning of the name is the Roman version. According to this version, the name Vitaly comes from the Roman nickname Vitalis. Its meaning, and therefore the meaning of the name Vitaly is "vital" or "full of life".

From Roman nicknames came many names popular today. These are, for example, such names as Victor (Victorinus), Camille (Camillus), Maxim (Maximus), Albina (Albinus), Claudia (Claudius), Emilia (Aemilius) and many others.

The meaning of the name Vitaly for a child

Little Vitalik is a shy, affectionate and slightly timid child. He is an obedient and well-mannered boy, and his ability to integrate into almost any team is also characteristic of an older age. Vitalik is also characterized by a special connection with his mother, who becomes his true friend. Vitalik is rarely the leader of the company, but if circumstances put him in a leadership position, then he successfully copes with this. It can also be noted that Vitaly is a devoted friend and you can rely on him.

Vitaliy studies averagely, but if he gets carried away with something, then his success will be surprising to everyone. More inclined to the exact sciences, as he does not have sufficient susceptibility. The boy grows up athletic and achieves certain successes in sports. Usually his successes end with the interest in this hobby, and not with reaching the limit of growth. Has a craving for various martial arts and other "male" sports.

The health of a boy named Vitaly is quite strong. He has good immunity and rarely gets sick. Passion for sports makes his health even better. It is also worth noting its balanced nervous system, which allows him to endure increased nervous stress. Weak point Vitaly usually has a digestive system and often has to follow a diet.

Abbreviated name Vitaly

Vitalik, Vitalka, Vitas, Vitasya, Vitales, Vitaha.

Diminutive names

Vitalya, Vitalyushka, Vitalechka, Vitalenka, Vitaska.

Patronymic of children

Vitalievich and Vitalievna. There is also a colloquial form of male patronymic - Vitalich.

Name Vitaly for a passport- VITALII, according to the rules of machine transliteration adopted in Russia in 2006.

Translation of the name Vitaly into other languages

in Belarusian - Vital
in Spanish - vital
in Italian - Vitale
in Latin - Vitalis
in German - Vitalis
in Polish - Vitalis
in Portuguese - Vitalio
in Romanian - Vitalie
in Serbian - Vitaliy
in Ukrainian - Vitaliy
in French - vital

Church name Vitaly(V Orthodox faith) remains unchanged - Vitaly. Of course, this does not mean that Vitaly cannot choose another baptismal name for himself.

Characteristics of the name Vitaly

Adult Vitaly is characterized by all the same features as in childhood. He is kind, flexible and friendly. Many consider Vitaly soft, but this is not entirely true. It's just that for him there are not so many fundamental things as for many others. One can also say about Vitaly that he is often a follower, although this absolutely suits him. Many stroking this, think that Vitaly does not have leadership qualities. This is not true at all. As soon as fate puts Vitaly in the place of the leader, he will successfully cope with this.

Vitaly's professions are usually associated with the exact sciences. He may be an engineer or a builder, but it will definitely be a "male" profession. He achieves some success in any of his undertakings, but when he reaches the average level, he stops. For Vitaly, the success of the work is not a measure of success. It is just a means of making money, but nothing more.

Creating a family changes Vitaly very much. He shows passion and temperament, which were completely invisible. He is ready for a lot to win his chosen one. In a joint life, he is a diligent family man and a wonderful owner of the house. He wants a certain passion from his wife, and if he does not receive it, then he can look for it on the side. He loves his children very much, and especially treats his daughters warmly.

The secret of the name Vitaly

Vitaly's secret may be many of his positive features. He is a fairly phlegmatic person and many of his strengths rarely show up unnecessarily. Vitaly may be erudite, daring, or an excellent speaker, but he has no desire to demonstrate it. Vitaly believes that he does not have to prove anything to anyone.

Planet- Mercury.

Zodiac sign- Aquarius.

totem animal- Tiger.

Name color- Violet.

Tree- Poplar.

Plant- Violet.

Stone- Sapphire.
