Dear teachers!

AOU RS (Y) DPO “Institute for the Development of Education and Professional Development named after SN Donskoy-II ”informs about the holding by the Institute of National Education Problems of the All-Russian master class for teachers of native languages, including Russian, languages-2018.
In November 2018, the Center for National Education Problems of the Federal Institute for Education Development Of the Russian Academy of the national economy and public service (RANH and GS), as well as the Association of teachers of the native, including Russian, language, an All-Russian master class for teachers of native languages, including Russian, is held (hereinafter VMK-2018). According to the Regulation of the VMK-2018, not only teachers and educators, but also students will take part in this event.
Teachers in the direction of the state authorities of the constituent entities can take part in the VMK - 2018 Russian Federation in the field of education. Management bodies send teachers - winners of contests for teachers of the native language, including Russian, held in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, as well as winners of the national project "Education".
Teachers who teach languages \u200b\u200bfrom among the languages \u200b\u200bof the peoples of Russia, including Russian, educators of preschool educational organizations in which educational and educational activities are carried out in a bilingual environment, can also take part in this event at their own request.
Within the framework of the VMK-2018, a competition will be held for students aged 6 to 10 years old and from 11 to 16 years old.
VMK-2018 will be held in three stages in correspondence and full-time formats in two directions:
-"Competition methodological developments teachers of native languages, including Russian ”;
- "Competition of students' creativity in the nominations of artistic and vocal creativity in their native languages, including Russian."
The Regulations on the competitive selection and the criteria for evaluating the participants of the WMC-2018 can be found on the event website and on the website of the ANO Institute for National Education Problems in the section "All-Russian master class".
At the first (correspondence) stage of the VMK-2018, all participants in the first direction (teachers, educators) must send by e-mail by October 5, 2018 [email protected] a summary of the lesson and its presentation in the form of a 10-minute video clip, as well as an essay on the topic "My methodological findings" (no more than 2 pages).
Participants of the second direction (students) must send by e-mail by October 5, 2018 [email protected] author's texts of artistic (fairy tale, fable, poem, story) or journalistic (article, essay, essay) genres in the languages \u200b\u200bof the peoples of Russia (with translation into Russian) or videos demonstrating the reading of poems by A.S. Pushkin (in the languages \u200b\u200bof the peoples of Russia) or the ability of children in vocal skills (in the languages \u200b\u200bof the peoples of Russia).
All event participants must register on the event website by October 5, 2018 and attach:
 essay on the topic "My methodological findings" (no more than 2 pages)
 if available: scans of copies of scientific and methodological development of lessons (no more than 2), copyright programs, textbooks, teaching materials, reprints of articles, reviews, materials of educational work aimed at the formation of an all-Russian civic identity. The best developments of teachers will be presented at the exhibition of the final (third) stage
 a fragment of the lesson in the first direction nominations;
 author's texts of artistic (fairy tale, fable, poem, story) or journalistic (article, essay, essay) genres in the languages \u200b\u200bof the VMK-2018; peoples of Russia in nominations of the second direction with translation into Russian;
 videos demonstrating children's vocal skills (in the languages \u200b\u200bof the peoples of Russia).
In the submitted materials it would be good to show the organization educational activities, focused on the multidimensional cultural and linguistic space of the peoples of Russia, their consolidation, the formation of an all-Russian civic identity on the basis of and in connection with the ethnocultural characteristics and traditions of peoples in a multinational state.
In October 2018 (the second absentee stage), the materials of the participants of the WMC-2018 will be evaluated by the jury and posted on the event website to determine the winner in the "National Recognition" nomination.
All participants of the VMK-2018 will receive a certificate from the Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration. The authors of the best works in mid-November 2018 (date to be confirmed) will be invited to Moscow to participate in the final (third full-time) stage of the competition, where the best master classes will be presented and the winners will be awarded ceremony. At the award ceremony, it is planned to demonstrate the work of students.
At the final stage of the competition, it is also planned to organize a round table on the topics "State bilingualism: problems of high-quality education of the language block and the preservation of interethnic harmony in a modern multinational society" To participate in the work round tables will be invited representatives of the executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, exercising management in the field of education, the scientific and pedagogical community, experts, the media, as well as teachers - the winners of the WMC-2018.

According to the Regulations of the VMK-2018, this event will participate Not only teachers and educators, but and students.
Within the framework of the VMK-2018 will be held competition for students aged 6 to 10 years old and from 11 to 16 years old.
VMK-2018 will be held in three stages in correspondence and full-time formats in two directions:
- "Competition of methodological developments of teachers of native languages, including Russian";
- "Competition of students' creativity in the nominations of artistic and vocal creativity in their native languages, including Russian."
At the first (correspondence) stage of the VMK-2018, all participants the first direction (teachers, educators) necessary until October 5 Of 2018 send by email [email protected] a summary of the lesson and its presentation in the form of a 10-minute video clip, as well as an essay on the topic "My methodological findings" (no more than 2 pages).
Participants of the second direction (students) necessary until October 5, 2018 send by email [email protected] author's texts of artistic (fairy tale, fable, poem, story) or journalistic (article, essay, essay) genres in the languages \u200b\u200bof the peoples of Russia (with translation into Russian) or videos demonstrating the reading of poems by A.S. Pushkin (in the languages \u200b\u200bof the peoples of Russia) or the ability of children in vocal skills (in the languages \u200b\u200bof the peoples of Russia).
To all participants of the event until October 5, 2018 you must register on the event website and attach:
 essay on the topic "My methodological findings" (no more than 2 pages)
 if available: scans of copies of scientific and methodological development of lessons (no more than 2), copyright programs, textbooks, teaching materials, reprints of articles, reviews, materials of educational work aimed at the formation of an all-Russian civic identity. The best developments of teachers will be presented at the exhibition of the final (third) stage
 a fragment of the lesson in the first direction nominations;
 author's texts of artistic (fairy tale, fable, poem, story) or journalistic (article, essay, essay) genres in the languages \u200b\u200bof the VMK-2018; peoples of Russia in nominations of the second direction with translation into Russian;
 videos demonstrating children's vocal skills (in the languages \u200b\u200bof the peoples of Russia).
October 2018 (second extramural stage) the materials of the participants of the WMC-2018 will be evaluated by the jury members and posted on the event website to determine the winner in the "National Recognition" nomination.
All participants of the VMK-2018 will receive a certificate from the Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration. The authors of the best works in mid-November 2018 (date to be confirmed) will be invited to Moscow to participate in the final (third full-time) stage of the competition, where the best master classes will be presented and the winners will be awarded ceremony. At the award ceremony, it is planned to demonstrate the work of students.
At the final stage of the competition, it is also planned to organize a round table on the topics "State bilingualism: problems of high-quality education of the language block and the preservation of interethnic harmony in a modern multinational society" Representatives of the executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation that manage education will be invited to participate in the round tables , scientific and pedagogical community, experts, the media, as well as teachers - the winners of the WMC-2018.

FGAU "FIRO" within the framework of the implementation of the tasks of the Strategy of State National Policy for the Period up to 2025 and the measures provided for by the Federal Target Program "Strengthening the Unity of the Russian Nation and Ethnocultural Development of the Peoples of Russia (2014 - 2020)" on the instructions and with financial support Federal Agency for Nationalities October 24 and 25, 2016 held a set of final events of the All-Russian master class for teachers of native languages, including Russian (hereinafter VMK-2016).

VMK-2016 was held in three stages and boiled down to the collection of applications, the work of the jury to select the best developments and the on-site stage of the competition in the city of Moscow in the form of a set of final events.

Methodological developments of teachers and students' works on literary creativity and vocals were presented for the competition. It should be noted that the activity of students was higher compared to teachers. 440 applications were submitted for the competition of students' creativity, and 318 applications for the competition for methodological developments of teachers. Among teachers, 149 applications were rejected, and among students aged 6 to 16 years old, 169. All applications that passed moderation were published on the official website of the event (http: / / The jury selected best works... Authors of the best methodological works presented their developments at master classes in Moscow, and children gave concert numbers, taking an active part in the awards ceremony.

The highest appreciation of creativity received Adzhieva Ailin Ruslanovna, 12 years old from the Republic of Dagestan, village Terekli-Mekteb. She became the winner in the "National Recognition" nomination.

Grand Prix was awarded among teachers Krasnova Nelly Anatolyevna, teacher of the Chuvash language at gymnasium No. 6 in the city of Novocheboksarsk, Chuvash Republic. Among children Astakhov Daniil Vitalievich, 15 years old, a student of secondary school No. 8 in Volgodonsk, Rostov region, who presented a collection of his poems.

The Forum of Pedagogical Excellence (hereinafter the Forum) is intended to be a federal platform that unites native speakers, including Russian, languages \u200b\u200band cultures, aimed at improving social status teaching staff... to implement the tasks of the Strategy of State National Policy for the period up to 2025 in terms of preserving and developing the languages \u200b\u200band cultures of the peoples of Russia. The forum will be represented by the face-to-face stage of the All-Russian master class for teachers of native languages, including Russian, of languages \u200b\u200b(hereinafter CMC), in which the winners of regional competitions and the correspondence stage of CMC will take part. The forum will also include a series of business events: -conducting round tables on topical issues in the field of teaching languages \u200b\u200bin educational institutions, from among the languages \u200b\u200bof the peoples of Russia; -conducting exhibitions of the best scientific and methodological developments in the languages \u200b\u200bof the peoples of Russia and traditional folk crafts made by students; -demonstration of national costumes with an explanation of the semantics of the costume; - Formation of groups of multiplier teachers to conduct training seminars at the institutes of advanced training in 8 federal districts. The Forum aims to disseminate advanced pedagogical experience in the formation of an all-Russian civic consciousness in correlation with the formed ethnic identity, patriotism and mutual respect in a multinational Russian society, to develop the content of the subject on the languages \u200b\u200bof the peoples of Russia, ensuring the formation of basic systems values \u200b\u200bof civil society, to develop innovative approaches to the development of the language culture of students. The teaching staff of the block of humanitarian disciplines, which forms the consciousness of the younger generation, has always been and remains the part of the intelligentsia that ensures our security. For 25 years, the formation of a system of Western values \u200b\u200bin the conditions of state bilingualism and the formation of ethnic consciousness, the introduction of competencies into the school system of education instead of knowledge of competencies as a product at the request of the client requires a set of measures to help the teacher. The Forum is just such an event.


  1. The main goal of the project is meaningful systematic work that will ensure the implementation of more constructive mechanisms of harmonization and reaching agreement in a multinational Russian society, the formation of an awareness of citizenship, belonging to the Russian people (Russians), regardless of ethnicity, and an increase in the social status of a teacher who realizes this goal through building content language block and the use of methodological techniques, for the formation of metasubject results, the creation of conditions for the preservation of the culture and economic structure of the indigenous peoples


  1. 1. Organization and conduct of the All-Russian master class for teachers of native languages, including Russian, aimed at increasing the social status of teachers in the professional environment and in society.
  2. 2. Organization and holding at the face-to-face stage in Moscow of two round tables on topical problems in the field of teaching languages \u200b\u200bin general educational institutions from among the languages \u200b\u200bof the peoples of Russia.
  3. 3. Organization and holding of exhibitions of the best scientific and methodological developments in the languages \u200b\u200bof the peoples of Russia and traditional folk crafts made by students.
  4. 4. Formation of groups of multiplier teachers to conduct training seminars at the institutes for advanced training in 8 federal districts.
  5. 5. Working with teachers of small (nomadic) primary schools general education to identify the specifics of teaching in conditions of information deprivation and the need to comply with the requirements of the federal state educational standard, as well as to create conditions for the preservation of relatives

Substantiation of social significance

In 2012, the President of the Russian Federation approved the Strategy of the State National Policy of Russia for the period up to 2025. This is a fundamentally important, key document for our multinational country. It defines the main priorities - the preservation of the ethno-cultural diversity of the peoples of Russia, the strengthening of civil consciousness and the spiritual community of our nation. The leading role in the implementation of these priorities belongs to the teacher teaching the languages \u200b\u200bof the peoples of Russia, including the Russian language. Language is not only a tool for transmitting information, but also a means of forming a person's consciousness. At a meeting of the Council for Interethnic Relations, which took place on July 22 in Yoshkar-Ola, V.V. Putin noted that in the field of teaching the Russian language and the languages \u200b\u200bof the peoples of Russia in schools, it is necessary to ensure uniform approaches. “I would like to remind, dear friends, that the Russian language for us is the state language, the language of interethnic communication, and it cannot be replaced by anything, it is the natural spiritual framework of our entire multinational country. Everyone should know it. The languages \u200b\u200bof the peoples of Russia are also an integral part of the original culture of the peoples of Russia. Studying these languages \u200b\u200bis a constitutionally guaranteed right, a voluntary right. Forcing a person to learn a language that is not native to him is just as unacceptable as reducing the level and time of teaching Russian. " As we can see. The teacher is faced with an important task in ensuring uniform approaches in teaching languages. The complex of events held within the framework of the Forum and in particular the All-Russian master class for teachers of native languages, including Russian, creates conditions for solving this problem. The federal level of the Forum will contribute to raising the status of teachers of the native language, including the Russian language.

The second block of the Forum is dedicated to the skill of teachers of nomadic small schools, of which there are no more than 15 in the country, but their work is of great importance for the preservation and development of the traditional way of life of the indigenous small peoples of the North, especially reindeer herding. The practice of the first such school in the Kayettyn \u200b\u200bdepartment of the former Omolon state farm showed that despite the absence of a modern educational base, children who studied in this primary school in the 90s. of the last century now constitute the backbone of reindeer herders not only in the district, but also quite successfully work in neighboring regions. This is due to the fact that this contingent was brought up in families until adolescence, and not in an overly widespread boarding school system.

Geography of the project

85 constituent entities of the Russian Federation

Target groups

  1. Teachers educational organizations, teachers of small (nomadic) schools of primary general education, educators of preschool educational organizations, teachers of additional education
