During the second half of the 19th century, doctors and biologists of that time actively studied the role of pathogenic microorganisms in the development of infectious diseases, as well as the possibility of creating artificial immunity to them. These studies led to the study of facts about the body's natural defense against infections. Pasteur proposed to the scientific community the idea of ​​the so-called "exhausted force". According to this theory, viral immunity is a condition in which the human body is not a beneficial breeding ground for infectious agents. However, this idea could not explain a number of practical observations.

Mechnikov: cellular theory of immunity

This theory appeared in 1883. The creator of the cellular theory of immunity relied on the teachings of Charles Darwin and was based on the study of the processes of digestion in animals, which are located at different stages of evolutionary development. The author of the new theory found a certain similarity in the intracellular digestion of substances in endoderm cells, amoebas, tissue macrophages and monocytes. Actually, immunity was created by the famous Russian biologist Ilya Mechnikov. His work in this area continued for a long time. They started in the Italian city of Messina, in which the microbiologist observed the behavior of the larvae.

The pathologist discovered that the wandering cells of the observed creatures surrounded by foreign bodies and then engulfed them. In addition, they dissolve and then destroy those tissues that the body no longer needs. He put a lot of effort into developing his concept. The creator of the cellular theory of immunity introduced, in fact, the concept of "phagocytes", derived from the Greek words "phages" - to eat and "kitos" - a cell. That is, the new term literally meant the process of eating cells. The scientist came to the idea of ​​such phagocytes a little earlier, when he studied intracellular digestion in various connective tissue cells in invertebrates: sponges, amoebas and others.

In representatives of the higher animal world, white blood cells, that is, leukocytes, can be called the most typical phagocytes. Later, the creator of the cellular theory of immunity proposed to divide such cells into macrophages and microphages. The correctness of such a division was confirmed by the achievements of the scientist P. Ehrlich, who differentiated different types leukocytes by staining. In his classic works on the pathology of inflammation, the creator of the cellular theory of immunity was able to prove the role of phagocytic cells in the elimination of pathogens. Already in 1901, his fundamental work on immunity to infectious diseases was published. In addition to Ilya Mechnikov himself, a significant contribution to the development and dissemination of the theory of phagocytic immunity was made by I.G. Savchenko, F.Ya. Chistovich, L.A. Tarasevich, A.M. Berezka, V.I. Isaev and a number of other researchers.

The term "immunity" originated from the Latin word "immunitas" - liberation, getting rid of something. It entered medical practice in the 19th century, when it began to mean "liberation from illness" (French Dictionary Litte, 1869). But long before the appearance of the term, physicians had the concept of immunity in the sense of a person's immunity to disease, which was designated as "the self-healing power of the body" (Hippocrates), " life force"(Galen) or "healing power" (Paracelsus). Doctors have long known the inherent immunity (resistance) to animal diseases (for example, chicken cholera, dog distemper) inherent in people from birth. Now this is called innate (natural) immunity. Since ancient times Physicians knew that a person does not get sick with certain diseases twice.So, back in the 4th century BC, Thucydides, describing the plague in Athens, noted the facts when people who miraculously survived could take care of the sick without the risk of getting sick again. showed that people can become resistant to re-infection after suffering serious infections, such as typhus, smallpox, scarlet fever. This phenomenon is called acquired immunity.

There is evidence that the first smallpox inoculations were carried out in China a thousand years before the birth of Christ. The sores of a person who had recovered from smallpox were scratched into the skin of a healthy person, who usually then suffered a mild infection, after which he recovered and remained resistant to subsequent smallpox infections. The inoculation of the contents of smallpox pustules to healthy people in order to protect them from the acute form of the disease then spread to India, Asia Minor, Europe, and the Caucasus. However, the reception of artificial infection with natural (human) smallpox did not give positive results in all cases. Sometimes, after inoculation, an acute form of the disease, and even death, was noted.

Inoculation was replaced by the vaccination method (from Latin vacca - cow), developed at the end of the 18th century. English doctor E. Jenner. He drew attention to the fact that thrush nurses who cared for sick animals sometimes fell ill in an extremely mild form of cowpox, but never got sick with smallpox. Such an observation gave the researcher a real opportunity to fight the disease of people. In 1796, 30 years after the start of his research, E. Jenner decided to test the vaccination method on a boy who was vaccinated with cowpox, and then infected him with smallpox. The experiment was successful, and since then the method of vaccination according to E. Jenner has been widely used throughout the world.

It should be noted that long before E. Jenner, the outstanding scientist-physician of the Medieval East, Razi, by inoculating children with cowpox, protected them from human smallpox. E. Jenner did not know about the Razi method.

After 100 years, the fact discovered by E. Jenner formed the basis of L. Pasteur's experiments on chicken cholera, which culminated in the formulation of the principle of prevention infectious diseases- the principle of immunization with weakened or killed pathogens (1881).

The birth of infectious immunology is associated with the name of the outstanding French scientist Louis Pasteur. The first step towards a targeted search for vaccine preparations that create stable immunity to infection was made after Pasteur's well-known observation on the pathogenicity of the causative agent of chicken cholera. It was shown that infection of chickens with a weakened (attenuated) culture of the pathogen creates immunity to the pathogenic microbe (1880). In 1881 Pasteur demonstrated an effective approach to immunizing cows against anthrax, and in 1885. he managed to show the possibility of protecting people from rabies.

By the 40-50s of our century, the principles of vaccination laid down by Pasteur found their manifestation in the creation of a whole arsenal of vaccines against the widest range of infectious diseases.

Although Pasteur is considered the founder of infectious immunology, he did not know anything about the factors involved in the process of defense against infection. Behring and Kitasato were the first to shed light on one of the mechanisms of resistance to infection. In 1890, Emil von Behring reported that after introducing into the body of an animal not whole diphtheria bacteria, but only a certain toxin isolated from them, something appears in the blood that can neutralize or destroy the toxin and prevent the disease caused by the whole bacterium. Moreover, it turned out that preparations (serums) prepared from the blood of such animals healed children already ill with diphtheria. A substance that neutralized the toxin and appeared in the blood only in its presence was called an antitoxin. In the future, substances similar to it began to be called by the general term - antibodies. And the agent that causes the formation of these antibodies came to be called an antigen. For these works, Emil von Behring was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 1901.

Later, P. Ehrlich developed the theory of humoral immunity on this basis, i.e. immunity provided by antibodies, which, moving through the liquid internal media of the body, such as blood and lymph (from Latin humor - liquid), strike foreign bodies at any distance from the lymphocyte that produces them.

Arne Tiselius (Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1948) showed that antibodies are just ordinary proteins, but with a very large molecular weight. The chemical structure of antibodies was deciphered by Gerald Maurice Edelman (USA) and Rodney Robert Porter (UK), for which they received the Nobel Prize in 1972. It was found that each antibody consists of four proteins - 2 light and 2 heavy chains. Such a structure in an electron microscope resembles a "slingshot" in its appearance. The portion of an antibody molecule that binds to an antigen is highly variable and is therefore called variable. This area is contained at the very tip of the antibody, so the protective molecule is sometimes compared to tweezers grasping with sharp ends. the smallest details the most intricate clockwork. The active center recognizes small regions in the antigen molecule, usually consisting of 4-8 amino acids. These parts of the antigen fit into the structure of the antibody "like a key to a lock". If antibodies cannot cope with the antigen (microbe) on their own, other components will come to their aid, and, first of all, special "eating cells".

Later, the Japanese Susumo Tonegawa, based on the achievement of Edelman and Porter, showed what no one, in principle, could even expect: those genes in the genome that are responsible for the synthesis of antibodies, unlike all other human genes, have an amazing ability to repeatedly change their structure in individual human cells during his life. At the same time, they, varying in their structure, are redistributed in such a way that they are potentially ready to ensure the production of several hundred million different protein-antibodies, i.e. much more than the theoretical amount of potentially acting on the human body from the outside of foreign substances - antigens. In 1987, S. Tonegawa was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine "for the discovery of the genetic principles of antibody generation."

Our compatriot I.I. Mechnikov developed the theory of phagocytosis and substantiated the phagocytic theory of immunity. He proved that animals and humans have special cells - phagocytes - capable of absorbing and destroying pathogenic microorganisms and other genetically alien material that has appeared in our body. Phagocytosis has been known to scientists since 1862 from the works of E. Haeckel, but only Mechnikov was the first to associate phagocytosis with the protective function of the immune system. In the subsequent long-term discussion between supporters of phagocytic and humoral theories, many mechanisms of immunity were revealed.

In parallel with Mechnikov, the German pharmacologist Paul Ehrlich developed his theory of immune defense against infection. He was aware of the fact that in the blood serum of animals infected with bacteria, protein substances appear that can kill pathogenic microorganisms. These substances were subsequently named by him "antibodies". The most characteristic property of antibodies is their pronounced specificity. Formed as a protective agent against one microorganism, they neutralize and destroy only it, remaining indifferent to others. In an attempt to understand this phenomenon of specificity, Ehrlich put forward the theory of "side chains", according to which antibodies in the form of receptors preexist on the surface of cells. In this case, the antigen of microorganisms acts as a selective factor. Having come into contact with a specific receptor, it ensures enhanced production and circulation of only that particular receptor (antibody).

Ehrlich's foresight is astounding, since with some modifications this generally speculative theory has now been confirmed.

Phagocytosis, discovered by Mechnikov, was later called cellular immunity, and antibody formation, discovered by Ehrlich, was called humoral immunity. Two theories - cellular (phagocytic) and humoral - in the period of their emergence stood on antagonistic positions. The schools of Mechnikov and Erlich fought for scientific truth, not suspecting that each blow and each parry brought their opponents closer together. In 1908 both scientists were simultaneously awarded the Nobel Prize.

New stage The development of immunology is associated primarily with the name of the outstanding Australian scientist M. Burnet (Macfarlane Burnet; 1899-1985). It was he who largely determined the face of modern immunology. Considering immunity as a reaction aimed at differentiating everything "one's own" from everything "alien", he raised the question of the significance of immune mechanisms in maintaining the genetic integrity of the organism during the period of individual (ontogenetic) development. It was Burnet who drew attention to the lymphocyte as the main participant in a specific immune response, giving it the name "immunocyte". It was Burnet who predicted, and the Englishman Peter Medawar and the Czech Milan Hasek experimentally confirmed the state opposite to immune reactivity - tolerance. It was Burnet who pointed out the special role of the thymus in the formation of the immune response. And finally, Burnet remained in the history of immunology as the creator of the clonal selection theory of immunity. The formula of such a theory is simple: one clone of lymphocytes is able to respond only to one specific antigenic specific determinant.

Of particular note are Burnet's views on immunity as such an organism's reaction, which distinguishes everything "own" from everything "alien". After Peter Medawar proved the immune nature of rejection of a foreign transplant and the accumulation of facts on the immunology of malignant neoplasms, it became obvious that the immune response develops not only to microbial antigens, but also when there are any, albeit insignificant, antigenic differences between the body and that biological material (transplant, malignant tumor) that the body encounters.

Strictly speaking, scientists of the past, including Mechnikov, understood that the purpose of immunity is not only the fight against infectious agents. However, the interests of immunologists in the first half of our century concentrated mainly on the development of problems of infectious pathology. It took time for the natural course scientific knowledge led to the concept of the role of immunity in individual development. And the author of the new generalization was Burnet.

A great contribution to the development of modern immunology was also made by Robert Koch (Robert Koch; 1843-1910), who discovered the causative agent of tuberculosis and described the skin tuberculin reaction; Jules Bordet (1870-1961), who made important contributions to the understanding of complement dependent bacterial lysis; Karl Landsteiner (1868-1943), who received the Nobel Prize for the discovery of blood groups and developed approaches to study the fine specificity of antibodies using haptens; Rodney Porter (1917-1985) and Gerald Edelman (1929), who studied the structure of antibodies; George Snell, Baruj Benacerraf and Jean Dausset, who described the major histocompatibility complex in animals and humans and discovered immune response genes. Among domestic immunologists, the studies of N.F. Gamalei, G.N. Gabrichevsky, L.A. Tarasevich, L.A. Zilber, G.I. Abelev are especially significant.

Good afternoon, dear friends! So, today we will again focus on an important component for human health - its immunity.

Of course, we all understand that it is necessary to monitor our health, and each of us has repeatedly heard and uttered this phrase himself - increasing immunity. Today our topic will be one of the sides of this issue, namely, what is humoral immunity?

This term is especially often heard in medical institutions. Let's try and understand what it means and how it works. The classification of the types of the human defense system is quite extensive, and includes several points.

Humoral factors of immunity, expressed in simple terms, this is the constant production of antibodies designed to destroy pathogenic viruses and infectious manifestations. The confrontation must be constant, the only way to maintain health and prevent dangerous diseases. Human immunity is a link that should not be weak.

In connection with this type of protective system, it is impossible not to mention the second type, which is somewhat different in its functionality, but is inextricably linked with the above. This is a cellular type of defense system. Together they achieve a great effect. What is the difference between cellular and humoral immune protective action?

  • Cellular has the ability to recognize and infect fungi, viruses, foreign cells and tissues in its own cellular structures.
  • The humoral theory of immunity is associated with the defeat of bacteria located in the pericellular space, and mainly in the plasma.

The theory is based on the processes of specific interaction of antibodies. The basis of immunity B - lymphocytes synthesized with native proteins, are able to instantly respond to the appearance of foreign proteins.

At the same time, as soon as a foreign substance appears in the blood, even regardless of its harmfulness, antibodies are immediately formed. And such a reaction can cause the defeat of the "foreigner" without much effort.

That is, to make it completely clear, the mechanism of action is simple, the protection of our blood and cells during humoral immunity is carried out by proteins antigens. They are part of the blood composition and other fluids of our body with you.

humoral immunity - This is the recognition of bacteria in any body fluid, whether it be blood, lymph, saliva or another. The name "humoral" is liquid, moisture. With the widespread formation of antibodies or immunoglobulins, whether in the bone marrow, lymph nodes or intestines, protein compounds "stick" to foreign bacterial structures. Successfully destroy them, then removing them from the body with the same fluid. There are five main types of immunoglobulins:

A, D, E, G, M. Of all the lymphocytes we have, they are determined in the body by about 15%.

A bit of history

The history of the study of the humoral link of immunity goes back to the years when, in the 19th century, a dispute arose between two prominent scientists, Ilya Mechnikov and Paul Erlich. At that time, so much attention was paid to the issue of immunity and people suffered from constant severe diseases and infectious lesions.

On the basis of this intractable task, the opinions of pundits agreed in a dispute. Mechnikov's evidence was based on the fact that the immune properties of the human body work exclusively at the level of cellular processes. That is, cells are the basis of immunity.

Ehrlich argued with his opponent and argued that blood plasma is the main engine of protective processes, and immunity depends on its composition. This went on for many years, and neither of them became the winner of an important dispute, or rather, they both turned out to be winners and received the Nobel Prize.

Like this true story from the life of great scientists, which made it possible, through a long study, to make an important discovery. It is believed that humoral immunity was discovered by P. Ehrlich.

It turned out that one proved the benefits of cellular immunity, and the other humoral. We know the outcome of the dispute, both protective systems are of great importance for a person and are closely interconnected with each other. The regulation of protective processes occurs in two systems, cellular and molecular.

It was only through the interaction of this symbiosis that a multicellular creature arose, capable of withstanding the endless attacks of viruses and pathogenic microbes. And the name of this creature is Man. Our unique system has allowed us to survive and pass through the millennia, constantly adapting to the environment.

Humoral specific and nonspecific immunity

We all react differently to external negative factors that can cause disease. Some begin to mope and experience signs of illness from the slightest breath of a breeze, others can withstand an ice hole. All this is the mechanism of action of the protective background.

work today human body, physicians classify as specific and nonspecific. Let's take a closer look at each of the concepts.

  • A specific reaction or form is directed to any single factor. An example is a person who had chicken pox as a child, after which he built a strong immunity to this disease. This can also include all those vaccinations and vaccinations that we were given in childhood.
  • The non-specific form implies universal protection given by nature and the body's reaction to the penetration of infection into the body.

Let's look at the principle of operation of these two forms in more detail.

The factors of a specific property, first of all, belong to immunoglobulins or antibodies. They are engaged in the blood by white cells, otherwise they can be called B - lymphocytes. How are antibodies produced in the body?

The first part always appears by transmission at birth from the mother, the second through breast milk. Time passes, and a person becomes able to produce them himself from stem cells or after exposure to a vaccine.

Non-specific factors include substances without a clear specialization, these are: tissue particles of the body, blood serum and proteins in it, glands and their secretory ability to inhibit the growth of microbes, lysozyme, which contains an antibacterial enzyme.

The humoral link of immunity plays an important role in both cases and is built up by constant education during internal systems body of "smart" antibodies.


Methods of study allow to reveal violations in humoral immunity. This is done using a special analysis - an immunogram. This examination allows you to understand the number of B-lymphocytes, immunoglobulins in the body, the interferon index and other important parameters.

This test is done by drawing blood from a vein. This is done on an empty stomach in the morning, so that before that there were 8 hours of abstinence from food, alcohol and smoking.

All these are rather difficult concepts for the perception of an ordinary person; rather, this is the prerogative of specialists. But still, it is interesting to understand the principle of immunity and expand your horizons a little in this matter. Do not forget to support your body, and remember that your health depends on the state of humoral immunity!

The process of formation and development of the science of immunity was accompanied by the creation of various kinds of theories that laid the foundation for science. Theoretical teachings acted as explanations of the complex mechanisms and processes of the internal environment of a person. The presented publication will help to consider the basic concepts of the immune system, as well as to get acquainted with their founders.

What is the theory of immunity?

Theory of Immunity - is a doctrine generalized by experimental studies, which was based on the principles and mechanisms of action of immune defense in the human body.

Basic theories of immunity

Theories of immunity were created and developed over a long period of time by I.I. Mechnikov and P. Erlich. The founders of the concepts laid the foundation for the development of the science of immunity - immunology. The basic theoretical teachings will help to consider the principles of the development of science and features.

Basic theories of immunity:

  • The fundamental concept in the development of immunology was theory of the Russian scientist Mechnikov I.I.. In 1883, a representative of the Russian scientific community proposed a concept according to which mobile cellular elements are present in the human internal environment. They are able to swallow with the whole body and digest foreign microorganisms. The cells are called macrophages and neutrophils.
  • The founder of the theory of immunity, which was developed in parallel with the theoretical teachings of Mechnikov, was the concept of the German scientist P. Ehrlich. According to the teachings of P. Ehrlich, it was found that in the blood of animals infected with bacteria, microelements appear that destroy foreign particles. Protein substances are called antibodies. characteristic feature antibodies is their focus on resistance to a particular microbe.
  • The teachings of M. F. Burnet. His theory was based on the assumption that immunity is an antibody response aimed at recognizing and separation of own and dangerous trace elements. Acts as creator clonal-selection theory of immune defense. In accordance with the presented concept, one clone of lymphocytes reacts to one specific microelement. The aforementioned theory of immunity was proven and as a result it was found that the immune reaction acts against any foreign organisms (graft, tumor).
  • Instructive theory of immunity The date of creation is 1930. The founders were F. Breinl and F. Gaurowitz. According to the concept of scientists, the antigen is a place for the connection of antibodies. The antigen is also a key element of the immune response.
  • The immunity theory was also developed M. Heidelberg and L. Pauling. According to the presented doctrine, compounds are formed from antibodies and antigens in the form of a lattice. The creation of a lattice will be possible only if there are three determinants for the antigen molecule in the antibody molecule.
  • Immunity concept on the basis of which the theory of natural selection was developed N. Erne. The founder of the theoretical doctrine suggested that in the human body there are molecules that are complementary to foreign microorganisms that enter the internal environment of a person. The antigen does not connect or change existing molecules. It comes into contact with its corresponding antibody in the blood or cell and combines with it.

The presented theories of immunity laid the foundation for immunology and allowed scientists to develop historically established views on the functioning of the human immune system.


The founder of the cellular (phagocytic) theory of immunity is the Russian scientist I. Mechnikov. Studying marine invertebrates, the scientist found that some cellular elements absorb foreign particles that penetrate into the internal environment. Mechnikov's merit lies in drawing an analogy between the observed process involving invertebrates and the process of absorption of the blood of vertebrate subjects by white cellular elements. As a result, the researcher put forward an opinion according to which the absorption process acts as a protective reaction of the body, accompanied by inflammation. As a result of the experiment, the theory of cellular immunity was put forward.

Cells that perform protective functions in the body are called phagocytes.

Distinctive features of phagocytes:

  • The implementation of protective functions and the removal of toxic substances from the body;
  • Presentation of antigens on the cell membrane;
  • Selection chemical from other biological substances.

Mechanism of action of cellular immunity:

  • In cellular elements, the process of attachment of phagocyte molecules to bacteria and viral particles takes place. The presented process contributes to the elimination of foreign elements;
  • Endocytosis affects the creation of a phagocytic vacuole - phagosome. Macrophage granules and azurophilic and specific neutrophil granules move to the phagosome and combine with it, releasing their contents into the phagosome tissue;
  • In the process of absorption, generating mechanisms are enhanced - specific glycolysis and oxidative phosphorylation in macrophages.


The founder of the humoral theory of immunity was the German researcher P. Ehrlich. The scientist argued that the destruction of foreign elements from the internal environment of a person is possible only with the help of the protective mechanisms of the blood. The findings were presented in a unified theory of humoral immunity.

According to the author, humoral immunity is based on the principle of destruction of foreign elements through the fluids of the internal environment (through the blood). Substances that carry out the process of eliminating viruses and bacteria are divided into two groups - specific and non-specific.

Nonspecific factors of the immune system represent the inherited resistance of the human body to diseases. Nonspecific antibodies are universal and affect all groups of dangerous microorganisms.

Specific factors of the immune system(protein elements). They are created by B-lymphocytes, which form antibodies that recognize and destroy foreign particles. A feature of the process is the formation of immune memory, which prevents the invasion of viruses and bacteria in the future.

The merit of the researcher is to establish the fact of the transfer of antibodies by inheritance with mother's milk. As a result, a passive the immune system. Its duration is six months. After the child's immune system begins to function independently and develop its own cellular defense elements.

To get acquainted with the factors and mechanisms of action of humoral immunity, you can

The phylogenesis of immunity is inseparable from the history of the emergence and development of multicellular organisms. The emergence of Metazoa (multicellular) means the formation of autonomous organisms that have an internal environment filled with cells belonging to this organism and limited by a barrier separating it from the environment. The environment is a priori hostile to the organism, since it serves as a source of aggression, competition, and so on. Aggression may consist in the penetration of other organisms (primarily unicellular) into the internal environment of a multicellular organism, followed by competition for territory and resources, as well as possible active damage to cells or their poisoning with toxins and metabolites. Thus, the very fact of the emergence of a separate community of cells, having at least elementary integrating systems and reproducing as a whole, served as a sufficient basis for the emergence of a “service” to maintain the cellular and molecular constancy of the internal environment. This "service" became the prototype of the immune system.
It follows from the above that the first condition for the formation of immunity is the presence of a “protected” closed territory with its mandatory delimitation from external environment. The second condition is the emergence of factors specialized to ensure the constancy of the protected internal environment by freeing it from agents coming from outside (that is, to ensure immunity in its direct original sense - release). Since the time of I.I. Mechnikov, it is generally accepted that such a factor was specialized cells of mesenchymal origin - mobile amoebocytes, the ancestors of mammalian phagocytes. They have a pronounced ability to phagocytosis - a mechanism that ensures the elimination of potentially aggressive cells that have penetrated into the internal environment of the body.
An important condition for the effective operation of this homeostatic mechanism is the ability of protective cells to distinguish potentially aggressive foreign cells from their own. The principle on which such recognition is based has become the basis of immunity in all its manifestations. Thus, the immune system, not being able to “wait” for the manifestation of aggressiveness of cells that have penetrated from the outside, considers any foreign cells and molecules as potentially dangerous. Apparently, such a "solution" of evolution is the most universal and justified: truly alien objects are almost always harmful, even if they do not show active aggression.
The emergence of receptors that allow "recognizing" someone else's was the third fundamental event on the path to the formation of immunity (after the emergence of the internal environment of multicellular and specialized phagocyte cells). Indeed, the presence of pathogen-recognizing receptors, as they are now called, is an extremely ancient "invention" of evolution, common to animals and plants. Let us immediately note that the immunity of plants and animals subsequently evolved in different ways, but the general principle of recognition of foreign objects was preserved.
In the process of evolution of a species, genes encoding molecules were fixed, designed to recognize not just “foreign”, but obviously dangerous for a given organism. These receptors are membrane or soluble molecules that have spatial affinity (and therefore are able to recognize them) for the most common and pathogenicity-related molecular markers of foreign agents: components of the bacterial cell wall, endotoxins, nucleic acids, etc. Each receptor recognizes not an individual molecule, but a whole group of similar molecules that serve as images (patterns) of pathogenicity. Receptor molecules are present not only on the surface of immune effector cells, but also in granules into which foreign agents enter during phagocytosis. Pathogen-recognizing molecules are also present in body fluids and are capable of inactivating toxins and killing foreign cells. A relatively small number of genes encoding such receptors ensures the recognition of almost all pathogens without being an excessive "burden" for a multicellular organism.
As a result of pattern recognition of pathogenicity, cells - immunocytes - are activated, which allows them to kill and then eliminate pathogens. This happens with the help of cytolysis - intracellular (the most advanced, associated with phagocytosis), extracellular (caused by secreted factors) and contact. Pathogens can be killed or prepared for phagocytosis by soluble bactericidal factors and receptor molecules. In all cases, the final splitting of the killed pathogens occurs in the process of phagocytosis.

Rice. 1.1. Phylogeny of innate and adaptive immunity. On a simplified phylogenetic tree (only those taxa in which immunity was studied are indicated), the zones of action of innate and adaptive immunity are marked. Cyclostomes are singled out as a special group as animals in which adaptive immunity did not develop along the “classical” path.

So, schematically, you can imagine the immune system, which is commonly called innate. This form of immunity is characteristic of all multicellular animals (in a slightly different form - and for plants). Its age is 1.5 billion years. The innate immune system very effectively protected protostomes metazoans, as well as lower deuterostomes, which often had large sizes (Fig. 1.1). Manifestations of innate immunity at different stages of evolution and in different taxa are extremely diverse. However general principles its functioning is the same at all stages of development of multicellular organisms. The main components of innate immunity:

  • recognition of foreign agents in the internal environment of the body with the help of receptors specialized in recognizing "patterns" of pathogenicity;
  • elimination of identified foreign agents from the body by phagocytosis and cleavage.
In chordates, there was an abrupt formation of another type of immunity: about 500 million years ago, adaptive (i.e., adaptive) or acquired immunity arose. A branch of adaptive immunity, which has received intensive development, originated in cartilaginous fish. A special variant of adaptive immunity, based on the use of other recognizing and effector molecules, was found in more primitive chordates - cyclostomes. Adaptive immunity is closely related to innate immunity and is largely based on its manifestations. However, these types of immunity differ greatly (Table 1.2).
Table 1.2. Main properties of innate and adaptive immunity


innate immunity

adaptive immunity


Formed in ontogeny, regardless of the "request"

Formed in response to a "request" (receipt of alien agents)

An object

Groups of foreign molecules associated with pathogenicity

Individual molecules (antigens)


Myeloid, partially lymphoid cells

Lymphoid cells

Cell population response type

The cell population responds as a whole (not clonally)

Response to antigen clonal


Images of pathogenicity; stress molecules





The threat of auto-aggression



Memory availability


Immunological memory is formed

A significant difference between adaptive immunity and innate immunity is the method of recognizing someone else (Table 1.3). In adaptive immunity, it is mediated by a specific type of molecule (immunoglobulins or other proteins of the immunoglobulin superfamily) that recognizes not patterns but individual molecules or small groups of similar molecules called antigens. There are about 106 different antigens. Such a number of receptors not only cannot be present on one cell, but also cannot be encoded in the vertebrate genome, which contains only tens of thousands of genes. That is why, in the process of evolution of adaptive immunity, a complex mechanism for generating a variety of antigen-specific receptors has been formed: with the development of specialized cells (lymphocytes), their genes encoding antigen-recognizing receptors are rearranged, which leads to the formation of a receptor with unique specificity in each cell. When activated, each cell can give rise to a clone, all cells of which will have receptors of the same specificity. Thus, each specific antigen is not recognized by all lymphocytes, but only by their individual clones that have specific antigen-recognizing receptors.
Table 1.3. Main types of immunological recognition


Group (pattern)

Individual (antigenic)

Recognition object

Conservative molecular structures - images of pathogenicity

Antigenic epitopes (as part of free molecules or embedded in MHC molecules)

"one's own"

Perfect, developed in phylogenesis

Imperfect, formed in ontogeny

The need for costimulation



Effect realization time


Takes time (adaptive immune response)

Communication with various forms immunity

Associated with innate immunity

Associated with adaptive immunity

Formation of receptor genes

determined genetically

Formed during cell differentiation

Cells that carry receptors

Any nucleated cells (predominantly myeloid)

Only B and T lymphocytes

Distribution on cells

All cells in a population express the same receptors



TLR, NLR, CLR, RIG, DAI, Seavenger receptors, soluble receptors

BCR (on B cells), TCR-yS, (on y8T cells), TCR-ap (on arT cells)

If the pattern-recognizing receptors of innate immunity were formed in the course of evolution as molecules that recognize foreign, but not the body's own molecules, then the specificity of antigen-recognizing receptors of the adaptive immunity system is formed by chance. This required the development of additional selection mechanisms to eliminate "unnecessary" and "dangerous" (directed against "one's own") clones of lymphocytes. Such mechanisms are quite effective, but still do not completely eliminate the risk of developing autoimmune processes - immune reactions directed against self-antigens that cause damage to the host organism.
Both types of immunity form an integral system, while innate immunity serves as the foundation for the development of adaptive immunity. Thus, lymphocytes recognize the antigen in the process of presentation, carried out mainly by cells of innate immunity. The removal of an antigen and its carrying cells from the body occurs through reactions based on the mechanisms of innate immunity that have received a specific component, i.e. directed to a specific antigen and acting with increased efficiency.
The clonal nature of the adaptive immune response created the possibility of immunological memory. With innate immunity, memory does not develop, and each time the reaction to the introduction of a foreign

ny molecules develop as for the first time. In the process of adaptive immunity, clones of cells are formed that retain the "experience" of the previous immune response, which allows them to respond to a second encounter with an antigen much faster than during the initial contact, and at the same time form a stronger response. The presence of memory cells makes the body resistant to a fairly wide range of pathogens. Probably, it was the possibility of the formation of immunological memory that served as an advantage that allowed such an “expensive” for the body, cumbersome, largely unreliable and even dangerous mechanism to gain a foothold in the evolutionary process as an adaptive immune response.
Thus, adaptive immunity is based on three main processes:

  • recognition of antigens (usually foreign to the body), regardless of their relationship with pathogenicity, using clonally distributed receptors;
  • elimination of recognized foreign agents;
  • the formation of an immunological memory of contact with an antigen, which allows faster and more efficient removal of it upon re-recognition.
Adaptive immunity has another advantage that innate immunity does not have - the ability to protect the body from aggression from the inside (ie, from malignant neoplasms). The risk of developing malignant tumors due to mutations or viral transformation of cells increased significantly with an increase in the evolution of the size of the organism, which occurred around the same time that adaptive immunity arose. In addition, it cannot be ruled out that adaptive immunity arose as a particular manifestation of higher-order changes, which are associated with significant evolutionary advantages, which will be revealed in the future.
