Day of Remembrance of Soldiers-Internationalists in Belarus. The memory of the people who took part in the complex Afghan war, which lasted 9 years, was immortalized by the decree of the Belarusian President in March 1998 (No. 157 of 03/26/1998).

The nine-year war ended on February 15, 1989, on this day the servicemen who fought in Afghanistan returned to their homeland. The last to leave Afghan territory were special forces and border guards covering the withdrawal of troops.

The Afghan events unfolded during the existence of the Soviet Union, which united peoples of various nationalities. Representatives of all republics served in Afghanistan, including Belarusians.

The military tragedy began in 1979 as a result of an internal political crisis in the Central Asian republic, where Civil War and power struggles led to foreign interference in Afghan domestic politics.

On December 25, Soviet troops were introduced into Afghanistan, who were to fulfill the order of the Motherland to provide international assistance to the government of the belligerent republic.

The internationalists honorably carried out this order, having experienced all the horrors of war and the cruelty of the Mujahideen. Among the soldiers-internationalists were 30,000 Belarusians, 800 people did not return from those fronts.

It often happens that the assessment of historical events changes over the years, becoming either positive or negative, and it is not always objective.

But no matter how historians and politicians evaluate the events related to the actions of the government in the Central Asian Republic during the Afghan conflict, the actions of Soviet privates and officers deserve respect and admiration.

They swore allegiance to the Motherland and did not change their oath, fought courageously and heroically, following the orders of their commanders. Many Afghans received military decorations for that war, and many still dream of Afghanistan.

These are terrible, frightening dreams, but how nice it would be if wars remained only in dreams, and the military profession sank into oblivion. Unfortunately, such a dream is not yet destined to come true - the world continues to fight. Defense of the Fatherland in the priority of state actions.

And the more invaluable is the experience of specialists who have completed military service in hot spots, local wars, the more important it is to preserve a respectful memory of those events and teach every citizen of the country to be its patriot.

In Belarus in 1996, in memory of the soldiers-internationalists who did not return home, a chapel appeared on the Island of Tears. Inside the chapel, four altars are carved with the names of fallen soldiers. In Minsk in 2016, a memorial sign was erected to those who died in the vent of the Afghan war.

People have places to come to honor the memory of fellow soldiers.

Work in the Republic public organizations defending the social rights of soldiers-internationalists and family members of those who died in hot spots.

Formed in March 1993, the "Belarusian Union of Veterans of the War in Afghanistan" regularly participates in the socio-economic, social and cultural life of the country, paying great attention to the civil and patriotic education of young people.

Who, if not veterans who survived the war, will truthfully tell about it, warn against its repetition, teach them to respect their country and appreciate peace.

Low bow to you, defenders of the Fatherland, defenders of the world. Health to the living and memory to the departed.

Date in 2019: .

It so happened that the soldiers of the national army had to fulfill their international duty far from the borders of their homeland. Hundreds of thousands of fighters went through inhuman trials in the deserts and mountains, in the tropics and jungles. So that compatriots do not forget about the feat of internationalists, a special day was established in February.

Memorable dates are designed to remind contemporaries of the exploits of our compatriots.

One of these dates is February 15, when they remember the soldiers who participated under the flag of the Union in wars that did not take place on the territory of their native country.

Who is celebrating?

The memorial day is associated with the day of the withdrawal of Soviet troops from Afghanistan. February 15, 1989 is a date that has become a real holiday for hundreds of thousands of men, their mothers and wives. The foreign war, which lasted almost a decade, broke the fate of many Soviet citizens. A war that claimed thousands of young lives, we suck young guys. They did not have time to give birth to sons, to build their own house, but paid their debt at the cost of their own lives. A war in which hundreds of fighters went through hardships and inhuman torments of captivity without betraying the ideals of their Motherland.

The first information about the entry of Soviet units into a foreign country went almost unnoticed by many, because the event coincided with new year holidays. Yes, and the conflict cannot last forever, many were sure then.

For the next 9 years, mothers waited with a shudder in their hearts for subpoenas. After all, the Soviet conscript, who was “voluntarily” sent to Afghanistan, did not have the right to be refused due to the prevailing mentality and under the influence of political propaganda. Indeed, many were eager for an international war, firmly believing that the Army of the Soviets was doing a righteous cause.

The UN did not recognize the entry of Soviet troops as international aid. The military operation was recognized by her as "aggression". Although the support of "democracy" by NATO troops in many countries can be argued for a long time and to no avail.

According to preliminary data, about 15,000 Soviet soldiers died in this longest international war. It is they who are remembered on the Day of Warriors-Internationalists. The statistics did not include data on the dead soldiers and officers in hospitals after the end of the conflict, as well as those whose injuries significantly shortened their lives. After all, more than 50,000 soldiers were wounded during the war.

In total, 620,000 people took part in the war, taking into account all rotations. These were both privates and officers, fighters of various military specialties. And of course, doctors, cooks, and other important specialists.

It is customary to congratulate the soldiers-internationalists of the Afghans on the Day of Remembrance. But few people know that the Soviet Union managed to participate in 100 conflicts to maintain its interests and loyal regimes. Although they were not as long and large-scale as the Afghan massacre, hundreds, and sometimes thousands, of Soviet soldiers also served in them and defended the interests of the Motherland.

They also gather on February 15 with their previously secret fellow soldiers to drink to their dead friends and remember the difficult but heroic years.

history of the holiday

Warriors-internationalists defended the interests of a huge state - the Soviet Union. But they all lived in different republics, which later became independent countries.

Therefore, the Day of the International Warrior is celebrated not only in Russia, but also in other states.

Belarus. Interestingly, they were the first to establish a similar date in Belarus. A memorial day dedicated to the withdrawal of troops from Afghanistan was established back in 1995 by a Presidential Decree.

Ukraine. Since 2004, this country has been honoring any soldiers who took part in wars not on the territory of Ukraine. The holiday is also celebrated on February 15th.

Russia. IN Russian Federation the holiday of veterans of international warriors has been talked about for a long time, but the memorable date appeared only at the end of 2010, after the signing of a special Decree by the President.

Therefore, in 2017, the Day of Remembrance of Internationalist Soldiers will be celebrated by thousands of veterans, their friends and relatives not only in Russia, but also living in other countries and even continents.

International wars yesterday and today

The "peacefulness" of the Union is confirmed by the horrifying figures that became available to the public only after the declassification of a number of documents.

What is only worth participating in 100 local conflicts, where direct or covert actions were carried out. Dozens of countries know about the actions Soviet army firsthand. The most terrible thing is that the communist ideology, for which the struggle was fought, remained for them in the distant past.

Warriors, whom fate and the Motherland threw into such ups and downs, gave a non-disclosure agreement. Therefore, they remained ordinary soldiers for a long time and could not count on any benefits or assistance from the state. And these were not just a few, but hundreds of thousands of people.

Only in 1989 did the situation change for the internationalist warriors. Yes, and information began to leak out and become shockingly accessible. Particularly striking were the figures concerning the dead. According to various sources, losses in the Afghan conflict ranged from 670,000 people to 2 million. We are talking not only about the military on both sides, but also about the civilian population.

No less shocking data on the financing of wars. Thus, the financing of the Vietnam War cost the Soviets up to 1,500,000 rubles daily. The annual cost of the country to maintain its interests abroad amounted to 35 billion.

Today it is quite difficult to talk about the fulfillment of international duty in the conditions of geopolitical hostility. Russia is forced to help supporters of its views and defend its interests. Thus, the conflict in Syria showed that the Russian army is ready to fight terrorism and does not leave any chances for its enemies, even on the territory of other states.

Therefore, in 2017, fighters who served in Syria and also became voluntary participants in other modern conflicts will join the armada of internationalist soldiers.

Congratulations to the soldiers-internationalists

There is no worse word than war. To understand how precious life is, one can only go through the horrors of military conflicts. When clouds of fire rise nearby, when the earth trembles, and the sky is covered with smoke and haze, when bullets whistle, and the air rings from flying shells, only a daredevil is able to go forward, following orders, protecting those who had to live in this nightmare.

Let years, decades pass, memory keeps all the horrors of war and fear, death best friend and mother's tears. Memories cannot be erased. So let your feat be remembered not only by fellow soldiers. Let at least once a year, on the Day of the Internationalist Warrior, people say that all this was not in vain, that this is really a feat. Happy holiday!

Let's remember those who had to fight

Far from the borders of the Fatherland.

After all, today it is easy to name.

All heroes without reproach.

They had to give their lives

So that children do not startle from explosions.

So that the sun always rises peacefully,

And the enemies of those lands will never conquer.

Larisa , February 9, 2017 .

The Day of Remembrance of the Internationalist Warriors in 2020 is celebrated on February 15. This is an official memorial date in Russia. The holiday honors the memory of Russians who performed their duty outside the Motherland. It will be held for the 10th time in 2020. The celebrations are attended by military-patriotic organizations, participants in foreign military operations, public figures, officials of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, representatives of charitable foundations.

history of the holiday

Day of Remembrance of Soldiers-Internationalists established the federal law dated November 29, 2010 No. 320-FZ. The date of the holiday is timed to the day of the withdrawal of Soviet troops from Afghanistan on February 15, 1989.

Holiday traditions

On this day, public funds hold actions in memory and honor of the dead Russians who performed their duty outside the Fatherland. Charitable organizations raise funds to help military families. Activists make presentations about the problems of combatants. Memorial objects are opened, wreaths are laid at the monuments. Officials make speeches in which they put forward proposals for the development of the defense sector. People who have made a significant contribution to the security of the country are honored. The media broadcast documentaries and feature films. Participants of the events share their memories, talk about their fate.

In 2004, a monument to soldiers-internationalists was erected in Moscow on Poklonnaya Hill in Victory Park.

Financing the Vietnam War cost Soviet Union 1.5 million rubles a day. 4.5 thousand conscripts and sergeants have visited the country.

During the Afghan war of 1979-1989. 620,000 soldiers and officers of the Soviet troops who were on the territory of Afghanistan underwent military service. The war took the lives of 15 thousand Soviet soldiers. The surviving internationalists signed a non-disclosure agreement to participate in hostilities abroad.

On May 21, 1991, the Krasnaya Zvezda newspaper published an incomplete list of countries visited by Soviet military personnel. Permission to publish was issued by the Ministry of Defense of the USSR.

In 1968, the USSR accounted for 30% of world exports of military equipment.

War... a very scary word. It is also terrible because it happens in peacetime, when young soldiers have to fulfill their international duty, following the order of the government of their country and protecting the interests of a friendly state. Unfortunately, thousands of young servicemen died in armed conflicts on the territories of other countries, and the war broke the lives of many. But they honestly fulfilled their duty, proving their loyalty to the historical traditions of Russia. On February 15, the war in Afghanistan, which had lasted for 10 years, ended and the last column of Soviet military personnel was withdrawn from Afghanistan. In memory of the heroic feat of our military, and paying tribute to their feat, February 15 is considered the Day of Remembrance of Internationalist Warriors in Russia.

Memory has no limits
She has her own laws
Today is the Day of Remembrance of those
Who fought far from home.

Those who are in foreign fields
Left life forever
White Cranes Wedge
He accepted them into his flock.

Debt international
You gave in full
Let in the dictionaries of the whole world
The word war will disappear.

Today in a moment of silence
We bow our heads
The dead - eternal memory,
Survivors - honor and glory.

To brave warriors who risked themselves
Outside your own country
Dozens kind words today let's say
For our peace, for rainbow dreams.

You are not forgotten, this memory is eternal,
Your feat has been preserved forever,
We sincerely thank all the fighters
For a clear sky, for good years.

Congratulations on the day of memory of soldiers-internationalists! On this day, I want to remember all those who fought and laid down their lives abroad, fulfilling their military duty, giving their health and strength. And when I return, I say: “Thank you!” For courage, honor, for loyalty to convictions. Health to you, well-being and only the best!

Congratulations on a memorable date,
I want to wish great courage,
Let life flow with a joyful sonata,
So that the joy of the world was not stingy.

You are always bold and nerves like ropes,
You are the men you can't find
So much in your life you have experienced waste,
So much and everything you had to give.

I wish only peace in your home,
May the family keep warmth and peace
Only joy, nothing else
And always close to you close at hand.

This terrible word "war"
But it's doubly scary
If you have to go to war
Leaving home country!
And although it was difficult and scary,
You did your duty bravely,
Gain respect and fame
Defending a foreign country
Overcome all the torment, your fear,
You are heroes in our eyes!
And though time goes by so fast
You will live in memory forever!

Dear former warriors,
You are worthy of all honors!
Be successful and healthy
Always surrounded by love!

Live in joy, not knowing troubles,
Let the friendship not be interrupted by fighting,
You happiness, peace and tranquility,
And money to flow like a river!

Let's remember today those who are in a foreign land
He laid down his life and health,
Who honestly fulfilled his army duty,
Faithfully served the Fatherland.

Although they were outside the Motherland,
But they retained their courage and honor.
Those who survived and returned to their families,
Say thank you for being you!

Far from the family, from the warmth of the hearth,
From the dear father's house
The machine has become your faithful companion,
And it couldn't have been otherwise.

Where the mountains shot, the sand exploded,
Where the enemy was treacherous and vile,
You are like grandfathers once - not a step back,
Obeying orders and duty.

You, heroes of distant unknown wars,
Awards did not fight for glory.
They said: “And if not us, then who?
Don't give up, bro, that's the way it is!"

A low bow to the earth from us,
If only the fire in the heart would not go out!
Protect you are destined
Protect the peace of a foreign land!

May there never be again
On earth from grief and a trace,
Let your gray hairs be silver,
Your grandchildren will be proud of you!

Let's take a moment of silence
We are those who were taken away by Afghanistan.
Only a wound bleeds in the soul,
We won't be able to forget.

They are our eternal heroes
Who youth gave his soul.
For over our land
A world of light and sun shone.

You are in our memory guys
Live forever in hearts.
Big thanks for everything
Reading in our eyes.

May you not defend your homeland,
It only added honor to you,
Each of you deserves a medal,
And in my words there is no drop of flattery!

You drank, of course, a lot,
You have passed many trials,
No matter how life breaks you,
You have carried your cross with dignity!

We thank you for this
Here is a low bow to you!
I only want peace and light
And health for a hundred thousand tons!

Congratulations: 50 in verse, 10 in prose.
