“Be extremely careful and warn the children!”, “Death within two hours” ... As a respectable mother, I am in several WhatsApp chats for parents, and every time someone sends a photo of a frightening insect with formidable warnings. At this point, you involuntarily think: maybe all sorts of karakurts, tsetse flies and ticks have a serious competitor?

A search on the World Wide Web yielded several dozen links to the required news. All of them are dated last autumn. As the unnamed authors assure, the new insect appeared in India and, most likely, is the product of a scientific experiment that got out of control. And, allegedly, even there are already victims.

“If you ever see this insect, don't try to kill it with bare hands or even touch it. Upon contact, a person becomes infected with a virus that immediately affects the entire body. This horror was first noticed in India. Share this information with your family and friends. Let the children be especially careful, because they love to pick up all sorts of bugs and insects, ”one of the news aggregators intimidates.

And here's the attached picture:

But the search for a photo of an insect unknown to science refers to images of a water bug completely studied by entomologists. As it turned out, the alleged capsules with poison on the back of an unknown animal are young, its giant water bug, which really lives in India, wears it for greater safety.

- A person believes in what he wants. Anyone who has critical thinking and a high level of intelligence usually checks such controversial news without difficulty, but, unfortunately, not all of them. It seems to some that it is generally a pleasure to scare with such fakes (fakes. Ed.) of others, - Diana OKREMOVA, director of the Legal Media Center Public Foundation, comments on the regular distribution of horror stories in social networks.

She herself often organizes seminars for young journalists, where she explains in detail how to detect fake news. But it seems that with the development of the Internet, this kind of educational program should be carried out for the entire population.

- Any publication should give a specific answer to three questions: what, where, when? With social media marketing, things are a little more complicated, because the information is compressed to one or two sentences. But all the same, there should be some specifics that could be verified, the media expert says.

With special care, Diana Okremova advises to treat publications that begin with the words: “Attention!”, “Very important!” and ending with the words: “Maximum repost”. Often such loud calls serve one purpose: to draw the user's attention to something insignificant and distract from something important.

Anna Velichko

There are a lot of different insects in the world, which, at first glance, are very harmless. Some of them really are, but the other half of their brothers are very, very scary, especially when it comes to attacking a person or an animal.
They talked about the giant silkworm caterpillar, the bullet ant, the Amazonian giant centipede and the tsetse fly. All of the above insects are a direct threat to humans. Therefore, be careful if you are going on vacation to hot countries.

human gadfly

The human gadfly looks like a bee, but it has more hairs and fewer bristles. They usually only attack livestock, deer and humans. The female gadfly lays her eggs in humans, mosquitoes, flies, and other insects. The body heat of the victim, who, without knowing it until a certain time, is the carrier of gadfly larvae, helps the eggs hatch and take root normally in the body of the carrier. Flies commonly cause significant damage to the meat industry in tropical America, as their bites make the meat of cows destined for slaughter unsuitable for beef production.

Human gadfly larvae cause redness and swelling of the skin. In addition, the victim experiences crazy pain in the bite area. Sometimes when a person showers or rubs a wound in some way, they may feel that something is moving inside it. The larvae are usually removed by a simple surgical procedure that involves local anesthesia. In addition to surgical intervention, the gadfly larva can be squeezed out, but this is done only in certain cases. After the "tenant" was expelled, doctors prescribe a course of antibiotics. The wound heals within two weeks.

killer bees

The killer bee (aka Africanized bee) is so similar to an ordinary bee that it is possible to determine who is who only in a special laboratory. The venom of an Africanized bee is no stronger than that of an ordinary bee, but that doesn't mean anything. These small killers are used to attacking in a swarm, and that is why they create a huge danger to humans. They mainly live in small colonies, so they can make nests in very strange places, such as tires, empty boxes, containers, and also cars.

These killer bees have been known to chase a human up to six hundred meters away if they are in an agitated and aggressive state. Whoever is being chased by an Africanized bee should avoid zigzagging and seek shelter as quickly as possible. You should never jump into the water to hide from them, because they will wait for the moment when the top of your head appears above the water.

Wandering ant (African ant)

Colonies of wandering ants, in which there are almost 22 million individuals, do not sit still, but move to a new place every day. These intimidating creatures will destroy anything that gets in their way, so they can move for quite some time thanks to the fact that they literally eat on the go. They are mainly found in Africa and prefer to live in forests. Roaming ants attack everything in their path, including snakes, birds, mammals, and even humans. They use their powerful jaws to attack.

In order to have a good look at their future prey, these insects climb up trees and shrubs. The wandering ant is quite large and intimidating in appearance. Sometimes it reaches more than 2.5 centimeters (1 inch) in length. Usually these insects do not sting their prey. Instead, roaming ants tear their victims apart with powerful mandibles. A lone ant won't do much harm, but given that they travel in colonies, you shouldn't get in their way.

Asian giant hornet

The largest hornet species found in the world is the Asian giant hornet. They live throughout East Asia but are most commonly found in the mountains of Japan. They are known to be extremely aggressive and fearless. Asian giant hornets feeding their larvae honey bees and in the process of feeding can destroy entire hives. These hornets use their strength and agility, and thanks to their powerful mandibles, they are able to smash both the hive and the bees to smithereens. One hornet can cut 40 honey bees in half in one minute!

The Asian giant hornet has a 6 mm (0.2 in) sting that is injected with a venom so strong that it can corrode human skin. In 2013, 40 people died due to Asian giant hornets, and 1,600 were injured after being attacked by a whole "company". They forced the local government to form medical teams with specially trained personnel to help victims of bites, and firefighters were sent to fight the Asian giant hornets themselves.

Users of the popular WhatsApp messenger scare each other with a terrible killer bug. A banal search on the Internet gives dozens of justifications for deception, but the photo still wanders from one chat to another, Karavan writes.

“Be extremely careful and warn the children!”, “Death within two hours” ... As a respectable mother, I am in several WhatsApp chats for parents, and every time someone sends a photo of a frightening insect with formidable warnings. At this point, you involuntarily think: maybe all sorts of karakurts, tsetse flies and ticks have a serious competitor?

A search on the World Wide Web yielded several dozen links to the required news. All of them are dated last autumn. As the unnamed authors assure, the new insect appeared in India and, most likely, is the product of a scientific experiment that got out of control. And supposedly there are already victims.

“If you ever see this insect, don't try to kill it with your bare hands or even touch it. Upon contact, a person becomes infected with a virus that immediately affects the entire body. This horror was first noticed in India. Share this information with your family and friends. Let the children be especially careful, because they love to pick up all sorts of bugs and insects, ”one of the news aggregators intimidates.

But the search for a photo of an insect unknown to science refers to images of a water bug completely studied by entomologists. As it turned out, the alleged capsules with poison on the back of an unknown animal are young, its giant water bug, which really lives in India, wears it for greater safety.

- A person believes in what he wants. Anyone who has critical thinking and a high level of intelligence usually checks such controversial news without difficulty, but, unfortunately, not all of them. It seems to some that it is generally a pleasure to scare others with such fakes (fakes. - Ed.), - Diana OKREMOVA, director of the Legal Media Center Public Foundation, comments on the regular distribution of horror stories on social networks.

She herself often organizes seminars for young journalists, where she explains in detail how to detect fake news. But it seems that with the development of the Internet, this kind of educational program should be carried out for the entire population.

- Any publication should give a specific answer to three questions: what, where, when? With social media marketing, things are a little more complicated, because the information is compressed to one or two sentences. But all the same, there should be some specifics that could be verified, the media expert says.

With special care, Diana Okremova advises to treat publications that begin with the words: “Attention!”, “Very important!” and ending with the words: “Maximum repost”. Often such loud calls serve one purpose: to draw the user's attention to something insignificant and distract from something important.

Scientists have discovered the new kind insects that are deadly to humans

Newly found insects instantly kill all living things around with poison. How fast will a new species spread across the globe, specialist s so far they can't say for sure.

deadly dangerous insects were found in India. At the moment, scientists are figuring out where the killer bugs came from. There is a version that they are the result of unsuccessful laboratory tests.

The new species of bugs are tiny. They are easy to miss, step on or slam with your hand. At the same time, "kids" are able to kill any living organism, including humans. A momentary contact is enough to cause death. The poison instantly penetrates under the skin, after which a destructive irreversible process begins in the body.

Experts warn: the poison of a killer insect is several times more dangerous than the poison of a scorpion or a Brazilian runner spider - the most poisonous in the world!

The people of India are in a panic. Considering that many Indians love to run barefoot, tiny killers are triple dangerous for them. But it is not known whether such small monsters appeared only in this country. Scientists do not deny the possibility of the spread of creepy insects throughout the planet.

Three of the most dangerous

In nature, there are enough of those who should be feared and bypassed. Contact with the creatures below can take a person's life.

1. Spotted poison dart frog

Small frogs (up to six centimeters in size) have bright colors - from yellow to acid blue. They live in tropical climates in Brazil. One dose of dart frog venom can kill a jaguar, an elephant, or ten people. Just touching the frog leads to paralysis of the upper respiratory tract, arrhythmia and cardiac arrest. Vaccines against dart frog venom have not yet been invented.

2. Sea wasp

This jellyfish weighs about two kilograms and has 24 eyes. Lives in Australia or Southeast Asia. The tentacles of the sea wasp can extend up to three meters. The poison of the jellyfish dissolves the prey. A couple of minutes after contact with the tentacles of a jellyfish, brain functions are disturbed, a shock occurs. nervous system and the heart stops. It is curious that it is dangerous to touch the sea wasp even a week after her death - the poison still retains deadly properties.

3. Taipan

Taipan teeth reach 13 mm in length, and the body is up to two meters. The snake lives in the central part of Australia. The poison of taipans - taipaxin - causes paralysis of the brain, muscles and suffocation in humans. Death from a snakebite occurs within 4-12 hours. Despite the invention of the serum, so far every second inhabitant of Queensland, bitten by a taipan, dies.
