Scientists told what is useful and harmful frost to human health. Specialists say that people need to walk in winter time.

Employees of science after the studies carried out concluded that the frost provides both positive and negative impact on human health. With the onset of frosts, I do not want to leave your warm houses, but as scientists say, people need to walk around the frost.

Experts report that the main thing in such weather is not for too long to walk. Scientists say that frost cleans the skin, improves the complexion and removes the swelling. Scientists report that in the winter period of oxygen time, much more, compared to the summer. Based on this, experts advise people to make evening walks when there are not much transport outside the street. It is at this time that the air becomes clean.

Cold is able to kill harmful bacteria. Another cold air has a beneficial effect on people who have problems with heart and vessels. Inhaling frosty air, in the human body there is a decrease in cholesterol. Facing cold, the human body is trying to defend. In turn, the immune system begins to turn on, it starts to harden after frequent winter walks.

Despite all the positive parties, the cold can harm the person. The main thing is not long to walk if a strong frost is on the street, because a person can frozen his limbs. It is not desirable to go frost without a head remove, since the hair will lose their shine and silkiness.

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On the eve of winter, many of us are horrified about the upcoming cold and frost, imagining endless diseases and reducing outdoor walks to a minimum.

However, there are people who are waiting for winter frost with optimism, long skiing and skating or just walking around the snow-white streets. And the last right, because the frost is very useful for our health and beauty. Hard to believe? However, this is so, and today we will tell about the miraculous properties of frost.

Immunity increase

Few people know that with the advent of frost the air becomes therapeutic, as the oxygen content in it increases by more than 30%. In addition, people who prefer walks at low temperatures are much less frequently ill viral diseases than those who like to spend free time in heated premises. This is due to the fact that in the frosty air the level of pathogenic bacteria, microbes and viruses is much lower than at the positive temperature. And if you are in addition to walks are engaged in various sports in the fresh air, the winter epidemic is not terrible.

The secret of health lies in the fact that, in physical activity, protective cells, leukocytes, which are struggling with infections threatening our body in physical activity in the body in the human body, are activated. It increases and the development of interferon, which increases immunity. By the way, there are research, unconditionally proving the positive effect of frost on immunity. After all, people born in the winter are very less likely to others, and their life expectancy is on average, more than those born in summer. In addition, babies born in winter have a large body weight.

Improvement and renewal of the body

Frost is an elixir of youth and health. The thing is that at low temperatures in our body the thermoregulation mechanism is activated. That is, the body, accustomed to a comfortable temperature, works in the calety, and in the cold activates all its functions. A peculiar charge of energy and tone, which all systems of our organs receive. Such a push has a beneficial effect on the skin, muscles, cardiovascular system, and also affects the change in blood composition. Yes, frost is able to increase the level of hemoglobin and increase the development of red blood cells!

In addition, frosty air is both prevention and medicine for people suffering from cardiovascular diseases. After all, when a person inhales frosty air, burning cholesterol, the main perpetrator of the problems with the heart and vessels increase in the body.

About the beauty and youth Frosty air will also take care. He shakes our body, as a result of which there is an improvement in blood circulation, and also accelerates, and therefore frequent walks will help maintain body and skin in the tone. No wonder in medicine and cosmetology for rejuvenation, cryotherapy is actively used, which is literally translated as "Claus Treatment". At the same time, the person is placed in a cry of a crying, where low temperature is maintained, as a result of which blood circulation in the internal organs is improved, they are saturated with oxygen and glucose.

Frost - the enemy of stress

It would seem winter - the most suitable for depression and stress time of the year. However, this is true only for people who prefer to spend all the time at home or at work, abandoning winter walks. For all other frost, it is a cure for stress. When you go out to the street, go through the shipped snow tracks, your body receives a positive impetus. Even just the appearance of a snow-covered city already causes children's delight, and frosty air enhances the production of hormone happiness of serotonin, which prevents the emergence of stress. It has been proven that it is enough to make time walks every day, and you will be much less nervous and become more resistant to stress, since the vegetative nervous system is strengthened during frost. If you add a skiing day through the day, you can cope even with an increase in blood pressure.

What else is frost?

In addition to the above, frost has a number of amazing properties:

Frost helps to fight pain. At temperatures below 5 degrees disappears the sensitivity of the nerve endings and the signal of pain in the brain does not come. Sometimes when headache is enough to walk - and after half an hour you will feel better. If you have a small body, but painful cut, attach a piece of ice - and pain will become less.

Frost removes mental tension. If you are tired at work, but you need to quickly bring yourself into shape, go to the balcony or for a short walk to the park and raise deeply. However, if less than 7 degrees of frost on the street, then try so that the breaths are slow, otherwise you can get sick.

Frost helps with physical overwork. After hard work, give up the transport, giving preference to walk - and the fatigue as a hand will remove!

When the thermometer column falls below zero, few people want to get out of a warm blanket and walk to the street for a walk. However, scientists say that with the right approach, frost can have a positive effect on beauty and health.

Researchers from Harvard University of USA have proven that the heat is 5 times more dangerous for a person than frosting weather. After all, in the winter in the air, 30% more oxygen than in summer. In the cold, bacteria and microbes do not survive, and the snow is a real air filter.

The directional focus of frosty air improves the complexion, rejuvenates, reduce the swelling and narrows the pores. The cold is also applied in the treatment of neuroses and depressions, training immunity. This comes from the fact that the corner of the body perceives as stress, because of this, behavioral reactions are accelerated, blood circulation is improved, the level of hemoglobin increases.

Cold air is able to improve the cardiovascular system. Inhaling it, enhanced cholesterol burning begins in the body.

Contemplation of white snowdrifts, snow-covered trees works like color therapy. The hormone of happiness serotonin is produced, which helps to fight stress.

Frost below 5 degrees dull pain. The sensitivity of the nerve endings drops and the signal pain in the brain does not come. Especially effective is a means of headaches.

Quickly come into shape and remove the overwork will help the winter walk. Even the exit for a few minutes to the balcony will already help remove mental tension.

However, the overdose of cold can lead to problems that will require rehabilitation. Cuperoz, frostbite, peeling of the skin, hair loss - this can turn around the frost for an unprepared person.

If the outdoor temperature is below 4 degrees, you certainly need to wear a headdress, otherwise about half of the heat produced will go through a uncoated head. In addition, strong cold is harmful to hair, they begin to fall out and stop this process is quite difficult. In cold weather it is better to abandon the hot hair styling, or do it in advance, about an hour before the exit of the house. Thus, you can avoid contrast temperatures.

When entering the street, it is necessary to smear the face and other open areas of the body with a special cream from frost. Houses apply nutritious and saturated cream and hygienic lipstick or balm.

In the cold it is especially important to get rid of a walk. No need to join heavy clothes that makes movements. In order to protect the heat between the body and the fabric should be air layer. For active winter recreation, use the thermal power and special overalls that replace the usual top clothing at this time.

In the cold season, there are no rare frostbite; It is important to be able to properly render the first help. At the same time, a person feels loss of sensitivity or limited functionality of the limb, the skin to the touch becomes cold and dense, white, yellow or bluish color. Finding these signs must immediately seek medical help. Before the arrival of doctors, help the victim get to the nearest room. Carefully remove all close and squeezing clothes from it. Step frostbite, using the heat of the body. The brushes of the victim may be warm under the mouses, and the feet under the sinks of another person. Do not trite and do not massive the affected place and do not lubricate it. It is possible to hold the frostbite limb in warm, but not hot water, and it is impossible to touch the affected area to the walls or bottom of the water container. After between your fingers or legs, launch a soft and dry cloth, lift the limb to reduce swelling and relieve pain.

How many people are so many opinions. Some believe that frosts are harmful and dangerous, others that are useful and even contribute to rejuvenation.

Scientific research in turn is inclined towards cold benefits.

The benefits of frost

First, on hot days we feel weak, fasterly tired, and the speed of the mind and the sobriety of judgments disappear somewhere. In Frost, on the contrary, we are active and ready for action.

Secondly, our state of health and behavior also affects how we can withstand extreme temperatures. It is almost impossible to hide from the heat, but you can protect yourself from cold with warm clothes and hot battery.

Thirdly, another 10 years ago, scientists of Harvard University concluded that the heat is 5 times more dangerous for a person than frosts. The researchers analyzed 6.5 million deaths of residents of the fifty major American cities for the period from 1989 to 2000. It turned out that two days of the strongest frost provoked an increase in the average mortality rate by 1.59%. While the two-day exhausting heat caused the increase in mortality rate by 5.74%. Consequently, cold is significantly safer than the scorching heat.

Fourthly, scientific research has been proven that children born in winter, much healthier, which appeared in the summer, and the duration of their life is greater. Scientists investigated the physical parameters of 20 thousand newborns in several countries and came to the conclusion that born in the middle of winter is larger than born in the summer. Pedantic Austrians also analyzed the archives of the population censuses and found that people born between October and January lived on average for 7 months longer than born between April and June.

Fifth, the frost mercilessly destroys microbes and viruses, and the snow cleans the air of a large city, acts as a filter, it collects harmful particles and impurities.

And the last, but, perhaps, one of the most important evidence of the benefits of frosts is that cold activates the body's protective forces, spurs the immune system, trains the vegetative nervous system, which is responsible for confrontation of neurosis and stress.

Harm frost

On the other hand, the doctors say that frostbite can threaten us at a temperature of minus 10-20 degrees, the cold is especially dangerous with high humidity and strong wind. However, without the possibility of frosting, the cold does not always affect the human body positively.

2. Hair. The supercooling of the skin of the head adversely affects the hair, contributing to the appearance of dandruff and inflammation of the skin, the hair bulbs weakly, which can provoke hair loss. And in general, per person who gets in frost without a head remove, even look cold!

3. Head. The supercooling of the head itself can lead to vessels. Which in turn can cause brutal head pains and blood pressure drops. And if you grow hard, there is a risk of sick with the front - inflammation of the frontal sinuses and even meningitis - inflammation of the brain shells. So it is better yet in the frost sacrifice the hairstyle than its own brains.

4. Ears. In the cold ears blush, and this is considered a normal reaction of the body, but the ears of the ears are imposed in any way! Since this is already fraught with inflammation - otitis, which can quickly go into a chronic shape. Consequently, in the cold it is necessary to wear a headdress closing the ears.

5. Top body. A walking trip in a frost in a light jacket can turn into bronchitis, intercostal neuralgias, as well as mositic (inflammation of the muscles of the neck and back). If the chest is strongly stuck, pneumonia and myocarditis (inflammation of the heart muscle) can develop. The supercooling of the loin can provoke the attack of the radiculitis. So, girls, for a while it is better to forget about jeans with a low waist and short jackets.

6. Lower body. The consequences of the fact that in the frost we try to look fashionably, namely, we continue to wear skirts and fine tights, may become jade (kidney inflammation), cystitis (bladder inflammation) and inflammation of the urogenital system. Men also expose themselves at risk when they do not wear tricks under tricks. Therefore, in the cold it is more expedient to make a choice in favor of health, so that with the arrival of spring to be able to paint.

7. Hands. Already at a temperature of minus 10 degrees, gloves are greatly losing mittens. Hand overcooling is fraught with polyarthritis (inflammation of the joints). And if on the thermometer for about 15 minutes, then before going out into the street, smear your hands with protective cream. If there is no special cream, it is quite suitable for a fat basis.

8. Feet. "By frost barefoot went to Milom!" - Beautiful, but only in the song. In fact, blood circulation slows down in the cold, and often the legs are perfect first, because the blood simply does not have time to warm them.

Hugging legs can provoke an angina, exacerbation of a sinusitis, bronchitis, as well as myocarditis. Winter tourists argue, best warm the feet are warm fresh socks, those in which you have already resembled a little, lose this wonderful property. And, of course, high-quality winter shoes, if there is no possibility to buy very warm boots, which will warm even in the bubble frost, purchase a pair of natural fluffy racks.

Weighing all "for" and "against", it is possible to come rather to the conclusion that nature has no bad weather, and frost is also useful and needed. And only from ourselves depends on the frosty patterns and snowdrifts or infinitely Handing, complaining of the weather.

Photo: vladimir nikulin /

On the eve of winter, many of us are horrified about the upcoming cold and frost, imagining endless diseases and reducing outdoor walks to a minimum.

However, there are people who are waiting for a winter frost, long skiing and skating or just walking in the snow-white streets. And the last right, because the frost is very useful for our health and beauty. Hard to believe? However, this is so, and today we will tell about the miraculous properties of frost.

Immunity increase

Few people know that with the advent of air becomes therapeutic, since the oxygen content in it increases by more than 30%. In addition, people who prefer walks at low temperatures are much less frequently ill viral diseases than those who like to spend free time in heated premises. This is due to the fact that in the frosty air the level of pathogenic bacteria, microbes and viruses is much lower than at the positive temperature. And if you are in addition to walks are engaged in various sports in the fresh air, the winter flu epidemic is not terrible.

The secret of health lies in the fact that, in physical activity, protective cells, leukocytes, which are struggling with infections threatening our body in physical activity in the body in the human body, are activated. It increases and the development of interferon, which increases immunity. By the way, there are research, unconditionally proving the positive effect of frost on immunity. After all, people born in the winter are very less likely to others, and their life expectancy is on average, more than those born in summer. In addition, babies born in winter have a large body weight.

Improvement and renewal of the body

Frost is an elixir of youth and health. The thing is that at low temperatures in our body is activated. That is, the body, accustomed to a comfortable temperature, works in the calety, and in the cold activates all its functions. A peculiar charge of energy and tone, which all systems of our organs receive. Such a push has a beneficial effect on the skin, muscles, cardiovascular system, and also affects the change in blood composition. Yes, frost is able to increase the level of hemoglobin and increase the development of red blood cells!

In addition, frosty air is both prevention and medicine for people suffering from cardiovascular diseases. After all, when a person inhales frosty air, burning cholesterol, the main perpetrator of the problems with the heart and vessels increase in the body.

About the beauty and youth Frosty air will also take care. He shakes our body, as a result of which there is an improvement in blood circulation, and the metabolism is accelerated, which means that frequent walks will help support body and skin in the tone. No wonder in medicine and cosmetology for rejuvenation is actively used, which is literally translated as "Claus Treatment". At the same time, the person is placed in a cry of a crying, where low temperature is maintained, as a result of which blood circulation in the internal organs is improved, they are saturated with oxygen and glucose.

Frost - the enemy of stress

It would seem winter - the most suitable for depression and stress time of the year. However, this is true only for people who prefer to spend all the time at home or at work, abandoning winter walks. For all other frost, it is a cure for stress. When you go out to the street, go through the shipped snow tracks, your body receives a positive impetus. Even just the appearance of a snow-covered city already causes children's delight, and frosty air enhances the production of hormone happiness, which prevents the emergence of stress. It has been proven that it is enough to make time walks every day, and you will be much less nervous and become more resistant to stress, since the vegetative nervous system is strengthened during frost. If you add a skiing day through the day, you can cope even with an increase in blood pressure.

What else is frost?

In addition to the above, frost has a number of amazing properties:

Frost helps to fight pain. At temperatures below 5 degrees disappears the sensitivity of the nerve endings and the signal of pain in the brain does not come. Sometimes when headache is enough to walk - and after half an hour you will feel better. If you have a small body, but painful cut, attach a piece of ice - and pain will become less.

Frost removes mental tension. If you are tired at work, but you need to quickly bring yourself into shape, go to the balcony or for a short walk to the park and raise deeply. However, if less than 7 degrees of frost on the street, then try so that the breaths are slow, otherwise you can get sick.

Frost helps with physical overwork. After hard work, give up the transport, giving preference to walk - and the fatigue as a hand will remove!
