There is a misconception that the construction of complex intricate structures from gypsum plasterboards will require special professional skills: first of all, this applies to multi-tiered ceilings equipped with original lighting. Indeed, a minimal understanding of working with this material is necessary, however, as you know, unsolvable problems do not exist. With the exact and accurate execution of the entire sequence of operations, a curly plasterboard ceiling is quite capable of building the most ordinary person.

Tool List

For the construction of a curly plasterboard ceiling, you will need to stock up on approximately the same tools as for a simple installation. Before starting work, you must have:

  • tape measure and pencil;
  • puncher;
  • hacksaw and scissors for metal;
  • construction cord for breaking circles;
  • screwdriver.

In addition, the required number of gypsum plasterboards is purchased, as well as the required profiles and fastening material.

Preparatory activities

To make a curly plasterboard ceiling with your own hands, you will need a sketch or a design drawing: this will help you accurately plan all subsequent actions. When drawing up a drawing, it is important to indicate the dimensions, outlines, locations of each level, as well as the transition points from one tier to another. Next, you need to prepare the walls and ceiling for marking: for this, all weak and fallen off finish is removed from their surface, as well as interference in the form of hammered nails, protruding dowels and chandeliers. It is recommended to prime the cleaned base, which will give it the proper strength and make the marking more convenient.

Installation work

Frame construction

Upon completion of the marking, the frame structure is assembled for gypsum plasterboard sheets. As you know, the frame includes certain fasteners - a metal profile, vertical posts and a lower part. The profile in this case is securely fixed to the base of the ceiling, vertical posts are inserted into it, and the lower part is already attached to them with self-tapping screws. As a rule, large-area compositions of gypsum plasterboard curly ceilings include not one supporting frame, but several. Each of them is responsible for fixing a certain tier of the structure, starting from the bottom: the number of supporting frames corresponds to the number of such levels.

For fastening each subsequent tier, a rigid hitch is required with the load-bearing elements of the upper level, and, if possible, with the ceiling slab. The complexity of this design is due to the significant load it exerts on the base of the ceiling.

A curved profile base will have to be erected along the curly lines on the ceiling, for which the profiles are cut in many places: usually such cuts are made with a frequency of 5 cm along the outer and lateral bending line. Having thus obtained the necessary bends on the parts, you can begin to mount them on the ceiling, together with the rest of the frame elements. For those who do not know how to bend a drywall profile, at this stage in the construction of the frame, the use of ready-made parts, called "flexible profile", will help. They lend themselves to bending in any direction to the required limits, without losing the required rigidity. The assembly in the future repeats the main stages of the construction of the frame under a conventional plasterboard ceiling, with the fixing of suspensions and profiles on the walls and ceiling.

Upon completion of this procedure, the first level can be sewn up with gypsum boards. In those areas where there is an overlap of the lower tier with the upper one, it is not necessary to use a plasterboard filing, the main thing is to get the side sections by 10-15 cm.When attaching the parts of the lower frame, you will have to use through fixing through the already fixed drywall: at the attachment points of the second level to the first screws are screwed directly into the elements of the lower tier. For this reason, they are trying to equip such sections in advance with embedded profiles, even during the construction of the first level.

Bending drywall

To obtain rounded or curved plasterboard ceiling elements, bend them along a certain radius. The main thing is that the strength limit of the gypsum board is not exceeded, otherwise it begins to break. The first method of bending drywall sheets is to simply pull them to the metal frame: a fairly steep arc cannot be obtained in this way, but smooth and gentle bends are created quite easily. For this operation, drywall is taken with a reduced thickness, 9 or 6 mm. The main thing in this case is to act slowly, accurately and accurately performing each action. If you need to get a steeper curly shape, this can be done with the help of such simple devices as water and an awl. The cut plasterboard element of the required size is soaked with water, before equipping the bend with many pricks, using an awl for this.

It is very important that the holes have a depth of no more than half the thickness of the sheet, therefore, during operation, the awl is often equipped with a special stopper made of an eraser or wine cork.

You can also use a needle roller or a knife with a thin, sharp blade instead of an awl. It is necessary to moisten drywall abundantly enough, but water penetration should be avoided.

It is useful to pre-train on unnecessary pruning in order to understand how much water and time is needed to achieve the desired result. The part soaked in water is bent inward with the wetted area until the desired radius is obtained. This procedure can be performed both below and directly at the installation site.

For making very complex bends and compositions, it will be more convenient to use the “typesetting” method. To do this, many small fragments are cut from a single element, which are alternately attached to the frame: uneven transitions and joints are quite capable of smoothing out with the help of subsequent finishing with putty. Another way to bend a plasterboard strip is to apply perpendicular cuts to its inner side, 2/3 of the sheet thickness. Their number is dictated by the required configuration of the element. A hand saw will not work in this case, since it is rather difficult to maintain the required cutting depth with its help. It is best to use a circular saw for this, where this indicator is set at the beginning of the operation. In the future, when attaching such a sheet, it is important to be very careful, due to its increased fragility. The outer seams are then sealed with putty.

Final works

Studying the question of how to make a curly ceiling from plasterboard, the conclusion suggests itself that the greatest difficulty lies in the implementation of the correct bending of plasterboard elements. If this stage is passed, the entire subsequent assembly will not be difficult: each element must be installed on its own section of the frame. As a rule, professionals go through the complete construction of the entire frame, including all its levels and figures, and only then sheathe the resulting structure using gypsum board. However, it will be easier for a beginner to act consistently, building level after level.

When installing gypsum plasterboards on an installed frame, it is better to enlist the support of an assistant: this is especially true of the first tier, where solid sheets of 250x120 cm are usually hemmed. half the profile width). Plasterboard elements of the second level are usually much smaller, however, due to the complexity of the forms, the help of a partner during their installation will also not hurt.

It takes a solid practical experience and training to make a multi-level plasterboard suspended ceiling. Even the simplest change in the usual parameters of a room will require accurate calculations and the ability to use modern building materials and tools. The slightest miscalculation can lead to irreparable errors that will immediately affect the ceiling design. An incorrectly attached profile can ultimately lead to the need to completely redesign the structure.

To make your idea come true, invite a real master of his craft who has good recommendations and is able to show samples of his work.

If you are going to give a house an unusual look, you need to think in advance about how you want to change it and be sure to calculate your financial capabilities, because the more complex the structure, the more expensive it costs. The work of highly qualified professionals always costs a lot, and only very good specialists can make a figured ceiling.

Creating a plasterboard ceiling pattern

Wishing to give your home a unique and inimitable look, you can make a ceiling of unusual shapes, which will always amaze your guests with its beauty. When starting to develop a drawing, be sure to take into account the size of the room, its configuration and height, so that the curly ceiling will organically fit into the interior. The specialist must take into account the number of windows, the orientation of the apartment to the cardinal points and how shadows will affect the overall mood in the room when illuminated. Correctly chosen shape of the ceiling will help to highlight the beauty of the headset and make the overall ensemble sophisticated and unique.

When choosing a pattern, you need to think about the owners of the room and the purpose of the room. In the nursery, bright colors, the presence of a variety of fairy-tale characters and funny animals are suitable. This will help create a wonderful environment for the growing child. The hall should look rich and at the same time airy without overwhelming those present with its grandeur. It should be pleasant for your guests to be here. The bedroom will look organic, pastel colors and smooth curves will help relieve stress after a hard day and enjoy your rest.

Curly ceilings in small spaces, kitchens, bathrooms and toilets are generally inappropriate as they take up space, making the room small.

Patterns on multilevel structures

Complex patterns involve the creation of multilevel designs. Currently, there are a huge number of options for such ceilings that look great in a well-designed interior. Each designer sees the implementation of the project in his own way and can offer an original idea, the implementation of which will make your home impeccably elegant and beautiful. Consider several types of existing curly ceilings.

Create an unusual design with light

Correctly positioned fixtures can not only provide high-quality lighting, but help give an apartment a brighter and more festive look. By distributing the lighting evenly, you can use it to highlight areas of rest and work.
By hanging the lamps along the border of the suspended ceiling, you can create light curtains, and by highlighting a specific place with a set, you can enhance the accent of perception of the original drawing or an unusual headset. LED lamps and strips look very original in the interior of the apartment, which can not only change the intensity of the glow, but also the color scheme, which allows you to adjust to a certain mood.

The pendant lamp bodies made of chrome, brass or aluminum can serve as an additional element for decorating a room and look great even when the lights are off.

Shaped plasterboard ceilings

Using gypsum boards, the designer can bring to life the most daring and unusual project. Due to its plasticity, it is possible to make from this material both simple one-level and smooth ceilings, and complex structures that resemble unusual animals, insects or flowers. Ceilings decorated with various geometric shapes look good in an apartment, the main thing in the manufacture of multi-level complex structures is to observe the proportions and ratio of the size of the room with the pattern on the ceiling.

Design selection

It is necessary that the drawing on the ceiling looks organically with the chosen style of furnishings and does not fall out of the general mood of the house. Pretentiousness, not supported by the general idea, will look alien and instead of a beautiful background it will become flashy and clumsy. When choosing the shape of a complex flow from gypsum plasterboards, you should seek the help of a designer with extensive experience, he will help you choose a structure that is ideal for your environment and will help turn the house into a fairytale castle.


The work is divided into three main stages, each of which is important and necessary.

How to properly bend sheets

In order for the bend to be of high quality, you should first make a frame from a profile to which you can fasten a drywall sheet with self-tapping screws and thus give it the desired bend. If you have to make complex shapes from drywall, take care to buy thin sheets of material that are more elastic and malleable to give them different shapes. It is necessary to pull the sheet to the metal profile very evenly without unnecessary stress.

A sheet cracked at the bend can be easily restored by expanding the crack and filling this place with putty, after hardening and grinding, the surface will become uniform.

Creating shapes on the ceiling

All work should begin with the production of a detailed drawing. Then the structural elements are transferred to the ceiling in the form of a frame. First, the first level is made and only after that you can create various shapes on the finished surface. The figured ceiling, of course, looks elegant and beautiful, but it should be remembered that such a decoration takes a long time to make and requires serious investment, so you need to carefully assess your capabilities.

Shaped ceilings have long been included in our life, and serve as a decoration for homes and offices. If you have the opportunity, then such a design will certainly complement the original interior of your home, making it spectacular and unique. The beauty of this method is that, using the usual set of shapes, you can combine them in such a way that the final result will be original and unique.

There are no similar posts, but there are more interesting ones.

Drywall is considered to be one of the most interesting building materials for ceiling mounting. Thanks to its use indoors, you can create unusual multi-level or curly ceilings. Drywall compares favorably with other materials for finishing the ceiling in that even the most complex figures can be performed independently.

Preparing for installation

The preparatory stage is of great importance:

  1. You must first prepare a drawing of the future curly ceiling.
  2. Calculate the number of building materials required for installation: metal guides both "G" and "P" shaped; drywall sheets; fasteners and built-in lighting fixtures.
  3. Clean the ceiling before installation: remove the previous finishing materials from the ceiling and walls, level and prime the walls.

Building materials and tools

In order to mount curly plasterboard ceilings with your own hands, you need the following building materials and tools:

  • building level, C and U-shaped profiles, U-shaped suspension;
  • drill or hammer drill; dowels with a diameter of 6 mm and screws 4 mm;
  • drywall sheets, tape measure, pencil, needle roller, sponge;
  • hacksaw for metal, tool for cutting drywall sheets.

In preparation for the installation of curly ceilings, it is necessary to think over the contours of various levels in order to know exactly how and at what angle to bend a metal profile and a drywall sheet.

Note! Plasterboard sheets with a thickness of 12.5 are presented on the construction markets; 9.5 and 6 mm. The first option is used for an entry-level ceiling that does not require bends. The second and third options bend, respectively, in the range from 180 to 130 degrees, and from 180 or less. When using drywall 6 mm thick, it is recommended to use 2 sheets so that one overlaps the seams of the other.

Bending of metal profiles and drywall sheets

To obtain the required bending of the metal profile, it is necessary to carefully make cuts in the side walls of the profiles in several places and apply a certain force in order to obtain the desired bending angle. Sometimes you need to make several cuts to get the angle you want. Their number depends on the profile used and the goals required.

When attaching a folded profile to a regular one, care must be taken to ensure that the edges of the folded profile fit snugly into the ordinary profile. This requires cutting off the edges of the profile at the desired angle.

Drywall bending can be done in two ways:

Fold drywall sheets of small thickness - 6 or 9.5 mm. You need to bend the ready-made part, cut out according to the drawing, slowly, carefully, so as not to break the sheet of building material. Shallow cuts can be made. Often with such bending, the surface of the drywall cracks. It can be easily removed with a primer.

Fold the prepared drywall part with water. Drywall is carefully pierced with a needle roller. Then, using a damp sponge or roller, the building material is impregnated with water. Thanks to the holes made by the needle roller, the drywall is evenly saturated with water. After that, the building material bends much easier and without possible deformations. The main thing is to fix the drywall sheet at the desired angle until it is completely dry.

How to mount curly ceilings

Along the entire perimeter of the walls, at a distance of 1-2 cm from the lowest point of the ceiling, using a building level and a pencil, the places of future fastenings of the C-shaped profile are marked. Metal profiles are installed in the designated places, in which it is necessary to insert other, "P" -shaped profiles. In pre-marked places, suspensions are attached at a distance of at least 50-60 cm from each other.

A crate is prepared from C-shaped profiles. With the help of suspensions, the level of the figured ceiling is lowered, bent profiles are attached to them. With the help of fasteners, the prepared frame of the curly ceiling is sheathed with prepared plasterboard parts.

After the installation work, the plasterboard joints are putty, the general primer of the prepared plasterboard ceiling and the final finishing are carried out.

Drywall allows you to mount planes in different places and the most intricate shapes and sizes. Very often, curly plasterboard ceilings are equipped as an original design solution for the interior of a room and, moreover, such a ceiling arrangement is quite economical and does not bring with it a big destruction of the apartment.

Below we will consider the installation of curly ceilings of medium complexity.

How to do it yourself?

Preparation and markup

  • Using the water level, transfer the mark to all corners of the room and draw guidelines between them. Such lines are applied using a blue thread or chokline.
    The thread stretched between the marks is pulled from the wall and released - the blow of the thread leaves a blue line.
    To make plasterboard ceilings, you will need the first level of the ceiling.
  • Now we find the corner closest to 90 in the room and mark the ceiling 50 cm from it and do the same on the opposite side.
    We beat off the lines on the ceiling between the marks - this is for the U-shaped suspensions on which the CD profiles will be fixed.

Installation of the first level frame

  • We fasten the UD profile along the perimeter so that its lower part falls along the line we beat off. If there are no mounting holes in the profile, then make them yourself after 40-50 cm.
  • Fastening is done with plastic dowels and screws. The optimal dowel diameter is 6 mm, and the optimal screw diameter is 4-5 mm.

  • Now fasten the U-shaped hangers along the lines beaten off on the ceiling. The requirements for dowels and screws remain the same. The distance between the hangers should not exceed 60 cm.

Council. For suspensions, it is better to use flared dowels, but if these are not on sale, then buy impact dowels and use them with another screw.

The cap of the flared dowel will not allow it to fall into the voids, which you will surely stumble upon in the concrete ceiling.

Council. When attaching the suspension, mount it not on the outer ears with holes, but on the inner holes, since the suspension on the ears will stretch by several millimeters, and this will further knock the level of the ceiling plane.

  • After installing all hangers, cut the CD profiles to the required length and insert them into the UD profiles screwed around the perimeter.
    In order to level these profiles, pull the nylon thread from below.
  • The thread is pulled across the CD profiles, fixing with screws into the UD profiles. In order to prevent sagging CD profiles from pulling the thread - pull them up with hangers, simply bending each middle hanger under the profile.
    If you want, you can later remove this thread, since it will still be needed on curly plasterboard ceilings, which will go on the second level.

  • Now level the profiles along the thread, screwing them to the hangers with small screws for plasterboard profiles.
  • Before installing the plasterboard sheets, wire the electrical wires for the lighting.

We fasten drywall

  • The drywall sheet is 250 cm long, and it should rest on the last CD profile so that it only half covers - the other half of the profile is needed for the next sheet.

  • It is too difficult for one person to install gypsum board on the ceiling, especially for a beginner, therefore it is better to install sheets on the ceiling together or three. After installing all the sheets of the first level, we turn to the question of how to make a curly ceiling from drywall - the video of such an installation is located on this page.
  • Plasterboard figures are primarily drawn with a pencil. Then you need to mark the second level on the wall and screw the UD profile to it.
  • The profile to be bent into shapes is simply cut every 5 cm. The cuts are made on the outer and lateral sides of the profile bend.
  • You screw the notched UD profile along the drawn contour through the gypsum board to the CD profiles, and in some places, to preserve the clarity of the figure, screw it directly to the drywall.
  • Since the plane of the first level is flat, cut the same pieces of CD and screw them to the curly UD profile, and then screw the lower cut UD onto them.
  • Now pull the thread underneath to flatten the CD profiles.

Second, figured level

  • There is nowhere to insert the CD profiles from the side of the wavy line, and they just need to cut off the lateral planes at the joints and screw the lower plane to the curved UD profile.
  • The configuration of plasterboard suspended ceilings allows you to do the opposite, that is, to cut not horizontal, but vertical CD profiles.
  • Where the vertical CD profiles of the second level are more than 50 cm, they should be reinforced with U-shaped suspensions, as can be seen in the photo.
  • Sew the plasterboard and cut off the excess pieces with a hacksaw. The vertical strip (in the event that sharp bends are needed) should be trimmed from the outside of the bend.
  • Fasten the vertical strip and proceed with the putty (see).

Modern technologies for using drywall allow not only to make a perfectly smooth ceiling, but also to create a whole multi-level system. Curly plasterboard ceilings have gained wide popularity, because they allow you to make the interior of the room truly extraordinary. This is a rather complicated matter, therefore, you can swing at multi-level systems only if you already have experience in installing a simple plasterboard ceiling. Otherwise, it would be wiser to turn to professional builders. For all those who are not afraid of difficulties, in this article we will tell you about the intricacies of installing a curly plasterboard ceiling with your own hands.

Features of such a finish

The current homeowners strive to surround themselves with original interiors, which encourages designers to create more and more new types of interior decoration. It is thanks to this desire that curly plasterboard ceilings appeared. Such a ceiling is a multi-level structure created from various geometric, often curved elements. The very first such systems looked somewhat simple and angular, but now there are technologies that allow you to create elegant and refined shapes on the ceiling.

The main feature of this type of decoration is the creation of unique figures based on a 2 or 3-level structure. This system is attached to the base floor using a metal frame, which is sheathed with plasterboard.

Originality is the main advantage of such a ceiling, but it also has other advantages:

  • Drywall is a relatively inexpensive material that allows you to make the interior truly extraordinary.
  • This ceiling gives you unlimited possibilities for lighting experiments. As you know, even the geometry of space can be corrected with the help of lighting. You can use different types of lighting fixtures at the same time.
  • When finishing with plasterboard, there is no need to level the base surface.
  • Since the curly plasterboard ceilings belong to suspended systems, all the wiring and other communications are hidden under them.

Attention: in low rooms, it is undesirable to install multi-level ceilings, as this can significantly reduce the height. In such rooms, it is better to make a single-level ceiling and decorate it with one or more small figures at the edges.


  • Large mass. One sqm multi-level design can weigh up to 20 kg. Therefore, for installation, you need a fairly strong frame made of high-quality profiles.
  • Drywall is absolutely not resistant to flooding, it quickly absorbs moisture, which makes it heavier, deformed and can come off the frame. In such cases, it will be necessary to completely remodel the damaged area, and sometimes the entire ceiling.
  • This structure cannot be disassembled and reassembled like a cassette or panel ceiling; it cannot be disassembled. Therefore, it is important to carry out all the electrical wiring in advance, be sure to hide the cables in a corrugation or other insulating material, and remove the power supplies outside the structure. Lamps can be changed in luminaires without disassembling the ceiling.

The subtleties of creating curly elements

In this section, we will focus on exactly how to make a curly plasterboard ceiling using various elements and tricks. It is quite simple to mount square or rectangular structures, but you will have to work hard to create curved elements. There are many drywall figures, but to understand the principle of their creation, it is enough to study the nuances of making just one element - a circle. On this basis, you can create any curved structures.

How do I create a circle?

First you just need to draw it on the ceiling. To do this, a screw is screwed in the center of the area where it is planned to place the circle, a thread with a pencil is tied to it. The circle is drawn in the same way as with a compass.

For installation, you will need guide profiles, which must be cut along the side walls every 5-6 cm. Now it can be bent into any shape. Bend the guide profile in the form of a circle drawn on the ceiling and screw it along the marked line to the frame directly through the first layer of gypsum board.

A frame for the future structure of 2 types of profiles and suspensions is mounted to the created round profile. After that, the newly created structure is sheathed with plasterboard. The sheets are cut in a circle after being screwed on. To sew the vertical plane of the figure, cut a strip of the desired width and trim the paper every 5-7 cm on it.

How to create a bend

For beginners, the question always arises - how to bend drywall, give it smooth shapes and not break? It is difficult, but possible. Bends are achieved in 2 ways:

  • by soaking with water
  • by the method of cuts.

In the first option, you need a frame, so do not rush to attach it to the ceiling right away. First, cut a strip of gypsum board of the required width and roll it from the wrong side with a spiked roller, so as to pierce the layer of cardboard. Then sprinkle this side with plenty of water. When the layer is soaked, place the strip on the pre-made blank, shaping the sheet into the desired shape, and let it dry.

On a note... This method has a drawback: if the desired side is not wet enough, then smoothness will be lost and creases may appear on the sheet. If you have already screwed the frame to the ceiling, then it is better to bend the sheet on another surface of a similar shape.

In the second method, vertical cuts must be made in a strip of drywall at the same distance. In this case, it is important not to saw through, one layer must be left intact. Then the strip is attached to the frame and bent along the cuts.

Wave design

This process is quite laborious, but the principle of operation is the same as with the creation of a circle. If you understand how to create a circle, then you can handle the wave as well.

First you need to draw a wave on the ceiling. In this case, it is best to use a stencil.

In general, the installation process is no different from creating a circle. In the same way, the profile is given the desired shape and screwed along the drawn line, the frame is formed, the gypsum board is given the required shape and the structure is sheathed.

After the end of the technical part of the work, you need to putty the required areas, paint the ceiling and screw in the lighting fixtures.

As you can see, creating various shapes from drywall on the ceiling is not as difficult as it seems at first glance. With care and accuracy, such a design can be created on your own.

In custody

  1. Curly plasterboard ceilings are a fashionable trend that allows you to create an extraordinary interior in a room.
  2. There are many shapes and patterns that can be created from hl, but it is enough to master the installation of just one shape - a circle. All other elements of multi-level structures are made according to the same principle.
  3. To create a circle, you first need to draw it on the ceiling, then take a guide profile, make cuts on its sides every 5-6 cm and give it a circle shape. Screw the profile to the frame of the first level directly through the sheet of gypsum board, form the frame and sheathe it with plasterboard.
  4. There are two ways to give the gypsum board curved shapes: soak the sheet with water and dry it on the frame, or make cuts every 5 cm, which will also allow it to bend.
  5. It remains only to putty some areas and paint the surface.
