Hello everyone Today I will talk about what kind of Amigo program it is and how to remove it completely from your computer. Amigo is a browser from the Mail.ru company, if you install some software from them, you will have not only Amigo but also other software. Although, to be more precise, it’s not only software, but also shortcuts to popular sites such as Odnoklassniki and VKontakte, Amigo Music, Agent Mail ru, maybe some more. What is interesting is that both Mail ru and Yandex are Russian offices, but they work separately and do not promote each other

In general, it cannot be said that the Amigo browser is too bad, it is an ordinary Chrome clone, with some changes. I just can’t understand why there are few changes, if the Mail.ru company is going to make a browser, so let them do something original. Now there are so many of these Chrome clones, well, here is the Comet Browser, Orbitum, the same Yandex Browser ... But before this was not the case, there were times when Chrome was not there, then the clones did not appear

In order to have fewer unnecessary programs on your computer, then make it a habit to look carefully at the installation process. There, when you press the Next or Next button, there may also be checkboxes for installing extra software somewhere! That's what they need to be removed!

It doesn’t even make sense to show the browser itself, it’s a slightly modified Chrome, only Amigo already has links to some sites, not all of which may be of interest to you:

So. I only installed Agent Mail ru, but on the desktop, such a zoo of shortcuts appeared:

And interestingly, they also managed to climb onto the taskbar:

And of course they also spoiled the Start menu:

Amigo has one unpleasant jamb that just angered me. This is what after starting the computer, or rather after loading Windows, its processes sit in the task manager:

That is, this is how the amigo.exe process sits in the task manager, it seems to me that this is already too much! These are not just processes, this is a running browser in hidden mode, especially so that it opens instantly. But I don’t have any questions here, it’s well done, well, that’s a great idea. But the browser itself is based on Chrome (therefore, there are several amigo.exe processes), which means that it can eat decent memory! And now all these amigo.exe processes hang in the manager, I personally don’t like this, in the end it can even slow down the computer

If you right-click on the process and select the location there:

This will open the folder where the file is located. Well, this folder is also fun:

You do not rush to remove it, we will do it in a civil way

I also forgot to write, even in the tray there is an Amigo icon, through the menu of which you can quickly open the browser:

How to remove Amigo from the computer?

There are two ways to uninstall Amigo, this is the usual way, that is, how any program is removed in Windows, or use a more advanced method. In terms of advanced, I mean the Revo Uninstaller program, I recommend it simply because it effectively removes the program and cleans Windows of the remnants of the program itself. About Revo Uninstaller in simple terms wrote in the article.

If there is an Amigo icon in the tray, then right-click on it and select Exit! It is better to close the browser first, and then delete it!

To uninstall Amigo from Windows, click Start and open the Control Panel (if you have Windows 10, then hold down Win + X and select the necessary item there):

Now find the Programs and Features icon, run it:

Find Amigo there and right-click, then select Delete:

A window will open where I advise you to check the box so that the work data is also deleted, and you can also immediately assign another default browser:

That's it, the browser will then quickly delete itself. And you know, it became so easy, look what was left after Amigo - only one Agent Mail ru badge:

Well, that's all the guys, as you can see, everything seems to have gone smoothly! But with such a removal, a little garbage still remains in the registry Do you want to delete it? No problem! Hold Win + R, write the regedit command, then the registry editor will open. There, hold down Ctrl + F, write Amigo in the search field and click the Find Next button. All found results - delete, and then, to continue the search, press F3. And so on until all junk registry keys are deleted. Personally, I found a whole Amigo subfolder in Mail.Ru, it also needs to be deleted:

That's all, it's good that at least all these programs are from Mail.ru, that at least they are not viral. They are just unnecessary, although, I can not say that they are straight stupid. Someone likes them, it's another matter that they are often put on the computer almost forcibly

Hi… Do you believe that Mail.ru can make amazing apps? If you hate this kind of application (although the browser is not so bad, but it is shoved everywhere, and quite often it is installed without our participation, along with some application), then you stomp into Yandex and type the coveted line there - How to completely remove Amigo from your computer? And to do this is not always easy - after all, Amigo sits firmly in the depths operating system.

I can imagine your indignation when you download, but apart from the game itself (which by the way is not a fact that it will still work), in the load you get a bunch of left software for working with social networks (and you don't even use them)… you will be even more surprised when you find out that Amigo cannot be completely removed by regular means, you will have to be smart - we will talk about this in this article.

To make the material easier to understand and figure out why we need to delete the remnants of the Browser, I decided to break this note into several parts. For many users, just completing the first task will be enough, but some will want to completely destroy the traces of being on Amigo's computer.

1. Remove the browser using standard Windows tools
2. Remove program tails with AdwCleaner

By the way, here you can skip the second point, or you can skip the first one ... but it’s better to do everything in a complex - remove it from the system, and then clean up the tails ... it seems logical, but I don’t claim that this is the only right decision.

How to remove Amigo from a computer using standard tools

I think almost everyone is familiar with the Windows Control Panel, but anyway - I will walk you from the very beginning to the end. (otherwise, what's the point in a note that tells you that you yourself know how to do everything). So, in the Control Panel, we need to select the “Uninstall a program” item (If yours is not as shown in my picture below, then check that in the “View” line there are “Categories”, and not another value)

We are interested in a couple of programs, namely "Amigo" and "Automatic Software Update Service" ... it is not difficult to find them, in the publisher column they are indicated as mail.ru. First remove Amigo

!Necessarily check the box "Also delete browsing data" - if you want to remove the Amigo browser from your computer completely ...

Wait until Windows removes pieces of the program from the system and proceed to the next utility from Mail ... that's all, supposedly Amigo is removed, but there are still all sorts of entries in the registry and so on in the system (although you can end there - there is no browser already in the system)

How to remove Amigo browser using AdwCleaner (Clean tails)

Sometimes it happens when standard tools did not completely remove the browser - in this case, we have a trump card up our sleeve, namely the wonderful adwcleaner utility ... by the way, it also removes other harmful and not very applications that you don’t really need ... or maybe you don't suspect them.

Speaking of birds! If you are talking about amigo, then it will be useful to know ... here you will also have to tinker, and that is why I wrote such a detailed note for the sake of one browser.

Since the network is full of sites that, under the guise of this program, distribute don’t understand what, I’ll upload it to my site (but if you notice that the version is outdated - write in the comments, I'm not iron and I can't quickly track everything)

This utility is very light in weight and does not require installation on a computer, we need to agree to the license agreement and start searching for the remnants of the program in the system.

We need to first click "Scan" so that the program checks our computer for malware, and then select "cleanup" - after the reboot, you will already be sure that Amigo has left your computer and the terrible browser from Mail is no more.

P.S. So you and I figured out how to completely remove Amigo from your computer (we even considered two different ways, which to some extent complement each other) ... but in general, try it, maybe you will like the functionality of Amigo - otherwise it’s a fire!

In contact with

Whoever has not heard of such a browser has never used the Internet on a home computer. The fact is that Amigo very persistently offers to install on a PC, using not entirely honest methods for this. Most often, unauthorized installation occurs during the download of programs and applications from the network. The Amigo search engine is not a viral content, but it delivers inconvenience in work. Consider ways to completely remove it.

Amigo was developed by mail.ru portal specialists as a search engine. Despite some of its advantages, the way it is installed on a computer makes it possible to classify Amigo as a typical malware.

Amigo causes such problems:

  • interferes with the normal operation of major browsers;
  • consumes RAM resources and takes up free space on the hard drive;
  • periodically updated to the latest version and uploads mail.ru files;
  • high probability of picking up a virus along with the installation of Amigo.

Attention! The browser fits into the processes of Windows, so the usual cleaning, which only creates visibility, is not enough to remove it. After rebooting the PC, it will be automatically installed.

The very first thing you need to do is try to clean up your computer using Windows applications. The procedure is as follows:

Interesting! You can quickly call up the search bar by pressing the Win + R key combination.

Deleting processes through the task manager

IN latest versions Amigo writes itself into the Windows Task Scheduler, so removing it is much more difficult. The program will not stop bothering you until it is removed from the Task Manager processes.

You can open the task scheduler with the key combination Ctrl + Alt + Del or through the tab "Control Panel" - "System and Maintenance" - "Administrative Tools". In the task scheduler we find Amigo and MailRuUpdater and close these applications.

Important! From this menu, you can go to the file storage location and clear all the data located there.

Cleaning the Windows Registry

After all the operations done, it is recommended to check the registry for entries from a variety of malicious applications. It is best to do this with a special utility, for example, CCleaner, ADWCleaner or an equivalent. The procedure is as follows:

  1. Run the program on the computer.
  2. Select the "Analyze", "Scan" or "Verify" command.
  3. After the scan is completed, the service will display all suspicious and dangerous applications in the registry on the screen.
  4. Use the "Clean" button to delete unnecessary files.

Cleaning the registry will not only help get rid of Amigo, but will also increase the speed of your computer.

The main reason for installing unauthorized content on a home computer is the user's carelessness and the lack of any protection while browsing the Internet. An easy way to protect yourself is to enable the built-in hardware protection in your browser and install any of the available antiviruses.

Video - How to completely remove the amigo browser from your computer

Regardless of how exactly this browser appeared on your computer, you need to know how to remove Amigo from your computer completely so that it does not cause problems while using your PC.


Removing this Internet browser from a computer is a task that will be very difficult for a novice user to handle. If you simply uninstall the browser from your computer, it may reappear over time. And in this case, it doesn’t matter how exactly you “picked it up” - by installing it intentionally or when installing programs, like third-party software.

You can remove the Amigo browser from your computer in a few steps. Do them in sequence so that you don't run into him again as a result.

This is a standard procedure, after which any other program will be removed from the PC. But due to the fact that after uninstallation, the Mail.ru Updater process remains in the system, it will automatically download the Internet browser and install it again on the computer.

Terminating a process

Shutdown in startup


The video shows the Amigo removal process more clearly.

Cleaning with special programs

It is not always possible to remove the Amigo browser from the device using standard means. In this case use special program AdwCleaner. The utility will remove the Amigo browser and other malware from the PC, including automatically.


The installation of the Amigo browser on a computer occurs through negligence or together with various programs as additional software. It will not be possible to remove it in the standard way from a PC, so follow the steps described in the article. Also use the special program AdwCleaner, which will remove it automatically.

Firework! If suddenly, having installed the popular Amigo browser, you realized that it was done in vain, then this instruction will help you irrevocably remove amigo from computer. By the way, this software is installed automatically when installing many programs, so many users wonder where the shortcut to such a wonderful browser came from on the desktop.

I divided the entire process of eradicating Amigo from a PC into several stages: removing the program using standard operating system tools, deleting its remnants, and excluding mail.ru files from startup. Everything is quite simple and you will see it now. So, if you are ready, you can start.


Stage 1st. Removing Amigo from Control Panel

As with any other program, the first step is to uninstall the application using standard Windows tools. To do this, go to "Start" - "Control Panel", select the "Small Icons" mode and click on the "Programs and Features" section. In Windows XP, this section is called Add or Remove Programs.

In the window that opens, we see a list of all installed utilities on the computer. We find our Amigo browser, select and press the "Delete" button above.

The process of uninstalling the program will begin, after completion we will be notified of the successful removal of the application, but it has not yet been completely removed. There is such a Mail.ru Updater process, which, when the Amigo browser is deleted, still remains and starts with Windows. This process is able to automatically download the intrusive browser and install it without your consent. Since we don't need it at all, let's move on to the next step.

Stage 2. Removal of Amigo residues

To prevent the Mail.ru Updater process from downloading a browser to our computer, it must be found and removed. Since it is always running in processes, go to the "Task Manager" by pressing the key combination Ctrl-Shift-Esc and selecting the "Processes" tab. Now right-click on the MailruUpdater process and select "Open storage location".

The folder with the utility will open, without closing it, we return to the task manager, right-click on the same process again and select the “End Process” item now. If this process is not completed, then the program cannot be deleted, so it will be used. When the process is completed, we return to the folder with the file and boldly delete it.

Stage 3. Removing Amigo from the startup of the operating system

The last step in removing the unwanted product is to exclude mail files from Windows startup. If you have Windows 7 or Windows XP installed, then press the Win + R keys, type in the msconfig command and select the Startup tab in the window that opens. If you are the owner of Windows 8 or Windows 10, then just call the "Task Manager" and select the "Startup" tab.

We find mailruupdater from the list of programs and disable it. Now it remains to restart the computer and enjoy life without the "brilliant" products from mail.

To prevent this browser from getting on your computer in the future, carefully look at each step when installing any program, for sure, without unchecking the “Install additional software” item, you will be able to see a new browser on your desktop. I hope you have received a comprehensive answer to the question " How to completely remove Amigo browser from PC».
