Spring, autumn, winter - in these seasons, in order to feel comfortable on the street, you need some kind of headgear. However, the possibilities of a good hat are not limited to the fact that it warms the ears in cold weather. She is also wonderful artistic medium with which you can create a bright, expressive, unique image.

General rules for choosing a hat under a coat

Coat - popular outerwear worn by both men and women. It can be stylish, spectacular, but it definitely requires a headdress as an addition. How to be guided to get a harmonious combination?

There are a few basic rules to keep in mind:

  1. Color matching. Some colors work well together, others clash, and any fashionista can tell a lot about this. The image will turn out to be successful only when the colors of the coat and headdress are a matching pair of shades;
  2. Style matching. The style of all elements of clothing that you are wearing must match. True, there are things that allow a free interpretation of your style, but you should also be careful with them;
  3. Shape matching. The coat has a whole range of possible styles, and the range of hats is even wider. And some models always look good together, while others do not. Make sure that the cut of your autumn attire is in harmony with the shape of the headdress.

Color, style and cut are the three main components that you should pay attention to when looking for a hat that matches your coat.

Important! When choosing a harmonious pair of these wardrobe items, do not forget that they must match not only each other, but also your type of appearance. Approach the shade of the eyes and hair, it is beneficial to emphasize the shape of the chin.

If you know how to use this artistic tool, then you can, having one coat, create completely different images, changing them depending on your mood and goals. Hat, scarf, gloves - these are the elements of the wardrobe that should not be underestimated.

Choosing a hat for a coat by color and material

In the field of outfits, the concepts of color, material and texture are inextricably linked. These are the characteristics of the fabric from which the garment is made. They determine the first visual impression of a thing.

Coats are made from a limited number of materials. And a number of these basic fabrics have a pronounced specificity:

  • Leather coat. It is almost always black, occasionally there are burgundy models. From the point of view of the selection of a headdress, such things are very capricious. Leather products, narrow tight-fitting smooth hats, hats with fields look appropriate with them. Almost always black. For those who want to attract attention in a good way - red;
  • Drape stuff. This is such a traditional dense material for sewing outerwear. In most cases, things from it have a restrained colors: gray, beige, muted blue. Picking up the same discreet hat, you will enhance the seriousness of the image, making it more adult and businesslike. Playing in contrast, wearing a bright headdress, scarf and accessories, you will reveal yourself as a creative and interesting person. Both paths have their advantages;
  • Jacquard. This tapestry-like design usually becomes the basis for eye-catching and eye-catching pieces. Only dull monochromatic hats that do not have a strongly pronounced texture are suitable for such a coat.

However, there are also materials that have an infinitely wide range of color solutions. And sometimes coats are made from some of the fabrics from this list. For example, from raincoat fabric, cashmere, velveteen, crepe. In these cases, the search for successful color solutions produced individually.

Important! Most often, the principle of attraction of opposites works here. Smooth things look interesting with textured ones; bright with a pattern - with restrained and plain.

Combination of fit and style

What are the styles and styles of hats, and with which coat models do they go well, and with which not so much? There are a lot of options:

    Fur hat with earflaps. Ushanka is now back in trends. It is recommended to wear it with strict robes of classic shape, mostly black or dark gray, with a strict collar. Or with robes of a provocative militaristic style - and this will already be a completely different image;

    Baths - a knitted or knitted fitting model of an elongated shape. Such products go well with a free silhouette, voluminous collars, scarves. They focus on the face, so they should not be worn by those who have not very healthy skin;

    Hat-sock. That is, a thing made of wool or knitwear, tightly fitting the head. It is indispensable for coats with hoods. In addition, it looks great with loose flared robes, especially if they have a voluminous collar;

    Knitted hat with pompom. Such a playful decision refers to a dynamic and free sporty style. For example, it looks impressive together with a coat of the “Daflokt” style, which has a simple straight cut and large expressive fasteners;

    Beret. This voluminous elegant headdress is suitable for women with a round or triangular face, looks good with a short haircut or medium length hair. It is recommended to wear berets with outerwear with a narrow, elongated silhouette. Looks good with fitted feminine models;

    Hats with ears. Knitted playful model, combined with original things casual style, it is recommended to wear with a minimum of cosmetics;

    Felt hat. The trend of wearing hats with classic cut coats on the eyes is gaining popularity. This elegant solution is suitable for spring or autumn, but certainly not for winter;

    Round headdress made of fur. This winter version can be worn with almost any model, both traditional and avant-garde. True, it is recommended to support the theme of fur in your image with a large fluffy collar or fur accessories;

    Hats with a visor. There are voluminous berets and tight-fitting hats with a visor. Both of them are combined with strict classic models. It is noteworthy that this solution is used in both men's and women's wardrobes.

Important! As a rule, voluminous bright hats are successfully combined with narrow strict things. And vice versa - discreet tight-fitting hats successfully complement loose-fitting robes. And, although each specific case is individual, it is better to keep this pattern in mind in the process of creating your appearance.

Fashionable combinations of coats and hats

There are general aesthetic principles that help to assemble your image from different elements, piece by piece. And there are proven hot topical combinations that everyone likes.

Among these fashionable successful combinations would like to name:

    Light elongated coat of a straight silhouette plus baths. Most often, this look involves the use of a gray or sand outfit in combination with a dark hat, the color of which usually matches the color of shoes and accessories. Suitable for dynamic urban residents with an active lifestyle;

    Military style and cap. There is a coat style that plays with motifs military uniform. It has two rows of buttons in front, a triangular collar, a wide wrap. And the kepi perfectly complements this image, assertive, bright, expressive;

    Bright classic coat and black hat with brim. Such a pair together creates a very feminine and stylish ensemble that attracts attention. Usually such an outfit requires shoes with heels. Suitable for those who always strive to look elegant.

You can try on any of these images if you feel that you will be comfortable in it. Or find something else by browsing celebrity blogs or reading glossy magazines. There is nothing wrong with taking advantage of someone else's lucky find.

Headwear for a man's coat

Modern women's fashion leaves its followers more freedom. A man's suit requires some care. Here are a few simple recommendations to keep in mind when shaping it:

    Be careful with color. Where a woman can use rainbow stripes, a large floral print, bright colors, a man is better off limiting himself to muted natural shades. However, this is not a strict rule, but only a trend - maybe in your case, a deep blue large-knit hat will set off your eyes and turn out to be very useful;

    Not all styles of hats are appropriate. Baths, caps, hats with earflaps, hats with brim, hats are suitable for both women and men. But it takes, frivolous knitted ears, a big cheerful pom-pom is best left for the beautiful half of humanity.

Important! General aesthetic principles to guide your search successful combinations are the same for men and women. You should always choose things taking into account their color, style and style. And it's not just hats.

In this case, this means that the strong half of humanity is worth:

    use tight-fitting hats in conjunction with spacious flared things;

    or choose voluminous hats in conjunction with a narrow-cut coat with a simple, strict collar;

    choose things by color so that their shades harmonize well with each other.

And then you will be able to form a successful ensemble.

A hat and coat together can and should look attractive and interesting, you just need to combine one with the other in the right way. Rely on the above advice in this matter - and on your own taste. Let him be the main arbiter in deciding whether to take the item in the store or not.

Blue color slims, favorably emphasizes the figure, is considered one of the classic strict colors, ideal for creating an official look. Blue fabric is often used for coats. Among other things, a thing of this color will not be a strong brand (which is very important in rainy autumn and warm winter). It is best to buy a blue coat for brunettes and red-haired girls or women. Although there are exceptions for blondes, provided correct selection coat accessories.

Usually, the main difficulty after purchasing a blue coat is to choose the right handbag, scarf, gloves, shoes and hat for it. In this article, we will look at what the style and color of a hat for a blue coat can be.

How to match a hat with a blue coat

The style and style of the headdress will depend on the style of the coat itself. So, for a classic coat with straight lines, a little fitted, a knitted beret is ideal. Young girls can experiment with a sock cap (it has a long part that performs a more decorative function), hanging on one shoulder or between the shoulder blades.

Owners of wide shoulders and narrow hips (which warm things like coats do not hide, but most often emphasize) should choose a voluminous hat, for example, fur or knitted in the shape of a nest.

If the coat does not hide your magnificent forms, make a distraction - put on a sophisticated felt hat to match your outerwear.

Blue coat - what hat?

Consider the primary colors that will look the most advantageous in combination with blue.

    White hat to blue coat- classics of the genre. Best of all, if it is snow-white, and not off-white or cream shades.

    black hat- good too. Like white, black is universal. Just choose a hat without additional decorative elements such as hairpins, brooches, bows.

    Intense purple- suitable only for brunettes. It is best to take a bright purple color.

    Steel gray. Well, if it is a round fur hat made of natural fur.

    blue hat to a blue coat (photo). Blue with blue is not such a ridiculous option. The only caveat is that the blue hat for the blue coat must be chosen from the same material as the coat itself is sewn from.

Dark blue coat - which hat does not fit him at all

Not suitable for blue color brown hat. Definitely, stylists advise to abandon red colors in combination with blue. It will turn out not that completely ugly, but too defiant and extravagant. If you really want to add a bright touch to your autumn outfit, then let the scarf or gloves be red, but not the hat.

It is also better to refuse orange and yellow, ultra-pink, turquoise, light green and other "flashy" colors. At the same time, muted tones are welcome, but then another thing of a similar shade should be present in the image. For example, a faded pink hat with a blue coat is quite possible if you wear boots of the same color.

Let's take a closer look: how to choose a hat for a coat from the best stylists for our readers.

The coat is one of the most feminine pieces of women's outerwear. It can be worn both during the off-season and in winter, depending on the specific style. In the cold season, it is necessary to wear a hat.

It is practical and functional, because it is important to protect yourself from frost. In addition, if the head accessory is chosen correctly, your image will only benefit from this. But you need to know how to successfully choose it in addition to the coat, and what must be taken into account.

In this article, we will tell you how to choose a hat for a coat - which option to choose for a classic style, and what is more suitable for more unconventional models, and provide a selection of photo examples for women.

When choosing an accessory, you should take into account the style and shade of outerwear, your general style, type of appearance, features of the figure and personal preferences.

To figure out what kind of headdress can be worn with a coat for girls and women, take into account the following recommendations:

  • A coat and hat is a classic option, incredibly feminine and elegant. Hat styles are offered in a wide range, so for right choice will have to try. Choose a hat with a lowered or wide brim.

This perfect solution for outerwear in the spirit of the classics. Silk or knitted handkerchiefs are also suitable here.. You can simply tie them under your head for a vintage touch, or even place them under your hat for a very unusual look.

If you are wearing a military-style coat, you can complement it with the same hat, but more strict, close to the masculine style. Also fit cap or cap.

For those who prefer romantic style, fit classic berets, possibly decorated with stones, rhinestones, embroideries. This style of hat will perfectly complement the straight-cut model. Cloche hats in the flirtatious style of French women will look good.

Knitted and woolen hats are still popular. Do not think that they are not combined with a coat - it all depends on the correct choice.

Short double-breasted models can be ideally complemented with large-knit hats. A classic fitted hat will complement the model with a feminine fitted cut. A semi-sport coat will go well with a ski cap or a sock cap.

What headdress to wear with a classic women's coat and semi-sports models is shown in the photo:

In the cold season trendy fur hats. They will complement well the outerwear, decorated with fur on the collar or sleeves.

It is better that the fur on the coat and headdress is different, otherwise the image may become overloaded. You should not pick up a hat made of fur with fur outerwear, otherwise you may look like a big furry animal. Do not forget about the sense of proportion.

It is important that the tones of the hat and coat are in harmony with each other.. The headdress can be a shade lighter or darker, or a contrasting one. In the latter case, it is worth complementing the image with a scarf, gloves or shoes of a similar color scheme.

Beige tones are always appropriate. Red, blue, emerald look interesting. If the model is brightly colored or decorated with a noticeable pattern, let the headdress be as neutral as possible. This will prevent overload.

But a modest plain coat can always be supplemented with a bright hat or cap with a print or rich decor, placing accents in this way. Goes to almost everyone grey colour , which successfully emphasizes facial features. Always a good choice- a cap of a shade from the same range as the coat, but lighter or darker.

Eg, blue clothes can be complemented with a blue accessory, and dilute the burgundy coat with a delicate pinkish hat. Almost everything is suitable for black outerwear: both modest options in dark colors and rich bright shades of hats.

Keep in mind that the headdress is located directly next to the face, so it should be successfully combined with the color of the eyes, hair and skin. Everything is simple here. If the skin tint is cold, then the tone should be chosen in a cold range and vice versa.

Besides, in winter period the skin often turns red due to wind or low temperatures. So go it is better to buy a warm accessory on a cold day to understand how it will look with rosy cheeks. Care should be taken by women whose skin is problematic or covered with wrinkles.

In this case, you should choose smooth clothes, but the outerwear itself can be brighter - it will divert attention from your problems. Hair color also plays a role. Not necessarily a hat should imitate it. On the contrary, it is better that it differs by a couple of tones or is completely contrasting.

Blondes are suitable for light pastel options, brunettes are for rich dark tones like blue, purple, marsala. A red-haired ladies are amazingly decorated with shades of red and emerald, which emphasize their natural brightness.

Here you have the opportunity to see a photo of how to color shatush on dark hair.

A head accessory will complement a coat well only if it matches the type of your face. This is important to hide flaws and emphasize your most attractive features.

  • elongated face. In this case, you need to hide, if not the entire forehead, but at least part of it. You can choose hats like "sock" or "bell" with low brim.

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Suitable large knitting and horizontal lines, which will help balance the long face and make it more harmonious. Berets and hats that also cover the forehead will do. In winter you can wear earflaps.

  • Oval face. It is considered the ideal shape that fits most styles. You can use classic hats, asymmetric patterns, flat caps, bulky knit caps.
  • Triangle. This form is characterized by a wide forehead and cheekbones, and downwards the oval becomes narrow and ends with a sharp chin.

    The most miniature accessories covering the forehead will do. You can pay attention to the options, decorated with an asymmetrical print. Avoid models that are tight and accentuate the top of the head.
    Square. The form, which is characterized by the equal width of the cheekbones and forehead, a massive chin. Such a face is quite large, and looks a little rough, so the cap should make it more elegant and delicate.

    You can pay attention to asymmetric models, hats with lowered fields. With this form, you should not wear scarves or products decorated with rich decor on your head.

    Round face. It is characterized by smooth lines and some fullness. If you want to visually stretch your face, you can choose headwear with fields, hats with visors, scarves, large-knit berets. Asymmetry is also welcome.

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