Fortune telling on the gypsy oracle "Oracle of the Sibyl"

The Sibyl Oracle or the Gypsy Oracle will help you get answers to a wide variety of questions from various spheres of life. With the help of the gypsy oracle, you can learn about your future, destiny, love relationships and communication with others, about financial and business issues and much more.

How often are we willing to be deceived when it comes to the feelings of a loved one? And how often we are mistaken, mistaking the usual attraction of bodies for true love! When we love or just feel attracted to another person, it is difficult for us to determine what really drives us: animal passion or love that does not require anything in return. When relationships are on the verge of breaking up, we especially want to get answers to exciting questions: was there love? Is it worth trying to do something to improve relations or letting go of a once beloved person forever? These and other questions will be answered by a wonderful layout on the gypsy cards "Was there love?" If you are on the verge of parting, but feelings for each other have not yet faded away, ask the gypsy cards for advice and find out what is really going on between you.

Fortune telling on the Gypsy oracle - Will there be a wedding? With the help of this fortune-telling, you will find out what is happening in the relationship at the moment, what role you and your partner play in the relationship, what the partner thinks about the marriage, what are the external influences, and also whether the wedding will take place at the appointed time

Fortune telling on the Gypsy oracle - What if it was fate? With the help of this fortune-telling, you can analyze the relationship and understand why it did not work out, why do you remember about it, how this relationship affected your life, and also - what will help you get rid of these relationships.

Fortune telling on the Gypsy oracle - A man from the past. This alignment will help you understand the reasons for the unusual connection, when it seems that you knew each other before, in a past life. With the help of this fortune-telling, you will find out who this person really is, who he is to you, what influence he had on you in a past life, what influence this person has on you now, what was your reaction to his influence in a past life, what is your reaction now, what hidden intentions he had for you in a past life and what are his intentions now

Eternal Call

Fortune telling on the Gypsy oracle - Seven servants. This interesting layout can be used for any situation or problem when a sense of a dead end, a vicious circle is created. With the help of this fortune-telling, you will find out whether it is possible to go the way to your goal without loss, what temptations and risks may await you, how not to spoil the result of your goal yourself, and which way you need to go in order to achieve what you want

Fortune telling on the Gypsy oracle - Purchase. This alignment can be applied in a situation where you are planning to purchase something of value. With the help of this fortune-telling, you will find out if a given transaction is possible, in what state is what you are buying, whether the moment is right for a purchase, whether the price corresponds to the value, whether you will be satisfied with the purchase

Fortune telling on the gypsy oracle - Steps to the soul. This alignment will show your current state, your motives and intentions, successes and achievements, dependencies, hopes and dreams, attitude towards others, as well as advice on what needs to be done to improve the qualities of your personality.

Fortune telling on the gypsy oracle - My heart. With the help of this fortune-telling, you will find out what experience of love you need to extract from the past, what happens in the present, as well as what you want from a love relationship, what to turn your attention to and future experience in love

Fortune telling on the gypsy oracle - Eye to eye. This alignment is used in a situation where the relationship has not yet begun, but people often meet with glances. With the help of this fortune-telling, you will find out what attracts a man to you, what he hides behind his gaze, what reaction he provokes you, what he achieves, and also what will happen if you respond to his gaze

Fortune telling on gypsy cards - The secret meaning of relationships. This fortune-telling will show what the beloved has in his heart, what is in the subconscious, how he remembers you, why it is impossible to forget him, is there an opportunity to return the old relationship, as well as the main answer to the question - why did you meet, what is the secret meaning of your meeting

Fortune telling on the gypsy oracle - Seven stars. This fortune-telling is used to determine a relationship with a loved one. With the help of this fortune-telling, you will learn more about the situation in the relationship, the personality of your chosen one, the nature of the connection between you, the secret thoughts of your beloved, as well as about the future that awaits your union

Fortune telling on the gypsy oracle - Opinion. This fortune-telling will allow you to find out what a loved one thinks about you, how he relates to your appearance, mental abilities, how much he likes your behavior, what he wants from you, what he fears, what actions he expects from you

Fortune telling on the gypsy oracle - you and him. This fortune-telling is well suited for analyzing existing relationships. With the help of this layout, you will find out what your partner thinks, feels, what he strives for in a relationship, how much you suit a friend to a friend, how you interact in various life spheres.

Fortune telling on gypsy cards - Past, present, future. This fortune telling will show the main events of your past, present and future. This layout can be used both for forecasting for a certain period, and for obtaining a longer-term forecast.

Fortune telling on gypsy cards - The next step is well suited in a situation where you need to determine your further actions, avoiding all kinds of obstacles on the way to the goal. With the help of this fortune-telling, you will find out what is most important in the situation at the moment and where the next step will lead

Fortune telling on gypsy cards - Good luck in a new business. With the help of this fortune-telling, you will find out all the pros and cons of a new business, real opportunities and prospects. This alignment will show how expedient it is to organize your own business.

Fortune telling on gypsy cards - Work. This alignment will help you determine your inner potential, what you already have, and what you need to master for a new job. You will also learn what your current job means to you and what your new job will mean to you.

Fortune telling on gypsy cards - Money tree. With the help of this fortune-telling, you will receive information about your past, present and future in the field of finance. You will also find out what helps you and what hinders your success and financial well-being.

Fortune telling on gypsy cards - Harvest of fate. This alignment will show the state of affairs in various areas of life at the moment, as well as in the near and distant future. With the help of this fortune-telling, you will learn about what awaits you in the field of finance, health and love.

Fortune telling on the gypsy oracle - Spring in my heart. With the help of this fortune-telling, you will find out what actions spring inspires you, in what you should show prudence, what will give you happiness, with what feelings you will spend the spring

Tabor seers were rightfully considered the best among psychics, and in order to get an answer to a question of interest, people turned to gypsies. Gypsy Aza is a world famous fortuneteller, who will help you find out your destiny. Her “4 Kings” technique is the most popular and effective.

Do not expect the house to pass easily and quickly. Special training and knowledge of important points is required.

Fortune telling on the four kings of the gypsy woman Aza

Many girls are far from interpreting the situation with a particular male. They often struggle to build a relationship with an unworthy person. Fortunately, intuition makes its way to the mind of a female representative, giving rise to doubt in her. At such moments, the alignment of "4" kings on playing cards turns out to be an appropriate event that helps to open your eyes to reality.

Step-by-step divination plan

You should adhere to the following order of actions, so that the fortune-telling of the gypsy Aza on the "4 kings" on playing cards is successful.

  1. Four kings are removed from the deck. You need to take a close look at the drawings depicting them. The main thing is to find an external resemblance to real people - those 4 guys whose attitude worries most. In addition to giving a real look to each card, you should come up with a question dedicated to each of them. If one card turns out to be empty (you can't mentally tie a person to it), it doesn't matter! She will symbolize a young man who is not yet familiar, but will soon appear in his personal life.
  2. The deck is laid out on the table in random order.
  3. The deck is carefully shuffled and laid out for each king in the order: first row - 2 cards, second row - 1 card, third row - 2 cards, fourth row - 1 card.

Cards that are repeated at dignity should be extracted from the fortune-telling process (and, of course, the alignment).

☞ Video plot

How to read the layouts and interpret the dropped cards

It's clear with the kings, now let's get acquainted with the meaning of the cards that fell under them.

  • 6 - a trip with both long-distance and local routes.
  • 7 - dreams and hopes.
  • 8 - a quick passionate kiss, the sensations after which have not been experienced before.
  • 9 - emphasizes the presence of sincere feelings for a person attached to a certain king.
  • 10 - a person whose image is meant by a king experiences feelings (but not exceeding sympathy or friendship).
  • Jack - the object is happy to be alone, but it is not known for what purpose (it does not always imply intimacy).
  • Lady - an intimate relationship will happen with a person who is suitable for the king (and quite soon).
  • Ace - a person tied to a card has serious, pure and deep feelings for the fortuneteller (love).

Do not rush during the alignment, write down the above designations on a piece of paper, and keep it near you at the time of fortune-telling.

We list the basic rules of fortune telling, non-observance of which will minimize the effectiveness of the alignment.

  1. They guess only alone with themselves. Do not turn on music or TV, close windows, remove other noises. Finding someone nearby is excluded. Focus on your thoughts and desires, and try to maximize your energy in the process.
  2. During church holidays, they do not guess. The layout of cards for "4" kings is not done on Sunday.
  3. Fortune-telling in a state of alcoholic or drug intoxication is unacceptable. Failure to comply with this rule can seriously harm karma, which will lead to sad results. There can be no question of a truthful answer.

Compliance with each rule is necessary, otherwise the cards will not show anything.

In what cases fortune-telling will not come true

No! There are often cases when the dropped card for a certain king has nothing to do with reality. Do not blame the fortune-telling technique for this. The reasons lie elsewhere:

  • An old deck was used - at home they only guess on new cards.
  • The process of the alignment took place together with jokes, mistrust and irony - according to gypsy beliefs, cards have a soul, and a careless attitude provokes resentment, which spoils the result of fortune-telling.
  • Fortune-telling happened several times in a row. Cards are an inspired subject that, like all living things, does not like obsession.

If the listed points are taken into account, and the result remains far from reality, do not despair. Perhaps this is an indicator that you were guessing at unworthy people. The cards are just trying to shield you from disappointment. Should you be indignant in this case?

You don't have to give yourself up to cards. Any fortune-telling is only a probability, but not a reflection of the truth. The unbridled love that prevails today - tomorrow will turn out to be simple sympathy, and perhaps a delusion.

It is enough to adjust the worldview and attitude towards a person, and the feelings will take on a different character - not the one that was displayed by the cards at the time of fortune-telling.

It is important to remember that the future, like relationships, depends only on the person himself!

Perhaps no other people is shrouded in such mystery and mysticism as the gypsies. Every now and then we hear about the gypsy love spell, gypsy hypnosis, and, of course, gypsy fortune telling. Where can we go without him ?! More than six hundred years have passed since the first cards appeared. And now it is difficult to say for sure about whose hands the first deck was in. Perhaps in the hands of a gypsy?

We are glad to present you a traditional deck of Gypsy cards for fortune telling for all occasions. This deck contains thirty-six cards and a Bianca card (representing the Client). The meaning of the cards can be interpreted both literally and figuratively (metaphorically). So, for example, the dropped out card "Death" does not always mean the end of someone's physical life. In some cases, it can mean - global changes, a situation, once something old "dies", and something else comes in its place - a new one. The Disease card does not always mean disease in the conventional sense of the word. After all, mental anguish, painful doubts, fears, from which the heart is heavy, can also be called the general word "disease".

Do not rush to interpret the resulting alignment. Think about it. Try to literally feel what the card is telling you, what it warns about, what it draws your attention to. And only after that make the final decision, draw conclusions.

Free online fortune telling on Gypsy cards is a great opportunity to tell fortunes about a situation or just make a deal in order to see what awaits you in the future.

Gypsy online fortune telling is considered one of the most mystical and most accurate. Thanks to him, you will be able to find answers to questions that have been of interest to you for a long time.

In order to read fortunes online on gypsy cards, you need to decide on a question or on a situation that you would like to clarify. Once you have made up your mind, click the Get Prediction button.

Gypsies have always been famous for being born fortune-tellers. It was they who brought to the countries of Europe the tendency to fortune-telling by cards, and with them various types of Gypsy fortune-telling. A fairly common way of predicting the future is the fortune-telling of the gypsy woman Aza.

The gypsy woman Aza is a famous modern gypsy seer. She has in her arsenal a huge number of different layouts about the love sphere, happiness, which accurately describe the actual state of affairs and give the correct recommendations to fortunetellers.

Fortune-telling on kings is most often used. The fair sex is given an excellent opportunity with the help of this technique to understand their feelings, improve the relationship that you have now, return lost love or forget about it once and for all.

Unfortunately, a very common problem for many people is the inability to let go of people leaving your life. Many try with the last bit of strength to cling to a completely hopeless relationship, because of which they themselves suffer and make another person unhappy. And thanks to this gypsy fortune-telling, it will be easier for you to understand the correct situation, draw conclusions from it and put an end to it.

Rules for performing fortune telling of the gypsy woman Aza

Fortune telling by four kings is performed according to the following scheme:

  1. Four kings are selected from the deck of cards, for each card you think of the name of the guy or man you are thinking about and mentally ask the question you would like to get an answer to. At the same time, it is allowed that one card remains "empty", it is likely that this person has not yet entered your social circle, but very soon plans to appear in your life.
  2. Arbitrarily lay out the deck on the table.
  3. Carefully shuffle the deck and place the cards down under each king in this order:
  • in the first row - two cards;
  • in the second - one;
  • in the third - two;
  • in the fourth - one.
  1. Cards that are repeated in value should be removed from the layout. Interpret only the remaining options.

In the interpretation process, be guided by the following interpretations of the cards, which we give below in the article. Also, do not discount your intuition, which is a very important auxiliary tool for every fortune-teller. And with the help of cards, you just configure this tool and connect it to action.

What do the cards mean in the layout

  • 6- ka - promises a trip that can be both distant and not outside your city;
  • 7 - you will dream and hope;
  • 8 - her appearance portends you passionate kisses;
  • 9 - indicate falling in love or love with the person you are thinking;
  • 10 - the person you are interested in is interested in you, but he is not in love with you. There is friendly sympathy with respect;
  • Jack - it means that the representative of the stronger sex is not averse to retirement with you, but for what purpose - the cards, unfortunately, will not be able to tell about this;
  • Lady - you will have an intimate relationship with the person you are asking the deck about;
  • Ace - the person you are interested in has a strong and deep feeling for you, is sincerely in love with you and dreams of connecting his future future with you.

Please note that representatives of the stronger sex can also use this fortune-telling to find out what is in the heart of persons attractive to them. But in this case, kings should be replaced by queens, and in all other respects, fortune-telling has no difference.

In the next video, you are offered another interesting gypsy fortune-telling.

In what cases fortune-telling will not come true

  1. No fortune-telling is a 100% guarantee that the future will turn out exactly as the cards indicated. They just talk about the likely scenario, and we can independently change our future through thoughts and actions.

Change your point of view and attitude - the future will also change invariably. And if today it seems to you that you are experiencing "the love of your life", then very soon it can easily turn into an illusion with a change in the priorities of the fortuneteller.

  1. When you are going to perform a layout, stock up only with a new deck of cards. After all, if you take the old one, the cards may think that there is another game ahead, and they will begin to tell a lie.
  2. It is important to take the prediction as seriously as possible, give up irony or mistrust. According to the gypsy Aza, resorting to distrust and mockery, you thereby offend the cards and risk getting terrible answers from them.
  3. Never repeat divination over and over again in a row for the same question. Nobody likes obsession and cards as well. If you are not satisfied with the result, you will have to come to terms with it.

Understand that happiness and love may not come into your life right away, but after many disappointments and unhappy relationships. And this is not the fault of the cards. Therefore, just thank them, perhaps they are trying to save you from a possible mistake that will bring you painful suffering.

  1. All card fortune-telling should be carried out in a secluded atmosphere, in tranquility and complete silence. Do not be distracted by extraneous thoughts, concentrate as much as possible on what you are asking about. It is through focus and concentration that you will strengthen your intuitive abilities, which will provide a more reliable result.
  2. You can not resort to fortune telling, especially on a love theme, on Sunday and on the days of major church holidays.
  3. Also, in no case take up the fortune-telling procedure while under the influence of alcohol or drugs - this way you will only harm yourself, but you will not get a truthful answer from the cards.

Now you know how to properly turn to the cards for help. We wish you that they predict only truthful information for you and never upset you!

Guess today with the help of the "Card of the Day" Tarot spread!

For correct fortune-telling: focus on the subconscious and do not think about anything for at least 1-2 minutes.

When you're ready, draw a card:

Gypsy fortune telling on playing cards helps to find out the future and reveal the secrets of the past. With the help of simple layouts, you can get answers to any questions. It is important to believe that the cards will tell the truth, and then the prediction will certainly come true.

The image of a gypsy woman with a deck of cards in her hands is always associated with something magical. No one doubts that gypsy magic is effective and really helps to get answers to exciting questions.

The traditions of fortune telling were passed down from generation to generation and were kept secret for a long time. But now anyone can make a gypsy layout, read it correctly and predict the future.

The prophecies of playing cards always come true, provided that you truly believe in them. Cards do not tolerate doubt - so get ready to immerse yourself in their magic completely, without skepticism or uncertainty.

The value of the suits in gypsy hands

For fortune telling, you need to buy playing cards. There should be 36 cards in the deck, 9 of each suit. It is very important that you only use the deck for fortune telling, do not pass it on to third parties or play it.

Some initiates believe that it is necessary to use special gypsy cards, painted in black and red, because they carry a special, magical energy. But in reality, this is not so important.

The short meaning of cards in gypsy fortune-telling is as follows:

  • Cross (clubs cards) will indicate events taking place in the business sphere of life. This is all about career and work, relationships with business partners.
  • Tambourines are the personification of society, environment. These are all the people you interact with in your daily life. But not close ones - relatives, lovers
  • Heart cards are a reflection of your heart's affairs. This is a relationship in the family, and with the opposite sex in general.
  • Spades reflect the social picture and its impact on your life as a whole.

Let's figure out how to guess on playing cards in gypsy correctly.

Gypsy fortune telling rules

There are some features and nuances that are important to know about if you want the cards to tell the truth:

  1. Formulate the specific question that worries you the most in life. You must be clear about what you need to learn. Think about it during all the divination and the shuffling of the cards.
  2. The deck should be shuffled in a certain way: first, shuffle the cards well together, then with your left hand slide about half towards you, and shuffle again. After that, you can proceed to the layout
  3. An important point - the cards must be "paid" at the end of the fortune-telling. You can donate to charity or give alms to the poor. It doesn't matter where the money goes, but it needs to be given to someone in need.

Traditional gypsy layout

After you have studied all the rules of gypsy fortune telling, you can start practicing.

Proceed as follows:

  • Focus on your questions, shuffle the deck and draw seven cards from it
  • Place the cards on the table: on the right - three, on the left - three. There will be six cards in one row. Place another card above them.
  • The cards on the right will tell you about the present, on the left - about the future, and a separate card will tell you the answer to your question, the final result of an exciting situation.

Such an alignment can be done every day in order to predict the events of tomorrow.

There is also a very simple fortune-telling, which helps to find out whether the wish, the fulfillment of which is planned for today, will come true. Formulate the question, shuffle the deck, draw any card at random and look at its suit:

  1. Spades are a symbol of disappointment. The card says that your wish is unrealizable. But perhaps this is for the best - most likely, you set the wrong goal.
  2. Clubs leave a small chance for a wish to come true, but it is small
  3. Diamonds are a good sign. There are all possibilities for your desire to come true, but the outcome of the case will depend only on you. It takes at least a little effort
  4. Hearts speak of one hundred percent fulfillment of desire. Fate itself will send many chances - don't miss them

Watch a video tutorial about fortune telling on playing cards:

Interpretation of the cards

To understand the meaning of the alignment, you need to know the decoding of each card.

  • Ace is a symbol of home and home. These are events that directly affect your family.
  • The king is a mature married man or divorced
  • A lady is a woman in Balzac's age, someone's wife or mistress
  • Jack - does not have a specific meaning, you need to look at the cards in the environment
  • Ten - desires, dreams. plans, goals
  • Nine - mutual love
  • Eight - an important conversation will take place, the result of which will satisfy you
  • Seven - news, meetings, affairs that cannot be postponed
  • Six - exciting adventures, travels full of events
  • Ace - you have to gain strength and solve some significant problem for you
  • The king is a grown man: teacher, mentor, father, boss, leader
  • A lady is a woman with power
  • Jack - pleasant but tedious chores
  • Ten - money or gifts that arose unexpectedly
  • Nine - sincere, deep romantic feelings
  • Eight - career affairs
  • Seven - romantic date
  • Six - business meeting
  • Ace - an event will occur that will affect your entire life as a whole
  • The king is a young man, single
  • Lady - a young girl, friend or colleague
  • Jack - troubles and obstacles on the way to the goal
  • Ten - plans that are not destined to come true
  • Nine is a stormy one that will end quickly
  • Eight - time wasted
  • 7 is a tedious conversation that will disappoint
  • Six - a short journey
  • Ace - vices and addictions
  • The king is a new acquaintance with an attractive man
  • The lady is a jealous woman
  • Jack - actions without result
  • Ten - empty dreams and vain hopes
  • Nine - health and relationship problems
  • Eight - a visit of guests, a holiday or a solemn event
  • Seven is a sad event that will make you extremely sad.
  • Six is ​​a long and tiring road

Pay attention not only to the meaning of a particular card, but also to what surrounds it. Then you can make the most accurate interpretation.

Guess today with the help of the "Card of the Day" Tarot spread!

For correct fortune-telling: focus on the subconscious and do not think about anything for at least 1-2 minutes.

When you're ready, draw a card:
