One of the most common layouts. Combines event and psychological levels, is simple and versatile.
Basic situation.
Influences that interfere with or nudge the main situation (overlapping the main situation). Complements the whole picture.
What you are consciously striving for.
The area of ​​the subconscious.
Past influences, root causes of the current situation.
Future influences, or what is just beginning.
You yourself. Your attitude and approach to this issue or situation. (Be sure to compare this position with the 6th and 10th.)
Energies coming from the outside world. Something to be reckoned with and worth listening to (Location or influence of other actors on the situation.)
Your hopes and fears.
Result, outcome, key. The climax. The highest point of events, to which, in the end, the development of this topic will lead.
When interpreting positions 3 and 4, there is a certain amount of room for association, depending on the question. But usually these cards reflect what the person's head (3) and heart (4) are saying. (Option: 3 - Guardian Angel, 4 - Tempter Serpent). The interpretation of the alignment usually begins with the 5th and 9th cards, the 6th and 10th - they complete the analysis of the situation. It is imperative to find the relationship of the cards with each other. Their meaning is tied into one knot, which softens or redirects the action of one card. Build a big picture of influences, intentions, and you will understand the meaning of the process.

ADDITION to the Celtic Cross Layout.
If the picture is unclear, you can examine each map separately, as if under magnification. To do this, lay out the cross with the desired card in the center, according to a new scheme. This layout will show more fully what is happening with this force affecting your situation. Find the connection of this layout with the main one, linking them according to the initial role of the selected card.
Map values: 0 - the original map from the main layout.
- how its development is seen, internal sensations and desires, goals, task. An idea of ​​what is happening, a map "in the head".
- the real course of events, results and practical experience. This path is more consistent with the surrounding world. The card is "in the legs".
- obstacles and complementing the picture to the real situation. What interferes or helps, what needs to be taken into account.
- the best way to develop the situation of the main card, the ensuing opportunities.
- the worst path of development, mistakes, temptations, it's so easy to destroy card 0.
If the layout is dominated by cards of any suit, then these situations and areas of interest prevail in the question. Explore in which direction and how each suit develops in the layout. If there are many courtiers, the opinion of others strongly influences and the role of interaction with others will be important. If there are many cards of the Major Arcana (more than 4-5), then the events are deep enough and significant, many objects in the mind are subject to reevaluation.

The Celtic cross is one of the oldest tarot divination. The most popular layout, the popularity of which is due to the universality of interpretation. This is due to the fact that the result can be interpreted for various issues and problems in all kinds of areas of human activity.

A feature of this fortune-telling is that the interpretation has answers to the way in which further events will proceed, what will be the difficulties and main obstacles that interfere with your life, as well as what awaits you in the future and how to avoid all the upcoming problems lying on your way. If a person is confused and does not know which fortune-telling to choose to get answers to his questions, you can safely use the Celtic cross.

The interpretation of the cards should begin with card 5 (past, background) and gradually move on to card 9 (prospects and concerns). After this, it is recommended to go to cards 1 and 2. Then find out what exactly the questioner thinks about everything that happens, turning card 3, and what is hidden from everyone in his heart - card 4. You should pay special attention to this card, because the main forces are concentrated in the subconscious. Immediately you need to pay attention to the meaning in which this card was revealed. If negative, this will certainly affect the rest of the scenario, even if the rest of the cards remain positive.

After card 4 is revealed, it will be the turn of card 7. It will tell you how the person who is being guessed relates to everything that happens. Card 8 will help to reveal all external factors and personalities that play an important role in a person's life. Last but not least, cards 6 and 10 should be opened to determine the predictions for the future.

Celtic cross- fortune telling online- this is the most famous classic Tarot card layout, which came to us from the depths of time.

The popularity of this online fortune telling is due to the versatility of its application. Celtic cross suitable for any questions and answers regarding any life spheres, situations and problems.

This old alignment is especially well suited for describing the direction of development of a situation, for illuminating the causes of a problem, for studying the past that influenced what is happening in the present. This free online fortune telling can also be used to predict the future.

Scheme and meanings of card positions in the "Celtic Cross" layout

  • Card number 1 indicates the essence of the matter, the initial situation.
  • Card number 2 shows an additional factor that can either strengthen or weaken the original.
  • Card number 3 reveals what is realized. What is already clear to the fortuneteller on the question asked. What he knows or sees is perhaps what he consciously aspires to.
  • Card number 4 describes what a fortuneteller feels. The world of the unconscious, deep inner confidence. Something that is difficult to change or weaken.
  • Card 5 indicates what led to the present. Past. The card indicates events that have been carried over especially painfully. They are usually the causes of the current situation.
  • Card # 6 predicts how this will continue. The first card in the layout, which points to the future. Predicts the near future.
  • Card number 7 tells how the fortuneteller sees it. It symbolizes the questioner, his attitude to the situation or how he feels about the question asked.
  • Map # 8 gives a clue as to how others see it, or where it is happening. Environment. The place where events take place, as well as how other people influence the situation. If the question is about relationships, then this card can symbolize a partner.
  • Card number 9 reveals what the fortuneteller hopes for or fears. Hopes, expectations and fears. The card reflects the fortuneteller's assessment of the situation, including his hopes and fears.
  • Map 10 gives a prediction of where this will lead. The second card in the layout, which speaks of the future. Indicates distant prospects. The map can also show the outcome of the development of the situation.

If the fortuneteller does not know which Tarot alignment to choose, which one is best suited to his question or situation, then you can always stop at fortune-telling Celtic cross .

Cards are ready for divination online "Celtic Cross"

Select 1st card

Card number 1. The crux of the matter. Initial situation.
Card number 2. An additional factor that can either strengthen or weaken the original one.
Card number 3. That which is realized. What is already clear to the fortuneteller on the question asked. What he knows or sees is perhaps what he consciously aspires to.
Card number 4. What is felt by a fortuneteller. The world of the unconscious, deep inner confidence. Something that is difficult to change or weaken.
Map number 5. What led to this. Past. The card indicates events that have been carried over especially painfully. They are usually the causes of the current situation.
Map number 6. How this will continue. The first card in the layout, which points to the future. Predicts the near future.
Card number 7. The way the fortuneteller sees it. It symbolizes the questioner, his attitude to the situation or how he feels about the question asked.
Card number 8. How others see it, or where it happens. Environment. The place where events take place, as well as how other people influence the situation. If the question is about relationships, then this card can symbolize a partner.
Card number 9. What the fortuneteller hopes for or fears. Hopes, expectations and fears. The card reflects the fortuneteller's assessment of the situation, including his hopes and fears.
Card number 10. Where it leads. The second card in the layout, which speaks of the future. Indicates distant prospects. The map can also show the outcome of the development of the situation.

Tarot cards are very popular. With the help of symbols, you can find the answer for a problem situation and learn about upcoming events. Divination Celtic cross has come to us since ancient times, there are several versions of the alignment. In the article, we will consider a layout option with which you can find out both about the future for yourself and learn about the attitude of a familiar person to a situation of interest.

In its ancient form, the layout consisted of six arcana, which were laid out in the form of a cross. In later times, 4 more arcana were added to the Celtic cross, which ultimately gives more complete and accurate information on the essence of the issue.

For the alignment, you need to shuffle the major arcana of the tarot, tune in to the question of interest. For example, how will the situation with your work turn out? Having renounced all other problems, you need to draw out 10 arcana from the deck and spread it out on the fortune-telling canvas as follows:

Layout positions answer the following questions:

  1. the reason for the current situation;
  2. the forces that stand behind events and set them in motion;
  3. assessment of the situation by the questioner;
  4. the emotional state of the questioner about this situation;
  5. events that occurred on the eve of the situation;
  6. events that will occur in the near future;
  7. the consequences of the developing situation for the questioner;
  8. a description of the setting and persons involved in the event;
  9. surprise that may occur in connection with this event;
  10. the result of the development of the situation - how the case will end.

The first two arcana are considered together. One of them symbolizes the consciousness of the questioner, and the second - the subconscious.

The third and fourth lasso characterize the powers of the soul of the questioner.

The fifth and sixth are, respectively, the past and the near future.

The seventh lasso is the attitude of the questioner to himself, the eighth is the attitude to the environment and environment.

The ninth position is a mysterious force that can influence the development of the situation. This is a surprise that one does not think about. However, it can radically change the current situation or hinder its development in favor of the questioner.

When interpreting the tenth lasso, you need to summarize all the positions of the alignment, bring together the meaning of all the lasso and logically substantiate the final answer.

Example of interpretation

Let's say you need to find out how the hidden person relates to the situation you are interested in. Or you want to know how his affairs will turn out in a certain area of ​​life. After shuffling, you have the following arcana:

  1. The sun;
  2. Priestess;
  3. Hermit;
  4. Justice;
  5. Death;
  6. Lovers;
  7. Force.

The sun speaks of a person's positive attitude in connection with the current situation. The magician confirms the first position of the alignment - a person is disposed to take decisive actions, his volitional effort will lead to victory.

Third and fourth positions. Here a woman can help a person (inspire, support). Subconsciously, he perceives the situation as a game (Jester). Perhaps such an attitude towards circumstances will allow him to come out as a winner.

Fifth position - in the past, a person independently resolved his issues (hermit), in the future (sixth position) circumstances will develop quite successfully - a fair reward for the efforts expended (Justice).

In the seventh position is the lasso Death. However, one should not literally take the symbol of this lasso - death speaks of changes and rebirth. A person will reconsider his attitude towards his own person, change something in behavior or self-esteem.

The eighth position is the lasso Court. This lasso shows the attitude of the questioner to the environment and people. As we can see, a person does not like what surrounds him in this situation. Conflicts and rupture of relations are possible.

The ninth position is the lasso Lovers. The meaning of the lasso symbolizes the problem of choice. Perhaps the situation will develop depending on what choice the questioner makes. For clarification, you can choose an additional card from the deck (minor arcana) to clarify the situation.

The tenth position is the lasso of the Force in the end. This lasso says that a person will overcome any adversity and obstacle. Everything is in his own hands.

Interpretation procedure

To get an exhaustive answer to the question asked, you do not need to consider the meaning of each lasso "in a column" in order. We start the interpretation from the fifth position, which shows the prerequisites for the development of the situation. Then consider the ninth position - the attitude of the questioner to the situation. This will give us a first glimpse of events.

Next, you need to consider the first two positions, which will show the emotional and spiritual attitude of the questioner to the situation - what worries him and touches him in it. After that, we look at what he thinks on this issue (position 3) and what intuition tells him (position 4).

Then we consider the person's attitude to himself in connection with this situation, how he perceives his role in it (position 7). After that, we look at how he relates to his environment (position 8).

In conclusion, we consider the positions of the future - the 6th and 10th lasso. After that, we summarize.

The result of the alignment

If we connect all the meanings of the arcana together, we can draw the following conclusion. The questioner has every chance to emerge victorious from this situation (lasso strength). He is able to independently overcome all problems on the way, despite the resistance of the environment (lasso Sud).

In achieving his plans, he will be helped by a certain female person (lasso Empress), who will provide friendly support. To achieve success, a person must reconsider his own attitude to everything and change something in himself (lasso Death).


The Celtic Cross layout is future-oriented, but in relation to a specific situation. That is, you can find out your future only in relation to the development of a specific event. In order to find out the future in all spheres of life, you need to make a large layout with several positions on the entire tarot deck.

Guess today with the help of the "Card of the Day" Tarot spread!

For correct fortune-telling: focus on the subconscious and do not think about anything for at least 1-2 minutes.

When you're ready, draw a card:


After studying the meanings of the cards, it is advisable to move on to gaining practical experience - guessing on the Tarot cards for yourself and clients, collecting feedback, making adjustments to your working values. How to read Tarot cards correctly, we examined in my last article. Today I want to tell readers about one of the most popular layouts - the Celtic Cross layout and how to read Tarot cards using this layout.

What is the Celtic Cross

For the first time in the literature, this alignment is mentioned in Waite's work "The Illustrated Key to the Tarot." According to the author, this alignment is very ancient and has existed for quite a long time. It may be so, but in earlier literature, at least to me personally, he did not meet. But from book to book, from forum to forum, from article to article, I came across various options for the layout of the Celtic Cross, starting from the sequence of positions, the number of positions, the geometry of the layout and, most importantly, the meaning of the cards in the layout.

Over the course of several years of practice, trial and error, consultation and feedback from clients, I have chosen for myself the optimal scheme and values ​​of positions for a given alignment, which allows me to quickly and accurately answer most of the questions.

The scheme presented in the picture above turned out to be the most convenient for me, it is displayed “on the machine” and, according to the sequence of positions, for me personally, there is a sense and internal ease of use.

If with the choice of the geometry of the layout and the number of positions in the layout, everything is more or less clear, then with the names of the positions themselves - it's just awful!

For example, let me give you a text from Waite's Illustrated Key to the Tarot: “1 - What's on it; 2 - What is across him; 3 - What is a crown to him; 4 - What's under it; 5 - What's behind him; 6 - What is in front of him; 7 - He himself; 8 - His house; 9 - His hopes and fears; 10 - What will happen. " How simple, practical and comprehensive are these positions?

Further in the original text of Waite there are transcripts, but they also do not add much clarity. How to be here? Various authors of books, articles, forums offer their interpretations, somewhere clarifying the source text, and somewhere completely deviating from the "canon". For several years of fortune-telling practice, I tried most of the proposed interpretations, but something did not grow together, there was a lack of clarity and inner comfort from the alignment.

Around 2015, starting my acquaintance with the RShT and the materials of Sergei Valentinovich, I finally supplemented my vision of the Celtic Cross with its meanings, and everything came together in a coherent picture.

Here are the meanings of the positions that I use in my practice: “1,2 - the internal component of the question / situation; 3.4 - external component of the issue / situation; 5 - the past or the root cause of the situation; 6 - the near future (the timing should be stipulated in advance before fortune-telling); 7.8 - assessment / synthesis of positions of internal (1,2), external (3,4), respectively, 9 - fears, hopes, fears (in a word, a hint of what to hope for and what is better to avoid) and 10 - the distant future or the final result of the situation. "

At first glance, these interpretations of positions may seem no less confusing, however, in practical work, these designations of positions cover almost 90% of possible customer questions.

Which decks are better for the layout of the Celtic Cross

The answer to this question is extremely simple - any question. In this situation, all restrictions on the choice of a deck for the layout are only in the head of the practitioner and can only be solved by individual selection of the deck, internal comfort when fortune-telling. However, for those who are in the early stages of training, getting their hands on the practice of fortune-telling, I would recommend using the classic Waite deck or its clones. Why?

Yes, because the simplicity of interpretations, everyday drawings contribute to easier learning and more effective fortune-telling on the cards of the Celtic Cross layout for the near future, as well as for distant events, which in the future allows you to easily track the feedback and make appropriate adjustments to the values ​​of the cards, if any are required ...

What are the possibilities of the Celtic Cross layout

The Celtic Cross layout can answer absolutely any question and reveal absolutely any situation! You can read Tarot using the Celtic Cross layout for love, health, money, and even past lives! It all depends on the formulation of the question and the correct distribution of the persons involved in the alignment by position. Don't believe me? Let's look at a couple of examples of this alignment in matters of the heart.

Celtic Cross Layout for Love

Let's consider the first variant of the alignment on this topic. A young man approached, in whose relationship with a girl a black streak came. He is interested in what are the future prospects of the relationship? We designate in advance that the near future is up to 6 months, the distant one is up to a year. We do the alignment:

In this case, the questioning young man correlates with positions 1,2,7, his second half is 3,4,8 positions, respectively, at position 5 there will be a card describing the beginning of a black bar in a relationship. Reading the alignment, we understand that the root of the problem is in the behavior models of our defendants - they reflect each other's behavior patterns (Queen of Cups, Water component of Water), thereby aggravating the current situation. The 9th position of the alignment in this case gives us recommendations for the defendants - Page of Swords (Land of Air) - you need to eliminate old patterns of behavior, erase them into dust, build new ones in order to allow existing relationships to develop harmoniously (a small digression - in my practice I use interpretations of cards, differing from those generally accepted in the RST, especially when it comes to reading the Figure Arcana).

A deeper study of the maps of the alignment is beyond the scope of this work, I will only note that the opening of the behavior models of both defendants and the subsequent recommendations allowed them to harmonize their relations.

And what to do, for example, for a girl who has no mate and is looking for? Here, the Celtic Cross for love will also help clarify the situation. With this option, positions 1 and 2 will characterize the girl herself, 3 and 4 of her potential partners or relationship models that she needs, 7 position will tell you what she needs to work on in herself, 8 position will indicate what exactly to look for when choosing a partner, but the 9th position will give general recommendations on the desired issue. It's that simple!

The main thing is to be able to correctly formulate the question and see in the proposed positions of the alignment the keys to information search.

Fortune telling on the Tarot for the future with the layout of the Celtic Cross

It would seem unreasonable to use such a voluminous layout as the Celtic Cross for fortune telling for the near future. But no, this alignment can predict a situation that will happen even tomorrow, even in a few hours. To do this, it is enough just to designate position 6 as "the state of affairs in the here and now", and position 10 as "the result" or the state of affairs for a predetermined period.

The rest of the alignment positions will only reveal all the nuances of the case of interest, in order to allow better preparation for it. Everything, nothing more. Guessing with the Celtic Cross for the distant future according to this scheme is even easier.

Can the alignment show damage

Can the Celtic cross show corruption ...

The Celtic Cross layout, in addition to typical themes, also brilliantly reveals all sorts of signs of damage or atypical situations. For example, if a person has negative magical influences (damage, evil eye, programs, etc.). For this, the positions indicated earlier will help us.

1,2 - the internal state, the energy of a person as a whole, 7 - is there a self-eye, self-programming, but positions 3,4 will show whether there is an externally induced magical action on a person, and 8th position will tell you the type of influence. The 9th position of the alignment, in this case, can give a hint on how to get rid of the revealed negative.


In this work, I touched only the tip of the iceberg of this issue, it is simply impossible to survey the Celtic Cross Tarot layout in one article! The possibilities of this alignment are extremely great. I have given you some guidelines, directional signs that will help you move along the chosen path more confidently. The subtleties come with practice.
Write in the comments your additions, suggestions for the article, sign up for consultations. I will be glad to see you.
